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master 5580655: Merge branch 'scratch/substitute-command-keys'

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: master 5580655: Merge branch 'scratch/substitute-command-keys'
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2020 18:34:02 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 558065531beaaae78810508f267415c6953e8e47
Merge: ed50240 420023a
Author: Stefan Kangas <stefan@marxist.se>
Commit: Stefan Kangas <stefan@marxist.se>

    Merge branch 'scratch/substitute-command-keys'
 lisp/help.el            | 470 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/doc.c               | 321 ++--------------------------
 src/keyboard.c          |   4 +-
 src/keymap.c            | 540 +++++++++++-------------------------------------
 src/keymap.h            |   2 -
 src/print.c             |   2 +-
 src/syntax.c            |   2 +-
 test/lisp/help-tests.el | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/src/doc-tests.el   |  98 ---------
 9 files changed, 922 insertions(+), 827 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/help.el b/lisp/help.el
index 9b7355c..6ae2664 100644
--- a/lisp/help.el
+++ b/lisp/help.el
@@ -973,6 +973,476 @@ is currently activated with completion."
                  minor-modes nil)
          (setq minor-modes (cdr minor-modes)))))
+(defun substitute-command-keys (string)
+  "Substitute key descriptions for command names in STRING.
+Each substring of the form \\\\=[COMMAND] is replaced by either a
+keystroke sequence that invokes COMMAND, or \"M-x COMMAND\" if COMMAND
+is not on any keys.
+Each substring of the form \\\\={MAPVAR} is replaced by a summary of
+the value of MAPVAR as a keymap.  This summary is similar to the one
+produced by ‘describe-bindings’.  The summary ends in two newlines
+(used by the helper function ‘help-make-xrefs’ to find the end of the
+Each substring of the form \\\\=<MAPVAR> specifies the use of MAPVAR
+as the keymap for future \\\\=[COMMAND] substrings.
+Each grave accent \\=` is replaced by left quote, and each apostrophe \\='
+is replaced by right quote.  Left and right quote characters are
+specified by ‘text-quoting-style’.
+\\\\== quotes the following character and is discarded; thus, \\\\==\\\\== 
puts \\\\==
+into the output, \\\\==\\[ puts \\[ into the output, and \\\\==\\=` puts \\=` 
into the
+Return the original STRING if no substitutions are made.
+Otherwise, return a new string (without any text properties)."
+  (when (not (null string))
+    ;; KEYMAP is either nil (which means search all the active
+    ;; keymaps) or a specified local map (which means search just that
+    ;; and the global map).  If non-nil, it might come from
+    ;; overriding-local-map, or from a \\<mapname> construct in STRING
+    ;; itself.
+    (let ((keymap overriding-local-map)
+          (inhibit-modification-hooks t)
+          (orig-buf (current-buffer)))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert string)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (< (point) (point-max))
+          (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+                (orig-point (point))
+                end-point active-maps
+                close generate-summary)
+            (cond
+             ;; 1. Handle all sequences starting with "\"
+             ((= (following-char) ?\\)
+              (ignore-errors
+                (forward-char 1))
+              (cond
+               ;; 1A. Ignore \= at end of string.
+               ((and (= (+ (point) 1) (point-max))
+                     (= (following-char) ?=))
+                (forward-char 1))
+               ;; 1B. \= quotes the next character; thus, to put in \[
+               ;;     without its special meaning, use \=\[.
+               ((= (following-char) ?=)
+                (goto-char orig-point)
+                (delete-char 2)
+                (ignore-errors
+                  (forward-char 1)))
+               ;; 1C. \[foo] is replaced with the keybinding.
+               ((and (= (following-char) ?\[)
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (prog1 (search-forward "]" nil t)
+                         (setq end-point (- (point) 2)))))
+                (goto-char orig-point)
+                (delete-char 2)
+                (let* ((fun (intern (buffer-substring (point) (1- end-point))))
+                       (key (with-current-buffer orig-buf
+                              (where-is-internal fun keymap t))))
+                  ;; If this a command remap, we need to follow it.
+                  (when (and (vectorp key)
+                             (> (length key) 1)
+                             (eq (aref key 0) 'remap)
+                             (symbolp (aref key 1)))
+                    (setq fun (aref key 1))
+                    (setq key (with-current-buffer orig-buf
+                                (where-is-internal fun keymap t))))
+                  (if (not key)
+                      ;; Function is not on any key.
+                      (progn (insert "M-x ")
+                             (goto-char (+ end-point 3))
+                             (delete-char 1))
+                    ;; Function is on a key.
+                    (delete-char (- end-point (point)))
+                    (insert (key-description key)))))
+               ;; 1D. \{foo} is replaced with a summary of the keymap
+               ;;            (symbol-value foo).
+               ;;     \<foo> just sets the keymap used for \[cmd].
+               ((and (or (and (= (following-char) ?{)
+                              (setq close "}")
+                              (setq generate-summary t))
+                         (and (= (following-char) ?<)
+                              (setq close ">")))
+                     (or (save-excursion
+                           (prog1 (search-forward close nil t)
+                             (setq end-point (- (point) 2))))))
+                (goto-char orig-point)
+                (delete-char 2)
+                (let* ((name (intern (buffer-substring (point) (1- 
+                       this-keymap)
+                  (delete-char (- end-point (point)))
+                  ;; Get the value of the keymap in TEM, or nil if
+                  ;; undefined. Do this in the user's current buffer
+                  ;; in case it is a local variable.
+                  (with-current-buffer orig-buf
+                    ;; This is for computing the SHADOWS arg for
+                    ;; describe-map-tree.
+                    (setq active-maps (current-active-maps))
+                    (when (boundp name)
+                      (setq this-keymap (and (keymapp (symbol-value name))
+                                             (symbol-value name)))))
+                  (cond
+                   ((null this-keymap)
+                    (insert "\nUses keymap "
+                            (substitute-command-keys "`")
+                            (symbol-name name)
+                            (substitute-command-keys "'")
+                            ", which is not currently defined.\n")
+                    (unless generate-summary
+                      (setq keymap nil)))
+                   ((not generate-summary)
+                    (setq keymap this-keymap))
+                   (t
+                    ;; Get the list of active keymaps that precede this one.
+                    ;; If this one's not active, get nil.
+                    (let ((earlier-maps (cdr (memq this-keymap (reverse 
+                      (describe-map-tree this-keymap t (nreverse earlier-maps)
+                                         nil nil t nil nil t))))))))
+             ;; 2. Handle quotes.
+             ((and (eq (get-quoting-style) 'curve)
+                   (or (and (= (following-char) ?\`)
+                            (prog1 t (insert "‘")))
+                       (and (= (following-char) ?')
+                            (prog1 t (insert "’")))))
+              (delete-char 1))
+             ((and (eq (get-quoting-style) 'straight)
+                   (= (following-char) ?\`))
+              (insert "'")
+              (delete-char 1))
+             ;; 3. Nothing to do -- next character.
+             (t (forward-char 1)))))
+        (buffer-string)))))
+(defvar help--keymaps-seen nil)
+(defun describe-map-tree (startmap partial shadow prefix title no-menu
+                                   transl always-title mention-shadow)
+  "Insert a description of the key bindings in STARTMAP.
+This is followed by the key bindings of all maps reachable
+through STARTMAP.
+If PARTIAL is non-nil, omit certain uninteresting commands
+\(such as `undefined').
+If SHADOW is non-nil, it is a list of maps; don't mention keys
+which would be shadowed by any of them.
+If PREFIX is non-nil, mention only keys that start with PREFIX.
+If TITLE is non-nil, is a string to insert at the beginning.
+TITLE should not end with a colon or a newline; we supply that.
+If NOMENU is non-nil, then omit menu-bar commands.
+If TRANSL is non-nil, the definitions are actually key
+translations so print strings and vectors differently.
+If ALWAYS_TITLE is non-nil, print the title even if there are no
+maps to look through.
+If MENTION_SHADOW is non-nil, then when something is shadowed by
+SHADOW, don't omit it; instead, mention it but say it is
+Any inserted text ends in two newlines (used by
+  (let* ((amaps (accessible-keymaps startmap prefix))
+         (orig-maps (if no-menu
+                        (progn
+                          ;; Delete from MAPS each element that is for
+                          ;; the menu bar.
+                          (let* ((tail amaps)
+                                 result)
+                            (while tail
+                              (let ((elem (car tail)))
+                                (when (not (and (>= (length (car elem)) 1)
+                                                (eq (elt (car elem) 0) 
+                                  (setq result (append result (list elem)))))
+                              (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+                            result))
+                      amaps))
+         (maps orig-maps)
+         (print-title (or maps always-title)))
+    ;; Print title.
