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scratch/elisp-benchmarks db13e9eae2f 08/54: * benchmarks/dhrystone.el: N

From: Pip Cet
Subject: scratch/elisp-benchmarks db13e9eae2f 08/54: * benchmarks/dhrystone.el: New benchmark
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 12:26:32 -0500 (EST)

branch: scratch/elisp-benchmarks
commit db13e9eae2f21d83f15eefc50c9a21834e3c2048
Author: Luca Nassi <luknax@sdf.org>
Commit: Andrea Corallo <akrl@sdf.org>

    * benchmarks/dhrystone.el: New benchmark
 benchmarks/benchmarks/dhrystone.el | 305 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 305 insertions(+)

diff --git a/benchmarks/benchmarks/dhrystone.el 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3bce4b3905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/benchmarks/dhrystone.el
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Porting to elisp of the famous Dhrystone benchmark
+;; Adapted from C version:
+;; https://github.com/Keith-S-Thompson/dhrystone/blob/master/v2.2/dry.c
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(cl-defstruct dhry-record
+  discr
+  variant)
+(cl-defstruct dhry-var-1
+  enum-comp
+  int-comp
+  str-comp)
+(cl-defstruct dhry-var-2
+  e-comp-2
+  str-2-comp)
+(cl-defstruct dhry-var-3
+  ch-1-comp
+  ch-2-comp)
+(defvar dhry-ptr-glob)
+(defvar dhry-next-ptr-glob)
+(defvar dhry-int-glob)
+(defvar dhry-bool-glob)
+(defvar dhry-ch-1-glob)
+(defvar dhry-ch-2-glob)
+(defvar dhry-arr-1-glob)
+(defvar dhry-arr-2-glob)
+(defun dhry-structassign (dst src)
+  (setf (cdr dst) (cdr src))
+  (let ((src-record (car src))
+       (dst-record (car dst)))
+    (setf (dhry-record-discr dst-record)
+         (dhry-record-discr src-record))
+    (let ((type (dhry-record-discr src-record))
+         (src-variant (dhry-record-variant src-record))
+         (dst-variant (dhry-record-variant dst-record)))
+      (cl-case type
+       (0
+        (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp dst-variant)
+              (dhry-var-1-int-comp src-variant))
+        (setf (dhry-var-1-enum-comp dst-variant)
+              (dhry-var-1-enum-comp src-variant))
+        (store-substring (dhry-var-1-str-comp dst-variant)
+                         0
+                         (dhry-var-1-str-comp src-variant)))
+       (1
+        (setf (dhry-var-2-e-comp-2 dst-variant)
+              (dhry-var-2-e-comp-2 src-variant))
+        (store-substring (dhry-var-2-str-2-comp dst-variant)
+                         0
+                         (dhry-var-2-str-2-comp src-variant)))
+       (2
+        (setf (dhry-var-3-ch-1-comp dst-variant)
+              (dhry-var-3-ch-1-comp src-variant))
+        (setf (dhry-var-3-ch-2-comp dst-variant)
+              (dhry-var-3-ch-2-comp src-variant)))))))
+(defun dhry-proc-1 (ptr-val-par)
+  (let ((next-record (cdr ptr-val-par)))
+    (dhry-structassign (cdr ptr-val-par) dhry-ptr-glob)
+    (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car ptr-val-par))) 5)
+    (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car next-record)))
+         (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car ptr-val-par))))
+    (setf (cdr next-record) (dhry-proc-3 (cdr next-record)))
+    (if (= (dhry-record-discr (car next-record)) 0)
+       (progn
+         (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car next-record))) 6)
+         (setf (dhry-var-1-enum-comp (dhry-record-variant (car next-record)))
+               (dhry-proc-6 (dhry-var-1-enum-comp (dhry-record-variant (car 
+         (setf (cdr next-record) (cdr dhry-ptr-glob))
+         (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car next-record)))
+               (dhry-proc-7 (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car 
next-record))) 10)))
+      (dhry-structassign ptr-val-par (cdr ptr-val-par)))))
+(defun dhry-proc-2 (int-par-ref)
+  (let (int-loc enum-loc)
+    (setq int-loc (+ int-par-ref 10))
