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master 9730575: Protect against killed buffers in term-emulate-terminal

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master 9730575: Protect against killed buffers in term-emulate-terminal
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 04:13:30 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 9730575f3a2599be0a4f9c3d1ef5321bf1294e93
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Protect against killed buffers in term-emulate-terminal
    * lisp/term.el (term-emulate-terminal): Ensure that the buffer is
    still alive before selecting it (bug#46323).  This avoids an error
    when saying `C-x k' in an ansi-term buffer.
 lisp/term.el | 651 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 326 insertions(+), 325 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/term.el b/lisp/term.el
index 971f270..6beb17f 100644
--- a/lisp/term.el
+++ b/lisp/term.el
@@ -2812,333 +2812,334 @@ See `term-prompt-regexp'."
 (defun term-emulate-terminal (proc str)
-  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-    (let* ((i 0) funny
-          decoded-substring
-          save-point save-marker win
-          (inhibit-read-only t)
-          (buffer-undo-list t)
-          (selected (selected-window))
-          last-win
-          (str-length (length str)))
-      (save-selected-window
-       (when (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker)
-         ;; Delete text following term-pending-delete-marker.
-         (delete-region term-pending-delete-marker (process-mark proc))
-         (set-marker term-pending-delete-marker nil))
-       (when (/= (point) (process-mark proc))
-         (setq save-point (point-marker)))
-        (setf term-vertical-motion
-              (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer))
-                  'vertical-motion
-                'term-buffer-vertical-motion))
-        (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark proc)))
-       (goto-char (process-mark proc))
-       (save-restriction
-         ;; If the buffer is in line mode, and there is a partial
-         ;; input line, save the line (by narrowing to leave it
-         ;; outside the restriction ) until we're done with output.
-         (when (and (> (point-max) (process-mark proc))
-                    (term-in-line-mode))
-           (narrow-to-region (point-min) (process-mark proc)))
-         (when term-log-buffer
-           (princ str term-log-buffer))
-          (when term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
-            (setq str (concat term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str))
-            (setq str-length (length str))
-            (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))
-          (while (< i str-length)
-            (setq funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i))
-            (let ((ctl-params (and funny (match-string 1 str)))
-                  (ctl-params-end (and funny (match-end 1)))
-                  (ctl-end (if funny (match-end 0)
-                             (setq funny (string-match 
term-control-seq-prefix-regexp str i))
-                             (if funny
-                                 (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
-                                       (substring str funny))
-                               (setq funny str-length))
-                             ;; The control sequence ends somewhere
-                             ;; past the end of this string.
-                             (1+ str-length))))
-              (when (> funny i)
-                (when term-do-line-wrapping
-                  (term-down 1 t)
-                  (term-move-to-column 0)
-                  (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))
-                ;; Handle non-control data.  Decode the string before
-                ;; counting characters, to avoid garbling of certain
-                ;; multibyte characters (bug#1006).
-                (setq decoded-substring
-                      (decode-coding-string
-                       (substring str i funny)
-                       locale-coding-system t))
-                ;; Check for multibyte characters that ends
-                ;; before end of string, and save it for
-                ;; next time.
-                (when (= funny str-length)
-                  (let ((partial 0)
-                        (count (length decoded-substring)))
-                    (while (and (< partial count)
-                                (eq (char-charset (aref decoded-substring
-                                                        (- count 1 partial)))
-                                    'eight-bit))
-                      (cl-incf partial))
-                    (when (> count partial 0)
-                      (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
-                            (substring decoded-substring (- partial)))
-                      (setq decoded-substring
-                            (substring decoded-substring 0 (- partial)))
-                      (cl-decf str-length partial)
-                      (cl-decf funny partial))))
-                ;; Insert a string, check how many columns
-                ;; we moved, then delete that many columns
-                ;; following point if not eob nor insert-mode.
-                (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column))
-                      (old-point (point))
-                      columns)
-                  (unless term-suppress-hard-newline
-                    (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) old-column)
-                              term-width)
-                      (insert (substring decoded-substring 0
-                                         (- term-width old-column)))
-                      ;; Since we've enough text to fill the whole line,
-                      ;; delete previous text regardless of
-                      ;; `term-insert-mode's value.
