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master 0829c6836e: Fix chunked encoding connections in url-http

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master 0829c6836e: Fix chunked encoding connections in url-http
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 07:01:13 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 0829c6836eff14dda0cf8b3047376967f7b000f4
Author: Nacho Barrientos <nacho.barrientos@cern.ch>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Fix chunked encoding connections in url-http
    * lisp/url/url-http.el
    (url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function): Ensure that chunked
    encoding is interpreted correctly (bug#54989).
    As per [0], the last chunk of 0 bytes is always accompanied by a last
    CRLF that signals the end of the message:
         chunked-body   = *chunk
                          ^ this one
         chunk          = chunk-size [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
                          chunk-data CRLF
         chunk-size     = 1*HEXDIG
         last-chunk     = 1*("0") [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
         chunk-data     = 1*OCTET ; a sequence of chunk-size octets
    `url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function' is able to process
    (and remove) that terminator IF AVAILABLE in the buffer when
    processing the response, however it won't wait for it if it's not yet
    In other words:
    | Bottom of the response buffer | Bottom of the full response |
    |    (visible to url-http)      | (to be delivered to Emacs)  |
    | ------------------------------+-----------------------------|
    | 0\r\n                         | 0\r\n                       |
    |                               | \r\n                        |
    If the last chunk is processed when the bottom of the response buffer
    is as above (note that the whole response has not yet been delivered
    to Emacs), url-http will call the user callback without waiting for
    the final terminator to be read from the socket.
    This is normally not an issue when doing one-shot requests, but it's
    problematic when the connection is reused immediately. As there are 2
    bytes from the request N that have not been dealt with, they'll be
    considered as part of the response of the request N+1. On top, it
    turns out that when processing the headers of request N+1,
    `url-http-wait-for-headers-change-function' will consider the request
    a "headerless malformed response" delivering it broken to the caller.
    The proposed fix implements a state in which
    `url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function` properly waits for
    the very last element of the message preventing the problem explained
    above from happening.
    For additional context, this bug was found when debugging
    magit/ghub (see [1] for details).
    [0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-4.1
    [1] https://github.com/magit/ghub/issues/81
    Copyright-paperwork-exempt: yes
 lisp/url/url-http.el | 182 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/url/url-http.el b/lisp/url/url-http.el
index b5bcd123c7..7f55866eec 100644
--- a/lisp/url/url-http.el
+++ b/lisp/url/url-http.el
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 (defvar url-current-object)
 (defvar url-http-after-change-function)
 (defvar url-http-chunked-counter)
+(defvar url-http-chunked-last-crlf-missing nil)
 (defvar url-http-chunked-length)
 (defvar url-http-chunked-start)
 (defvar url-http-connection-opened)
@@ -1071,90 +1072,105 @@ the callback to be triggered."
 Cannot give a sophisticated percentage, but we need a different
 function to look for the special 0-length chunk that signifies
 the end of the document."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char st)
-    (let ((read-next-chunk t)
-         (case-fold-search t)
-         (regexp nil)
-         (no-initial-crlf nil))
-      ;; We need to loop thru looking for more chunks even within
-      ;; one after-change-function call.
-      (while read-next-chunk
-       (setq no-initial-crlf (= 0 url-http-chunked-counter))
-       (if url-http-content-type
+  (if url-http-chunked-last-crlf-missing
+      (progn
+        (goto-char url-http-chunked-last-crlf-missing)
+        (if (not (looking-at "\r\n"))
+           (url-http-debug
+             "Still spinning for the terminator of last chunk...")
+          (url-http-debug "Saw the last CRLF.")
+          (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+          (when (url-http-parse-headers)
+           (url-http-activate-callback))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char st)
+      (let ((read-next-chunk t)
+           (case-fold-search t)
+           (regexp nil)
+           (no-initial-crlf nil))
+        ;; We need to loop thru looking for more chunks even within
+        ;; one after-change-function call.
+        (while read-next-chunk
+         (setq no-initial-crlf (= 0 url-http-chunked-counter))
+         (if url-http-content-type
+             (url-display-percentage nil
+                                     "Reading [%s]... chunk #%d"
+                                     url-http-content-type 
            (url-display-percentage nil
-            "Reading [%s]... chunk #%d"
-            url-http-content-type url-http-chunked-counter)
-         (url-display-percentage nil
-          "Reading... chunk #%d"
-          url-http-chunked-counter))
-       (url-http-debug "Reading chunk %d (%d %d %d)"
-                       url-http-chunked-counter st nd length)
-       (setq regexp (if no-initial-crlf
-                        "\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"
-                      "\r?\n\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"))
-       (if url-http-chunked-start
-           ;; We know how long the chunk is supposed to be, skip over
-           ;; leading crap if possible.
-           (if (> nd (+ url-http-chunked-start url-http-chunked-length))
-               (progn
-                 (url-http-debug "Got to the end of chunk #%d!"
-                                 url-http-chunked-counter)
-                 (goto-char (+ url-http-chunked-start
-                               url-http-chunked-length)))
-             (url-http-debug "Still need %d bytes to hit end of chunk"
-                             (- (+ url-http-chunked-start
-                                   url-http-chunked-length)
-                                nd))
-             (setq read-next-chunk nil)))
-       (if (not read-next-chunk)
-           (url-http-debug "Still spinning for next chunk...")
