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[nongnu] elpa/sesman 8f2784a4ba 001/100: Initial commit

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/sesman 8f2784a4ba 001/100: Initial commit
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:57 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/sesman
commit 8f2784a4bab9d0c922635942aeec454f8bbbc2c8
Author: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>
Commit: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>

    Initial commit
 .gitignore |   2 +
 sesman.el  | 460 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 462 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57f70631ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sesman.el b/sesman.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d004f75272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sesman.el
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+;;; sesman.el --- Session and connection manager interface -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018, Vitalie Spinu
+;; Author: Vitalie Spinu
+;; URL: https://github.com/vspinu/sesman
+;; Keywords: process
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; This file is *NOT* part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'project)
+(require 'mule-util)
+(require 'seq)
+(defgroup sesman nil
+  "Session manager."
+  :prefix "sesman")
+(defvar sesman-sessions (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+  "Hashtable of all sesman sessions.
+Key is a cons (system-name . session-name).")
+(defvar sesman-links nil
+  "An alist of all sesman associations.
+Each element is of the form (key cxt-type cxt-value) where
+\"key\" is of the form (system-name . session-name).")
+;;; User Interface
+(defcustom sesman-1-to-1-links '(directory buffer)
+  "List of context types for which links should be 1-to-1."
+  :group 'sesman
+  :type '(repeat symbol))
+(defun sesman-start ()
+  "Start sesman session."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((session (sesman-start-session (sesman--system))))
+    (sesman-register session)
+    (message "Started %s" (car session))))
+(defun sesman-restart ()
+  "Restart sesman session."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((system (sesman--system))
+         (old-session (sesman-ensure-session "Restart session: "))
+         (old-session (sesman-unregister old-session system))
+         (new-session (sesman-restart-session system old-session)))
+    (sesman-register new-session system)
+    (message "Restarted %s" (car old-session))
+    new-session))
+(defun sesman-kill ()
+  "Kill sesman session."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((sessions (sesman-ensure-session "Kill session: " nil 'ask-all))
+        (system (sesman--system)))
+    (mapc (lambda (s)
+            (sesman-unregister s system)
+            (sesman-kill-session system s))
+          sessions)
+    (message "Killed %s" (mapcar #'car sessions))))
+(defun sesman-link-with-buffer ()
+  "Associate a session with current buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (sesman--link-session-interactively buffer))
+(defun sesman-link-with-directory ()
+  "Associate a session with current directory."
+  (interactive)
+  (sesman--link-session-interactively directory))
+(defun sesman-link-with-project ()
+  "Associate a session with current project."
+  (interactive)
+  (sesman--link-session-interactively project))
+(defun sesman-unlink (&optional arg)
+  "Break any of the previously formed associations."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((links (or (sesman--current-links)
+                    (user-error "No %s associations found" (sesman--system)))))
+    (mapc #'sesman--unlink
+          (sesman--ask-for-link "Unlink: " links 'ask-all))))
+(defvar sesman-map
+  (let (sesman-map)
+    (define-prefix-command 'sesman-map)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-s") 'sesman-start)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "s") 'sesman-start)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-r") 'sesman-restart)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "r") 'sesman-restart)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-k") 'sesman-kill)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "k") 'sesman-kill)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-b") 'sesman-link-with-buffer)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "b") 'sesman-link-with-buffer)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-d") 'sesman-link-with-directory)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "d") 'sesman-link-with-directory)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-p") 'sesman-link-with-project)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd   "p") 'sesman-link-with-project)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "C-u") 'sesman-unlink)
+    (define-key sesman-map (kbd "  u") 'sesman-unlink)
+    sesman-map)
+  "Session management prefix keymap.")
+;;; System Interface
+(defvar-local sesman-system nil
+  "Name of the system managed by `sesman'.
+Can be either a symbol, or a function returning a symbol.")
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-context-types (system)
+  "Return a list of context types understood by SYSTEM."
+  '(buffer directory project))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-start-session (system &optional session)
+  "Start and return SYSTEM SESSION.
+A session is a list with first element being a name.  When
+present SESSION is an old session (typically during the session
+restart) and could be safely (re-)used.")
