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master c1b0515: Add themes modus-operandi and modus-vivendi

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: master c1b0515: Add themes modus-operandi and modus-vivendi
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 19:43:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit c1b0515952c4d32933b4e3da30846a91db8868ee
Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Commit: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com>

    Add themes modus-operandi and modus-vivendi
    * etc/themes/modus-operandi-theme.el:
    * etc/themes/modus-vivendi-theme.el: New themes.  (Bug#43019)
 etc/NEWS                           |    5 +
 etc/themes/modus-operandi-theme.el | 4266 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 etc/themes/modus-vivendi-theme.el  | 4266 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 8537 insertions(+)

diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 14a75ca..6e04a1c 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -1029,6 +1029,11 @@ mode, as are other data files produced by Emacs.
 It's a library to create, query, navigate and display hierarchy structures.
+** New themes 'modus-vivendi' and 'modus-operandi'.
+These themes are designed for colour-contrast accessibility.  You can
+load the new themes using 'M-x customize-themes' or 'load-theme' from
+your init file.
 * Incompatible Editing Changes in Emacs 28.1
diff --git a/etc/themes/modus-operandi-theme.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1090ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/themes/modus-operandi-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4266 @@
+;;; modus-operandi-theme.el --- Accessible light theme (WCAG AAA) -*- 
lexical-binding:t -*-
+;; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
+;; URL: https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes
+;; Version: 0.12.0
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This theme is designed for colour-contrast accessibility.
+;; 1. Provide a consistent minimum contrast ratio between background and
+;; foreground values of 7:1 or higher.  This meets the highest such
+;; accessibility criterion per the guidelines of the Worldwide Web
+;; Consortium's Working Group on Accessibility (WCAG AAA standard).
+;; 2. Offer as close to full face coverage as possible.  The list is
+;; already quite long (see further below), with more additions to follow
+;; as part of the ongoing development process.
+;; The theme provides the following customisation options, all of which
+;; are disabled by default:
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs             (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs                (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings        (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings               (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-section-headings               (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings                 (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-fringes                        (choice)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks                     (choice)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-prompts                        (choice)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline                    (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs                   (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax                   (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line                (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match            (boolean)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-completions                    (choice)
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist          (alist)
+;; The default scale is as follows (it can be customised as well):
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+;;     modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3
+;; What follows is the list of explicitly supported packages or face
+;; groups (there are implicitly supported packages as well, which
+;; inherit from font-lock or some basic group).  You are encouraged to
+;; notify me of any missing package or change you would like to see.
+;;     ace-window
+;;     ag
+;;     alert
+;;     all-the-icons
+;;     annotate
+;;     anzu
+;;     apropos
+;;     apt-sources-list
+;;     artbollocks-mode
+;;     auctex and TeX
+;;     auto-dim-other-buffers
+;;     avy
+;;     bm
+;;     bongo
+;;     boon
+;;     breakpoint (provided by built-in gdb-mi.el)
+;;     buffer-expose
+;;     calendar and diary
+;;     calfw
+;;     centaur-tabs
+;;     change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
+;;     cider
+;;     circe
+;;     color-rg
+;;     column-enforce-mode
+;;     company-mode
+;;     company-posframe
+;;     compilation-mode
+;;     completions
+;;     counsel
+;;     counsel-css
+;;     counsel-notmuch
+;;     counsel-org-capture-string
+;;     cov
+;;     csv-mode
+;;     ctrlf
+;;     custom (M-x customize)
+;;     dap-mode
+;;     dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+;;     deadgrep
+;;     debbugs
+;;     define-word
+;;     deft
+;;     dictionary
+;;     diff-hl
+;;     diff-mode
+;;     dim-autoload
+;;     dired
+;;     dired-async
+;;     dired-git
+;;     dired-git-info
+;;     dired-narrow
+;;     dired-subtree
+;;     diredfl
+;;     disk-usage
+;;     doom-modeline
+;;     dynamic-ruler
+;;     easy-jekyll
+;;     easy-kill
+;;     ebdb
+;;     ediff
+;;     eglot
+;;     el-search
+;;     eldoc-box
+;;     elfeed
+;;     elfeed-score
+;;     emms
+;;     enhanced-ruby-mode
+;;     epa
+;;     equake
+;;     erc
+;;     eros
+;;     ert
+;;     eshell
+;;     eshell-fringe-status
+;;     eshell-git-prompt
+;;     eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+;;     evil (evil-mode)
+;;     evil-goggles
+;;     evil-visual-mark-mode
+;;     eww
+;;     eyebrowse
+;;     fancy-dabbrev
+;;     flycheck
+;;     flycheck-indicator
+;;     flycheck-posframe
+;;     flymake
+;;     flyspell
+;;     flyspell-correct
+;;     flx
+;;     freeze-it
+;;     frog-menu
+;;     focus
+;;     fold-this
+;;     font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
+;;     forge
+;;     fountain (fountain-mode)
+;;     geiser
+;;     git-commit
+;;     git-gutter (and variants)
+;;     git-lens
+;;     git-rebase
+;;     git-timemachine
+;;     git-walktree
+;;     gnus
+;;     golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+;;     helm
+;;     helm-ls-git
+;;     helm-switch-shell
+;;     helm-xref
+;;     helpful
+;;     highlight-blocks
+;;     highlight-defined
+;;     highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
+;;     highlight-indentation
+;;     highlight-numbers
+;;     highlight-symbol
+;;     highlight-tail
+;;     highlight-thing
+;;     hl-defined
+;;     hl-fill-column
+;;     hl-line-mode
+;;     hl-todo
+;;     hydra
+;;     hyperlist
+;;     ibuffer
+;;     icomplete
+;;     ido-mode
+;;     iedit
+;;     iflipb
+;;     imenu-list
+;;     indium
+;;     info
+;;     info-colors
+;;     interaction-log
+;;     ioccur
+;;     isearch, occur, etc.
+;;     ivy
+;;     ivy-posframe
+;;     jira (org-jira)
+;;     journalctl-mode
+;;     js2-mode
+;;     julia
+;;     jupyter
+;;     kaocha-runner
+;;     keycast
+;;     line numbers (`display-line-numbers-mode' and global variant)
+;;     lsp-mode
+;;     lsp-ui
+;;     magit
+;;     magit-imerge
+;;     man
+;;     markdown-mode
+;;     markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
+;;     mentor
+;;     messages
+;;     minibuffer-line
+;;     minimap
+;;     modeline
+;;     mood-line
+;;     mu4e
+;;     mu4e-conversation
+;;     multiple-cursors
+;;     neotree
+;;     no-emoji
+;;     notmuch
+;;     num3-mode
+;;     nxml-mode
+;;     orderless
+;;     org
+;;     org-journal
+;;     org-noter
+;;     org-pomodoro
+;;     org-recur
+;;     org-roam
+;;     org-superstar
+;;     org-table-sticky-header
+;;     org-treescope
+;;     origami
+;;     outline-mode
+;;     outline-minor-faces
+;;     package (M-x list-packages)
+;;     page-break-lines
+;;     paradox
+;;     paren-face
+;;     parrot
+;;     pass
+;;     persp-mode
+;;     perspective
+;;     phi-grep
+;;     phi-search
+;;     pkgbuild-mode
+;;     pomidor
+;;     powerline
+;;     powerline-evil
+;;     proced
+;;     prodigy
+;;     rainbow-blocks
+;;     rainbow-identifiers
+;;     rainbow-delimiters
+;;     rcirc
+;;     regexp-builder (also known as `re-builder')
+;;     rg
+;;     ripgrep
+;;     rmail
+;;     ruler-mode
+;;     sallet
+;;     selectrum
+;;     semantic
+;;     sesman
+;;     shell-script-mode
+;;     show-paren-mode
+;;     side-notes
+;;     skewer-mode
+;;     smart-mode-line
+;;     smartparens
+;;     smerge
+;;     spaceline
+;;     speedbar
+;;     spell-fu
+;;     stripes
+;;     suggest
+;;     switch-window
+;;     swiper
+;;     swoop
+;;     sx
+;;     symbol-overlay
+;;     tab-bar-mode
+;;     tab-line-mode
+;;     syslog-mode
+;;     table (built-in table.el)
+;;     telephone-line
+;;     term
+;;     tomatinho
+;;     transient (pop-up windows like Magit's)
+;;     trashed
+;;     treemacs
+;;     tty-menu
+;;     tuareg
+;;     undo-tree
+;;     vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
+;;     vc-annotate (C-x v g)
+;;     vdiff
+;;     vimish-fold
+;;     visible-mark
+;;     visual-regexp
+;;     volatile-highlights
+;;     vterm
+;;     wcheck-mode
+;;     web-mode
+;;     wgrep
+;;     which-function-mode
+;;     which-key
+;;     whitespace-mode
+;;     window-divider-mode
+;;     winum
+;;     writegood-mode
+;;     woman
+;;     xah-elisp-mode
+;;     xref
+;;     xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
+;;     yaml-mode
+;;     yasnippet
+;;     ztree
+;;; Code:
+(deftheme modus-operandi
+  "Light theme that conforms with the highest accessibility
+  standard for colour contrast between background and
+  foreground elements (WCAG AAA).")
+;;; Custom faces
+;; These faces will be inherited by actual constructs.  They are meant
+;; for those cases where a face needs to distinguish its output from
+;; the rest of the text, such as `isearch' and `occur'…  We define
+;; these separately in order to combine each colour with its
+;; appropriate foreground value.  This is to ensure a consistent
+;; contrast ratio of >= 7:1.
+(defgroup modus-theme ()
+  "Theme that ensures WCAG AAA accessibility (contrast ratio
+between foreground and background is >= 7:1)."
+  :group 'faces
+  :prefix "modus-theme-"
+  :link '(url-link :tag "GitLab" "https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes";)
+  :tag "Modus Operandi")
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-neutral nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-neutral nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-cold nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-mild nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-warm nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-calm nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-heading nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-header nil nil)    ; Name is tentative
+(defface modus-theme-mark-alt nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-del nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-sel nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-symbol nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-hl-line nil nil)
+;;; Customisation options
+;; User-facing customisation options.  They are all deactivated by
+;; default (users must opt in).
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs nil
+  "Use slanted text in more code constructs (italics or oblique)."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs nil
+  "Use bold text in more code constructs."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-operandi-theme-proportional-fonts
+  'modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings "`modus-operandi-theme' 
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-proportional-fonts nil
+  "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings nil
+  "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings nil
+  "Use more saturated colours for headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-section-headings nil
+  "Use a background and an overline in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings nil
+  "Use font scaling for headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+  "Font size that is slightly larger than the base value.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-operandi-theme-scale-1'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-operandi-theme-scale-2'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-operandi-theme-scale-3'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-operandi-theme-scale-4'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-operandi-theme-visible-fringes
+  'modus-operandi-theme-fringes "`modus-operandi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-visible-fringes nil
+  "Use a visible style for fringes."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-fringes nil
+  "Define the visibility of fringes.
+Nil means the fringes have no background colour.  Option `subtle'
+will apply a greyscale value that is visible yet close to the
+main buffer background colour.  Option `intense' will use a more
+pronounced greyscale value."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No visible fringes (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle greyscale background" subtle)
+          (const :tag "Intense greyscale background" intense)))
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-operandi-theme-distinct-org-blocks
+  'modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-operandi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-distinct-org-blocks nil
+  "Use a distinct neutral background for `org-mode' blocks."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks
+  'modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-operandi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks nil
+  "Use colour-coded backgrounds for `org-mode' source blocks.
+The colour in use depends on the language (send feedback to
+include more languages)."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks nil
+  "Use a subtle grey or colour-coded background for Org blocks.
+Nil means that the block will have no background of its own and
+will use the default that applies to the rest of the buffer.
+Option `greyscale' will apply a subtle neutral grey background to
+the block's contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of
+the block: their background will be extended to the edge of the
+window for Emacs version >= 27 where the ':extend' keyword is
+recognised by `set-face-attribute'.
+Option `rainbow' will use an accented background for the contents
+of the block.  The exact colour will depend on the programming
+language and is controlled by the `org-src-block-faces'
+variable (refer to the theme's source code for the current
+association list)."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No Org block background (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle grey block background" greyscale)
+          (const :tag "Colour-coded background per programming language" 
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline nil
+  "Use a three-dimensional style for the active mode line."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs nil
+  "Use fewer/dim backgrounds in `diff-mode', `ediff',`magit'."
+  :type 'boolean)
+  'modus-operandi-theme-completions "`modus-operandi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-intense-standard-completions nil
+  "Use prominent backgrounds for Icomplete, Ido, or similar."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-completions nil
+  "Apply special styles to the UI of completion frameworks.
+This concerns Icomplete, Ivy, Helm, Selectrum, Ido, as well as
+any other tool meant to enhance their experience.  The effect
+will vary depending on the completion framework.
+Nil means to remain faithful to the metaphors that each UI
+establishes.  For example, Icomplete and Ido only use foreground
+colours to style their matches, whereas Ivy or Helm rely on an
+aesthetic that combines coloured backgrounds with appropriate
+text colour.
+Option `moderate' will apply a combination of background and
+foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and the like,
+this constitutes a departure from their standard style.  While
+Ivy, Helm, and the others, will use less pronounced colours for
+applicable contexts.
+Option `opinionated' will apply colour combinations that
+refashion the completion UI.  So Icomplete et al will now use
+styles that resemble the defaults of Ivy and co., while the
+latter group will revert to an even more nuanced aesthetic."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Respect the framework's established aesthetic 
(default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle backgrounds for various elements" moderate)
+          (const :tag "Radical alternative to the framework's looks" 
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-prompts nil
+  "Use subtle or intense styles for minibuffer and REPL prompts.
+Nil means to only use an accented foreground colour.
+Options `subtle' and `intense' will change both the background
+and the foreground values.  The latter has a more pronounced
+effect than the former."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No prompt background (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle accented background for the prompt" subtle)
+          (const :tag "Intense background and foreground for the prompt" 
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line nil
+  "Use more prominent background for `hl-line-mode'."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match nil
+  "Use more prominent colour for parenthesis matching."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax nil
+  "Use less saturated colours for code syntax highlighting."
+  :type 'boolean)
+;;; Internal functions
+;; Helper functions that are meant to ease the implementation of the
+;; above customisation options.
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight ()
+  "Conditional use of a heavier text weight."
+  (when modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs
+    (list :inherit 'bold)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-fringe (subtlebg intensebg)
+  "Conditional use of background colours for fringes.
+SUBTLEBG should be a subtle greyscale value.  INTENSEBG must be a
+more pronounced greyscale colour."
+  (pcase modus-operandi-theme-fringes
+    ('intense (list :background intensebg))
+    ('subtle (list :background subtlebg))
+    (_ (list :background nil))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-prompt (mainfg subtlebg subtlefg intensebg 
+  "Conditional use of background colours for prompts.
+MAINFG is the prompt's standard foreground.  SUBTLEBG should be a
+subtle accented background that works with SUBTLEFG.  INTENSEBG
+must be a more pronounced accented colour that should be
+combinable with INTENSEFG."
+  (pcase modus-operandi-theme-prompts
+    ('intense (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
+    ('subtle (list :background subtlebg :foreground subtlefg))
+    (_ (list :background nil :foreground mainfg))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-paren (normalbg intensebg)
+  "Conditional use of intense colours for matching parentheses.
+NORMALBG should the special palette colour 'bg-paren-match' or
+something similar.  INTENSEBG must be easier to discern next to
+other backgrounds, such as the special palette colour
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match
+      (list :background intensebg)
+    (list :background normalbg)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground (normal faint)
+  "Apply foreground value to code syntax.
+NORMAL is the more saturated colour, which should be the default.
+FAINT is the less saturated colour."
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax
+      (list :foreground faint)
+    (list :foreground normal)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground (subtle rainbow)
+  "Apply foreground value to headings.
+SUBTLE is the default aesthetic.  RAINBOW is the saturated one."
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings
+      (list :foreground rainbow)
+    (list :foreground subtle)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-heading-block (bg fg)
+  "Conditionally extend heading styles.
+Apply BG to background and FG to overline."
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-section-headings
+      (append
+       (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+       (list :background bg :overline fg))
+    (list :background nil :overline nil)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block (bgbox fgbox fg)
+  "Conditionally extend the styles of Org keywords.
+BGBOX applies to the background.  FGBOX applies to the foreground
+and the border.  FG is used when no block style is in effect."
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-section-headings
+      (list :background bgbox :foreground fgbox :box (list :color fgbox))
+    (list :foreground fg)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-org-block (bgblk)
+  "Conditionally set the background of Org blocks.
+BGBLK applies to a distinct neutral background.  Else blocks have
+no background of their own (the default), so they look the same
+as the rest of the buffer.
+`modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks' also accepts a `rainbow' option
+which is applied conditionally to `org-src-block-faces' (see the
+theme's source code)."
+  (if (eq modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks 'greyscale)
+      (append
+       (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+       (list :background bgblk))
+    (list :background nil)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-org-block-delim (bgaccent fgaccent bg fg)
+  "Conditionally set the styles of Org block delimiters.
+BG, FG, BGACCENT, FGACCENT apply a background and foreground
+colour respectively.
+The former pair is a greyscale combination that should be more
+distinct than the background of the block.  It is applied to the
+default styles or when `modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks' is set
+to `greyscale'.
+The latter pair should be more subtle than the background of the
+block, as it is used when `modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks' is
+set to `rainbow'."
+  (pcase modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks
+    ('greyscale (append (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                        (list :background bg :foreground fg)))
+    ('rainbow (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent))
+    (_ (list :background bg :foreground fg))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-modeline-box (col3d col &optional btn int)
+  "Control the box properties of the mode line.
+COL3D is the border that is intended for the three-dimensional
+modeline.  COL applies to the two-dimensional modeline.  Optional
+BTN provides the 3d button style.  Optional INT defines a border
+  (let* ((style (if btn 'released-button nil))
+         (int (if int int 1)))
+    (if modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline
+        (list :line-width int :color col3d :style style)
+      (list :line-width 1 :color col :style nil))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-modeline-props (bg3d fg3d &optional bg fg)
+  "Control the background and foreground of the mode line.
+BG is the modeline's background.  FG is the modeline's
+foreground.  BG3D and FG3D apply to the three-dimensional
+modeline style."
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline
+      (list :background bg3d :foreground fg3d)
+    (list :background bg :foreground fg)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-diffs (subtle-bg subtle-fg intense-bg intense-fg)
+  "Colour combinations for `modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs'.
+SUBTLE-BG should be similar or the same as the main background.
+SUBTLE-FG should be an appropriate accent value.  INTENSE-BG
+should be one of the dedicated backgrounds for diffs.  INTENSE-FG
+should be one of the dedicated foregrounds for diffs"
+  (if modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs
+      (list :background subtle-bg :foreground subtle-fg)
+    (list :background intense-bg :foreground intense-fg)))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-standard-completions (mainfg subtlebg intensebg 
+  "Combinations for `modus-operandi-theme-completions'.
+These are intended for Icomplete, Ido, and related.
+MAINFG is an accented foreground value.  SUBTLEBG is an accented
+background value that can be combined with MAINFG.  INTENSEBG and
+INTENSEFG are accented colours that are designed to be used in
+  (pcase modus-operandi-theme-completions
+    ('opinionated (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
+    ('moderate (list :background subtlebg :foreground mainfg))
+    (_ (list :foreground mainfg))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions (subtleface intenseface altface 
&optional altfg bold)
+  "Combinations for `modus-operandi-theme-completions'.
+These are intended for Helm, Ivy, Selectrum, etc.
+SUBTLEFACE and INTENSEFACE are custom theme faces that combine a
+background and foreground value.  The difference between the two
+is a matter of degree.
+ALTFACE is a combination of colours that represents a departure
+from the UI's default aesthetics.  Optional ALTFG is meant to be
+used in tandem with it.
+Optional BOLD will apply a heavier weight to the text."
+  (pcase modus-operandi-theme-completions
+    ('opinionated (list :inherit (list altface bold)
+                        :foreground (if altfg altfg 'unspecified)))
+    ('moderate (list :inherit (list subtleface bold)))
+    (_ (list :inherit (list intenseface bold)))))
+(defun modus-operandi-theme-scale (amount)
+  "Scale heading by AMOUNT.
+AMOUNT is a customisation option."
+  (when modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings
+    (list :height amount)))
+;;; Colour palette
+;; Define colour palette.  Each colour must have a >= 7:1 contrast
+;; ratio relative to the foreground/background colour it is rendered
+;; against.
+;; The design of the colour palette as a macro that maps it to faces is
+;; adapted from zenbern-theme.el, last seen at commit 7dd7968:
+;; https://github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs
+  (defconst modus-operandi-theme-default-colors-alist
+    '(;; base values
+      ("bg-main" . "#ffffff") ("fg-main" . "#000000")
+      ("bg-alt" . "#f0f0f0") ("fg-alt" . "#505050")
+      ("bg-dim" . "#f8f8f8") ("fg-dim" . "#282828")
+      ;; specifically for on/off states (e.g. `mode-line')
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with themselves
+      ("bg-active" . "#e0e0e0") ("fg-active" . "#191919")
+      ("bg-inactive" . "#efedef") ("fg-inactive" . "#424242")
+      ;; special base values, used only for cases where the above
+      ;; fg-* or bg-* cannot or should not be used (to avoid confusion)
+      ;; must be combined with: {fg,bg}-{main,alt,dim}
+      ("bg-special-cold" . "#dde3f4") ("fg-special-cold" . "#093060")
+      ("bg-special-mild" . "#c4ede0") ("fg-special-mild" . "#184034")
+      ("bg-special-warm" . "#f0e0d4") ("fg-special-warm" . "#5d3026")
+      ("bg-special-calm" . "#f8ddea") ("fg-special-calm" . "#61284f")
+      ;; styles for the main constructs
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red" . "#a60000") ("green" . "#005e00")
+      ("yellow" . "#813e00") ("blue" . "#0030a6")
+      ("magenta" . "#721045") ("cyan" . "#00538b")
+      ;; styles for common, but still specialised constructs
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-alt" . "#972500") ("green-alt" . "#315b00")
+      ("yellow-alt" . "#70480f") ("blue-alt" . "#223fbf")
+      ("magenta-alt" . "#8f0075") ("cyan-alt" . "#30517f")
+      ;; same purpose as above, just slight differences
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-alt-other" . "#a0132f") ("green-alt-other" . "#145c33")
+      ("yellow-alt-other" . "#863927") ("blue-alt-other" . "#0000bb")
+      ("magenta-alt-other" . "#5317ac") ("cyan-alt-other" . "#005a5f")
+      ;; styles for desaturated foreground text, intended for use with
+      ;; the `modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax' option
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-faint" . "#7f1010") ("green-faint" . "#104410")
+      ("yellow-faint" . "#5f4400") ("blue-faint" . "#002f88")
+      ("magenta-faint" . "#752f50") ("cyan-faint" . "#12506f")
+      ("red-alt-faint" . "#702f00") ("green-alt-faint" . "#30440f")
+      ("yellow-alt-faint" . "#5d5000") ("blue-alt-faint" . "#003f78")
+      ("magenta-alt-faint" . "#702565") ("cyan-alt-faint" . "#354f6f")
+      ("red-alt-other-faint" . "#7f002f") ("green-alt-other-faint" . "#0f443f")
+      ("yellow-alt-other-faint" . "#5e3a20") ("blue-alt-other-faint" . 
+      ("magenta-alt-other-faint" . "#5f3f7f") ("cyan-alt-other-faint" . 
