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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/w32proc.c [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/w32proc.c [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:27:11 -0400

Index: emacs/src/w32proc.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/w32proc.c:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:03:42 2004
--- emacs/src/w32proc.c Sat Sep  4 12:01:19 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2243 ----
+ /* Process support for GNU Emacs on the Microsoft W32 API.
+    Copyright (C) 1992, 95, 99, 2000, 01, 04  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+    Drew Bliss                   Oct 14, 1993
+      Adapted from alarm.c by Tim Fleehart
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <io.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <sys/file.h>
+ /* must include CRT headers *before* config.h */
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #undef signal
+ #undef wait
+ #undef spawnve
+ #undef select
+ #undef kill
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ /* This definition is missing from mingw32 headers. */
+ extern BOOL WINAPI IsValidLocale(LCID, DWORD);
+ #endif
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "w32.h"
+ #include "w32heap.h"
+ #include "systime.h"
+ #include "syswait.h"
+ #include "process.h"
+ #include "syssignal.h"
+ #include "w32term.h"
+ /* Control whether spawnve quotes arguments as necessary to ensure
+    correct parsing by child process.  Because not all uses of spawnve
+    are careful about constructing argv arrays, we make this behaviour
+    conditional (off by default). */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_quote_process_args;
+ /* Control whether create_child causes the process' window to be
+    hidden.  The default is nil. */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_start_process_show_window;
+ /* Control whether create_child causes the process to inherit Emacs'
+    console window, or be given a new one of its own.  The default is
+    nil, to allow multiple DOS programs to run on Win95.  Having separate
+    consoles also allows Emacs to cleanly terminate process groups.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_start_process_share_console;
+ /* Control whether create_child cause the process to inherit Emacs'
+    error mode setting.  The default is t, to minimize the possibility of
+    subprocesses blocking when accessing unmounted drives.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_start_process_inherit_error_mode;
+ /* Time to sleep before reading from a subprocess output pipe - this
+    avoids the inefficiency of frequently reading small amounts of data.
+    This is primarily necessary for handling DOS processes on Windows 95,
+    but is useful for W32 processes on both Windows 95 and NT as well.  */
+ int w32_pipe_read_delay;
+ /* Control conversion of upper case file names to lower case.
+    nil means no, t means yes. */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_downcase_file_names;
+ /* Control whether stat() attempts to generate fake but hopefully
+    "accurate" inode values, by hashing the absolute truenames of files.
+    This should detect aliasing between long and short names, but still
+    allows the possibility of hash collisions.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_generate_fake_inodes;
+ /* Control whether stat() attempts to determine file type and link count
+    exactly, at the expense of slower operation.  Since true hard links
+    are supported on NTFS volumes, this is only relevant on NT.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_get_true_file_attributes;
+ Lisp_Object Qhigh, Qlow;
+ void _DebPrint (const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+   char buf[1024];
+   va_list args;
+   va_start (args, fmt);
+   vsprintf (buf, fmt, args);
+   va_end (args);
+   OutputDebugString (buf);
+ }
+ #endif
+ typedef void (_CALLBACK_ *signal_handler)(int);
+ /* Signal handlers...SIG_DFL == 0 so this is initialized correctly.  */
+ static signal_handler sig_handlers[NSIG];
+ /* Fake signal implementation to record the SIGCHLD handler.  */
+ signal_handler
+ sys_signal (int sig, signal_handler handler)
+ {
+   signal_handler old;
+   if (sig != SIGCHLD)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return SIG_ERR;
+     }
+   old = sig_handlers[sig];
+   sig_handlers[sig] = handler;
+   return old;
+ }
+ /* Defined in <process.h> which conflicts with the local copy */
+ #define _P_NOWAIT 1
+ /* Child process management list.  */
+ int child_proc_count = 0;
+ child_process child_procs[ MAX_CHILDREN ];
+ child_process *dead_child = NULL;
+ DWORD WINAPI reader_thread (void *arg);
+ /* Find an unused process slot.  */
+ child_process *
+ new_child (void)
+ {
+   child_process *cp;
+   DWORD id;
+   for (cp = child_procs+(child_proc_count-1); cp >= child_procs; cp--)
+     if (!CHILD_ACTIVE (cp))
+       goto Initialise;
+   if (child_proc_count == MAX_CHILDREN)
+     return NULL;
+   cp = &child_procs[child_proc_count++];
+  Initialise:
