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scratch/faster-loaddefs da7038e8ee: Flip dependency -- move needed autol

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: scratch/faster-loaddefs da7038e8ee: Flip dependency -- move needed autoload.el files til loaddefs-gen.el
Date: Sun, 29 May 2022 13:40:56 -0400 (EDT)

branch: scratch/faster-loaddefs
commit da7038e8eeb29b0d01bac7b3050430a6ffda6be0
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Flip dependency -- move needed autoload.el files til loaddefs-gen.el
    After this, autoload.el functions/variables shouldn't be necessary during
    an Emacs build.
 lisp/Makefile.in                |  10 +-
 lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el     | 375 +---------------------------------------
 lisp/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.el | 342 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 348 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/Makefile.in b/lisp/Makefile.in
index 966369c8d3..356201b5ef 100644
--- a/lisp/Makefile.in
+++ b/lisp/Makefile.in
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@ compile-first: BYTE_COMPILE_FLAGS = \
 # Files to compile before others during a bootstrap.  This is done to
 # speed up the bootstrap process.  They're ordered by size, so we use
-# the slowest-compiler on the smallest file and move to larger files as the
-# compiler gets faster.  'autoload.elc' comes last because it is not used by
-# the compiler (so its compilation does not speed up subsequent compilations),
-# it's only placed here so as to speed up generation of the loaddefs.el file.
+# the slowest-compiler on the smallest file and move to larger files
+# as the compiler gets faster.  'loaddefs-gen.elc'/'radix-tree.el'
+# comes last because they're not used by the compiler (so its
+# compilation does not speed up subsequent compilations), it's only
+# placed here so as to speed up generation of the loaddefs.el files.
        $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/macroexp.elc \
@@ -90,7 +91,6 @@ COMPILE_FIRST += $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/comp.elc
 COMPILE_FIRST += $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/comp-cstr.elc
 COMPILE_FIRST += $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.elc
-COMPILE_FIRST += $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/autoload.elc
 COMPILE_FIRST += $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.elc
 # Files to compile early in compile-main.  Works around bug#25556.
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
index abd55338b6..76dd574ee4 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 (require 'lisp-mode)                   ;for `doc-string-elt' properties.
 (require 'lisp-mnt)
 (require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'loaddefs-gen)
 (defvar generated-autoload-file nil
   "File into which to write autoload definitions.
@@ -112,165 +113,7 @@ then we use the timestamp of the output file instead.  As 
a result:
 (defvar autoload-modified-buffers)      ;Dynamically scoped var.
-(defun make-autoload (form file &optional expansion)
-  "Turn FORM into an autoload or defvar for source file FILE.
-Returns nil if FORM is not a special autoload form (i.e. a function definition
-or macro definition or a defcustom).
-If EXPANSION is non-nil, we're processing the macro expansion of an
-expression, in which case we want to handle forms differently."
-  (let ((car (car-safe form)) expand)
-    (cond
-     ((and expansion (eq car 'defalias))
-      (pcase-let*
-          ((`(,_ ,_ ,arg . ,rest) form)
-           ;; `type' is non-nil if it defines a macro.
-           ;; `fun' is the function part of `arg' (defaults to `arg').
-           ((or (and (or `(cons 'macro ,fun) `'(macro . ,fun)) (let type t))
-                (and (let fun arg) (let type nil)))
-            arg)
-           ;; `lam' is the lambda expression in `fun' (or nil if not
-           ;; recognized).
-           (lam (if (memq (car-safe fun) '(quote function)) (cadr fun)))
-           ;; `args' is the list of arguments (or t if not recognized).
-           ;; `body' is the body of `lam' (or t if not recognized).
-           ((or `(lambda ,args . ,body)
-                (and (let args t) (let body t)))
-            lam)
-           ;; Get the `doc' from `body' or `rest'.
-           (doc (cond ((stringp (car-safe body)) (car body))
-                      ((stringp (car-safe rest)) (car rest))))
-           ;; Look for an interactive spec.
-           (interactive (pcase body
-                          ((or `((interactive . ,iargs) . ,_)
-                               `(,_ (interactive . ,iargs) . ,_))
-                           ;; List of modes or just t.
-                           (if (nthcdr 1 iargs)
-                               (list 'quote (nthcdr 1 iargs))
-                             t)))))
-        ;; Add the usage form at the end where describe-function-1
-        ;; can recover it.
-        (when (consp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args)))
-        ;; (message "autoload of %S" (nth 1 form))
-        `(autoload ,(nth 1 form) ,file ,doc ,interactive ,type)))
-     ((and expansion (memq car '(progn prog1)))
-      (let ((end (memq :autoload-end form)))
-       (when end             ;Cut-off anything after the :autoload-end marker.