+    (when print-title
+      (princ (concat (if title
+                         (concat title
+                                 (if prefix
+                                     (concat " Starting With "
+                                             (key-description prefix)))
+                                 ":\n"))
+                     "key             binding\n"
+                     "---             -------\n")))
+    ;; Describe key bindings.
+    (setq help--keymaps-seen nil)
+    (while (consp maps)
+      (let* ((elt (car maps))
+             (elt-prefix (car elt))
+             (sub-shadows (lookup-key shadow elt-prefix t)))
+        (when (if (natnump sub-shadows)
+                  (prog1 t (setq sub-shadows nil))
+                ;; Describe this map iff elt_prefix is bound to a
+                ;; keymap, since otherwise it completely shadows this
+                ;; map.
+                (or (keymapp sub-shadows)
+                    (null sub-shadows)
+                    (consp sub-shadows)
+                    (not (keymapp (car sub-shadows)))))
+          ;; Maps we have already listed in this loop shadow this map.
+          (let ((tail orig-maps))
+            (while (not (equal tail maps))
+              (when (equal (car (car tail)) elt-prefix)
+                (setq sub-shadows (cons (cdr (car tail)) sub-shadows)))
+              (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+          (describe-map (cdr elt) elt-prefix transl partial
+                        sub-shadows no-menu mention-shadow)))
+      (setq maps (cdr maps)))
+    (when print-title
+      (princ "\n"))))
+(defun help--shadow-lookup (keymap key accept-default remap)
+  "Like `lookup-key', but with command remapping.
+Return nil if the key sequence is too long."
+  ;; Converted from shadow_lookup in keymap.c.
+  (let ((value (lookup-key keymap key accept-default)))
+    (cond ((and (fixnump value) (<= 0 value)))
+          ((and value remap (symbolp value))
+           (or (command-remapping value nil keymap)
+               value))
+          (t value))))
+(defvar help--previous-description-column 0)
+(defun help--describe-command (definition)
+  ;; Converted from describe_command in keymap.c.
+  ;; If column 16 is no good, go to col 32;
+  ;; but don't push beyond that--go to next line instead.
+  (let* ((column (current-column))
+         (description-column (cond ((> column 30)
+                                    (insert "\n")
+                                    32)
+                                   ((or (> column 14)
+                                        (and (> column 10)
+                                             (= 
help--previous-description-column 32)))
+                                    32)
+                                   (t 16))))
+    (indent-to description-column 1)
+    (setq help--previous-description-column description-column)
+    (cond ((symbolp definition)
+           (insert (symbol-name definition) "\n"))
+          ((or (stringp definition) (vectorp definition))
+           (insert "Keyboard Macro\n"))
+          ((keymapp definition)
+           (insert "Prefix Command\n"))
+          (t (insert "??\n")))))
+(defun help--describe-translation (definition)
+  ;; Converted from describe_translation in keymap.c.
+  (indent-to 16 1)
+  (cond ((symbolp definition)
+         (insert (symbol-name definition) "\n"))
+        ((or (stringp definition) (vectorp definition))
+         (insert (key-description definition nil) "\n"))
+        ((keymapp definition)
+         (insert "Prefix Command\n"))
+        (t (insert "??\n"))))
+(defun help--describe-map-compare (a b)
+  (let ((a (car a))
+        (b (car b)))
+    (cond ((and (fixnump a) (fixnump b)) (< a b))
+          ;; ((and (not (fixnump a)) (fixnump b)) nil) ; not needed
+          ((and (fixnump a) (not (fixnump b))) t)
+          ((and (symbolp a) (symbolp b))
+           ;; Sort the keystroke names in the "natural" way, with (for
+           ;; instance) "<f2>" coming between "<f1>" and "<f11>".
+           (string-version-lessp (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b)))
+          (t nil))))
+(defun describe-map (map prefix transl partial shadow nomenu mention-shadow)
+  "Describe the contents of keymap MAP.
+Assume that this keymap itself is reached by the sequence of
+prefix keys PREFIX (a string or vector).
+  ;; Converted from describe_map in keymap.c.
+  (let* ((suppress (and partial 'suppress-keymap))
+         (map (keymap-canonicalize map))
+         (tail map)
+         (first t)
+         (describer (if transl
+                        #'help--describe-translation
+                      #'help--describe-command))
+         done vect)
+    (while (and (consp tail) (not done))
+      (cond ((or (vectorp (car tail)) (char-table-p (car tail)))
+             (help--describe-vector (car tail) prefix describer partial
+                                shadow map mention-shadow))
+            ((consp (car tail))
+             (let ((event (caar tail))
+                   definition this-shadowed)
+               ;; Ignore bindings whose "prefix" are not really
+               ;; valid events. (We get these in the frames and
+               ;; buffers menu.)
+               (and (or (symbolp event) (fixnump event))
+                    (not (and nomenu (eq event 'menu-bar)))
+                    ;; Don't show undefined commands or suppressed
+                    ;; commands.
+                    (setq definition (keymap--get-keyelt (cdr (car tail)) nil))
+                    (or (not (symbolp definition))
+                        (null (get definition suppress)))
+                    ;; Don't show a command that isn't really
+                    ;; visible because a local definition of the
+                    ;; same key shadows it.
+                    (or (not shadow)
+                        (let ((tem (help--shadow-lookup shadow (vector event) 
t nil)))
+                          (cond ((null tem) t)
+                                ;; If both bindings are keymaps,
+                                ;; this key is a prefix key, so
+                                ;; don't say it is shadowed.
+                                ((and (keymapp definition) (keymapp tem)) t)
+                                ;; Avoid generating duplicate
+                                ;; entries if the shadowed binding
+                                ;; has the same definition.
+                                ((and mention-shadow (not (eq tem definition)))
+                                 (setq this-shadowed t))
+                                (t nil))))
+                    (push (list event definition this-shadowed) vect))))
+            ((eq (car tail) 'keymap)
+             ;; The same keymap might be in the structure twice, if
+             ;; we're using an inherited keymap.  So skip anything
+             ;; we've already encountered.
+             (let ((tem (assq tail help--keymaps-seen)))
+               (if (and (consp tem)
+                        (equal (car tem) prefix))
+                   (setq done t)
+                 (push (cons tail prefix) help--keymaps-seen)))))
+      (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+    ;; If we found some sparse map events, sort them.
+    (let ((vect (sort vect 'help--describe-map-compare)))
+      ;; Now output them in sorted order.
+      (while vect
+        (let* ((elem (car vect))
+               (start (car elem))
+               (definition (cadr elem))
+               (shadowed (caddr elem))
+               (end start))
+          (when first
+            (setq help--previous-description-column 0)
+            (insert "\n")
+            (setq first nil))
+          ;; Find consecutive chars that are identically defined.
+          (when (fixnump start)
+            (while (and (cdr vect)
+                        (let ((this-event (caar vect))
+                              (this-definition (cadar vect))
+                              (this-shadowed (caddar vect))
+                              (next-event (caar (cdr vect)))
+                              (next-definition (cadar (cdr vect)))
+                              (next-shadowed (caddar (cdr vect))))
+                          (and (eq next-event (1+ this-event))
+                               (equal next-definition this-definition)
+                               (eq this-shadowed next-shadowed))))
+              (setq vect (cdr vect))
+              (setq end (caar vect))))
+          ;; Now START .. END is the range to describe next.
+          ;; Insert the string to describe the event START.
+          (insert (key-description (vector start) prefix))
+          (when (not (eq start end))
+            (insert " .. " (key-description (vector end) prefix)))
+          ;; Print a description of the definition of this character.
+          ;; Called function will take care of spacing out far enough
+          ;; for alignment purposes.
+          (if transl
+              (help--describe-translation definition)
+            (help--describe-command definition))
+          ;; Print a description of the definition of this character.
+          ;; elt_describer will take care of spacing out far enough for
+          ;; alignment purposes.
+          (when shadowed
+            (goto-char (max (1- (point)) (point-min)))
+            (insert "\n  (this binding is currently shadowed)")
+            (goto-char (min (1+ (point)) (point-max)))))
+        ;; Next item in list.
+        (setq vect (cdr vect))))))
+;;;; This Lisp version is 100 times slower than its C equivalent:
+;; (defun help--describe-vector
+;;     (vector prefix transl partial shadow entire-map mention-shadow)
+;;   "Insert in the current buffer a description of the contents of VECTOR.
+;; PREFIX a prefix key which leads to the keymap that this vector is
+;; in.
+;; If PARTIAL, it means do not mention suppressed commands
+;; (that assumes the vector is in a keymap).
+;; SHADOW is a list of keymaps that shadow this map.  If it is
+;; non-nil, look up the key in those maps and don't mention it if it
+;; is defined by any of them.
+;; ENTIRE-MAP is the vector in which this vector appears.
