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[nongnu] elpa/sesman 209d9966e5 008/100: Renaming, refactoring ...

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/sesman 209d9966e5 008/100: Renaming, refactoring ...
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:58 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/sesman
commit 209d9966e5d2dae65e919c81bd3a07c5ca562e26
Author: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>
Commit: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>

    Renaming, refactoring ...
 README.md |   2 +-
 sesman.el | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7a1c667001..7a37e51c71 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Consists of several generics, of which only first two are 
strictly required:
   - `sesman-more-relevant-p` - used for sorting sessions in "recency" order. 
Defaults to sorting by session name.
   <!-- - `sesman-friendly-session-p` - used to define friendly sessions (e.g. 
dependency projects). -->
-Depending on the purpose at hand, sesman system can use several functions to 
retrieve sessions (`sesman-ensure-session`, `sesman-linked-sessions`, 
`sesman-friendly-sessions`  and `sesman-sessions`). Most important of these 
being `sesman-ensure-session` which should be used to ensure that at least one 
session is linked to the current context. It returns the most specific session 
given sesman associations already in place. In case of ambiguity (or no 
sessions) the user is asked for a session.
+Depending on the purpose at hand, sesman system can use several functions to 
retrieve sessions (`sesman-ensure-linked-session`, `sesman-linked-sessions`, 
`sesman-friendly-sessions`  and `sesman-sessions`). Most important of these 
being `sesman-ensure-linked-session` which should be used to ensure that at 
least one session is linked to the current context. It returns the most 
specific session given sesman associations already in place. In case of 
ambiguity (or no sessions) the user is ask [...]
 Systems could directly use user level commands to manage sessions 
(`sesman-start`, `sesman-kill`) or use legacy system specific initializer 
(`run-xyz`, `xyz-jack-in` etc). In the latter case, systems should call 
`sesman-register` to register their sessions with `sesman`.
diff --git a/sesman.el b/sesman.el
index 29605f0337..2153f06a20 100644
--- a/sesman.el
+++ b/sesman.el
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ see `sesman-more-relevant-p'."
   :group 'sesman
   :type '(repeat symbol))
+(defcustom sesman-abbreviate-paths 2
+  "Abbreviate paths to that many parents.
+When set to nil, don't abbreviate directories."
+  :group 'sesman
+  :type '(choice number
+                 (const :tag "Don't abbreviate" nil)))
 (defun sesman-start ()
   "Start sesman session."
@@ -80,7 +87,7 @@ see `sesman-more-relevant-p'."
   "Restart sesman session."
   (let* ((system (sesman--system))
-         (old-session (sesman-ensure-session system "Restart session: ")))
+         (old-session (sesman-ensure-linked-session system "Restart session: 
     (message "Restarting %s '%s' session" system (car old-session))
     (sesman-restart-session system old-session)))
@@ -104,8 +111,8 @@ double universal argument, t or 'all, kill all sessions."
        (if (= 1 (length sessions)) "session" "sessions")
        (mapcar #'car sessions)))))
-(defun sesman-show-info (which)
-  "Display session info.
+(defun sesman-show-session-info (which)
+  "Display session(s) info.
 When WHICH is nil, show info for current session; when a single
 universal argument or 'linked, show info for all linked session;
 when a double universal argument or 'all, show info for all
@@ -161,8 +168,8 @@ sessions."
 (defvar sesman-map
   (let (sesman-map)
     (define-prefix-command 'sesman-map)
-    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-i") 'sesman-show-info)
-    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "i") 'sesman-show-info)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-i") 'sesman-show-session-info)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "i") 'sesman-show-session-info)
     (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-l") 'sesman-show-links)
     (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "l") 'sesman-show-links)
     (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-s") 'sesman-start)
@@ -184,8 +191,8 @@ sessions."
 (defvar sesman-menu
-    ["Show Session Info" sesman-show-info]
-    ["Show Active Links" sesman-show-links]
+    ["Show Session Info" sesman-show-session-info]
+    ["Show Links" sesman-show-links]
     ["Start" sesman-start]
     ["Restart" sesman-restart :active (sesman-has-sessions-p)]
@@ -320,37 +327,67 @@ are a subset of `SESMAN-LINKS' sorted in order of 
    (or cxt-types (sesman-context-types system))))
-(defun sesman-ensure-session (system &optional prompt ask-new ask-all 
+(defun sesman-ensure-linked-session (system &optional prompt ask-new ask-all)
   "Ensure that at least one session is linked and return most relevant one.