-          (setq form (copy-sequence form))
-          (setcdr (memq :autoload-end form) nil))
-        (let ((exps (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (form)
-                                        (make-autoload form file expansion))
-                                      (cdr form)))))
-          (when exps (cons 'progn exps)))))
-     ;; For complex cases, try again on the macro-expansion.
-     ((and (memq car '(easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode
-                       define-globalized-minor-mode defun defmacro
-                      easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode
-                       define-inline cl-defun cl-defmacro cl-defgeneric
-                       cl-defstruct pcase-defmacro))
-           (macrop car)
-          (setq expand (let ((load-true-file-name file)
-                              (load-file-name file))
-                          (macroexpand form)))
-          (memq (car expand) '(progn prog1 defalias)))
-      (make-autoload expand file 'expansion)) ;Recurse on the expansion.
-     ;; For special function-like operators, use the `autoload' function.
-     ((memq car '(define-skeleton define-derived-mode
-                   define-compilation-mode define-generic-mode
-                  easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode
-                  define-globalized-minor-mode
-                  easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode
-                  cl-defun defun* cl-defmacro defmacro*
-                   define-overloadable-function))
-      (let* ((macrop (memq car '(defmacro cl-defmacro defmacro*)))
-            (name (nth 1 form))
-            (args (pcase car
-                     ((or 'defun 'defmacro
-                          'defun* 'defmacro* 'cl-defun 'cl-defmacro
-                          'define-overloadable-function)
-                      (nth 2 form))
-                     ('define-skeleton '(&optional str arg))
-                     ((or 'define-generic-mode 'define-derived-mode
-                          'define-compilation-mode)
-                      nil)
-                     (_ t)))
-            (body (nthcdr (or (function-get car 'doc-string-elt) 3) form))
-            (doc (if (stringp (car body)) (pop body))))
-        ;; Add the usage form at the end where describe-function-1
-        ;; can recover it.
-       (when (listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args)))
-        ;; `define-generic-mode' quotes the name, so take care of that
-        `(autoload ,(if (listp name) name (list 'quote name))
-           ,file ,doc
-           ,(or (and (memq car '(define-skeleton define-derived-mode
-                                  define-generic-mode
-                                  easy-mmode-define-global-mode
-                                  define-global-minor-mode
-                                  define-globalized-minor-mode
-                                  easy-mmode-define-minor-mode
-                                  define-minor-mode))
-                     t)
-                (and (eq (car-safe (car body)) 'interactive)
-                     ;; List of modes or just t.
-                     (or (if (nthcdr 1 (car body))
-                             (list 'quote (nthcdr 1 (car body)))
-                           t))))
-           ,(if macrop ''macro nil))))
-     ;; For defclass forms, use `eieio-defclass-autoload'.
-     ((eq car 'defclass)
-      (let ((name (nth 1 form))
-           (superclasses (nth 2 form))
-           (doc (nth 4 form)))
-       (list 'eieio-defclass-autoload (list 'quote name)
-             (list 'quote superclasses) file doc)))
-     ;; Convert defcustom to less space-consuming data.
-     ((eq car 'defcustom)
-      (let* ((varname (car-safe (cdr-safe form)))
-            (props (nthcdr 4 form))
-            (initializer (plist-get props :initialize))
-            (init (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form))))
-            (doc (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))))
-            ;; (rest (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))))
-            )
-       `(progn
-          ,(if (not (member initializer '(nil 'custom-initialize-default
-                                          #'custom-initialize-default
-                                          'custom-initialize-reset
-                                          #'custom-initialize-reset)))
-               form
-             `(defvar ,varname ,init ,doc))
-          ;; When we include the complete `form', this `custom-autoload'
-           ;; is not indispensable, but it still helps in case the `defcustom'
-           ;; doesn't specify its group explicitly, and probably in a few other
-           ;; corner cases.
-          (custom-autoload ',varname ,file
-                            ,(condition-case nil
-                                 (null (plist-get props :set))
-                               (error nil)))
-           ;; Propagate the :safe property to the loaddefs file.
-           ,@(when-let ((safe (plist-get props :safe)))
-               `((put ',varname 'safe-local-variable ,safe))))))
-     ((eq car 'defgroup)
-      ;; In Emacs this is normally handled separately by cus-dep.el, but for
-      ;; third party packages, it can be convenient to explicitly autoload
-      ;; a group.
-      (let ((groupname (nth 1 form)))
-        `(let ((loads (get ',groupname 'custom-loads)))
-           (if (member ',file loads) nil
-             (put ',groupname 'custom-loads (cons ',file loads))))))
-     ;; When processing a macro expansion, any expression
-     ;; before a :autoload-end should be included.  These are typically (put
-     ;; 'fun 'prop val) and things like that.
-     ((and expansion (consp form)) form)
-     ;; nil here indicates that this is not a special autoload form.
-     (t nil))))
+(defalias 'make-autoload #'loaddefs-gen--make-autoload)
 ;; Forms which have doc-strings which should be printed specially.