+      ;; styles for elements that should be very subtle, yet accented
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim' or any of
+      ;; the "nuanced" backgrounds
+      ("red-nuanced" . "#5f0000") ("green-nuanced" . "#004000")
+      ("yellow-nuanced" . "#3f3000") ("blue-nuanced" . "#201f55")
+      ("magenta-nuanced" . "#541f4f") ("cyan-nuanced" . "#0f3360")
+      ;; styles for slightly accented background
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with any of the above foreground values
+      ("red-nuanced-bg" . "#fff1f0") ("green-nuanced-bg" . "#ecf7ed")
+      ("yellow-nuanced-bg" . "#fff3da") ("blue-nuanced-bg" . "#f3f3ff")
+      ("magenta-nuanced-bg" . "#fdf0ff") ("cyan-nuanced-bg" . "#ebf6fa")
+      ;; styles for elements that should draw attention to themselves
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main'
+      ("red-intense" . "#b60000") ("green-intense" . "#006800")
+      ("yellow-intense" . "#904200") ("blue-intense" . "#1111ee")
+      ("magenta-intense" . "#7000e0") ("cyan-intense" . "#205b93")
+      ;; styles for background elements that should be visible yet
+      ;; subtle
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `fg-dim'
+      ("red-subtle-bg" . "#f2b0a2") ("green-subtle-bg" . "#aecf90")
+      ("yellow-subtle-bg" . "#e4c340") ("blue-subtle-bg" . "#b5d0ff")
+      ("magenta-subtle-bg" . "#f0d3ff") ("cyan-subtle-bg" . "#c0efff")
+      ;; styles for background elements that should be visible and
+      ;; distinguishable
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `fg-main'
+      ("red-intense-bg" . "#ff8892") ("green-intense-bg" . "#5ada88")
+      ("yellow-intense-bg" . "#f5df23") ("blue-intense-bg" . "#6aaeff")
+      ("magenta-intense-bg" . "#d5baff") ("cyan-intense-bg" . "#42cbd4")
+      ;; styles for refined contexts where both the foreground and the
+      ;; background need to have the same/similar hue
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with themselves OR the foregrounds can be
+      ;; combined with any of the base backgrounds
+      ("red-refine-bg" . "#ffcccc") ("red-refine-fg" . "#780000")
+      ("green-refine-bg" . "#aceaac") ("green-refine-fg" . "#004c00")
+      ("yellow-refine-bg" . "#fff29a") ("yellow-refine-fg" . "#604000")
+      ("blue-refine-bg" . "#8ac7ff") ("blue-refine-fg" . "#002288")
+      ("magenta-refine-bg" . "#ffccff") ("magenta-refine-fg" . "#770077")
+      ("cyan-refine-bg" . "#8eecf4") ("cyan-refine-fg" . "#004850")
+      ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the mode line
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-active', `bg-inactive'
+      ("red-active" . "#930000") ("green-active" . "#005300")
+      ("yellow-active" . "#703700") ("blue-active" . "#0033c0")
+      ("magenta-active" . "#6320a0") ("cyan-active" . "#004882")
+      ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the fringes
+      ;;
+      ;; must have a minimum contrast ratio of 1.5:1 with `bg-inactive'
+      ;; and be combined with `fg-main' or `fg-dim'
+      ("red-fringe-bg" . "#ff9a9a") ("green-fringe-bg" . "#86cf86")
+      ("yellow-fringe-bg" . "#e0c050") ("blue-fringe-bg" . "#82afff")
+      ("magenta-fringe-bg" . "#f0a3ff") ("cyan-fringe-bg" . "#00d6e0")
+      ;; styles reserved for specific faces
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-hl-line' is between `bg-dim' and `bg-alt', so it should
+      ;; work with all accents that cover those two, plus `bg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-header' is between `bg-active' and `bg-inactive', so it
+      ;; can be combined with any of the "active" values, plus the
+      ;; "special" and base foreground colours
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-paren-match', `bg-paren-match-intense', `bg-region' and
+      ;; `bg-tab-active' must be combined with `fg-main', while
+      ;; `bg-tab-inactive' should be combined with `fg-dim'
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-tab-bar' is only intended for the bar that holds the tabs and
+      ;; can only be combined with `fg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-tab-active' is meant to be combined with `bg-tab-active',
+      ;; though only for styling special elements, such as underlining
+      ;; the current tab
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-escape-char-construct' and `fg-escape-char-backslash' can
+      ;; be combined `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-lang-error', `fg-lang-warning', `fg-lang-note' can be
+      ;; combined with `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-mark-sel', `fg-mark-del', `fg-mark-alt' can be combined
+      ;; with `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt', `bg-hl-line'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-unfocused' must be combined with `fg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; the window divider colours apply to faces with just an fg value
+      ;;
+      ;; all pairs are combinable with themselves
+      ("bg-hl-line" . "#f2eff3")
+      ("bg-paren-match" . "#e0af82")
+      ("bg-paren-match-intense" . "#70af9f")
+      ("bg-region" . "#bcbcbc")
+      ("bg-tab-bar" . "#d5d5d5")
+      ("bg-tab-active" . "#f6f6f6")
+      ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#bdbdbd")
+      ("fg-tab-active" . "#30169e")
+      ("fg-escape-char-construct" . "#8b1030")
+      ("fg-escape-char-backslash" . "#654d0f")
+      ("fg-lang-error" . "#9f004f")
+      ("fg-lang-warning" . "#604f0f")
+      ("fg-lang-note" . "#4040ae")
+      ("fg-window-divider-inner" . "#888888")
+      ("fg-window-divider-outer" . "#585858")
+      ("fg-unfocused" . "#56576d")
+      ("bg-header" . "#e5e5e5") ("fg-header" . "#2a2a2a")
+      ("bg-whitespace" . "#fff8fc") ("fg-whitespace" . "#645060")
+      ("bg-diff-heading" . "#b7c2dd") ("fg-diff-heading" . "#043355")
+      ("bg-diff-added" . "#d4fad4") ("fg-diff-added" . "#004500")
+      ("bg-diff-changed" . "#fcefcf") ("fg-diff-changed" . "#524200")
+      ("bg-diff-removed" . "#ffe8ef") ("fg-diff-removed" . "#691616")
+      ("bg-diff-refine-added" . "#94cf94") ("fg-diff-refine-added" . "#002a00")
+      ("bg-diff-refine-changed" . "#cccf8f") ("fg-diff-refine-changed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-refine-removed" . "#daa2b0") ("fg-diff-refine-removed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-focus-added" . "#bbeabb") ("fg-diff-focus-added" . "#002c00")
+      ("bg-diff-focus-changed" . "#ecdfbf") ("fg-diff-focus-changed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-focus-removed" . "#efcbcf") ("fg-diff-focus-removed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-0" . "#979797") ("fg-diff-neutral-0" . "#040404")
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-1" . "#b0b0b0") ("fg-diff-neutral-1" . "#252525")
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-2" . "#cccccc") ("fg-diff-neutral-2" . "#3a3a3a")
+      ("bg-mark-sel" . "#a0f0cf") ("fg-mark-sel" . "#005040")
+      ("bg-mark-del" . "#ffccbb") ("fg-mark-del" . "#840040")
+      ("bg-mark-alt" . "#f5d88f") ("fg-mark-alt" . "#782900"))
+    "The entire palette of `modus-operandi-theme'.
+Each element has the form (NAME . HEX).")
+  (defcustom modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist '()
+    "Association list of palette colour overrides.
+Values can be mapped to variables, using the same syntax as the
+one present in `modus-operandi-theme-default-colors-alist'.
+This is only meant for do-it-yourself usage, with the
+understanding that the user is responsible for the resulting
+contrast ratio between new and existing colours."
+    :type '(alist
+            :key-type (string :tag "Name")
+            :value-type (string :tag " Hex")))
+  (defmacro modus-operandi-theme-with-color-variables (&rest body)
+    "`let' bind all colours around BODY.
+Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
+    (declare (indent 0))
+    `(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
+           ,@(mapcar (lambda (cons)
+                       (list (intern (car cons)) (cdr cons)))
+                     (append modus-operandi-theme-default-colors-alist
+                             modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist))
+           ;; simple conditional styles that evaluate user-facing
+           ;; customisation options
+           (modus-theme-slant
+            (if modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs 'italic 'normal))
+           (modus-theme-variable-pitch
+            (if modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings 'variable-pitch 
+       ,@body)))
+;;; Faces
+  (custom-theme-set-faces
+   'modus-operandi
+;;;; custom faces
+   ;; these bespoke faces are inherited by other constructs below
+;;;;; subtle coloured backgrounds
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-red ((,class :background ,red-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-green ((,class :background ,green-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-blue ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-neutral ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; intense coloured backgrounds
+   `(modus-theme-intense-red ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-intense-green ((,class :background ,green-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-blue ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-neutral ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; refined background and foreground combinations
+   ;; general purpose styles that use an accented foreground against an
+   ;; accented background
+   `(modus-theme-refine-red ((,class :background ,red-refine-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-refine-green ((,class :background ,green-refine-bg 
:foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-refine-bg 
:foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-blue ((,class :background ,blue-refine-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-refine-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-refine-bg 
:foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-refine-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; "active" combinations, mostly for use on the mode line
+   `(modus-theme-active-red ((,class :background ,red-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-green ((,class :background ,green-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-blue ((,class :background ,blue-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-active 
:foreground ,bg-active)))
+   `(modus-theme-active-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-active :foreground 
+;;;;; nuanced backgrounds
+   ;; useful for adding an accented background that is suitable for all
+   ;; main foreground colours (intended for use in Org source blocks)
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-red ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg
+                                      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-green ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg
+                                        ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                         ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-blue ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg
+                                       ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                          ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                       ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+;;;;; fringe-specific combinations
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-red ((,class :background ,red-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-green ((,class :background ,green-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-blue ((,class :background ,blue-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-fringe-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; special base values
+   ;; these are closer to the grayscale than the accents defined above
+   ;; and should only be used when the next closest alternative would be
+   ;; a greyscale value than an accented one
+   `(modus-theme-special-cold ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-mild ((,class :background ,bg-special-mild 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-warm ((,class :background ,bg-special-warm 
:foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-calm ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+;;;;; diff-specific combinations
+   ;; intended for `diff-mode' or equivalent
+   `(modus-theme-diff-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-diff-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-refine-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-refine-added)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-focus-added)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-diff-heading 
:foreground ,fg-diff-heading)))
+;;;;; mark indicators
+   ;; colour combinations intended for Dired, Ibuffer, or equivalent
+   `(modus-theme-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-alt ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-alt 
:foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-del ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-del 
:foreground ,fg-mark-del)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-sel ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-sel 
:foreground ,fg-mark-sel)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+;;;;; other custom faces
+   `(modus-theme-hl-line ((,class :background ,(if 
+                                                   bg-active bg-hl-line)
+                                  (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+;;;; standard faces
+;;;;; absolute essentials
+   `(default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(fringe ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-fringe bg-inactive bg-active)
+                     :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(vertical-border ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
+;;;;; basic and/or ungrouped styles
+   ;; Modify the `bold' face to change the weight of all "bold" elements
+   ;; defined by the theme.  You need a typeface that supports a
+   ;; multitude of heavier weights than the regular one and then you
+   ;; must specify the exact name of the one you wish to apply.  Example
+   ;; for your init.el:
+   ;;
+   ;; (set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'semibold)
+   `(bold ((,class :weight bold)))
+   `(comint-highlight-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight)
+                                      ,@(modus-operandi-theme-prompt cyan
+                                                                     blue-alt
+   `(error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(escape-glyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(file-name-shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
+   `(header-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(homoglyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(ibuffer-locked-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(italic ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(nobreak-hyphen ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(nobreak-space ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct :underline 
+   `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-prompt cyan-alt-other
+                                                               cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                                               cyan
+                                                               cyan-refine-bg
+                                                               fg-main))))
+   `(mm-command-output ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(mm-uu-extract ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(next-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(rectangle-preview ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(region ((,class :background ,bg-region :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(secondary-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(trailing-whitespace ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
+   `(warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; buttons, links, widgets
+   `(button ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(link-visited ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(widget-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(widget-button-pressed ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(widget-documentation ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(widget-field ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(widget-inactive ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(widget-single-line-field ((,class :inherit widget-field)))
+;;;;; ag
+   `(ag-hit-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(ag-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; alert
+   `(alert-high-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(alert-low-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(alert-moderate-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(alert-trivial-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(alert-urgent-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+;;;;; all-the-icons
+   `(all-the-icons-blue ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(all-the-icons-blue-alt ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-cyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(all-the-icons-cyan-alt ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dorange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dred ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(all-the-icons-green ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lorange ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lred ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-maroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-orange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-pink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-purple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-purple-alt ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-red ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(all-the-icons-red-alt ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-silver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-yellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; annotate
+   `(annotate-annotation ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(annotate-annotation-secondary ((,class :inherit 
+   `(annotate-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :underline 
+   `(annotate-highlight-secondary ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg 
:underline ,green-intense)))
+;;;;; anzu
+   `(anzu-match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(anzu-match-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(anzu-match-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+   `(anzu-mode-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(anzu-mode-line-no-match ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow 
:underline t)))
+   `(anzu-replace-to ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; apropos
+   `(apropos-function-button ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(apropos-keybinding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-property ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(apropos-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
,blue-nuanced :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+;;;;; apt-sources-list
+   `(apt-sources-list-components ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-options ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-suite ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-uri ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; artbollocks-mode
+   `(artbollocks-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced :underline 
+   `(artbollocks-lexical-illusions-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,red-alt :underline t)))
+   `(artbollocks-passive-voice-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-warning)))
+   `(artbollocks-weasel-words-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; auctex and Tex
+   `(font-latex-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-latex-doctex-documentation-face ((,class :foreground 
,fg-special-cold :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face ((,class 
,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(font-latex-math-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-script-char-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-0-face ((,class :inherit 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-1-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-2-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-3-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-4-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class :inherit 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-slide-title-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,cyan-nuanced
+                                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(font-latex-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(font-latex-subscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
+   `(font-latex-superscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
+   `(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(font-latex-warning-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(tex-match ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(tex-verbatim ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(texinfo-heading ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-help ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-tex-said ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; auto-dim-other-buffers
+   `(auto-dim-other-buffers-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; avy
+   `(avy-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(avy-goto-char-timer-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-yellow 
+   `(avy-lead-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-magenta bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-blue bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; aw (ace-window)
+   `(aw-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(aw-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(aw-leading-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.5 :background 
,bg-main :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(aw-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; bm
+   `(bm-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t)))))
+   `(bm-fringe-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(bm-fringe-persistent-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-blue)))
+   `(bm-persistent-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                 ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+;;;;; bongo
+   `(bongo-album-title ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(bongo-artist ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(bongo-currently-playing-track ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(bongo-elapsed-track-part ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta 
:underline t)))
+   `(bongo-filled-seek-bar ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(bongo-marked-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
+   `(bongo-marked-track-line ((,class :background ,bg-mark-alt)))
+   `(bongo-played-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused :strike-through t)))
+   `(bongo-track-length ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(bongo-track-title ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(bongo-unfilled-seek-bar ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; boon
+   `(boon-modeline-cmd ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(boon-modeline-ins ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(boon-modeline-off ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-yellow)))
+   `(boon-modeline-spc ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+;;;;; breakpoint (built-in gdb-mi.el)
+   `(breakpoint-disabled ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(breakpoint-enabled ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; buffer-expose
+   `(buffer-expose-ace-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(buffer-expose-mode-line-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(buffer-expose-selected-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; calendar and diary
+   `(calendar-month-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(calendar-today ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(calendar-weekday-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(calendar-weekend-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(diary ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(diary-anniversary ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(diary-time ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(holiday ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; calfw
+   `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-default-content ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-default-day ((,class :inherit (cfw:face-day-title bold))))
+   `(cfw:face-disable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(cfw:face-header ((,class :inherit bold ::foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-periods ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-select ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-title ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
+                             :foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                             ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(cfw:face-today ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild :box t)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,bg-active)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,blue-intense)))
+;;;;; centaur-tabs
+   `(centaur-tabs-active-bar-face ((,class :background ,fg-tab-active)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-mouse-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-active :underline t)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-selected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-selected)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-unselected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-unselected)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected ((,class :inherit 
+   `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected ((,class :inherit 
+   `(centaur-tabs-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-selected ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-tab-active 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-selected-modified ((,class :background ,bg-tab-active 
:foreground ,fg-main :slant italic)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-unselected ((,class :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+   `(centaur-tabs-unselected-modified ((,class :background ,bg-tab-inactive 
:foreground ,fg-dim :slant italic)))
+;;;;; change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
+   `(change-log-acknowledgment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(change-log-conditionals ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(change-log-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-email ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(change-log-file ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(change-log-function ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-list ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(log-edit-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(log-edit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(log-edit-unknown-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(log-view-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(log-view-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; cider
+   `(cider-debug-code-overlay-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(cider-debug-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :underline t)))
+   `(cider-deprecated-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(cider-docview-emphasis-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(cider-docview-literal-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(cider-docview-strong-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-docview-table-border-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cider-enlightened-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,yellow-alt 
:style nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-enlightened-local-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-error-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(cider-fragile-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color ,fg-alt 
:style released-button) :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(cider-fringe-good-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(cider-instrumented-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,red :style 
nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-reader-conditional-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm 
:slant italic)))
+   `(cider-repl-input-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(cider-repl-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(cider-repl-stderr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(cider-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(cider-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue 
:style nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-error-class-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-stacktrace-error-message-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other 
:slant italic)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-filter-active-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt 
:underline t)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-filter-inactive-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-fn-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-ns-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-promoted-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color 
,fg-alt :style released-button) :foreground ,red)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-suppressed-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 
:color ,fg-alt :style pressed-button)
+                                                      :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cider-test-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(cider-test-failure-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(cider-test-success-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(cider-traced-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,cyan :style nil) 
:background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-warning-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+;;;;; circe (and lui)
+   `(circe-fool-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(circe-highlight-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(circe-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(circe-server-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(lui-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(lui-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lui-time-stamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;;; color-rg
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-column-number ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-flash ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-function-location ((,class :inherit 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-directory ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-edit-mode ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-keyword ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-text ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-mark-changed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-mark-deleted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-position-splitter ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; column-enforce-mode
+   `(column-enforce-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+;;;;; company-mode
+   `(company-echo-common ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(company-preview ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(company-preview-common ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(company-preview-search ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class :background ,fg-active)))
+   `(company-template-field ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(company-tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(company-tooltip-common ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(company-tooltip-search ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-refine-cyan bold))))
+   `(company-tooltip-search-selection ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-intense-green bold) :underline t)))
+   `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-subtle-cyan 
+;;;;; company-posframe
+   `(company-posframe-active-backend-name ((,class :inherit bold :background 
,bg-active :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(company-posframe-inactive-backend-name ((,class :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(company-posframe-metadata ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; compilation feedback
+   `(compilation-column-number ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(compilation-error ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(compilation-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(compilation-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-fail ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(compilation-warning ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; completions
+   `(completions-annotations ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(completions-common-part ((,class 
+                                         cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                         yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+   `(completions-first-difference ((,class :inherit bold
+                                              blue-alt-other blue-nuanced-bg
+                                              cyan-subtle-bg fg-dim))))
+;;;;; counsel
+   `(counsel-active-mode ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-application-name ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-key-binding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-outline-1 ((,class :inherit outline-1)))
+   `(counsel-outline-2 ((,class :inherit outline-2)))
+   `(counsel-outline-3 ((,class :inherit outline-3)))
+   `(counsel-outline-4 ((,class :inherit outline-4)))
+   `(counsel-outline-5 ((,class :inherit outline-5)))
+   `(counsel-outline-6 ((,class :inherit outline-6)))
+   `(counsel-outline-7 ((,class :inherit outline-7)))
+   `(counsel-outline-8 ((,class :inherit outline-8)))
+   `(counsel-outline-default ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(counsel-variable-documentation ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; counsel-css
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-3 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-5 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-6 ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; counsel-notmuch
+   `(counsel-notmuch-count-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-people-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-subject-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+;;;;; counsel-org-capture-string
+   `(counsel-org-capture-string-template-body-face ((,class :foreground 
+;;;;; cov
+   `(cov-coverage-not-run-face ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(cov-coverage-run-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(cov-heavy-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
+   `(cov-light-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(cov-med-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(cov-none-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
+;;;;; csv-mode
+   `(csv-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground 
+;;;;; ctrlf
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-active ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green 
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-passive ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; custom (M-x customize)
+   `(custom-button ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                            :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(custom-button-mouse ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                                  :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(custom-button-pressed ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                                    :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(custom-changed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(custom-comment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(custom-comment-tag ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(custom-face-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(custom-group-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(custom-group-tag-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(custom-invalid ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+   `(custom-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(custom-rogue ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(custom-set ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(custom-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(custom-themed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(custom-variable-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; dap-mode
+   `(dap-mouse-eval-thing-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color 
,blue-active :style nil)
+                                        :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(dap-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-active 
:style nil)
+                                      :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-breakpoint-verified-fringe ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-compile-errline ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-scope-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta 
:underline t)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-variable-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-variable-leaf-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:slant italic)))
+   `(dap-ui-marker-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-stack-frame-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-active-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+   `(dashboard-banner-logo-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dashboard-footer ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(dashboard-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(dashboard-navigator ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(dashboard-text-banner ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+;;;;; deadgrep
+   `(deadgrep-filename-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(deadgrep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(deadgrep-meta-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(deadgrep-search-term-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; debbugs
+   `(debbugs-gnu-archived ((,class :inverse-video t)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-done ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-forwarded ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-handled ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-new ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-pending ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-1 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-2 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-3 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-5 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-tagged ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; define-word
+   `(define-word-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(define-word-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; deft
+   `(deft-filter-string-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(deft-filter-string-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(deft-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(deft-separator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(deft-summary-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(deft-time-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(deft-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; dictionary
+   `(dictionary-button-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dictionary-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline 
+   `(dictionary-word-definition-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(dictionary-word-entry-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+;;;;; diff-hl
+   `(diff-hl-change ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(diff-hl-delete ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-change ((,class :inherit diff-hl-change)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-delete ((,class :inherit diff-hl-delete)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-ignored ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-insert ((,class :inherit diff-hl-insert)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-unknown ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
+   `(diff-hl-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(diff-hl-reverted-hunk-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-active-magenta bold))))
+;;;;; diff-mode
+   `(diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                            bg-main green
+                            bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(diff-changed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main yellow
+                              bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(diff-file-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(diff-function ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(diff-header ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(diff-hunk-header ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                  bg-alt blue-alt
+                                  bg-diff-heading fg-diff-heading))))
+   `(diff-index ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :inherit diff-added)))
+   `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :inherit diff-changed)))
+   `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :inherit diff-removed)))
+   `(diff-nonexistent ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-neutral bold))))
+   `(diff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                   bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                   bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(diff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                     bg-diff-refine-changed 
+   `(diff-refine-removed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                     bg-diff-refine-removed 
+   `(diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main red
+                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+;;;;; dim-autoload
+   `(dim-autoload-cookie-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+;;;;; dired
+   `(dired-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(dired-flagged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(dired-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(dired-ignored ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(dired-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(dired-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(dired-perm-write ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(dired-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(dired-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; dired-async
+   `(dired-async-failures ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(dired-async-message ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(dired-async-mode-message ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,cyan-active)))
+;;;;; dired-git
+   `(dired-git-branch-else ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(dired-git-branch-master ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; dired-git-info
+   `(dgi-commit-message-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+;;;;; dired-narrow
+   `(dired-narrow-blink ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-subtle-cyan bold))))
+;;;;; dired-subtree
+   ;; remove background from dired-subtree, else it breaks
+   ;; dired-{flagged,marked} and any other face that sets a background
+   ;; such as hl-line
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-1-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-2-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-3-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-4-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-5-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-6-face ((,class :background nil)))
+;;;;; diredfl
+   `(diredfl-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(diredfl-deletion ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(diredfl-deletion-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-name ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(diredfl-flag-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(diredfl-flag-mark-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(diredfl-ignored-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(diredfl-link-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(diredfl-other-priv ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(diredfl-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(diredfl-tagged-autofile-name ((,class :inherit 
+   `(diredfl-write-priv ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+;;;;; disk-usage
+   `(disk-usage-children ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(disk-usage-inaccessible ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(disk-usage-percent ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(disk-usage-size ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(disk-usage-symlink ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(disk-usage-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; doom-modeline
+   `(doom-modeline-bar ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(doom-modeline-bar-inactive ((,class :background ,fg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-critical ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-full ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-normal ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-path ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-debug ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-debug-visual ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-emacs-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-insert-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-motion-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-normal-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-operator-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-replace-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-visual-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-host ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(doom-modeline-info ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-panel ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(doom-modeline-persp-buffer-not-in-persp ((,class :foreground 
,yellow-active :slant italic)))
+   `(doom-modeline-persp-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-project-dir ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-project-parent-dir ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-project-root-dir ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-unread-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-active :slant 
+   `(doom-modeline-urgent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; dynamic-ruler
+   `(dynamic-ruler-negative-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(dynamic-ruler-positive-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; easy-jekyll
+   `(easy-jekyll-help-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; easy-kill
+   `(easy-kill-origin ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(easy-kill-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+;;;;; ebdb
+   `(ebdb-address-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ebdb-db-char ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(ebdb-defunct ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ebdb-field-hidden ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ebdb-field-url ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(ebdb-label ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(ebdb-mail-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ebdb-mail-primary ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(ebdb-marked ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(ebdb-organization-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(ebdb-person-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ebdb-phone-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ebdb-role-defunct ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eieio-custom-slot-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; ediff
+   `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt red
+                                      bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                             bg-alt fg-special-cold
+                                             bg-special-cold 
+   `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt green
+                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt yellow
+                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
+   `(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-even-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-removed :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-added :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-changed :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-0 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-0)))
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+;;;;; eglot
+   `(eglot-mode-line ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; el-search
+   `(el-search-highlight-in-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(el-search-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(el-search-other-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(el-search-occur-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; eldoc-box
+   `(eldoc-box-body ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eldoc-box-border ((,class :background ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; elfeed
+   `(elfeed-log-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(elfeed-log-debug-level-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(elfeed-log-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(elfeed-log-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(elfeed-log-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-title-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; elfeed-score
+   `(elfeed-score-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(elfeed-score-debug-level-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(elfeed-score-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(elfeed-score-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(elfeed-score-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; emms
+   `(emms-playlist-track-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(emms-playlist-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; enhanced-ruby-mode
+   `(enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(enh-ruby-op-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(enh-ruby-regexp-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(erm-syn-errline ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(erm-syn-warnline ((,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+;;;;; epa
+   `(epa-field-body ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(epa-field-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(epa-mark ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(epa-string ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(epa-validity-disabled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(epa-validity-high ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(epa-validity-low ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(epa-validity-medium ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+;;;;; equake
+   `(equake-buffer-face ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(equake-shell-type-eshell ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-rash ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-shell ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-term ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-vterm ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-tab-active ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
+   `(equake-tab-inactive ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+;;;;; erc
+   `(erc-action-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(erc-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(erc-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(erc-command-indicator-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(erc-dangerous-host-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(erc-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(erc-fool-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(erc-header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
+   `(erc-input-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(erc-inverse-face ((,class :inherit erc-default-face :inverse-video t)))
+   `(erc-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(erc-my-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(erc-my-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-my-nick-face)))
+   `(erc-nick-default-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(erc-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-nick-default-face)))
+   `(erc-notice-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(erc-pal-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(erc-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(erc-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; eros
+   `(eros-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue)
+                                       :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; ert
+   `(ert-test-result-expected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(ert-test-result-unexpected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; eshell
+   `(eshell-ls-archive ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-backup ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-clutter ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-missing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(eshell-ls-product ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(eshell-ls-readonly ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(eshell-ls-special ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(eshell-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight)
+                            ,@(modus-operandi-theme-prompt green-alt-other
+                                                           green-nuanced-bg
+                                                           green-alt
+                                                           green-refine-bg
+                                                           fg-main))))
+;;;;; eshell-fringe-status
+   `(eshell-fringe-status-failure ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-fringe-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+;;;;; eshell-git-prompt
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-add-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-branch-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-exit-fail-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-exit-success-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-clean-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-dir-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-not-clean-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-branch-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-git-dirty-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-git-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+   `(epe-dir-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(epe-git-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(epe-git-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-host-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-time-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-user-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(epe-remote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(epe-status-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(epe-venv-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; evil-mode
+   `(evil-ex-commands ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(evil-ex-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(evil-ex-lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(evil-ex-search ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(evil-ex-substitute-matches ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow 
:underline t)))
+   `(evil-ex-substitute-replacement ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; evil-goggles
+   `(evil-goggles-change-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(evil-goggles-commentary-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-neutral 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(evil-goggles-default-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-neutral)))
+   `(evil-goggles-delete-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(evil-goggles-fill-and-move-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-indent-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-join-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(evil-goggles-nerd-commenter-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-paste-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(evil-goggles-record-macro-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-replace-with-register-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-set-marker-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-shift-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-surround-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-yank-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+;;;;; evil-visual-mark-mode
+   `(evil-visual-mark-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+;;;;; eww
+   `(eww-invalid-certificate ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(eww-valid-certificate ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(eww-form-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
released-button) :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eww-form-file ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
released-button) :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eww-form-select ((,class :inherit eww-form-checkbox)))
+   `(eww-form-submit ((,class :inherit eww-form-file)))
+   `(eww-form-text ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
none) :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(eww-form-textarea ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; eyebrowse
+   `(eyebrowse-mode-line-active ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; fancy-dabbrev
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-menu-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-preview-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline t)))
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-cyan 
+;;;;; flycheck
+   `(flycheck-error
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-checker-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-column-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-error ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-filename ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-id ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-id-with-explainer ((,class :inherit 