+   memset (cp, 0, sizeof(*cp));
+   cp->fd = -1;
+   cp->pid = -1;
+   cp->procinfo.hProcess = NULL;
+   cp->status = STATUS_READ_ERROR;
+   /* use manual reset event so that select() will function properly */
+   cp->char_avail = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+   if (cp->char_avail)
+     {
+       cp->char_consumed = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+       if (cp->char_consumed)
+         {
+         cp->thrd = CreateThread (NULL, 1024, reader_thread, cp, 0, &id);
+         if (cp->thrd)
+           return cp;
+       }
+     }
+   delete_child (cp);
+   return NULL;
+ }
+ void
+ delete_child (child_process *cp)
+ {
+   int i;
+   /* Should not be deleting a child that is still needed. */
+   for (i = 0; i < MAXDESC; i++)
+     if (fd_info[i].cp == cp)
+       abort ();
+   if (!CHILD_ACTIVE (cp))
+     return;
+   /* reap thread if necessary */
+   if (cp->thrd)
+     {
+       DWORD rc;
+       if (GetExitCodeThread (cp->thrd, &rc) && rc == STILL_ACTIVE)
+         {
+         /* let the thread exit cleanly if possible */
+         cp->status = STATUS_READ_ERROR;
+         SetEvent (cp->char_consumed);
+         if (WaitForSingleObject (cp->thrd, 1000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+           {
+             DebPrint (("delete_child.WaitForSingleObject (thread) failed "
+                        "with %lu for fd %ld\n", GetLastError (), cp->fd));
+             TerminateThread (cp->thrd, 0);
+           }
+       }
+       CloseHandle (cp->thrd);
+       cp->thrd = NULL;
+     }
+   if (cp->char_avail)
+     {
+       CloseHandle (cp->char_avail);
+       cp->char_avail = NULL;
+     }
+   if (cp->char_consumed)
+     {
+       CloseHandle (cp->char_consumed);
+       cp->char_consumed = NULL;
+     }
+   /* update child_proc_count (highest numbered slot in use plus one) */
+   if (cp == child_procs + child_proc_count - 1)
+     {
+       for (i = child_proc_count-1; i >= 0; i--)
+       if (CHILD_ACTIVE (&child_procs[i]))
+         {
+           child_proc_count = i + 1;
+           break;
+         }
+     }
+   if (i < 0)
+     child_proc_count = 0;
+ }
+ /* Find a child by pid.  */
+ static child_process *
+ find_child_pid (DWORD pid)
+ {
+   child_process *cp;
+   for (cp = child_procs+(child_proc_count-1); cp >= child_procs; cp--)
+     if (CHILD_ACTIVE (cp) && pid == cp->pid)
+       return cp;
+   return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Thread proc for child process and socket reader threads. Each thread
+    is normally blocked until woken by select() to check for input by
+    reading one char.  When the read completes, char_avail is signalled
+    to wake up the select emulator and the thread blocks itself again. */
+ reader_thread (void *arg)
+ {
+   child_process *cp;
+   /* Our identity */
+   cp = (child_process *)arg;
+   /* We have to wait for the go-ahead before we can start */
+   if (cp == NULL
+       || WaitForSingleObject (cp->char_consumed, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+     return 1;
+   for (;;)
+     {
+       int rc;
+       rc = _sys_read_ahead (cp->fd);
+       /* The name char_avail is a misnomer - it really just means the
+        read-ahead has completed, whether successfully or not. */
+       if (!SetEvent (cp->char_avail))
+         {
+         DebPrint (("reader_thread.SetEvent failed with %lu for fd %ld\n",
+                    GetLastError (), cp->fd));
+         return 1;
+       }
+       if (rc == STATUS_READ_ERROR)
+       return 1;
+       /* If the read died, the child has died so let the thread die */
+       if (rc == STATUS_READ_FAILED)
+       break;
+       /* Wait until our input is acknowledged before reading again */
+       if (WaitForSingleObject (cp->char_consumed, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+         {
+         DebPrint (("reader_thread.WaitForSingleObject failed with "
+                    "%lu for fd %ld\n", GetLastError (), cp->fd));
+         break;
+         }
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* To avoid Emacs changing directory, we just record here the directory
+    the new process should start in.  This is set just before calling
+    sys_spawnve, and is not generally valid at any other time.  */
+ static char * process_dir;
+ static BOOL
+ create_child (char *exe, char *cmdline, char *env, int is_gui_app,
+             int * pPid, child_process *cp)
+ {
+   STARTUPINFO start;
+ #if 0
+ #endif
+   DWORD flags;
+   char dir[ MAXPATHLEN ];
+   if (cp == NULL) abort ();
+   memset (&start, 0, sizeof (start));
+   start.cb = sizeof (start);
+ #ifdef HAVE_NTGUI
+   if (NILP (Vw32_start_process_show_window) && !is_gui_app)
+   else
+     start.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
+   start.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
+   start.hStdInput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+   start.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+   start.hStdError = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+ #endif /* HAVE_NTGUI */
+ #if 0
+   /* Explicitly specify no security */
