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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests 743c553 294/316: Move tests in c

From: Edward John Steere
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests 743c553 294/316: Move tests in cedet/semantic
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 20:03:48 +0000 (UTC)

branch: scratch/merge-cedet-tests
commit 743c553c541a850683aa7fd65fc720f24f88d291
Author: xscript <address@hidden>
Commit: Edward John Steere <address@hidden>

    Move tests in cedet/semantic
 test/manual/cedet/cedet/semantic/ia-utest.el |  542 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 542 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/manual/cedet/cedet/semantic/ia-utest.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11cf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/manual/cedet/cedet/semantic/ia-utest.el
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+;;; semantic/ia-utest.el --- Analyzer unit tests
+;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Eric M. Ludlam
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Use marked-up files in the test directory and run the analyzer
+;; on them.  Make sure the answers are correct.
+;; Each file has cursor keys in them of the form:
+;;   // -#- ("ans1" "ans2" )
+;; where # is 1, 2, 3, etc, and some sort of answer list.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cedet-utests)
+(require 'semantic)
+(require 'semantic/analyze)
+(require 'semantic/analyze/refs)
+(require 'semantic/symref)
+(require 'semantic/symref/filter)
+(defvar semantic-ia-utest-file-list
+  '(
+    "tests/testdoublens.cpp"
+    "tests/testsubclass.cpp"
+    "tests/testtypedefs.cpp"
+    "tests/teststruct.cpp"
+    "tests/testtemplates.cpp"
+    "tests/testfriends.cpp"
+    "tests/testusing.cpp"
+    "tests/testnsp.cpp"
+    "tests/testsppcomplete.c"
+    "tests/testvarnames.c"
+    "tests/testjavacomp.java"
+    )
+  "List of files with analyzer completion test points.")
+(defvar semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list nil
+  "List of errors occuring during a run.")
+(defun semantic-ia-utest (&optional arg)
+  "Run the semantic ia unit test against stored sources.
+Argument ARG specifies which set of tests to run.
+ 1 - ia utests
+ 2 - regs utests
+ 3 - symrefs utests
+ 4 - symref count utests"
+  (interactive "P")
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((fl semantic-ia-utest-file-list)
+         (semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list nil)
+         )
+      (cedet-utest-log-setup "ANALYZER")
+      (set-buffer (semantic-find-file-noselect
+                  (locate-library "semantic/ia-utest.el")))
+      (while fl
+       ;; Make sure we have the files we think we have.
+       (when (not (file-exists-p (car fl)))
+         (error "Cannot find unit test file: %s" (car fl)))
+       ;; Run the tests.
+       (let ((fb (find-buffer-visiting (car fl)))
+             (b (semantic-ia-utest-ffns (car fl))))
+         (when b
+           ;; Run the test on it.
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer b)
+             ;; This line will also force the include, scope, and typecache.
+             (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache)
+             ;; Force tags to be parsed.
+             (semantic-fetch-tags)
+             (semantic-ia-utest-log "  ** Starting tests in %s"
+                                    (buffer-name))
+             (when (or (not arg) (= arg 1))
+               (semantic-ia-utest-buffer))
+             (when (or (not arg) (= arg 2))
+               (set-buffer b)
+               (semantic-ia-utest-buffer-refs))
+             (when (or (not arg) (= arg 3))
+               (set-buffer b)
+               (semantic-sr-utest-buffer-refs))
+             (when (or (not arg) (= arg 4))
+               (set-buffer b)
+               (semantic-src-utest-buffer-refs))
+             (semantic-ia-utest-log "  ** Completed tests in %s\n"
+                                    (buffer-name))
+             ))
+         ;; If it wasn't already in memory, whack it.
+         (when (and b (not fb))
+           (kill-buffer b))
+         )
+       (setq fl (cdr fl)))
+      (cedet-utest-log-shutdown
+       "ANALYZER"
+       (when semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+        (format "%s Failures found."