flycheck-error-list-id :box t)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-info ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-warning ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(flycheck-info
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-note :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note :underline t)))
+   `(flycheck-verify-select-checker ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color nil 
:style released-button))))
+   `(flycheck-warning
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+;;;;; flycheck-indicator
+   `(flycheck-indicator-disabled ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant 
+   `(flycheck-indicator-error ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-info ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-running ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-success ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-warning ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; flycheck-posframe
+   `(flycheck-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-border-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant 
+   `(flycheck-posframe-info-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; flymake
+   `(flymake-error
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+   `(flymake-note
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-note :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note :underline t)))
+   `(flymake-warning
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+;;;;; flyspell
+   `(flyspell-duplicate
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+   `(flyspell-incorrect
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+;;;;; flyspell-correct
+   `(flyspell-correct-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; flx
+   `(flx-highlight-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                    'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                    'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                    'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                    magenta-alt-other
+                                    'bold))))
+;;;;; freeze-it
+   `(freeze-it-show ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; frog-menu
+   `(frog-menu-action-keybinding-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(frog-menu-actions-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(frog-menu-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(frog-menu-candidates-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(frog-menu-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(frog-menu-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; focus
+   `(focus-unfocused ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+;;;;; fold-this
+   `(fold-this-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; font-lock
+   `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                     ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         blue-alt-other 
+   `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                    fg-special-cold cyan-alt-other-faint)
+                                 :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class 
+                                              magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta-alt-other 
+                                     ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class 
+                                              yellow yellow-faint)
+   `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class 
+                                             red-alt-other 
+   `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-lock-string-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-type-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                              cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        yellow-active yellow-alt-faint)
+                                     ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+;;;;; forge
+   `(forge-post-author ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(forge-post-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(forge-topic-closed ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(forge-topic-merged ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(forge-topic-open ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(forge-topic-unmerged ((,class :foreground ,magenta :slant 
+   `(forge-topic-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; fountain-mode
+   `(fountain-character ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-comment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(fountain-dialog ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(fountain-metadata-key ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-metadata-value ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(fountain-non-printing ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(fountain-note ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(fountain-page-break ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(fountain-page-number ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-paren ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(fountain-scene-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(fountain-section-heading ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-main
+                                       ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-1 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-main
+                                         ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-2 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                                         ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-3 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                                         ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-4 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-calm
+                                         ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-5 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(fountain-synopsis ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(fountain-trans ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; geiser
+   `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg ((,class 
+                                                      magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier ((,class 
+                                                     blue blue-faint))))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-doc-button ((,class 
+                                             cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint)
+                                          :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-doc-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-error-link ((,class 
+                                             red-alt red-alt-faint)
+                                          :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-image-button ((,class 
+                                               green-alt green-alt-faint)
+                                            :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-output ((,class 
+                                              magenta-alt-other 
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-prompt ((,class 
+                                              cyan-alt-other 
+   `(geiser-font-lock-xref-header ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-xref-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+;;;;; git-commit
+   `(git-commit-comment-action ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-branch-local ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-detached ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(git-commit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line ((,class :inherit 
+   `(git-commit-overlong-summary ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(git-commit-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(git-commit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+;;;;; git-rebase
+   `(git-rebase-comment-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(git-rebase-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-dim 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(git-rebase-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(git-rebase-hash ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+;;;;; git-gutter
+   `(git-gutter:added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter:modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(git-gutter:separator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(git-gutter:unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+;;;;; git-gutter-fr
+   `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+;;;;; git-{gutter,fringe}+
+   `(git-gutter+-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(git-gutter+-separator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(git-gutter+-unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+;;;;; git-lens
+   `(git-lens-added ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(git-lens-deleted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(git-lens-header ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.1 :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(git-lens-modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(git-lens-renamed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; git-timemachine
+   `(git-timemachine-commit ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-author-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; git-walktree
+   `(git-walktree-commit-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(git-walktree-symlink-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(git-walktree-tree-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; gnus
+   `(gnus-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(gnus-cite-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-10 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-11 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-2 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-3 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-4 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-5 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-6 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-7 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-8 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-9 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-attribution ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-emphasis-highlight-words ((,class :inherit 
+   `(gnus-group-mail-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-1-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-2-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-3-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-low ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-low-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-1-empty ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-2-empty ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-3-empty ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-4 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-4-empty ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-5 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-5-empty ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-6 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-low ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-low-empty ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-header-content ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(gnus-header-from ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline 
+   `(gnus-header-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(gnus-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-server-agent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-server-closed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-server-cloud ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(gnus-server-cloud-host ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(gnus-server-denied ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(gnus-server-offline ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(gnus-server-opened ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-signature ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-splash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-cancelled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-high-ancient ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-high-read ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-ticked ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-undownloaded ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg :slant 
+   `(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg 
:slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(gnus-summary-selected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+;;;;; golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+   `(golden-ratio-scroll-highlight-line-face ((,class :background 
,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; helm
+   `(helm-M-x-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-action ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-addressbook ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-file-not-found ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(helm-bookmark-gnus ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-man ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-w3m ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-archive ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(helm-buffer-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(helm-buffer-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-buffer-modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-not-saved ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-process ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-buffer-saved-out ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(helm-buffer-size ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-candidate-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-candidate-number-suspended ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(helm-comint-prompts-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-comint-prompts-promptidx ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-delete-async-message ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-eob-line ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-eshell-prompts-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-etags-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-backup-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-denied ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                                'modus-theme-intense-red
+                                'modus-theme-nuanced-red
+                                red))))
+   `(helm-ff-directory ((,class :inherit helm-buffer-directory)))
+   `(helm-ff-dirs ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit 
helm-ff-dotted-directory :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-ff-file-extension ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                              'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                              'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                              'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                              magenta))))
+   `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-refine-yellow
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                                'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                                yellow-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-ff-socket ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-ff-suid ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                              'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                              'modus-theme-refine-red
+                              'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                              red-alt))))
+   `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-truename ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-grep-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-grep-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-grep-lineno ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-grep-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(helm-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-header-line-left-margin ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-history-deleted ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                      'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                                      'modus-theme-intense-red
+                                      'modus-theme-nuanced-red
+                                      red
+                                      'bold))))
+   `(helm-history-remote ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-lisp-completion-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class 
+                                           'modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                                           'modus-theme-refine-yellow
+                                           'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                                           yellow
+                                           'bold))))
+   `(helm-locate-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                            'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                            'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                            'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                            cyan
+                            'bold))))
+   `(helm-match-item ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                 'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                 cyan-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-minibuffer-prompt ((,class :inherit minibuffer-prompt)))
+   `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(helm-mode-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                  'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                  'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                  magenta-alt
+                                  'bold))))
+   `(helm-non-file-buffer ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-prefarg ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(helm-resume-need-update ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                         'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                         'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                         'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                         magenta-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-selection ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                'modus-theme-special-cold
+                                nil
+                                'bold))))
+   `(helm-selection-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(helm-time-zone-current ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(helm-time-zone-home ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                 ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(helm-top-columns ((,class :inherit helm-header)))
+   `(helm-ucs-char ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-visible-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+;;;;; helm-ls-git
+   `(helm-ls-git-added-copied-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-added-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-ls-git-deleted-and-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-deleted-not-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-modified-and-staged-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(helm-ls-git-modified-not-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-renamed-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+;;;;; helm-switch-shell
+   `(helm-switch-shell-new-shell-face ((,class 
+                                                  'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                                  'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                                  magenta-alt-other
+                                                  'bold))))
+;;;;; helm-xref
+   `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+;;;;; helpful
+   `(helpful-heading  ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                               ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; highlight region or ad-hoc regexp
+   `(hi-black-b ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(hi-blue ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(hi-blue-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(hi-green ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,green :underline t)))
+   `(hi-green-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(hi-pink ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,magenta :underline t)))
+   `(hi-red-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(hi-yellow ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+   `(highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(highlight-changes ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(highlight-changes-delete ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other :underline 
+   `(hl-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+;;;;; highlight-blocks
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-warm 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-mild 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class :background ,bg-inactive 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; highlight-defined
+   `(highlight-defined-builtin-function-name-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(highlight-defined-face-name-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-defined-function-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(highlight-defined-macro-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(highlight-defined-special-form-name-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(highlight-defined-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
+   `(hes-escape-backslash-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(hes-escape-sequence-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; highlight-indentation
+   `(highlight-indentation-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(highlight-indentation-current-column-face ((,class :background 
+;;;;; highlight-numbers
+   `(highlight-numbers-number ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+;;;;; highlight-symbol
+   `(highlight-symbol-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; highlight-thing
+   `(highlight-thing ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; hl-defined
+   `(hdefd-functions ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(hdefd-undefined ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(hdefd-variables ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+;;;;; hl-fill-column
+   `(hl-fill-column-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; hl-todo
+   `(hl-todo ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other :slant 
+;;;;; hydra
+   `(hydra-face-amaranth ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(hydra-face-blue ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(hydra-face-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(hydra-face-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(hydra-face-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; hyperlist
+   `(hyperlist-condition ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(hyperlist-hashtag ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(hyperlist-operator ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-paren ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(hyperlist-quote ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-ref ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(hyperlist-stars ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-tag ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(hyperlist-toplevel ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; icomplete
+   `(icomplete-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                                       magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                       magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+;;;;; icomplete-vertical
+   `(icomplete-vertical-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; ido-mode
+   `(ido-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                              ,@(modus-operandi-theme-standard-completions
+                                 magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                 magenta-subtle-bg fg-main))))
+   `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(ido-indicator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+   `(ido-only-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                             ,@(modus-operandi-theme-standard-completions
+                                magenta-intense red-nuanced-bg
+                                magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+   `(ido-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; iedit
+   `(iedit-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(iedit-read-only-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+;;;;; iflipb
+   `(iflipb-current-buffer-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(iflipb-other-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; imenu-list
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-0 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-3 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,magenta :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,green-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-alt-other :underline t)))
+;;;;; indium
+   `(indium-breakpoint-face ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline t)))
+   `(indium-keyword-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(indium-litable-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
+   `(indium-repl-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(indium-repl-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(indium-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; info
+   `(Info-quoted ((,class :foreground ,magenta))) ; the capitalisation is 
+   `(info-header-node ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(info-header-xref ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(info-index-match ((,class :inherit match)))
+   `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                               ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-menu-star ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(info-node ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(info-title-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                           ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                           ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
+                           ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                           ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; info-colors
+   `(info-colors-lisp-code-block ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-command ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-constant ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-function ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-macro ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-other ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-special-form ((,class 
,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-syntax-class ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-user-option ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; interaction-log
+   `(ilog-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ilog-change-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(ilog-echo-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(ilog-load-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(ilog-message-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ilog-non-change-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; ioccur
+   `(ioccur-cursor ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ioccur-invalid-regexp ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ioccur-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(ioccur-match-overlay-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t))
+                                        :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(ioccur-num-line-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ioccur-overlay-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+                                  :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(ioccur-regexp-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-magenta bold))))
+   `(ioccur-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; isearch, occur, and the like
+   `(isearch ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+   `(isearch-fail ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(query-replace ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-yellow bold))))
+;;;;; ivy
+   `(ivy-action ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(ivy-completions-annotations ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ivy-current-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                   'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                   'modus-theme-intense-cyan
+                                   'modus-theme-special-warm
+                                   nil
+                                   'bold))))
+   `(ivy-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(ivy-grep-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(ivy-grep-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ivy-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ivy-match-required-face ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-neutral
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                             fg-alt))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-green
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-green
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-green
+                                             green-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                             cyan-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                             magenta-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight ((,class 
+                                                'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                                'modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                                'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                                blue-alt-other
+                                                'bold))))
+   `(ivy-modified-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant 
+   `(ivy-modified-outside-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt :slant 
+   `(ivy-org ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-prompt-match ((,class :inherit ivy-current-match)))
+   `(ivy-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ivy-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ivy-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-virtual ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-yanked-word ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                 'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                 'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                 blue-alt))))
+;;;;; ivy-posframe
+   `(ivy-posframe ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ivy-posframe-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(ivy-posframe-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+;;;;; jira (org-jira)
+   `(jiralib-comment-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(jiralib-comment-header-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(jiralib-issue-info-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(jiralib-issue-info-header-face ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-special-warm bold))))
+   `(jiralib-issue-summary-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(jiralib-link-filter-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(jiralib-link-issue-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(jiralib-link-project-face ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; journalctl-mode
+   `(journalctl-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(journalctl-finished-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(journalctl-host-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(journalctl-process-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(journalctl-starting-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(journalctl-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(journalctl-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; js2-mode
+   `(js2-error ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(js2-external-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-function-call ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(js2-function-param ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(js2-instance-member ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-tag ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-type ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-value ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(js2-object-property ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-object-property-access ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-private-function-call ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-private-member ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(js2-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt :underline t)))
+;;;;; julia
+   `(julia-macro-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(julia-quoted-symbol-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+;;;;; jupyter
+   `(jupyter-eval-overlay ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-input-prompt ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-output-prompt ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-traceback ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; kaocha-runner
+   `(kaocha-runner-error-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(kaocha-runner-success-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(kaocha-runner-warning-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; keycast
+   `(keycast-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(keycast-key ((,class :box ,(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-box blue-alt 
blue-active t -3)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-props
+                             blue-active bg-main
+                             blue-active bg-active))))
+;;;;; line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode and global variant)
+   `(line-number ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(line-number-current-line ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+;;;;; lsp-mode
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-read ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue 
:underline t)))
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-textual ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-write ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-refine-blue 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-constant ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-deprecated
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :foreground ,yellow :underline (:style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-enummember ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-field ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-field-static ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-function ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-method ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-namespace ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-preprocessor ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-static-method ((,class :foreground ,magenta :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-class ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-enum ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-primitive ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-template ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-typedef ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-local ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-parameter ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-lens-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-lens-mouse-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-background ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-footer ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-list ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-peek ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-code-action ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.99 :box 
(:line-width -1 :style nil) :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.99 :box 
(:line-width -1 :style nil) :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-symbol-info ((,class :height 0.99 :slant italic)))
+;;;;; magit
+   `(magit-bisect-bad ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-bisect-good ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-bisect-skip ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-blame-date ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(magit-blame-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-blame-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(magit-blame-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(magit-blame-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)))
+   `(magit-blame-margin ((,class :inherit magit-blame-highlight)))
+   `(magit-blame-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-blame-summary ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-branch-current ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :box t)))
+   `(magit-branch-local ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(magit-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(magit-branch-remote-head ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :box t)))
+   `(magit-branch-upstream ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                  bg-main green
+                                  bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
+   `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                            bg-dim green
+                                            bg-diff-focus-added 
+   `(magit-diff-base ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                 bg-main yellow
+                                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                           bg-dim yellow
+                                           bg-diff-focus-changed 
+   `(magit-diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                              bg-dim fg-dim
+                                              bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-special-cold bold))))
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-diff-heading bold))))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-region ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(magit-diff-lines-boundary ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(magit-diff-lines-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(magit-diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                    bg-main red
+                                    bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                              bg-dim red
+                                              bg-diff-focus-removed 
+   `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(magit-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(magit-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-head ((,class :inherit magit-branch-local)))
+   `(magit-header-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(magit-header-line-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(magit-header-line-log-select ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(magit-keyword-squash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-log-author ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-log-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-log-graph ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(magit-mode-line-process ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(magit-mode-line-process-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-process-ng ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(magit-process-ok ((,class :inherit success)))
+   `(magit-reflog-amend ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-checkout ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-commit ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-merge ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-other ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-rebase ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-remote ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-reset ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-refname ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-pullreq ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-stash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-wip ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-section ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(magit-section-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-section-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-refine-cyan bold))))
+   `(magit-section-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-done ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-drop ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-exec ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-head ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-onto ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-part ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-pick ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-stop ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-signature-bad ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-signature-error ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(magit-signature-expired ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(magit-signature-expired-key ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(magit-signature-good ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(magit-signature-revoked ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-tag ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; magit-imerge
+   `(magit-imerge-overriding-value ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; man
+   `(Man-overstrike ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(Man-reverse ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(Man-underline ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+;;;;; markdown-mode
+   `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
+   `(markdown-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(markdown-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(markdown-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(markdown-footnote-marker-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(markdown-footnote-text-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant 
+   `(markdown-gfm-checkbox-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class 
,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(markdown-header-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(markdown-hr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(markdown-html-attr-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-attr-value-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-entity-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-tag-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(markdown-html-tag-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markdown-language-info-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-line-break-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan 
:underline t)))
+   `(markdown-link-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(markdown-link-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markdown-list-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(markdown-markup-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(markdown-math-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-metadata-key-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-metadata-value-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(markdown-plain-url-face ((,class :inherit markdown-link-face)))
+   `(markdown-pre-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+                                :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim
+                                :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(markdown-reference-face ((,class :inherit markdown-markup-face)))
+   `(markdown-strike-through-face ((,class :strike-through t)))
+   `(markdown-table-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-url-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
+   `(markup-anchor-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-attribute-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant italic)))
+   `(markup-big-face ((,class :height 1.3 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(markup-command-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(markup-complex-replacement-face ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil 
:style released-button)
+                                              :inherit 
+   `(markup-emphasis-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markup-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(markup-gen-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive 
:underline t)))
+   `(markup-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant italic)))
+   `(markup-list-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(markup-meta-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-meta-hide-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(markup-passthrough-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(markup-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(markup-replacement-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(markup-secondary-text-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground 
+   `(markup-small-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(markup-strong-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-subscript-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(markup-superscript-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground 
+   `(markup-table-cell-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(markup-table-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(markup-table-row-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(markup-title-0-face ((,class :height 3.0 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-1-face ((,class :height 2.4 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-2-face ((,class :height 1.8 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-3-face ((,class :height 1.4 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-4-face ((,class :height 1.2 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-5-face ((,class :height 1.2 :foreground ,blue-nuanced 
:underline t)))
+   `(markup-value-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-verbatim-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; mentor
+   `(mentor-download-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(mentor-download-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(mentor-download-progress ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(mentor-download-size ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(mentor-download-speed-down ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mentor-download-speed-up ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mentor-download-state ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(mentor-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(mentor-tracker-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; messages
+   `(message-cited-text-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-2 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-3 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-4 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(message-header-cc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(message-header-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(message-header-other ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(message-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(message-header-to ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(message-header-xheader ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(message-mml ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(message-separator ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; minibuffer-line
+   `(minibuffer-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; minimap
+   `(minimap-active-region-background ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(minimap-current-line-face ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; modeline
+   `(mode-line ((,class :box ,(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-box bg-active 
fg-alt t)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-props
+                           bg-active fg-dim
+                           bg-active fg-active))))
+   `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(mode-line-emphasis ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mode-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue :box 
(:line-width -1 :style pressed-button))))
+   `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box ,(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-box 
bg-active bg-region)
+                                 ,@(modus-operandi-theme-modeline-props
+                                    bg-dim fg-inactive
+                                    bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+;;;;; mood-line
+   `(mood-line-modified ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-neutral ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mood-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+;;;;; mu4e
+   `(mu4e-attach-number-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-1-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-2-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-3-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-4-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-5-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-6-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-7-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(mu4e-compose-header-face ((,class :inherit mu4e-compose-separator-face)))
+   `(mu4e-compose-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-contact-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-context-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mu4e-draft-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-footer-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(mu4e-forwarded-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-header-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-header-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(mu4e-header-key-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(mu4e-header-marks-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-header-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(mu4e-header-value-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-highlight-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-link-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(mu4e-modeline-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(mu4e-moved-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(mu4e-ok-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(mu4e-region-code ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(mu4e-replied-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(mu4e-special-header-value-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-system-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-del :slant 
+   `(mu4e-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-trashed-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(mu4e-unread-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-url-number-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-view-body-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-warning-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
+;;;;; mu4e-conversation
+   `(mu4e-conversation-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-1 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-3 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-4 ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-5 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-6 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-7 ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-8 ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-me ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-unread ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; multiple-cursors
+   `(mc/cursor-bar-face ((,class :height 1 :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(mc/cursor-face ((,class :inverse-video t)))
+   `(mc/region-face ((,class :inherit region)))
+;;;;; neotree
+   `(neo-banner-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(neo-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(neo-dir-link-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(neo-expand-btn-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(neo-file-link-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-root-dir-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-added-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(neo-vc-conflict-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(neo-vc-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-vc-edited-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(neo-vc-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(neo-vc-missing-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-needs-merge-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-needs-update-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(neo-vc-removed-face ((,class :strike-through t)))
+   `(neo-vc-unlocked-changes-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(neo-vc-up-to-date-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-user-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; no-emoji
+   `(no-emoji ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; notmuch
+   `(notmuch-crypto-decryption ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-part-header ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-bad ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-good ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-hello-logo-background ((,class :background ,bg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-message-summary-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)))
+   `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-search-matching-authors ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-search-unread-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-added
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,green :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,green :underline t)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-deleted
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,red :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-flagged ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-unread ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-author-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-tag-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(notmuch-tree-no-match-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-wash-cited-text ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(notmuch-wash-toggle-button ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; num3-mode
+   `(num3-face-even ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; nxml-mode
+   `(nxml-attribute-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-attribute-local-name ((,class 
+                                           cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint))))
+   `(nxml-attribute-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint)
+                                    ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-attribute-value ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue blue-faint))))
+   `(nxml-cdata-section-CDATA ((,class 
+                                          red-alt red-alt-faint)
+                                       ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-cdata-section-delimiter ((,class 
+                                              red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(nxml-char-ref-delimiter ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         green-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-char-ref-number ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                                   ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-delimited-data ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(nxml-delimiter ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(nxml-element-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-element-local-name ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(nxml-element-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                  ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-entity-ref-delimiter ((,class 
+                                           green-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-entity-ref-name ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                                   ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-glyph ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-neutral)))
+   `(nxml-hash ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                           blue-alt blue-alt-faint)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-heading ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(nxml-name ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                           magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-namespace-attribute-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-namespace-attribute-prefix ((,class 
+                                                 cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(nxml-processing-instruction-target ((,class 
+                                                    magenta-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-prolog-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt-other magenta-alt-other-faint)
+                                  ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-ref ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                          green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                       ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+;;;;; orderless
+   `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        blue-alt blue-nuanced-bg
+                                        blue-refine-bg blue-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                        magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        green-alt-other green-nuanced-bg
+                                        green-refine-bg green-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        yellow-alt-other yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                        yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+;;;;; org
+   `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(org-agenda-current-time ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(org-agenda-date ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground 
