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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vc.el,v

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vc.el,v
Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 10:47:30 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Eric S. Raymond <esr>   08/05/03 10:47:29

Index: vc.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/vc.el,v
retrieving revision 1.620
retrieving revision 1.621
diff -u -b -r1.620 -r1.621
--- vc.el       3 May 2008 10:18:08 -0000       1.620
+++ vc.el       3 May 2008 10:47:28 -0000       1.621
@@ -694,9 +694,7 @@
 (require 'ewoc)
-  (require 'cl)
-  (require 'dired)      ; for dired-map-over-marks macro
-  (require 'dired-aux))        ; for dired-kill-{line,tree}
+  (require 'cl))
 (unless (assoc 'vc-parent-buffer minor-mode-alist)
   (setq minor-mode-alist
@@ -757,24 +755,6 @@
   :group 'vc)
-(defcustom vc-dired-listing-switches "-al"
-  "Switches passed to `ls' for vc-dired.  MUST contain the `l' option."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'vc
-  :version "21.1")
-(defcustom vc-dired-recurse t
-  "If non-nil, show directory trees recursively in VC Dired."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'vc
-  :version "20.3")
-(defcustom vc-dired-terse-display t
-  "If non-nil, show only locked or locally modified files in VC Dired."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'vc
-  :version "20.3")
 (defcustom vc-diff-switches nil
   "A string or list of strings specifying switches for diff under VC.
 When running diff under a given BACKEND, VC concatenates the values of
@@ -977,9 +957,6 @@
 Backends that offer asynchronous diffs should respect this variable
 in their implementation of vc-BACKEND-diff.")
-(defvar vc-dired-mode nil)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'vc-dired-mode)
 ;; File property caching
 (defun vc-clear-context ()
@@ -1200,8 +1177,6 @@
       (unless not-urgent
        (error "Aborted")))))
-(defvar vc-dired-window-configuration)
 (defun vc-compatible-state (p q)
   "Controls which states can be in the same commit."
@@ -1979,140 +1954,8 @@
 (defalias 'vc-resolve-conflicts 'smerge-ediff)
-;; The VC directory major mode.  Coopt Dired for this.
-;; All VC commands get mapped into logical equivalents.
-(defvar vc-dired-switches)
-(defvar vc-dired-terse-mode)
-(defvar vc-dired-mode-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
-       (vmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map "\C-xv" vmap)
-    (define-key map "v" vmap)
-    (set-keymap-parent vmap vc-prefix-map)
-    (define-key vmap "t" 'vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode)
-    map))
-(define-derived-mode vc-dired-mode dired-mode "Dired under "
-  "The major mode used in VC directory buffers.
-It works like Dired, but lists only files under version control, with
-the current VC state of each file being indicated in the place of the
-file's link count, owner, group and size.  Subdirectories are also
-listed, and you may insert them into the buffer as desired, like in
-All Dired commands operate normally, with the exception of `v', which
-is redefined as the version control prefix, so that you can type
-`vl', `v=' etc. to invoke `vc-print-log', `vc-diff', and the like on
-the file named in the current Dired buffer line.  `vv' invokes
-`vc-next-action' on this file, or on all files currently marked.
-There is a special command, `*l', to mark all files currently locked."
-  ;; define-derived-mode does it for us in Emacs-21, but not in Emacs-20.
-  ;; We do it here because dired might not be loaded yet
-  ;; when vc-dired-mode-map is initialized.
-  (set-keymap-parent vc-dired-mode-map dired-mode-map)
-  (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'vc-dired-hook nil t)
-  ;; The following is slightly modified from files.el,
-  ;; because file lines look a bit different in vc-dired-mode
-  ;; (the column before the date does not end in a digit).
-  ;; albinus: It should be done in the original declaration.  Problem
-  ;; is the optional empty state-info; otherwise ")" would be good
-  ;; enough as delimeter.
-  (set (make-local-variable 'directory-listing-before-filename-regexp)
-  (let* ((l "\\([A-Za-z]\\|[^\0-\177]\\)")
-         ;; In some locales, month abbreviations are as short as 2 letters,
-         ;; and they can be followed by ".".
-         (month (concat l l "+\\.?"))
-         (s " ")
-         (yyyy "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")
-         (dd "[ 0-3][0-9]")
-         (HH:MM "[ 0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]")
-         (seconds "[0-6][0-9]\\([.,][0-9]+\\)?")
-         (zone "[-+][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]")
-         (iso-mm-dd "[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]")
-         (iso-time (concat HH:MM "\\(:" seconds "\\( ?" zone "\\)?\\)?"))
-         (iso (concat "\\(\\(" yyyy "-\\)?" iso-mm-dd "[ T]" iso-time
-                      "\\|" yyyy "-" iso-mm-dd "\\)"))
-         (western (concat "\\(" month s "+" dd "\\|" dd "\\.?" s month "\\)"
-                          s "+"
-                          "\\(" HH:MM "\\|" yyyy "\\)"))
-         (western-comma (concat month s "+" dd "," s "+" yyyy))
-         ;; Japanese MS-Windows ls-lisp has one-digit months, and
-         ;; omits the Kanji characters after month and day-of-month.
-         (mm "[ 0-1]?[0-9]")
-         (japanese
-          (concat mm l "?" s dd l "?" s "+"
-                  "\\(" HH:MM "\\|" yyyy l "?" "\\)")))
-    ;; the .* below ensures that we find the last match on a line
-    (concat ".*" s
-            "\\(" western "\\|" western-comma "\\|" japanese "\\|" iso "\\)"
-            s "+")))
-  (and (boundp 'vc-dired-switches)
