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[elpa] externals/bluetooth 00497ca 03/57: adds bluetooth.el and .gitigno

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth 00497ca 03/57: adds bluetooth.el and .gitignore
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 23:28:48 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit 00497ca5337233da3b760f26c5d874ce2563cf8d
Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>

    adds bluetooth.el and .gitignore
 .gitignore   |   4 +
 bluetooth.el | 501 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 505 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f6744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90839df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+;;; bluetooth.el --- A Major mode for Bluetooth devices -*- lexical-binding: t 
+;; Copyright (C) 2019 Raffael Stocker
+;; Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
+;; Created: 13 Aug 2019
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Package-Version:
+;; Package-Requires: ((dash) (let-alist) (dbus))
+;; Keywords: hardware
+;; Homepage:
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package implements basic Bluetooth management functionality, such as
+;; connecting and disconnecting devices, setting properties and aliases,
+;; putting the adapter in discovery mode and controlling its power supply.
+;; It also includes a pairing agent.  No configuration is necessary.
+;; It uses the Bluez Bluetooth stack on GNU/Linux via the DBus interface.
+;; Therefore, it requires an Emacs with DBus support compiled-in.
+;; To use the package, invoke `list-bluetooth-devices'.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'dbus)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'let-alist)
+(require 'dash)
+(defconst bluetooth-buffer-name "*Bluetooth*" "Name of the buffer in
+which to list bluetooth devices.")
+(defconst bluetooth--mode-name "Bluetooth" "Pretty print mode name.")
+(defconst bluetooth--mode-info '(:eval (bluetooth--display-state))
+  "Mode info list.")
+;;; The state information list defines the kind of adapter state displayed
+;;; in the mode-line.  The first element of a sublist is an adapter property,
+;;; the second is the displayed string if the property is non-nil and
+;;; the third is the displayed string if the property is nil.  If a
+;;; display element is nil, nothing will be displayed for this property.
+(defvar bluetooth--mode-state '(("Powered" nil "off")
+                               ("Discoverable" "discoverable" nil)
+                               ("Pairable" "pairable" nil)
+                               ("Discovering" "scan" nil))
+  "Mode line adapter state information.")
+;;; Bluez service name as defined by the Bluez API
+(defconst bluetooth--service "org.bluez" "D-Bus service name of Bluez.")
+;;; Bluez root path as defined by the Bluez API
+(defconst bluetooth--root "/org/bluez" "D-Bus path root for Bluez.")
+;;; our path name for the pairing agent
+(defvar bluetooth--own-path (concat dbus-path-emacs "/bluetooth"))
+;;; the interface name for the pairing agent
+(defvar bluetooth--own-intf (concat dbus-interface-emacs ".bluetooth"))
+(defconst bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "org.bluez.AgentManager1"
+  "D-Bus interface name for the agent manager")
+(defconst bluetooth--agent-intf "org.bluez.Agent1"
+  "D-Bus interface name for the agent")
+(defvar bluetooth--method-objects '() "D-Bus method objects.")
+;;; API description:
+;;; This is a plist of plists, providing API information for the
+;;; implemented D-Bus APIs.
+;;; For instance, API :device has path-spec (bluetooth--adapter
+;;; bluetooth--device) and interface "org.bluez.Device1".
+;;; The path-spec is a list of functions, defined below, that
+;;; return the designated constituents of the D-Bus path.
+(defvar bluetooth--api-info '(:device
+                             (:path
+                              (bluetooth--adapter bluetooth--device)
+                              :interface "org.bluez.Device1")
+                             :adapter
+                             (:path
+                              (bluetooth--adapter)
+                              :interface "org.bluez.Adapter1"))
+  "Bluez D-Bus API information about paths and interfaces.")
+;;; The following functions provide the constituents of the path
+;;; spec in `bluetooth--api-info'.
+(defun bluetooth--adapter (dev-id)
+  "Return the adapter of DEV-ID."
+  (bluetooth--dev-state "Adapter" (assoc dev-id bluetooth--device-info)))
+(defun bluetooth--root (dev-id)
+  "Return the root, ignoring DEV-ID."
+  bluetooth--root)
+(defun bluetooth--device (dev-id)
+  "Return the device name of DEV-ID."