-                      (delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
-                      (term-down 1 t)
-                      (term-move-columns (- (term-current-column)))
-                      (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point)
-                                           '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky 
-                      (setq decoded-substring
-                            (substring decoded-substring (- term-width 
-                      (setq old-column 0)))
-                  (insert decoded-substring)
-                  (setq term-current-column (current-column)
-                        columns (- term-current-column old-column))
-                  (when (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode))
-                    (let ((pos (point)))
-                      (term-move-columns columns)
-                      (delete-region pos (point))
-                      (setq term-current-column nil)))
-                  ;; In insert mode if the current line
-                  ;; has become too long it needs to be
-                  ;; chopped off.
-                  (when term-insert-mode
-                    (let ((pos (point)))
-                      (end-of-line)
-                      (when (> (current-column) term-width)
-                        (delete-region (- (point) (- (current-column) 
-                                       (point)))
-                      (goto-char pos)))
-                  (put-text-property old-point (point)
-                                     'font-lock-face term-current-face))
-                ;; If the last char was written in last column,
-                ;; back up one column, but remember we did so.
-                ;; Thus we emulate xterm/vt100-style line-wrapping.
-                (when (eq (term-current-column) term-width)
-                  (term-move-columns -1)
-                  ;; We check after ctrl sequence handling if point
-                  ;; was moved (and leave line-wrapping state if so).
-                  (setq term-do-line-wrapping (point)))
-                (setq term-current-column nil)
-                (setq i funny))
-              (pcase-exhaustive (and (<= ctl-end str-length) (aref str i))
-                (?\t ;; TAB (terminfo: ht)
-                 ;; The line cannot exceed term-width. TAB at
-                 ;; the end of a line should not cause wrapping.
-                 (let ((col (term-current-column)))
-                   (term-move-to-column
-                    (min (1- term-width)
-                         (+ col 8 (- (mod col 8)))))))
-                (?\r ;; (terminfo: cr)
-                 (term-vertical-motion 0)
-                 (setq term-current-column term-start-line-column))
-                (?\n ;; (terminfo: cud1, ind)
-                 (unless (and term-kill-echo-list
-                              (term-check-kill-echo-list))
-                   (term-down 1 t)))
-                (?\b ;; (terminfo: cub1)
-                 (term-move-columns -1))
-                (?\C-g                  ;; (terminfo: bel)
-                 (beep t))
-                (?\032 ; Emacs specific control sequence.
-                 (funcall term-command-function
-                          (decode-coding-string
-                           (substring str (1+ i)
-                                      (- ctl-end
-                                         (if (eq (aref str (- ctl-end 2)) ?\r)
-                                             2 1)))
-                           locale-coding-system t)))
-                (?\e
-                 (pcase (aref str (1+ i))
-                   (?\[
-                    ;; We only handle control sequences with a single
-                    ;; "Final" byte (see [ECMA-48] section 5.4).
-                    (when (eq ctl-params-end (1- ctl-end))
-                      (term-handle-ansi-escape
-                       proc
-                       (mapcar ;; We don't distinguish empty params
-                               ;; from 0 (according to [ECMA-48] we
-                               ;; should, but all commands we support
-                               ;; default to 0 values anyway).
-                        #'string-to-number
-                        (split-string ctl-params ";"))
-                       (aref str (1- ctl-end)))))
-                   (?D ;; Scroll forward (apparently not documented in
-                       ;; [ECMA-48], [ctlseqs] mentions it as C1
-                       ;; character "Index" though).
-                    (term-handle-deferred-scroll)
-                    (term-down 1 t))
-                   (?M ;; Scroll reversed (terminfo: ri, ECMA-48
-                       ;; "Reverse Linefeed").
-                    (if (or (< (term-current-row) term-scroll-start)
-                            (>= (1- (term-current-row))
-                                term-scroll-start))
-                        ;; Scrolling up will not move outside
-                        ;; the scroll region.
-                        (term-down -1)
-                      ;; Scrolling the scroll region is needed.
-                      (term-down -1 t)))
-                   (?7 ;; Save cursor (terminfo: sc, not in [ECMA-48],
-                       ;; [ctlseqs] has it as "DECSC").
-                    (term-handle-deferred-scroll)
-                    (setq term-saved-cursor
-                          (list (term-current-row)
-                                (term-horizontal-column)
-                                term-ansi-current-bg-color
-                                term-ansi-current-bold
-                                term-ansi-current-color
-                                term-ansi-current-invisible
-                                term-ansi-current-reverse
-                                term-ansi-current-underline
-                                term-current-face)))
-                   (?8 ;; Restore cursor (terminfo: rc, [ctlseqs]
-                       ;; "DECRC").
