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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to ntlm.el

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to ntlm.el
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:08:13 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Glenn Morris <gm>       07/11/28 08:08:12

Index: ntlm.el
RCS file: ntlm.el
diff -N ntlm.el
--- ntlm.el     28 Nov 2007 07:50:42 -0000      1.3
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-;;; ntlm.el --- NTLM (NT LanManager) authentication support
-;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2007  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Taro Kawagishi <address@hidden>
-;; Keywords: NTLM, SASL
-;; Version: 1.00
-;; Created: February 2001
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This library is a direct translation of the Samba release 2.2.0
-;; implementation of Windows NT and LanManager compatible password
-;; encryption.
-;; Interface functions:
-;; ntlm-build-auth-request
-;;   This will return a binary string, which should be used in the
-;;   base64 encoded form and it is the caller's responsibility to encode
-;;   the returned string with base64.
-;; ntlm-build-auth-response
-;;   It is the caller's responsibility to pass a base64 decoded string
-;;   (which will be a binary string) as the first argument and to
-;;   encode the returned string with base64.  The second argument user
-;;   should be given in address@hidden format.
-;; ntlm-get-password-hashes
-;; NTLM authentication procedure example:
-;;  1. Open a network connection to the Exchange server at the IMAP port (143)
-;;  2. Receive an opening message such as:
-;;     "* OK Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 server version 5.5.2653.7 (XXXX) 
-;;  3. Ask for IMAP server capability by sending "NNN capability"
-;;  4. Receive a capability message such as:
-;;  5. Ask for NTLM authentication by sending a string
-;;     "NNN authenticate ntlm"
-;;  6. Receive continuation acknowledgment "+"
-;;  7. Send NTLM authentication request generated by 'ntlm-build-auth-request
-;;  8. Receive NTLM challenge string following acknowledgment "+"
-;;  9. Generate response to challenge by 'ntlm-build-auth-response
-;;     (here two hash function values of the user password are encrypted)
-;; 10. Receive authentication completion message such as
-;;     "NNN OK AUTHENTICATE NTLM completed."
-;;; Code:
-(require 'md4)
-;;; NTLM authentication interface functions
-(defun ntlm-build-auth-request (user &optional domain)
-  "Return the NTLM authentication request string for USER and DOMAIN.
-USER is a string representing a user name to be authenticated and
-DOMAIN is a NT domain.  USER can include a NT domain part as in
address@hidden where the string after @ is used as the domain if DOMAIN
-is not given."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((request-ident (concat "NTLMSSP" (make-string 1 0)))
-       (request-msgType (concat (make-string 1 1) (make-string 3 0)))
-                                       ;0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00
-       (request-flags (concat (make-string 1 7) (make-string 1 178)
-                              (make-string 2 0)))
-                                       ;0x07 0xb2 0x00 0x00
-       lu ld off-d off-u)
-    (when (string-match "@" user)
-      (unless domain
-       (setq domain (substring user (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
-      (setq user (substring user 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-    ;; set fields offsets within the request struct
-    (setq lu (length user))
-    (setq ld (length domain))
-    (setq off-u 32)                    ;offset to the string 'user
-    (setq off-d (+ 32 lu))             ;offset to the string 'domain
-    ;; pack the request struct in a string
-    (concat request-ident              ;8 bytes
-           request-msgType     ;4 bytes
-           request-flags               ;4 bytes
-           (md4-pack-int16 lu) ;user field, count field
-           (md4-pack-int16 lu) ;user field, max count field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-u)) ;user field, offset field
-           (md4-pack-int16 ld) ;domain field, count field
-           (md4-pack-int16 ld) ;domain field, max count field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-d)) ;domain field, offset field
-           user                        ;bufer field
-           domain              ;bufer field
-           )))
-  (defmacro ntlm-string-as-unibyte (string)
-    (if (fboundp 'string-as-unibyte)
-       `(string-as-unibyte ,string)
-      string)))
-(defun ntlm-build-auth-response (challenge user password-hashes)
-  "Return the response string to a challenge string CHALLENGE given by
-the NTLM based server for the user USER and the password hash list
-PASSWORD-HASHES.  NTLM uses two hash values which are represented
-by PASSWORD-HASHES.  PASSWORD-HASHES should be a return value of
- (list (ntlm-smb-passwd-hash password) (ntlm-md4hash password))"
-  (let* ((rchallenge (ntlm-string-as-unibyte challenge))
-        ;; get fields within challenge struct
