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[elpa] externals/org e995e06 3/3: oc-biblatex: Allow style customization

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org e995e06 3/3: oc-biblatex: Allow style customization
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 09:57:32 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/org
commit e995e069ca6fc80b9f45659d9743c52600b091f1
Author: Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
Commit: Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>

    oc-biblatex: Allow style customization
    * lisp/oc-biblatex.el (org-cite-biblatex-styles):
    (org-cite-biblatex-style-shortcuts): New defcustoms.
    (org-cite-biblatex--expand-shortcuts): New function.
    (org-cite-biblatex-export-citation): Extract adequate style from
    defcustoms above instead of hard-coding all styles.
 etc/ORG-NEWS        |   6 ++
 lisp/oc-biblatex.el | 179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index 80f6b71..7bf79e7 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ argument.
 ** Miscellaneous
+*** Styles are customizable in ~biblatex~ citation processor
+It is now possible to add new styles or modify old ones in ~biblatex~
+citation processor.  See ~org-cite-biblatex-styles~ for more
 *** Citation processors can declare styles dynamically
 When a citation processor is registered, it is now possible to set
diff --git a/lisp/oc-biblatex.el b/lisp/oc-biblatex.el
index 8496a91..c5ed6c6 100644
--- a/lisp/oc-biblatex.el
+++ b/lisp/oc-biblatex.el
@@ -81,6 +81,99 @@ If \"biblatex\" package is already required in the document, 
e.g., through
           (const :tag "No option" nil))
   :safe #'string-or-null-p)
+(defcustom org-cite-biblatex-styles
+  '(("author"   "caps"      "Citeauthor*" nil         nil)
+    ("author"   "full"      "citeauthor"  nil         nil)
+    ("author"   "caps-full" "Citeauthor"  nil         nil)
+    ("author"   nil         "citeauthor*" nil         nil)
+    ("locators" "bare"      "notecite"    nil         nil)
+    ("locators" "caps"      "Pnotecite"   nil         nil)
+    ("locators" "bare-caps" "Notecite"    nil         nil)
+    ("locators" nil         "pnotecite"   nil         nil)
+    ("noauthor" "bare"      "cite*"       nil         nil)
+    ("noauthor" nil         "autocite*"   nil         nil)
+    ("nocite"   nil         "nocite"      nil         t)
+    ("text"     "caps"      "Textcite"    "Textcites" nil)
+    ("text"     nil         "textcite"    "textcites" nil)
+    (nil        "bare"      "cite"        "cites"     nil)
+    (nil        "caps"      "Autocite"    "Autocites" nil)
+    (nil        "bare-caps" "Cite"        "Cites"     nil)
+    (nil        nil         "autocite"    "autocites" nil))
+  "List of styles and variants, with associated BibLaTeX commands.
+Each style follows the pattern
+  NAME is the name of the style, as a string, or nil.  The nil
+  style is the default style.  As such, it must have an entry in
+  the list.
+  VARIANT is the name of the style variant, as a string or nil.
+  The nil variant is the default variant for the current style.
+  As such, each style name must be associated to a nil variant.
+  COMMAND is the LaTeX command to use, as a string.  It should
+  not contain the leading backslash character.
+  MULTI-COMMAND is the LaTeX command to use when a multi-cite
+  command is appropriate.  When nil, the style is deemed
+  inappropriate for multi-cites.  The command should not contain
+  the leading backslash character.
+  NO-OPTION is a boolean.  When non-nil, no optional argument
+  should be added to the LaTeX command.
+Each NAME-VARIANT pair should be unique in the list.
+It is also possible to provide shortcuts for style and variant
+names.  See `org-cite-biblatex-style-shortcuts'."
+  :group 'org-cite
+  :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
+  :type '(repeat
+          (list :tag "Style/variant combination"
+                ;; Name part.
+                (choice :tag "Style"
+                        (string :tag "Name")
+                        (const :tag "Default style" nil))
+                ;; Variant part.
+                (choice :tag "Variant"
+                        (string :tag "Name")
+                        (const :tag "Default variant" nil))
+                ;; Command part.
+                (string :tag "Command name")
+                (choice :tag "Multicite command"
+                        (string :tag "Command name")
+                        (const :tag "No multicite support" nil))
+                (choice :tag "Skip optional arguments"
+                        (const :tag "Yes" t)
+                        (const :tag "No" nil)))))
+(defcustom org-cite-biblatex-style-shortcuts
+  '(("a"  . "author")
+    ("b"  . "bare")
+    ("c"  . "caps")
+    ("cf" . "caps-full")
+    ("f"  . "full")
+    ("l"  . "locators")
+    ("n"  . "nocite")
