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[nongnu] elpa/parseclj 7794d9ee59 101/185: Add docstrings for `parseclj-

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/parseclj 7794d9ee59 101/185: Add docstrings for `parseclj-lex` module
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:24 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/parseclj
commit 7794d9ee593a7fad869d8fe599f2e937ea09ed16
Author: Daniel Barreto <daniel.barreto.n@gmail.com>
Commit: Daniel Barreto <daniel.barreto.n@gmail.com>

    Add docstrings for `parseclj-lex` module
 parseclj-lex.el | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parseclj-lex.el b/parseclj-lex.el
index 5831933e7b..0eff257ddb 100644
--- a/parseclj-lex.el
+++ b/parseclj-lex.el
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Other ATTRIBUTES can be given as a flat list of key-value 
 (defun parseclj-lex-token? (token)
   "Is the given TOKEN a parseclj-lex TOKEN.
-A token is an association list with :token-type as its first key. "
+A token is an association list with :token-type as its first key."
   (and (consp token)
        (consp (car token))
        (eq :token-type (caar token))))
@@ -70,14 +70,15 @@ A token is an association list with :token-type as its 
first key. "
        (cdr (assq :token-type token))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-leaf-token? (token)
-  "Return `t' if the given ast TOKEN is a leaf node."
+  "Return t if the given AST TOKEN is a leaf node."
   (member (parseclj-lex-token-type token) parseclj-lex--leaf-tokens))
 (defun parseclj-lex-closing-token? (token)
-  "Return `t' if the given ast TOKEN is a closing toking."
+  "Return t if the given ast TOKEN is a closing toking."
   (member (parseclj-lex-token-type token) parseclj-lex--closing-tokens))
 (defun parseclj-lex-at-whitespace? ()
+  "Return t if char at point is white space."
   (let ((char (char-after (point))))
     (or (equal char ?\ )
         (equal char ?\t)
@@ -86,23 +87,27 @@ A token is an association list with :token-type as its 
first key. "
         (equal char ?,))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-at-eof? ()
+  "Return t if point is at the end of file."
   (eq (point) (point-max)))
 (defun parseclj-lex-whitespace ()
+  "Consume all consecutive white space as possible and return an :whitespace 
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (while (parseclj-lex-at-whitespace?)
     (parseclj-lex-token :whitespace
-                   (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
-                   pos)))
+                        (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
+                        pos)))
 (defun parseclj-lex-skip-digits ()
+  "Skip all consecutive digits after point."
   (while (and (char-after (point))
               (<= ?0 (char-after (point)))
               (<= (char-after (point)) ?9))
 (defun parseclj-lex-skip-number ()
+  "Skip a number at point."
   ;; [\+\-]?\d+\.\d+
   (when (member (char-after (point)) '(?+ ?-))
@@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ A token is an association list with :token-type as its 
first key. "
 (defun parseclj-lex-number ()
+  "Consume a number and return a :number token."
   (let ((pos (point)))
@@ -135,51 +141,59 @@ A token is an association list with :token-type as its 
first key. "
             (parseclj-lex-token :lex-error
-                           (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
-                           pos
-                           :error-type :invalid-number-format))
+                                (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
+                                pos
+                                :error-type :invalid-number-format))
         (parseclj-lex-token :number
-                       (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
-                       pos)))))
+                            (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point))
+                            pos)))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-digit? (char)
+  "Return t if CHAR is a digit."
   (and char (<= ?0 char) (<= char ?9)))
 (defun parseclj-lex-at-number? ()
+  "Return t if point is at a number."
   (let ((char (char-after (point))))
     (or (parseclj-lex-digit? char)
         (and (member char '(?- ?+ ?.))
              (parseclj-lex-digit? (char-after (1+ (point))))))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-symbol-start? (char &optional alpha-only)
-  "Symbols begin with a non-numeric character and can contain
-alphanumeric characters and . * + ! - _ ? $ % & = < >. If -, + or
-. are the first character, the second character (if any) must be
-In some cases, like in tagged elements, symbols are required to
-start with alphabetic characters only. ALPHA-ONLY ensures this
+  "Return t if CHAR is a valid start for a symbol.
+Symbols begin with a non-numeric character and can contain alphanumeric
+characters and . * + ! - _ ? $ % & = < >.  If - + or . are the first
+character, the second character (if any) must be non-numeric.
+In some cases, like in tagged elements, symbols are required to start with
+alphabetic characters only.  ALPHA-ONLY ensures this behavior."
   (not (not (and char
                  (or (and (<= ?a char) (<= char ?z))
                      (and (<= ?A char) (<= char ?Z))
                      (and (not alpha-only) (member char '(?. ?* ?+ ?! ?- ?_ ?? 
?$ ?% ?& ?= ?< ?> ?/))))))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-symbol-rest? (char)
+  "Return t if CHAR is a valid character in a symbol.
+For more information on what determines a valid symbol, see
   (or (parseclj-lex-symbol-start? char)
       (parseclj-lex-digit? char)
       (eq ?: char)
       (eq ?# char)))
 (defun parseclj-lex-get-symbol-at-point (pos)
-  "Return the symbol at point."
+  "Return a string containing the symbol at POS."
   (while (parseclj-lex-symbol-rest? (char-after (point)))
   (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point)))
 (defun parseclj-lex-symbol ()
+  "Return a lex token representing a symbol.
+Because of their special meaning, symbols \"nil\", \"true\", and \"false\"
+are returned as their own lex tokens."
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (let ((sym (parseclj-lex-get-symbol-at-point pos)))
@@ -190,6 +204,9 @@ behavior."
        (t (parseclj-lex-token :symbol sym pos))))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-string ()
+  "Return a lex token representing a string.
+If EOF is reached without finding a closing double quote, a :lex-error
+token is returned."
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (while (not (or (equal (char-after (point)) ?\") (parseclj-lex-at-eof?)))
@@ -203,9 +220,11 @@ behavior."
       (parseclj-lex-token :lex-error (buffer-substring-no-properties pos 
(point)) pos))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-lookahead (n)
+  "Return a lookahead string of N characters after point."
   (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (min (+ (point) n) (point-max))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-character ()
+  "Return a lex token representing a character."
   (let ((pos (point)))
@@ -238,6 +257,11 @@ behavior."
       (parseclj-lex-token :character (buffer-substring-no-properties pos 
(point)) pos)))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-keyword ()
+  "Return a lex token representing a keyword.
+Keywords follow the same rules as symbols, except they might start with one
+or two colon characters.
+See `parseclj-lex-symbol', `parseclj-lex-symbol-start?'."
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (when (equal (char-after (point)) ?:) ;; same-namespace keyword
@@ -253,6 +277,7 @@ behavior."
         (parseclj-lex-token :keyword (buffer-substring-no-properties pos 
(point)) pos)))))
 (defun parseclj-lex-comment ()
+  "Return a lex token representing a comment."
   (let ((pos (point)))
     (goto-char (line-end-position))
     (when (equal (char-after (point)) ?\n)
@@ -260,6 +285,9 @@ behavior."
     (parseclj-lex-token :comment (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point)) 
 (defun parseclj-lex-next ()
+  "Consume characters at point and return the next lexical token.
+See `parseclj-lex-token'."
   (if (parseclj-lex-at-eof?)
       (parseclj-lex-token :eof nil (point))
     (let ((char (char-after (point)))

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