+;; If the definition in effect in the whole map does not match
+;; the one in this vector, we ignore this one."
+;;   ;; Converted from describe_vector in keymap.c.
+;;   (let* ((first t)
+;;          (idx 0))
+;;     (while (< idx (length vector))
+;;       (let* ((val (aref vector idx))
+;;              (definition (keymap--get-keyelt val nil))
+;;              (start-idx idx)
+;;              this-shadowed
+;;              found-range)
+;;         (when (and definition
+;;                    ;; Don't mention suppressed commands.
+;;                    (not (and partial
+;;                              (symbolp definition)
+;;                              (get definition 'suppress-keymap)))
+;;                    ;; If this binding is shadowed by some other map,
+;;                    ;; ignore it.
+;;                    (not (and shadow
+;;                              (help--shadow-lookup shadow (vector start-idx) 
t nil)
+;;                              (if mention-shadow
+;;                                  (prog1 nil (setq this-shadowed t))
+;;                                t)))
+;;                    ;; Ignore this definition if it is shadowed by an earlier
+;;                    ;; one in the same keymap.
+;;                    (not (and entire-map
+;;                              (not (eq (lookup-key entire-map (vector 
start-idx) t)
+;;                                       definition)))))
+;;           (when first
+;;             (insert "\n")
+;;             (setq first nil))
+;;           (when (and prefix (> (length prefix) 0))
+;;             (insert (format "%s" prefix)))
+;;           (insert (key-description (vector start-idx) prefix))
+;;           ;; Find all consecutive characters or rows that have the
+;;           ;; same definition.
+;;           (while (equal (keymap--get-keyelt (aref vector (1+ idx)) nil)
+;;                         definition)
+;;             (setq found-range t)
+;;             (setq idx (1+ idx)))
+;;           ;; If we have a range of more than one character,
+;;           ;; print where the range reaches to.
+;;           (when found-range
+;;             (insert " .. ")
+;;             (when (and prefix (> (length prefix) 0))
+;;               (insert (format "%s" prefix)))
+;;             (insert (key-description (vector idx) prefix)))
+;;           (if transl
+;;               (help--describe-translation definition)
+;;             (help--describe-command definition))
+;;           (when this-shadowed
+;;             (goto-char (1- (point)))
+;;             (insert "  (binding currently shadowed)")
+;;             (goto-char (1+ (point))))))
+;;       (setq idx (1+ idx)))))
 (declare-function x-display-pixel-height "xfns.c" (&optional terminal))
 (declare-function x-display-pixel-width "xfns.c" (&optional terminal))
diff --git a/src/doc.c b/src/doc.c
index 18ab346..f1ce266 100644
--- a/src/doc.c
+++ b/src/doc.c
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ string is passed through `substitute-command-keys'.  */)
   if (NILP (raw))
-    doc = Fsubstitute_command_keys (doc);
+    doc = call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, doc);
   return doc;
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ aren't strings.  */)
     tem = Feval (tem, Qnil);
   if (NILP (raw) && STRINGP (tem))
-    tem = Fsubstitute_command_keys (tem);
+    tem = call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, tem);
   return tem;
@@ -696,315 +696,34 @@ text_quoting_style (void)
-DEFUN ("substitute-command-keys", Fsubstitute_command_keys,
-       Ssubstitute_command_keys, 1, 1, 0,
-       doc: /* Substitute key descriptions for command names in STRING.
-Each substring of the form \\=\\[COMMAND] is replaced by either a
-keystroke sequence that invokes COMMAND, or "M-x COMMAND" if COMMAND
-is not on any keys.
-Each substring of the form \\=\\{MAPVAR} is replaced by a summary of
-the value of MAPVAR as a keymap.  This summary is similar to the one
-produced by `describe-bindings'.  The summary ends in two newlines
-\(used by the helper function `help-make-xrefs' to find the end of the
-Each substring of the form \\=\\<MAPVAR> specifies the use of MAPVAR
-as the keymap for future \\=\\[COMMAND] substrings.
-Each grave accent \\=` is replaced by left quote, and each apostrophe \\='
-is replaced by right quote.  Left and right quote characters are
-specified by `text-quoting-style'.
-\\=\\= quotes the following character and is discarded; thus, \\=\\=\\=\\= 
puts \\=\\=
-into the output, \\=\\=\\=\\[ puts \\=\\[ into the output, and \\=\\=\\=` puts 
\\=` into the
-Return the original STRING if no substitutions are made.
-Otherwise, return a new string (without any text properties).  */)
-  (Lisp_Object string)
+/* This is just a Lisp wrapper for text_quoting_style above.  */
+DEFUN ("get-quoting-style", Fget_quoting_style,
+       Sget_quoting_style, 0, 0, 0,
+       doc: /* Return the current effective text quoting style.
+See variable `text-quoting-style'.  */)
+  (void)
-  char *buf;
-  bool changed = false;
-  bool nonquotes_changed = false;
-  unsigned char *strp;
-  char *bufp;
-  ptrdiff_t idx;
-  ptrdiff_t bsize;
-  Lisp_Object tem;
-  Lisp_Object keymap;
-  unsigned char const *start;
-  ptrdiff_t length, length_byte;
-  Lisp_Object name;
-  ptrdiff_t nchars;
-  if (NILP (string))
-    return Qnil;
-  /* If STRING contains non-ASCII unibyte data, process its
-     properly-encoded multibyte equivalent instead.  This simplifies
-     the implementation and is OK since substitute-command-keys is
-     intended for use only on text strings.  Keep STRING around, since
-     it will be returned if no changes occur.  */
-  Lisp_Object str = Fstring_make_multibyte (string);
-  enum text_quoting_style quoting_style = text_quoting_style ();
-  nchars = 0;
-  /* KEYMAP is either nil (which means search all the active keymaps)
-     or a specified local map (which means search just that and the
-     global map).  If non-nil, it might come from Voverriding_local_map,
-     or from a \\<mapname> construct in STRING itself..  */
-  keymap = Voverriding_local_map;
-  ptrdiff_t strbytes = SBYTES (str);
-  bsize = strbytes;
-  /* Fixed-size stack buffer.  */
-  char sbuf[MAX_ALLOCA];
-  /* Heap-allocated buffer, if any.  */
-  char *abuf;
-  /* Extra room for expansion due to replacing ‘\[]’ with ‘M-x ’.  */
-  enum { EXTRA_ROOM = sizeof "M-x " - sizeof "\\[]" };
-  ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
-  if (bsize <= sizeof sbuf - EXTRA_ROOM)
-    {
-      abuf = NULL;
-      buf = sbuf;
-      bsize = sizeof sbuf;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      buf = abuf = xpalloc (NULL, &bsize, EXTRA_ROOM, STRING_BYTES_BOUND, 1);
-      record_unwind_protect_ptr (xfree, abuf);
-    }
-  bufp = buf;
-  strp = SDATA (str);
-  while (strp < SDATA (str) + strbytes)
-    {
-      unsigned char *close_bracket;
-      if (strp[0] == '\\' && strp[1] == '='
-         && strp + 2 < SDATA (str) + strbytes)
-       {
-         /* \= quotes the next character;
-            thus, to put in \[ without its special meaning, use \=\[.  */
-         changed = nonquotes_changed = true;
-         strp += 2;
-         /* Fall through to copy one char.  */
-       }
-      else if (strp[0] == '\\' && strp[1] == '['
-              && (close_bracket
-                  = memchr (strp + 2, ']',
-                            SDATA (str) + strbytes - (strp + 2))))
-       {
-         bool follow_remap = 1;
-         start = strp + 2;
-         length_byte = close_bracket - start;
-         idx = close_bracket + 1 - SDATA (str);
-         name = Fintern (make_string ((char *) start, length_byte), Qnil);
-       do_remap:
-         tem = Fwhere_is_internal (name, keymap, Qt, Qnil, Qnil);
-         if (VECTORP (tem) && ASIZE (tem) > 1
-             && EQ (AREF (tem, 0), Qremap) && SYMBOLP (AREF (tem, 1))
-             && follow_remap)
-           {
-             name = AREF (tem, 1);
-             follow_remap = 0;
-             goto do_remap;
-           }
-         /* Fwhere_is_internal can GC, so take relocation of string
-            contents into account.  */
-         strp = SDATA (str) + idx;
-         start = strp - length_byte - 1;
-         if (NILP (tem))       /* but not on any keys */
-           {
-             memcpy (bufp, "M-x ", 4);
-             bufp += 4;
-             nchars += 4;
-             length = multibyte_chars_in_text (start, length_byte);
-             goto subst;
-           }
-         else
-           {                   /* function is on a key */
-             tem = Fkey_description (tem, Qnil);
-             goto subst_string;
-           }
-       }
-      /* \{foo} is replaced with a summary of the keymap (symbol-value foo).