 ;; A doc-string-elt property of ELT says that (nth ELT FORM) is
@@ -379,41 +222,7 @@ put the output in."
              (print-escape-nonascii t))
          (print form outbuf)))))))
-(defun autoload-rubric (file &optional type feature)
-  "Return a string giving the appropriate autoload rubric for FILE.
-TYPE (default \"autoloads\") is a string stating the type of
-information contained in FILE.  TYPE \"package\" acts like the default,
-but adds an extra line to the output to modify `load-path'.
-If FEATURE is non-nil, FILE will provide a feature.  FEATURE may
-be a string naming the feature, otherwise it will be based on
-FILE's name."
-  (let ((basename (file-name-nondirectory file))
-       (lp (if (equal type "package") (setq type "autoloads"))))
-    (concat ";;; " basename
-            " --- automatically extracted " (or type "autoloads")
-            "  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-\n"
-            (when (string-match "/lisp/loaddefs\\.el\\'" file)
-              ";; This file will be copied to ldefs-boot.el and checked in 
-           ";;\n"
-           ";;; Code:\n\n"
-           (if lp
-               "(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
-                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))\n\n")
-           "\n"
-           ;; This is used outside of autoload.el, eg cus-dep, finder.
-           (if feature
-               (format "(provide '%s)\n"
-                       (if (stringp feature) feature
-                         (file-name-sans-extension basename))))
-           ";; Local Variables:\n"
-           ";; version-control: never\n"
-            ";; no-byte-compile: t\n" ;; #$ is byte-compiled into nil.
-           ";; no-update-autoloads: t\n"
-           ";; coding: utf-8-emacs-unix\n"
-           ";; End:\n"
-           ";;; " basename
-           " ends here\n")))
+(defalias 'autoload-rubric #'loaddefs-gen--rubric)
 (defvar autoload-ensure-writable nil
   "Non-nil means `autoload-find-generated-file' makes existing file writable.")
@@ -433,36 +242,6 @@ FILE's name."
              (ignore-errors (set-file-modes file (logior modes #o0200))))))
-(defun autoload-insert-section-header (outbuf autoloads load-name file time)
-  "Insert into buffer OUTBUF the section-header line for FILE.
-The header line lists the file name, its \"load name\", its autoloads,
-and the time the FILE was last updated (the time is inserted only
-if `autoload-timestamps' is non-nil, otherwise a fixed fake time is inserted)."
-  ;; (cl-assert ;Make sure we don't insert it in the middle of another section.
-  ;;  (save-excursion
-  ;;    (or (not (re-search-backward
-  ;;              (concat "\\("
-  ;;                      (regexp-quote generate-autoload-section-header)
-  ;;                      "\\)\\|\\("
-  ;;                      (regexp-quote generate-autoload-section-trailer)
-  ;;                      "\\)")
-  ;;              nil t))
-  ;;        (match-end 2))))
-  (insert generate-autoload-section-header)
-  (prin1 `(autoloads ,autoloads ,load-name ,file ,time)
-        outbuf)
-  (terpri outbuf)
-  ;; Break that line at spaces, to avoid very long lines.
-  ;; Make each sub-line into a comment.
-  (with-current-buffer outbuf
-    (save-excursion
-      (forward-line -1)
-      (while (not (eolp))
-       (move-to-column 64)
-       (skip-chars-forward "^ \n")
-       (or (eolp)
-           (insert "\n" generate-autoload-section-continuation))))))
 (defun autoload-find-file (file)
   "Fetch FILE and put it in a temp buffer.  Return the buffer."
   ;; It is faster to avoid visiting the file.
@@ -480,35 +259,12 @@ if `autoload-timestamps' is non-nil, otherwise a fixed 
fake time is inserted)."
+(defalias 'autoload-insert-section-header 
 (defvar no-update-autoloads nil
   "File local variable to prevent scanning this file for autoload cookies.")
-(defun autoload-file-load-name (file outfile)
-  "Compute the name that will be used to load FILE.
-OUTFILE should be the name of the global loaddefs.el file, which
-is expected to be at the root directory of the files we are
-scanning for autoloads and will be in the `load-path'."
-  (let* ((name (file-relative-name file (file-name-directory outfile)))
-         (names '())
-         (dir (file-name-directory outfile)))
-    ;; If `name' has directory components, only keep the
-    ;; last few that are really needed.
-    (while name
-      (setq name (directory-file-name name))
-      (push (file-name-nondirectory name) names)
-      (setq name (file-name-directory name)))
-    (while (not name)
-      (cond
-       ((null (cdr names)) (setq name (car names)))
-       ((file-exists-p (expand-file-name "subdirs.el" dir))
-        ;; FIXME: here we only check the existence of subdirs.el,
-        ;; without checking its content.  This makes it generate wrong load
-        ;; names for cases like lisp/term which is not added to load-path.