+  dev-id)
+;;; end of path spec functions
+;;; Default timeout for D-Bus commands
+(defvar bluetooth--timeout 5000 "Default timeout for Bluez D-Bus access.")
+;;; This variable holds the device information as obtained from D-Bus.
+(defvar bluetooth--device-info nil "Device info obtained from Bluez.")
+;;; This alist specifies all the commands. The format is as follows:
+;;; command . COMMAND specifies the command name
+;;; key . [?c] specifies the key binding in `bluetooth-mode-map'
+;;; method . "Method" specifies a D-Bus method "Method"
+;;; toggle . "Tprop" specifies a D-Bus property "Tprop" that is toggled
+;;; by the command
+;;; set . "Prop" specifies a D-Bus property "Prop" that can be set by
+;;; the command
+;;; query . "Query" specifies a query issued in the minibuffer; this
+;;; makes sense only if `set' is also specified
+;;; api . [:device|:adapter] specifies the Bluez API to be used
+;;; for the D-Bus command
+;;; args . ARG-LIST adds ARG-LIST to the D-Bus method invocation; the
+;;; ARG-LIST will be spliced and evaluated before the method call
+;;;    The following special keywords are interpreted:
+;;;    :path-devid replace by full object path
+;;;                (e.g. "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_...")
+;;; run . (FORM) runs the lisp FORM after the D-Bus command
+;;; docstring . "STRING" adds STRING as documentation to the command
+(defvar bluetooth--commands
+  '(((command . connect) (key . [?c]) (method . "Connect") (api . :device)
+     (docstring . "Connect to the Bluetooth device at point."))
+    ((command . disconnect) (key . [?d]) (method . "Disconnect")
+     (api . :device) (docstring . "Disconnect Bluetooth device at point."))
+    ((command . toggle-blocked) (key . [?b]) (toggle . "Blocked")
+     (api . :device) (docstring . "Mark Bluetooth device at point blocked."))
+    ((command . toggle-trusted) (key . [?t]) (toggle . "Trusted")
+     (api . :device) (docstring . "Mark Bluetooth device at point trusted."))
+    ((command . set-alias) (key . [?a]) (set . "Alias")
+     (query . "Alias (empty to reset): ") (api . :device)
+     (docstring . "Set alias of Bluetooth device at point."))
+    ((command . start-discovery) (key . [?r]) (method . "StartDiscovery")
+     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Start discovery mode."))
+    ((command . stop-discovery) (key . [?R]) (method . "StopDiscovery")
+     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Stop discovery mode."))
+    ((command . remove-device) (key . [?k]) (method . "RemoveDevice")
+     (api . :adapter) (args :object-path :path-devid)
+     (docstring . "Remove Bluetooth device at point."))
+    ((command . toggle-power) (key . [?s]) (toggle . "Powered")
+     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle power supply of adapter."))
+    ((command . pair) (key . [?P]) (method . "Pair")
+     (api . :device) (docstring . "Pair with a device."))
+    ((command . toggle-discoverable) (key . [?D]) (toggle . "Discoverable")
+     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle discoverable mode."))
+    ((command . toggle-pairable) (key . [?x]) (toggle . "Pairable")
+     (api . :adapter) (docstring . "Toggle pairable mode."))))
+;;; This function provides the list entries for the tabulated-list
+;;; view.  It is called from `tabulated-list-print'.
+(defun bluetooth--list-entry-fcn ()
+  "Provide the list entries for the tabulated view."
+  (setq bluetooth--device-info
+       (bluetooth--get-device-info (bluetooth--get-devices)))
+  (bluetooth--compile-list-entries bluetooth--device-info))
+;;; This function updates the list view.
+(defun bluetooth--update-list ()
+  "Update the list view."
+  (with-current-buffer bluetooth-buffer-name
+    (tabulated-list-print t)))
+;;; List format for the main display buffer.
+;;; NOTE: the strings MUST correspond to Bluez device properties
+;;; as they are used to gather the information from Bluez.
+(defconst bluetooth--list-format
+  [("Alias" 30 t) ("Paired" 6 t) ("Connected" 9 t) ("Address" 17 t)
+   ("Blocked" 7 t) ("Trusted" 7 t)] "The list view format for bluetooth mode.")