+                              ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                              ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                                    :background ,cyan-intense-bg :foreground 
+                                    ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch 
:foreground ,cyan
+                                      ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                                      ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
blue-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-agenda-diary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-agenda-done ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced green))))
+   `(org-agenda-filter-category ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-effort ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-regexp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-tags ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-structure ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
+                                   :foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                                   ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-archived ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(org-block ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-block bg-dim)
+                        :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-block-begin-line ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-block-delim
+                                      bg-dim fg-special-cold
+                                      bg-alt fg-special-mild)
+                                   :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(org-block-end-line ((,class :inherit org-block-begin-line)))
+   `(org-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,bg-active)
+                           :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((,class :foreground ,green
+                                              green-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((,class 
,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt red)
+                                              red-nuanced-bg red-nuanced))))
+   `(org-clock-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(org-code ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(org-column ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(org-column-title ((,class :inherit bold :underline t :background 
+   `(org-date ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(org-date-selected ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt 
:inverse-video t)))
+   `(org-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-document-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(org-document-title ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
+                                 ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-done ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block green-nuanced-bg 
green-nuanced green))))
+   `(org-drawer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(org-ellipsis ((,class :foreground nil))) ; inherits from the heading's 
+   `(org-footnote ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :underline t)))
+   `(org-formula ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(org-habit-alert-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+   `(org-habit-alert-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(org-habit-clear-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(org-habit-clear-future-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-habit-overdue-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(org-habit-overdue-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(org-habit-ready-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(org-habit-ready-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(org-headline-done ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced
+                                ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block
+                                   green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
+   `(org-hide ((,class :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(org-indent ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch org-hide))))
+   `(org-latex-and-related ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(org-level-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
blue-nuanced-bg blue-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
red-nuanced red-alt)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
+                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block bg-alt 
+   `(org-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(org-list-dt ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(org-macro ((,class :inherit org-latex-and-related)))
+   `(org-meta-line ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(org-mode-line-clock ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(org-priority ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced magenta)
+                           ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground magenta 
+   `(org-quote ((,class ,@(if modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks
+                              (append
+                               (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               (list :background bg-dim))
+                            (list :background nil))
+                        :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(org-scheduled ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(org-scheduled-today ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(org-sexp-date ((,class :inherit org-date)))
+   `(org-special-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced cyan-alt))))
+   `(org-table ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(org-tag ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(org-tag-group ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(org-target ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(org-time-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(org-todo ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-org-todo-block red-nuanced-bg 
red-nuanced red-alt)
+                       ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt 
+   `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(org-verbatim ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(org-verse ((,class :inherit org-quote)))
+   `(org-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+;;;;; org-journal
+   `(org-journal-calendar-entry-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(org-journal-calendar-scheduled-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(org-journal-highlight ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; org-noter
+   `(org-noter-no-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-noter-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; org-pomodoro
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line-break ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line-overtime ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; org-recur
+   `(org-recur ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+;;;;; org-roam
+   `(org-roam-link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(org-roam-backlink ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other :underline t)))
+;;;;; org-superstar
+   `(org-superstar-item ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-superstar-leading ((,class :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
+;;;;; org-table-sticky-header
+   `(org-table-sticky-header-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; org-treescope
+   `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-midday ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-range ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; origami
+   `(origami-fold-header-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim 
:box t)))
+   `(origami-fold-replacement-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; outline-mode
+   `(outline-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
+   `(outline-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block blue-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block cyan-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block green-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block 
yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-nuanced))))
+   `(outline-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground red-nuanced 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
+                        ,@(modus-operandi-theme-heading-block bg-alt fg-alt))))
+;;;;; outline-minor-faces
+   `(outline-minor-0 ((,class ,@(unless modus-operandi-theme-section-headings
+                                  (list :background cyan-nuanced-bg)))))
+;;;;; package (M-x list-packages)
+   `(package-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(package-help-section-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(package-name ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(package-status-avail-obso ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(package-status-available ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(package-status-built-in ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(package-status-dependency ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(package-status-disabled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(package-status-external ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(package-status-held ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(package-status-incompat ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(package-status-installed ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(package-status-new ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(package-status-unsigned ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; page-break-lines
+   `(page-break-lines ((,class :inherit default :foreground 
+;;;;; paradox
+   `(paradox-archive-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(paradox-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(paradox-commit-tag-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta :box 
+   `(paradox-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(paradox-description-face-multiline ((,class :foreground 
+   `(paradox-download-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(paradox-highlight-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(paradox-homepage-button-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(paradox-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(paradox-name-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(paradox-star-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(paradox-starred-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; paren-face
+   `(parenthesis ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+;;;;; parrot
+   `(parrot-rotate-rotation-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; pass
+   `(pass-mode-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(pass-mode-entry-face ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(pass-mode-header-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+;;;;; persp-mode
+   `(persp-face-lighter-buffer-not-in-persp ((,class :inherit 
+   `(persp-face-lighter-default ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(persp-face-lighter-nil-persp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; perspective
+   `(persp-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+;;;;; phi-grep
+   `(phi-grep-heading-face  ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                     ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(phi-grep-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(phi-grep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(phi-grep-modified-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(phi-grep-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+;;;;; phi-search
+   `(phi-replace-preview-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(phi-search-failpart-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(phi-search-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(phi-search-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green 
+;;;;; pkgbuild-mode
+   `(pkgbuild-error-face ((,class :underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; pomidor
+   `(pomidor-break-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(pomidor-overwork-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(pomidor-skip-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(pomidor-work-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+;;;;; powerline
+   `(powerline-active0 ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,blue-faint 
:inverse-video t)))
+   `(powerline-active1 ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground 
+   `(powerline-active2 ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive0 ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive1 ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive2 ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; powerline-evil
+   `(powerline-evil-base-face ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground 
+   `(powerline-evil-emacs-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-magenta)))
+   `(powerline-evil-insert-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+   `(powerline-evil-motion-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(powerline-evil-normal-face ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground 
+   `(powerline-evil-operator-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(powerline-evil-replace-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(powerline-evil-visual-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-cyan)))
+;;;;; proced
+   `(proced-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(proced-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(proced-sort-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-calm 
:underline t)))
+;;;;; prodigy
+   `(prodigy-green-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(prodigy-red-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; rainbow-blocks
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-unmatched-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; rainbow-identifiers
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-1 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-2 ((,class :foreground 
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-3 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-5 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-6 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-7 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-8 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-9 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-10 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-11 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-12 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-13 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-14 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-15 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; rainbow-delimiters
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-base-face-error ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-base-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; rcirc
+   `(rcirc-bright-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rcirc-dim-nick ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(rcirc-my-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rcirc-nick-in-message ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(rcirc-other-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rcirc-prompt ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rcirc-server ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(rcirc-timestamp ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(rcirc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+;;;;; regexp-builder (re-builder)
+   `(reb-match-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(reb-match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(reb-match-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(reb-match-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(reb-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(reb-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; rg (rg.el)
+   `(rg-column-number-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rg-context-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(rg-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(rg-file-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rg-filename-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rg-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(rg-literal-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(rg-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(rg-regexp-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(rg-toggle-off-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(rg-toggle-on-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(rg-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; ripgrep
+   `(ripgrep-context-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(ripgrep-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ripgrep-hit-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ripgrep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; rmail
+   `(rmail-header-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rmail-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; ruler-mode
+   `(ruler-mode-column-number ((,class :inherit (ruler-mode-default bold) 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ruler-mode-comment-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(ruler-mode-current-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default 
:foreground ,cyan-active :box t)))
+   `(ruler-mode-default ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-fill-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-fringes ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-goal-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-margins ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-pad ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(ruler-mode-tab-stop ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+;;;;; sallet
+   `(sallet-buffer-compressed ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced :slant 
+   `(sallet-buffer-default-directory ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-help ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other :slant 
+   `(sallet-buffer-ordinary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-read-only ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-size ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-special ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(sallet-flx-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                  'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                  'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                  cyan-alt-other))))
+   `(sallet-recentf-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-recentf-file-path ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(sallet-regexp-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                     'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                     'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                     'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                     magenta-alt-other))))
+   `(sallet-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                   ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(sallet-substring-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-extra-completions
+                                        'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                        'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                        'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                        blue-alt-other))))
+;;;;; selectrum
+   `(selectrum-current-candidate ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                             magenta
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                             blue
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class 
+                                               'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                               'modus-theme-intense-cyan
+                                               'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                               cyan
+                                               'bold))))
+;;;;; semantic
+   `(semantic-complete-inline-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm 
:underline t)))
+   `(semantic-decoration-on-private-members-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(semantic-decoration-on-protected-members-face ((,class :background 
+   `(semantic-highlight-edits-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(semantic-highlight-func-current-tag-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(semantic-idle-symbol-highlight ((,class :inherit 
+   `(semantic-tag-boundary-face ((,class :overline ,blue-intense)))
+   `(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face ((,class :underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; sesman
+   `(sesman-browser-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(sesman-browser-highligh-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(sesman-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(sesman-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(sesman-project-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; shell-script-mode
+   `(sh-heredoc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(sh-quoted-exec ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; show-paren-mode
+   `(show-paren-match ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-paren bg-paren-match
+                               :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(show-paren-match-expression ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(show-paren-mismatch ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; side-notes
+   `(side-notes ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+;;;;; skewer-mode
+   `(skewer-error-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+;;;;; smart-mode-line
+   `(sml/charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/discharging ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(sml/filename ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(sml/folder ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/git ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/global ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/line-number ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/minor-modes ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/modes ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(sml/mule-info ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/name-filling ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(sml/not-modified ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/numbers-separator ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/outside-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(sml/position-percentage ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/prefix ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/process ((,class :inherit sml/prefix)))
+   `(sml/projectile ((,class :inherit sml/git)))
+   `(sml/read-only ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(sml/remote ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/sudo ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(sml/time ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/vc ((,class :inherit sml/git)))
+   `(sml/vc-edited ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; smartparens
+   `(sp-pair-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-enclosing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-match-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-paren 
+                                      :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-closing-pair ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-face ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-opening-pair ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+;;;;; smerge
+   `(smerge-base ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                             bg-main yellow
+                             bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(smerge-lower ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main green
+                              bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(smerge-markers ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(smerge-refined-added ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                      bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(smerge-refined-changed ((,class)))
+   `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                        bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                        bg-diff-refine-removed 
+   `(smerge-upper ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main red
+                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+;;;;; spaceline
+   `(spaceline-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-magenta)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-motion ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-normal ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-replace ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-visual ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-cyan)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-error ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(spaceline-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-blue)))
+   `(spaceline-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+   `(spaceline-python-venv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(spaceline-read-only ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(spaceline-unmodified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+;;;;; speedbar
+   `(speedbar-button-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(speedbar-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(speedbar-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(speedbar-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(speedbar-separator-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-neutral)))
+   `(speedbar-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; spell-fu
+   `(spell-fu-incorrect-face
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline (:style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+;;;;; stripes
+   `(stripes ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+;;;;; success
+   `(suggest-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; switch-window
+   `(switch-window-background ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(switch-window-label ((,class :height 3.0 :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+;;;;; swiper
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-line-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+;;;;; swoop
+   `(swoop-face-header-format-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                            ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(swoop-face-line-buffer-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt
+                                          ,@(modus-operandi-theme-scale 
+   `(swoop-face-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(swoop-face-target-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                     ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(swoop-face-target-words ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; sx
+   `(sx-inbox-item-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(sx-inbox-item-type-unread ((,class :inherit (sx-inbox-item-type bold))))
+   `(sx-question-list-answers ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(sx-question-list-answers-accepted ((,class :box t :foreground ,green)))
+   `(sx-question-list-bounty ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(sx-question-list-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(sx-question-list-favorite ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-list-parent ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-list-read-question ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(sx-question-list-score ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(sx-question-list-score-upvoted ((,class :inherit (sx-question-list-score 
+   `(sx-question-list-unread-question ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-accepted ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.3 :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-closed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-yellow :box 
(:line-width 2 :color nil))))
+   `(sx-question-mode-closed-reason ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil) 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-content-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-date ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-kbd-tag ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.9 :box 
(:line-width 3 :color ,fg-main :style released-button) :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score-downvoted ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score-upvoted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-title-comments ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(sx-user-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(sx-user-reputation ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; symbol-overlay
+   `(symbol-overlay-default-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-5 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-6 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-7 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-cyan)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-8 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; syslog-mode
+   `(syslog-debug ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(syslog-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(syslog-hide ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(syslog-hour ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-info ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-ip ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild :underline 
+   `(syslog-su ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(syslog-warn ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; table (built-in table.el)
+   `(table-cell ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg)))
+;;;;; telephone-line
+   `(telephone-line-accent-active ((,class :background ,fg-inactive 
:foreground ,bg-inactive)))
+   `(telephone-line-accent-inactive ((,class :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,magenta-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-insert ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,green-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-motion ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,yellow-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-normal ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-operator ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,yellow-subtle-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-replace ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,red-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-visual ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-projectile ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(telephone-line-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; term
+   `(term ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(term-bold ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(term-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(term-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(term-color-green ((,class :background ,green :foreground ,green)))
+   `(term-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(term-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
+   `(term-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(term-underline ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; tomatinho
+   `(tomatinho-ok-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(tomatinho-pause-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(tomatinho-reset-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; transient
+   `(transient-active-infix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(transient-amaranth ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(transient-argument ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(transient-blue ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(transient-disabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(transient-enabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(transient-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(transient-inactive-argument ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(transient-inactive-value ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(transient-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(transient-mismatched-key ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(transient-nonstandard-key ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(transient-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(transient-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(transient-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(transient-unreachable ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(transient-unreachable-key ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(transient-value ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; trashed
+   `(trashed-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(trashed-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(trashed-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(trashed-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(trashed-restored ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(trashed-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+;;;;; treemacs
+   `(treemacs-directory-collapsed-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-directory-face ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
+   `(treemacs-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-fringe-indicator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-git-added-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(treemacs-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(treemacs-git-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-git-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-git-renamed-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-git-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-help-column-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(treemacs-help-title-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-on-failure-pulse-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-on-success-pulse-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-root-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:height 1.2 :underline t)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-disconnected-face ((,class :inherit 
treemacs-root-remote-face :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face 
:foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-root-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face 
:strike-through t)))
+   `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; tty-menu
+   `(tty-menu-disabled-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(tty-menu-enabled-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(tty-menu-selected-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+;;;;; tuareg
+   `(caml-types-def-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(caml-types-expr-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(caml-types-occ-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(caml-types-scope-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(caml-types-typed-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(tuareg-font-double-semicolon-face ((,class 
+                                                   red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-attribute-face ((,class 
+                                                 magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-constructor-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-error-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-extension-node-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-governing-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face ((,class 
+                                                            magenta 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-directive-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                                         red red-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face ((,class 
+                                                          blue-alt-other 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-label-face ((,class 
+                                             cyan-alt-other 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-module-face ((,class 
+                                              magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face ((,class :inherit bold :background 
+                                                  blue blue-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-operator-face ((,class 
+                                                red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-opam-error-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                     ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        red red-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-opam-pkg-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                                    cyan cyan-faint)
+                                                 :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; undo-tree
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face ((,class :inherit bold 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground 
+;;;;; vc
+   `(vc-conflict-state ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(vc-edited-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(vc-locally-added-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(vc-locked-state ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(vc-missing-state ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(vc-needs-update-state ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(vc-removed-state ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(vc-state-base ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(vc-up-to-date-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+;;;;; vdiff
+   `(vdiff-addition-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-main green
+                                     bg-diff-focus-added 
+   `(vdiff-change-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                   bg-main yellow
+                                   bg-diff-focus-changed 
+   `(vdiff-closed-fold-face ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
+   `(vdiff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                    bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                    bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(vdiff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                      bg-diff-refine-changed 
+   `(vdiff-subtraction-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-diffs
+                                        bg-main red
+                                        bg-diff-focus-removed 
+   `(vdiff-target-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+;;;;; vimish-fold
+   `(vimish-fold-fringe ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(vimish-fold-mouse-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(vimish-fold-overlay ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; visible-mark
+   `(visible-mark-active ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-face1 ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-face2 ((,class :background ,yellow-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-forward-face1 ((,class :background ,magenta-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-forward-face2 ((,class :background ,green-intense-bg)))
+;;;;; visual-regexp
+   `(vr/group-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(vr/group-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(vr/group-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(vr/match-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(vr/match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(vr/match-separator-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-neutral 
+;;;;; volatile-highlights
+   `(vhl/default-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;;; vterm
+   `(vterm-color-black ((,class :background "black" :foreground "black")))
+   `(vterm-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(vterm-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(vterm-color-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(vterm-color-green ((,class :background ,green :foreground ,green)))
+   `(vterm-color-inverse-video ((,class :background ,bg-main :inverse-video 
+   `(vterm-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(vterm-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
+   `(vterm-color-underline ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :underline 
+   `(vterm-color-white ((,class :background "white" :foreground "white")))
+   `(vterm-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; wcheck-mode
+   `(wcheck-default-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+;;;;; web-mode
+   `(web-mode-annotation-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-annotation-html-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-annotation-tag-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face 
:underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-block-attr-name-face ((,class 
+                                               blue blue-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-block-attr-value-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-block-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-block-control-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+   `(web-mode-block-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-block-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(web-mode-block-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(web-mode-builtin-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                    ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(web-mode-comment-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-dim
+                                               yellow yellow-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-constant-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        blue-alt-other blue-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-css-at-rule-face ((,class 
+                                           blue-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-css-color-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                      ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-css-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-css-function-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+   `(web-mode-css-priority-face ((,class 
+                                            yellow-alt yellow-alt-faint)
+   `(web-mode-css-property-name-face ((,class 
+                                                 cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-css-pseudo-class-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-css-selector-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-css-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-css-variable-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(web-mode-current-column-highlight-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(web-mode-doctype-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(web-mode-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(web-mode-filter-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-folded-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-function-call-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-function-name-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-custom-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-engine-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-equal-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-name-face ((,class 
+                                              cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((,class 
+                                               blue-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-html-entity-face ((,class 
+                                           yellow-alt-other 
+                                        :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-custom-face ((,class 
+                                               magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-namespaced-face ((,class 
+                                                   magenta-alt 
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-unclosed-face ((,class 
+                                                 red red-faint)
+                                              :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-inlay-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(web-mode-italic-face ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(web-mode-javascript-comment-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(web-mode-javascript-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-json-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-json-context-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-json-key-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(web-mode-json-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-1-face ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-2-face ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       magenta-alt-other 
+                                    ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-param-name-face ((,class 
+                                          magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-part-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-part-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-block-face)))
+   `(web-mode-part-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-preprocessor-face ((,class 
+                                            red-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-script-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-part-face)))
+   `(web-mode-sql-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                           yellow yellow-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-string-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-style-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-part-face)))
+   `(web-mode-symbol-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue-alt-other blue-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-type-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                    magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                             cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt
+                                    ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       yellow-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-whitespace-face ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+;;;;; wgrep
+   `(wgrep-delete-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(wgrep-done-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(wgrep-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-green)))
+   `(wgrep-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(wgrep-reject-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+;;;;; which-function-mode
+   `(which-func ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+;;;;; which-key
+   `(which-key-command-description-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(which-key-group-description-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(which-key-highlighted-command-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt 
:underline t)))
+   `(which-key-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(which-key-local-map-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(which-key-note-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(which-key-separator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(which-key-special-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; whitespace-mode
+   `(whitespace-big-indent ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(whitespace-empty ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(whitespace-hspace ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-indentation ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(whitespace-newline ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-space ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-space-after-tab ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(whitespace-space-before-tab ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(whitespace-tab ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-trailing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; window-divider-mode
+   `(window-divider ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
+   `(window-divider-first-pixel ((,class :foreground 
+   `(window-divider-last-pixel ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-outer)))
+;;;;; winum
+   `(winum-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; writegood-mode
+   `(writegood-duplicates-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
,red-alt :underline t)))
+   `(writegood-passive-voice-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-warning)))
+   `(writegood-weasels-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced :underline 
+;;;;; woman
+   `(woman-addition ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(woman-bold ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(woman-italic ((,class :foreground ,cyan :slant italic)))
+   `(woman-unknown ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant italic)))
+;;;;; xah-elisp-mode
+   `(xah-elisp-at-symbol ((,class :inherit bold
+                                  ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-cap-variable ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        red-alt-other red-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-command-face ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-dollar-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-operandi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         green green-faint))))
+;;;;; xref
+   `(xref-file-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(xref-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(xref-match ((,class :inherit match)))
+;;;;; yaml-mode
+   `(yaml-tab-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; yasnippet
+   `(yas-field-highlight-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; ztree
+   `(ztreep-arrow-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.2 :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-diff-header-small-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-diff-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt 
:strike-through t)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-normal-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ztreep-expand-sign-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(ztreep-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.2 :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-leaf-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ztreep-node-count-children-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ztreep-node-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main))))
+;;;; Emacs 27+
+  ;; EXPERIMENTAL this form is subject to review
+  (when (>= emacs-major-version 27)
+    (custom-theme-set-faces
+     'modus-operandi
+;;;;; line numbers (`display-line-numbers-mode' and global variant)
+     ;; NOTE that this is specifically for the faces that were
+     ;; introduced in Emacs 27, as the other faces are already
+     ;; supported.
+     `(line-number-major-tick ((,class (:background ,yellow-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,yellow-nuanced))))
+     `(line-number-minor-tick ((,class (:background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced))))
+;;;;; tab-bar-mode
+     `(tab-bar ((,class :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-bar-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                            :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                                     :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; tab-line-mode
+     `(tab-line ((,class :height 0.95 :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground 
+     `(tab-line-close-highlight ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+     `(tab-line-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+     `(tab-line-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                             :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-line-tab-current ((,class :inherit tab-line-tab)))
+     `(tab-line-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                                      :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+;;; variables
+  (custom-theme-set-variables
+   'modus-operandi
+;;;; ansi-colors
+   `(ansi-color-faces-vector [default bold shadow italic underline success 
warning error])
+   `(ansi-color-names-vector [,fg-main ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta 
,cyan ,bg-main])
+;;;; flymake fringe indicators
+   `(flymake-error-bitmap '(flymake-double-exclamation-mark 
+   `(flymake-warning-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-theme-fringe-yellow))
+   `(flymake-note-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-theme-fringe-cyan))
+;;;; ibuffer
+   `(ibuffer-deletion-face 'modus-theme-mark-del)
+   `(ibuffer-filter-group-name-face 'modus-theme-mark-symbol)
+   `(ibuffer-marked-face 'modus-theme-mark-sel)
+   `(ibuffer-title-face 'modus-theme-header)
+;;;; highlight-tail
+   `(highlight-tail-colors
+     '((,green-subtle-bg . 0)
+       (,cyan-subtle-bg . 20)))
+;;;; hl-todo
+   `(hl-todo-keyword-faces
+     '(("HOLD" . ,yellow-alt)
+       ("TODO" . ,magenta)
+       ("NEXT" . ,magenta-alt-other)
+       ("THEM" . ,magenta-alt)
+       ("PROG" . ,cyan)
+       ("OKAY" . ,cyan-alt)
+       ("DONT" . ,green-alt)
+       ("FAIL" . ,red)
+       ("BUG" . ,red)
+       ("DONE" . ,green)
+       ("NOTE" . ,yellow-alt-other)
+       ("KLUDGE" . ,yellow)
+       ("HACK" . ,yellow)
+       ("TEMP" . ,red-nuanced)
+       ("FIXME" . ,red-alt-other)
+       ("XXX+" . ,red-alt)
+       ("REVIEW" . ,cyan-alt-other)
+       ("DEPRECATED" . ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;; vc-annotate (C-x v g)
+   `(vc-annotate-background nil)
+   `(vc-annotate-background-mode nil)
+   `(vc-annotate-color-map
+     '((20 . ,red)
+       (40 . ,magenta)
+       (60 . ,magenta-alt)
+       (80 . ,red-alt)
+       (100 . ,yellow)
+       (120 . ,yellow-alt)
+       (140 . ,fg-special-warm)
+       (160 . ,fg-special-mild)
+       (180 . ,green)
+       (200 . ,green-alt)
+       (220 . ,cyan-alt-other)
+       (240 . ,cyan-alt)
+       (260 . ,cyan)
+       (280 . ,fg-special-cold)
+       (300 . ,blue)
+       (320 . ,blue-alt)
+       (340 . ,blue-alt-other)
+       (360 . ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
+;;;; xterm-color
+   `(xterm-color-names [,fg-main ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta ,cyan 
+   `(xterm-color-names-bright [,fg-alt ,red-alt ,green-alt ,yellow-alt 
,blue-alt ,magenta-alt ,cyan-alt ,bg-main]))
+;;; Conditional theme variables
+;;;; org-src-block-faces
+  ;; this is a user option to add a colour-coded background to source
+  ;; blocks for various programming languages
+  (when (eq modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks 'rainbow)
+    (custom-theme-set-variables
+     'modus-operandi
+     `(org-src-block-faces              ; TODO this list should be expanded
+       `(("emacs-lisp" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("elisp" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("clojure" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("clojurescript" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("c" modus-theme-nuanced-blue)
+         ("c++" modus-theme-nuanced-blue)
+         ("sh" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("shell" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("html" modus-theme-nuanced-yellow)
+         ("xml" modus-theme-nuanced-yellow)
+         ("css" modus-theme-nuanced-red)
+         ("scss" modus-theme-nuanced-red)
+         ("python" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("ipython" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("r" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("yaml" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("conf" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("docker" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("json" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan))))))
+;;; library provides
+(when load-file-name
+  (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+               (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
+(provide-theme 'modus-operandi)
+(provide 'modus-operandi-theme)
+;;; modus-operandi-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/etc/themes/modus-vivendi-theme.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1b6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/themes/modus-vivendi-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4266 @@
+;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el --- Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA) -*- 
lexical-binding:t -*-
+;; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
+;; URL: https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes
+;; Version: 0.12.0
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This theme is designed for colour-contrast accessibility.
+;; 1. Provide a consistent minimum contrast ratio between background and
+;; foreground values of 7:1 or higher.  This meets the highest such
+;; accessibility criterion per the guidelines of the Worldwide Web
+;; Consortium's Working Group on Accessibility (WCAG AAA standard).
+;; 2. Offer as close to full face coverage as possible.  The list is
+;; already quite long (see further below), with more additions to follow
+;; as part of the ongoing development process.
+;; The theme provides the following customisation options, all of which
+;; are disabled by default:
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs             (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs                (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings        (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings               (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings               (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings                 (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-fringes                        (choice)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks                     (choice)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-prompts                        (choice)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline                    (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs                   (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax                   (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line                (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match            (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-completions                    (choice)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist          (alist)
+;; The default scale is as follows (it can be customised as well):
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-5 1.3
+;; What follows is the list of explicitly supported packages or face
+;; groups (there are implicitly supported packages as well, which
+;; inherit from font-lock or some basic group).  You are encouraged to
+;; notify me of any missing package or change you would like to see.