+   if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor (&sec_desc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
+     goto EH_Fail;
+   if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (&sec_desc, TRUE, NULL, FALSE))
+     goto EH_Fail;
+ #endif
+   sec_attrs.nLength = sizeof (sec_attrs);
+   sec_attrs.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL /* &sec_desc */;
+   sec_attrs.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
+   strcpy (dir, process_dir);
+   unixtodos_filename (dir);
+   flags = (!NILP (Vw32_start_process_share_console)
+          : CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE);
+   if (NILP (Vw32_start_process_inherit_error_mode))
+   if (!CreateProcess (exe, cmdline, &sec_attrs, NULL, TRUE,
+                     flags, env, dir, &start, &cp->procinfo))
+     goto EH_Fail;
+   cp->pid = (int) cp->procinfo.dwProcessId;
+   /* Hack for Windows 95, which assigns large (ie negative) pids */
+   if (cp->pid < 0)
+     cp->pid = -cp->pid;
+   /* pid must fit in a Lisp_Int */
+   cp->pid = cp->pid & INTMASK;
+   *pPid = cp->pid;
+   return TRUE;
+  EH_Fail:
+   DebPrint (("create_child.CreateProcess failed: %ld\n", GetLastError()););
+   return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* create_child doesn't know what emacs' file handle will be for waiting
+    on output from the child, so we need to make this additional call
+    to register the handle with the process
+    This way the select emulator knows how to match file handles with
+    entries in child_procs.  */
+ void
+ register_child (int pid, int fd)
+ {
+   child_process *cp;
+   cp = find_child_pid (pid);
+   if (cp == NULL)
+     {
+       DebPrint (("register_child unable to find pid %lu\n", pid));
+       return;
+     }
+ #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
+   DebPrint (("register_child registered fd %d with pid %lu\n", fd, pid));
+ #endif
+   cp->fd = fd;
+   /* thread is initially blocked until select is called; set status so
+      that select will release thread */
+   /* attach child_process to fd_info */
+   if (fd_info[fd].cp != NULL)
+     {
+       DebPrint (("register_child: fd_info[%d] apparently in use!\n", fd));
+       abort ();
+     }
+   fd_info[fd].cp = cp;
+ }
+ /* When a process dies its pipe will break so the reader thread will
+    signal failure to the select emulator.
+    The select emulator then calls this routine to clean up.
+    Since the thread signaled failure we can assume it is exiting.  */
+ static void
+ reap_subprocess (child_process *cp)
+ {
+   if (cp->procinfo.hProcess)
+     {
+       /* Reap the process */
+ #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
+       /* Process should have already died before we are called.  */
+       if (WaitForSingleObject (cp->procinfo.hProcess, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+       DebPrint (("reap_subprocess: child fpr fd %d has not died yet!", 
+ #endif
+       CloseHandle (cp->procinfo.hProcess);
+       cp->procinfo.hProcess = NULL;
+       CloseHandle (cp->procinfo.hThread);
+       cp->procinfo.hThread = NULL;
+     }
+   /* For asynchronous children, the child_proc resources will be freed
+      when the last pipe read descriptor is closed; for synchronous
+      children, we must explicitly free the resources now because
+      register_child has not been called. */
+   if (cp->fd == -1)
+     delete_child (cp);
+ }
+ /* Wait for any of our existing child processes to die
+    When it does, close its handle
+    Return the pid and fill in the status if non-NULL.  */
+ int
+ sys_wait (int *status)
+ {
+   DWORD active, retval;
+   int nh;
+   int pid;
+   child_process *cp, *cps[MAX_CHILDREN];
+   HANDLE wait_hnd[MAX_CHILDREN];
+   nh = 0;
+   if (dead_child != NULL)
+     {
+       /* We want to wait for a specific child */
+       wait_hnd[nh] = dead_child->procinfo.hProcess;
+       cps[nh] = dead_child;
+       if (!wait_hnd[nh]) abort ();
+       nh++;
+       active = 0;
+       goto get_result;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       for (cp = child_procs+(child_proc_count-1); cp >= child_procs; cp--)
+       /* some child_procs might be sockets; ignore them */
+       if (CHILD_ACTIVE (cp) && cp->procinfo.hProcess)
+         {
+           wait_hnd[nh] = cp->procinfo.hProcess;
+           cps[nh] = cp;
+           nh++;
+         }
+     }
+   if (nh == 0)
+     {
+       /* Nothing to wait on, so fail */
+       errno = ECHILD;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   do
+     {
+       /* Check for quit about once a second. */
+       QUIT;
+       active = WaitForMultipleObjects (nh, wait_hnd, FALSE, 1000);
+     } while (active == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+   if (active == WAIT_FAILED)
+     {
+       errno = EBADF;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   else if (active >= WAIT_OBJECT_0
+          && active < WAIT_OBJECT_0+MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS)
+     {
+       active -= WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+     }
+   else if (active >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0