+;;; This defines the major mode.
+(define-derived-mode bluetooth-mode tabulated-list-mode
+  bluetooth--mode-name
+  "Major mode for managing Bluetooth devices.
+This mode allows pairing with and connecting to Bluetooth
+devices, as well as setting properties."
+  (setq tabulated-list-format bluetooth--list-format
+       tabulated-list-entries #'bluetooth--list-entry-fcn
+       tabulated-list-padding 1)
+  (bluetooth--make-commands)
+  (tabulated-list-init-header))
+;;; This function returns a list of bluetooth adapters and devices
+;;; in the form
+;;; (("hci0"
+;;;   ("dev_78_AB_BB_DA_6C_7E" "dev_90_F1_AA_06_24_72")))
+;;; The first element of each (sub-) list is an adapter name, followed
+;;; by a list of devices known to this adapter.
+(defun bluetooth--get-devices ()
+  "Return a list of bluetooth adapters and devices connected to them."
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (a)
+             (list a (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
+                      :system bluetooth--service (concat bluetooth--root "/" 
+         (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
+          :system bluetooth--service bluetooth--root)))
+;;; Given a device list as obtained from `bluetooth--get-devices'
+;;; this function gathers all the properties of each device.
+;;; The data is returned in the following structure (alist of alists):
+;; (("dev_78_AB_BB_DA_6C_7E"
+;;   (("Address" . "78:AB:BB:DA:6C:7E")
+;;    ("AddressType" . "public")
+;;    ...
+;;    ("ServicesResolved")))
+;;  ("dev_90_F1_AA_06_24_72"
+;;   (("Address" . "90:F1:AA:06:24:72")
+;;    ("AddressType" . "public")
+;;    ...
+;;    ("ServicesResolved"))))
+(defun bluetooth--get-device-info (devices)
+  "Return a list with information about DEVICES."
+  (mapcan
+   #'(lambda (devlist)
+       (cl-loop for dev in (cadr devlist)
+               for path = (mapconcat #'identity
+                                     (list bluetooth--root (car devlist) dev)
+                                     "/")
+               collect (cons dev (list (dbus-get-all-properties
+                                        :system bluetooth--service path
+                                        "org.bluez.Device1")))))
+   devices))
+(defun bluetooth--dev-state (key device)
+  "Return state information regarding KEY for DEVICE."
+  (let ((value (cdr (assoc key (cadr device)))))
+    (cond ((stringp value) value)
+         ((eq nil value) "no")
+         (t "yes"))))
+;;; This function compiles a list of device information in the
+;;; format needed by `tabulated-list-print'.
+(defun bluetooth--compile-list-entries (device-info)
+  "Compile list entries based on previously gathered device info."
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (dev)
+             (list (car dev)
+                   (cl-map 'vector #'(lambda (key) (bluetooth--dev-state key 
+                           (mapcar #'car bluetooth--list-format))))
+         device-info))
+;;; This function calls FUNCTION with ARGS given the device-id DEV-ID and
+;;; Bluez API.  This is used on D-Bus functions.
+(defun bluetooth--call-method (dev-id api function &rest args)
+  "For DEV-ID, invoke D-Bus FUNCTION, passing ARGS."
+  (let ((path (mapconcat #'(lambda (f) (funcall f dev-id))
+                        (plist-get (plist-get bluetooth--api-info api) :path)
+                        "/"))
+       (interface (plist-get (plist-get bluetooth--api-info api) :interface)))
+    (apply function :system bluetooth--service path interface
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (eq x :path-devid) (concat path "/" 
dev-id) x))
+                  args))))
+;;; The following functions are the workers for the commands.
+;;; They are used by `bluetooth--make-commands'.
+;;; Invoke a D-Bus method with or without parameters.
+(defun bluetooth--dbus-method (method api &rest args)
+  "Invoke METHOD on D-Bus API."
+  (apply #'bluetooth--call-method (tabulated-list-get-id) api
+        #'dbus-call-method-asynchronously method
+        #'(lambda () (tabulated-list-print t)) :timeout bluetooth--timeout 
+;;; Toggle a property.