-                    (when term-saved-cursor
-                      (term-goto (nth 0 term-saved-cursor)
-                                 (nth 1 term-saved-cursor))
-                      (setq term-ansi-current-bg-color
-                            (nth 2 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-ansi-current-bold
-                            (nth 3 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-ansi-current-color
-                            (nth 4 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-ansi-current-invisible
-                            (nth 5 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-ansi-current-reverse
-                            (nth 6 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-ansi-current-underline
-                            (nth 7 term-saved-cursor)
-                            term-current-face
-                            (nth 8 term-saved-cursor))))
-                   (?c ;; \Ec - Reset (terminfo: rs1, [ctlseqs] "RIS").
-                    ;; This is used by the "clear" program.
-                    (term-reset-terminal))
-                   (?A ;; An \eAnSiT sequence (Emacs specific).
-                    (term-handle-ansi-terminal-messages
-                     (substring str i ctl-end)))))
-                ;; Ignore NUL, Shift Out, Shift In.
-                ((or ?\0 #xE #xF 'nil) nil))
-              ;; Leave line-wrapping state if point was moved.
-              (unless (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point))
-                (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))
-              (if (term-handling-pager)
-                  (progn
-                    ;; Finish stuff to get ready to handle PAGER.
-                    (if (> (% (current-column) term-width) 0)
+  (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer proc))
+    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
+      (let* ((i 0) funny
+            decoded-substring
+            save-point save-marker win
+            (inhibit-read-only t)
+            (buffer-undo-list t)
+            (selected (selected-window))
+            last-win
+            (str-length (length str)))
+        (save-selected-window
+         (when (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker)
+           ;; Delete text following term-pending-delete-marker.
+           (delete-region term-pending-delete-marker (process-mark proc))
+           (set-marker term-pending-delete-marker nil))
+         (when (/= (point) (process-mark proc))
+           (setq save-point (point-marker)))
+          (setf term-vertical-motion
+                (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer))
+                    'vertical-motion
+                  'term-buffer-vertical-motion))
+          (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark proc)))
+         (goto-char (process-mark proc))
+         (save-restriction
+           ;; If the buffer is in line mode, and there is a partial
+           ;; input line, save the line (by narrowing to leave it
+           ;; outside the restriction ) until we're done with output.
+           (when (and (> (point-max) (process-mark proc))
+                      (term-in-line-mode))
+             (narrow-to-region (point-min) (process-mark proc)))
+           (when term-log-buffer
+             (princ str term-log-buffer))
+            (when term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
+              (setq str (concat term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str))
+              (setq str-length (length str))
+              (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))
+            (while (< i str-length)
+              (setq funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i))
+              (let ((ctl-params (and funny (match-string 1 str)))
+                    (ctl-params-end (and funny (match-end 1)))
+                    (ctl-end (if funny (match-end 0)
+                               (setq funny (string-match 
term-control-seq-prefix-regexp str i))
+                               (if funny
+                                   (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
+                                         (substring str funny))
+                                 (setq funny str-length))
+                               ;; The control sequence ends somewhere
+                               ;; past the end of this string.
+                               (1+ str-length))))
+                (when (> funny i)
+                  (when term-do-line-wrapping
+                    (term-down 1 t)
+                    (term-move-to-column 0)
+                    (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))
+                  ;; Handle non-control data.  Decode the string before
+                  ;; counting characters, to avoid garbling of certain
+                  ;; multibyte characters (bug#1006).
+                  (setq decoded-substring
+                        (decode-coding-string
+                         (substring str i funny)
+                         locale-coding-system t))
+                  ;; Check for multibyte characters that ends
+                  ;; before end of string, and save it for
+                  ;; next time.
+                  (when (= funny str-length)
+                    (let ((partial 0)
+                          (count (length decoded-substring)))
+                      (while (and (< partial count)
+                                  (eq (char-charset (aref decoded-substring
+                                                          (- count 1 partial)))
+                                      'eight-bit))
+                        (cl-incf partial))
+                      (when (> count partial 0)
                         (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
-                              (substring str i))
-                      ;; We're at column 0.  Goto end of buffer; to compensate,
-                      ;; prepend a ?\r for later.  This looks more consistent.
