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[elpa] externals/bluetooth dc27ce5 1/4: fixes compile warnings, mode-lin

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth dc27ce5 1/4: fixes compile warnings, mode-line display and dependencies
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 16:44:07 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit dc27ce5efa557172b9f095e3fdd3e6e490e3d2f7
Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>

    fixes compile warnings, mode-line display and dependencies
    Thanks a lot to Stefan and Lars to point out these issues.
 bluetooth.el | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 158 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
index 33936c5..45d8d6b 100644
--- a/bluetooth.el
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ;; Maintainer: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
 ;; Created: 13 Aug 2019
 ;; Version: 0.1
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.12.0"))
 ;; Keywords: hardware
 ;; URL: https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/bluetooth
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@
   "D-Bus bus that Bluez is registered on.
 This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system service, or
 `:session' if it runs as a user service."
-  :type '(symbol)
-  :group 'bluetooth)
+  :type '(symbol))
 (defgroup bluetooth-faces nil
   "Faces used by Bluetooth mode."
@@ -61,21 +60,19 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
 (defface bluetooth-info-heading
   '((t . (:foreground "royal blue" :weight bold)))
-  "Face for device info headings."
-  :group 'bluetooth-faces)
+  "Face for device info headings.")
 (defface bluetooth-info-attribute
   '((t . (:slant italic)))
-  "Face for device attribute names."
-  :group 'bluetooth-faces)
+  "Face for device attribute names.")
 (defconst bluetooth-buffer-name "*Bluetooth*"
   "Name of the buffer in which to list bluetooth devices.")
 (defconst bluetooth--mode-name "Bluetooth" "Pretty print mode name.")
-(defvar bluetooth--mode-info '(:eval (and (eq major-mode 'bluetooth-mode)
-                                         (bluetooth--mode-info)))
+(defvar bluetooth--mode-info
+  '(:eval (bluetooth--mode-info))
   "Mode info display.")
 (put 'bluetooth--mode-info 'risky-local-variable t)
@@ -125,50 +122,57 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
 ;;; This variable holds the device information as obtained from D-Bus.
 (defvar bluetooth--device-info nil "Device info obtained from Bluez.")
-;;; This alist specifies all the commands. The format is as follows:
-;;; command . COMMAND specifies the command name
-;;; method . "Method" specifies a D-Bus method "Method"
-;;; toggle . "Tprop" specifies a D-Bus property "Tprop" that is toggled
-;;; by the command
-;;; set . "Prop" specifies a D-Bus property "Prop" that can be set by
-;;; the command
-;;; query . "Query" specifies a query issued in the minibuffer; this
-;;; makes sense only if `set' is also specified
-;;; api . [:device|:adapter] specifies the Bluez API to be used
-;;; for the D-Bus command
-;;; args . ARG-LIST adds ARG-LIST to the D-Bus method invocation; the
-;;; ARG-LIST will be spliced and evaluated before the method call
-;;;    The following special keywords are interpreted:
-;;;    :path-devid replace by full object path
-;;;                (e.g. "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_...")
-;;; run . (FORM) runs the lisp FORM after the D-Bus command
-;;; docstring . "STRING" adds STRING as documentation to the command
-(defconst bluetooth--commands
-  '(((command . connect) (method . "Connect") (api . :device)
-     (docstring . "Connect to the Bluetooth device at point."))
-    ((command . disconnect) (method . "Disconnect")
-     (api . :device) (docstring . "Disconnect Bluetooth device at point."))
-    ((command . toggle-blocked) (toggle . "Blocked")
-     (api . :device) (docstring . "Mark Bluetooth device at point blocked."))
-    ((command . toggle-trusted) (toggle . "Trusted")
-     (api . :device) (docstring . "Mark Bluetooth device at point trusted."))
-    ((command . set-alias) (set . "Alias")
-     (query . "Alias (empty to reset): ") (api . :device)
-     (docstring . "Set alias of Bluetooth device at point."))
-    ((command . start-discovery) (method . "StartDiscovery")
-     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Start discovery mode."))