+(defun bluetooth--dbus-toggle (property api)
+  "Toggle boolean PROPERTY on D-Bus API."
+  (let* ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id))
+        (value (bluetooth--call-method dev-id api
+                                       #'dbus-get-property property)))
+    (bluetooth--call-method dev-id api #'dbus-set-property property (not 
+    (tabulated-list-print t)))
+;;; Set a property.
+(defun bluetooth--dbus-set (property arg api)
+  "Set PROPERTY to ARG on D-Bus API."
+  (bluetooth--call-method (tabulated-list-get-id)
+                         api #'dbus-set-property property arg)
+  (tabulated-list-print t))
+;;; end of worker function definitions
+;;; This function generates all the commands.
+;;; NOTE: The spaces after the unquotes are necessary for let-alist to expand
+;;; the dotted names.
+(defun bluetooth--make-commands ()
+  "Generate the commands specified in `bluetooth--commands'."
+  (dolist (cmd bluetooth--commands)
+    (let-alist cmd
+      (let ((command (intern (concat "bluetooth-" (symbol-name .command)))))
+       (defalias command
+         (cond
+          (.method `(lambda () (interactive)
+                      (bluetooth--dbus-method , .method , .api ,@ .args)
+                      ,@ .run))
+          (.toggle `(lambda () (interactive)
+                      (let ((value (bluetooth--dbus-toggle , .toggle , .api)))
+                       ,@ .run)))
+          (.set `(lambda (arg) (interactive ,(concat "M" .query))
+                   (bluetooth--dbus-set , .set arg , .api)
+                   ,@ .run)))
+         .docstring)
+       (define-key bluetooth-mode-map .key command)))))
+(defun bluetooth--display-state ()
+  "Get the current adapter state and display it.
+This function only uses the first adapter reported by Bluez."
+  (let* ((adapters (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
+                   :system bluetooth--service bluetooth--root))
+        (resp (dbus-get-all-properties :system bluetooth--service
+                                       (concat bluetooth--root "/"
+                                               (car adapters))
+                                       "org.bluez.Adapter1"))
+        (info (mapconcat #'identity
+                         (-keep #'(lambda (x) (if (cdr (assoc (first x) resp))
+                                             (second x) (third x)))
+                                bluetooth--mode-state)
+                         ",")))
+    (unless (string-blank-p info)
+      (concat "[" info "] "))))
+(defun bluetooth--cleanup ()
+  "Clean up."
+  (setq mode-line-misc-info (cl-remove bluetooth--mode-info
+                                      mode-line-misc-info))
+  (bluetooth--unregister-agent))
+;;; This command is the main entry point.  It is meant to be called by
+;;; the user.
+;;; Note that this command will redefine the commands and key bindings
+;;; as specified in `bluetooth--commands'.  If you want to have
+;;; different key bindings, either edit this variable or change the
+;;; key bindings in a hook.
+(defun list-bluetooth-devices ()
+  "Display a list of Bluetooth devices that are available."
+  (interactive)
+  (dbus-ping :system bluetooth--service bluetooth--timeout)
+  (with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer bluetooth-buffer-name)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (bluetooth-mode)
+    (bluetooth--register-agent)
+    (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bluetooth--cleanup nil t)
+    (setq mode-line-misc-info (cl-pushnew bluetooth--mode-info
+                                         mode-line-misc-info))
+    (tabulated-list-print)))
+;;; Bluetooth pairing agent code
+(defmacro bluetooth--with-alias (device &rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY with DEVICE alias bound to ALIAS."
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  `(let ((alias (bluetooth--call-method
+                (car (last (split-string ,device "/"))) :device
+                #'dbus-get-property "Alias")))
+     ,@body))
+(defmacro bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject (&rest body)
+  "Invoke BODY and maybe issue cancel and reject errors.
+`org.bluez.Error.Canceled' is issued on `keyboard-quit' and
+`org.bluez.Error.Rejected' is issued if BODY evaluates to nil."
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  `(or (condition-case nil
+           ,@body
+         (quit (signal 'dbus-error '("org.bluez.Error.Canceled"))))
+       (signal 'dbus-error '("org.bluez.Error.Rejected"))))
+(defun bluetooth--request-pin-code (device)
+  "Request a pin code for DEVICE."