-                      (if (zerop i)
+                              (substring decoded-substring (- partial)))
+                        (setq decoded-substring
+                              (substring decoded-substring 0 (- partial)))
+                        (cl-decf str-length partial)
+                        (cl-decf funny partial))))
+                  ;; Insert a string, check how many columns
+                  ;; we moved, then delete that many columns
+                  ;; following point if not eob nor insert-mode.
+                  (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column))
+                        (old-point (point))
+                        columns)
+                    (unless term-suppress-hard-newline
+                      (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) old-column)
+                                term-width)
+                        (insert (substring decoded-substring 0
+                                           (- term-width old-column)))
+                        ;; Since we've enough text to fill the whole line,
+                        ;; delete previous text regardless of
+                        ;; `term-insert-mode's value.
+                        (delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
+                        (term-down 1 t)
+                        (term-move-columns (- (term-current-column)))
+                        (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point)
+                                             '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky 
+                        (setq decoded-substring
+                              (substring decoded-substring (- term-width 
+                        (setq old-column 0)))
+                    (insert decoded-substring)
+                    (setq term-current-column (current-column)
+                          columns (- term-current-column old-column))
+                    (when (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode))
+                      (let ((pos (point)))
+                        (term-move-columns columns)
+                        (delete-region pos (point))
+                        (setq term-current-column nil)))
+                    ;; In insert mode if the current line
+                    ;; has become too long it needs to be
+                    ;; chopped off.
+                    (when term-insert-mode
+                      (let ((pos (point)))
+                        (end-of-line)
+                        (when (> (current-column) term-width)
+                          (delete-region (- (point) (- (current-column) 
+                                         (point)))
+                        (goto-char pos)))
+                    (put-text-property old-point (point)
+                                       'font-lock-face term-current-face))
+                  ;; If the last char was written in last column,
+                  ;; back up one column, but remember we did so.
+                  ;; Thus we emulate xterm/vt100-style line-wrapping.
+                  (when (eq (term-current-column) term-width)
+                    (term-move-columns -1)
+                    ;; We check after ctrl sequence handling if point
+                    ;; was moved (and leave line-wrapping state if so).
+                    (setq term-do-line-wrapping (point)))
+                  (setq term-current-column nil)
+                  (setq i funny))
+                (pcase-exhaustive (and (<= ctl-end str-length) (aref str i))
+                  (?\t ;; TAB (terminfo: ht)
+                   ;; The line cannot exceed term-width. TAB at
+                   ;; the end of a line should not cause wrapping.
+                   (let ((col (term-current-column)))
+                     (term-move-to-column
+                      (min (1- term-width)
+                           (+ col 8 (- (mod col 8)))))))
+                  (?\r ;; (terminfo: cr)
+                   (term-vertical-motion 0)
+                   (setq term-current-column term-start-line-column))
+                  (?\n ;; (terminfo: cud1, ind)
+                   (unless (and term-kill-echo-list
+                                (term-check-kill-echo-list))
+                     (term-down 1 t)))
+                  (?\b ;; (terminfo: cub1)
+                   (term-move-columns -1))
+                  (?\C-g ;; (terminfo: bel)
+                   (beep t))
+                  (?\032            ; Emacs specific control sequence.
+                   (funcall term-command-function
+                            (decode-coding-string
+                             (substring str (1+ i)
+                                        (- ctl-end
+                                           (if (eq (aref str (- ctl-end 2)) 
+                                               2 1)))
+                             locale-coding-system t)))
+                  (?\e
+                   (pcase (aref str (1+ i))
+                     (?\[
+                      ;; We only handle control sequences with a single
+                      ;; "Final" byte (see [ECMA-48] section 5.4).
+                      (when (eq ctl-params-end (1- ctl-end))
+                        (term-handle-ansi-escape
+                         proc
+                         (mapcar ;; We don't distinguish empty params
+                          ;; from 0 (according to [ECMA-48] we
+                          ;; should, but all commands we support
+                          ;; default to 0 values anyway).
+                          #'string-to-number
+                          (split-string ctl-params ";"))
+                         (aref str (1- ctl-end)))))
+                     (?D ;; Scroll forward (apparently not documented in
+                      ;; [ECMA-48], [ctlseqs] mentions it as C1
+                      ;; character "Index" though).
+                      (term-handle-deferred-scroll)
+                      (term-down 1 t))
+                     (?M ;; Scroll reversed (terminfo: ri, ECMA-48
+                      ;; "Reverse Linefeed").