+     {
+       active -= WAIT_ABANDONED_0;
+     }
+   else
+     abort ();
+ get_result:
+   if (!GetExitCodeProcess (wait_hnd[active], &retval))
+     {
+       DebPrint (("Wait.GetExitCodeProcess failed with %lu\n",
+                GetLastError ()));
+       retval = 1;
+     }
+   if (retval == STILL_ACTIVE)
+     {
+       /* Should never happen */
+       DebPrint (("Wait.WaitForMultipleObjects returned an active process\n"));
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   /* Massage the exit code from the process to match the format expected
+      by the WIFSTOPPED et al macros in syswait.h.  Only WIFSIGNALED and
+      WIFEXITED are supported; WIFSTOPPED doesn't make sense under NT.  */
+   if (retval == STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT)
+     retval = SIGINT;
+   else
+     retval <<= 8;
+   cp = cps[active];
+   pid = cp->pid;
+ #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
+   DebPrint (("Wait signaled with process pid %d\n", cp->pid));
+ #endif
+   if (status)
+     {
+       *status = retval;
+     }
+   else if (synch_process_alive)
+     {
+       synch_process_alive = 0;
+       /* Report the status of the synchronous process.  */
+       if (WIFEXITED (retval))
+       synch_process_retcode = WRETCODE (retval);
+       else if (WIFSIGNALED (retval))
+       {
+         int code = WTERMSIG (retval);
+         char *signame;
+         synchronize_system_messages_locale ();
+         signame = strsignal (code);
+         if (signame == 0)
+           signame = "unknown";
+         synch_process_death = signame;
+       }
+       reap_subprocess (cp);
+     }
+   reap_subprocess (cp);
+   return pid;
+ }
+ void
+ w32_executable_type (char * filename, int * is_dos_app, int * is_cygnus_app, 
int * is_gui_app)
+ {
+   file_data executable;
+   char * p;
+   /* Default values in case we can't tell for sure.  */
+   *is_dos_app = FALSE;
+   *is_cygnus_app = FALSE;
+   *is_gui_app = FALSE;
+   if (!open_input_file (&executable, filename))
+     return;
+   p = strrchr (filename, '.');
+   /* We can only identify DOS .com programs from the extension. */
+   if (p && stricmp (p, ".com") == 0)
+     *is_dos_app = TRUE;
+   else if (p && (stricmp (p, ".bat") == 0
+                || stricmp (p, ".cmd") == 0))
+     {
+       /* A DOS shell script - it appears that CreateProcess is happy to
+        accept this (somewhat surprisingly); presumably it looks at
+        COMSPEC to determine what executable to actually invoke.
+        Therefore, we have to do the same here as well. */
+       /* Actually, I think it uses the program association for that
+        extension, which is defined in the registry.  */
+       p = egetenv ("COMSPEC");
+       if (p)
+       w32_executable_type (p, is_dos_app, is_cygnus_app, is_gui_app);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       /* Look for DOS .exe signature - if found, we must also check that
+        it isn't really a 16- or 32-bit Windows exe, since both formats
+        start with a DOS program stub.  Note that 16-bit Windows
+        executables use the OS/2 1.x format. */
+       IMAGE_DOS_HEADER * dos_header;
+       IMAGE_NT_HEADERS * nt_header;
+       dos_header = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) executable.file_base;
+       if (dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+       goto unwind;
+       nt_header = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) ((char *) dos_header + 
+       if ((char *) nt_header > (char *) dos_header + executable.size)
+       {
+         /* Some dos headers (pkunzip) have bogus e_lfanew fields.  */
+         *is_dos_app = TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (nt_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
+              && LOWORD (nt_header->Signature) != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE)
+       {
+         *is_dos_app = TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (nt_header->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+       {
+         /* Look for cygwin.dll in DLL import list. */
+         IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY import_dir =
+         IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * imports;
+         IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * section;
+         section = rva_to_section (import_dir.VirtualAddress, nt_header);
+         imports = RVA_TO_PTR (import_dir.VirtualAddress, section, executable);
+         for ( ; imports->Name; imports++)
+           {
+             char * dllname = RVA_TO_PTR (imports->Name, section, executable);
+             /* The exact name of the cygwin dll has changed with
+                various releases, but hopefully this will be reasonably
+                future proof.  */
+             if (strncmp (dllname, "cygwin", 6) == 0)
+               {
+                 *is_cygnus_app = TRUE;
+                 break;
+               }
+           }
+         /* Check whether app is marked as a console or windowed (aka
+              GUI) app.  Accept Posix and OS2 subsytem apps as console
+              apps.  */