+;;     ace-window
+;;     ag
+;;     alert
+;;     all-the-icons
+;;     annotate
+;;     anzu
+;;     apropos
+;;     apt-sources-list
+;;     artbollocks-mode
+;;     auctex and TeX
+;;     auto-dim-other-buffers
+;;     avy
+;;     bm
+;;     bongo
+;;     boon
+;;     breakpoint (provided by built-in gdb-mi.el)
+;;     buffer-expose
+;;     calendar and diary
+;;     calfw
+;;     centaur-tabs
+;;     change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
+;;     cider
+;;     circe
+;;     color-rg
+;;     column-enforce-mode
+;;     company-mode
+;;     company-posframe
+;;     compilation-mode
+;;     completions
+;;     counsel
+;;     counsel-css
+;;     counsel-notmuch
+;;     counsel-org-capture-string
+;;     cov
+;;     csv-mode
+;;     ctrlf
+;;     custom (M-x customize)
+;;     dap-mode
+;;     dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+;;     deadgrep
+;;     debbugs
+;;     define-word
+;;     deft
+;;     dictionary
+;;     diff-hl
+;;     diff-mode
+;;     dim-autoload
+;;     dired
+;;     dired-async
+;;     dired-git
+;;     dired-git-info
+;;     dired-narrow
+;;     dired-subtree
+;;     diredfl
+;;     disk-usage
+;;     doom-modeline
+;;     dynamic-ruler
+;;     easy-jekyll
+;;     easy-kill
+;;     ebdb
+;;     ediff
+;;     eglot
+;;     el-search
+;;     eldoc-box
+;;     elfeed
+;;     elfeed-score
+;;     emms
+;;     enhanced-ruby-mode
+;;     epa
+;;     equake
+;;     erc
+;;     eros
+;;     ert
+;;     eshell
+;;     eshell-fringe-status
+;;     eshell-git-prompt
+;;     eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+;;     evil (evil-mode)
+;;     evil-goggles
+;;     evil-visual-mark-mode
+;;     eww
+;;     eyebrowse
+;;     fancy-dabbrev
+;;     flycheck
+;;     flycheck-indicator
+;;     flycheck-posframe
+;;     flymake
+;;     flyspell
+;;     flyspell-correct
+;;     flx
+;;     freeze-it
+;;     frog-menu
+;;     focus
+;;     fold-this
+;;     font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
+;;     forge
+;;     fountain (fountain-mode)
+;;     geiser
+;;     git-commit
+;;     git-gutter (and variants)
+;;     git-lens
+;;     git-rebase
+;;     git-timemachine
+;;     git-walktree
+;;     gnus
+;;     golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+;;     helm
+;;     helm-ls-git
+;;     helm-switch-shell
+;;     helm-xref
+;;     helpful
+;;     highlight-blocks
+;;     highlight-defined
+;;     highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
+;;     highlight-indentation
+;;     highlight-numbers
+;;     highlight-symbol
+;;     highlight-tail
+;;     highlight-thing
+;;     hl-defined
+;;     hl-fill-column
+;;     hl-line-mode
+;;     hl-todo
+;;     hydra
+;;     hyperlist
+;;     ibuffer
+;;     icomplete
+;;     ido-mode
+;;     iedit
+;;     iflipb
+;;     imenu-list
+;;     indium
+;;     info
+;;     info-colors
+;;     interaction-log
+;;     ioccur
+;;     isearch, occur, etc.
+;;     ivy
+;;     ivy-posframe
+;;     jira (org-jira)
+;;     journalctl-mode
+;;     js2-mode
+;;     julia
+;;     jupyter
+;;     kaocha-runner
+;;     keycast
+;;     line numbers (`display-line-numbers-mode' and global variant)
+;;     lsp-mode
+;;     lsp-ui
+;;     magit
+;;     magit-imerge
+;;     man
+;;     markdown-mode
+;;     markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
+;;     mentor
+;;     messages
+;;     minibuffer-line
+;;     minimap
+;;     modeline
+;;     mood-line
+;;     mu4e
+;;     mu4e-conversation
+;;     multiple-cursors
+;;     neotree
+;;     no-emoji
+;;     notmuch
+;;     num3-mode
+;;     nxml-mode
+;;     orderless
+;;     org
+;;     org-journal
+;;     org-noter
+;;     org-pomodoro
+;;     org-recur
+;;     org-roam
+;;     org-superstar
+;;     org-table-sticky-header
+;;     org-treescope
+;;     origami
+;;     outline-mode
+;;     outline-minor-faces
+;;     package (M-x list-packages)
+;;     page-break-lines
+;;     paradox
+;;     paren-face
+;;     parrot
+;;     pass
+;;     persp-mode
+;;     perspective
+;;     phi-grep
+;;     phi-search
+;;     pkgbuild-mode
+;;     pomidor
+;;     powerline
+;;     powerline-evil
+;;     proced
+;;     prodigy
+;;     rainbow-blocks
+;;     rainbow-identifiers
+;;     rainbow-delimiters
+;;     rcirc
+;;     regexp-builder (also known as `re-builder')
+;;     rg
+;;     ripgrep
+;;     rmail
+;;     ruler-mode
+;;     sallet
+;;     selectrum
+;;     semantic
+;;     sesman
+;;     shell-script-mode
+;;     show-paren-mode
+;;     side-notes
+;;     skewer-mode
+;;     smart-mode-line
+;;     smartparens
+;;     smerge
+;;     spaceline
+;;     speedbar
+;;     spell-fu
+;;     stripes
+;;     suggest
+;;     switch-window
+;;     swiper
+;;     swoop
+;;     sx
+;;     symbol-overlay
+;;     tab-bar-mode
+;;     tab-line-mode
+;;     syslog-mode
+;;     table (built-in table.el)
+;;     telephone-line
+;;     term
+;;     tomatinho
+;;     transient (pop-up windows like Magit's)
+;;     trashed
+;;     treemacs
+;;     tty-menu
+;;     tuareg
+;;     undo-tree
+;;     vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
+;;     vc-annotate (C-x v g)
+;;     vdiff
+;;     vimish-fold
+;;     visible-mark
+;;     visual-regexp
+;;     volatile-highlights
+;;     vterm
+;;     wcheck-mode
+;;     web-mode
+;;     wgrep
+;;     which-function-mode
+;;     which-key
+;;     whitespace-mode
+;;     window-divider-mode
+;;     winum
+;;     writegood-mode
+;;     woman
+;;     xah-elisp-mode
+;;     xref
+;;     xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
+;;     yaml-mode
+;;     yasnippet
+;;     ztree
+;;; Code:
+(deftheme modus-vivendi
+  "Dark theme that conforms with the highest accessibility
+  standard for colour contrast between background and
+  foreground elements (WCAG AAA).")
+;;; Custom faces
+;; These faces will be inherited by actual constructs.  They are meant
+;; for those cases where a face needs to distinguish its output from
+;; the rest of the text, such as `isearch' and `occur'…  We define
+;; these separately in order to combine each colour with its
+;; appropriate foreground value.  This is to ensure a consistent
+;; contrast ratio of >= 7:1.
+(defgroup modus-theme ()
+  "Theme that ensures WCAG AAA accessibility (contrast ratio
+between foreground and background is >= 7:1)."
+  :group 'faces
+  :prefix "modus-theme-"
+  :link '(url-link :tag "GitLab" "https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes";)
+  :tag "Modus Vivendi")
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-subtle-neutral nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-intense-neutral nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-refine-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-active-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-fringe-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-red nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-green nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-yellow nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-blue nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-magenta nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-nuanced-cyan nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-cold nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-mild nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-warm nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-special-calm nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-refine-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-added nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-changed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-focus-removed nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-diff-heading nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-header nil nil)    ; Name is tentative
+(defface modus-theme-mark-alt nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-del nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-sel nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-mark-symbol nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-hl-line nil nil)
+;;; Customisation options
+;; User-facing customisation options.  They are all deactivated by
+;; default (users must opt in).
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs nil
+  "Use slanted text in more code constructs (italics or oblique)."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs nil
+  "Use bold text in more code constructs."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-proportional-fonts
+  'modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-proportional-fonts nil
+  "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings nil
+  "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings nil
+  "Use more saturated colours for headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings nil
+  "Use a background and an overline in headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings nil
+  "Use font scaling for headings."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+  "Font size that is slightly larger than the base value.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-5 1.3
+  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4'.
+The default is a floating point that is interpreted as a multiple
+of the base font size.  However, the variable also accepts an
+integer, understood as an absolute height (e.g. a value of 140 is
+the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
+For more on the matter, read the documentation of
+`set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
+  :type 'number)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringes
+  'modus-vivendi-theme-fringes "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringes nil
+  "Use a visible style for fringes."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-fringes nil
+  "Define the visibility of fringes.
+Nil means the fringes have no background colour.  Option `subtle'
+will apply a greyscale value that is visible yet close to the
+main buffer background colour.  Option `intense' will use a more
+pronounced greyscale value."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No visible fringes (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle greyscale background" subtle)
+          (const :tag "Intense greyscale background" intense)))
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-distinct-org-blocks
+  'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-distinct-org-blocks nil
+  "Use a distinct neutral background for `org-mode' blocks."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks
+  'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks nil
+  "Use colour-coded backgrounds for `org-mode' source blocks.
+The colour in use depends on the language (send feedback to
+include more languages)."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks nil
+  "Use a subtle grey or colour-coded background for Org blocks.
+Nil means that the block will have no background of its own and
+will use the default that applies to the rest of the buffer.
+Option `greyscale' will apply a subtle neutral grey background to
+the block's contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of
+the block: their background will be extended to the edge of the
+window for Emacs version >= 27 where the ':extend' keyword is
+recognised by `set-face-attribute'.
+Option `rainbow' will use an accented background for the contents
+of the block.  The exact colour will depend on the programming
+language and is controlled by the `org-src-block-faces'
+variable (refer to the theme's source code for the current
+association list)."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No Org block background (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle grey block background" greyscale)
+          (const :tag "Colour-coded background per programming language" 
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline nil
+  "Use a three-dimensional style for the active mode line."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs nil
+  "Use fewer/dim backgrounds in `diff-mode', `ediff',`magit'."
+  :type 'boolean)
+  'modus-vivendi-theme-completions "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-standard-completions nil
+  "Use prominent backgrounds for Icomplete, Ido, or similar."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-completions nil
+  "Apply special styles to the UI of completion frameworks.
+This concerns Icomplete, Ivy, Helm, Selectrum, Ido, as well as
+any other tool meant to enhance their experience.  The effect
+will vary depending on the completion framework.
+Nil means to remain faithful to the metaphors that each UI
+establishes.  For example, Icomplete and Ido only use foreground
+colours to style their matches, whereas Ivy or Helm rely on an
+aesthetic that combines coloured backgrounds with appropriate
+text colour.
+Option `moderate' will apply a combination of background and
+foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and the like,
+this constitutes a departure from their standard style.  While
+Ivy, Helm, and the others, will use less pronounced colours for
+applicable contexts.
+Option `opinionated' will apply colour combinations that
+refashion the completion UI.  So Icomplete et al will now use
+styles that resemble the defaults of Ivy and co., while the
+latter group will revert to an even more nuanced aesthetic."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Respect the framework's established aesthetic 
(default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle backgrounds for various elements" moderate)
+          (const :tag "Radical alternative to the framework's looks" 
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-prompts nil
+  "Use subtle or intense styles for minibuffer and REPL prompts.
+Nil means to only use an accented foreground colour.
+Options `subtle' and `intense' will change both the background
+and the foreground values.  The latter has a more pronounced
+effect than the former."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "No prompt background (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Subtle accented background for the prompt" subtle)
+          (const :tag "Intense background and foreground for the prompt" 
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line nil
+  "Use more prominent background for `hl-line-mode'."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match nil
+  "Use more prominent colour for parenthesis matching."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax nil
+  "Use less saturated colours for code syntax highlighting."
+  :type 'boolean)
+;;; Internal functions
+;; Helper functions that are meant to ease the implementation of the
+;; above customisation options.
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight ()
+  "Conditional use of a heavier text weight."
+  (when modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs
+    (list :inherit 'bold)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-fringe (subtlebg intensebg)
+  "Conditional use of background colours for fringes.
+SUBTLEBG should be a subtle greyscale value.  INTENSEBG must be a
+more pronounced greyscale colour."
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-fringes
+    ('intense (list :background intensebg))
+    ('subtle (list :background subtlebg))
+    (_ (list :background nil))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-prompt (mainfg subtlebg subtlefg intensebg 
+  "Conditional use of background colours for prompts.
+MAINFG is the prompt's standard foreground.  SUBTLEBG should be a
+subtle accented background that works with SUBTLEFG.  INTENSEBG
+must be a more pronounced accented colour that should be
+combinable with INTENSEFG."
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-prompts
+    ('intense (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
+    ('subtle (list :background subtlebg :foreground subtlefg))
+    (_ (list :background nil :foreground mainfg))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-paren (normalbg intensebg)
+  "Conditional use of intense colours for matching parentheses.
+NORMALBG should the special palette colour 'bg-paren-match' or
+something similar.  INTENSEBG must be easier to discern next to
+other backgrounds, such as the special palette colour
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match
+      (list :background intensebg)
+    (list :background normalbg)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground (normal faint)
+  "Apply foreground value to code syntax.
+NORMAL is the more saturated colour, which should be the default.
+FAINT is the less saturated colour."
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax
+      (list :foreground faint)
+    (list :foreground normal)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground (subtle rainbow)
+  "Apply foreground value to headings.
+SUBTLE is the default aesthetic.  RAINBOW is the saturated one."
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings
+      (list :foreground rainbow)
+    (list :foreground subtle)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block (bg fg)
+  "Conditionally extend heading styles.
+Apply BG to background and FG to overline."
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
+      (append
+       (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+       (list :background bg :overline fg))
+    (list :background nil :overline nil)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block (bgbox fgbox fg)
+  "Conditionally extend the styles of Org keywords.
+BGBOX applies to the background.  FGBOX applies to the foreground
+and the border.  FG is used when no block style is in effect."
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
+      (list :background bgbox :foreground fgbox :box (list :color fgbox))
+    (list :foreground fg)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-org-block (bgblk)
+  "Conditionally set the background of Org blocks.
+BGBLK applies to a distinct neutral background.  Else blocks have
+no background of their own (the default), so they look the same
+as the rest of the buffer.
+`modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks' also accepts a `rainbow' option
+which is applied conditionally to `org-src-block-faces' (see the
+theme's source code)."
+  (if (eq modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks 'greyscale)
+      (append
+       (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+       (list :background bgblk))
+    (list :background nil)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-org-block-delim (bgaccent fgaccent bg fg)
+  "Conditionally set the styles of Org block delimiters.
+BG, FG, BGACCENT, FGACCENT apply a background and foreground
+colour respectively.
+The former pair is a greyscale combination that should be more
+distinct than the background of the block.  It is applied to the
+default styles or when `modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks' is set
+to `greyscale'.
+The latter pair should be more subtle than the background of the
+block, as it is used when `modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks' is
+set to `rainbow'."
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks
+    ('greyscale (append (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                        (list :background bg :foreground fg)))
+    ('rainbow (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent))
+    (_ (list :background bg :foreground fg))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box (col3d col &optional btn int)
+  "Control the box properties of the mode line.
+COL3D is the border that is intended for the three-dimensional
+modeline.  COL applies to the two-dimensional modeline.  Optional
+BTN provides the 3d button style.  Optional INT defines a border
+  (let* ((style (if btn 'released-button nil))
+         (int (if int int 1)))
+    (if modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
+        (list :line-width int :color col3d :style style)
+      (list :line-width 1 :color col :style nil))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props (bg3d fg3d &optional bg fg)
+  "Control the background and foreground of the mode line.
+BG is the modeline's background.  FG is the modeline's
+foreground.  BG3D and FG3D apply to the three-dimensional
+modeline style."
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
+      (list :background bg3d :foreground fg3d)
+    (list :background bg :foreground fg)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-diffs (subtle-bg subtle-fg intense-bg intense-fg)
+  "Colour combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs'.
+SUBTLE-BG should be similar or the same as the main background.
+SUBTLE-FG should be an appropriate accent value.  INTENSE-BG
+should be one of the dedicated backgrounds for diffs.  INTENSE-FG
+should be one of the dedicated foregrounds for diffs"
+  (if modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs
+      (list :background subtle-bg :foreground subtle-fg)
+    (list :background intense-bg :foreground intense-fg)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-standard-completions (mainfg subtlebg intensebg 
+  "Combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-completions'.
+These are intended for Icomplete, Ido, and related.
+MAINFG is an accented foreground value.  SUBTLEBG is an accented
+background value that can be combined with MAINFG.  INTENSEBG and
+INTENSEFG are accented colours that are designed to be used in
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-completions
+    ('opinionated (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
+    ('moderate (list :background subtlebg :foreground mainfg))
+    (_ (list :foreground mainfg))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions (subtleface intenseface altface 
&optional altfg bold)
+  "Combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-completions'.
+These are intended for Helm, Ivy, Selectrum, etc.
+SUBTLEFACE and INTENSEFACE are custom theme faces that combine a
+background and foreground value.  The difference between the two
+is a matter of degree.
+ALTFACE is a combination of colours that represents a departure
+from the UI's default aesthetics.  Optional ALTFG is meant to be
+used in tandem with it.
+Optional BOLD will apply a heavier weight to the text."
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-completions
+    ('opinionated (list :inherit (list altface bold)
+                        :foreground (if altfg altfg 'unspecified)))
+    ('moderate (list :inherit (list subtleface bold)))
+    (_ (list :inherit (list intenseface bold)))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-scale (amount)
+  "Scale heading by AMOUNT.
+AMOUNT is a customisation option."
+  (when modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings
+    (list :height amount)))
+;;; Colour palette
+;; Define colour palette.  Each colour must have a >= 7:1 contrast
+;; ratio relative to the foreground/background colour it is rendered
+;; against.
+;; The design of the colour palette as a macro that maps it to faces is
+;; adapted from zenbern-theme.el, last seen at commit 7dd7968:
+;; https://github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs
+  (defconst modus-vivendi-theme-default-colors-alist
+    '(;; base values
+      ("bg-main" . "#000000") ("fg-main" . "#ffffff")
+      ("bg-alt" . "#181a20") ("fg-alt" . "#a8a8a8")
+      ("bg-dim" . "#110b11") ("fg-dim" . "#e0e6f0")
+      ;; specifically for on/off states (e.g. `mode-line')
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with themselves
+      ("bg-active" . "#2f2f2f") ("fg-active" . "#f5f5f5")
+      ("bg-inactive" . "#202020") ("fg-inactive" . "#bebebe")
+      ;; special base values, used only for cases where the above
+      ;; fg-* or bg-* cannot or should not be used (to avoid confusion)
+      ;; must be combined with: {fg,bg}-{main,alt,dim}
+      ("bg-special-cold" . "#203448") ("fg-special-cold" . "#c6eaff")
+      ("bg-special-mild" . "#00322e") ("fg-special-mild" . "#bfebe0")
+      ("bg-special-warm" . "#382f27") ("fg-special-warm" . "#f8dec0")
+      ("bg-special-calm" . "#392a48") ("fg-special-calm" . "#fbd6f4")
+      ;; styles for the main constructs
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red" . "#ff8059") ("green" . "#44bc44")
+      ("yellow" . "#eecc00") ("blue" . "#29aeff")
+      ("magenta" . "#feacd0") ("cyan" . "#00d3d0")
+      ;; styles for common, but still specialised constructs
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-alt" . "#f4923b") ("green-alt" . "#80d200")
+      ("yellow-alt" . "#cfdf30") ("blue-alt" . "#72a4ff")
+      ("magenta-alt" . "#f78fe7") ("cyan-alt" . "#4ae8fc")
+      ;; same purpose as above, just slight differences
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-alt-other" . "#ff9977") ("green-alt-other" . "#00cd68")
+      ("yellow-alt-other" . "#f0ce43") ("blue-alt-other" . "#00bdfa")
+      ("magenta-alt-other" . "#b6a0ff") ("cyan-alt-other" . "#6ae4b9")
+      ;; styles for desaturated foreground text, intended for use with
+      ;; the `modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax' option
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
+      ("red-faint" . "#ffa0a0") ("green-faint" . "#88cf88")
+      ("yellow-faint" . "#d2b580") ("blue-faint" . "#92baff")
+      ("magenta-faint" . "#e0b2d6") ("cyan-faint" . "#a0bfdf")
+      ("red-alt-faint" . "#f5aa80") ("green-alt-faint" . "#a8cf88")
+      ("yellow-alt-faint" . "#cabf77") ("blue-alt-faint" . "#a4b0ff")
+      ("magenta-alt-faint" . "#ef9fe4") ("cyan-alt-faint" . "#90c4ed")
+      ("red-alt-other-faint" . "#ff9fbf") ("green-alt-other-faint" . "#88cfaf")
+      ("yellow-alt-other-faint" . "#d0ba95") ("blue-alt-other-faint" . 
+      ("magenta-alt-other-faint" . "#d0b4ff") ("cyan-alt-other-faint" . 
+      ;; styles for elements that should be very subtle, yet accented
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim' or any of
+      ;; the "nuanced" backgrounds
+      ("red-nuanced" . "#ffcccc") ("green-nuanced" . "#b8e2b8")
+      ("yellow-nuanced" . "#dfdfb0") ("blue-nuanced" . "#bfd9ff")
+      ("magenta-nuanced" . "#e5cfef") ("cyan-nuanced" . "#a8e5e5")
+      ;; styles for slightly accented background
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with any of the above foreground values
+      ("red-nuanced-bg" . "#2c0614") ("green-nuanced-bg" . "#001904")
+      ("yellow-nuanced-bg" . "#221000") ("blue-nuanced-bg" . "#0f0e39")
+      ("magenta-nuanced-bg" . "#230631") ("cyan-nuanced-bg" . "#041529")
+      ;; styles for elements that should draw attention to themselves
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-main'
+      ("red-intense" . "#fb6859") ("green-intense" . "#00fc50")
+      ("yellow-intense" . "#ffdd00") ("blue-intense" . "#00a2ff")
+      ("magenta-intense" . "#ff8bd4") ("cyan-intense" . "#30ffc0")
+      ;; styles for background elements that should be visible yet
+      ;; subtle
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `fg-dim'
+      ("red-subtle-bg" . "#762422") ("green-subtle-bg" . "#2f4a00")
+      ("yellow-subtle-bg" . "#604200") ("blue-subtle-bg" . "#10387c")
+      ("magenta-subtle-bg" . "#49366e") ("cyan-subtle-bg" . "#00415e")
+      ;; styles for background elements that should be visible and
+      ;; distinguishable
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `fg-main'
+      ("red-intense-bg" . "#a4202a") ("green-intense-bg" . "#006800")
+      ("yellow-intense-bg" . "#874900") ("blue-intense-bg" . "#2a40b8")
+      ("magenta-intense-bg" . "#7042a2") ("cyan-intense-bg" . "#005f88")
+      ;; styles for refined contexts where both the foreground and the
+      ;; background need to have the same/similar hue
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with themselves OR the foregrounds can be
+      ;; combined with any of the base backgrounds
+      ("red-refine-bg" . "#77002a") ("red-refine-fg" . "#ffb9ab")
+      ("green-refine-bg" . "#00422a") ("green-refine-fg" . "#9ff0cf")
+      ("yellow-refine-bg" . "#693200") ("yellow-refine-fg" . "#e2d980")
+      ("blue-refine-bg" . "#242679") ("blue-refine-fg" . "#8ec6ff")
+      ("magenta-refine-bg" . "#71206a") ("magenta-refine-fg" . "#ffcaf0")
+      ("cyan-refine-bg" . "#004065") ("cyan-refine-fg" . "#8ae4f2")
+      ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the mode line
+      ;;
+      ;; must be combined with: `bg-active', `bg-inactive'
+      ("red-active" . "#ffa49e") ("green-active" . "#70e030")
+      ("yellow-active" . "#efdf00") ("blue-active" . "#00ccff")
+      ("magenta-active" . "#d0acff") ("cyan-active" . "#00ddc0")
+      ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the fringes
+      ;;
+      ;; must have a minimum contrast ratio of 1.5:1 with `bg-inactive'
+      ;; and be combined with `fg-main' or `fg-dim'
+      ("red-fringe-bg" . "#8f0040") ("green-fringe-bg" . "#006000")
+      ("yellow-fringe-bg" . "#6f4a00") ("blue-fringe-bg" . "#3a30ab")
+      ("magenta-fringe-bg" . "#692089") ("cyan-fringe-bg" . "#0068a0")
+      ;; styles reserved for specific faces
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-hl-line' is between `bg-dim' and `bg-alt', so it should
+      ;; work with all accents that cover those two, plus `bg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-header' is between `bg-active' and `bg-inactive', so it
+      ;; can be combined with any of the "active" values, plus the
+      ;; "special" and base foreground colours
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-paren-match', `bg-paren-match-intense', `bg-region' and
+      ;; `bg-tab-active' must be combined with `fg-main', while
+      ;; `bg-tab-inactive' should be combined with `fg-dim'
+      ;;
+      ;; `bg-tab-bar' is only intended for the bar that holds the tabs and
+      ;; can only be combined with `fg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-tab-active' is meant to be combined with `bg-tab-active',
+      ;; though only for styling special elements, such as underlining
+      ;; the current tab
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-escape-char-construct' and `fg-escape-char-backslash' can
+      ;; be combined `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-lang-error', `fg-lang-warning', `fg-lang-note' can be
+      ;; combined with `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-mark-sel', `fg-mark-del', `fg-mark-alt' can be combined
+      ;; with `bg-main', `bg-dim', `bg-alt', `bg-hl-line'
+      ;;
+      ;; `fg-unfocused' must be combined with `fg-main'
+      ;;
+      ;; the window divider colours apply to faces with just an fg value
+      ;;
+      ;; all pairs are combinable with themselves
+      ("bg-hl-line" . "#151823")
+      ("bg-paren-match" . "#5f362f")
+      ("bg-paren-match-intense" . "#255650")
+      ("bg-region" . "#3c3c3c")
+      ("bg-tab-bar" . "#2c2c2c")
+      ("bg-tab-active" . "#0e0e0e")
+      ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#3d3d3d")
+      ("fg-tab-active" . "#5ac3cf")
+      ("fg-escape-char-construct" . "#e7a59a")
+      ("fg-escape-char-backslash" . "#abab00")
+      ("fg-lang-error" . "#ef8690")
+      ("fg-lang-warning" . "#b0aa00")
+      ("fg-lang-note" . "#9d9def")
+      ("fg-window-divider-inner" . "#646464")
+      ("fg-window-divider-outer" . "#969696")
+      ("fg-unfocused" . "#93959b")
+      ("bg-header" . "#212121") ("fg-header" . "#dddddd")
+      ("bg-whitespace" . "#170016") ("fg-whitespace" . "#a4959f")
+      ("bg-diff-heading" . "#304466") ("fg-diff-heading" . "#dadffe")
+      ("bg-diff-added" . "#0a280a") ("fg-diff-added" . "#94ba94")
+      ("bg-diff-changed" . "#2a2000") ("fg-diff-changed" . "#b0ba9f")
+      ("bg-diff-removed" . "#40160f") ("fg-diff-removed" . "#c6adaa")
+      ("bg-diff-refine-added" . "#005a36") ("fg-diff-refine-added" . "#e0f6e0")
+      ("bg-diff-refine-changed" . "#585800") ("fg-diff-refine-changed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-refine-removed" . "#852828") ("fg-diff-refine-removed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-focus-added" . "#203d20") ("fg-diff-focus-added" . "#b4ddb4")
+      ("bg-diff-focus-changed" . "#4a3a10") ("fg-diff-focus-changed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-focus-removed" . "#5e2526") ("fg-diff-focus-removed" . 