+                      (if (or (< (term-current-row) term-scroll-start)
+                              (>= (1- (term-current-row))
+                                  term-scroll-start))
+                          ;; Scrolling up will not move outside
+                          ;; the scroll region.
+                          (term-down -1)
+                        ;; Scrolling the scroll region is needed.
+                        (term-down -1 t)))
+                     (?7 ;; Save cursor (terminfo: sc, not in [ECMA-48],
+                      ;; [ctlseqs] has it as "DECSC").
+                      (term-handle-deferred-scroll)
+                      (setq term-saved-cursor
+                            (list (term-current-row)
+                                  (term-horizontal-column)
+                                  term-ansi-current-bg-color
+                                  term-ansi-current-bold
+                                  term-ansi-current-color
+                                  term-ansi-current-invisible
+                                  term-ansi-current-reverse
+                                  term-ansi-current-underline
+                                  term-current-face)))
+                     (?8 ;; Restore cursor (terminfo: rc, [ctlseqs]
+                      ;; "DECRC").
+                      (when term-saved-cursor
+                        (term-goto (nth 0 term-saved-cursor)
+                                   (nth 1 term-saved-cursor))
+                        (setq term-ansi-current-bg-color
+                              (nth 2 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-ansi-current-bold
+                              (nth 3 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-ansi-current-color
+                              (nth 4 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-ansi-current-invisible
+                              (nth 5 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-ansi-current-reverse
+                              (nth 6 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-ansi-current-underline
+                              (nth 7 term-saved-cursor)
+                              term-current-face
+                              (nth 8 term-saved-cursor))))
+                     (?c ;; \Ec - Reset (terminfo: rs1, [ctlseqs] "RIS").
+                      ;; This is used by the "clear" program.
+                      (term-reset-terminal))
+                     (?A ;; An \eAnSiT sequence (Emacs specific).
+                      (term-handle-ansi-terminal-messages
+                       (substring str i ctl-end)))))
+                  ;; Ignore NUL, Shift Out, Shift In.
+                  ((or ?\0 #xE #xF 'nil) nil))
+                ;; Leave line-wrapping state if point was moved.
+                (unless (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point))
+                  (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))
+                (if (term-handling-pager)
+                    (progn
+                      ;; Finish stuff to get ready to handle PAGER.
+                      (if (> (% (current-column) term-width) 0)
                           (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
-                                (concat "\r" (substring str i)))
-                        (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str (1- 
-                        (aset term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 0 ?\r))
-                      (goto-char (point-max)))
-                    ;; FIXME: Use (add-function :override (process-filter proc)
-                    (setq-local term-pager-old-filter (process-filter proc))
-                    ;; FIXME: Where is `term-pager-filter' set to a function?!
-                    (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter)
-                    (setq i str-length))
-                (setq i ctl-end)))))
-       (when (>= (term-current-row) term-height)
-         (term-handle-deferred-scroll))
-       (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
-        (when (stringp decoded-substring)
-          (term-watch-for-password-prompt decoded-substring))
-       (when save-point
-         (goto-char save-point)
-         (set-marker save-point nil))
-       ;; Check for a pending filename-and-line number to display.
-       ;; We do this before scrolling, because we might create a new window.
-       (when (and term-pending-frame
-                  (eq (window-buffer selected) (current-buffer)))
-         (term-display-line (car term-pending-frame)
-                            (cdr term-pending-frame))
-          (setq term-pending-frame nil))
-       ;; Scroll each window displaying the buffer but (by default)
-       ;; only if the point matches the process-mark we started with.
-       (setq win selected)
-       ;; Avoid infinite loop in strange case where minibuffer window
-       ;; is selected but not active.
-       (while (window-minibuffer-p win)
-         (setq win (next-window win nil t)))
-       (setq last-win win)
-       (while (progn
-                (setq win (next-window win nil t))
-                (when (eq (window-buffer win) (process-buffer proc))
-                  (let ((scroll term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output))
-                    (select-window win)
-                    (when (or (= (point) save-marker)
-                              (eq scroll t) (eq scroll 'all)
-                              ;; Maybe user wants point to jump to the end.
-                              (and (eq selected win)
-                                   (or (eq scroll 'this) (not save-point)))
-                              (and (eq scroll 'others)
-                                   (not (eq selected win))))
-                      (when term-scroll-snap-to-bottom
-                        (goto-char term-home-marker)
-                        (recenter 0))
-                      (goto-char (process-mark proc))
-                      (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point) win))
-                          (recenter -1)))
-                    ;; Optionally scroll so that the text
-                    ;; ends at the bottom of the window.