-        ;;(ident (substring rchallenge 0 8))   ;ident, 8 bytes
-        ;;(msgType (substring rchallenge 8 12))        ;msgType, 4 bytes
-        (uDomain (substring rchallenge 12 20)) ;uDomain, 8 bytes
-        (flags (substring rchallenge 20 24))   ;flags, 4 bytes
-        (challengeData (substring rchallenge 24 32)) ;challengeData, 8 bytes
-        uDomain-len uDomain-offs
-        ;; response struct and its fields
-        lmRespData                     ;lmRespData, 24 bytes
-        ntRespData                     ;ntRespData, 24 bytes
-        domain                         ;ascii domain string
-        lu ld off-lm off-nt off-d off-u off-w off-s)
-    ;; extract domain string from challenge string
-    (setq uDomain-len (md4-unpack-int16 (substring uDomain 0 2)))
-    (setq uDomain-offs (md4-unpack-int32 (substring uDomain 4 8)))
-    (setq domain
-         (ntlm-unicode2ascii (substring challenge
-                                        (cdr uDomain-offs)
-                                        (+ (cdr uDomain-offs) uDomain-len))
-                             (/ uDomain-len 2)))
-    ;; overwrite domain in case user is given in <user>@<domain> format
-    (when (string-match "@" user)
-      (setq domain (substring user (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
-      (setq user (substring user 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-    ;; generate response data
-    (setq lmRespData
-         (ntlm-smb-owf-encrypt (car password-hashes) challengeData))
-    (setq ntRespData
-         (ntlm-smb-owf-encrypt (cadr password-hashes) challengeData))
-    ;; get offsets to fields to pack the response struct in a string
-    (setq lu (length user))
-    (setq ld (length domain))
-    (setq off-lm 64)                   ;offset to string 'lmResponse
-    (setq off-nt (+ 64 24))            ;offset to string 'ntResponse
-    (setq off-d (+ 64 48))             ;offset to string 'uDomain
-    (setq off-u (+ 64 48 (* 2 ld)))    ;offset to string 'uUser
-    (setq off-w (+ 64 48 (* 2 (+ ld lu)))) ;offset to string 'uWks
-    (setq off-s (+ 64 48 (* 2 (+ ld lu lu)))) ;offset to string 'sessionKey
-    ;; pack the response struct in a string
-    (concat "NTLMSSP\0"                        ;response ident field, 8 bytes
-           (md4-pack-int32 '(0 . 3))   ;response msgType field, 4 bytes
-           ;; lmResponse field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddBytes(response,lmResponse,lmRespData,24);
-           (md4-pack-int16 24)         ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 24)         ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-lm)) ;field offset
-           ;; ntResponse field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddBytes(response,ntResponse,ntRespData,24);
-           (md4-pack-int16 24)         ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 24)         ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-nt)) ;field offset
-           ;; uDomain field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddUnicodeString(response,uDomain,domain);
-           ;;AddBytes(response, uDomain, udomain, 2*ld);
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 ld))   ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 ld))   ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-d)) ;field offset
-           ;; uUser field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddUnicodeString(response,uUser,u);
-           ;;AddBytes(response, uUser, uuser, 2*lu);
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 lu))   ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 lu))   ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-u)) ;field offset
-           ;; uWks field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddUnicodeString(response,uWks,u);
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 lu))   ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 (* 2 lu))   ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 off-w)) ;field offset
-           ;; sessionKey field, 8 bytes
-           ;;AddString(response,sessionKey,NULL);
-           (md4-pack-int16 0)          ;len field
-           (md4-pack-int16 0)          ;maxlen field
-           (md4-pack-int32 (cons 0 (- off-s off-lm))) ;field offset
-           ;; flags field, 4 bytes
-           flags                       ;
-           ;; buffer field
-           lmRespData                  ;lmResponse, 24 bytes
-           ntRespData                  ;ntResponse, 24 bytes
-           (ntlm-ascii2unicode domain  ;unicode domain string, 2*ld bytes
-                               (length domain)) ;
-           (ntlm-ascii2unicode user    ;unicode user string, 2*lu bytes
-                               (length user)) ;
-           (ntlm-ascii2unicode user    ;unicode user string, 2*lu bytes
-                               (length user)) ;
-           )))
-(defun ntlm-get-password-hashes (password)
-  "Return a pair of SMB hash and NT MD4 hash of the given password PASSWORD"
-  (list (ntlm-smb-passwd-hash password)
-       (ntlm-md4hash password)))
-(defun ntlm-ascii2unicode (str len)
-  "Convert an ASCII string into a NT Unicode string, which is
-little-endian utf16."