+         *is_gui_app = (nt_header->OptionalHeader.Subsystem == 
+       }
+     }
+ unwind:
+   close_file_data (&executable);
+ }
+ int
+ compare_env (const void *strp1, const void *strp2)
+ {
+   const char *str1 = *(const char **)strp1, *str2 = *(const char **)strp2;
+   while (*str1 && *str2 && *str1 != '=' && *str2 != '=')
+     {
+       /* Sort order in command.com/cmd.exe is based on uppercasing
+          names, so do the same here.  */
+       if (toupper (*str1) > toupper (*str2))
+       return 1;
+       else if (toupper (*str1) < toupper (*str2))
+       return -1;
+       str1++, str2++;
+     }
+   if (*str1 == '=' && *str2 == '=')
+     return 0;
+   else if (*str1 == '=')
+     return -1;
+   else
+     return 1;
+ }
+ void
+ merge_and_sort_env (char **envp1, char **envp2, char **new_envp)
+ {
+   char **optr, **nptr;
+   int num;
+   nptr = new_envp;
+   optr = envp1;
+   while (*optr)
+     *nptr++ = *optr++;
+   num = optr - envp1;
+   optr = envp2;
+   while (*optr)
+     *nptr++ = *optr++;
+   num += optr - envp2;
+   qsort (new_envp, num, sizeof (char *), compare_env);
+   *nptr = NULL;
+ }
+ /* When a new child process is created we need to register it in our list,
+    so intercept spawn requests.  */
+ int
+ sys_spawnve (int mode, char *cmdname, char **argv, char **envp)
+ {
+   Lisp_Object program, full;
+   char *cmdline, *env, *parg, **targ;
+   int arglen, numenv;
+   int pid;
+   child_process *cp;
+   int is_dos_app, is_cygnus_app, is_gui_app;
+   int do_quoting = 0;
+   char escape_char;
+   /* We pass our process ID to our children by setting up an environment
+      variable in their environment.  */
+   char ppid_env_var_buffer[64];
+   char *extra_env[] = {ppid_env_var_buffer, NULL};
+   char *sepchars = " \t";
+   /* We don't care about the other modes */
+   if (mode != _P_NOWAIT)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   /* Handle executable names without an executable suffix.  */
+   program = make_string (cmdname, strlen (cmdname));
+   if (NILP (Ffile_executable_p (program)))
+     {
+       struct gcpro gcpro1;
+       full = Qnil;
+       GCPRO1 (program);
+       openp (Vexec_path, program, Vexec_suffixes, &full, make_number (X_OK));
+       UNGCPRO;
+       if (NILP (full))
+       {
+         errno = EINVAL;
+         return -1;
+       }
+       program = full;
+     }
+   /* make sure argv[0] and cmdname are both in DOS format */
+   cmdname = SDATA (program);
+   unixtodos_filename (cmdname);
+   argv[0] = cmdname;
+   /* Determine whether program is a 16-bit DOS executable, or a w32
+      executable that is implicitly linked to the Cygnus dll (implying it
+      was compiled with the Cygnus GNU toolchain and hence relies on
+      cygwin.dll to parse the command line - we use this to decide how to
+      escape quote chars in command line args that must be quoted).
+      Also determine whether it is a GUI app, so that we don't hide its
+      initial window unless specifically requested.  */
+   w32_executable_type (cmdname, &is_dos_app, &is_cygnus_app, &is_gui_app);
+   /* On Windows 95, if cmdname is a DOS app, we invoke a helper
+      application to start it by specifying the helper app as cmdname,
+      while leaving the real app name as argv[0].  */
+   if (is_dos_app)
+     {
+       cmdname = alloca (MAXPATHLEN);
+       if (egetenv ("CMDPROXY"))
+       strcpy (cmdname, egetenv ("CMDPROXY"));
+       else
+       {
+         strcpy (cmdname, SDATA (Vinvocation_directory));
+         strcat (cmdname, "cmdproxy.exe");
+       }
+       unixtodos_filename (cmdname);
+     }
+   /* we have to do some conjuring here to put argv and envp into the
+      form CreateProcess wants...  argv needs to be a space separated/null
+      terminated list of parameters, and envp is a null
+      separated/double-null terminated list of parameters.
+      Additionally, zero-length args and args containing whitespace or
+      quote chars need to be wrapped in double quotes - for this to work,
+      embedded quotes need to be escaped as well.  The aim is to ensure
+      the child process reconstructs the argv array we start with
+      exactly, so we treat quotes at the beginning and end of arguments
+      as embedded quotes.
+      The w32 GNU-based library from Cygnus doubles quotes to escape
+      them, while MSVC uses backslash for escaping.  (Actually the MSVC
+      startup code does attempt to recognise doubled quotes and accept
+      them, but gets it wrong and ends up requiring three quotes to get a
+      single embedded quote!)  So by default we decide whether to use
+      quote or backslash as the escape character based on whether the
+      binary is apparently a Cygnus compiled app.
+      Note that using backslash to escape embedded quotes requires
+      additional special handling if an embedded quote is already
+      preceeded by backslash, or if an arg requiring quoting ends with
+      backslash.  In such cases, the run of escape characters needs to be
+      doubled.  For consistency, we apply this special handling as long
+      as the escape character is not quote.