-                    (when (and term-scroll-show-maximum-output
-                               (>= (point) (process-mark proc))
-                               (or term-scroll-snap-to-bottom
-                                   (not (pos-visible-in-window-p
-                                          (point-max) win))))
-                      (save-excursion
-                        (goto-char (point-max))
-                        (recenter -1)))))
-                (not (eq win last-win))))
-        ;; Stolen from comint.el and adapted -mm
-       (when (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0)
-         (save-excursion
-           (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
-           (forward-line (- term-buffer-maximum-size))
-           (beginning-of-line)
-           (delete-region (point-min) (point))))
-       (set-marker save-marker nil)))
-    ;; This might be expensive, but we need it to handle something
-    ;; like `sleep 5 | less -c' in more-or-less real time.
-    (when (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
-      (redisplay))))
+                                (substring str i))
+                        ;; We're at column 0.  Goto end of buffer; to 
+                        ;; prepend a ?\r for later.  This looks more 
+                        (if (zerop i)
+                            (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes
+                                  (concat "\r" (substring str i)))
+                          (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str 
(1- i)))
+                          (aset term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 0 ?\r))
+                        (goto-char (point-max)))
+                      ;; FIXME: Use (add-function :override (process-filter 
+                      (setq-local term-pager-old-filter (process-filter proc))
+                      ;; FIXME: Where is `term-pager-filter' set to a 
+                      (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter)
+                      (setq i str-length))
+                  (setq i ctl-end)))))
+         (when (>= (term-current-row) term-height)
+           (term-handle-deferred-scroll))
+         (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
+          (when (stringp decoded-substring)
+            (term-watch-for-password-prompt decoded-substring))
+         (when save-point
+           (goto-char save-point)
+           (set-marker save-point nil))
+         ;; Check for a pending filename-and-line number to display.
+         ;; We do this before scrolling, because we might create a new window.
+         (when (and term-pending-frame
+                    (eq (window-buffer selected) (current-buffer)))
+           (term-display-line (car term-pending-frame)
+                              (cdr term-pending-frame))
+            (setq term-pending-frame nil))
+         ;; Scroll each window displaying the buffer but (by default)
+         ;; only if the point matches the process-mark we started with.
+         (setq win selected)
+         ;; Avoid infinite loop in strange case where minibuffer window
+         ;; is selected but not active.
+         (while (window-minibuffer-p win)
+           (setq win (next-window win nil t)))
+         (setq last-win win)
+         (while (progn
+                  (setq win (next-window win nil t))
+                  (when (eq (window-buffer win) (process-buffer proc))
+                    (let ((scroll term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output))
+                      (select-window win)
+                      (when (or (= (point) save-marker)
+                                (eq scroll t) (eq scroll 'all)
+                                ;; Maybe user wants point to jump to the end.
+                                (and (eq selected win)
+                                     (or (eq scroll 'this) (not save-point)))
+                                (and (eq scroll 'others)
+                                     (not (eq selected win))))
+                        (when term-scroll-snap-to-bottom
+                          (goto-char term-home-marker)
+                          (recenter 0))
+                        (goto-char (process-mark proc))
+                        (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point) win))
+                            (recenter -1)))
+                      ;; Optionally scroll so that the text
+                      ;; ends at the bottom of the window.
+                      (when (and term-scroll-show-maximum-output
+                                 (>= (point) (process-mark proc))
+                                 (or term-scroll-snap-to-bottom
+                                     (not (pos-visible-in-window-p
+                                            (point-max) win))))
+                        (save-excursion
+                          (goto-char (point-max))
+                          (recenter -1)))))
+                  (not (eq win last-win))))
+          ;; Stolen from comint.el and adapted -mm
+         (when (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0)
+           (save-excursion
+             (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+             (forward-line (- term-buffer-maximum-size))
+             (beginning-of-line)
+             (delete-region (point-min) (point))))
+         (set-marker save-marker nil)))
+      ;; This might be expensive, but we need it to handle something
+      ;; like `sleep 5 | less -c' in more-or-less real time.
+      (when (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
+        (redisplay)))))
 (defvar-local term-goto-process-mark t
   "Whether to reset point to the current process mark after this command.

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