-  (let ((utf (make-string (* 2 len) 0)) (i 0) val)
-    (while (and (< i len)
-               (not (zerop (setq val (aref str i)))))
-      (aset utf (* 2 i) val)
-      (aset utf (1+ (* 2 i)) 0)
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    utf))
-(defun ntlm-unicode2ascii (str len)
-  "Extract 7 bits ASCII part of a little endian utf16 string STR of length 
-  (let ((buf (make-string len 0)) (i 0) (j 0))
-    (while (< i len)
-      (aset buf i (logand (aref str j) 127)) ;(string-to-number "7f" 16)
-      (setq i (1+ i)
-           j (+ 2 j)))
-    buf))
-(defun ntlm-smb-passwd-hash (passwd)
-  "Return the SMB password hash string of 16 bytes long for the given password
-string PASSWD.  PASSWD is truncated to 14 bytes if longer."
-  (let ((len (min (length passwd) 14)))
-    (ntlm-smb-des-e-p16
-     (concat (substring (upcase passwd) 0 len) ;fill top 14 bytes with passwd
-            (make-string (- 15 len) 0)))))
-(defun ntlm-smb-owf-encrypt (passwd c8)
-  "Return the response string of 24 bytes long for the given password
-string PASSWD based on the DES encryption.  PASSWD is of at most 14
-bytes long and the challenge string C8 of 8 bytes long."
-  (let ((len (min (length passwd) 16)) p22)
-    (setq p22 (concat (substring passwd 0 len) ;fill top 16 bytes with passwd
-                     (make-string (- 22 len) 0)))
-    (ntlm-smb-des-e-p24 p22 c8)))
-(defun ntlm-smb-des-e-p24 (p22 c8)
-  "Return a 24 bytes hashed string for a 21 bytes string P22 and a 8 bytes
-string C8."
-  (concat (ntlm-smb-hash c8 p22 t)             ;hash first 8 bytes of p22
-         (ntlm-smb-hash c8 (substring p22 7) t)
-         (ntlm-smb-hash c8 (substring p22 14) t)))
-(defconst ntlm-smb-sp8 [75 71 83 33 64 35 36 37])
-(defun ntlm-smb-des-e-p16 (p15)
-  "Return a 16 bytes hashed string for a 15 bytes string P15."
-  (concat (ntlm-smb-hash ntlm-smb-sp8 p15 t)   ;hash of first 8 bytes of p15
-         (ntlm-smb-hash ntlm-smb-sp8           ;hash of last 8 bytes of p15
-                        (substring p15 7) t)))
-(defun ntlm-smb-hash (in key forw)
-  "Return the hash string of length 8 for a string IN of length 8 and
-a string KEY of length 8.  FORW is t or nil."