-         (if no-initial-crlf (skip-chars-forward "\r\n"))
-         (if (not (looking-at regexp))
-             (progn
-               ;; Must not have received the entirety of the chunk header,
-               ;; need to spin some more.
-               (url-http-debug "Did not see start of chunk @ %d!" (point))
-               (setq read-next-chunk nil))
-            ;; The data we got may have started in the middle of the
-            ;; initial chunk header, so move back to the start of the
-            ;; line and re-compute.
-            (when (= url-http-chunked-counter 0)
-              (beginning-of-line)
-              (looking-at regexp))
-           (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                 (list 'chunked-encoding t
-                                      'face 'cursor
-                                      'invisible t))
-           (setq url-http-chunked-length (string-to-number (buffer-substring
-                                                             (match-beginning 
-                                                             (match-end 1))
-                                                            16)
-                 url-http-chunked-counter (1+ url-http-chunked-counter)
-                 url-http-chunked-start (set-marker
-                                         (or url-http-chunked-start
-                                             (make-marker))
-                                         (match-end 0)))
-           (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
-           (url-http-debug "Saw start of chunk %d (length=%d, start=%d"
-                           url-http-chunked-counter url-http-chunked-length
-                           (marker-position url-http-chunked-start))
-           (if (= 0 url-http-chunked-length)
-               (progn
-                 ;; Found the end of the document!  Wheee!
-                 (url-http-debug "Saw end of stream chunk!")
-                 (setq read-next-chunk nil)
-                 (url-display-percentage nil nil)
-                 ;; Every chunk, even the last 0-length one, is
-                 ;; terminated by CRLF.  Skip it.
-                 (when (looking-at "\r?\n")
-                   (url-http-debug "Removing terminator of last chunk")
-                   (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
-                 (if (re-search-forward "^\r?\n" nil t)
-                     (url-http-debug "Saw end of trailers..."))
-                 (if (url-http-parse-headers)
-                     (url-http-activate-callback))))))))))
+                                   "Reading... chunk #%d"
+                                   url-http-chunked-counter))
+         (url-http-debug "Reading chunk %d (%d %d %d)"
+                         url-http-chunked-counter st nd length)
+         (setq regexp (if no-initial-crlf
+                          "\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"
+                        "\r?\n\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"))
+         (if url-http-chunked-start
+             ;; We know how long the chunk is supposed to be, skip over
+             ;; leading crap if possible.
+             (if (> nd (+ url-http-chunked-start url-http-chunked-length))
+                 (progn
+                   (url-http-debug "Got to the end of chunk #%d!"
+                                   url-http-chunked-counter)
+                   (goto-char (+ url-http-chunked-start
+                                 url-http-chunked-length)))
+               (url-http-debug "Still need %d bytes to hit end of chunk"
+                               (- (+ url-http-chunked-start
+                                     url-http-chunked-length)
+                                  nd))
+               (setq read-next-chunk nil)))
+         (if (not read-next-chunk)
+             (url-http-debug "Still spinning for next chunk...")
+           (if no-initial-crlf (skip-chars-forward "\r\n"))
+           (if (not (looking-at regexp))
+               (progn
+                 ;; Must not have received the entirety of the chunk header,
+                 ;; need to spin some more.
+                 (url-http-debug "Did not see start of chunk @ %d!" (point))
+                 (setq read-next-chunk nil))
+              ;; The data we got may have started in the middle of the
+              ;; initial chunk header, so move back to the start of the
+              ;; line and re-compute.
+              (when (= url-http-chunked-counter 0)
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (looking-at regexp))
+              (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                   (list 'chunked-encoding t
+                                        'face 'cursor
+                                        'invisible t))
+             (setq url-http-chunked-length
+                    (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
+                                                        (match-end 1))
+                                      16)
+                   url-http-chunked-counter (1+ url-http-chunked-counter)
+                   url-http-chunked-start (set-marker
+                                           (or url-http-chunked-start
+                                               (make-marker))
+                                           (match-end 0)))
+             (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+             (url-http-debug "Saw start of chunk %d (length=%d, start=%d"
+                             url-http-chunked-counter url-http-chunked-length
+                             (marker-position url-http-chunked-start))
+             (if (= 0 url-http-chunked-length)
+                 (progn
+                   ;; Found the end of the document!  Wheee!
+                   (url-http-debug "Saw end of stream chunk!")
+                   (setq read-next-chunk nil)
+                   (url-display-percentage nil nil)
+                   ;; Every chunk, even the last 0-length one, is
+                   ;; terminated by CRLF.  Skip it.
+                   (if (not (looking-at "\r?\n"))
+                        (progn
+                         (url-http-debug
+                           "Spinning for the terminator of last chunk...")
+                          (setq-local url-http-chunked-last-crlf-missing
+                                      (point)))
+                     (url-http-debug "Removing terminator of last chunk")
+                     (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+                     (when (re-search-forward "^\r?\n" nil t)
+                       (url-http-debug "Saw end of trailers..."))
+                     (when (url-http-parse-headers)
+                       (url-http-activate-callback))))))))))))
 (defun url-http-wait-for-headers-change-function (_st nd _length)
   ;; This will wait for the headers to arrive and then splice in the

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