-    ((command . stop-discovery) (method . "StopDiscovery")
-     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Stop discovery mode."))
-    ((command . toggle-power) (toggle . "Powered")
-     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle power supply of adapter."))
-    ((command . pair) (method . "Pair")
-     (api . :device) (docstring . "Pair with a device."))
-    ((command . toggle-discoverable) (toggle . "Discoverable")
-     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle discoverable mode."))
-    ((command . toggle-pairable) (toggle . "Pairable")
-     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle pairable mode.")))
-  "Bluetooth command definitions.")
+  (defun bluetooth--function-name (name &optional prefix)
+    "Make a function name out of NAME and PREFIX.
+The generated function name has the form `bluetoothPREFIX-NAME'."
+    (save-match-data
+      (concat "bluetooth"
+             prefix
+             (replace-regexp-in-string "[A-Z][a-z]+"
+                                       (lambda (x) (concat "-" (downcase x)))
+                                       name t)))))
+(defmacro bluetooth-defun-method (method api docstring)
+  (declare (doc-string 3) (indent 3))
+  (let ((name (bluetooth--function-name method)))
+    `(defun ,(intern name) () ,docstring
+           (interactive)
+           (bluetooth--dbus-method ,method ,api))))
+(bluetooth-defun-method "Connect" :device
+                       "Connect to the Bluetooth device at point.")
+(bluetooth-defun-method "Disconnect" :device
+                       "Disconnect Bluetooth device at point.")
+(bluetooth-defun-method "StartDiscovery" :adapter
+                       "Start discovery mode.")
+(bluetooth-defun-method "StopDiscovery" :adapter
+                       "Stop discovery mode.")
+(bluetooth-defun-method "Pair" :device
+                       "Pair with device at point.")
+(defmacro bluetooth-defun-toggle (property api docstring)
+  (declare (doc-string 3) (indent 3))
+  (let ((name (bluetooth--function-name property "-toggle")))
+    `(defun ,(intern name) () ,docstring
+           (interactive)
+           (bluetooth--dbus-toggle ,property ,api))))
+(bluetooth-defun-toggle "Blocked" :device
+                       "Mark Bluetooth device at point blocked.")
+(bluetooth-defun-toggle "Trusted" :device
+                       "Mark Bluetooth device at point trusted.")
+(bluetooth-defun-toggle "Powered" :adapter
+                       "Toggle power supply of adapter.")
+(bluetooth-defun-toggle "Discoverable" :adapter
+                       "Toggle discoverable mode.")
+(bluetooth-defun-toggle "Pairable" :adapter
+                       "Toggle pairable mode.")
+(defun bluetooth-set-alias (name)
+  "Set alias of Bluetooth device at point."
+  (interactive "MAlias (empty to reset): ")
+  (bluetooth--dbus-set "Alias" name :device))
 (defvar bluetooth-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
     (define-key map [?a] #'bluetooth-set-alias)
     (define-key map [?r] #'bluetooth-start-discovery)
     (define-key map [?R] #'bluetooth-stop-discovery)
-    (define-key map [?s] #'bluetooth-toggle-power)
+    (define-key map [?s] #'bluetooth-toggle-powered)
     (define-key map [?P] #'bluetooth-pair)
     (define-key map [?D] #'bluetooth-toggle-discoverable)
     (define-key map [?x] #'bluetooth-toggle-pairable)
@@ -214,6 +218,13 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
          ((null value) "no")
          (t "yes"))))
+;;; List format for the main display buffer.
+;;; NOTE: the strings MUST correspond to Bluez device properties
+;;; as they are used to gather the information from Bluez.
+(defconst bluetooth--list-format
+  [("Alias" 30 t) ("Paired" 6 t) ("Connected" 9 t) ("Address" 17 t)
+   ("Blocked" 7 t) ("Trusted" 7 t)] "The list view format for bluetooth mode.")
 ;;; This function provides the list entries for the tabulated-list
 ;;; view.  It is called from `tabulated-list-print'.
 (defun bluetooth--list-entries ()
@@ -241,14 +252,9 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
   "Update the list view."