-        (setq dir (expand-file-name (pop names) dir)))
-       (t (setq name (mapconcat #'identity names "/")))))
-    (if (string-match "\\.elc?\\(\\.\\|\\'\\)" name)
-        (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0))
-      name)))
+(defalias 'autoload-file-load-name #'loaddefs-gen--file-load-name)
 (defun generate-file-autoloads (file)
   "Insert at point a loaddefs autoload section for FILE.
@@ -522,13 +278,6 @@ Return non-nil in the case where no autoloads were added 
at point."
     (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name)
-(defvar autoload-compute-prefixes t
-  "If non-nil, autoload will add code to register the prefixes used in a file.
-Standard prefixes won't be registered anyway.  I.e. if a file \"foo.el\" 
-variables or functions that use \"foo-\" as prefix, that will not be 
-But all other prefixes will be included.")
-(put 'autoload-compute-prefixes 'safe-local-variable #'booleanp)
 (defconst autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries 5
   "Target length of the list of definition prefixes per file.
 If set too small, the prefixes will be too generic (i.e. they'll use little
@@ -540,102 +289,7 @@ cost more memory use).")
   "Target size of definition prefixes.
 Don't try to split prefixes that are already longer than that.")
-(require 'radix-tree)
-(defun autoload--make-defs-autoload (defs file)
-  ;; Remove the defs that obey the rule that file foo.el (or
-  ;; foo-mode.el) uses "foo-" as prefix.
-  ;; FIXME: help--symbol-completion-table still doesn't know how to use
-  ;; the rule that file foo.el (or foo-mode.el) uses "foo-" as prefix.
-  ;;(let ((prefix
-  ;;       (concat (substring file 0 (string-match "-mode\\'" file)) "-")))
-  ;;  (dolist (def (prog1 defs (setq defs nil)))
-  ;;    (unless (string-prefix-p prefix def)
-  ;;      (push def defs))))
-  ;; Then compute a small set of prefixes that cover all the
-  ;; remaining definitions.
-  (let* ((tree (let ((tree radix-tree-empty))
-                 (dolist (def defs)
-                   (setq tree (radix-tree-insert tree def t)))
-                 tree))
-         (prefixes nil))
-    ;; Get the root prefixes, that we should include in any case.
-    (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
-     tree (lambda (prefix subtree)
-            (push (cons prefix subtree) prefixes)))
-    ;; In some cases, the root prefixes are too short, e.g. if you define
-    ;; "cc-helper" and "c-mode", you'll get "c" in the root prefixes.
-    (dolist (pair (prog1 prefixes (setq prefixes nil)))
-      (let ((s (car pair)))
-        (if (or (and (> (length s) 2)   ; Long enough!
-                     ;; But don't use "def" from deffoo-pkg-thing.
-                     (not (string= "def" s)))
-                (string-match ".[[:punct:]]\\'" s) ;A real (tho short) prefix?
-                (radix-tree-lookup (cdr pair) "")) ;Nothing to expand!
-            (push pair prefixes) ;Keep it as is.
-          (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
-           (cdr pair) (lambda (prefix subtree)
-                        (push (cons (concat s prefix) subtree) prefixes))))))
-    ;; FIXME: The expansions done below are mostly pointless, such as
-    ;; for `yenc', where we replace "yenc-" with an exhaustive list (5
-    ;; elements).
-    ;; (while
-    ;;     (let ((newprefixes nil)
-    ;;           (changes nil))
-    ;;       (dolist (pair prefixes)
-    ;;         (let ((prefix (car pair)))
-    ;;           (if (or (> (length prefix) autoload-def-prefixes-max-length)
-    ;;                   (radix-tree-lookup (cdr pair) ""))
-    ;;               ;; No point splitting it any further.
-    ;;               (push pair newprefixes)
-    ;;             (setq changes t)
-    ;;             (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
-    ;;              (cdr pair) (lambda (sprefix subtree)
-    ;;                           (push (cons (concat prefix sprefix) subtree)
-    ;;                                 newprefixes))))))
-    ;;       (and changes
-    ;;            (<= (length newprefixes)
-    ;;                autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries)
-    ;;            (let ((new nil)
-    ;;                  (old nil))
-    ;;              (dolist (pair prefixes)
-    ;;                (unless (memq pair newprefixes) ;Not old
-    ;;                  (push pair old)))
-    ;;              (dolist (pair newprefixes)
-    ;;                (unless (memq pair prefixes) ;Not new
-    ;;                  (push pair new)))
-    ;;              (cl-assert new)
-    ;;              (message "Expanding %S to %S"
-    ;;                       (mapcar #'car old) (mapcar #'car new))
-    ;;              t)
-    ;;            (setq prefixes newprefixes)
-    ;;            (< (length prefixes) autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries))))
-    ;; (message "Final prefixes %s : %S" file (mapcar #'car prefixes))
-    (when prefixes
-      (let ((strings
-             (mapcar
-              (lambda (x)
-                (let ((prefix (car x)))
-                  (if (or (> (length prefix) 2) ;Long enough!