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-kill-session (system session)
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-restart-session (system session)
+By default, calls `sesman-kill-session' and then
+  (let ((old-name (car session)))
+    (sesman-kill-session system session)
+    (let ((new-session (sesman-start-session system session)))
+      (setcar new-session old-name)
+      new-session)))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-greater-p (system session1 session2)
+  "Return non-nil if SESSION1 should be sorted before SESSION2.
+By default, sort by session name.  Systems should overwrite this
+method to provide a more meaningful ordering; ideally more
+recently used session should score higher."
+  (string-greaterp (car session1) (car session2)))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-friendly-session-p (system session)
+  "Non-nil if SYSTEM's SESSION is friendly to current context.
+A friendly session is the one for which it makes sense to create
+an association with current contexts.  For example, if the user
+is within the project A which is required (dependent upon) from
+project B, then a session opened within project B is a friendly
+session for current context.  By default, there are no friendly
+  ;; by default no friendly sessions
+  nil)
+(defun sesman-ensure-session (&optional prompt ask-new ask-all)
+  "Ensure that at least one session is linked and return most relevant one.
+If there is an unambiguous link, return the linked session.  In
+case of multiple associations, ask the user for a session with
+PROMPT.  When ASK-NEW is non-nil, offer *new* option to start a
+new session.  If ASK-ALL is non-nil offer *all* option to return
+the sessions.  If ASK-ALL is non-nil, return a list of sessions."
+  (let ((prompt (or prompt "Session: "))
+        (sessions (sesman-linked-sessions)))
+    (cond
+     ;; 1. Single association; return
+     ((and (eq (length sessions) 1)
+           (not ask-new)
+           (not ask-all))
+      (car sessions))
+     ;; 2. Multiple associations; ask
+     (sessions
+      (sesman--ask-for-session prompt sessions ask-new ask-all))
+     ;; 3. No associations, get all friendly sessions and ask
+     (t (let ((sessions (sesman-friendly-sessions)))
+          (sesman--ask-for-session prompt sessions ask-new ask-all))))))
+(defun sesman-linked-session (&optional system cxt-types)
+  "Get the most relevant linked session for SYSTEM.
+CXT-TYPES is as in `sesman-linked-sessions'."
+  (car (sesman-linked-sessions system cxt-types)))
+(defun sesman-linked-sessions (&optional system cxt-types)
+  "Return a list of SYSTEM sessions linked in current context.
+CXT-TYPES is a list of context types to considere. Defaults to
+the list returned from `sesman-context-types'."
+  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+         (cxt-types (or cxt-types (sesman-context-types system))))
+    ;; just in case some links are lingering due to user errors
+    (sesman--clear-links)
+    (mapcar (lambda (assoc)
+              (gethash (car assoc) sesman-sessions))
+            (sesman--current-links system cxt-types))))
+(defun sesman-friendly-sessions (&optional system)
+  "Return a list of friendly (for current context) SYSTEM sessions.
+Session is friendly if `sesman-friendly-session-p' returns non-nil."
+  (let ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+        sessions)
+    (maphash
+     (lambda (k s)
+       (when (and (eql (car k) system)
+                  (sesman-friendly-session-p system s))
+         (push s sessions)))
+     sesman-sessions)
+    (sesman--sort-sessions system sessions)))
+(defun sesman-system-sessions (&optional system)
+  "Return a list of sessions registered with SYSTEM."
+  (let ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+        sessions)
+    (maphash
+     (lambda (k s)
+       (when (eql (car k) system)
+         (push s sessions)))
+     sesman-sessions)
+    (sesman--sort-sessions system sessions)))
+(defun sesman-sessions (&optional system)
+  "Return all sessions for SYSTEM.
+Return a list of `sesman-linked-sessions',
+`sesman-friendly-sessions' and all other `sesman-system-sessions'
+in that order."
+  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system))))
+    (delete-dups
+     (append (sesman-linked-sessions system)
+             (sesman-friendly-sessions system)
+             (sesman-system-sessions system)))))
+(defun sesman-register (session &optional system)
+  "Register SESSION into `sesman-sessions' and `sesman-links'.