-        \<foo> just sets the keymap used for \[cmd].  */
-      else if (strp[0] == '\\' && (strp[1] == '{' || strp[1] == '<')
-              && (close_bracket
-                  = memchr (strp + 2, strp[1] == '{' ? '}' : '>',
-                            SDATA (str) + strbytes - (strp + 2))))
-       {
-        {
-         bool generate_summary = strp[1] == '{';
-         /* This is for computing the SHADOWS arg for describe_map_tree.  */
-         Lisp_Object active_maps = Fcurrent_active_maps (Qnil, Qnil);
-         ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
-         start = strp + 2;
-         length_byte = close_bracket - start;
-         idx = close_bracket + 1 - SDATA (str);
-         /* Get the value of the keymap in TEM, or nil if undefined.
-            Do this while still in the user's current buffer
-            in case it is a local variable.  */
-         name = Fintern (make_string ((char *) start, length_byte), Qnil);
-         tem = Fboundp (name);
-         if (! NILP (tem))
-           {
-             tem = Fsymbol_value (name);
-             if (! NILP (tem))
-               tem = get_keymap (tem, 0, 1);
-           }
-         /* Now switch to a temp buffer.  */
-         struct buffer *oldbuf = current_buffer;
-         set_buffer_internal (XBUFFER (Vprin1_to_string_buffer));
-         /* This is for an unusual case where some after-change
-            function uses 'format' or 'prin1' or something else that
-            will thrash Vprin1_to_string_buffer we are using.  */
-         specbind (Qinhibit_modification_hooks, Qt);
-         if (NILP (tem))
-           {
-             name = Fsymbol_name (name);
-             AUTO_STRING (msg_prefix, "\nUses keymap `");
-             insert1 (Fsubstitute_command_keys (msg_prefix));
-             insert_from_string (name, 0, 0,
-                                 SCHARS (name),
-                                 SBYTES (name), 1);
-             AUTO_STRING (msg_suffix, "', which is not currently defined.\n");
-             insert1 (Fsubstitute_command_keys (msg_suffix));
-             if (!generate_summary)
-               keymap = Qnil;
-           }
-         else if (!generate_summary)
-           keymap = tem;
-         else
-           {
-             /* Get the list of active keymaps that precede this one.
-                If this one's not active, get nil.  */
-             Lisp_Object earlier_maps
-               = Fcdr (Fmemq (tem, Freverse (active_maps)));
-             describe_map_tree (tem, 1, Fnreverse (earlier_maps),
-                                Qnil, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
-           }
-         tem = Fbuffer_string ();
-         Ferase_buffer ();
-         set_buffer_internal (oldbuf);
-         unbind_to (count, Qnil);
-        }
-       subst_string:
-         /* Convert non-ASCII unibyte data to properly-encoded multibyte,
-            for the same reason STRING was converted to STR.  */
-         tem = Fstring_make_multibyte (tem);
-         start = SDATA (tem);
-         length = SCHARS (tem);
-         length_byte = SBYTES (tem);
-       subst:
-         nonquotes_changed = true;
-       subst_quote:
-         changed = true;
-         {
-           ptrdiff_t offset = bufp - buf;
-           ptrdiff_t avail = bsize - offset;
-           ptrdiff_t need = strbytes - idx;
-           if (INT_ADD_WRAPV (need, length_byte + EXTRA_ROOM, &need))
-             string_overflow ();
-           if (avail < need)
-             {
-               abuf = xpalloc (abuf, &bsize, need - avail,
-                               STRING_BYTES_BOUND, 1);
-               if (buf == sbuf)
-                 {
-                   record_unwind_protect_ptr (xfree, abuf);
-                   memcpy (abuf, sbuf, offset);
-                 }
-               else
-                 set_unwind_protect_ptr (count, xfree, abuf);
-               buf = abuf;
-               bufp = buf + offset;
-             }
-           memcpy (bufp, start, length_byte);
-           bufp += length_byte;
-           nchars += length;
-           /* Some of the previous code can GC, so take relocation of
-              string contents into account.  */
-           strp = SDATA (str) + idx;
-           continue;
-         }
-       }
-      else if ((strp[0] == '`' || strp[0] == '\'')
-              && quoting_style == CURVE_QUOTING_STYLE)
-       {
-         start = (unsigned char const *) (strp[0] == '`' ? uLSQM : uRSQM);
-         length = 1;
-         length_byte = sizeof uLSQM - 1;
-         idx = strp - SDATA (str) + 1;
-         goto subst_quote;
-       }
-      else if (strp[0] == '`' && quoting_style == STRAIGHT_QUOTING_STYLE)
-       {
-         *bufp++ = '\'';
-         strp++;
-         nchars++;
-         changed = true;
-         continue;
-       }
-      /* Copy one char.  */
-      do
-       *bufp++ = *strp++;
-      while (! CHAR_HEAD_P (*strp));
-      nchars++;
-    }
-  if (changed)                 /* don't bother if nothing substituted */
+  switch (text_quoting_style ())
-      tem = make_string_from_bytes (buf, nchars, bufp - buf);
-      if (!nonquotes_changed)
-       {
-         /* Nothing has changed other than quoting, so copy the string’s
-            text properties.  FIXME: Text properties should survive other
-            changes too; see bug#17052.  */
-         INTERVAL interval_copy = copy_intervals (string_intervals (string),
-                                                  0, SCHARS (string));
-         if (interval_copy)
-           {
-             set_interval_object (interval_copy, tem);
-             set_string_intervals (tem, interval_copy);
-           }
-       }
+      return Qstraight;
+      return Qcurve;
+    default:
+      return Qgrave;
-  else
-    tem = string;
-  return unbind_to (count, tem);
 syms_of_doc (void)
+  DEFSYM (Qsubstitute_command_keys, "substitute-command-keys");
   DEFSYM (Qfunction_documentation, "function-documentation");
   DEFSYM (Qgrave, "grave");
   DEFSYM (Qstraight, "straight");
+  DEFSYM (Qcurve, "curve");
   DEFVAR_LISP ("internal-doc-file-name", Vdoc_file_name,
               doc: /* Name of file containing documentation strings of 
built-in symbols.  */);
@@ -1036,5 +755,5 @@ otherwise.  */);
   defsubr (&Sdocumentation);
   defsubr (&Sdocumentation_property);
   defsubr (&Ssnarf_documentation);
-  defsubr (&Ssubstitute_command_keys);
+  defsubr (&Sget_quoting_style);
diff --git a/src/keyboard.c b/src/keyboard.c
index 10d2f63..2e01433 100644
--- a/src/keyboard.c
+++ b/src/keyboard.c
@@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ help_echo_substitute_command_keys (Lisp_Object help)
     return help;
-  return Fsubstitute_command_keys (help);
+  return call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, help);
 /* Display the help-echo property of the character after the mouse pointer.
@@ -7856,7 +7856,7 @@ parse_menu_item (Lisp_Object item, int inmenubar)
     /* The previous code preferred :key-sequence to :keys, so we
        preserve this behavior.  */
     if (STRINGP (keyeq) && !CONSP (keyhint))
-      keyeq = concat2 (space_space, Fsubstitute_command_keys (keyeq));
+      keyeq = concat2 (space_space, call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, keyeq));
        Lisp_Object prefix = keyeq;
diff --git a/src/keymap.c b/src/keymap.c
index 0608bdd..e5b4781 100644
--- a/src/keymap.c
+++ b/src/keymap.c
@@ -89,11 +89,6 @@ static Lisp_Object where_is_cache_keymaps;
 static Lisp_Object store_in_keymap (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
 static Lisp_Object define_as_prefix (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
-static void describe_command (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
-static void describe_translation (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
-static void describe_map (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object,
-                          void (*) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object),
-                         bool, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object *, bool, bool);
 static void describe_vector (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object,
                              void (*) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object), bool,
                              Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, bool, bool);
@@ -679,6 +674,23 @@ usage: (map-keymap FUNCTION KEYMAP)  */)
   return Qnil;
+DEFUN ("keymap--get-keyelt", Fkeymap__get_keyelt, Skeymap__get_keyelt, 2, 2, 0,
+       doc: /* Given OBJECT which was found in a slot in a keymap,
+trace indirect definitions to get the actual definition of that slot.
+An indirect definition is a list of the form
+(KEYMAP . INDEX), where KEYMAP is a keymap or a symbol defined as one
+and INDEX is the object to look up in KEYMAP to yield the definition.
+Also if OBJECT has a menu string as the first element,
+remove that.  Also remove a menu help string as second element.