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-0" . "#575757") ("fg-diff-neutral-0" . "#fcfcfc")
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-1" . "#454545") ("fg-diff-neutral-1" . "#dddddd")
+      ("bg-diff-neutral-2" . "#313131") ("fg-diff-neutral-2" . "#bfbfbf")
+      ("bg-mark-sel" . "#002f2f") ("fg-mark-sel" . "#60cfa2")
+      ("bg-mark-del" . "#5a0000") ("fg-mark-del" . "#ff99aa")
+      ("bg-mark-alt" . "#3f2210") ("fg-mark-alt" . "#f0aa20"))
+    "The entire palette of `modus-vivendi-theme'.
+Each element has the form (NAME . HEX).")
+  (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist '()
+    "Association list of palette colour overrides.
+Values can be mapped to variables, using the same syntax as the
+one present in `modus-vivendi-theme-default-colors-alist'.
+This is only meant for do-it-yourself usage, with the
+understanding that the user is responsible for the resulting
+contrast ratio between new and existing colours."
+    :type '(alist
+            :key-type (string :tag "Name")
+            :value-type (string :tag " Hex")))
+  (defmacro modus-vivendi-theme-with-color-variables (&rest body)
+    "`let' bind all colours around BODY.
+Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
+    (declare (indent 0))
+    `(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
+           ,@(mapcar (lambda (cons)
+                       (list (intern (car cons)) (cdr cons)))
+                     (append modus-vivendi-theme-default-colors-alist
+                             modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist))
+           ;; simple conditional styles that evaluate user-facing
+           ;; customisation options
+           (modus-theme-slant
+            (if modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs 'italic 'normal))
+           (modus-theme-variable-pitch
+            (if modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings 'variable-pitch 
+       ,@body)))
+;;; Faces
+  (custom-theme-set-faces
+   'modus-vivendi
+;;;; custom faces
+   ;; these bespoke faces are inherited by other constructs below
+;;;;; subtle coloured backgrounds
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-red ((,class :background ,red-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-green ((,class :background ,green-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-blue ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-subtle-neutral ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; intense coloured backgrounds
+   `(modus-theme-intense-red ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-intense-green ((,class :background ,green-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-blue ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-intense-neutral ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; refined background and foreground combinations
+   ;; general purpose styles that use an accented foreground against an
+   ;; accented background
+   `(modus-theme-refine-red ((,class :background ,red-refine-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-refine-green ((,class :background ,green-refine-bg 
:foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-refine-bg 
:foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-blue ((,class :background ,blue-refine-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-refine-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-refine-bg 
:foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(modus-theme-refine-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-refine-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; "active" combinations, mostly for use on the mode line
+   `(modus-theme-active-red ((,class :background ,red-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-green ((,class :background ,green-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-blue ((,class :background ,blue-active :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-active-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-active 
:foreground ,bg-active)))
+   `(modus-theme-active-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-active :foreground 
+;;;;; nuanced backgrounds
+   ;; useful for adding an accented background that is suitable for all
+   ;; main foreground colours (intended for use in Org source blocks)
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-red ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg
+                                      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-green ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg
+                                        ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                         ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-blue ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg
+                                       ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                          ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(modus-theme-nuanced-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                       ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+;;;;; fringe-specific combinations
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-red ((,class :background ,red-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-green ((,class :background ,green-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-blue ((,class :background ,blue-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-fringe-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; special base values
+   ;; these are closer to the grayscale than the accents defined above
+   ;; and should only be used when the next closest alternative would be
+   ;; a greyscale value than an accented one
+   `(modus-theme-special-cold ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-mild ((,class :background ,bg-special-mild 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-warm ((,class :background ,bg-special-warm 
:foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(modus-theme-special-calm ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+;;;;; diff-specific combinations
+   ;; intended for `diff-mode' or equivalent
+   `(modus-theme-diff-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-diff-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-refine-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-refine-added)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-focus-added)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-changed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-removed)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-diff-heading 
:foreground ,fg-diff-heading)))
+;;;;; mark indicators
+   ;; colour combinations intended for Dired, Ibuffer, or equivalent
+   `(modus-theme-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-alt ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-alt 
:foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-del ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-del 
:foreground ,fg-mark-del)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-sel ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-sel 
:foreground ,fg-mark-sel)))
+   `(modus-theme-mark-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+;;;;; other custom faces
+   `(modus-theme-hl-line ((,class :background ,(if 
+                                                   bg-active bg-hl-line)
+                                  (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+;;;; standard faces
+;;;;; absolute essentials
+   `(default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(fringe ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-fringe bg-inactive bg-active)
+                     :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(vertical-border ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
+;;;;; basic and/or ungrouped styles
+   ;; Modify the `bold' face to change the weight of all "bold" elements
+   ;; defined by the theme.  You need a typeface that supports a
+   ;; multitude of heavier weights than the regular one and then you
+   ;; must specify the exact name of the one you wish to apply.  Example
+   ;; for your init.el:
+   ;;
+   ;; (set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'semibold)
+   `(bold ((,class :weight bold)))
+   `(comint-highlight-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight)
+                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt cyan
+                                                                    blue-alt
+                                                                    fg-main))))
+   `(error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(escape-glyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(file-name-shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
+   `(header-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(homoglyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(ibuffer-locked-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(italic ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(nobreak-hyphen ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+   `(nobreak-space ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct :underline 
+   `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt cyan-alt-other
+                                                              cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                                              cyan
+                                                              cyan-refine-bg
+                                                              fg-main))))
+   `(mm-command-output ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(mm-uu-extract ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(next-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(rectangle-preview ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(region ((,class :background ,bg-region :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(secondary-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(trailing-whitespace ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
+   `(warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; buttons, links, widgets
+   `(button ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(link-visited ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(widget-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(widget-button-pressed ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(widget-documentation ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(widget-field ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(widget-inactive ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(widget-single-line-field ((,class :inherit widget-field)))
+;;;;; ag
+   `(ag-hit-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(ag-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; alert
+   `(alert-high-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(alert-low-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(alert-moderate-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(alert-trivial-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(alert-urgent-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+;;;;; all-the-icons
+   `(all-the-icons-blue ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(all-the-icons-blue-alt ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-cyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(all-the-icons-cyan-alt ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dorange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dred ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-dyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(all-the-icons-green ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lorange ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lred ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-lyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(all-the-icons-maroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-orange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-pink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(all-the-icons-purple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-purple-alt ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(all-the-icons-red ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(all-the-icons-red-alt ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(all-the-icons-silver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(all-the-icons-yellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; annotate
+   `(annotate-annotation ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(annotate-annotation-secondary ((,class :inherit 
+   `(annotate-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :underline 
+   `(annotate-highlight-secondary ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg 
:underline ,green-intense)))
+;;;;; anzu
+   `(anzu-match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(anzu-match-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(anzu-match-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+   `(anzu-mode-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(anzu-mode-line-no-match ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow 
:underline t)))
+   `(anzu-replace-to ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; apropos
+   `(apropos-function-button ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(apropos-keybinding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-property ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(apropos-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
,blue-nuanced :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+;;;;; apt-sources-list
+   `(apt-sources-list-components ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-options ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-suite ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(apt-sources-list-uri ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; artbollocks-mode
+   `(artbollocks-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced :underline 
+   `(artbollocks-lexical-illusions-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,red-alt :underline t)))
+   `(artbollocks-passive-voice-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-warning)))
+   `(artbollocks-weasel-words-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; auctex and Tex
+   `(font-latex-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-latex-doctex-documentation-face ((,class :foreground 
,fg-special-cold :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(font-latex-math-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-script-char-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-0-face ((,class :inherit 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-1-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-2-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-3-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-4-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class :inherit 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(font-latex-slide-title-face ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,cyan-nuanced
+                                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(font-latex-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(font-latex-subscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
+   `(font-latex-superscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
+   `(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(font-latex-warning-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(tex-match ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(tex-verbatim ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(texinfo-heading ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-help ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-tex-said ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(TeX-error-description-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; auto-dim-other-buffers
+   `(auto-dim-other-buffers-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; avy
+   `(avy-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(avy-goto-char-timer-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-yellow 
+   `(avy-lead-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-magenta bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-blue bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+   `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; aw (ace-window)
+   `(aw-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(aw-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(aw-leading-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.5 :background 
,bg-main :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(aw-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; bm
+   `(bm-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                      ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t)))))
+   `(bm-fringe-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(bm-fringe-persistent-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-blue)))
+   `(bm-persistent-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                 ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+;;;;; bongo
+   `(bongo-album-title ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(bongo-artist ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(bongo-currently-playing-track ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(bongo-elapsed-track-part ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta 
:underline t)))
+   `(bongo-filled-seek-bar ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+   `(bongo-marked-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
+   `(bongo-marked-track-line ((,class :background ,bg-mark-alt)))
+   `(bongo-played-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused :strike-through t)))
+   `(bongo-track-length ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(bongo-track-title ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(bongo-unfilled-seek-bar ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground 
+;;;;; boon
+   `(boon-modeline-cmd ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(boon-modeline-ins ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(boon-modeline-off ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-yellow)))
+   `(boon-modeline-spc ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+;;;;; breakpoint (built-in gdb-mi.el)
+   `(breakpoint-disabled ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(breakpoint-enabled ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; buffer-expose
+   `(buffer-expose-ace-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(buffer-expose-mode-line-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(buffer-expose-selected-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; calendar and diary
+   `(calendar-month-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(calendar-today ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(calendar-weekday-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(calendar-weekend-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(diary ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(diary-anniversary ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(diary-time ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(holiday ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; calfw
+   `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-default-content ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-default-day ((,class :inherit (cfw:face-day-title bold))))
+   `(cfw:face-disable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(cfw:face-header ((,class :inherit bold ::foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-periods ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-select ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-title ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
+                             :foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                             ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(cfw:face-today ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild :box t)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,bg-active)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,blue-intense)))
+;;;;; centaur-tabs
+   `(centaur-tabs-active-bar-face ((,class :background ,fg-tab-active)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-mouse-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-active :underline t)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-selected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-selected)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-close-unselected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-unselected)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected ((,class :inherit 
+   `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected ((,class :inherit 
+   `(centaur-tabs-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-selected ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-tab-active 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-selected-modified ((,class :background ,bg-tab-active 
:foreground ,fg-main :slant italic)))
+   `(centaur-tabs-unselected ((,class :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+   `(centaur-tabs-unselected-modified ((,class :background ,bg-tab-inactive 
:foreground ,fg-dim :slant italic)))
+;;;;; change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
+   `(change-log-acknowledgment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(change-log-conditionals ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(change-log-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-email ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(change-log-file ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(change-log-function ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-list ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(change-log-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(log-edit-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(log-edit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(log-edit-unknown-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(log-view-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(log-view-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; cider
+   `(cider-debug-code-overlay-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(cider-debug-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :underline t)))
+   `(cider-deprecated-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(cider-docview-emphasis-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(cider-docview-literal-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(cider-docview-strong-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-docview-table-border-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cider-enlightened-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,yellow-alt 
:style nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-enlightened-local-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-error-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(cider-fragile-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color ,fg-alt 
:style released-button) :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(cider-fringe-good-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(cider-instrumented-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,red :style 
nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-reader-conditional-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm 
:slant italic)))
+   `(cider-repl-input-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(cider-repl-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(cider-repl-stderr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(cider-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(cider-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue 
:style nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-error-class-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(cider-stacktrace-error-message-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other 
:slant italic)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-filter-active-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt 
:underline t)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-filter-inactive-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-fn-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-ns-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-promoted-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color 
,fg-alt :style released-button) :foreground ,red)))
+   `(cider-stacktrace-suppressed-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 
:color ,fg-alt :style pressed-button)
+                                                      :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cider-test-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(cider-test-failure-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(cider-test-success-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(cider-traced-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,cyan :style nil) 
:background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(cider-warning-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+;;;;; circe (and lui)
+   `(circe-fool-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(circe-highlight-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(circe-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(circe-server-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(lui-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(lui-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lui-time-stamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;;; color-rg
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-column-number ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-flash ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-function-location ((,class :inherit 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-directory ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-edit-mode ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-keyword ((,class :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-header-line-text ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-mark-changed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-mark-deleted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(color-rg-font-lock-position-splitter ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; column-enforce-mode
+   `(column-enforce-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+;;;;; company-mode
+   `(company-echo-common ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(company-preview ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(company-preview-common ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(company-preview-search ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class :background ,fg-active)))
+   `(company-template-field ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(company-tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(company-tooltip-common ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(company-tooltip-search ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-refine-cyan bold))))
+   `(company-tooltip-search-selection ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-intense-green bold) :underline t)))
+   `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-subtle-cyan 
+;;;;; company-posframe
+   `(company-posframe-active-backend-name ((,class :inherit bold :background 
,bg-active :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(company-posframe-inactive-backend-name ((,class :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(company-posframe-metadata ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; compilation feedback
+   `(compilation-column-number ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(compilation-error ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(compilation-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(compilation-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-fail ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(compilation-warning ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; completions
+   `(completions-annotations ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(completions-common-part ((,class 
+                                         cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                         yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+   `(completions-first-difference ((,class :inherit bold
+                                              blue-alt-other blue-nuanced-bg
+                                              cyan-subtle-bg fg-dim))))
+;;;;; counsel
+   `(counsel-active-mode ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-application-name ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-key-binding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(counsel-outline-1 ((,class :inherit outline-1)))
+   `(counsel-outline-2 ((,class :inherit outline-2)))
+   `(counsel-outline-3 ((,class :inherit outline-3)))
+   `(counsel-outline-4 ((,class :inherit outline-4)))
+   `(counsel-outline-5 ((,class :inherit outline-5)))
+   `(counsel-outline-6 ((,class :inherit outline-6)))
+   `(counsel-outline-7 ((,class :inherit outline-7)))
+   `(counsel-outline-8 ((,class :inherit outline-8)))
+   `(counsel-outline-default ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(counsel-variable-documentation ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; counsel-css
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-3 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-5 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-6 ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; counsel-notmuch
+   `(counsel-notmuch-count-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-people-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(counsel-notmuch-subject-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+;;;;; counsel-org-capture-string
+   `(counsel-org-capture-string-template-body-face ((,class :foreground 
+;;;;; cov
+   `(cov-coverage-not-run-face ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(cov-coverage-run-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(cov-heavy-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
+   `(cov-light-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(cov-med-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(cov-none-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
+;;;;; csv-mode
+   `(csv-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground 
+;;;;; ctrlf
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-active ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green 
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(ctrlf-highlight-passive ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; custom (M-x customize)
+   `(custom-button ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                            :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(custom-button-mouse ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                                  :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(custom-button-pressed ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style 
+                                    :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(custom-changed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(custom-comment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(custom-comment-tag ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(custom-face-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(custom-group-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(custom-group-tag-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(custom-invalid ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+   `(custom-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(custom-rogue ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(custom-set ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(custom-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(custom-themed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(custom-variable-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; dap-mode
+   `(dap-mouse-eval-thing-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color 
,blue-active :style nil)
+                                        :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(dap-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-active 
:style nil)
+                                      :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-breakpoint-verified-fringe ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-compile-errline ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-scope-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta 
:underline t)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-variable-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(dap-ui-locals-variable-leaf-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:slant italic)))
+   `(dap-ui-marker-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-stack-frame-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-active-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+   `(dashboard-banner-logo-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dashboard-footer ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(dashboard-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(dashboard-navigator ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(dashboard-text-banner ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+;;;;; deadgrep
+   `(deadgrep-filename-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(deadgrep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(deadgrep-meta-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(deadgrep-regexp-metachar-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(deadgrep-search-term-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; debbugs
+   `(debbugs-gnu-archived ((,class :inverse-video t)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-done ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-forwarded ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-handled ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-new ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-pending ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-1 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-2 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-3 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-stale-5 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(debbugs-gnu-tagged ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; define-word
+   `(define-word-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(define-word-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; deft
+   `(deft-filter-string-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(deft-filter-string-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(deft-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(deft-separator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(deft-summary-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(deft-time-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(deft-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; dictionary
+   `(dictionary-button-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(dictionary-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline 
+   `(dictionary-word-definition-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(dictionary-word-entry-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+;;;;; diff-hl
+   `(diff-hl-change ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(diff-hl-delete ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-change ((,class :inherit diff-hl-change)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-delete ((,class :inherit diff-hl-delete)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-ignored ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-insert ((,class :inherit diff-hl-insert)))
+   `(diff-hl-dired-unknown ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
+   `(diff-hl-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(diff-hl-reverted-hunk-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-active-magenta bold))))
+;;;;; diff-mode
+   `(diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                            bg-main green
+                            bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(diff-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main yellow
+                              bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(diff-file-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(diff-function ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(diff-header ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(diff-hunk-header ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                  bg-alt blue-alt
+                                  bg-diff-heading fg-diff-heading))))
+   `(diff-index ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :inherit diff-added)))
+   `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :inherit diff-changed)))
+   `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :inherit diff-removed)))
+   `(diff-nonexistent ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-neutral bold))))
+   `(diff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                   bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                   bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(diff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                     bg-diff-refine-changed 
+   `(diff-refine-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                     bg-diff-refine-removed 
+   `(diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main red
+                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+;;;;; dim-autoload
+   `(dim-autoload-cookie-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+;;;;; dired
+   `(dired-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(dired-flagged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(dired-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(dired-ignored ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(dired-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(dired-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(dired-perm-write ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(dired-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(dired-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; dired-async
+   `(dired-async-failures ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(dired-async-message ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(dired-async-mode-message ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,cyan-active)))
+;;;;; dired-git
+   `(dired-git-branch-else ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(dired-git-branch-master ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; dired-git-info
+   `(dgi-commit-message-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+;;;;; dired-narrow
+   `(dired-narrow-blink ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-subtle-cyan bold))))
+;;;;; dired-subtree
+   ;; remove background from dired-subtree, else it breaks
+   ;; dired-{flagged,marked} and any other face that sets a background
+   ;; such as hl-line
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-1-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-2-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-3-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-4-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-5-face ((,class :background nil)))
+   `(dired-subtree-depth-6-face ((,class :background nil)))
+;;;;; diredfl
+   `(diredfl-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(diredfl-deletion ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(diredfl-deletion-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-name ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(diredfl-flag-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(diredfl-flag-mark-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(diredfl-ignored-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(diredfl-link-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(diredfl-other-priv ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(diredfl-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(diredfl-tagged-autofile-name ((,class :inherit 
+   `(diredfl-write-priv ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+;;;;; disk-usage
+   `(disk-usage-children ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(disk-usage-inaccessible ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(disk-usage-percent ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(disk-usage-size ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(disk-usage-symlink ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(disk-usage-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; doom-modeline
+   `(doom-modeline-bar ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(doom-modeline-bar-inactive ((,class :background ,fg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-critical ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-full ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-normal ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-buffer-path ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-debug ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-debug-visual ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-emacs-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-insert-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-motion-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-normal-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-operator-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-replace-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-evil-visual-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-host ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(doom-modeline-info ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-lsp-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-panel ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(doom-modeline-persp-buffer-not-in-persp ((,class :foreground 
,yellow-active :slant italic)))
+   `(doom-modeline-persp-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-project-dir ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(doom-modeline-project-parent-dir ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-project-root-dir ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-unread-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-active :slant 
+   `(doom-modeline-urgent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(doom-modeline-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; dynamic-ruler
+   `(dynamic-ruler-negative-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(dynamic-ruler-positive-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; easy-jekyll
+   `(easy-jekyll-help-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; easy-kill
+   `(easy-kill-origin ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(easy-kill-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+;;;;; ebdb
+   `(ebdb-address-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ebdb-db-char ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(ebdb-defunct ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ebdb-field-hidden ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ebdb-field-url ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(ebdb-label ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(ebdb-mail-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ebdb-mail-primary ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(ebdb-marked ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(ebdb-organization-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(ebdb-person-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ebdb-phone-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ebdb-role-defunct ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eieio-custom-slot-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; ediff
+   `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt red
+                                      bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                             bg-alt fg-special-cold
+                                             bg-special-cold 
+   `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt green
+                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-alt yellow
+                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
+   `(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-even-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-removed :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-added :foreground 
+   `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-changed :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-0 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-0)))
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(ediff-odd-diff-C ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
+;;;;; eglot
+   `(eglot-mode-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; el-search
+   `(el-search-highlight-in-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(el-search-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(el-search-other-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(el-search-occur-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; eldoc-box
+   `(eldoc-box-body ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eldoc-box-border ((,class :background ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; elfeed
+   `(elfeed-log-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(elfeed-log-debug-level-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(elfeed-log-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(elfeed-log-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(elfeed-log-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-title-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; elfeed-score
+   `(elfeed-score-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(elfeed-score-debug-level-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(elfeed-score-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(elfeed-score-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(elfeed-score-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; emms
+   `(emms-playlist-track-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(emms-playlist-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; enhanced-ruby-mode
+   `(enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(enh-ruby-op-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(enh-ruby-regexp-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(erm-syn-errline ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(erm-syn-warnline ((,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+;;;;; epa
+   `(epa-field-body ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(epa-field-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(epa-mark ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(epa-string ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(epa-validity-disabled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(epa-validity-high ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(epa-validity-low ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(epa-validity-medium ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+;;;;; equake
+   `(equake-buffer-face ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(equake-shell-type-eshell ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-rash ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-shell ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-term ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-shell-type-vterm ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(equake-tab-active ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
+   `(equake-tab-inactive ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+;;;;; erc
+   `(erc-action-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(erc-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(erc-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(erc-command-indicator-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(erc-dangerous-host-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(erc-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(erc-fool-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(erc-header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
+   `(erc-input-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(erc-inverse-face ((,class :inherit erc-default-face :inverse-video t)))
+   `(erc-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(erc-my-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(erc-my-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-my-nick-face)))
+   `(erc-nick-default-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(erc-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-nick-default-face)))
+   `(erc-notice-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(erc-pal-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(erc-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(erc-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; eros
+   `(eros-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue)
+                                       :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; ert
+   `(ert-test-result-expected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(ert-test-result-unexpected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; eshell
+   `(eshell-ls-archive ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-backup ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-clutter ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(eshell-ls-missing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(eshell-ls-product ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(eshell-ls-readonly ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(eshell-ls-special ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(eshell-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight)
+                            ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt green-alt-other
+                                                          green-nuanced-bg
+                                                          green-alt
+                                                          green-refine-bg
+                                                          fg-main))))
+;;;;; eshell-fringe-status
+   `(eshell-fringe-status-failure ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-fringe-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+;;;;; eshell-git-prompt
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-add-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-branch-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-exit-fail-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-exit-success-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-clean-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-dir-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-powerline-not-clean-face ((,class :background 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-branch-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-git-dirty-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(eshell-git-prompt-robyrussell-git-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+   `(epe-dir-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(epe-git-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(epe-git-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-host-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-time-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(epe-pipeline-user-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(epe-remote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(epe-status-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(epe-venv-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; evil-mode
+   `(evil-ex-commands ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(evil-ex-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(evil-ex-lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(evil-ex-search ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(evil-ex-substitute-matches ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow 
:underline t)))
+   `(evil-ex-substitute-replacement ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+;;;;; evil-goggles
+   `(evil-goggles-change-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(evil-goggles-commentary-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-neutral 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(evil-goggles-default-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-neutral)))
+   `(evil-goggles-delete-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(evil-goggles-fill-and-move-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-indent-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-join-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(evil-goggles-nerd-commenter-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-paste-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(evil-goggles-record-macro-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-replace-with-register-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-set-marker-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(evil-goggles-shift-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-surround-face ((,class :inherit evil-goggles-default-face)))
+   `(evil-goggles-yank-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+;;;;; evil-visual-mark-mode
+   `(evil-visual-mark-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+;;;;; eww
+   `(eww-invalid-certificate ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(eww-valid-certificate ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(eww-form-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
released-button) :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eww-form-file ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
released-button) :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(eww-form-select ((,class :inherit eww-form-checkbox)))
+   `(eww-form-submit ((,class :inherit eww-form-file)))
+   `(eww-form-text ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,fg-inactive :style 
none) :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(eww-form-textarea ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; eyebrowse
+   `(eyebrowse-mode-line-active ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; fancy-dabbrev
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-menu-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-preview-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline t)))
+   `(fancy-dabbrev-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-cyan 
+;;;;; flycheck
+   `(flycheck-error
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-checker-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-column-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-error ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-filename ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-id ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-id-with-explainer ((,class :inherit 
flycheck-error-list-id :box t)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(flycheck-error-list-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-info ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-fringe-warning ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(flycheck-info
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-note :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note :underline t)))
+   `(flycheck-verify-select-checker ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color nil 
:style released-button))))
+   `(flycheck-warning
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+;;;;; flycheck-indicator
+   `(flycheck-indicator-disabled ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant 
+   `(flycheck-indicator-error ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-info ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-running ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-success ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(flycheck-indicator-warning ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; flycheck-posframe
+   `(flycheck-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-border-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant 
+   `(flycheck-posframe-info-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(flycheck-posframe-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; flymake
+   `(flymake-error
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+   `(flymake-note
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-note :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note :underline t)))
+   `(flymake-warning
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+;;;;; flyspell
+   `(flyspell-duplicate
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+   `(flyspell-incorrect
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+;;;;; flyspell-correct
+   `(flyspell-correct-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; flx
+   `(flx-highlight-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                    'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                    'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                    'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                    magenta-alt-other
+                                    'bold))))
+;;;;; freeze-it
+   `(freeze-it-show ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+;;;;; frog-menu
+   `(frog-menu-action-keybinding-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(frog-menu-actions-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(frog-menu-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(frog-menu-candidates-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(frog-menu-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(frog-menu-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; focus
+   `(focus-unfocused ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+;;;;; fold-this
+   `(fold-this-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; font-lock
+   `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                     ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         blue-alt-other 
+   `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                    fg-special-cold cyan-alt-other-faint)
+                                 :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class 
+                                              magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta-alt-other 