+  (bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject
+    (bluetooth--with-alias device
+      (save-match-data
+       (let* ((pin (read-passwd (format "Enter Bluetooth PIN for `%s': " 
+              (trimmed-pin (substring pin 0 (min (length pin) 16)))
+              (case-fold-search nil))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (cond ((= 0 (length trimmed-pin))
+                    (message "PIN has zero length")
+                    nil)
+                   ((string-match "[^[:alnum:]]" trimmed-pin)
+                    (message "PIN contains non-alphanumeric characters")
+                    nil)
+                   (t trimmed-pin))
+           (clear-string pin)
+           (clear-string trimmed-pin)))))))
+(defun bluetooth--display-pin-code (device pincode)
+  "Display the PINCODE for DEVICE."
+  (bluetooth--with-alias device
+    (message "Bluetooth PIN for `%s': %s" alias pincode)
+    :ignore))
+(defun bluetooth--request-passkey (device)
+  "Request passkey for DEVICE."
+  (bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject
+    (bluetooth--with-alias device
+      (let ((pk (read-from-minibuffer
+                (format "Enter Bluetooth Passkey for `%s': (0..999999) "
+                        alias))))
+       (min (max (string-to-number pk) 0) 999999)))))
+(defun bluetooth--display-passkey (device passkey entered)
+  "Display PASSKEY for DEVICE, ignoring ENTERED (for now)."
+  (bluetooth--with-alias device
+    (message "Bluetooth Passkey for `%s': %06d" alias passkey)
+    :ignore))
+(defun bluetooth--request-confirmation (device passkey)
+  "Request user confirmation that DEVICE's PASSKEY is correct."
+  (bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject
+    (bluetooth--with-alias device
+      (y-or-n-p
+       (format "Is Bluetooth Passkey %06d for `%s' correct? " passkey alias))))
+  :ignore)
+(defun bluetooth--request-authorization (device)
+  "Authorize Bluetooth DEVICE."
+  (bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject
+    (bluetooth--with-alias device
+      (y-or-n-p (format "Authorize Bluetooth device `%s'? " alias))))
+  :ignore)
+(defun bluetooth--authorize-service (device uuid)
+  "Authorize Bluetooth service UUID for DEVICE."
+  (bluetooth--maybe-cancel-reject
+    (bluetooth--with-alias device
+      (y-or-n-p
+       (format "Authorize Bluetooth service `%s' for device `%s'? " uuid 
+  :ignore)
+(defun bluetooth--cancel ()
+  (keyboard-quit)
+  (message "Pairing canceled"))
+(defconst bluetooth--methods
+  '("Release" "RequestPinCode" "DisplayPinCode" "RequestPasskey"
+    "DisplayPasskey" "RequestConfirmation" "RequestAuthorization"
+    "AuthorizeService" "Cancel")
+  "D-Bus method names for the agent interface.")
+;;; This procedure registers the pairing agent.
+(defun bluetooth--register-agent ()
+  "Register as a pairing agent."
+  ;; register all the methods
+  (save-match-data
+    (setq bluetooth--method-objects
+         (cl-loop for method in bluetooth--methods
+                  with case-fold-search = nil
+                  for fname = (concat "bluetooth-"
+                                      (replace-regexp-in-string
+                                       "[A-Z][a-z]+"
+                                       #'(lambda (x) (concat "-" (downcase x)))
+                                       method t))
+                  collect (dbus-register-method :session dbus-service-emacs
+                                                bluetooth--own-path
+                                                bluetooth--agent-intf
+                                                method (intern fname) t))))
+  (dbus-register-service :session dbus-service-emacs)
+  (dbus-call-method :system bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
+                   bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "RegisterAgent"
+                   :object-path bluetooth--own-path "KeyboardDisplay"))
+(defun bluetooth--unregister-agent ()
+  "Unregister the pairing agent."
+  (mapc #'dbus-unregister-object bluetooth--method-objects)
+  (dbus-call-method :system bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
+                   bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "UnregisterAgent"
+                   :object-path bluetooth--own-path))
+(provide 'bluetooth)
+;;; bluetooth.el ends here

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