   (with-current-buffer bluetooth-buffer-name
     (tabulated-list-print t)
-    (hl-line-highlight)))
-;;; List format for the main display buffer.
-;;; NOTE: the strings MUST correspond to Bluez device properties
-;;; as they are used to gather the information from Bluez.
-(defconst bluetooth--list-format
-  [("Alias" 30 t) ("Paired" 6 t) ("Connected" 9 t) ("Address" 17 t)
-   ("Blocked" 7 t) ("Trusted" 7 t)] "The list view format for bluetooth mode.")
+    (and (fboundp 'hl-line-highlight)
+        (bound-and-true-p hl-line-mode)
+        (hl-line-highlight))))
 (define-derived-mode bluetooth-mode tabulated-list-mode
@@ -317,27 +323,6 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
 ;;; end of worker function definitions
-;;; This function generates all the commands.
-;;; NOTE: The spaces after the unquotes are necessary for let-alist to expand
-;;; the dotted names.
-(defun bluetooth--make-commands ()
-  "Generate the commands specified in `bluetooth--commands'."
-  (dolist (cmd bluetooth--commands)
-    (let-alist cmd
-      (let ((command (intern (concat "bluetooth-" (symbol-name .command)))))
-       (defalias command
-         (cond
-          (.method `(lambda () (interactive)
-                      (bluetooth--dbus-method , .method , .api ,@ .args)
-                      ,@ .run))
-          (.toggle `(lambda () (interactive)
-                      (let ((value (bluetooth--dbus-toggle , .toggle , .api)))
-                        ,@ .run)))
-          (.set `(lambda (arg) (interactive ,(concat "M" .query))
-                   (bluetooth--dbus-set , .set arg , .api)
-                   ,@ .run)))
-         .docstring)))))
 (defun bluetooth--initialize-mode-info ()
   "Get the current adapter state and display it.
 This function only uses the first adapter reported by Bluez."
@@ -352,7 +337,7 @@ This function only uses the first adapter reported by 
                         (list (car elt) (list (cdr (assoc (car elt) resp)))))
     (bluetooth--handle-prop-change (alist-get :adapter bluetooth--interfaces)
-                                  info)))
+                                  info)))
 (defun bluetooth--cleanup ()
   "Clean up when mode buffer is killed."
@@ -408,7 +393,7 @@ This function only uses the first adapter reported by 
     (unless (string-blank-p info)
-      (concat " [" info "] "))))
+      (concat " [" info "]"))))
 ;;; This D-Bus signal handler listens to property changes of the
 ;;; adapter and updates the status display accordingly.
@@ -452,12 +437,11 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
   ;; make sure D-Bus is (made) available
   (dbus-ping bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--timeout)
   (with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer bluetooth-buffer-name)
-    (unless (eq major-mode 'bluetooth-mode)
+    (unless (derived-mode-p 'bluetooth-mode)
-      (bluetooth--make-commands)
-      (cl-pushnew bluetooth--mode-info mode-line-misc-info)
+      (cl-pushnew bluetooth--mode-info mode-line-process)
       (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bluetooth--cleanup nil t)
       (setq imenu-create-index-function #'bluetooth--create-imenu-index)
@@ -562,25 +546,20 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
 ;;; This procedure registers the pairing agent.
 (defun bluetooth--register-agent ()
   "Register as a pairing agent."