-                          (and (eq (length prefix) 2)
-                               (string-match "[[:punct:]]" prefix)))
-                      prefix
-                    ;; Some packages really don't follow the rules.
-                    ;; Drop the most egregious cases such as the
-                    ;; one-letter prefixes.
-                    (let ((dropped ()))
-                      (radix-tree-iter-mappings
-                       (cdr x) (lambda (s _)
-                                 (push (concat prefix s) dropped)))
-                      (message "%s:0: Warning: Not registering prefix \"%s\".  
Affects: %S"
-                               file prefix dropped)
-                      nil))))
-              prefixes)))
-        `(register-definition-prefixes ,file ',(sort (delq nil strings)
-                                                    'string<))))))
+(defalias 'autoload--make-defs-autoload #'loaddefs-gen--make-prefixes)
 (defun autoload--setup-output (otherbuf outbuf absfile load-name output-file)
   (let ((outbuf
@@ -687,21 +341,6 @@ Don't try to split prefixes that are already longer than 
 (defvar autoload-builtin-package-versions nil)
-(defvar autoload-ignored-definitions
-  '("define-obsolete-function-alias"
-    "define-obsolete-variable-alias"
-    "define-category" "define-key"
-    "defgroup" "defface" "defadvice"
-    "def-edebug-spec"
-    ;; Hmm... this is getting ugly:
-    "define-widget"
-    "define-erc-module"
-    "define-erc-response-handler"
-    "defun-rcirc-command")
-  "List of strings naming definitions to ignore for prefixes.
-More specifically those definitions will not be considered for the
-`register-definition-prefixes' call.")
 (defun autoload-generate-file-autoloads (file &optional outbuf outfile)
   "Insert an autoload section for FILE in the appropriate buffer.
 Autoloads are generated for defuns and defmacros in FILE
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.el
index e3aed11f62..8ca2734a1c 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/loaddefs-gen.el
@@ -42,7 +42,270 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'autoload)
+(require 'radix-tree)
+(require 'lisp-mnt)
+(defvar autoload-compute-prefixes t
+  "If non-nil, autoload will add code to register the prefixes used in a file.
+Standard prefixes won't be registered anyway.  I.e. if a file \"foo.el\" 
+variables or functions that use \"foo-\" as prefix, that will not be 
+But all other prefixes will be included.")
+(put 'autoload-compute-prefixes 'safe-local-variable #'booleanp)
+(defvar autoload-ignored-definitions
+  '("define-obsolete-function-alias"
+    "define-obsolete-variable-alias"
+    "define-category" "define-key"
+    "defgroup" "defface" "defadvice"
+    "def-edebug-spec"
+    ;; Hmm... this is getting ugly:
+    "define-widget"
+    "define-erc-module"
+    "define-erc-response-handler"
+    "defun-rcirc-command")
+  "List of strings naming definitions to ignore for prefixes.
+More specifically those definitions will not be considered for the
+`register-definition-prefixes' call.")
+(defun loaddefs-gen--file-load-name (file outfile)
+  "Compute the name that will be used to load FILE.
+OUTFILE should be the name of the global loaddefs.el file, which
+is expected to be at the root directory of the files we are
+scanning for autoloads and will be in the `load-path'."
+  (let* ((name (file-relative-name file (file-name-directory outfile)))
+         (names '())
+         (dir (file-name-directory outfile)))
+    ;; If `name' has directory components, only keep the
+    ;; last few that are really needed.
+    (while name
+      (setq name (directory-file-name name))
+      (push (file-name-nondirectory name) names)
+      (setq name (file-name-directory name)))
+    (while (not name)
+      (cond
+       ((null (cdr names)) (setq name (car names)))
+       ((file-exists-p (expand-file-name "subdirs.el" dir))
+        ;; FIXME: here we only check the existence of subdirs.el,
+        ;; without checking its content.  This makes it generate wrong load
+        ;; names for cases like lisp/term which is not added to load-path.
+        (setq dir (expand-file-name (pop names) dir)))
+       (t (setq name (mapconcat #'identity names "/")))))
+    (if (string-match "\\.elc?\\(\\.\\|\\'\\)" name)
+        (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0))
+      name)))
+(defun loaddefs-gen--make-autoload (form file &optional expansion)
+  "Turn FORM into an autoload or defvar for source file FILE.
+Returns nil if FORM is not a special autoload form (i.e. a function definition
+or macro definition or a defcustom).
+If EXPANSION is non-nil, we're processing the macro expansion of an
+expression, in which case we want to handle forms differently."