+SYSTEM defaults to current system.  If a session with same name
+is already registered in `sesman-sessions', change the name by
+appending \"<1>\", \"<2>\" ... to the name.  This function should
+be called by legacy connection initializers (\"run-xyz\",
+\"xyz-jack-in\" etc.)."
+  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+         (ses-name (car session))
+         (i 1))
+    (while (gethash (cons system ses-name) sesman-sessions)
+      (setq ses-name (format "%s<%d>" i)))
+    (setq session (cons ses-name (cdr session)))
+    (puthash (cons system ses-name) session sesman-sessions)
+    (sesman--link-session session system)
+    session))
+(defun sesman-unregister (session &optional system)
+  "Unregister SESSION.
+SYSTEM defaults to current system.  Remove session from
+`sesman-sessions' and `sesman-links'."
+  (let ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+        (ses-key (cons system (car session))))
+    (remhash ses-key sesman-sessions)
+    (sesman--clear-links)
+    session))
+;;; Contexts
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-context (cxt-type)
+  "Given context type CXT-TYPE return the context.")
+(cl-defmethod sesman-context ((cxt-type (eql buffer)))
+  "Return current buffer."
+  (current-buffer))
+(cl-defmethod sesman-context ((cxt-type (eql directory)))
+  "Return current directory."
+  default-directory)
+(cl-defmethod sesman-context ((cxt-type (eql project)))
+  "Return current project."
+  (project-current))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-relevant-context-p (cxt-type cxt)
+  "Non-nil if context CXT is relevant to current context of type CXT-TYPE.")
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-relevant-context-p ((cxt-type (eql buffer)) buf)
+  "Non-nil if BUF is `current-buffer'."
+  (eq (current-buffer) buf))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-relevant-context-p ((cxt-type (eql directory)) dir)
+  "Non-nil if DIR is the parent or equals the `default-directory'."
+  (when (and dir default-directory)
+    (string-match-p (concat "^" dir) default-directory)))
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-relevant-context-p ((cxt-type (eql project)) proj)
+  "Non-nil if PROJ is the parent or equals the `default-directory'."
+  (when (and proj default-directory)
+    (string-match-p (concat "^" (expand-file-name (cdr proj)))
+                    default-directory)))
+;; Internals
+(defun sesman--current-links (&optional system cxt-types)
+  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+         (cxt-types (or cxt-types (sesman-context-types system))))
+    (mapcan
+     (lambda (cxt-type)
+       (let ((lfn (sesman--lookup-fn system nil cxt-type)))
+         (sesman--sort-links
+          system
+          (seq-filter (lambda (l)
+                        (and (funcall lfn l)
+                             (sesman-relevant-context-p cxt-type (nth 2 l))))
+                      sesman-links))))
+     cxt-types)))
+(defun sesman--link-session (session &optional system cxt-type)
+  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+         (ses-name (or (car-safe session)
+                       (error "SESSION must be a headed list")))
+         (cxt-type (or cxt-type (car (last (sesman-context-types system)))))
+         (cxt-val (sesman-context cxt-type))
+         (key (cons system ses-name))
+         (link (list key cxt-type cxt-val)))
+    (if (member cxt-type sesman-1-to-1-links)
+        (thread-last sesman-links
+          (seq-remove (sesman--lookup-fn system nil cxt-type cxt-val))
+          (cons link)
+          (setq sesman-links))
+      (unless (seq-filter (sesman--lookup-fn system ses-name cxt-type cxt-val)
+                          sesman-links)
+        (setq sesman-links (cons link sesman-links))))
+    key))
+(defun sesman--abrev-maybe (obj)
+  (if (stringp obj)
+      (abbreviate-file-name obj)
+    obj))
+(defmacro sesman--link-session-interactively (cxt-type)
+  (declare (indent 1)
+           (debug (symbolp &rest)))
+  (let ((cxt-name (symbol-name cxt-type)))
+    `(let ((system (sesman--system)))
+       (if (member ',cxt-type (sesman-context-types system))
+           (let ((session (sesman--ask-for-session
+                           (format "Link with %s %s: "
