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[Emacs-diffs] trunk r117584: Support for packages in Python shell.

From: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] trunk r117584: Support for packages in Python shell.
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 06:39:44 +0000
User-agent: Bazaar (2.6b2)

revno: 117584
revision-id: address@hidden
parent: address@hidden
fixes bug: http://debbugs.gnu.org/13570
committer: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2014-07-27 03:39:17 -0300
  Support for packages in Python shell. 
  * lisp/progmodes/python.el (python-shell--package-depth): New var.
  (python-shell-package-enable): New command.
  (python-util-list-directories, python-util-list-files)
  (python-util-list-packages): New functions.
  lisp/ChangeLog                 changelog-20091113204419-o5vbwnq5f7feedwu-1432
  lisp/progmodes/python.el       python.el-20091113204419-o5vbwnq5f7feedwu-3008
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2014-07-27 02:02:38 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2014-07-27 06:39:17 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 2014-07-27  Fabián Ezequiel Gallina  <address@hidden>
+       Support for packages in Python shell.  (Bug#13570)
+       * progmodes/python.el (python-shell--package-depth): New var.
+       (python-shell-package-enable): New command.
+       (python-util-list-directories, python-util-list-files)
+       (python-util-list-packages): New functions.
+2014-07-27  Fabián Ezequiel Gallina  <address@hidden>
        Faster comint output.  (Bug#16875)
        * progmodes/python.el:
        (python-comint-output-filter-function): Make obsolete.

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/python.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/python.el  2014-07-27 02:59:49 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/python.el  2014-07-27 06:39:17 +0000
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 ;; Implements Syntax highlighting, Indentation, Movement, Shell
 ;; interaction, Shell completion, Shell virtualenv support, Shell
-;; syntax highlighting, Pdb tracking, Symbol completion, Skeletons,
-;; FFAP, Code Check, Eldoc, Imenu.
+;; package support, Shell syntax highlighting, Pdb tracking, Symbol
+;; completion, Skeletons, FFAP, Code Check, Eldoc, Imenu.
 ;; Syntax highlighting: Fontification of code is provided and supports
 ;; python's triple quoted strings properly.
@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@
 ;; introduced as simple way of adding paths to the PYTHONPATH without
 ;; affecting existing values.
+;; Shell package support: you can enable a package in the current
+;; shell so that relative imports work properly using the
+;; `python-shell-package-enable' command.
 ;; Shell syntax highlighting: when enabled current input in shell is
 ;; highlighted.  The variable `python-shell-font-lock-enable' controls
 ;; activation of this feature globally when shells are started.
@@ -2100,6 +2104,31 @@
                     (directory-file-name python-shell-virtualenv-path))
+(defvar python-shell--package-depth 10)
+(defun python-shell-package-enable (directory package)
+  "Add DIRECTORY parent to $PYTHONPATH and enable PACKAGE."
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((dir (expand-file-name
+                (read-directory-name
+                 "Package root: "
+                 (file-name-directory
+                  (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)))))
+          (name (completing-read
+                 "Package: "
+                 (python-util-list-packages
+                  dir python-shell--package-depth))))
+     (list dir name)))
+  (python-shell-send-string
+   (format
+    (concat
+     "import os.path;import sys;"
+     "sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname('''%s''')));"
+     "__package__ = '''%s''';"
+     "import %s")
+    directory package package)
+   (python-shell-get-process)))
 (defun python-shell-comint-end-of-output-p (output)
   "Return non-nil if OUTPUT is ends with input prompt."
@@ -4070,6 +4099,68 @@
       (goto-char comment-start))
     (forward-comment factor)))
+(defun python-util-list-directories (directory &optional predicate max-depth)
+  "List DIRECTORY subdirs, filtered by PREDICATE and limited by MAX-DEPTH.
+Argument PREDICATE defaults to `identity' and must be a function
+that takes one argument (a full path) and returns non-nil for
+allowed files.  When optional argument MAX-DEPTH is non-nil, stop
+searching when depth is reached, else don't limit."
+  (let* ((dir (expand-file-name directory))
+         (dir-length (length dir))
+         (predicate (or predicate #'identity))
+         (to-scan (list dir))
+         (tally nil))
+    (while to-scan
+      (let ((current-dir (car to-scan)))
+        (when (funcall predicate current-dir)
+          (setq tally (cons current-dir tally)))
+        (setq to-scan (append (cdr to-scan)
+                              (python-util-list-files
+                               current-dir #'file-directory-p)
+                              nil))
+        (when (and max-depth
+                   (<= max-depth
+                       (length (split-string
+                                (substring current-dir dir-length)
+                                "/\\|\\\\" t))))
+          (setq to-scan nil))))
+    (nreverse tally)))
+(defun python-util-list-files (dir &optional predicate)
+  "List files in DIR, filtering with PREDICATE.
+Argument PREDICATE defaults to `identity' and must be a function
+that takes one argument (a full path) and returns non-nil for
+allowed files."
+  (let ((dir-name (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+    (apply #'nconc
+           (mapcar (lambda (file-name)
+                     (let ((full-file-name (expand-file-name file-name 
+                       (when (and
+                              (not (member file-name '("." "..")))
+                              (funcall (or predicate #'identity) 
+                         (list full-file-name))))
+                   (directory-files dir-name)))))
+(defun python-util-list-packages (dir &optional max-depth)
+  "List packages in DIR, limited by MAX-DEPTH.
+When optional argument MAX-DEPTH is non-nil, stop searching when
+depth is reached, else don't limit."
+  (let* ((dir (expand-file-name dir))
+         (parent-dir (file-name-directory
+                      (directory-file-name
+                       (file-name-directory
+                        (file-name-as-directory dir)))))
+         (subpath-length (length parent-dir)))
+    (mapcar
+     (lambda (file-name)
+       (replace-regexp-in-string
+        (rx (or ?\\ ?/)) "." (substring file-name subpath-length)))
+     (python-util-list-directories
+      (directory-file-name dir)
+      (lambda (dir)
+        (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "__init__.py" dir)))
+      max-depth))))
 (defun python-util-popn (lst n)
   "Return LST first N elements.
 N should be an integer, when negative its opposite is used.

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