+                                     ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class 
+                                              yellow yellow-faint)
+   `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class 
+                                             red-alt-other 
+   `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(font-lock-string-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-type-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                              cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        yellow-active yellow-alt-faint)
+                                     ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+;;;;; forge
+   `(forge-post-author ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(forge-post-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(forge-topic-closed ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(forge-topic-merged ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(forge-topic-open ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(forge-topic-unmerged ((,class :foreground ,magenta :slant 
+   `(forge-topic-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; fountain-mode
+   `(fountain-character ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-comment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(fountain-dialog ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(fountain-metadata-key ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-metadata-value ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(fountain-non-printing ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(fountain-note ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(fountain-page-break ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(fountain-page-number ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(fountain-paren ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(fountain-scene-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(fountain-section-heading ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-main
+                                       ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-1 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-main
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-2 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-3 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-4 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-calm
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(fountain-section-heading-5 ((,class :inherit (bold 
,modus-theme-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(fountain-synopsis ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(fountain-trans ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; geiser
+   `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg ((,class 
+                                                      magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier ((,class 
+                                                     blue blue-faint))))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-doc-button ((,class 
+                                             cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint)
+                                          :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-doc-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-error-link ((,class 
+                                             red-alt red-alt-faint)
+                                          :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-image-button ((,class 
+                                               green-alt green-alt-faint)
+                                            :underline t)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-output ((,class 
+                                              magenta-alt-other 
+   `(geiser-font-lock-repl-prompt ((,class 
+                                              cyan-alt-other 
+   `(geiser-font-lock-xref-header ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(geiser-font-lock-xref-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+;;;;; git-commit
+   `(git-commit-comment-action ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-branch-local ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-detached ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(git-commit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line ((,class :inherit 
+   `(git-commit-overlong-summary ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(git-commit-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(git-commit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+;;;;; git-gutter
+   `(git-gutter:added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter:modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(git-gutter:separator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(git-gutter:unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+;;;;; git-gutter-fr
+   `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+;;;;; git-{gutter,fringe}+
+   `(git-gutter+-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+   `(git-gutter+-separator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+   `(git-gutter+-unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(git-gutter-fr+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-yellow)))
+;;;;; git-lens
+   `(git-lens-added ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(git-lens-deleted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(git-lens-header ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.1 :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(git-lens-modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(git-lens-renamed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; git-rebase
+   `(git-rebase-comment-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(git-rebase-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-dim 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(git-rebase-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(git-rebase-hash ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+;;;;; git-timemachine
+   `(git-timemachine-commit ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-author-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; git-walktree
+   `(git-walktree-commit-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(git-walktree-symlink-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(git-walktree-tree-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; gnus
+   `(gnus-button ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(gnus-cite-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-10 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-11 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-2 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-3 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-4 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-5 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-6 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(gnus-cite-7 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-8 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-9 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-cite-attribution ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-emphasis-highlight-words ((,class :inherit 
+   `(gnus-group-mail-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-1-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-2-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-3-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-low ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-mail-low-empty ((,class :foreground ,magenta-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-1-empty ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-2-empty ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-3-empty ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-4 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-4-empty ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-5 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-5-empty ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-6 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-low ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-group-news-low-empty ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
+   `(gnus-header-content ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(gnus-header-from ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline 
+   `(gnus-header-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(gnus-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-server-agent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-server-closed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(gnus-server-cloud ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(gnus-server-cloud-host ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(gnus-server-denied ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(gnus-server-offline ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(gnus-server-opened ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(gnus-signature ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-splash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-cancelled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-high-ancient ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(gnus-summary-high-read ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-ticked ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-undownloaded ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg :slant 
+   `(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg 
:slant italic)))
+   `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(gnus-summary-selected ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+;;;;; golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+   `(golden-ratio-scroll-highlight-line-face ((,class :background 
,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; helm
+   `(helm-M-x-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-action ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-addressbook ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-file-not-found ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(helm-bookmark-gnus ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-man ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(helm-bookmark-w3m ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-archive ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(helm-buffer-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(helm-buffer-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-buffer-modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-not-saved ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(helm-buffer-process ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-buffer-saved-out ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,red)))
+   `(helm-buffer-size ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-candidate-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-candidate-number-suspended ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(helm-comint-prompts-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-comint-prompts-promptidx ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-delete-async-message ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-eob-line ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-eshell-prompts-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(helm-etags-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-backup-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-denied ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                                'modus-theme-intense-red
+                                'modus-theme-nuanced-red
+                                red))))
+   `(helm-ff-directory ((,class :inherit helm-buffer-directory)))
+   `(helm-ff-dirs ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit 
helm-ff-dotted-directory :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(helm-ff-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(helm-ff-file-extension ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                              'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                              'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                              'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                              magenta))))
+   `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-refine-yellow
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                                'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                                yellow-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-ff-socket ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-ff-suid ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                              'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                              'modus-theme-refine-red
+                              'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                              red-alt))))
+   `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-truename ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-grep-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-grep-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-grep-lineno ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-grep-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(helm-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-header-line-left-margin ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-history-deleted ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                      'modus-theme-subtle-red
+                                      'modus-theme-intense-red
+                                      'modus-theme-nuanced-red
+                                      red
+                                      'bold))))
+   `(helm-history-remote ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-lisp-completion-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class 
+                                           'modus-theme-subtle-yellow
+                                           'modus-theme-refine-yellow
+                                           'modus-theme-nuanced-yellow
+                                           yellow
+                                           'bold))))
+   `(helm-locate-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(helm-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                            'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                            'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                            'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                            cyan
+                            'bold))))
+   `(helm-match-item ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                 'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                 cyan-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-minibuffer-prompt ((,class :inherit minibuffer-prompt)))
+   `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(helm-mode-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                  'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                  'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                  magenta-alt
+                                  'bold))))
+   `(helm-non-file-buffer ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(helm-prefarg ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(helm-resume-need-update ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                         'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                         'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                         'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                         magenta-alt-other))))
+   `(helm-selection ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                'modus-theme-special-cold
+                                nil
+                                'bold))))
+   `(helm-selection-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(helm-time-zone-current ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(helm-time-zone-home ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                 ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(helm-top-columns ((,class :inherit helm-header)))
+   `(helm-ucs-char ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(helm-visible-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+;;;;; helm-ls-git
+   `(helm-ls-git-added-copied-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-added-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(helm-ls-git-deleted-and-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-deleted-not-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-modified-and-staged-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(helm-ls-git-modified-not-staged-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-renamed-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(helm-ls-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+;;;;; helm-switch-shell
+   `(helm-switch-shell-new-shell-face ((,class 
+                                                  'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                                  'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                                  magenta-alt-other
+                                                  'bold))))
+;;;;; helm-xref
+   `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+;;;;; helpful
+   `(helpful-heading  ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                               ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; highlight region or ad-hoc regexp
+   `(hi-black-b ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(hi-blue ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(hi-blue-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(hi-green ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,green :underline t)))
+   `(hi-green-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(hi-pink ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,magenta :underline t)))
+   `(hi-red-b ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(hi-yellow ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+   `(highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(highlight-changes ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(highlight-changes-delete ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other :underline 
+   `(hl-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+;;;;; highlight-blocks
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-warm 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-mild 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class :background ,bg-inactive 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(highlight-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; highlight-defined
+   `(highlight-defined-builtin-function-name-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(highlight-defined-face-name-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(highlight-defined-function-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(highlight-defined-macro-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(highlight-defined-special-form-name-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(highlight-defined-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
+   `(hes-escape-backslash-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(hes-escape-sequence-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; highlight-indentation
+   `(highlight-indentation-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(highlight-indentation-current-column-face ((,class :background 
+;;;;; highlight-numbers
+   `(highlight-numbers-number ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+;;;;; highlight-symbol
+   `(highlight-symbol-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; highlight-thing
+   `(highlight-thing ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; hl-defined
+   `(hdefd-functions ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(hdefd-undefined ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(hdefd-variables ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+;;;;; hl-fill-column
+   `(hl-fill-column-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; hl-todo
+   `(hl-todo ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other :slant 
+;;;;; hydra
+   `(hydra-face-amaranth ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(hydra-face-blue ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(hydra-face-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(hydra-face-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(hydra-face-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; hyperlist
+   `(hyperlist-condition ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(hyperlist-hashtag ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(hyperlist-operator ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-paren ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(hyperlist-quote ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-ref ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(hyperlist-stars ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(hyperlist-tag ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(hyperlist-toplevel ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; icomplete
+   `(icomplete-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-standard-completions
+                                       magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                       magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+;;;;; icomplete-vertical
+   `(icomplete-vertical-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; ido-mode
+   `(ido-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-standard-completions
+                                 magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                 magenta-subtle-bg fg-main))))
+   `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(ido-indicator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
+   `(ido-only-match ((,class :inherit bold
+                             ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-standard-completions
+                                magenta-intense red-nuanced-bg
+                                magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+   `(ido-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; iedit
+   `(iedit-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(iedit-read-only-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+;;;;; iflipb
+   `(iflipb-current-buffer-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(iflipb-other-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; imenu-list
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-0 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-face-3 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,magenta :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,green-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-alt-other :underline t)))
+;;;;; indium
+   `(indium-breakpoint-face ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline t)))
+   `(indium-keyword-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(indium-litable-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
+   `(indium-repl-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(indium-repl-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(indium-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; info
+   `(Info-quoted ((,class :foreground ,magenta))) ; the capitalisation is 
+   `(info-header-node ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(info-header-xref ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(info-index-match ((,class :inherit match)))
+   `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                               ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-menu-star ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(info-node ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(info-title-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
+                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-warm
+                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
+                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; info-colors
+   `(info-colors-lisp-code-block ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-command ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-constant ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-function ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-macro ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-other ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-special-form ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-syntax-class ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-user-option ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(info-colors-ref-item-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; interaction-log
+   `(ilog-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ilog-change-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(ilog-echo-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(ilog-load-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(ilog-message-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ilog-non-change-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; ioccur
+   `(ioccur-cursor ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ioccur-invalid-regexp ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ioccur-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(ioccur-match-overlay-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t))
+                                        :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(ioccur-num-line-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ioccur-overlay-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+                                  :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(ioccur-regexp-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-magenta bold))))
+   `(ioccur-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+;;;;; isearch, occur, and the like
+   `(isearch ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
+   `(isearch-fail ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(query-replace ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-yellow bold))))
+;;;;; ivy
+   `(ivy-action ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(ivy-completions-annotations ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ivy-current-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                   'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                   'modus-theme-intense-cyan
+                                   'modus-theme-special-warm
+                                   nil
+                                   'bold))))
+   `(ivy-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(ivy-grep-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(ivy-grep-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ivy-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ivy-match-required-face ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-neutral
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-neutral
+                                             fg-alt))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-green
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-green
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-green
+                                             green-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                             cyan-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                             magenta-alt-other
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight ((,class 
+                                                'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                                'modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                                'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                                blue-alt-other
+                                                'bold))))
+   `(ivy-modified-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant 
+   `(ivy-modified-outside-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt :slant 
+   `(ivy-org ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-prompt-match ((,class :inherit ivy-current-match)))
+   `(ivy-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(ivy-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ivy-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-virtual ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(ivy-yanked-word ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                 'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                 'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                 'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                 blue-alt))))
+;;;;; ivy-posframe
+   `(ivy-posframe ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ivy-posframe-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(ivy-posframe-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+;;;;; jira (org-jira)
+   `(jiralib-comment-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(jiralib-comment-header-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(jiralib-issue-info-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(jiralib-issue-info-header-face ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-special-warm bold))))
+   `(jiralib-issue-summary-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(jiralib-link-filter-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(jiralib-link-issue-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(jiralib-link-project-face ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; journalctl-mode
+   `(journalctl-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(journalctl-finished-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(journalctl-host-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(journalctl-process-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(journalctl-starting-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(journalctl-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(journalctl-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; js2-mode
+   `(js2-error ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(js2-external-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-function-call ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(js2-function-param ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(js2-instance-member ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-tag ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-type ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(js2-jsdoc-value ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(js2-object-property ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-object-property-access ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(js2-private-function-call ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(js2-private-member ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(js2-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt :underline t)))
+;;;;; julia
+   `(julia-macro-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(julia-quoted-symbol-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+;;;;; jupyter
+   `(jupyter-eval-overlay ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-input-prompt ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-output-prompt ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(jupyter-repl-traceback ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; kaocha-runner
+   `(kaocha-runner-error-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(kaocha-runner-success-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(kaocha-runner-warning-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; keycast
+   `(keycast-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(keycast-key ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box blue-alt 
blue-active t -3)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
+                             blue-active bg-main
+                             blue-active bg-active))))
+;;;;; line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode and global variant)
+   `(line-number ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(line-number-current-line ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+;;;;; lsp-mode
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-read ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue 
:underline t)))
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-textual ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(lsp-face-highlight-write ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-refine-blue 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-constant ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-deprecated
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :foreground ,yellow :underline (:style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-enummember ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-field ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-field-static ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-function ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-method ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-namespace ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-preprocessor ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-static-method ((,class :foreground ,magenta :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-class ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-enum ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-primitive ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-template ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-type-typedef ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-local ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-parameter ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(lsp-lens-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-lens-mouse-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-background ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-footer ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-list ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-peek ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-peek-selection ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-code-action ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.99 :box 
(:line-width -1 :style nil) :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.99 :box 
(:line-width -1 :style nil) :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(lsp-ui-sideline-symbol-info ((,class :height 0.99 :slant italic)))
+;;;;; magit
+   `(magit-bisect-bad ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-bisect-good ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-bisect-skip ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-blame-date ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(magit-blame-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-blame-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(magit-blame-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(magit-blame-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)))
+   `(magit-blame-margin ((,class :inherit magit-blame-highlight)))
+   `(magit-blame-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-blame-summary ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(magit-branch-current ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :box t)))
+   `(magit-branch-local ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(magit-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(magit-branch-remote-head ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :box t)))
+   `(magit-branch-upstream ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                  bg-main green
+                                  bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
+   `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                            bg-dim green
+                                            bg-diff-focus-added 
+   `(magit-diff-base ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                 bg-main yellow
+                                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                           bg-dim yellow
+                                           bg-diff-focus-changed 
+   `(magit-diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                              bg-dim fg-dim
+                                              bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-special-cold bold))))
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-diff-heading bold))))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-region ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(magit-diff-lines-boundary ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(magit-diff-lines-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(magit-diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                    bg-main red
+                                    bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                              bg-dim red
+                                              bg-diff-focus-removed 
+   `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(magit-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(magit-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-head ((,class :inherit magit-branch-local)))
+   `(magit-header-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(magit-header-line-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(magit-header-line-log-select ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(magit-keyword-squash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-log-author ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-log-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-log-graph ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(magit-mode-line-process ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(magit-mode-line-process-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(magit-process-ng ((,class :inherit error)))
+   `(magit-process-ok ((,class :inherit success)))
+   `(magit-reflog-amend ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-checkout ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-commit ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-merge ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-other ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-rebase ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-remote ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-reflog-reset ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
+   `(magit-refname ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-pullreq ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-stash ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-refname-wip ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-section ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(magit-section-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-section-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-refine-cyan bold))))
+   `(magit-section-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-done ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-drop ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-exec ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-head ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-onto ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-part ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-pick ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(magit-sequence-stop ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-signature-bad ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(magit-signature-error ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(magit-signature-expired ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(magit-signature-expired-key ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(magit-signature-good ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(magit-signature-revoked ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(magit-tag ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; magit-imerge
+   `(magit-imerge-overriding-value ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; man
+   `(Man-overstrike ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(Man-reverse ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(Man-underline ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+;;;;; markdown-mode
+   `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
+   `(markdown-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(markdown-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(markdown-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(markdown-footnote-marker-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(markdown-footnote-text-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant 
+   `(markdown-gfm-checkbox-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(markdown-header-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(markdown-hr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(markdown-html-attr-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-attr-value-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-entity-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-tag-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(markdown-html-tag-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markdown-language-info-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-line-break-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan 
:underline t)))
+   `(markdown-link-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(markdown-link-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markdown-list-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(markdown-markup-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(markdown-math-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-metadata-key-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(markdown-metadata-value-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(markdown-plain-url-face ((,class :inherit markdown-link-face)))
+   `(markdown-pre-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
+                                :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim
+                                :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(markdown-reference-face ((,class :inherit markdown-markup-face)))
+   `(markdown-strike-through-face ((,class :strike-through t)))
+   `(markdown-table-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-url-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+;;;;; markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
+   `(markup-anchor-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-attribute-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant italic)))
+   `(markup-big-face ((,class :height 1.3 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(markup-command-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(markup-complex-replacement-face ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil 
:style released-button)
+                                              :inherit 
+   `(markup-emphasis-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(markup-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(markup-gen-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive 
:underline t)))
+   `(markup-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant italic)))
+   `(markup-list-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(markup-meta-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-meta-hide-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(markup-passthrough-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(markup-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(markup-replacement-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(markup-secondary-text-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground 
+   `(markup-small-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(markup-strong-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-subscript-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(markup-superscript-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground 
+   `(markup-table-cell-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(markup-table-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(markup-table-row-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(markup-title-0-face ((,class :height 3.0 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-1-face ((,class :height 2.4 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-2-face ((,class :height 1.8 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-3-face ((,class :height 1.4 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-4-face ((,class :height 1.2 :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(markup-title-5-face ((,class :height 1.2 :foreground ,blue-nuanced 
:underline t)))
+   `(markup-value-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(markup-verbatim-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+;;;;; mentor
+   `(mentor-download-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(mentor-download-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(mentor-download-progress ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(mentor-download-size ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(mentor-download-speed-down ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mentor-download-speed-up ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mentor-download-state ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(mentor-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(mentor-tracker-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; messages
+   `(message-cited-text-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-2 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-3 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(message-cited-text-4 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(message-header-cc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(message-header-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(message-header-other ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(message-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(message-header-to ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(message-header-xheader ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(message-mml ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(message-separator ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+;;;;; minibuffer-line
+   `(minibuffer-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; minimap
+   `(minimap-active-region-background ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(minimap-current-line-face ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; modeline
+   `(mode-line ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box bg-active 
fg-alt t)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
+                           bg-active fg-dim
+                           bg-active fg-active))))
+   `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(mode-line-emphasis ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mode-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue :box 
(:line-width -1 :style pressed-button))))
+   `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box 
bg-active bg-region)
+                                 ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
+                                    bg-dim fg-inactive
+                                    bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+;;;;; mood-line
+   `(mood-line-modified ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-neutral ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(mood-line-status-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mood-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+;;;;; mu4e
+   `(mu4e-attach-number-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-1-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-2-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-3-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-4-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-5-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-6-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-cited-7-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(mu4e-compose-header-face ((,class :inherit mu4e-compose-separator-face)))
+   `(mu4e-compose-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-contact-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-context-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(mu4e-draft-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-footer-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(mu4e-forwarded-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-header-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-header-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+   `(mu4e-header-key-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(mu4e-header-marks-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-header-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(mu4e-header-value-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-highlight-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-link-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(mu4e-modeline-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(mu4e-moved-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(mu4e-ok-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(mu4e-region-code ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(mu4e-replied-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(mu4e-special-header-value-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-system-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-del :slant 
+   `(mu4e-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-trashed-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(mu4e-unread-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-url-number-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(mu4e-view-body-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-warning-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
+;;;;; mu4e-conversation
+   `(mu4e-conversation-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-1 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-3 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-4 ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-5 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-6 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-7 ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-8 ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-sender-me ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(mu4e-conversation-unread ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; multiple-cursors
+   `(mc/cursor-bar-face ((,class :height 1 :background ,fg-main)))
+   `(mc/cursor-face ((,class :inverse-video t)))
+   `(mc/region-face ((,class :inherit region)))
+;;;;; neotree
+   `(neo-banner-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(neo-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(neo-dir-link-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(neo-expand-btn-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(neo-file-link-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-root-dir-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-added-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(neo-vc-conflict-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(neo-vc-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(neo-vc-edited-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(neo-vc-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(neo-vc-missing-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-needs-merge-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-needs-update-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(neo-vc-removed-face ((,class :strike-through t)))
+   `(neo-vc-unlocked-changes-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(neo-vc-up-to-date-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(neo-vc-user-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+;;;;; no-emoji
+   `(no-emoji ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+;;;;; notmuch
+   `(notmuch-crypto-decryption ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-part-header ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-bad ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-good ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown ((,class :inherit 
+   `(notmuch-hello-logo-background ((,class :background ,bg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-message-summary-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)))
+   `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-search-matching-authors ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-search-unread-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-added
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,green :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,green :underline t)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-deleted
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,red :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-flagged ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tag-unread ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-author-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(notmuch-tree-match-tag-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(notmuch-tree-no-match-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(notmuch-wash-cited-text ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(notmuch-wash-toggle-button ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; num3-mode
+   `(num3-face-even ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; nxml-mode
+   `(nxml-attribute-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-attribute-local-name ((,class 
+                                           cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint))))
+   `(nxml-attribute-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint)
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-attribute-value ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue blue-faint))))
+   `(nxml-cdata-section-CDATA ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                          red-alt red-alt-faint)
+                                       ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-cdata-section-delimiter ((,class 
+                                              red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(nxml-char-ref-delimiter ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         green-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-char-ref-number ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-delimited-data ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(nxml-delimiter ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(nxml-element-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-element-local-name ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(nxml-element-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                  ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-entity-ref-delimiter ((,class 
+                                           green-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-entity-ref-name ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-glyph ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-neutral)))
+   `(nxml-hash ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                           blue-alt blue-alt-faint)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-heading ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(nxml-name ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                           magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-namespace-attribute-colon ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(nxml-namespace-attribute-prefix ((,class 
+                                                 cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(nxml-processing-instruction-target ((,class 
+                                                    magenta-alt-other 
+   `(nxml-prolog-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     magenta-alt-other magenta-alt-other-faint)
+                                  ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(nxml-ref ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                          green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+                       ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+;;;;; orderless
+   `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        blue-alt blue-nuanced-bg
+                                        blue-refine-bg blue-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                        magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        green-alt-other green-nuanced-bg
+                                        green-refine-bg green-refine-fg))))
+   `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold
+                                        yellow-alt-other yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                        yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+;;;;; org
+   `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(org-agenda-current-time ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(org-agenda-date ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground 
+                              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                                    :background ,cyan-intense-bg :foreground 
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch 
:foreground ,cyan
+                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
blue-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-agenda-diary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-agenda-done ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced green))))
+   `(org-agenda-filter-category ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-effort ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-regexp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-filter-tags ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-structure ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
+                                   :foreground ,fg-special-mild
+                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-archived ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(org-block ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block bg-dim)