+    ("na" . "noauthor")
+    ("t"  . "text"))
+  "List of shortcuts associated to style or variant names.
+Each entry is a pair (NAME . STYLE-NAME) where NAME is the name
+of the shortcut, as a string, and STYLE-NAME is the name of
+a style in `org-cite-biblatex-styles'."
+  :group 'org-cite
+  :package-version '(Org . "9.6")
+  :type '(repeat
+          (cons :tag "Shortcut"
+                (string :tag "Name")
+                (string :tag "Full name")))
+  :safe t)
 ;;; Internal functions
 (defun org-cite-biblatex--package-options (initial style)
@@ -185,6 +278,18 @@ non-nil, do not add optional arguments to the command."
              (org-cite-get-references citation) info no-opt))))
+(defun org-cite-biblatex--expand-shortcuts (style)
+  "Return STYLE pair with shortcuts expanded."
+  (pcase style
+    (`(,style . ,variant)
+     (cons (or (alist-get style org-cite-biblatex-style-shortcuts
+                          nil nil #'equal)
+               style)
+           (or (alist-get variant org-cite-biblatex-style-shortcuts
+                          nil nil #'equal)
+               variant)))
+    (_ (error "This should not happen"))))
 ;;; Export capability
 (defun org-cite-biblatex-export-bibliography (_keys _files _style props &rest 
@@ -214,44 +319,42 @@ PROPS is the local properties of the bibliography, as a 
property list."
   "Export CITATION object.
 STYLE is the citation style, as a pair of either strings or nil.
 INFO is the export state, as a property list."
-  (apply
-   #'org-cite-biblatex--command citation info
-   (pcase style
-     ;; "author" style.
-     (`(,(or "author" "a") . ,variant)
-      (pcase variant
-        ((or "caps" "c")            '("Citeauthor*"))
-        ((or "full" "f")            '("citeauthor"))
-        ((or "caps-full" "cf")      '("Citeauthor"))
-        (_                          '("citeauthor*"))))
-     ;; "locators" style.
-     (`(,(or "locators" "l") . ,variant)
-      (pcase variant
-        ((or "bare" "b")            '("notecite"))
-        ((or "caps" "c")            '("Pnotecite"))
-        ((or "bare-caps" "bc")      '("Notecite"))
-        (_                          '("pnotecite"))))
-     ;; "noauthor" style.
-     (`(,(or "noauthor" "na") . ,variant)
-      (pcase variant
-        ((or "bare" "b")            '("cite*"))
-        (_                          '("autocite*"))))
-     ;; "nocite" style.
-     (`(,(or "nocite" "n") . ,_)    '("nocite" nil t))
-     ;; "text" style.
-     (`(,(or "text" "t") . ,variant)
-      (pcase variant
-        ((or "caps" "c")            '("Textcite" "Textcites"))
-        (_                          '("textcite" "textcites"))))
-     ;; Default "nil" style.
-     (`(,_ . ,variant)
-      (pcase variant
-        ((or "bare" "b")            '("cite" "cites"))
-        ((or "caps" "c")            '("Autocite" "Autocites"))
-        ((or "bare-caps" "bc")      '("Cite" "Cites"))
-        (_                          '("autocite" "autocites"))))
-     ;; This should not happen.
-     (_ (error "Invalid style: %S" style)))))
+  (pcase-let* ((`(,name . ,variant) (org-cite-biblatex--expand-shortcuts 
+               (candidates nil)
+               (style-match-flag nil))
+    (catch :match
+      ;; Walk `org-cite-biblatex-styles' and prioritize matching
+      ;; candidates.  At the end of the process, the optimal candidate
+      ;; should appear in front of CANDIDATES.
+      (dolist (style org-cite-biblatex-styles)
+        (pcase style
+          ;; A matching style-variant pair trumps anything else.
+          ;; Return it.
+          (`(,(pred (equal name)) ,(pred (equal variant)) . ,_)
+           (throw :match (setq candidates (list style))))
+          ;; nil-nil style-variant is the fallback value.  Consider it
+          ;; only if nothing else matches.
+          (`(nil nil . ,_)
+           (unless candidates (push style candidates)))
+          ;; A matching style with default variant trumps a matching
+          ;; variant without the adequate style.  Ensure the former
+          ;; appears first in the list.
+          (`(,(pred (equal name)) nil . ,_)
+           (push style candidates)
+           (setq style-match-flag t))
+          (`(nil ,(pred (equal variant)) . ,_)
+           (unless style-match-flag (push style candidates)))
+          ;; Discard anything else.
+          (_ nil))))
+    (apply
+     #'org-cite-biblatex--command citation info
+     (pcase (seq-first candidates)
+       (`(,_ ,_ . ,command-parameters) command-parameters)
+       ('nil
+        (user-error
+         "Missing default style or variant in `org-cite-biblatex-styles'"))
+       (other
+        (user-error "Invalid entry %S in `org-cite-biblatex-styles'" 
 (defun org-cite-biblatex-prepare-preamble (output _keys files style &rest _)
   "Prepare document preamble for \"biblatex\" usage.

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