+If AUTOLOAD, load autoloadable keymaps
+that are referred to with indirection.  */)
+  (Lisp_Object object, Lisp_Object autoload)
+  return get_keyelt (object, NILP (autoload) ? false : true);
 /* Given OBJECT which was found in a slot in a keymap,
    trace indirect definitions to get the actual definition of that slot.
    An indirect definition is a list of the form
@@ -2733,7 +2745,7 @@ The optional argument MENUS, if non-nil, says to mention 
menu bindings.
   (Lisp_Object buffer, Lisp_Object prefix, Lisp_Object menus)
   Lisp_Object outbuf, shadow;
-  bool nomenu = NILP (menus);
+  Lisp_Object nomenu = NILP (menus) ? Qt : Qnil;
   Lisp_Object start1;
   const char *alternate_heading
@@ -2782,9 +2794,13 @@ You type        Translation\n\
   if (!NILP (Vkey_translation_map))
-    describe_map_tree (Vkey_translation_map, 0, Qnil, prefix,
-                      "Key translations", nomenu, 1, 0, 0);
+    {
+      Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("Key translations");
+      CALLN (Ffuncall,
+            Qdescribe_map_tree,
+            Vkey_translation_map, Qnil, Qnil, prefix,
+            msg, nomenu, Qt, Qnil, Qnil);
+    }
   /* Print the (major mode) local map.  */
   start1 = Qnil;
@@ -2793,8 +2809,11 @@ You type        Translation\n\
   if (!NILP (start1))
-      describe_map_tree (start1, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                        "\f\nOverriding Bindings", nomenu, 0, 0, 0);
+      Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nOverriding Bindings");
+      CALLN (Ffuncall,
+            Qdescribe_map_tree,
+            start1, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+            msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
       shadow = Fcons (start1, shadow);
       start1 = Qnil;
@@ -2803,8 +2822,11 @@ You type        Translation\n\
   if (!NILP (start1))
-      describe_map_tree (start1, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                        "\f\nOverriding Bindings", nomenu, 0, 0, 0);
+      Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nOverriding Bindings");
+      CALLN (Ffuncall,
+            Qdescribe_map_tree,
+            start1, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+            msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
       shadow = Fcons (start1, shadow);
@@ -2824,9 +2846,11 @@ You type        Translation\n\
                              XBUFFER (buffer), Qkeymap);
       if (!NILP (start1))
-         describe_map_tree (start1, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                            "\f\n`keymap' Property Bindings", nomenu,
-                            0, 0, 0);
+         Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\n`keymap' Property 
+         CALLN (Ffuncall,
+                Qdescribe_map_tree,
+                start1, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+                msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
          shadow = Fcons (start1, shadow);
@@ -2835,7 +2859,7 @@ You type        Translation\n\
          /* The title for a minor mode keymap
             is constructed at run time.
-            We let describe_map_tree do the actual insertion
+            We let describe-map-tree do the actual insertion
             because it takes care of other features when doing so.  */
          char *title, *p;
@@ -2855,8 +2879,11 @@ You type        Translation\n\
          p += strlen (" Minor Mode Bindings");
          *p = 0;
-         describe_map_tree (maps[i], 1, shadow, prefix,
-                            title, nomenu, 0, 0, 0);
+         Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string (title);
+         CALLN (Ffuncall,
+                Qdescribe_map_tree,
+                maps[i], Qt, shadow, prefix,
+                msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
          shadow = Fcons (maps[i], shadow);
          SAFE_FREE ();
@@ -2866,432 +2893,66 @@ You type        Translation\n\
       if (!NILP (start1))
          if (EQ (start1, BVAR (XBUFFER (buffer), keymap)))
-           describe_map_tree (start1, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                              "\f\nMajor Mode Bindings", nomenu, 0, 0, 0);
-         else
-           describe_map_tree (start1, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                              "\f\n`local-map' Property Bindings",
-                              nomenu, 0, 0, 0);
-         shadow = Fcons (start1, shadow);
-       }
-    }
-  describe_map_tree (current_global_map, 1, shadow, prefix,
-                    "\f\nGlobal Bindings", nomenu, 0, 1, 0);
-  /* Print the function-key-map translations under this prefix.  */
-  if (!NILP (KVAR (current_kboard, Vlocal_function_key_map)))
-    describe_map_tree (KVAR (current_kboard, Vlocal_function_key_map), 0, 
Qnil, prefix,
-                      "\f\nFunction key map translations", nomenu, 1, 0, 0);
-  /* Print the input-decode-map translations under this prefix.  */
-  if (!NILP (KVAR (current_kboard, Vinput_decode_map)))
-    describe_map_tree (KVAR (current_kboard, Vinput_decode_map), 0, Qnil, 
-                      "\f\nInput decoding map translations", nomenu, 1, 0, 0);
-  return Qnil;
-/* Insert a description of the key bindings in STARTMAP,
-    followed by those of all maps reachable through STARTMAP.
-   If PARTIAL, omit certain "uninteresting" commands
-    (such as `undefined').
-   If SHADOW is non-nil, it is a list of maps;
-    don't mention keys which would be shadowed by any of them.
-   PREFIX, if non-nil, says mention only keys that start with PREFIX.
-   TITLE, if not 0, is a string to insert at the beginning.
-   TITLE should not end with a colon or a newline; we supply that.
-   If NOMENU, then omit menu-bar commands.
-   If TRANSL, the definitions are actually key translations
-   so print strings and vectors differently.
-   If ALWAYS_TITLE, print the title even if there are no maps
-   to look through.
-   If MENTION_SHADOW, then when something is shadowed by SHADOW,
-   don't omit it; instead, mention it but say it is shadowed.
-   Any inserted text ends in two newlines (used by `help-make-xrefs').  */
-describe_map_tree (Lisp_Object startmap, bool partial, Lisp_Object shadow,
-                  Lisp_Object prefix, const char *title, bool nomenu,
-                  bool transl, bool always_title, bool mention_shadow)
-  Lisp_Object maps, orig_maps, seen, sub_shadows;
-  bool something = 0;
-  const char *key_heading
-    = "\
-key             binding\n\
----             -------\n";
-  orig_maps = maps = Faccessible_keymaps (startmap, prefix);
-  seen = Qnil;
-  sub_shadows = Qnil;
-  if (nomenu)
-    {
-      Lisp_Object list;
-      /* Delete from MAPS each element that is for the menu bar.  */
-      for (list = maps; CONSP (list); list = XCDR (list))
-       {
-         Lisp_Object elt, elt_prefix, tem;
-         elt = XCAR (list);
-         elt_prefix = Fcar (elt);
-         if (ASIZE (elt_prefix) >= 1)
-             tem = Faref (elt_prefix, make_fixnum (0));
-             if (EQ (tem, Qmenu_bar))
-               maps = Fdelq (elt, maps);
+             Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nMajor Mode 
+             CALLN (Ffuncall,
+                    Qdescribe_map_tree,
+                    start1, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+                    msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
-       }
-    }
-  if (!NILP (maps) || always_title)
-    {
-      if (title)
-       {
-         insert_string (title);
-         if (!NILP (prefix))
+         else
-             insert_string (" Starting With ");
-             insert1 (Fkey_description (prefix, Qnil));
+             Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\n`local-map' Property 
+             CALLN (Ffuncall,
+                    Qdescribe_map_tree,
+                    start1, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+                    msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil);
-         insert_string (":\n");
-       }
-      insert_string (key_heading);
-      something = 1;
-    }
-  for (; CONSP (maps); maps = XCDR (maps))
-    {
-      register Lisp_Object elt, elt_prefix, tail;
-      elt = XCAR (maps);
-      elt_prefix = Fcar (elt);
-      sub_shadows = Flookup_key (shadow, elt_prefix, Qt);
-      if (FIXNATP (sub_shadows))
-        sub_shadows = Qnil;
-      else if (!KEYMAPP (sub_shadows)
-               && !NILP (sub_shadows)
-               && !(CONSP (sub_shadows)
-                    && KEYMAPP (XCAR (sub_shadows))))
-         /* If elt_prefix is bound to something that's not a keymap,
-            it completely shadows this map, so don't
-            describe this map at all.  */
-        goto skip;
-      /* Maps we have already listed in this loop shadow this map.  */
-      for (tail = orig_maps; !EQ (tail, maps); tail = XCDR (tail))
-       {
-         Lisp_Object tem;
-         tem = Fequal (Fcar (XCAR (tail)), elt_prefix);
-         if (!NILP (tem))
-           sub_shadows = Fcons (XCDR (XCAR (tail)), sub_shadows);
+         shadow = Fcons (start1, shadow);
-      describe_map (Fcdr (elt), elt_prefix,