-  (let ((out (make-string 8 0))
-       outb                            ;string of length 64
-       (inb (make-string 64 0))
-       (keyb (make-string 64 0))
-       (key2 (ntlm-smb-str-to-key key))
-       (i 0) aa)
-    (while (< i 64)
-      (unless (zerop (logand (aref in (/ i 8)) (lsh 1 (- 7 (% i 8)))))
-       (aset inb i 1))
-      (unless (zerop (logand (aref key2 (/ i 8)) (lsh 1 (- 7 (% i 8)))))
-       (aset keyb i 1))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    (setq outb (ntlm-smb-dohash inb keyb forw))
-    (setq i 0)
-    (while (< i 64)
-      (unless (zerop (aref outb i))
-       (setq aa (aref out (/ i 8)))
-       (aset out (/ i 8)
-             (logior aa (lsh 1 (- 7 (% i 8))))))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    out))
-(defun ntlm-smb-str-to-key (str)
-  "Return a string of length 8 for the given string STR of length 7."
-  (let ((key (make-string 8 0))
-       (i 7))
-    (aset key 0 (lsh (aref str 0) -1))
-    (aset key 1 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 0) 1) 6)
-                (lsh (aref str 1) -2)))
-    (aset key 2 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 1) 3) 5)
-                (lsh (aref str 2) -3)))
-    (aset key 3 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 2) 7) 4)
-                (lsh (aref str 3) -4)))
-    (aset key 4 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 3) 15) 3)
-                (lsh (aref str 4) -5)))
-    (aset key 5 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 4) 31) 2)
-                (lsh (aref str 5) -6)))
-    (aset key 6 (logior
-                (lsh (logand (aref str 5) 63) 1)
-                (lsh (aref str 6) -7)))
-    (aset key 7 (logand (aref str 6) 127))
-    (while (>= i 0)
-      (aset key i (lsh (aref key i) 1))
-      (setq i (1- i)))
-    key))
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm1 [57 49 41 33 25 17  9
-                    1 58 50 42 34 26 18
-                    10  2 59 51 43 35 27
-                    19 11  3 60 52 44 36
-                    63 55 47 39 31 23 15
-                    7 62 54 46 38 30 22
-                    14  6 61 53 45 37 29
-                    21 13  5 28 20 12  4])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm2 [14 17 11 24  1  5
-                    3 28 15  6 21 10
-                    23 19 12  4 26  8
-                    16  7 27 20 13  2
-                    41 52 31 37 47 55
-                    30 40 51 45 33 48
-                    44 49 39 56 34 53
-                    46 42 50 36 29 32])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm3 [58 50 42 34 26 18 10  2
-                    60 52 44 36 28 20 12  4
-                    62 54 46 38 30 22 14  6
-                    64 56 48 40 32 24 16  8
-                    57 49 41 33 25 17  9  1
-                    59 51 43 35 27 19 11  3
-                    61 53 45 37 29 21 13  5
-                    63 55 47 39 31 23 15  7])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm4 [32  1  2  3  4  5
-                    4  5  6  7  8  9
-                    8  9 10 11 12 13
-                    12 13 14 15 16 17
-                    16 17 18 19 20 21
-                    20 21 22 23 24 25
-                    24 25 26 27 28 29
-                    28 29 30 31 32  1])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm5 [16  7 20 21
-                    29 12 28 17
-                    1 15 23 26
-                    5 18 31 10
-                    2  8 24 14
-                    32 27  3  9
-                    19 13 30  6
-                    22 11  4 25])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-perm6 [40  8 48 16 56 24 64 32