+                        :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-block-begin-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block-delim
+                                      bg-dim fg-special-cold
+                                      bg-alt fg-special-mild)
+                                   :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(org-block-end-line ((,class :inherit org-block-begin-line)))
+   `(org-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,bg-active)
+                           :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((,class :foreground ,green
+                                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
+                                              green-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt red)
+                                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
+                                              red-nuanced-bg red-nuanced))))
+   `(org-clock-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(org-code ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(org-column ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(org-column-title ((,class :inherit bold :underline t :background 
+   `(org-date ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(org-date-selected ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt 
:inverse-video t)))
+   `(org-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-document-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(org-document-title ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
+                                 ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-done ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block green-nuanced-bg 
green-nuanced green))))
+   `(org-drawer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(org-ellipsis ((,class :foreground nil))) ; inherits from the heading's 
+   `(org-footnote ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :underline t)))
+   `(org-formula ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(org-habit-alert-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+   `(org-habit-alert-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(org-habit-clear-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(org-habit-clear-future-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-habit-overdue-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(org-habit-overdue-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(org-habit-ready-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(org-habit-ready-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(org-headline-done ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced
+                                ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
+                                   green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
+   `(org-hide ((,class :foreground ,bg-main)))
+   `(org-indent ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch org-hide))))
+   `(org-latex-and-related ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+   `(org-level-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block blue-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block cyan-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-nuanced))))
+   `(org-level-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
red-nuanced red-alt)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(org-level-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
+                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block bg-alt 
+   `(org-link ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(org-list-dt ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(org-macro ((,class :inherit org-latex-and-related)))
+   `(org-meta-line ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(org-mode-line-clock ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(org-priority ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced magenta)
+                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground magenta 
+   `(org-quote ((,class ,@(if modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks
+                              (append
+                               (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               (list :background bg-dim))
+                            (list :background nil))
+                        :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(org-scheduled ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(org-scheduled-today ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(org-sexp-date ((,class :inherit org-date)))
+   `(org-special-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced cyan-alt))))
+   `(org-table ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(org-tag ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(org-tag-group ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(org-target ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(org-time-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(org-todo ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block red-nuanced-bg 
red-nuanced red-alt)
+                       ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt 
+   `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
+   `(org-verbatim ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(org-verse ((,class :inherit org-quote)))
+   `(org-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+;;;;; org-journal
+   `(org-journal-calendar-entry-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(org-journal-calendar-scheduled-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(org-journal-highlight ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; org-noter
+   `(org-noter-no-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-noter-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; org-pomodoro
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line-break ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(org-pomodoro-mode-line-overtime ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; org-recur
+   `(org-recur ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+;;;;; org-roam
+   `(org-roam-link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(org-roam-backlink ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other :underline t)))
+;;;;; org-superstar
+   `(org-superstar-item ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-superstar-leading ((,class :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
+;;;;; org-table-sticky-header
+   `(org-table-sticky-header-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; org-treescope
+   `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-midday ((,class :inherit 
+   `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-range ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; origami
+   `(origami-fold-header-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim 
:box t)))
+   `(origami-fold-replacement-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; outline-mode
+   `(outline-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
+   `(outline-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block blue-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block cyan-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block green-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block yellow-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-nuanced 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
+   `(outline-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block bg-alt fg-alt))))
+;;;;; outline-minor-faces
+   `(outline-minor-0 ((,class ,@(unless modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
+                                  (list :background cyan-nuanced-bg)))))
+;;;;; package (M-x list-packages)
+   `(package-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(package-help-section-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(package-name ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(package-status-avail-obso ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(package-status-available ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(package-status-built-in ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(package-status-dependency ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(package-status-disabled ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(package-status-external ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(package-status-held ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(package-status-incompat ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(package-status-installed ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(package-status-new ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+   `(package-status-unsigned ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; page-break-lines
+   `(page-break-lines ((,class :inherit default :foreground 
+;;;;; paradox
+   `(paradox-archive-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(paradox-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(paradox-commit-tag-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta :box 
+   `(paradox-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(paradox-description-face-multiline ((,class :foreground 
+   `(paradox-download-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(paradox-highlight-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(paradox-homepage-button-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(paradox-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(paradox-name-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(paradox-star-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(paradox-starred-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; paren-face
+   `(parenthesis ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+;;;;; parrot
+   `(parrot-rotate-rotation-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+;;;;; pass
+   `(pass-mode-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(pass-mode-entry-face ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(pass-mode-header-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+;;;;; persp-mode
+   `(persp-face-lighter-buffer-not-in-persp ((,class :inherit 
+   `(persp-face-lighter-default ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(persp-face-lighter-nil-persp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; perspective
+   `(persp-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+;;;;; phi-grep
+   `(phi-grep-heading-face  ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                     ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(phi-grep-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(phi-grep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(phi-grep-modified-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(phi-grep-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+;;;;; phi-search
+   `(phi-replace-preview-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(phi-search-failpart-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(phi-search-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+   `(phi-search-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green 
+;;;;; pkgbuild-mode
+   `(pkgbuild-error-face ((,class :underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; pomidor
+   `(pomidor-break-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(pomidor-overwork-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(pomidor-skip-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(pomidor-work-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+;;;;; powerline
+   `(powerline-active0 ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,blue-faint 
:inverse-video t)))
+   `(powerline-active1 ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground 
+   `(powerline-active2 ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive0 ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive1 ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(powerline-inactive2 ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; powerline-evil
+   `(powerline-evil-base-face ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground 
+   `(powerline-evil-emacs-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-magenta)))
+   `(powerline-evil-insert-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+   `(powerline-evil-motion-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(powerline-evil-normal-face ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground 
+   `(powerline-evil-operator-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(powerline-evil-replace-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(powerline-evil-visual-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-cyan)))
+;;;;; proced
+   `(proced-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(proced-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(proced-sort-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-calm 
:underline t)))
+;;;;; prodigy
+   `(prodigy-green-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(prodigy-red-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; rainbow-blocks
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-blocks-unmatched-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+;;;;; rainbow-identifiers
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-1 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-2 ((,class :foreground 
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-3 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-5 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-6 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-7 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-8 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-9 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-10 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-11 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-12 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-13 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-14 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-15 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+;;;;; rainbow-delimiters
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-base-face-error ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-base-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; rcirc
+   `(rcirc-bright-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(rcirc-dim-nick ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(rcirc-my-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(rcirc-nick-in-message ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(rcirc-other-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rcirc-prompt ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rcirc-server ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(rcirc-timestamp ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(rcirc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+;;;;; regexp-builder (re-builder)
+   `(reb-match-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(reb-match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(reb-match-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(reb-match-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(reb-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(reb-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; rg (rg.el)
+   `(rg-column-number-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(rg-context-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(rg-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(rg-file-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rg-filename-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(rg-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(rg-literal-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(rg-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(rg-regexp-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(rg-toggle-off-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(rg-toggle-on-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(rg-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; ripgrep
+   `(ripgrep-context-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(ripgrep-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ripgrep-hit-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ripgrep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; rmail
+   `(rmail-header-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(rmail-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; ruler-mode
+   `(ruler-mode-column-number ((,class :inherit (ruler-mode-default bold) 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(ruler-mode-comment-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(ruler-mode-current-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default 
:foreground ,cyan-active :box t)))
+   `(ruler-mode-default ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-fill-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-fringes ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-goal-column ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-margins ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+   `(ruler-mode-pad ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(ruler-mode-tab-stop ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground 
+;;;;; sallet
+   `(sallet-buffer-compressed ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced :slant 
+   `(sallet-buffer-default-directory ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-help ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other :slant 
+   `(sallet-buffer-ordinary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-read-only ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-size ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(sallet-buffer-special ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(sallet-flx-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                  'modus-theme-subtle-cyan
+                                  'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                  'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                  cyan-alt-other))))
+   `(sallet-recentf-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(sallet-recentf-file-path ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(sallet-regexp-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                     'modus-theme-subtle-magenta
+                                     'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                     'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                     magenta-alt-other))))
+   `(sallet-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(sallet-substring-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
+                                        'modus-theme-subtle-blue
+                                        'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                        'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                        blue-alt-other))))
+;;;;; selectrum
+   `(selectrum-current-candidate ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-magenta
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
+                                             magenta
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class 
+                                             'modus-theme-refine-blue
+                                             'modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
+                                             blue
+                                             'bold))))
+   `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class 
+                                               'modus-theme-refine-cyan
+                                               'modus-theme-intense-cyan
+                                               'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
+                                               cyan
+                                               'bold))))
+;;;;; semantic
+   `(semantic-complete-inline-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm 
:underline t)))
+   `(semantic-decoration-on-private-members-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(semantic-decoration-on-protected-members-face ((,class :background 
+   `(semantic-highlight-edits-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(semantic-highlight-func-current-tag-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(semantic-idle-symbol-highlight ((,class :inherit 
+   `(semantic-tag-boundary-face ((,class :overline ,blue-intense)))
+   `(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face ((,class :underline ,fg-lang-error)))
+;;;;; sesman
+   `(sesman-browser-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(sesman-browser-highligh-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(sesman-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(sesman-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(sesman-project-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; shell-script-mode
+   `(sh-heredoc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(sh-quoted-exec ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; show-paren-mode
+   `(show-paren-match ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-paren bg-paren-match
+                               :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(show-paren-match-expression ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+   `(show-paren-mismatch ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; side-notes
+   `(side-notes ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+;;;;; skewer-mode
+   `(skewer-error-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+;;;;; smart-mode-line
+   `(sml/charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/discharging ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(sml/filename ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(sml/folder ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/git ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/global ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/line-number ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/minor-modes ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/modes ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(sml/modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(sml/mule-info ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/name-filling ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(sml/not-modified ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/numbers-separator ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/outside-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(sml/position-percentage ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/prefix ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(sml/process ((,class :inherit sml/prefix)))
+   `(sml/projectile ((,class :inherit sml/git)))
+   `(sml/read-only ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(sml/remote ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/sudo ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(sml/time ((,class :inherit sml/global)))
+   `(sml/vc ((,class :inherit sml/git)))
+   `(sml/vc-edited ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+;;;;; smartparens
+   `(sp-pair-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-enclosing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-match-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-paren 
+                                      :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-closing-pair ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-face ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-overlay-opening-pair ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+   `(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
+;;;;; smerge
+   `(smerge-base ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                             bg-main yellow
+                             bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(smerge-lower ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main green
+                              bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(smerge-markers ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
+   `(smerge-refined-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                      bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(smerge-refined-changed ((,class)))
+   `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                        bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                        bg-diff-refine-removed 
+   `(smerge-upper ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                              bg-main red
+                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+;;;;; spaceline
+   `(spaceline-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-magenta)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-motion ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-normal ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-replace ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(spaceline-evil-visual ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-cyan)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-error ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(spaceline-flycheck-warning ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+   `(spaceline-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-blue)))
+   `(spaceline-modified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-magenta)))
+   `(spaceline-python-venv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+   `(spaceline-read-only ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
+   `(spaceline-unmodified ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-cyan)))
+;;;;; speedbar
+   `(speedbar-button-face ((,class :inherit link)))
+   `(speedbar-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(speedbar-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(speedbar-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(speedbar-separator-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-neutral)))
+   `(speedbar-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; spell-fu
+   `(spell-fu-incorrect-face
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline (:style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
+;;;;; stripes
+   `(stripes ((,class :inherit modus-theme-hl-line)))
+;;;;; success
+   `(suggest-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+;;;;; switch-window
+   `(switch-window-background ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(switch-window-label ((,class :height 3.0 :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+;;;;; swiper
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-background-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit 
+   `(swiper-line-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+   `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit swiper-line-face)))
+;;;;; swoop
+   `(swoop-face-header-format-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
+                                            ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(swoop-face-line-buffer-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt
+                                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(swoop-face-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(swoop-face-target-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue
+                                     ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
+   `(swoop-face-target-words ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; sx
+   `(sx-inbox-item-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(sx-inbox-item-type-unread ((,class :inherit (sx-inbox-item-type bold))))
+   `(sx-question-list-answers ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(sx-question-list-answers-accepted ((,class :box t :foreground ,green)))
+   `(sx-question-list-bounty ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(sx-question-list-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(sx-question-list-favorite ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-list-parent ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-list-read-question ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(sx-question-list-score ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(sx-question-list-score-upvoted ((,class :inherit (sx-question-list-score 
+   `(sx-question-list-unread-question ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-accepted ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.3 :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-closed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-yellow :box 
(:line-width 2 :color nil))))
+   `(sx-question-mode-closed-reason ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil) 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-content-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-date ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-kbd-tag ((,class :inherit bold :height 0.9 :box 
(:line-width 3 :color ,fg-main :style released-button) :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score-downvoted ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-score-upvoted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-question-mode-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(sx-question-mode-title-comments ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(sx-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(sx-user-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(sx-user-reputation ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; symbol-overlay
+   `(symbol-overlay-default-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-5 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-6 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-7 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-cyan)))
+   `(symbol-overlay-face-8 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan)))
+;;;;; syslog-mode
+   `(syslog-debug ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+   `(syslog-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(syslog-hide ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(syslog-hour ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-info ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(syslog-ip ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild :underline 
+   `(syslog-su ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(syslog-warn ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; table (built-in table.el)
+   `(table-cell ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg)))
+;;;;; telephone-line
+   `(telephone-line-accent-active ((,class :background ,fg-inactive 
:foreground ,bg-inactive)))
+   `(telephone-line-accent-inactive ((,class :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,magenta-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-insert ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,green-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-motion ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,yellow-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-normal ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-operator ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,yellow-subtle-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-replace ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,red-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-evil-visual ((,class :inherit telephone-line-evil 
:background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(telephone-line-projectile ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(telephone-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(telephone-line-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; term
+   `(term ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(term-bold ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(term-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(term-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(term-color-green ((,class :background ,green :foreground ,green)))
+   `(term-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(term-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
+   `(term-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(term-underline ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; tomatinho
+   `(tomatinho-ok-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(tomatinho-pause-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
+   `(tomatinho-reset-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+;;;;; transient
+   `(transient-active-infix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
+   `(transient-amaranth ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(transient-argument ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(transient-blue ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(transient-disabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(transient-enabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(transient-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(transient-inactive-argument ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(transient-inactive-value ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(transient-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(transient-mismatched-key ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(transient-nonstandard-key ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(transient-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(transient-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
+   `(transient-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(transient-unreachable ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(transient-unreachable-key ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(transient-value ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; trashed
+   `(trashed-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
+   `(trashed-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(trashed-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
+   `(trashed-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
+   `(trashed-restored ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(trashed-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+;;;;; treemacs
+   `(treemacs-directory-collapsed-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-directory-face ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
+   `(treemacs-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-fringe-indicator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-git-added-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+   `(treemacs-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(treemacs-git-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-git-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-git-renamed-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-git-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(treemacs-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-help-column-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(treemacs-help-title-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(treemacs-on-failure-pulse-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-on-success-pulse-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-root-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:height 1.2 :underline t)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-disconnected-face ((,class :inherit 
treemacs-root-remote-face :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face 
:foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(treemacs-root-remote-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(treemacs-root-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face 
:strike-through t)))
+   `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; tty-menu
+   `(tty-menu-disabled-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(tty-menu-enabled-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(tty-menu-selected-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+;;;;; tuareg
+   `(caml-types-def-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(caml-types-expr-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(caml-types-occ-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-green)))
+   `(caml-types-scope-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
+   `(caml-types-typed-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(tuareg-font-double-semicolon-face ((,class 
+                                                   red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-attribute-face ((,class 
+                                                 magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-constructor-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-error-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-extension-node-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-governing-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face ((,class 
+                                                            magenta 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-directive-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                                         red red-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face ((,class 
+                                                          blue-alt-other 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-label-face ((,class 
+                                             cyan-alt-other 
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-module-face ((,class 
+                                              magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face ((,class :inherit bold :background 
+                                                  blue blue-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-font-lock-operator-face ((,class 
+                                                red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-opam-error-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                     ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        red red-faint))))
+   `(tuareg-opam-pkg-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                                    cyan cyan-faint)
+                                                 :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; undo-tree
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face ((,class :inherit bold 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground 
+;;;;; vc
+   `(vc-conflict-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(vc-edited-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(vc-locally-added-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(vc-locked-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(vc-missing-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(vc-needs-update-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(vc-removed-state ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
+   `(vc-state-base ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(vc-up-to-date-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+;;;;; vdiff
+   `(vdiff-addition-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                     bg-main green
+                                     bg-diff-focus-added 
+   `(vdiff-change-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                   bg-main yellow
+                                   bg-diff-focus-changed 
+   `(vdiff-closed-fold-face ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
+   `(vdiff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                    bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                    bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(vdiff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                      bg-diff-refine-changed 
+   `(vdiff-subtraction-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                        bg-main red
+                                        bg-diff-focus-removed 
+   `(vdiff-target-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+;;;;; vimish-fold
+   `(vimish-fold-fringe ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(vimish-fold-mouse-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(vimish-fold-overlay ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; visible-mark
+   `(visible-mark-active ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-face1 ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-face2 ((,class :background ,yellow-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-forward-face1 ((,class :background ,magenta-intense-bg)))
+   `(visible-mark-forward-face2 ((,class :background ,green-intense-bg)))
+;;;;; visual-regexp
+   `(vr/group-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+   `(vr/group-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(vr/group-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
+   `(vr/match-0 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(vr/match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(vr/match-separator-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-neutral 
+;;;;; volatile-highlights
+   `(vhl/default-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+                               :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;;; vterm
+   `(vterm-color-black ((,class :background "black" :foreground "black")))
+   `(vterm-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(vterm-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(vterm-color-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(vterm-color-green ((,class :background ,green :foreground ,green)))
+   `(vterm-color-inverse-video ((,class :background ,bg-main :inverse-video 
+   `(vterm-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(vterm-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
+   `(vterm-color-underline ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :underline 
+   `(vterm-color-white ((,class :background "white" :foreground "white")))
+   `(vterm-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; wcheck-mode
+   `(wcheck-default-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+;;;;; web-mode
+   `(web-mode-annotation-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-annotation-html-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-annotation-tag-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face 
:underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-block-attr-name-face ((,class 
+                                               blue blue-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-block-attr-value-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-block-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-block-control-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+   `(web-mode-block-delimiter-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-block-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
+   `(web-mode-block-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(web-mode-builtin-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(web-mode-comment-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-dim
+                                               yellow yellow-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-constant-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        blue-alt-other blue-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-css-at-rule-face ((,class 
+                                           blue-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-css-color-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-css-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-css-function-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint)
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-css-priority-face ((,class 
+                                            yellow-alt yellow-alt-faint)
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-css-property-name-face ((,class 
+                                                 cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-css-pseudo-class-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-css-selector-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt-other 
+                                         ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-css-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-css-variable-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(web-mode-current-column-highlight-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(web-mode-doctype-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(web-mode-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(web-mode-filter-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-folded-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-function-call-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-function-name-face ((,class 
+                                             magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-custom-face ((,class 
+                                                cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-engine-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-equal-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-name-face ((,class 
+                                              cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((,class 
+                                               blue-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-html-entity-face ((,class 
+                                           yellow-alt-other 
+                                        :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-custom-face ((,class 
+                                               magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-namespaced-face ((,class 
+                                                   magenta-alt 
+   `(web-mode-html-tag-unclosed-face ((,class 
+                                                 red red-faint)
+                                              :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-inlay-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+   `(web-mode-italic-face ((,class :slant italic)))
+   `(web-mode-javascript-comment-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(web-mode-javascript-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-json-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-json-context-face ((,class 
+                                            magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-json-key-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(web-mode-json-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-1-face ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-2-face ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(web-mode-jsx-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       magenta-alt-other 
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight))))
+   `(web-mode-param-name-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                          magenta magenta-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-part-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
+   `(web-mode-part-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-block-face)))
+   `(web-mode-part-string-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-string-face)))
+   `(web-mode-preprocessor-face ((,class 
+                                            red-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-script-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-part-face)))
+   `(web-mode-sql-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold
+                                           yellow yellow-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-string-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-style-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-part-face)))
+   `(web-mode-symbol-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                      blue-alt-other blue-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-type-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                    magenta-alt magenta-alt-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(web-mode-variable-name-face ((,class 
+                                             cyan cyan-faint))))
+   `(web-mode-warning-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt
+                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                       yellow-alt-other 
+   `(web-mode-whitespace-face ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+;;;;; wgrep
+   `(wgrep-delete-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
+   `(wgrep-done-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
+   `(wgrep-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-green)))
+   `(wgrep-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(wgrep-reject-face ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-red bold))))
+;;;;; which-function-mode
+   `(which-func ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+;;;;; which-key
+   `(which-key-command-description-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(which-key-group-description-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(which-key-highlighted-command-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt 
:underline t)))
+   `(which-key-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+   `(which-key-local-map-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(which-key-note-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(which-key-separator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(which-key-special-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; whitespace-mode
+   `(whitespace-big-indent ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(whitespace-empty ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
+   `(whitespace-hspace ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-indentation ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-warm)))
+   `(whitespace-newline ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-space ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-space-after-tab ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
+   `(whitespace-space-before-tab ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(whitespace-tab ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground 
+   `(whitespace-trailing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; window-divider-mode
+   `(window-divider ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
+   `(window-divider-first-pixel ((,class :foreground 
+   `(window-divider-last-pixel ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-outer)))
+;;;;; winum
+   `(winum-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+;;;;; writegood-mode
+   `(writegood-duplicates-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
,red-alt :underline t)))
+   `(writegood-passive-voice-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced 
:underline ,fg-lang-warning)))
+   `(writegood-weasels-face ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced :underline 
+;;;;; woman
+   `(woman-addition ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(woman-bold ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(woman-italic ((,class :foreground ,cyan :slant italic)))
+   `(woman-unknown ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant italic)))
+;;;;; xah-elisp-mode
+   `(xah-elisp-at-symbol ((,class :inherit bold
+                                  ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                     red-alt red-alt-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-cap-variable ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        red-alt-other red-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-command-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                        cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint))))
+   `(xah-elisp-dollar-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
+                                         green green-faint))))
+;;;;; xref
+   `(xref-file-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(xref-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(xref-match ((,class :inherit match)))
+;;;;; yaml-mode
+   `(yaml-tab-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+;;;;; yasnippet
+   `(yas-field-highlight-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+;;;;; ztree
+   `(ztreep-arrow-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.2 :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-diff-header-small-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-diff-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt 
:strike-through t)))
+   `(ztreep-diff-model-normal-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(ztreep-expand-sign-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(ztreep-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.2 :foreground 
+   `(ztreep-leaf-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(ztreep-node-count-children-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(ztreep-node-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main))))
+;;;; Emacs 27+
+  ;; EXPERIMENTAL this form is subject to review
+  (when (>= emacs-major-version 27)
+    (custom-theme-set-faces
+     'modus-vivendi
+;;;;; line numbers (`display-line-numbers-mode' and global variant)
+     ;; NOTE that this is specifically for the faces that were
+     ;; introduced in Emacs 27, as the other faces are already
+     ;; supported.
+     `(line-number-major-tick ((,class (:background ,yellow-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,yellow-nuanced))))
+     `(line-number-minor-tick ((,class (:background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced))))
+;;;;; tab-bar-mode
+     `(tab-bar ((,class :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-bar-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                            :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                                     :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+;;;;; tab-line-mode
+     `(tab-line ((,class :height 0.95 :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground 
+     `(tab-line-close-highlight ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+     `(tab-line-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground 
+     `(tab-line-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                             :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(tab-line-tab-current ((,class :inherit tab-line-tab)))
+     `(tab-line-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color 
+                                      :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+;;; variables
+  (custom-theme-set-variables
+   'modus-vivendi
+;;;; ansi-colors
+   `(ansi-color-faces-vector [default bold shadow italic underline success 
warning error])
+   `(ansi-color-names-vector [,bg-main ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta 
,cyan ,fg-main])
+;;;; flymake fringe indicators
+   `(flymake-error-bitmap '(flymake-double-exclamation-mark 
+   `(flymake-warning-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-theme-fringe-yellow))
+   `(flymake-note-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-theme-fringe-cyan))
+;;;; ibuffer
+   `(ibuffer-deletion-face 'modus-theme-mark-del)
+   `(ibuffer-filter-group-name-face 'modus-theme-mark-symbol)
+   `(ibuffer-marked-face 'modus-theme-mark-sel)
+   `(ibuffer-title-face 'modus-theme-header)
+;;;; highlight-tail
+   `(highlight-tail-colors
+     '((,green-subtle-bg . 0)
+       (,cyan-subtle-bg . 20)))
+;;;; hl-todo
+   `(hl-todo-keyword-faces
+     '(("HOLD" . ,yellow-alt)
+       ("TODO" . ,magenta)
+       ("NEXT" . ,magenta-alt-other)
+       ("THEM" . ,magenta-alt)
+       ("PROG" . ,cyan)
+       ("OKAY" . ,cyan-alt)
+       ("DONT" . ,green-alt)
+       ("FAIL" . ,red)
+       ("BUG" . ,red)
+       ("DONE" . ,green)
+       ("NOTE" . ,yellow-alt-other)
+       ("KLUDGE" . ,yellow)
+       ("HACK" . ,yellow)
+       ("TEMP" . ,red-nuanced)
+       ("FIXME" . ,red-alt-other)
+       ("XXX+" . ,red-alt)
+       ("REVIEW" . ,cyan-alt-other)
+       ("DEPRECATED" . ,blue-nuanced)))
+;;;; vc-annotate (C-x v g)
+   `(vc-annotate-background nil)
+   `(vc-annotate-background-mode nil)
+   `(vc-annotate-color-map
+     '((20 . ,red)
+       (40 . ,magenta)
+       (60 . ,magenta-alt)
+       (80 . ,red-alt)
+       (100 . ,yellow)
+       (120 . ,yellow-alt)
+       (140 . ,fg-special-warm)
+       (160 . ,fg-special-mild)
+       (180 . ,green)
+       (200 . ,green-alt)
+       (220 . ,cyan-alt-other)
+       (240 . ,cyan-alt)
+       (260 . ,cyan)
+       (280 . ,fg-special-cold)
+       (300 . ,blue)
+       (320 . ,blue-alt)
+       (340 . ,blue-alt-other)
+       (360 . ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
+;;;; xterm-color
+   `(xterm-color-names [,bg-main ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta ,cyan 
+   `(xterm-color-names-bright [,bg-alt ,red-alt ,green-alt ,yellow-alt 
,blue-alt ,magenta-alt ,cyan-alt ,fg-main]))
+;;; Conditional theme variables
+;;;; org-src-block-faces
+  ;; this is a user option to add a colour-coded background to source
+  ;; blocks for various programming languages
+  (when (eq modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks 'rainbow)
+    (custom-theme-set-variables
+     'modus-vivendi
+     `(org-src-block-faces              ; TODO this list should be expanded
+       `(("emacs-lisp" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("elisp" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("clojure" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("clojurescript" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("c" modus-theme-nuanced-blue)
+         ("c++" modus-theme-nuanced-blue)
+         ("sh" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("shell" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("html" modus-theme-nuanced-yellow)
+         ("xml" modus-theme-nuanced-yellow)
+         ("css" modus-theme-nuanced-red)
+         ("scss" modus-theme-nuanced-red)
+         ("python" modus-theme-nuanced-green)
+         ("ipython" modus-theme-nuanced-magenta)
+         ("r" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("yaml" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("conf" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("docker" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan)
+         ("json" modus-theme-nuanced-cyan))))))
+;;; library provides
+(when load-file-name
+  (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+               (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
+(provide-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+(provide 'modus-vivendi-theme)
+;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el ends here

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