+                                   ,cxt-name (sesman--abrev-maybe
+                                              (sesman-context ',cxt-type)))
+                           (sesman-sessions)
+                           'ask-new)))
+             (sesman--link-session session system ',cxt-type))
+         (error (format "%s association not allowed for this system (%s)"
+                        ,(capitalize (symbol-name cxt-type))
+                        (sesman--system)))))))
+(defun sesman--system ()
+  (if sesman-system
+      (if (functionp sesman-system)
+          (funcall sesman-system)
+        sesman-system)
+    (error "No `sesman-system' in buffer `%s'" (current-buffer))))
+(defun sesman--lookup-fn (&optional system ses-name cxt-type cxt-val x)
+  (let ((system (or system (caar x)))
+        (ses-name (or ses-name (cdar x)))
+        (cxt-type (or cxt-type (nth 1 x)))
+        (cxt-val (or cxt-val (nth 2 x))))
+    (lambda (el)
+      (and (or (null system) (eq (caar el) system))
+           (or (null ses-name) (eq (cdar el) ses-name))
+           (or (null cxt-type) (eq (nth 1 el) cxt-type))
+           (or (null cxt-val) (equal (nth 2 el) cxt-val))))))
+(defun sesman--unlink (x)
+  (setq sesman-links
+        (seq-remove (sesman--lookup-fn nil nil nil nil x)
+                    sesman-links)))
+(defun sesman--clear-links ()
+  (setq sesman-links
+        (seq-filter (lambda (x)
+                      (gethash (car x) sesman-sessions))
+                    sesman-links)))
+(defvar sesman--select-session-history nil)
+(defun sesman--ask-for-session (prompt sessions &optional ask-new ask-all)
+  (let* ((name.syms (mapcar (lambda (s)
+                              (let ((name (car s)))
+                                (cons (if (symbolp name) (symbol-name name) 
+                                      name)))
+                            sessions))
+         (nr (length name.syms))
+         (syms (if (and (not ask-new) (= nr 0))
+                   (error "No %s sessions found" (sesman--system))
+                 (append name.syms
+                         (when ask-new '(("*new*")))
+                         (when (and ask-all (> nr 1))
+                           '(("*all*"))))))
+         (def (caar syms))
+         ;; (def (if (assoc (car sesman--select-session-history) syms)
+         ;;          (car sesman--select-session-history)
+         ;;        (caar syms)))
+         (sel (completing-read
+               prompt (mapcar #'car syms) nil t nil 
'sesman--select-session-history def)))
+    (cond
+     ((string= sel "*new*")
+      (let ((ses (sesman-register)))
+        (message "Started %s" (car ses))
+        (if ask-all (list ses) ses)))
+     ((string= sel "*all*")
+      sessions)
+     (t 
+      (let* ((sym (cdr (assoc sel syms)))
+             (ses (assoc sym sessions)))
+        (if ask-all (list ses) ses))))))
+(defun sesman--ask-for-link (prompt links &optional ask-all)
+  (let* ((name.keys (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                              (let* ((val (nth 2 x))
+                                     (val (if (listp val) (cdr val) val)))
+                                (cons (format "%s:%s:%s" (cdar x) (nth 1 x) 
+                                      x)))
+                            links))
+         (name.keys (append name.keys
+                            (when (and ask-all (> (length name.keys) 1))
+                              '(("*all*")))))
+         (nms (mapcar #'car name.keys))
+         (sel (completing-read "Unlink: " nms nil t nil nil (car nms))))
+    (cond ((string= sel "*all*")
+           links)
+          (ask-all
+           (list (cdr (assoc sel name.keys))))
+          (t
+           (cdr (assoc sel name.keys))))))
+(defun sesman--sort-sessions (system sessions)
+  (seq-sort (lambda (x1 x2)
+              (sesman-greater-p system x1 x2))
+            sessions))
+(defun sesman--sort-links (system links)
+  (seq-sort (lambda (x1 x2)
+              (sesman-greater-p system
+                                (gethash (car x1) sesman-sessions)
+                                (gethash (car x2) sesman-sessions)))
+            links))
+(provide 'sesman)

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