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master 4c55eee: Add support for 'process-attributes' on OpenBSD

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: master 4c55eee: Add support for 'process-attributes' on OpenBSD
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 08:25:37 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 4c55eeee39c05aa56df5ffdca6ff5b233607727c
Author: Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>

    Add support for 'process-attributes' on OpenBSD
    * src/sysdep.c (make_lisp_timeval):
    (system_process_attributes): Implement for OpenBSD (bug#45729).
 etc/NEWS     |   3 +
 src/sysdep.c | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 198 insertions(+)

diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index cd7e057..d655955 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -1513,6 +1513,9 @@ that makes it a valid button.
 ** Miscellaneous
+*** 'process-attributes' now works under OpenBSD, too.
 *** New button face 'flat-button'.
 This is a plain 2D button, but uses the background color instead of
diff --git a/src/sysdep.c b/src/sysdep.c
index 6ede06b..a49f177 100644
--- a/src/sysdep.c
+++ b/src/sysdep.c
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see 
<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 # include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#if defined __OpenBSD__
+# include <sys/proc.h>
 #ifdef DARWIN_OS
 # include <libproc.h>
@@ -2972,6 +2976,14 @@ make_lisp_timeval (struct timeval t)
   return make_lisp_time (timeval_to_timespec (t));
+#elif defined __OpenBSD__
+static Lisp_Object
+make_lisp_timeval (long sec, long usec)
+  return make_lisp_time(make_timespec(sec, usec * 1000));
 #ifdef GNU_LINUX
@@ -3661,6 +3673,189 @@ system_process_attributes (Lisp_Object pid)
   return attrs;
+#elif defined __OpenBSD__
+system_process_attributes (Lisp_Object pid)
+  int proc_id, nentries, fscale, i;
+  int pagesize = getpagesize ();
+  int mib[6];
+  size_t len;
+  double pct;
+  char *ttyname, args[ARG_MAX];
+  struct kinfo_proc proc;
+  struct passwd *pw;
+  struct group *gr;
+  struct timespec t;
+  struct uvmexp uvmexp;
+  Lisp_Object attrs = Qnil;
+  Lisp_Object decoded_comm;
+  CHECK_NUMBER (pid);
+  CONS_TO_INTEGER (pid, int, proc_id);
+  len = sizeof proc;
+  mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+  mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
+  mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
+  mib[3] = proc_id;
+  mib[4] = len;
+  mib[5] = 1;
+  if (sysctl (mib, 6, &proc, &len, NULL, 0) != 0)
+    return attrs;
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qeuid, INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_uid)), attrs);
+  block_input ();
+  pw = getpwuid (proc.p_uid);
+  unblock_input ();
+  if (pw)
+    attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Quser, build_string(pw->pw_name)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qegid, INT_TO_INTEGER(proc.p_svgid)), attrs);
+  block_input ();
+  gr = getgrgid (proc.p_svgid);
+  unblock_input ();
+  if (gr)
+    attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qgroup, build_string (gr->gr_name)), attrs);
+  AUTO_STRING (comm, proc.p_comm);
+  decoded_comm = code_convert_string_norecord (comm, Vlocale_coding_system, 0);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qcomm, decoded_comm), attrs);
+  {
+    char state[2] = {'\0', '\0'};
+    switch (proc.p_stat) {
+    case SIDL:
+      state[0] = 'I';
+      break;
+    case SRUN:
+      state[0] = 'R';
+      break;
+    case SSLEEP:
+      state[0] = 'S';
+      break;
+    case SSTOP:
+      state[0] = 'T';
+      break;
+    case SZOMB:
+      state[0] = 'Z';
+      break;
+    case SDEAD:
+      state[0] = 'D';
+      break;
+    }
+    attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qstate, build_string (state)), attrs);
+  }
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qppid, INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_ppid)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qpgrp, INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_gid)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qsess, INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_sid)),  attrs);
+  block_input ();
+  ttyname = proc.p_tdev == NODEV ? NULL : devname (proc.p_tdev, S_IFCHR);
+  unblock_input ();
+  if (ttyname)
+    attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qttname, build_string (ttyname)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qtpgid,   INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_tpgid)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qminflt,  INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_uru_minflt)),
+                attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qmajflt,  INT_TO_INTEGER (proc.p_uru_majflt)),
+                attrs);
+  /* FIXME: missing cminflt, cmajflt. */
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qutime, make_lisp_timeval (proc.p_uutime_sec,
+                                                  proc.p_uutime_usec)),
+                attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qstime, make_lisp_timeval (proc.p_ustime_sec,
+                                                  proc.p_ustime_usec)),
+                attrs);
+  t = timespec_add (make_timespec (proc.p_uutime_sec,
+                                  proc.p_uutime_usec * 1000),
+                   make_timespec (proc.p_ustime_sec,
+                                  proc.p_ustime_usec * 1000));
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qtime, make_lisp_time (t)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qcutime, make_lisp_timeval (proc.p_uctime_sec,
+                                                   proc.p_uctime_usec)),
+                attrs);
+  /* FIXME: missing cstime and thus ctime. */
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qpri,   make_fixnum (proc.p_priority)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qnice,  make_fixnum (proc.p_nice)), attrs);
+  /* FIXME: missing thcount (thread count) */
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qstart, make_lisp_timeval (proc.p_ustart_sec,
+                                                  proc.p_ustart_usec)),
+                attrs);
+  len = (proc.p_vm_tsize + proc.p_vm_dsize + proc.p_vm_ssize) * pagesize >> 10;
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qvsize, make_fixnum (len)), attrs);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qrss,   make_fixnum (proc.p_vm_rssize * pagesize >> 
+                attrs);
+  t = make_timespec (proc.p_ustart_sec,
+                    proc.p_ustart_usec * 1000);
+  t = timespec_sub (current_timespec (), t);
+  attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qetime, make_lisp_time (t)), attrs);
+  len = sizeof (fscale);
+  mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+  mib[1] = KERN_FSCALE;
+  if (sysctl (mib, 2, &fscale, &len, NULL, 0) != -1)
+    {
+      pct = (double)proc.p_pctcpu / fscale * 100.0;
+      attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qpcpu, make_float (pct)), attrs);
+    }
+  len = sizeof (uvmexp);
+  mib[0] = CTL_VM;
+  mib[1] = VM_UVMEXP;
+  if (sysctl (mib, 2, &uvmexp, &len, NULL, 0) != -1)
+    {
+      pct = (100.0 * (double)proc.p_vm_rssize / uvmexp.npages);
+      attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qpmem, make_float (pct)), attrs);
+    }
+  len = sizeof args;
+  mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+  mib[1] = KERN_PROC_ARGS;
+  mib[2] = proc_id;
+  mib[3] = KERN_PROC_ARGV;
+  if (sysctl (mib, 4, &args, &len, NULL, 0) == 0 && len != 0)
+    {
+      char **argv = (char**)args;
+      /* concatenate argv reusing the existing storage storage.
+        sysctl(8) guarantees that "the buffer pointed to by oldp is
+        filled with an array of char pointers followed by the strings
+        themselves." */
+      for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; ++i)
+       {
+         if (argv[i+1] != NULL)
+           {
+             len = strlen (argv[i]);
+             argv[i][len] = ' ';
+           }
+       }
+      AUTO_STRING (comm, *argv);
+      decoded_comm = code_convert_string_norecord (comm,
+                                                  Vlocale_coding_system, 0);
+      attrs = Fcons (Fcons (Qargs, decoded_comm), attrs);
+    }
+  return attrs;
 #elif defined DARWIN_OS

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