+    (cl-loop when (= dhry-ch-1-glob ?A)
+            do (cl-decf int-loc)
+               (setq int-par-ref (- int-loc dhry-int-glob))
+               (setq enum-loc 0)
+            while (/= enum-loc 0))
+    int-par-ref))
+(defun dhry-proc-3 (ptr-ref-par)
+  (let ((ret ptr-ref-par))
+    (when dhry-ptr-glob
+      (setq ret (cdr dhry-ptr-glob)))
+    (setf (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car dhry-ptr-glob))) 
(dhry-proc-7 10 dhry-int-glob))
+    ret))
+(defun dhry-proc-4 ()
+  (let (bool-loc)
+    (setq bool-loc (= dhry-ch-1-glob ?A))
+    (setq dhry-bool-glob (or bool-loc dhry-bool-glob))
+    (setq dhry-ch-2-glob ?B)))
+(defun dhry-proc-5 ()
+  (setq dhry-ch-1-glob ?A)
+  (setq dhry-bool-glob nil))
+(defun dhry-proc-6 (enum-val-par)
+  (let (enum-ref-par)
+    (setq enum-ref-par enum-val-par)
+    (unless (dhry-func-3 enum-val-par)
+      (setq enum-ref-par 3))
+    (cl-case enum-val-par
+      (0
+       (setq enum-ref-par 0))
+      (1
+       (if (> dhry-int-glob 100)
+          (setq enum-ref-par 0)
+        (setq enum-ref-par 3)))
+      (2
+       (setq enum-ref-par 1))
+      (3
+       nil)
+      (4
+       (setq enum-ref-par 2)))
+    enum-ref-par))
+(defun dhry-proc-7 (int-1-par-val int-2-par-val)
+  (let (int-loc)
+    (setq int-loc (+ int-1-par-val 2))
+    (+ int-2-par-val int-loc)))
+(defun dhry-proc-8 (arr-1-par-ref arr-2-par-ref int-1-par-val int-2-par-val)
+  (let (int-loc)
+    (setq int-loc (+ int-1-par-val 5))
+    (setf (aref arr-1-par-ref int-loc) int-2-par-val)
+    (setf (aref arr-1-par-ref (1+ int-loc)) (aref arr-1-par-ref int-loc))
+    (setf (aref arr-1-par-ref (+ int-loc 30)) int-loc)
+    (cl-loop for int-index from int-loc to (1+ int-loc)
+            do (setf (aref (aref arr-2-par-ref int-loc) int-index) int-loc))
+    (cl-incf (aref (aref arr-2-par-ref int-loc) (1- int-loc)))
+    (setf (aref (aref arr-2-par-ref (+ int-loc 20)) int-loc) (aref 
arr-1-par-ref int-loc))
+    (setq dhry-int-glob 5)))
+(defun dhry-func-1 (ch-1-par-val ch-2-par-val)
+  (let (ch-1-loc ch-2-loc)
+    (setq ch-1-loc ch-1-par-val)
+    (setq ch-2-loc ch-1-loc)
+    (if (/= ch-2-loc ch-2-par-val)
+       0
+      (setq dhry-ch-1-glob ch-1-loc)
+      1)))
+(defun dhry-func-2 (str-1-par-ref str-2-par-ref)
+  (let (int-loc ch-loc)
+    (setq int-loc 2)
+    (while (<= int-loc 2)
+      (if (= (dhry-func-1 (aref str-1-par-ref int-loc)
+                         (aref str-2-par-ref (1+ int-loc)))
+            0)
+         (progn
+           (setq ch-loc ?A)
+           (cl-incf int-loc))))
+    (if (and (>= ch-loc ?W) (< ch-loc ?Z))
+       (setq int-loc 7))
+    (if (= ch-loc ?R)
+       t
+      (if (string> str-1-par-ref str-2-par-ref)
+         (progn
+           (cl-incf int-loc 7)
+           (setq dhry-int-glob int-loc)
+           t)
+       nil))))
+(defun dhry-func-3 (enum-par-val)
+  (let (enum-loc)
+    (setq enum-loc enum-par-val)
+    (if (= enum-loc 2)
+       t
+      nil)))
+(defun dhrystone (number-of-runs &optional check)
+  (let (int-1-loc
+       int-2-loc
+       int-3-loc
+       enum-loc
+       (str-1-loc (make-string 30 0))
+       (str-2-loc (make-string 30 0)))
+    ;; initialization (pre-allocate to avoid consing in the loop)
+    (setq dhry-ptr-glob (list (make-dhry-record) (make-dhry-record)))
+    (setf (dhry-record-discr (car dhry-ptr-glob)) 0)
+    (setf (dhry-record-variant (car dhry-ptr-glob))
+         (make-dhry-var-1
+          :enum-comp 2
+          :int-comp 40
+          :str-comp "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING"))
+    (setf (dhry-record-variant (cadr dhry-ptr-glob))
+         (make-dhry-var-1
+          :str-comp (make-string 30 0)))
+    (setq dhry-int-glob 0)
+    (setq dhry-bool-glob nil)
+    (setq dhry-ch-1-glob 0)
+    (setq dhry-ch-2-glob 0)
+    (setq dhry-arr-1-glob (make-vector 50 0))
+    (setq dhry-arr-2-glob (make-vector 50 0))
+    (dotimes (i 50)