+      Since we have no idea how large argv and envp are likely to be we
+      figure out list lengths on the fly and allocate them.  */
+   if (!NILP (Vw32_quote_process_args))
+     {
+       do_quoting = 1;
+       /* Override escape char by binding w32-quote-process-args to
+        desired character, or use t for auto-selection.  */
+       if (INTEGERP (Vw32_quote_process_args))
+       escape_char = XINT (Vw32_quote_process_args);
+       else
+       escape_char = is_cygnus_app ? '"' : '\\';
+     }
+   /* Cygwin apps needs quoting a bit more often */
+   if (escape_char == '"')
+     sepchars = "\r\n\t\f '";
+   /* do argv...  */
+   arglen = 0;
+   targ = argv;
+   while (*targ)
+     {
+       char * p = *targ;
+       int need_quotes = 0;
+       int escape_char_run = 0;
+       if (*p == 0)
+       need_quotes = 1;
+       for ( ; *p; p++)
+       {
+         if (escape_char == '"' && *p == '\\')
+           /* If it's a Cygwin app, \ needs to be escaped.  */
+           arglen++;
+         else if (*p == '"')
+           {
+             /* allow for embedded quotes to be escaped */
+             arglen++;
+             need_quotes = 1;
+             /* handle the case where the embedded quote is already escaped */
+             if (escape_char_run > 0)
+               {
+                 /* To preserve the arg exactly, we need to double the
+                    preceding escape characters (plus adding one to
+                    escape the quote character itself).  */
+                 arglen += escape_char_run;
+               }
+           }
+         else if (strchr (sepchars, *p) != NULL)
+           {
+             need_quotes = 1;
+           }
+         if (*p == escape_char && escape_char != '"')
+           escape_char_run++;
+         else
+           escape_char_run = 0;
+       }
+       if (need_quotes)
+       {
+         arglen += 2;
+         /* handle the case where the arg ends with an escape char - we
+            must not let the enclosing quote be escaped.  */
+         if (escape_char_run > 0)
+           arglen += escape_char_run;
+       }
+       arglen += strlen (*targ++) + 1;
+     }
+   cmdline = alloca (arglen);
+   targ = argv;
+   parg = cmdline;
+   while (*targ)
+     {
+       char * p = *targ;
+       int need_quotes = 0;
+       if (*p == 0)
+       need_quotes = 1;
+       if (do_quoting)
+       {
+         for ( ; *p; p++)
+           if ((strchr (sepchars, *p) != NULL) || *p == '"')
+             need_quotes = 1;
+       }
+       if (need_quotes)
+       {
+         int escape_char_run = 0;
+         char * first;
+         char * last;
+         p = *targ;
+         first = p;
+         last = p + strlen (p) - 1;
+         *parg++ = '"';
+ #if 0
+         /* This version does not escape quotes if they occur at the
+            beginning or end of the arg - this could lead to incorrect
+            behaviour when the arg itself represents a command line
+            containing quoted args.  I believe this was originally done
+            as a hack to make some things work, before
+            `w32-quote-process-args' was added.  */
+         while (*p)
+           {
+             if (*p == '"' && p > first && p < last)
+               *parg++ = escape_char;  /* escape embedded quotes */
+             *parg++ = *p++;
+           }
+ #else
+         for ( ; *p; p++)
+           {
+             if (*p == '"')
+               {
+                 /* double preceding escape chars if any */
+                 while (escape_char_run > 0)
+                   {
+                     *parg++ = escape_char;
+                     escape_char_run--;
+                   }
+                 /* escape all quote chars, even at beginning or end */
+                 *parg++ = escape_char;
+               }
+             else if (escape_char == '"' && *p == '\\')
+               *parg++ = '\\';
+             *parg++ = *p;
+             if (*p == escape_char && escape_char != '"')
+               escape_char_run++;
+             else
+               escape_char_run = 0;
+           }
+         /* double escape chars before enclosing quote */
+         while (escape_char_run > 0)
+           {
+             *parg++ = escape_char;
+             escape_char_run--;
+           }
+ #endif
+         *parg++ = '"';
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         strcpy (parg, *targ);
+         parg += strlen (*targ);
+       }
+       *parg++ = ' ';
+       targ++;
+     }
+   *--parg = '\0';
+   /* and envp...  */
+   arglen = 1;
+   targ = envp;
+   numenv = 1; /* for end null */
+   while (*targ)
+     {
+       arglen += strlen (*targ++) + 1;
+       numenv++;
+     }
+   /* extra env vars... */
+   sprintf (ppid_env_var_buffer, "EM_PARENT_PROCESS_ID=%d",
+          GetCurrentProcessId ());
+   arglen += strlen (ppid_env_var_buffer) + 1;
+   numenv++;
+   /* merge env passed in and extra env into one, and sort it.  */
+   targ = (char **) alloca (numenv * sizeof (char *));
+   merge_and_sort_env (envp, extra_env, targ);
+   /* concatenate env entries.  */
+   env = alloca (arglen);
+   parg = env;
+   while (*targ)
+     {
+       strcpy (parg, *targ);
+       parg += strlen (*targ++);
+       *parg++ = '\0';
+     }
+   *parg++ = '\0';
+   *parg = '\0';
+   cp = new_child ();
+   if (cp == NULL)
+     {
+       errno = EAGAIN;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   /* Now create the process.  */
+   if (!create_child (cmdname, cmdline, env, is_gui_app, &pid, cp))
+     {
+       delete_child (cp);
+       errno = ENOEXEC;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   return pid;
+ }
+ /* Emulate the select call
+    Wait for available input on any of the given rfds, or timeout if
+    a timeout is given and no input is detected
+    wfds and efds are not supported and must be NULL.
+    For simplicity, we detect the death of child processes here and
+    synchronously call the SIGCHLD handler.  Since it is possible for
+    children to be created without a corresponding pipe handle from which
+    to read output, we wait separately on the process handles as well as
+    the char_avail events for each process pipe.  We only call
+    wait/reap_process when the process actually terminates.
