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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 17:25:45 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Stefan Monnier <monnier>        08/05/26 17:25:44

Index: diff-mode.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v
retrieving revision 1.143
retrieving revision 1.144
diff -u -b -r1.143 -r1.144
--- diff-mode.el        15 May 2008 01:19:06 -0000      1.143
+++ diff-mode.el        26 May 2008 17:25:44 -0000      1.144
@@ -369,6 +369,8 @@
 (defconst diff-hunk-header-re-unified
   "^@@ -\\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:,\\([0-9]+\\)\\)? 
\\+\\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:,\\([0-9]+\\)\\)? @@")
+(defconst diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re
+  "--- \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:,\\([0-9]+\\)\\)? ----$")
 (defvar diff-font-lock-keywords
   `((,(concat "\\(" diff-hunk-header-re-unified "\\)\\(.*\\)$")
@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@
     ("^\\(\\*\\{15\\}\\)\\(.*\\)$"                        ;context
      (1 diff-hunk-header-face) (2 diff-function-face))
     ("^\\*\\*\\* .+ \\*\\*\\*\\*". diff-hunk-header-face) ;context
-    ("^--- .+ ----$"             . diff-hunk-header-face) ;context
+    (,diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re . diff-hunk-header-face) ;context
     ("^[0-9,]+[acd][0-9,]+$"     . diff-hunk-header-face) ;normal
     ("^---$"                     . diff-hunk-header-face) ;normal
     ;; For file headers, accept files with spaces, but be careful to rule
@@ -977,7 +979,7 @@
                     (reversible t))
                 (replace-match "")
                 (unless (re-search-forward
-                         "^--- \\([0-9]+\\),\\(-?[0-9]+\\) ----$" nil t)
+                         diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re nil t)
                   (error "Can't find matching `--- n1,n2 ----' line"))
                 (let ((line2s (match-string 1))
                       (line2e (match-string 2))
@@ -1068,11 +1070,14 @@
                  (when (= (char-after) ?-) (delete-char 1) (insert "+"))
                  (forward-line 1))
                (let ((half1 (delete-and-extract-region half1s (point))))
-                 (unless (looking-at "^--- \\([0-9]+,-?[0-9]+\\) ----$")
+                 (unless (looking-at diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re)
                    (insert half1)
                    (error "Can't find matching `--- n1,n2 ----' line"))
-                 (let ((str1 (match-string 1)))
-                   (replace-match lines1 nil nil nil 1)
+                 (let* ((str1end (or (match-end 2) (match-end 1)))
+                         (str1 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) str1end)))
+                    (goto-char str1end)
+                    (insert lines1)
+                    (delete-region (match-beginning 1) str1end)
                    (forward-line 1)
                    (let ((half2s (point)))
                      (while (looking-at "[!+ \\][ \t]\\|#")
@@ -1137,7 +1142,7 @@
                 (if old1
                     (unless (string= new1 old1) (replace-match new1 t t nil 2))
                   (goto-char (match-end 2)) (insert "," new1))))
-            ((looking-at "--- \\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]*\\) ----$")
+            ((looking-at diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re)
              (when (> (+ space bang plus) 0)
                (let* ((old1 (match-string 1))
                       (old2 (match-string 2))
@@ -1189,25 +1194,29 @@
        (goto-char (car diff-unhandled-changes))
        ;; Maybe we've cut the end of the hunk before point.
        (if (and (bolp) (not (bobp))) (backward-char 1))
-       ;; We used to fixup modifs on all the changes, but it turns out
-       ;; that it's safer not to do it on big changes, for example
-       ;; when yanking a big diff, since we might then screw up perfectly
-       ;; correct values.  -stef
-       ;; (unless (ignore-errors
-       ;;        (diff-beginning-of-hunk)
-       ;;        (save-excursion
-       ;;          (diff-end-of-hunk)
-       ;;          (> (point) (car diff-unhandled-changes))))
-       ;;   (goto-char (car diff-unhandled-changes))
-       ;; (re-search-forward diff-hunk-header-re (cdr diff-unhandled-changes))
-       ;;   (diff-beginning-of-hunk))
-       ;; (diff-fixup-modifs (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes))
+       ;; We used to fixup modifs on all the changes, but it turns out that
+       ;; it's safer not to do it on big changes, e.g. when yanking a big
+       ;; diff, or when the user edits the header, since we might then
+       ;; screw up perfectly correct values.  --Stef
-       (when (save-excursion
+        (let* ((style (if (looking-at "\\*\\*\\*") 'context))
+               (start (line-beginning-position (if (eq style 'context) 3 2)))
+               (mid (if (eq style 'context)
+                        (save-excursion
+                          (re-search-forward diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re
+                                             nil t)))))
+          (when (and ;; Don't try to fixup changes in the hunk header.
+                 (> (car diff-unhandled-changes) start)
+                 ;; Don't try to fixup changes in the mid-hunk header either.
+                 (or (not mid)
+                     (< (cdr diff-unhandled-changes) (match-beginning 0))
+                     (> (car diff-unhandled-changes) (match-end 0)))
+                 (save-excursion
                (diff-end-of-hunk nil 'donttrustheader)
-               (>= (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes)))
+                   ;; Don't try to fixup changes past the end of the hunk.
+                   (>= (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes))))
          (diff-fixup-modifs (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes)))))
-    (setq diff-unhandled-changes nil)))
+      (setq diff-unhandled-changes nil))))
 (defun diff-next-error (arg reset)
   ;; Select a window that displays the current buffer so that point
@@ -1367,7 +1376,7 @@
               (1+ (- (string-to-number (match-string 2))
                      (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
-          (if (not (looking-at "--- \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:,\\([0-9]+\\)\\)? ----$"))
+          (if (not (looking-at diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re))
               (error "Unrecognized context diff second hunk header format")
@@ -1447,7 +1456,7 @@
             ;; context diff
             (forward-line 2)
             (setq src-pos (point))
-            (re-search-forward "^--- " nil t)
+            (re-search-forward diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re nil t)
             (forward-line 0)
             (setq divider-pos (point))
             (forward-line 1)
@@ -1563,7 +1572,8 @@
                     (error "Can't find the hunk header")
                   (if other (match-string 1)
                     (if (match-end 3) (match-string 3)
-                      (unless (re-search-forward "^--- \\([0-9,]+\\)" nil t)
+                      (unless (re-search-forward
+                                diff-context-mid-hunk-header-re nil t)
                         (error "Can't find the hunk separator"))
                       (match-string 1)))))
           (file (or (diff-find-file-name other) (error "Can't find the file")))

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