-  (save-match-data
-    (let ((methods '("Release" "RequestPinCode" "DisplayPinCode"
-                    "RequestPasskey" "DisplayPasskey" "RequestConfirmation"
-                    "RequestAuthorization" "AuthorizeService" "Cancel")))
-      (setq bluetooth--method-objects
-           (cl-loop for method in methods
-                    with case-fold-search = nil
-                    for fname = (concat "bluetooth-"
-                                        (replace-regexp-in-string
-                                         "[A-Z][a-z]+"
-                                         (lambda (x) (concat "-" (downcase x)))
-                                         method t))
-                    collect (dbus-register-method bluetooth-bluez-bus
-                                                  dbus-service-emacs
-                                                  bluetooth--own-path
-                                                  (alist-get
-                                                   :agent
-                                                   bluetooth--interfaces)
-                                                  method (intern fname) t)))))
+  (let ((methods '("Release" "RequestPinCode" "DisplayPinCode"
+                  "RequestPasskey" "DisplayPasskey" "RequestConfirmation"
+                  "RequestAuthorization" "AuthorizeService" "Cancel")))
+    (setq bluetooth--method-objects
+         (cl-loop for method in methods
+                  with case-fold-search = nil
+                  for fname = (bluetooth--function-name method "-")
+                  collect (dbus-register-method bluetooth-bluez-bus
+                                                dbus-service-emacs
+                                                bluetooth--own-path
+                                                (alist-get
+                                                 :agent
+                                                 bluetooth--interfaces)
+                                                method (intern fname) t))))
   (dbus-register-service :session dbus-service-emacs)
   (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
                    (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
@@ -804,13 +783,7 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
             (#xf . "Personal Mobility Device"))))
   "Bluetooth health minor classes.")
-(defconst bluetooth--uuid-alists
-  '((#xfff0 . bluetooth--sdo-uuid-alist)
-    (#xfd00 . bluetooth--member-uuid-alist)
-    (#x1800 . bluetooth--gatt-service-uuid-alist)
-    (#x0 . bluetooth--service-class-uuid-alist))
-  "Bluetooth UUID alists sorted by beginning of range.")
+;; FIXME: Can't we get those tables from bluez instead?
 (defconst bluetooth--service-class-uuid-alist
      size 50 data
@@ -1381,6 +1354,13 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
       #xFD87 ("Google LLC")))
   "Bluetooth manufacturer UUIDs.")
+(defconst bluetooth--uuid-alists
+  `((#xfff0 . ,bluetooth--sdo-uuid-alist)
+    (#xfd00 . ,bluetooth--member-uuid-alist)
+    (#x1800 . ,bluetooth--gatt-service-uuid-alist)
+    (#x0 . ,bluetooth--service-class-uuid-alist))
+  "Bluetooth UUID alists sorted by beginning of range.")
 (defun bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid (uuid)
   "Parse UUID and return short and long service class names."
   (let ((uuid-re (rx (seq bos (submatch (= 8 xdigit))
@@ -1389,9 +1369,8 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
       (when (string-match uuid-re uuid)
        (let ((service-id (string-to-number (match-string 1 uuid) 16)))
          (or (gethash service-id
-                        (symbol-value
-                         (cdr (-find (lambda (x) (>= service-id (car x)))
-                                     bluetooth--uuid-alists))))
+                      (cdr (-find (lambda (x) (>= service-id (car x)))
+                                  bluetooth--uuid-alists)))
              (list  (format "#x%08x" service-id) "unknown")))))))
 (defun bluetooth--parse-class (class)
@@ -1443,68 +1422,6 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
   "Get the minor field spec for FIELD using DATA as specification."
   (symbol-value (cdr (alist-get field data))))
-(defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
-  "Show detailed information on the device at point."