+      (setf (aref dhry-arr-2-glob i) (make-vector 50 0)))
+    (setf (aref (aref dhry-arr-2-glob 8) 7) 10)
+    (store-substring str-1-loc 0 "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING")
+    ;; dhrystone loop
+    (dotimes (run-index number-of-runs)
+      (dhry-proc-5)
+      (dhry-proc-4)
+      (setq int-1-loc 2)
+      (setq int-2-loc 3)
+      (store-substring str-2-loc 0 "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING")
+      (setq enum-loc 1)
+      (setq dhry-bool-glob (not (dhry-func-2 str-1-loc str-2-loc)))
+      (while (< int-1-loc int-2-loc)
+       (setq int-3-loc (- (* 5 int-1-loc) int-2-loc))
+       (setq int-3-loc (dhry-proc-7 int-1-loc int-2-loc))
+       (cl-incf int-1-loc))
+      (dhry-proc-8 dhry-arr-1-glob dhry-arr-2-glob int-1-loc int-3-loc)
+      (dhry-proc-1 dhry-ptr-glob)
+      (cl-loop for ch-index from ?A to dhry-ch-2-glob
+               when (= enum-loc (dhry-func-1 ch-index ?C))
+              do (setq enum-loc (dhry-proc-6 0))
+                 (store-substring str-2-loc 0 "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 3'RD STRING")
+                 (setq int-2-loc run-index)
+                 (setq dhry-int-glob run-index))
+      (setq int-2-loc (* int-2-loc int-1-loc))
+      (setq int-1-loc (/ int-2-loc int-3-loc))
+      (setq int-2-loc (- (* 7 (- int-2-loc int-3-loc)) int-1-loc))
+      (setq int-1-loc (dhry-proc-2 int-1-loc)))
+    ;; check results
+    (when check
+      (cl-flet ((result-compare (name val ref)
+                 (unless (equal val ref)
+                   (error "%s: %s, expected: %s" name val ref))))
+       (result-compare "Int_Glob"
+                       dhry-int-glob 5)
+       (result-compare "Bool_Glob"
+                       dhry-bool-glob t)
+       (result-compare "Ch_1_Glob"
+                       dhry-ch-1-glob ?A)
+       (result-compare "Ch_2_Glob"
+                       dhry-ch-2-glob ?B)
+       (result-compare "Arr_1_Glob[8]"
+                       (aref dhry-arr-1-glob 8) 7)
+       (result-compare "Arr_2_Glob[8][7]"
+                       (aref (aref dhry-arr-2-glob 8) 7) (+ number-of-runs 10))
+       (result-compare "Ptr_Glob->Discr"
+                       (dhry-record-discr (car dhry-ptr-glob)) 0)
+       (result-compare "Ptr_Glob->var_1->Enum_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-enum-comp (dhry-record-variant (car 
dhry-ptr-glob))) 2)
+       (result-compare "Ptr-Glob->var_1->Int_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (car 
dhry-ptr-glob))) 17)
+       (result-compare "Ptr_Glob->var_1->Str_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-str-comp (dhry-record-variant (car 
+       (result-compare "Next_Ptr_Glob->Discr"
+                       (dhry-record-discr (cadr dhry-ptr-glob)) 0)
+       (result-compare "Next_Ptr_Glob->var_1->Enum_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-enum-comp (dhry-record-variant (cadr 
dhry-ptr-glob))) 1)
+       (result-compare "Next_Ptr_Glob->var_1->Int_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-int-comp (dhry-record-variant (cadr 
dhry-ptr-glob))) 18)
+       (result-compare "Next_Ptr_Glob->var_1->Str_Comp"
+                       (dhry-var-1-str-comp (dhry-record-variant (cadr 
+       (result-compare "Int_1_Loc"
+                       int-1-loc 5)
+       (result-compare "Int_2_Loc"
+                       int-2-loc 13)
+       (result-compare "Int_3_Loc"
+                       int-3-loc 7)
+       (result-compare "Enum_Loc"
+                       enum-loc 1)
+       (result-compare "Str_1_Loc"
+                       str-1-loc "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING")
+       (result-compare "Str_2_Loc"
+                       str-2-loc "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING")))))
+(defun elb-dhrystone-entry ()
+  (dhrystone 1000000))
+(provide 'elb-dhrystone)

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