+    To reduce the number of places in which Emacs can be hung such that
+    C-g is not able to interrupt it, we always wait on interrupt_handle
+    (which is signalled by the input thread when C-g is detected).  If we
+    detect that we were woken up by C-g, we return -1 with errno set to
+    EINTR as on Unix.  */
+ /* From ntterm.c */
+ extern HANDLE keyboard_handle;
+ /* From w32xfns.c */
+ extern HANDLE interrupt_handle;
+ /* From process.c */
+ extern int proc_buffered_char[];
+ int
+ sys_select (int nfds, SELECT_TYPE *rfds, SELECT_TYPE *wfds, SELECT_TYPE *efds,
+           EMACS_TIME *timeout)
+ {
+   SELECT_TYPE orfds;
+   DWORD timeout_ms, start_time;
+   int i, nh, nc, nr;
+   DWORD active;
+   child_process *cp, *cps[MAX_CHILDREN];
+   int fdindex[MAXDESC];   /* mapping from wait handles back to descriptors */
+   timeout_ms = timeout ? (timeout->tv_sec * 1000 + timeout->tv_usec / 1000) : 
+   /* If the descriptor sets are NULL but timeout isn't, then just Sleep.  */
+   if (rfds == NULL && wfds == NULL && efds == NULL && timeout != NULL)
+     {
+       Sleep (timeout_ms);
+       return 0;
+     }
+   /* Otherwise, we only handle rfds, so fail otherwise.  */
+   if (rfds == NULL || wfds != NULL || efds != NULL)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   orfds = *rfds;
+   FD_ZERO (rfds);
+   nr = 0;
+   /* Always wait on interrupt_handle, to detect C-g (quit).  */
+   wait_hnd[0] = interrupt_handle;
+   fdindex[0] = -1;
+   /* Build a list of pipe handles to wait on.  */
+   nh = 1;
+   for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
+     if (FD_ISSET (i, &orfds))
+       {
+       if (i == 0)
+         {
+           if (keyboard_handle)
+             {
+               /* Handle stdin specially */
+               wait_hnd[nh] = keyboard_handle;
+               fdindex[nh] = i;
+               nh++;
+             }
+           /* Check for any emacs-generated input in the queue since
+              it won't be detected in the wait */
+           if (detect_input_pending ())
+             {
+               FD_SET (i, rfds);
+               return 1;
+             }
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           /* Child process and socket input */
+           cp = fd_info[i].cp;
+           if (cp)
+             {
+               int current_status = cp->status;
+               if (current_status == STATUS_READ_ACKNOWLEDGED)
+                 {
+                   /* Tell reader thread which file handle to use. */
+                   cp->fd = i;
+                   /* Wake up the reader thread for this process */
+                   cp->status = STATUS_READ_READY;
+                   if (!SetEvent (cp->char_consumed))
+                     DebPrint (("nt_select.SetEvent failed with "
+                                "%lu for fd %ld\n", GetLastError (), i));
+                 }
+               /* slightly crude cross-checking of interlock between threads */
+               current_status = cp->status;
+               if (WaitForSingleObject (cp->char_avail, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+                 {
+                   /* char_avail has been signalled, so status (which may
+                      have changed) should indicate read has completed
+                      but has not been acknowledged. */
+                   current_status = cp->status;
+                   if (current_status != STATUS_READ_SUCCEEDED
+                       && current_status != STATUS_READ_FAILED)
+                     DebPrint (("char_avail set, but read not completed: 
status %d\n",
+                                current_status));
+                 }
+               else
+                 {
+                   /* char_avail has not been signalled, so status should
+                      indicate that read is in progress; small possibility
+                      that read has completed but event wasn't yet signalled
+                      when we tested it (because a context switch occurred
+                      or if running on separate CPUs). */
+                   if (current_status != STATUS_READ_READY
+                       && current_status != STATUS_READ_IN_PROGRESS
+                       && current_status != STATUS_READ_SUCCEEDED
+                       && current_status != STATUS_READ_FAILED)
+                     DebPrint (("char_avail reset, but read status is bad: 
+                                current_status));
+                 }
+ #endif
+               wait_hnd[nh] = cp->char_avail;
+               fdindex[nh] = i;
+               if (!wait_hnd[nh]) abort ();
+               nh++;
+ #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
+               DebPrint (("select waiting on child %d fd %d\n",
+                          cp-child_procs, i));
+ #endif
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               /* Unable to find something to wait on for this fd, skip */
+               /* Note that this is not a fatal error, and can in fact
+                  happen in unusual circumstances.  Specifically, if
+                  sys_spawnve fails, eg. because the program doesn't
+                  exist, and debug-on-error is t so Fsignal invokes a
+                  nested input loop, then the process output pipe is
+                  still included in input_wait_mask with no child_proc
+                  associated with it.  (It is removed when the debugger
+                  exits the nested input loop and the error is thrown.)  */
+               DebPrint (("sys_select: fd %ld is invalid! ignoring\n", i));