-  (interactive)
-  (cl-flet ((ins-heading (text)
-                        (insert (propertize text 'face
-                                            'bluetooth-info-heading)))
-           (ins-attr (attr value)
-                     (insert (propertize (format "%15s" attr)
-                                         'face
-                                         'bluetooth-info-attribute))
-                     (insert ": " value "\n")))
-    (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
-      (when dev-id
-       (bluetooth--with-alias dev-id
-         (with-current-buffer-window
-          "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
-          (let ((props (bluetooth--call-method
-                        (car (last (split-string dev-id "/"))) :device
-                        #'dbus-get-all-properties)))
-            (ins-heading "Bluetooth device info\n\n")
-            (ins-attr "Alias" alias)
-            (when-let (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
-              (ins-attr "Address" address))
-            (when-let (addr-type (cdr (assoc "AddressType" props)))
-              (ins-attr "Address type" addr-type))
-            (let ((rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
-                  (tx-power (cdr (assoc "TxPower" props))))
-              (when rssi
-                (ins-attr "RSSI" (format "%4d dBm" rssi)))
-              (when tx-power
-                (ins-attr "Tx Power" (format "%4d dBm" tx-power)))
-              (when (and rssi tx-power)
-                (ins-attr "Path loss" (format "%4d dB" (- tx-power rssi)))))
-            (when-let (mf-info (cadr (assoc "ManufacturerData" props)))
-              (ins-attr "Manufacturer" (or (gethash (car mf-info)
-                                           "unknown")))
-            (when-let (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
-              (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
-                (ins-heading "\nService and device classes\n")
-                (dolist (x p-class)
-                  (insert (propertize
-                           (format "%s:\n"  (car x))
-                           'face 'bluetooth-info-attribute))
-                  (if (listp (cadr x))
-                      (dolist (elt (cadr x))
-                        (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" elt)))
-                    (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" (cadr x)))))))
-            (when-let (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props)))
-              (ins-heading "\nSerives (UUIDs)\n")
-              (dolist (id uuids)
-                (let ((desc (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
-                                (list id))))
-                  (when (car desc)
-                    (insert (format "%30s  " (car desc))))
-                  (when (cadr desc)
-                    (insert (format "%s " (cadr desc))))
-                  (when (caddr desc)
-                    (insert (format "(%s)" (caddr desc))))
-                  (insert "\n")))))
-          (special-mode)))))))
 ;;; Very long list of manufacturer IDs.
 ;;; Last updated: 05. Nov 2019
 (defconst bluetooth--manufacturer-ids
@@ -3615,6 +3532,68 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
       #x0836 "Bitwards Oy"))
   "Bluetooth manufacturer IDs.")
+(defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
+  "Show detailed information on the device at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (cl-flet ((ins-heading (text)
+                        (insert (propertize text 'face
+                                            'bluetooth-info-heading)))
+           (ins-attr (attr value)
+                     (insert (propertize (format "%15s" attr)
+                                         'face
+                                         'bluetooth-info-attribute))
+                     (insert ": " value "\n")))
+    (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+      (when dev-id
+       (bluetooth--with-alias dev-id
+         (with-current-buffer-window
+          "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
+          (let ((props (bluetooth--call-method
+                        (car (last (split-string dev-id "/"))) :device
+                        #'dbus-get-all-properties)))
+            (ins-heading "Bluetooth device info\n\n")
+            (ins-attr "Alias" alias)
+            (when-let (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
+              (ins-attr "Address" address))
+            (when-let (addr-type (cdr (assoc "AddressType" props)))
+              (ins-attr "Address type" addr-type))
+            (let ((rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
+                  (tx-power (cdr (assoc "TxPower" props))))
+              (when rssi
+                (ins-attr "RSSI" (format "%4d dBm" rssi)))
+              (when tx-power
+                (ins-attr "Tx Power" (format "%4d dBm" tx-power)))
+              (when (and rssi tx-power)
+                (ins-attr "Path loss" (format "%4d dB" (- tx-power rssi)))))
+            (when-let (mf-info (cadr (assoc "ManufacturerData" props)))
+              (ins-attr "Manufacturer" (or (gethash (car mf-info)
+                                           "unknown")))
+            (when-let (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
+              (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
+                (ins-heading "\nService and device classes\n")
+                (dolist (x p-class)
+                  (insert (propertize
+                           (format "%s:\n"  (car x))
+                           'face 'bluetooth-info-attribute))
+                  (if (listp (cadr x))
+                      (dolist (elt (cadr x))
+                        (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" elt)))
+                    (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" (cadr x)))))))
+            (when-let (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props)))
+              (ins-heading "\nSerives (UUIDs)\n")
+              (dolist (id uuids)
+                (let ((desc (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
+                                (list id))))
+                  (when (car desc)
+                    (insert (format "%30s  " (car desc))))
+                  (when (cadr desc)
+                    (insert (format "%s " (cadr desc))))
+                  (when (caddr desc)
+                    (insert (format "(%s)" (caddr desc))))
+                  (insert "\n")))))
+          (special-mode)))))))
 (provide 'bluetooth)
 ;;; bluetooth.el ends here

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