+                (length semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list))))
+      (when semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+       (error "Failures found during analyzer unit tests"))
+      ))
+  )
+(defun semantic-ia-utest-ffns (file)
+  "Call `semantic-find-file-noselect' on FILE safely.
+Be robust to non CC modes throwing errors.
+Return a buffer if successful, or nil if error.
+If the error occurs w/ a C or C++ file, rethrow the error."
+  (condition-case e
+      (let ((buff (semantic-find-file-noselect file t)))
+       ;; Make current for tests...
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer buff)
+         ;; Was semantic initialized?
+         (if (semantic-active-p)
+             buff
+           ;; No support?
+           (error "No semantic support."))
+         ))
+    (error
+     (let ((fe (file-name-extension file)))
+       (cond ((or (string= fe ".c") (string= fe ".cpp"))
+             ;; Rethrow for C, no tolerance for error.
+             (error e))
+            (t
+             (message
+              "Skipping tests for %s due to missing underlying mode support."
+              file)
+             nil))))
+    ))
+(defun semantic-ia-utest-buffer ()
+  "Run analyzer completion unit-test pass in the current buffer."
+  (let* ((idx 1)
+        (regex-p nil)
+        (regex-a nil)
+        (p nil)
+        (a nil)
+        (pass nil)
+        (fail nil)
+        (actual nil)
+        (desired nil)
+        ;; Exclude unpredictable system files in the
+        ;; header include list.
+        (semanticdb-find-default-throttle
+         (remq 'system semanticdb-find-default-throttle))
+        )
+    ;; Keep looking for test points until we run out.
+    (while (save-excursion
+            (setq regex-p (concat "//\\s-*-" (number-to-string idx) "-" )
+                  regex-a (concat "//\\s-*#" (number-to-string idx) "#" ))
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (save-match-data
+              (when (re-search-forward regex-p nil t)
+                (setq p (match-beginning 0))))
+            (save-match-data
+              (when (re-search-forward regex-a nil t)
+                (setq a (match-end 0))))
+            (and p a))
+      (save-excursion
+       (goto-char p)
+       (let* ((ctxt (semantic-analyze-current-context))
+              (acomp
+               (condition-case nil
+                   (semantic-analyze-possible-completions ctxt)
+                 (error nil))))
+         (setq actual (mapcar 'semantic-format-tag-name acomp)))
+       (goto-char a)
+       (let ((bss (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol))))
+         (condition-case nil
+             (setq desired (read bss))
+           (error (setq desired (format "  FAILED TO PARSE: %S"
+                                        bss)))))
+       (setq actual (sort actual 'string<))
+       (setq desired (sort desired 'string<))
+       (if (equal actual desired)
+           (setq pass (cons idx pass))
+         (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+         (semantic-ia-utest-log
+          "    Failed %d.  Desired: %S Actual %S"
+          idx desired actual)
+         (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                      (list (buffer-name) idx desired actual)
+                      )
+         )
+       )
+      (setq p nil a nil)
+      (setq idx (1+ idx)))
+    (if fail
+       (progn
+         (semantic-ia-utest-log
+          "    Unit tests (completions) failed tests %S"
+          (reverse fail))
+         )
+      (semantic-ia-utest-log "    Unit tests (completions) passed (%d total)"
+                            (- idx 1)))
+    ))
+(defun semantic-ia-utest-buffer-refs ()
+  "Run a analyze-refs unit-test pass in the current buffer."
+  (let* ((idx 1)
+        (regex-p nil)
+        (p nil)
+        (pass nil)
+        (fail nil)
+        ;; Exclude unpredictable system files in the
+        ;; header include list.
+        (semanticdb-find-default-throttle
+         (remq 'system semanticdb-find-default-throttle))
+        )
+    ;; Keep looking for test points until we run out.