 If there is an unambiguous link in place, return that
-session. Otherwise, ask the user for a session with PROMPT.  When
-ASK-NEW is non-nil, offer *new* option to start a new session. If
-ASK-ALL is non-nil offer *all* option. If ASK-ALL is non-nil,
-return a list of sessions, otherwise a single session. If
-SEARCH-ALL is non-nil, search among all system sessions,
-otherwise only among linked sessions."
+session. Otherwise, ask the user for a session with
+PROMPT. ASK-NEW and ASK-ALL have an effect only when there are
+multiple associations and `sesman-disambiguate-by-relevance' is
+nil, in which case ASK-NEW and ASK-ALL are passed directly to
   (let ((prompt (or prompt (format "%s session: " (sesman--cap-system-name 
-        (sessions (if search-all
-                      (sesman--all-system-sessions system)
-                    (sesman-linked-sessions system))))
+        (sessions (sesman-linked-sessions system)))
      ;; 0. No sessions; throw
      ((null sessions)
-      (user-error "No %s%s sessions found" (unless search-all "linked ") 
+      (user-error "No linked %s sessions in current context" system))
      ;; 1. Single association, or auto-disambiguate; return first
-     ((and (not ask-new)
-           (or sesman-disambiguate-by-relevance
-               (eq (length sessions) 1)))
+     ((or sesman-disambiguate-by-relevance
+          (eq (length sessions) 1))
       (if ask-all
         (car sessions)))
-     ;; 2. Multiple associations; ask
+     ;; 2. Multiple ambiguous associations; ask
-      (sesman--ask-for-session system prompt sessions ask-new ask-all))
-     ;; 3. No associations, get all system sessions and ask
-     ;; (t (let ((sessions (sesman--all-system-sessions)))
-     ;;      (sesman--ask-for-session system prompt sessions ask-new ask-all)))
-     )))
+      (sesman-ask-for-session system prompt sessions ask-new ask-all)))))
+(defvar sesman--select-session-history nil)
+(defun sesman-ask-for-session (system prompt &optional sessions ask-new 
+  "Ask for a SYSTEM session with PROMPT.
+SESSIONS defaults to value returned from `sesman-sessions'. If
+ASK-NEW is non-nil, offer *new* option to start a new session. If
+ASK-ALL is non-nil offer *all* option. If ASK-ALL is non-nil,
+return a list of sessions, otherwise a single session."
+  (let* ((sesions (or sesions (sesman-sessions system)))
+         (name.syms (mapcar (lambda (s)
+                              (let ((name (car s)))
+                                (cons (if (symbolp name) (symbol-name name) 
+                                      name)))
+                            sessions))
+         (nr (length name.syms))
+         (syms (if (and (not ask-new) (= nr 0))
+                   (error "No %s sessions found" system)
+                 (append name.syms
+                         (when ask-new '(("*new*")))
+                         (when (and ask-all (> nr 1))
+                           '(("*all*"))))))
+         (def (caar syms))
+         ;; (def (if (assoc (car sesman--select-session-history) syms)
+         ;;          (car sesman--select-session-history)
+         ;;        (caar syms)))
+         (sel (completing-read
+               prompt (mapcar #'car syms) nil t nil 
'sesman--select-session-history def)))
+    (cond
+     ((string= sel "*new*")
+      (let ((ses (sesman-start-session system)))
+        (message "Started %s" (car ses))
+        (if ask-all (list ses) ses)))
+     ((string= sel "*all*")
+      sessions)
+     (t
+      (let* ((sym (cdr (assoc sel syms)))
+             (ses (assoc sym sessions)))
+        (if ask-all (list ses) ses))))))
 (defun sesman-current-session (system &optional cxt-types)
   "Get the most relevant linked session for SYSTEM.
@@ -369,23 +406,9 @@ list returned from `sesman-context-types'."
               (gethash (car assoc) SESMAN-SESSIONS))
             (sesman-get-active-links system cxt-types))))
-;; (defun sesman-friendly-sessions (&optional system)
-;;   "Return a list of friendly (for current context) SYSTEM sessions.
-;; Session is friendly if `sesman-friendly-session-p' returns non-nil."