+  (let ((car (car-safe form)) expand)
+    (cond
+     ((and expansion (eq car 'defalias))
+      (pcase-let*
+          ((`(,_ ,_ ,arg . ,rest) form)
+           ;; `type' is non-nil if it defines a macro.
+           ;; `fun' is the function part of `arg' (defaults to `arg').
+           ((or (and (or `(cons 'macro ,fun) `'(macro . ,fun)) (let type t))
+                (and (let fun arg) (let type nil)))
+            arg)
+           ;; `lam' is the lambda expression in `fun' (or nil if not
+           ;; recognized).
+           (lam (if (memq (car-safe fun) '(quote function)) (cadr fun)))
+           ;; `args' is the list of arguments (or t if not recognized).
+           ;; `body' is the body of `lam' (or t if not recognized).
+           ((or `(lambda ,args . ,body)
+                (and (let args t) (let body t)))
+            lam)
+           ;; Get the `doc' from `body' or `rest'.
+           (doc (cond ((stringp (car-safe body)) (car body))
+                      ((stringp (car-safe rest)) (car rest))))
+           ;; Look for an interactive spec.
+           (interactive (pcase body
+                          ((or `((interactive . ,iargs) . ,_)
+                               `(,_ (interactive . ,iargs) . ,_))
+                           ;; List of modes or just t.
+                           (if (nthcdr 1 iargs)
+                               (list 'quote (nthcdr 1 iargs))
+                             t)))))
+        ;; Add the usage form at the end where describe-function-1
+        ;; can recover it.
+        (when (consp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args)))
+        ;; (message "autoload of %S" (nth 1 form))
+        `(autoload ,(nth 1 form) ,file ,doc ,interactive ,type)))
+     ((and expansion (memq car '(progn prog1)))
+      (let ((end (memq :autoload-end form)))
+       (when end             ;Cut-off anything after the :autoload-end marker.
+          (setq form (copy-sequence form))
+          (setcdr (memq :autoload-end form) nil))
+        (let ((exps (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (form)
+                                        (loaddefs-gen--make-autoload
+                                         form file expansion))
+                                      (cdr form)))))
+          (when exps (cons 'progn exps)))))
+     ;; For complex cases, try again on the macro-expansion.
+     ((and (memq car '(easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode
+                       define-globalized-minor-mode defun defmacro
+                      easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode
+                       define-inline cl-defun cl-defmacro cl-defgeneric
+                       cl-defstruct pcase-defmacro))
+           (macrop car)
+          (setq expand (let ((load-true-file-name file)
+                              (load-file-name file))
+                          (macroexpand form)))
+          (memq (car expand) '(progn prog1 defalias)))
+      ;; Recurse on the expansion.
+      (loaddefs-gen--make-autoload expand file 'expansion))
+     ;; For special function-like operators, use the `autoload' function.
+     ((memq car '(define-skeleton define-derived-mode
+                   define-compilation-mode define-generic-mode
+                  easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode
+                  define-globalized-minor-mode
+                  easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode
+                  cl-defun defun* cl-defmacro defmacro*
+                   define-overloadable-function))
+      (let* ((macrop (memq car '(defmacro cl-defmacro defmacro*)))
+            (name (nth 1 form))
+            (args (pcase car
+                     ((or 'defun 'defmacro
+                          'defun* 'defmacro* 'cl-defun 'cl-defmacro
+                          'define-overloadable-function)
+                      (nth 2 form))
+                     ('define-skeleton '(&optional str arg))
+                     ((or 'define-generic-mode 'define-derived-mode
+                          'define-compilation-mode)
+                      nil)
+                     (_ t)))
+            (body (nthcdr (or (function-get car 'doc-string-elt) 3) form))
+            (doc (if (stringp (car body)) (pop body))))
+        ;; Add the usage form at the end where describe-function-1
+        ;; can recover it.
+       (when (listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args)))
+        ;; `define-generic-mode' quotes the name, so take care of that
+        `(autoload ,(if (listp name) name (list 'quote name))
+           ,file ,doc
+           ,(or (and (memq car '(define-skeleton define-derived-mode
+                                  define-generic-mode
+                                  easy-mmode-define-global-mode
+                                  define-global-minor-mode
+                                  define-globalized-minor-mode
+                                  easy-mmode-define-minor-mode
+                                  define-minor-mode))
+                     t)
+                (and (eq (car-safe (car body)) 'interactive)
+                     ;; List of modes or just t.
+                     (or (if (nthcdr 1 (car body))
+                             (list 'quote (nthcdr 1 (car body)))
+                           t))))
+           ,(if macrop ''macro nil))))
+     ;; For defclass forms, use `eieio-defclass-autoload'.
+     ((eq car 'defclass)
+      (let ((name (nth 1 form))
+           (superclasses (nth 2 form))
+           (doc (nth 4 form)))
+       (list 'eieio-defclass-autoload (list 'quote name)
+             (list 'quote superclasses) file doc)))
+     ;; Convert defcustom to less space-consuming data.