-                    39  7 47 15 55 23 63 31
-                    38  6 46 14 54 22 62 30
-                    37  5 45 13 53 21 61 29
-                    36  4 44 12 52 20 60 28
-                    35  3 43 11 51 19 59 27
-                    34  2 42 10 50 18 58 26
-                    33  1 41  9 49 17 57 25])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-sc [1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1])
-(defconst ntlm-smb-sbox [[[14  4 13  1  2 15 11  8  3 10  6 12  5  9  0  7]
-                    [ 0 15  7  4 14  2 13  1 10  6 12 11  9  5  3  8]
-                    [ 4  1 14  8 13  6  2 11 15 12  9  7  3 10  5  0]
-                    [15 12  8  2  4  9  1  7  5 11  3 14 10  0  6 13]]
-                   [[15  1  8 14  6 11  3  4  9  7  2 13 12  0  5 10]
-                    [ 3 13  4  7 15  2  8 14 12  0  1 10  6  9 11  5]
-                    [ 0 14  7 11 10  4 13  1  5  8 12  6  9  3  2 15]
-                    [13  8 10  1  3 15  4  2 11  6  7 12  0  5 14  9]]
-                   [[10  0  9 14  6  3 15  5  1 13 12  7 11  4  2  8]
-                    [13  7  0  9  3  4  6 10  2  8  5 14 12 11 15  1]
-                    [13  6  4  9  8 15  3  0 11  1  2 12  5 10 14  7]
-                    [ 1 10 13  0  6  9  8  7  4 15 14  3 11  5  2 12]]
-                   [[ 7 13 14  3  0  6  9 10  1  2  8  5 11 12  4 15]
-                    [13  8 11  5  6 15  0  3  4  7  2 12  1 10 14  9]
-                    [10  6  9  0 12 11  7 13 15  1  3 14  5  2  8  4]
-                    [ 3 15  0  6 10  1 13  8  9  4  5 11 12  7  2 14]]
-                   [[ 2 12  4  1  7 10 11  6  8  5  3 15 13  0 14  9]
-                    [14 11  2 12  4  7 13  1  5  0 15 10  3  9  8  6]
-                    [ 4  2  1 11 10 13  7  8 15  9 12  5  6  3  0 14]
-                    [11  8 12  7  1 14  2 13  6 15  0  9 10  4  5  3]]
-                   [[12  1 10 15  9  2  6  8  0 13  3  4 14  7  5 11]
-                    [10 15  4  2  7 12  9  5  6  1 13 14  0 11  3  8]
-                    [ 9 14 15  5  2  8 12  3  7  0  4 10  1 13 11  6]
-                    [ 4  3  2 12  9  5 15 10 11 14  1  7  6  0  8 13]]
-                   [[ 4 11  2 14 15  0  8 13  3 12  9  7  5 10  6  1]
-                    [13  0 11  7  4  9  1 10 14  3  5 12  2 15  8  6]
-                    [ 1  4 11 13 12  3  7 14 10 15  6  8  0  5  9  2]
-                    [ 6 11 13  8  1  4 10  7  9  5  0 15 14  2  3 12]]
-                   [[13  2  8  4  6 15 11  1 10  9  3 14  5  0 12  7]
-                    [ 1 15 13  8 10  3  7  4 12  5  6 11  0 14  9  2]
-                    [ 7 11  4  1  9 12 14  2  0  6 10 13 15  3  5  8]
-                    [ 2  1 14  7  4 10  8 13 15 12  9  0  3  5  6 11]]])
-(defsubst ntlm-string-permute (in perm n)
-  "Return a string of length N for a string IN and a permutation vector
-PERM of size N.  The length of IN should be height of PERM."
-  (let ((i 0) (out (make-string n 0)))
-    (while (< i n)
-      (aset out i (aref in (- (aref perm i) 1)))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    out))
-(defsubst ntlm-string-lshift (str count len)
-  "Return a string by circularly shifting a string STR by COUNT to the left.
-length of STR is LEN."
-  (let ((c (% count len)))
-    (concat (substring str c len) (substring str 0 c))))
-(defsubst ntlm-string-xor (in1 in2 n)
-  "Return exclusive-or of sequences in1 and in2"
-  (let ((w (make-string n 0)) (i 0))
-    (while (< i n)
-      (aset w i (logxor (aref in1 i) (aref in2 i)))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    w))
-(defun ntlm-smb-dohash (in key forw)
-  "Return the hash value for a string IN and a string KEY.