-                   transl ? describe_translation : describe_command,
-                   partial, sub_shadows, &seen, nomenu, mention_shadow);
-    skip: ;
-  if (something)
-    insert_string ("\n");
-static int previous_description_column;
-static void
-describe_command (Lisp_Object definition, Lisp_Object args)
-  register Lisp_Object tem1;
-  ptrdiff_t column = current_column ();
-  int description_column;
+  Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nGlobal Bindings");
+  CALLN (Ffuncall,
+        Qdescribe_map_tree,
+        current_global_map, Qt, shadow, prefix,
+        msg, nomenu, Qnil, Qt, Qnil);
-  /* If column 16 is no good, go to col 32;
-     but don't push beyond that--go to next line instead.  */
-  if (column > 30)
+  /* Print the function-key-map translations under this prefix.  */
+  if (!NILP (KVAR (current_kboard, Vlocal_function_key_map)))
-      insert_char ('\n');
-      description_column = 32;
+      Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nFunction key map 
+      CALLN (Ffuncall,
+            Qdescribe_map_tree,
+            KVAR (current_kboard, Vlocal_function_key_map), Qnil, Qnil, prefix,
+            msg, nomenu, Qt, Qt, Qt);
-  else if (column > 14 || (column > 10 && previous_description_column == 32))
-    description_column = 32;
-  else
-    description_column = 16;
-  Findent_to (make_fixnum (description_column), make_fixnum (1));
-  previous_description_column = description_column;
-  if (SYMBOLP (definition))
+  /* Print the input-decode-map translations under this prefix.  */
+  if (!NILP (KVAR (current_kboard, Vinput_decode_map)))
-      tem1 = SYMBOL_NAME (definition);
-      insert1 (tem1);
-      insert_string ("\n");
+      Lisp_Object msg = build_unibyte_string ("\f\nInput decoding map 
+      CALLN (Ffuncall,
+            Qdescribe_map_tree,
+            KVAR (current_kboard, Vinput_decode_map), Qnil, Qnil, prefix,
+            msg, nomenu, Qt, Qnil, Qnil);
-  else if (STRINGP (definition) || VECTORP (definition))
-    insert_string ("Keyboard Macro\n");
-  else if (KEYMAPP (definition))
-    insert_string ("Prefix Command\n");
-  else
-    insert_string ("??\n");
+  return Qnil;
 static void
-describe_translation (Lisp_Object definition, Lisp_Object args)
+describe_vector_princ (Lisp_Object elt, Lisp_Object fun)
-  register Lisp_Object tem1;
   Findent_to (make_fixnum (16), make_fixnum (1));
-  if (SYMBOLP (definition))
-    {
-      tem1 = SYMBOL_NAME (definition);
-      insert1 (tem1);
-      insert_string ("\n");
-    }
-  else if (STRINGP (definition) || VECTORP (definition))
-    {
-      insert1 (Fkey_description (definition, Qnil));
-      insert_string ("\n");
-    }
-  else if (KEYMAPP (definition))
-    insert_string ("Prefix Command\n");
-  else
-    insert_string ("??\n");
-/* describe_map puts all the usable elements of a sparse keymap
-   into an array of `struct describe_map_elt',
-   then sorts them by the events.  */
-struct describe_map_elt
-  Lisp_Object event;
-  Lisp_Object definition;
-  bool shadowed;
-/* qsort comparison function for sorting `struct describe_map_elt' by
-   the event field.  */
-static int
-describe_map_compare (const void *aa, const void *bb)
-  const struct describe_map_elt *a = aa, *b = bb;
-  if (FIXNUMP (a->event) && FIXNUMP (b->event))
-    return ((XFIXNUM (a->event) > XFIXNUM (b->event))
-           - (XFIXNUM (a->event) < XFIXNUM (b->event)));
-  if (!FIXNUMP (a->event) && FIXNUMP (b->event))
-    return 1;
-  if (FIXNUMP (a->event) && !FIXNUMP (b->event))
-    return -1;
-  if (SYMBOLP (a->event) && SYMBOLP (b->event))
-    /* Sort the keystroke names in the "natural" way, with (for
-       instance) "<f2>" coming between "<f1>" and "<f11>".  */
-    return string_version_cmp (SYMBOL_NAME (a->event), SYMBOL_NAME (b->event));
-  return 0;
-/* Describe the contents of map MAP, assuming that this map itself is
-   reached by the sequence of prefix keys PREFIX (a string or vector).
-   PARTIAL, SHADOW, NOMENU are as in `describe_map_tree' above.  */
-static void
-describe_map (Lisp_Object map, Lisp_Object prefix,
-             void (*elt_describer) (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object),
-             bool partial, Lisp_Object shadow,
-             Lisp_Object *seen, bool nomenu, bool mention_shadow)
-  Lisp_Object tail, definition, event;
-  Lisp_Object tem;
-  Lisp_Object suppress;
-  Lisp_Object kludge;
-  bool first = 1;
-  /* These accumulate the values from sparse keymap bindings,
-     so we can sort them and handle them in order.  */
-  ptrdiff_t length_needed = 0;
-  struct describe_map_elt *vect;
-  ptrdiff_t slots_used = 0;
-  ptrdiff_t i;
-  suppress = Qnil;
-  if (partial)
-    suppress = intern ("suppress-keymap");
-  /* This vector gets used to present single keys to Flookup_key.  Since
-     that is done once per keymap element, we don't want to cons up a
-     fresh vector every time.  */
-  kludge = make_nil_vector (1);
-  definition = Qnil;
-  map = call1 (Qkeymap_canonicalize, map);
-  for (tail = map; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
-    length_needed++;
-  SAFE_NALLOCA (vect, 1, length_needed);
-  for (tail = map; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
-    {
-      maybe_quit ();
-      if (VECTORP (XCAR (tail))
-         || CHAR_TABLE_P (XCAR (tail)))
-       describe_vector (XCAR (tail),
-                        prefix, Qnil, elt_describer, partial, shadow, map,
-                        1, mention_shadow);
-      else if (CONSP (XCAR (tail)))
-       {
-         bool this_shadowed = 0;
-         event = XCAR (XCAR (tail));
-         /* Ignore bindings whose "prefix" are not really valid events.
-            (We get these in the frames and buffers menu.)  */
-         if (!(SYMBOLP (event) || FIXNUMP (event)))
-           continue;
-         if (nomenu && EQ (event, Qmenu_bar))
-           continue;
-         definition = get_keyelt (XCDR (XCAR (tail)), 0);
-         /* Don't show undefined commands or suppressed commands.  */
-         if (NILP (definition)) continue;
-         if (SYMBOLP (definition) && partial)
-           {
-             tem = Fget (definition, suppress);
-             if (!NILP (tem))
-               continue;
-           }
-         /* Don't show a command that isn't really visible
-            because a local definition of the same key shadows it.  */
-         ASET (kludge, 0, event);
-         if (!NILP (shadow))
-           {
-             tem = shadow_lookup (shadow, kludge, Qt, 0);
-             if (!NILP (tem))
-               {
-                 /* If both bindings are keymaps, this key is a prefix key,
-                    so don't say it is shadowed.  */
-                 if (KEYMAPP (definition) && KEYMAPP (tem))
-                   ;
-                 /* Avoid generating duplicate entries if the
-                    shadowed binding has the same definition.  */
-                 else if (mention_shadow && !EQ (tem, definition))
-                   this_shadowed = 1;
-                 else
-                   continue;
-               }
-           }
-         tem = Flookup_key (map, kludge, Qt);
-         if (!EQ (tem, definition)) continue;
-         vect[slots_used].event = event;
-         vect[slots_used].definition = definition;
-         vect[slots_used].shadowed = this_shadowed;
-         slots_used++;
-       }
-      else if (EQ (XCAR (tail), Qkeymap))
-       {
-         /* The same keymap might be in the structure twice, if we're
-            using an inherited keymap.  So skip anything we've already
-            encountered.  */
-         tem = Fassq (tail, *seen);
-         if (CONSP (tem) && !NILP (Fequal (XCAR (tem), prefix)))
-           break;
-         *seen = Fcons (Fcons (tail, prefix), *seen);
-       }
-    }
-  /* If we found some sparse map events, sort them.  */
-  qsort (vect, slots_used, sizeof (struct describe_map_elt),
-        describe_map_compare);
-  /* Now output them in sorted order.  */
-  for (i = 0; i < slots_used; i++)
-    {
-      Lisp_Object start, end;
-      if (first)
-       {
-         previous_description_column = 0;
-         insert ("\n", 1);
-         first = 0;
-       }
-      ASET (kludge, 0, vect[i].event);
-      start = vect[i].event;
-      end = start;
-      definition = vect[i].definition;
-      /* Find consecutive chars that are identically defined.  */
-      if (FIXNUMP (vect[i].event))
-       {
-         while (i + 1 < slots_used
-                && EQ (vect[i+1].event, make_fixnum (XFIXNUM (vect[i].event) + 
-                && !NILP (Fequal (vect[i + 1].definition, definition))
-                && vect[i].shadowed == vect[i + 1].shadowed)
-           i++;
-         end = vect[i].event;
-       }
-      /* Now START .. END is the range to describe next.  */
-      /* Insert the string to describe the event START.  */
-      insert1 (Fkey_description (kludge, prefix));
-      if (!EQ (start, end))
-       {
-         insert (" .. ", 4);
-         ASET (kludge, 0, end);
-         /* Insert the string to describe the character END.  */
-         insert1 (Fkey_description (kludge, prefix));
-       }
-      /* Print a description of the definition of this character.