+     ((eq car 'defcustom)
+      (let* ((varname (car-safe (cdr-safe form)))
+            (props (nthcdr 4 form))
+            (initializer (plist-get props :initialize))
+            (init (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form))))
+            (doc (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))))
+            ;; (rest (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))))
+            )
+       `(progn
+          ,(if (not (member initializer '(nil 'custom-initialize-default
+                                          #'custom-initialize-default
+                                          'custom-initialize-reset
+                                          #'custom-initialize-reset)))
+               form
+             `(defvar ,varname ,init ,doc))
+          ;; When we include the complete `form', this `custom-autoload'
+           ;; is not indispensable, but it still helps in case the `defcustom'
+           ;; doesn't specify its group explicitly, and probably in a few other
+           ;; corner cases.
+          (custom-autoload ',varname ,file
+                            ,(condition-case nil
+                                 (null (plist-get props :set))
+                               (error nil)))
+           ;; Propagate the :safe property to the loaddefs file.
+           ,@(when-let ((safe (plist-get props :safe)))
+               `((put ',varname 'safe-local-variable ,safe))))))
+     ((eq car 'defgroup)
+      ;; In Emacs this is normally handled separately by cus-dep.el, but for
+      ;; third party packages, it can be convenient to explicitly autoload
+      ;; a group.
+      (let ((groupname (nth 1 form)))
+        `(let ((loads (get ',groupname 'custom-loads)))
+           (if (member ',file loads) nil
+             (put ',groupname 'custom-loads (cons ',file loads))))))
+     ;; When processing a macro expansion, any expression
+     ;; before a :autoload-end should be included.  These are typically (put
+     ;; 'fun 'prop val) and things like that.
+     ((and expansion (consp form)) form)
+     ;; nil here indicates that this is not a special autoload form.
+     (t nil))))
+(defun loaddefs-gen--make-prefixes (defs file)
+  ;; Remove the defs that obey the rule that file foo.el (or
+  ;; foo-mode.el) uses "foo-" as prefix.  Then compute a small set of
+  ;; prefixes that cover all the remaining definitions.
+  (let* ((tree (let ((tree radix-tree-empty))
+                 (dolist (def defs)
+                   (setq tree (radix-tree-insert tree def t)))
+                 tree))
+         (prefixes nil))
+    ;; Get the root prefixes, that we should include in any case.
+    (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
+     tree (lambda (prefix subtree)
+            (push (cons prefix subtree) prefixes)))
+    ;; In some cases, the root prefixes are too short, e.g. if you define
+    ;; "cc-helper" and "c-mode", you'll get "c" in the root prefixes.
+    (dolist (pair (prog1 prefixes (setq prefixes nil)))
+      (let ((s (car pair)))
+        (if (or (and (> (length s) 2)   ; Long enough!
+                     ;; But don't use "def" from deffoo-pkg-thing.
+                     (not (string= "def" s)))
+                (string-match ".[[:punct:]]\\'" s) ;A real (tho short) prefix?
+                (radix-tree-lookup (cdr pair) "")) ;Nothing to expand!
+            (push pair prefixes)                   ;Keep it as is.
+          (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
+           (cdr pair) (lambda (prefix subtree)
+                        (push (cons (concat s prefix) subtree) prefixes))))))
+    (when prefixes
+      (let ((strings
+             (mapcar
+              (lambda (x)
+                (let ((prefix (car x)))
+                  (if (or (> (length prefix) 2) ;Long enough!
+                          (and (eq (length prefix) 2)
+                               (string-match "[[:punct:]]" prefix)))
+                      prefix
+                    ;; Some packages really don't follow the rules.
+                    ;; Drop the most egregious cases such as the
+                    ;; one-letter prefixes.
+                    (let ((dropped ()))
+                      (radix-tree-iter-mappings
+                       (cdr x) (lambda (s _)
+                                 (push (concat prefix s) dropped)))
+                      (message "%s:0: Warning: Not registering prefix \"%s\".  
Affects: %S"
+                               file prefix dropped)
+                      nil))))
+              prefixes)))
+        `(register-definition-prefixes ,file ',(sort (delq nil strings)
+                                                    'string<))))))
 (defun loaddefs-gen--parse-file (file main-outfile &optional package-only)
   "Examing FILE for ;;;###autoload statements.
@@ -53,7 +316,7 @@ by ;;;###foo-autoload statements.
 If PACKAGE-ONLY, only return the package info."
   (let ((defs nil)
-        (load-name (autoload-file-load-name file main-outfile))
+        (load-name (loaddefs-gen--file-load-name file main-outfile))
         (compute-prefixes t)
         local-outfile package-defs
@@ -110,7 +373,8 @@ If PACKAGE-ONLY, only return the package info."