-Length of IN and KEY are 64.  FORW non nill means forward, nil means
-  (let (pk1                            ;string of length 56
-       c                               ;string of length 28
-       d                               ;string of length 28
-       cd                              ;string of length 56
-       (ki (make-vector 16 0))         ;vector of string of length 48
-       pd1                             ;string of length 64
-       l                               ;string of length 32
-       r                               ;string of length 32
-       rl                              ;string of length 64
-       (i 0) (j 0) (k 0))
-    (setq pk1 (ntlm-string-permute key ntlm-smb-perm1 56))
-    (setq c (substring pk1 0 28))
-    (setq d (substring pk1 28 56))
-    (setq i 0)
-    (while (< i 16)
-      (setq c (ntlm-string-lshift c (aref ntlm-smb-sc i) 28))
-      (setq d (ntlm-string-lshift d (aref ntlm-smb-sc i) 28))
-      (setq cd (concat (substring c 0 28) (substring d 0 28)))
-      (aset ki i (ntlm-string-permute cd ntlm-smb-perm2 48))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    (setq pd1 (ntlm-string-permute in ntlm-smb-perm3 64))
-    (setq l (substring pd1 0 32))
-    (setq r (substring pd1 32 64))
-    (setq i 0)
-    (let (er                           ;string of length 48
-         erk                           ;string of length 48
-         (b (make-vector 8 0))         ;vector of strings of length 6
-         cb                            ;string of length 32
-         pcb                           ;string of length 32
-         r2                            ;string of length 32
-         jj m n bj sbox-jmn)
-      (while (< i 16)
-       (setq er (ntlm-string-permute r ntlm-smb-perm4 48))
-       (setq erk (ntlm-string-xor er
-                      (aref ki (if forw i (- 15 i)))
-                      48))
-       (setq j 0)
-       (while (< j 8)
-         (setq jj (* 6 j))
-         (aset b j (substring erk jj (+ jj 6)))
-         (setq j (1+ j)))
-       (setq j 0)
-       (while (< j 8)
-         (setq bj (aref b j))
-         (setq m (logior (lsh (aref bj 0) 1) (aref bj 5)))
-         (setq n (logior (lsh (aref bj 1) 3)
-                         (lsh (aref bj 2) 2)
-                         (lsh (aref bj 3) 1)
-                         (aref bj 4)))
-         (setq k 0)
-         (setq sbox-jmn (aref (aref (aref ntlm-smb-sbox j) m) n))
-         (while (< k 4)
-           (aset bj k
-                 (if (zerop (logand sbox-jmn (lsh 1 (- 3 k))))
-                     0 1))
-           (setq k (1+ k)))
-         (setq j (1+ j)))
-       (setq j 0)
-       (setq cb nil)
-       (while (< j 8)
-         (setq cb (concat cb (substring (aref b j) 0 4)))
-         (setq j (1+ j)))
-       (setq pcb (ntlm-string-permute cb ntlm-smb-perm5 32))
-       (setq r2 (ntlm-string-xor l pcb 32))
-       (setq l r)
-       (setq r r2)
-       (setq i (1+ i))))
-    (setq rl (concat r l))
-    (ntlm-string-permute rl ntlm-smb-perm6 64)))
-(defun ntlm-md4hash (passwd)
-  "Return the 16 bytes MD4 hash of a string PASSWD after converting it
-into a Unicode string.  PASSWD is truncated to 128 bytes if longer."
-  (let (len wpwd)
-    ;; Password cannot be longer than 128 characters
-    (setq len (length passwd))
-    (if (> len 128)
-       (setq len 128))
-    ;; Password must be converted to NT unicode
-    (setq wpwd (ntlm-ascii2unicode passwd len))
-    ;; Calculate length in bytes
-    (setq len (* len 2))
-    (md4 wpwd len)))
-(provide 'ntlm)
-;;; arch-tag: 348ace18-f8e2-4176-8fe9-d9ab4e96f296
-;;; ntlm.el ends here

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