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[nongnu] elpa/buttercup 85aebcd 168/340: Fix issue #121

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/buttercup 85aebcd 168/340: Fix issue #121
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:59:27 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/buttercup
commit 85aebcd6aa38dabc9eb16fdfb836144693ac5b84
Author: Chry Cheng <chrycheng@gmail.com>
Commit: Jorgen Schäfer <Jorgen.Schaefer@gmail.com>

    Fix issue #121
 bin/buttercup.bat | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/bin/buttercup.bat b/bin/buttercup.bat
index b1a0da1..092230a 100644
--- a/bin/buttercup.bat
+++ b/bin/buttercup.bat
@@ -1 +1,124 @@
-@bash %~dp0buttercup
+@echo off
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+if not [%inside_emacs%]==[] (
+  set emacs_bin=emacs
+) else if not [%emacs%]==[] (
+  set emacs_bin=%emacs%
+) else (
+  set emacs_bin=emacs
+goto parse_args
+echo %0 [OPTIONS] [DIRS]
+echo Buttercup will search recursively in each of DIRS for test files (any
+echo elisp file starting with "test-" or ending with "-test.el" or
+echo ^"-tests.el"). It will load all of those files and then run the tests
+echo defined in those files. If no directories are specified, buttercup
+echo will search in the current directory.
+echo Options can include the options described below, as well as the
+echo standard Emacs options "--directory", "--funcall", "--load", "--eval",
+echo and "--execute". These Emacs options should be used to ensure that any
+echo Elisp files required for the tests can be found in Emacs' load path.
+echo For package testing, "-L ." is commonly used. See "emacs --help" for
+echo more information on Emacs options.
+echo Buttercup options:
+echo --pattern, -p PATTERN   Only run tests with names matching PATTERN.
+echo                           This option can be used multiple times, in
+echo                           which case tests will be run if they match
+echo                           any of the given patterns.
+echo --no-color, -c          Do not colorize test output.
+echo --traceback STYLE       When printing backtraces for errors that occur
+echo                           during tests, print them in the chosen
+echo                           STYLE. Available styles are "full", which
+echo                           shows the full function call for each stack
+echo                           frame on a single line, "crop", which
+echo                           truncates each stack frame to 80 characters
+echo                           ^(the default^), and "pretty", which uses
+echo                           Emacs' pretty-printing facilities to print
+echo                           each stack frame, and also annotates each
+echo                           frame with a lambda or M to indicate whether
+echo                           it is a normal function call or a
+echo                           macro/special form.
+exit /b
+set emacs_args=
+set buttercup_args=
+set current_arg=%1
+set next_arg=%2
+if not [%current_arg%]==[] (
+  if !current_arg!==-h (
+    goto usage
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--help (
+    goto usage
+  ) else if !current_arg!==-L (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--directory (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==-f (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--funcall (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--l (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--load (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--eval (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--execute (
+    set emacs_args=!emacs_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==-p (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--pattern (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==-c (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg!
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--no-color (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg!
+    shift /1
+  ) else if !current_arg!==--traceback (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg! !next_arg!
+    shift /1
+    shift /1
+  ) else (
+    set buttercup_args=!buttercup_args! !current_arg!
+    shift /1
+  )
+  goto next_args
+%emacs_bin% -batch %emacs_args% -l buttercup -f buttercup-run-discover 

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