                                  (read (current-buffer))
                                (unless (bolp)
                                  (forward-line 1))))
-                       (autoload (or (make-autoload form load-name) form)))
+                       (autoload (or (loaddefs-gen--make-autoload form 
+                                     form)))
                   ;; We get back either an autoload form, or a tree
                   ;; structure of `(progn ...)' things, so unravel that.
                   (let ((forms (if (eq (car autoload) 'progn)
@@ -177,7 +441,7 @@ If PACKAGE-ONLY, only return the package info."
                         (forward-line -1)
                         (not (looking-at ";;;###autoload")))))
             (push name prefs)))))
-    (autoload--make-defs-autoload prefs load-name)))
+    (loaddefs-gen--make-prefixes prefs load-name)))
 (defun loaddefs-gen--prettify-autoload (autoload)
   ;; FIXME: All this is just to emulate the current look -- it should
@@ -215,6 +479,72 @@ If PACKAGE-ONLY, only return the package info."
     (insert "\n")
+(defun loaddefs-gen--rubric (file &optional type feature)
+  "Return a string giving the appropriate autoload rubric for FILE.
+TYPE (default \"autoloads\") is a string stating the type of
+information contained in FILE.  TYPE \"package\" acts like the default,
+but adds an extra line to the output to modify `load-path'.
+If FEATURE is non-nil, FILE will provide a feature.  FEATURE may
+be a string naming the feature, otherwise it will be based on
+FILE's name."
+  (let ((basename (file-name-nondirectory file))
+       (lp (if (equal type "package") (setq type "autoloads"))))
+    (concat ";;; " basename
+            " --- automatically extracted " (or type "autoloads")
+            "  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-\n"
+            (when (string-match "/lisp/loaddefs\\.el\\'" file)
+              ";; This file will be copied to ldefs-boot.el and checked in 
+           ";;\n"
+           ";;; Code:\n\n"
+           (if lp
+               "(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
+                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))\n\n")
+           "\n"
+           ;; This is used outside of autoload.el, eg cus-dep, finder.
+           (if feature
+               (format "(provide '%s)\n"
+                       (if (stringp feature) feature
+                         (file-name-sans-extension basename))))
+           ";; Local Variables:\n"
+           ";; version-control: never\n"
+            ";; no-byte-compile: t\n" ;; #$ is byte-compiled into nil.
+           ";; no-update-autoloads: t\n"
+           ";; coding: utf-8-emacs-unix\n"
+           ";; End:\n"
+           ";;; " basename
+           " ends here\n")))
+(defun loaddefs-gen--insert-section-header (outbuf autoloads load-name file 
+  "Insert into buffer OUTBUF the section-header line for FILE.
+The header line lists the file name, its \"load name\", its autoloads,
+and the time the FILE was last updated (the time is inserted only
+if `autoload-timestamps' is non-nil, otherwise a fixed fake time is inserted)."
+  ;; (cl-assert ;Make sure we don't insert it in the middle of another section.
+  ;;  (save-excursion
+  ;;    (or (not (re-search-backward
+  ;;              (concat "\\("
+  ;;                      (regexp-quote generate-autoload-section-header)
+  ;;                      "\\)\\|\\("
+  ;;                      (regexp-quote generate-autoload-section-trailer)
+  ;;                      "\\)")
+  ;;              nil t))
+  ;;        (match-end 2))))
+  (insert "\f\n;;;### ")
+  (prin1 `(autoloads ,autoloads ,load-name ,file ,time)
+        outbuf)
+  (terpri outbuf)
+  ;; Break that line at spaces, to avoid very long lines.
+  ;; Make each sub-line into a comment.
+  (with-current-buffer outbuf
+    (save-excursion
+      (forward-line -1)
+      (while (not (eolp))
+       (move-to-column 64)
+       (skip-chars-forward "^ \n")
+       (or (eolp)
+           (insert "\n" ";;;;;; "))))))
 (defun loaddefs-gen--generate (dir output-file &optional excluded-files)
   "Generate loaddefs files for Lisp files in the directories DIRS.
 DIR can be either a single directory or a list of
@@ -261,7 +591,7 @@ directory or directories specified."
     ;; Generate the loaddef files.  First group per output file.
     (dolist (fdefs (seq-group-by #'car defs))
-        (insert (autoload-rubric (car fdefs) nil t))
+        (insert (loaddefs-gen--rubric (car fdefs) nil t))
         (search-backward "\f")
         ;; The group by source file (and sort alphabetically).
         (dolist (section (sort (seq-group-by #'cadr (cdr fdefs))
@@ -275,7 +605,7 @@ directory or directories specified."
           (let ((relfile (file-relative-name
                           (cadar section)
                           (file-name-directory (car fdefs)))))
-            (autoload-insert-section-header
+            (loaddefs-gen--insert-section-header
              (current-buffer) nil
               (file-name-nondirectory relfile))

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