-       vc-dired-switches
-       (set (make-local-variable 'dired-actual-switches)
-            vc-dired-switches))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'vc-dired-terse-mode) vc-dired-terse-display)
-  (let ((backend-name (symbol-name (vc-responsible-backend
-                                   default-directory))))
-    (setq mode-name (concat mode-name backend-name))
-    ;; Add menu after `vc-dired-mode-map' has `dired-mode-map' as the parent.
-    (let ((vc-dire-menu-map (copy-keymap vc-menu-map)))
-      (define-key-after (lookup-key vc-dired-mode-map [menu-bar]) [vc]
-       (cons backend-name vc-dire-menu-map) 'subdir)))
-  (setq vc-dired-mode t))
-(defun vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode ()
-  "Toggle terse display in VC Dired."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (not vc-dired-mode)
-      nil
-    (setq vc-dired-terse-mode (not vc-dired-terse-mode))
-    (if vc-dired-terse-mode
-        (vc-dired-hook)
-      (revert-buffer))))
-(defun vc-dired-mark-locked ()
-  "Mark all files currently locked."
-  (interactive)
-  (dired-mark-if (let ((f (dired-get-filename nil t)))
-                  (and f
-                       (not (file-directory-p f))
-                       (not (vc-up-to-date-p f))))
-                "locked file"))
-(define-key vc-dired-mode-map "*l" 'vc-dired-mark-locked)
-(defun vc-dired-reformat-line (vc-info)
-  "Reformat a directory-listing line.
-Replace various columns with version control information, VC-INFO.
-This code, like dired, assumes UNIX -l format."
-  (beginning-of-line)
-  (when (re-search-forward
-         ;; Match link count, owner, group, size.  Group may be missing,
-         ;; and only the size is present in OS/2 -l format.
-         "^..[drwxlts-]+ \\( *[0-9]+\\( [^ ]+ +\\([^ ]+ +\\)?[0-9]+\\)?\\) "
-         (line-end-position) t)
-      (replace-match (substring (concat vc-info "          ") 0 10)
-                     t t nil 1)))
-(defun vc-dired-ignorable-p (filename)
-  "Should FILENAME be ignored in VC-Dired listings?"
-  (catch t
-    ;; Ignore anything that wouldn't be found by completion (.o, .la, etc.)
-    (dolist (ignorable completion-ignored-extensions)
-      (let ((ext (substring filename
-                             (- (length filename)
-                                (length ignorable)))))
-       (if (string= ignorable ext) (throw t t))))
-    ;; Ignore Makefiles derived from something else
-    (when (string= (file-name-nondirectory filename) "Makefile")
-      (let* ((dir (file-name-directory filename))
-           (peers (directory-files (or dir default-directory))))
-       (if (or (member "Makefile.in" peers) (member "Makefile.am" peers))
-          (throw t t))))
-    nil))
+;; VC Dired hook 
+;; FIXME: Remove Dired support when vc-dir is ready.
 (defun vc-dired-hook ()
   "Reformat the listing according to version control.
@@ -2190,72 +2033,6 @@
            (goto-char (point-min))
            (message "No changes pending under %s" default-directory)))))
-(defun vc-dired-purge ()
-  "Remove empty subdirs."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (while (dired-get-subdir)
-    (forward-line 2)
-    (if (dired-get-filename nil t)
-       (if (not (dired-next-subdir 1 t))
-           (goto-char (point-max)))
-      (forward-line -2)
-      (if (not (string= (dired-current-directory) default-directory))
-         (dired-do-kill-lines t "")
-       ;; We cannot remove the top level directory.
-       ;; Just make it look a little nicer.
-       (forward-line 1)
-       (or (eobp) (kill-line))
-       (if (not (dired-next-subdir 1 t))
-           (goto-char (point-max))))))
-  (goto-char (point-min)))
-(defun vc-dired-buffers-for-dir (dir)
-  "Return a list of all vc-dired buffers that currently display DIR."
-  (let (result)
-    ;; Check whether dired is loaded.
-    (when (fboundp 'dired-buffers-for-dir)
-      (dolist (buffer (dired-buffers-for-dir dir))
-        (with-current-buffer buffer
-          (when vc-dired-mode
-           (push buffer result)))))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(defun vc-directory-resynch-file (file)
-  "Update the entries for FILE in any VC Dired buffers that list it."
-  ;;FIXME This needs to be implemented so it works for vc-dir
-  (let ((buffers (vc-dired-buffers-for-dir (file-name-directory file))))
-    (when buffers
-      (mapcar (lambda (buffer)
-               (with-current-buffer buffer
-                 (when (dired-goto-file file)
-                   ;; bind vc-dired-terse-mode to nil so that
-                   ;; files won't vanish when they are checked in
-                   (let ((vc-dired-terse-mode nil))
-                     (dired-do-redisplay 1)))))
-             buffers))))
-(defun vc-directory (dir read-switches)
-  "Create a buffer in VC Dired Mode for directory DIR.
-See Info node `VC Dired Mode'.
-With prefix arg READ-SWITCHES, specify a value to override
-`dired-listing-switches' when generating the listing."
-  (interactive "DDired under VC (directory): \nP")
-  (let ((vc-dired-switches (concat vc-dired-listing-switches
-                                   (if vc-dired-recurse "R" ""))))
-    (if read-switches
-        (setq vc-dired-switches
-              (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
-                           vc-dired-switches)))
-    (require 'dired)
-    (require 'dired-aux)
-    (switch-to-buffer
-     (dired-internal-noselect (expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory dir))
-                              vc-dired-switches
-                              'vc-dired-mode))))
 ;; VC status implementation
 ;; Used to store information for the files displayed in the *VC status* buffer.

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