-;;   (let ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
-;;         sessions)
-;;     (maphash
-;;      (lambda (k s)
-;;        (when (and (eql (car k) system)
-;;                   (sesman-friendly-session-p system s))
-;;          (push s sessions)))
-;;     (sesman--sort-sessions system sessions)))
 (defun sesman-sessions (&optional system)
-  "Return all sessions registered with SYSTEM.
-Return a list of all session registered with the
-system. `sesman-linked-sessions' are sorted first."
+  "Return a list of all sessions registered with SYSTEM.
+`sesman-linked-sessions' lead the list."
   (let ((system (or system (sesman--system))))
      (append (sesman-linked-sessions system)
@@ -522,7 +545,7 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
     (sesman-linked-sessions system))
    ((or (equal which '(16)) (eq which 'all) (eq which t))
     (sesman--all-system-sessions system))
-   (t (sesman-ensure-session system prompt nil 'ask-all 'all))))
+   (t (error "Invalid which argument (%s)" which))))
 (defun sesman--more-recent-p (bufs1 bufs2)
   (eq 1 (seq-some (lambda (b)
@@ -556,10 +579,13 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
         (setq SESMAN-LINKS (cons link SESMAN-LINKS))))
-(defun sesman--abrev-maybe (obj)
-  (if (stringp obj)
-      (abbreviate-file-name obj)
-    obj))
+(defun sesman--abbrev-path-maybe (obj)
+  ;; FIXME: full abbrev
+  (cond
+   ((stringp obj) (abbreviate-file-name obj))
+   ((and (consp obj) (stringp (cdr obj)))
+    (cons (car obj) (abbreviate-file-name (cdr obj))))
+   (t obj)))
 (defmacro sesman--link-session-interactively (cxt-type)
   (declare (indent 1)
@@ -567,10 +593,10 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
   (let ((cxt-name (symbol-name cxt-type)))
     `(let ((system (sesman--system)))
        (if (member ',cxt-type (sesman-context-types system))
-           (let ((session (sesman--ask-for-session
+           (let ((session (sesman-ask-for-session
                            (format "Link with %s %s: "
-                                   ,cxt-name (sesman--abrev-maybe
+                                   ,cxt-name (sesman--abbrev-path-maybe
                                               (sesman-context ',cxt-type)))
                            (sesman--all-system-sessions system)
@@ -620,40 +646,9 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
                       (gethash (car x) SESMAN-SESSIONS))
-(defvar sesman--select-session-history nil)
-(defun sesman--ask-for-session (system prompt sessions &optional ask-new 
-  (let* ((name.syms (mapcar (lambda (s)
-                              (let ((name (car s)))
-                                (cons (if (symbolp name) (symbol-name name) 
-                                      name)))
-                            sessions))
-         (nr (length name.syms))
-         (syms (if (and (not ask-new) (= nr 0))
-                   (error "No %s sessions found" system)
-                 (append name.syms
-                         (when ask-new '(("*new*")))
-                         (when (and ask-all (> nr 1))
-                           '(("*all*"))))))
-         (def (caar syms))
-         ;; (def (if (assoc (car sesman--select-session-history) syms)
-         ;;          (car sesman--select-session-history)
-         ;;        (caar syms)))
-         (sel (completing-read
-               prompt (mapcar #'car syms) nil t nil 
'sesman--select-session-history def)))
-    (cond
-     ((string= sel "*new*")
-      (let ((ses (sesman-start-session system)))
-        (message "Started %s" (car ses))
-        (if ask-all (list ses) ses)))
-     ((string= sel "*all*")
-      sessions)
-     (t
-      (let* ((sym (cdr (assoc sel syms)))
-             (ses (assoc sym sessions)))
-        (if ask-all (list ses) ses))))))
 (defun sesman--format-link (link)
-  (let ((val (sesman--link-value link)))
+  (let ((val (sesman--abbrev-path-maybe
+              (sesman--link-value link))))
     (format "%s(%s)->%s"
             (sesman--link-context-type link)
             (if (listp val) (cdr val) val)
@@ -661,7 +656,7 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
 (defun sesman--ask-for-link (prompt links &optional ask-all)
   (let* ((name.keys (mapcar (lambda (link)
-                              (cons (sesman--format-link x) link))
+                              (cons (sesman--format-link link) link))
          (name.keys (append name.keys
                             (when (and ask-all (> (length name.keys) 1))

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