-        elt_describer will take care of spacing out far enough
-        for alignment purposes.  */
-      (*elt_describer) (vect[i].definition, Qnil);
-      if (vect[i].shadowed)
-       {
-         ptrdiff_t pt = max (PT - 1, BEG);
-         SET_PT (pt);
-         insert_string ("\n  (this binding is currently shadowed)");
-         pt = min (PT + 1, Z);
-         SET_PT (pt);
-       }
-    }
-  SAFE_FREE ();
+  call1 (fun, elt);
+  Fterpri (Qnil, Qnil);
 static void
-describe_vector_princ (Lisp_Object elt, Lisp_Object fun)
+describe_vector_basic (Lisp_Object elt, Lisp_Object fun)
-  Findent_to (make_fixnum (16), make_fixnum (1));
   call1 (fun, elt);
-  Fterpri (Qnil, Qnil);
 DEFUN ("describe-vector", Fdescribe_vector, Sdescribe_vector, 1, 2, 0,
@@ -3311,8 +2972,40 @@ DESCRIBER is the output function used; nil means use 
`princ'.  */)
   return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+DEFUN ("help--describe-vector", Fhelp__describe_vector, 
Shelp__describe_vector, 7, 7, 0,
+       doc: /* Insert in the current buffer a description of the contents of 
+Call DESCRIBER to insert the description of one value found in VECTOR.
+PREFIX is a string describing the key which leads to the keymap that
+this vector is in.
+If PARTIAL, it means do not mention suppressed commands.
+SHADOW is a list of keymaps that shadow this map.
+If it is non-nil, look up the key in those maps and don't mention it
+if it is defined by any of them.
+ENTIRE-MAP is the keymap in which this vector appears.
+If the definition in effect in the whole map does not match
+the one in this keymap, we ignore this one.  */)
+  (Lisp_Object vector, Lisp_Object prefix, Lisp_Object describer,
+   Lisp_Object partial, Lisp_Object shadow, Lisp_Object entire_map,
+   Lisp_Object mention_shadow)
+  ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+  specbind (Qstandard_output, Fcurrent_buffer ());
+  bool b_partial = NILP (partial) ? false : true;
+  bool b_mention_shadow = NILP (mention_shadow) ? false : true;
+  describe_vector (vector, prefix, describer, describe_vector_basic, b_partial,
+                  shadow, entire_map, true, b_mention_shadow);
+  return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
 /* Insert in the current buffer a description of the contents of VECTOR.
-   We call ELT_DESCRIBER to insert the description of one value found
+   Call ELT_DESCRIBER to insert the description of one value found
    in VECTOR.
    ELT_PREFIX describes what "comes before" the keys or indices defined
@@ -3568,6 +3261,7 @@ void
 syms_of_keymap (void)
   DEFSYM (Qkeymap, "keymap");
+  DEFSYM (Qdescribe_map_tree, "describe-map-tree");
   staticpro (&apropos_predicate);
   staticpro (&apropos_accumulate);
   apropos_predicate = Qnil;
@@ -3708,6 +3402,8 @@ be preferred.  */);
   defsubr (&Scurrent_active_maps);
   defsubr (&Saccessible_keymaps);
   defsubr (&Skey_description);
+  defsubr (&Skeymap__get_keyelt);
+  defsubr (&Shelp__describe_vector);
   defsubr (&Sdescribe_vector);
   defsubr (&Ssingle_key_description);
   defsubr (&Stext_char_description);
diff --git a/src/keymap.h b/src/keymap.h
index 3ef48fb..2f7df2b 100644
--- a/src/keymap.h
+++ b/src/keymap.h
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ extern Lisp_Object current_global_map;
 extern char *push_key_description (EMACS_INT, char *);
 extern Lisp_Object access_keymap (Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object, bool, bool, bool);
 extern Lisp_Object get_keymap (Lisp_Object, bool, bool);
-extern void describe_map_tree (Lisp_Object, bool, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object,
-                              const char *, bool, bool, bool, bool);
 extern ptrdiff_t current_minor_maps (Lisp_Object **, Lisp_Object **);
 extern void initial_define_key (Lisp_Object, int, const char *);
 extern void initial_define_lispy_key (Lisp_Object, const char *, const char *);
diff --git a/src/print.c b/src/print.c
index dca095f..53aa353 100644
--- a/src/print.c
+++ b/src/print.c
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ print_error_message (Lisp_Object data, Lisp_Object stream, 
const char *context,
       Lisp_Object error_conditions = Fget (errname, Qerror_conditions);
-      errmsg = Fsubstitute_command_keys (Fget (errname, Qerror_message));
+      errmsg = call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, Fget (errname, 
       file_error = Fmemq (Qfile_error, error_conditions);
diff --git a/src/syntax.c b/src/syntax.c
index 066972e..df07809 100644
--- a/src/syntax.c
+++ b/src/syntax.c
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ DEFUN ("internal-describe-syntax-value", 
       AUTO_STRING (prefixdoc,
                   ",\n\t  is a prefix character for `backward-prefix-chars'");
-      insert1 (Fsubstitute_command_keys (prefixdoc));
+      insert1 (call1 (Qsubstitute_command_keys, prefixdoc));
   return syntax;
diff --git a/test/lisp/help-tests.el b/test/lisp/help-tests.el
index 0862d12..079b111 100644
--- a/test/lisp/help-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/help-tests.el
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Juanma Barranquero <lekktu@gmail.com>
+;;         Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
+;;         Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com>
 ;; Keywords: help, internal
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'ert)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
 (ert-deftest help-split-fundoc-SECTION ()
   "Test new optional arg SECTION."
@@ -51,6 +54,313 @@
     (should (equal (help-split-fundoc nil t 'usage)  nil))
     (should (equal (help-split-fundoc nil t 'doc)    nil))))
+;;; substitute-command-keys
+(defmacro with-substitute-command-keys-test (&rest body)
+  `(cl-flet* ((test
+               (lambda (orig result)
+                 (should (equal-including-properties
+                          (substitute-command-keys orig)
+                          result))))
+              (test-re
+               (lambda (orig regexp)
+                 (should (string-match (concat "^" regexp "$")
+                                       (substitute-command-keys orig))))))
+     ,@body))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/no-change ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "foo" "foo")
+   (test "\\invalid-escape" "\\invalid-escape")))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/commands ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "foo \\[goto-char]" "foo M-g c")
+   (test "\\[next-line]" "C-n")
+   (test "\\[next-line]\n\\[next-line]" "C-n\nC-n")
+   (test "\\[next-line]\\[previous-line]" "C-nC-p")
+   (test "\\[next-line]\\=\\[previous-line]" "C-n\\[previous-line]")
+   ;; Allow any style of quotes, since the terminal might not support
+   ;; UTF-8.  Same thing is done below.