+    (while (save-excursion
+            (setq regex-p (concat "//\\s-*\\^" (number-to-string idx) "^" )
+                  )
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (save-match-data
+              (when (re-search-forward regex-p nil t)
+                (setq p (match-beginning 0))))
+            p)
+      (save-excursion
+       (goto-char p)
+       (forward-char -1)
+       (let* ((ct (semantic-current-tag))
+              (refs (semantic-analyze-tag-references ct))
+              (impl (semantic-analyze-refs-impl refs t))
+              (proto (semantic-analyze-refs-proto refs t))
+              (pf nil)
+              )
+         (setq
+          pf
+          (catch 'failed
+            (if (and impl proto (car impl) (car proto))
+                (let (ct2 ref2 impl2 proto2
+                          newstart)
+                  (cond
+                   ((semantic-equivalent-tag-p (car impl) ct)
+                    ;; We are on an IMPL.  Go To the proto, and find matches.
+                    (semantic-go-to-tag (car proto))
+                    (setq newstart (car proto))
+                    )
+                   ((semantic-equivalent-tag-p (car proto) ct)
+                    ;; We are on a PROTO.  Go to the imple, and find matches
+                    (semantic-go-to-tag (car impl))
+                    (setq newstart (car impl))
+                    )
+                   (t
+                    ;; No matches is a fail.
+                    (throw 'failed t)
+                    ))
+                  ;; Get the new tag, does it match?
+                  (setq ct2 (semantic-current-tag))
+                  ;; Does it match?
+                  (when (not (semantic-equivalent-tag-p ct2 newstart))
+                    (throw 'failed t))
+                  ;; Can we double-jump?
+                  (setq ref2 (semantic-analyze-tag-references ct)
+                        impl2 (semantic-analyze-refs-impl ref2 t)
+                        proto2 (semantic-analyze-refs-proto ref2 t))
+                  (when (or (not (and impl2 proto2))
+                            (not
+                             (and (semantic-equivalent-tag-p
+                                   (car impl) (car impl2))
+                                  (semantic-equivalent-tag-p
+                                   (car proto) (car proto2)))))
+                    (throw 'failed t))
+                  )
+              ;; Else, no matches at all, so another fail.
+              (throw 'failed t)
+              )))
+          (if (not pf)
+             ;; We passed
+             (setq pass (cons idx pass))
+           ;; We failed.
+           (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "    Failed %d.  For %S (Impls %S) (Protos %S)"
+            idx
+            (if ct (semantic-format-tag-name ct) "<No tag found>")
+            (mapcar 'semantic-format-tag-name impl)
+            (mapcar 'semantic-format-tag-name proto)
+            )
+           (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                        (list (buffer-name) idx)
+                        )
+           ))
+       (setq p nil)
+       (setq idx (1+ idx))
+       ))
+    (if fail
+       (progn
+         (semantic-ia-utest-log
+          "    Unit tests (refs) failed tests")
+         )
+      (semantic-ia-utest-log "    Unit tests (refs) passed (%d total)"
+                            (- idx 1)))
+    ))
+(defun semantic-sr-utest-buffer-refs ()
+  "Run a symref unit-test pass in the current buffer."
+  ;; This line will also force the include, scope, and typecache.
+  (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache)
+  ;; Force tags to be parsed.
+  (semantic-fetch-tags)
+  (let* ((idx 1)
+        (tag nil)
+        (regex-p nil)
+        (desired nil)
+        (actual-result nil)
+        (actual nil)
+        (pass nil)
+        (fail nil)
+        (symref-tool-used nil)
+        ;; Exclude unpredictable system files in the
+        ;; header include list.
+        (semanticdb-find-default-throttle
+         (remq 'system semanticdb-find-default-throttle))
+        )
+    ;; Keep looking for test points until we run out.
+    (while (save-excursion
+            (setq regex-p (concat "//\\s-*\\%" (number-to-string idx) "%" )
+                  )
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (save-match-data
+              (when (re-search-forward regex-p nil t)
+                (setq tag (semantic-current-tag))
+                (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                (setq desired (read (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol))))
+                ))
+            tag)
+      (setq actual-result (semantic-symref-find-references-by-name
+                          (semantic-format-tag-name tag) 'target
+                          'symref-tool-used))
+      (if (not actual-result)
+         (progn
+           (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed FNames %d: No results." idx)
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed Tool: %s" (object-name symref-tool-used))
+           (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                        (list (buffer-name) idx)
+                        )
+           )
+       (setq actual (list (sort (mapcar
+                                 'file-name-nondirectory
+                                 (semantic-symref-result-get-files 
+                                'string<)
+                          (sort
+                           (mapcar
+                            'semantic-format-tag-canonical-name
+                            (semantic-symref-result-get-tags actual-result))
+                           'string<)))
+       (if (equal desired actual)
+           ;; We passed
+           (setq pass (cons idx pass))
+         ;; We failed.
+         (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+         (when (not (equal (car actual) (car desired)))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed FNames %d: Actual: %S Desired: %S"
+            idx (car actual) (car desired))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed Tool: %s" (object-name symref-tool-used))
+           )
+         (when (not (equal (car (cdr actual)) (car (cdr desired))))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed TNames %d: Actual: %S Desired: %S"
+            idx (car (cdr actual)) (car (cdr desired)))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed Tool: %s" (object-name symref-tool-used))
+           )
+         (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                      (list (buffer-name) idx)
+                      )
+         ))
+      (setq idx (1+ idx))
+      (setq tag nil))
+    (if fail
+       (progn
+         (semantic-ia-utest-log
+          "    Unit tests (symrefs) failed tests")
+         )
+      (semantic-ia-utest-log "    Unit tests (symrefs) passed (%d total)"
+                            (- idx 1)))
+    ))
+(defun semantic-src-utest-buffer-refs ()
+  "Run a sym-ref counting unit-test pass in the current buffer."
+  ;; This line will also force the include, scope, and typecache.
+  (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache)
+  ;; Force tags to be parsed.
+  (semantic-fetch-tags)
+  (let* ((idx 1)
+        (start nil)
+        (regex-p nil)
+        (desired nil)
+        (actual nil)
+        (pass nil)
+        (fail nil)
+        ;; Exclude unpredictable system files in the
+        ;; header include list.
+        (semanticdb-find-default-throttle
+         (remq 'system semanticdb-find-default-throttle))
+        )
+    ;; Keep looking for test points until we run out.
+    (while (save-excursion
+            (setq regex-p (concat "//\\s-*@"
+                                  (number-to-string idx)
+                                  "@\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)" ))
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (save-match-data
+              (when (re-search-forward regex-p nil t)
+                (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+                (setq desired (read (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol))))
+                (setq start (match-beginning 0))
+                (goto-char start)
+                (setq actual (semantic-symref-test-count-hits-in-tag))
+                start)))
+      (if (not actual)
+         (progn
+           (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed symref count %d: No results." idx)
+           (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                        (list (buffer-name) idx)
+                        )
+           )
+       (if (equal desired actual)
+           ;; We passed
+           (setq pass (cons idx pass))
+         ;; We failed.
+         (setq fail (cons idx fail))
+         (when (not (equal actual desired))
+           (semantic-ia-utest-log
+            "  Failed symref count %d: Actual: %S Desired: %S"
+            idx actual desired)
+           )
+         (add-to-list 'semantic-ia-utest-error-log-list
+                      (list (buffer-name) idx)
+                      )
+         ))
+      (setq idx (1+ idx))
+      )
+    (if fail
+       (progn
+         (semantic-ia-utest-log
+          "    Unit tests (symrefs counter) failed tests")
+         )
+      (semantic-ia-utest-log "    Unit tests (symrefs counter) passed (%d 
+                            (- idx 1)))
+    ))
+(defun semantic-ia-utest-start-log ()
+  "Start up a testlog for a run."
+  ;; Redo w/ CEDET utest framework.
+  (cedet-utest-log-start "semantic: analyzer tests"))
+(defun semantic-ia-utest-log (&rest args)
+  "Log some test results.
+Pass ARGS to format to create the log message."
+  ;; Forward to CEDET utest framework.
+  (apply 'cedet-utest-log args))
+(provide 'semantic/ia-utest)
+;;; semantic/ia-utest.el ends here

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