+   (test-re "\\[next-line]`foo'" "C-n[`'‘]foo['’]")
+   (test "\\[emacs-version]" "M-x emacs-version")
+   (test "\\[emacs-version]\\[next-line]" "M-x emacs-versionC-n")
+   (test-re "\\[emacs-version]`foo'" "M-x emacs-version[`'‘]foo['’]")))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/keymaps ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "\\{minibuffer-local-must-match-map}"
+               "\
+key             binding
+---             -------
+C-g            abort-recursive-edit
+TAB            minibuffer-complete
+C-j            minibuffer-complete-and-exit
+RET            minibuffer-complete-and-exit
+ESC            Prefix Command
+SPC            minibuffer-complete-word
+?              minibuffer-completion-help
+<C-tab>                file-cache-minibuffer-complete
+<XF86Back>     previous-history-element
+<XF86Forward>  next-history-element
+<down>         next-line-or-history-element
+<next>         next-history-element
+<prior>                switch-to-completions
+<up>           previous-line-or-history-element
+M-v            switch-to-completions
+M-<            minibuffer-beginning-of-buffer
+M-n            next-history-element
+M-p            previous-history-element
+M-r            previous-matching-history-element
+M-s            next-matching-history-element
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/keymap-change ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "\\<minibuffer-local-must-match-map>\\[abort-recursive-edit]" "C-g")
+   (test "\\<emacs-lisp-mode-map>\\[eval-defun]" "C-M-x")))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/undefined-map ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test-re "\\{foobar-map}"
+                  "\nUses keymap [`'‘]foobar-map['’], which is not currently 
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/quotes ()
+ (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+  (let ((text-quoting-style 'curve))
+    (test "quotes ‘like this’" "quotes ‘like this’")
+    (test "`x'" "‘x’")
+    (test "`" "‘")
+    (test "'" "’")
+    (test "\\`" "\\‘"))
+  (let ((text-quoting-style 'straight))
+    (test "quotes `like this'" "quotes 'like this'")
+    (test "`x'" "'x'")
+    (test "`" "'")
+    (test "'" "'")
+    (test "\\`" "\\'"))
+  (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
+    (test "quotes `like this'" "quotes `like this'")
+    (test "`x'" "`x'")
+    (test "`" "`")
+    (test "'" "'")
+    (test "\\`" "\\`"))))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/literals ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "foo \\=\\[goto-char]" "foo \\[goto-char]")
+   (test "foo \\=\\=" "foo \\=")
+   (test "\\=\\=" "\\=")
+   (test "\\=\\[" "\\[")
+   (let ((text-quoting-style 'curve))
+     (test "\\=`x\\='" "`x'"))
+   (let ((text-quoting-style 'straight))
+     (test "\\=`x\\='" "`x'"))
+   (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
+     (test "\\=`x\\='" "`x'"))))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/no-change ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (test "\\[foobar" "\\[foobar")
+   (test "\\=" "\\=")))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/multibyte ()
+  ;; Cannot use string= here, as that compares unibyte and multibyte
+  ;; strings not equal.
+  (should (compare-strings
+           (substitute-command-keys "\200 \\[goto-char]") nil nil
+           "\200 M-g c" nil nil)))
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/apropos ()
+  (save-window-excursion
+    (apropos "foo")
+    (switch-to-buffer "*Apropos*")
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (should (looking-at "Type RET on"))))
+(defvar help-tests-major-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "x" 'foo-original)
+    (define-key map "1" 'foo-range)
+    (define-key map "2" 'foo-range)
+    (define-key map "3" 'foo-range)
+    (define-key map "4" 'foo-range)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-e") 'foo-something)
+    (define-key map '[F1] 'foo-function-key1)
+    (define-key map "(" 'short-range)
+    (define-key map ")" 'short-range)
+    (define-key map "a" 'foo-other-range)
+    (define-key map "b" 'foo-other-range)
+    (define-key map "c" 'foo-other-range)
+    map))
+(define-derived-mode help-tests-major-mode nil
+  "Major mode for testing shadowing.")
+(defvar help-tests-minor-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "x" 'foo-shadow)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-e") 'foo-shadow)
+    map))
+(define-minor-mode help-tests-minor-mode
+  "Minor mode for testing shadowing.")
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/test-mode ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (help-tests-major-mode)
+     (test "\\{help-tests-major-mode-map}"
+           "\
+key             binding
+---             -------
+( .. )         short-range
+1 .. 4         foo-range
+a .. c         foo-other-range
+C-e            foo-something
+x              foo-original
+<F1>           foo-function-key1
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/shadow ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (help-tests-major-mode)
+     (help-tests-minor-mode)
+     (test "\\{help-tests-major-mode-map}"
+           "\
+key             binding
+---             -------
+( .. )         short-range
+1 .. 4         foo-range
+a .. c         foo-other-range
+C-e            foo-something
+  (this binding is currently shadowed)
+x              foo-original
+  (this binding is currently shadowed)
+<F1>           foo-function-key1
+(ert-deftest help-tests-substitute-command-keys/command-remap ()
+  (with-substitute-command-keys-test
+   (let ((help-tests-major-mode-map (make-keymap))) ; Protect from changes.
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (help-tests-major-mode)
+      (define-key help-tests-major-mode-map [remap foo] 'bar)
+      (test "\\{help-tests-major-mode-map}"
+            "\
+key             binding
+---             -------
+<remap>                Prefix Command
+<remap> <foo>  bar
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/no-menu-t ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (menu-bar keymap
+                                     (foo menu-item "Foo" foo
+                                          :enable mark-active
+                                          :help "Help text"))))))
+      (describe-map-tree map nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-a            foo
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/no-menu-nil ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (menu-bar keymap
+                                     (foo menu-item "Foo" foo
+                                          :enable mark-active
+                                          :help "Help text"))))))
+      (describe-map-tree map nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-a            foo
+<menu-bar>     Prefix Command
+<menu-bar> <foo>               foo
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/mention-shadow-t ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (2 . bar))))
+          (shadow-maps '((keymap . ((1 . baz))))))
+      (describe-map-tree map t shadow-maps nil nil t nil nil t)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-a            foo
+  (this binding is currently shadowed)
+C-b            bar
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/mention-shadow-nil ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (2 . bar))))
+          (shadow-maps '((keymap . ((1 . baz))))))
+      (describe-map-tree map t shadow-maps nil nil t nil nil nil)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-b            bar
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/partial-t ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (2 . undefined)))))
+      (describe-map-tree map t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-a            foo
+(ert-deftest help-tests-describe-map-tree/partial-nil ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+          (map '(keymap . ((1 . foo)
+                           (2 . undefined)))))
+      (describe-map-tree map nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
+      (should (equal (buffer-string) "key             binding
+---             -------
+C-a            foo
+C-b            undefined
 (provide 'help-tests)
 ;;; help-tests.el ends here
diff --git a/test/src/doc-tests.el b/test/src/doc-tests.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 797b9ba..0000000
--- a/test/src/doc-tests.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-;;; doc-tests.el --- Tests for doc.c -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(ert-deftest doc-test-substitute-command-keys ()
-  ;; Bindings.
-  (should (string= (substitute-command-keys "foo \\[goto-char]") "foo M-g c"))
-  ;; Cannot use string= here, as that compares unibyte and multibyte
-  ;; strings not equal.
-  (should (compare-strings
-           (substitute-command-keys "\200 \\[goto-char]") nil nil
-           "\200 M-g c" nil nil))
-  ;; Literals.
-  (should (string= (substitute-command-keys "foo \\=\\[goto-char]")
-                   "foo \\[goto-char]"))
-  (should (string= (substitute-command-keys "foo \\=\\=")
-                   "foo \\="))
-  ;; Keymaps.
-  ;; I don't see that this is testing anything useful.
-  ;; AFAICS all it does it fail whenever someone modifies the
-  ;; minibuffer map.
-;;;   (should (string= (substitute-command-keys
-;;;                     "\\{minibuffer-local-must-match-map}")
-;;;                    "\
-;;; key             binding
-;;; ---             -------
-;;; C-g                abort-recursive-edit
-;;; TAB                minibuffer-complete
-;;; C-j                minibuffer-complete-and-exit
-;;; RET                minibuffer-complete-and-exit
-;;; ESC                Prefix Command
-;;; SPC                minibuffer-complete-word
-;;; ?          minibuffer-completion-help
-;;; <C-tab>            file-cache-minibuffer-complete
-;;; <XF86Back> previous-history-element
-;;; <XF86Forward>      next-history-element
-;;; <down>             next-line-or-history-element
-;;; <next>             next-history-element
-;;; <prior>            switch-to-completions
-;;; <up>               previous-line-or-history-element
-;;; M-v                switch-to-completions
-;;; M-<                minibuffer-beginning-of-buffer
-;;; M-n                next-history-element
-;;; M-p                previous-history-element
-;;; M-r                previous-matching-history-element
-;;; M-s                next-matching-history-element
-;;; "))
-  (should (string=
-           (substitute-command-keys
-            "\\<minibuffer-local-must-match-map>\\[abort-recursive-edit]")
-           "C-g"))
-  ;; Allow any style of quotes, since the terminal might not support
-  ;; UTF-8.
-  (should (string-match
-           "\nUses keymap [`‘']foobar-map['’], which is not currently 
-            (substitute-command-keys "\\{foobar-map}")))
-  ;; Quotes.
-  (should (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
-            (string= (substitute-command-keys "quotes `like this'")
-                      "quotes `like this'")))
-  (should (let ((text-quoting-style 'grave))
-            (string= (substitute-command-keys "quotes ‘like this’")
-                      "quotes ‘like this’")))
-  (should (let ((text-quoting-style 'straight))
-            (string= (substitute-command-keys "quotes `like this'")
-                     "quotes 'like this'")))
-  ;; Bugs.
-  (should (string= (substitute-command-keys "\\[foobar") "\\[foobar"))
-  (should (string= (substitute-command-keys "\\=") "\\="))
-  )
-(provide 'doc-tests)
-;;; doc-tests.el ends here

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