+             }
+         }
+       }
+ count_children:
+   /* Add handles of child processes.  */
+   nc = 0;
+   for (cp = child_procs+(child_proc_count-1); cp >= child_procs; cp--)
+     /* Some child_procs might be sockets; ignore them.  Also some
+        children may have died already, but we haven't finished reading
+        the process output; ignore them too.  */
+     if (CHILD_ACTIVE (cp) && cp->procinfo.hProcess
+       && (cp->fd < 0
+           || (fd_info[cp->fd].flags & FILE_SEND_SIGCHLD) == 0
+           || (fd_info[cp->fd].flags & FILE_AT_EOF) != 0)
+       )
+       {
+       wait_hnd[nh + nc] = cp->procinfo.hProcess;
+       cps[nc] = cp;
+       nc++;
+       }
+   /* Nothing to look for, so we didn't find anything */
+   if (nh + nc == 0)
+     {
+       if (timeout)
+       Sleep (timeout_ms);
+       return 0;
+     }
+   start_time = GetTickCount ();
+   /* Wait for input or child death to be signalled.  If user input is
+      allowed, then also accept window messages.  */
+   if (FD_ISSET (0, &orfds))
+     active = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (nh + nc, wait_hnd, FALSE, timeout_ms,
+                                       QS_ALLINPUT);
+   else
+     active = WaitForMultipleObjects (nh + nc, wait_hnd, FALSE, timeout_ms);
+   if (active == WAIT_FAILED)
+     {
+       DebPrint (("select.WaitForMultipleObjects (%d, %lu) failed with %lu\n",
+                nh + nc, timeout_ms, GetLastError ()));
+       /* don't return EBADF - this causes wait_reading_process_output to
+        abort; WAIT_FAILED is returned when single-stepping under
+        Windows 95 after switching thread focus in debugger, and
+        possibly at other times. */
+       errno = EINTR;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   else if (active == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+   else if (active >= WAIT_OBJECT_0
+          && active < WAIT_OBJECT_0+MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS)
+     {
+       active -= WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+     }
+   else if (active >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0
+     {
+       active -= WAIT_ABANDONED_0;
+     }
+   else
+     abort ();
+   /* Loop over all handles after active (now officially documented as
+      being the first signalled handle in the array).  We do this to
+      ensure fairness, so that all channels with data available will be
+      processed - otherwise higher numbered channels could be starved. */
+   do
+     {
+       if (active == nh + nc)
+       {
+         /* There are messages in the lisp thread's queue; we must
+              drain the queue now to ensure they are processed promptly,
+              because if we don't do so, we will not be woken again until
+              further messages arrive.
+            NB. If ever we allow window message procedures to callback
+            into lisp, we will need to ensure messages are dispatched
+            at a safe time for lisp code to be run (*), and we may also
+            want to provide some hooks in the dispatch loop to cater
+            for modeless dialogs created by lisp (ie. to register
+            window handles to pass to IsDialogMessage).
+            (*) Note that MsgWaitForMultipleObjects above is an
+            internal dispatch point for messages that are sent to
+            windows created by this thread.  */
+         drain_message_queue ();
+       }
+       else if (active >= nh)
+       {
+         cp = cps[active - nh];
+         /* We cannot always signal SIGCHLD immediately; if we have not
+            finished reading the process output, we must delay sending
+            SIGCHLD until we do.  */
+         if (cp->fd >= 0 && (fd_info[cp->fd].flags & FILE_AT_EOF) == 0)
+           fd_info[cp->fd].flags |= FILE_SEND_SIGCHLD;
+         /* SIG_DFL for SIGCHLD is ignore */
+         else if (sig_handlers[SIGCHLD] != SIG_DFL &&
+                  sig_handlers[SIGCHLD] != SIG_IGN)
+           {
+ #ifdef FULL_DEBUG
+             DebPrint (("select calling SIGCHLD handler for pid %d\n",
+                        cp->pid));
+ #endif
+             dead_child = cp;
+             sig_handlers[SIGCHLD] (SIGCHLD);
+             dead_child = NULL;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (fdindex[active] == -1)
+       {
+         /* Quit (C-g) was detected.  */
+         errno = EINTR;
+         return -1;
+       }
+       else if (fdindex[active] == 0)
+       {
+         /* Keyboard input available */
+         FD_SET (0, rfds);
+         nr++;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         /* must be a socket or pipe - read ahead should have
+              completed, either succeeding or failing.  */
+         FD_SET (fdindex[active], rfds);
+         nr++;
+       }
+       /* Even though wait_reading_process_output only reads from at most
+        one channel, we must process all channels here so that we reap
+        all children that have died.  */
+       while (++active < nh + nc)
+       if (WaitForSingleObject (wait_hnd[active], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+         break;
+     } while (active < nh + nc);
+   /* If no input has arrived and timeout hasn't expired, wait again.  */
+   if (nr == 0)
+     {
+       DWORD elapsed = GetTickCount () - start_time;
+       if (timeout_ms > elapsed)       /* INFINITE is MAX_UINT */
+       {
+         if (timeout_ms != INFINITE)
+           timeout_ms -= elapsed;
+         goto count_children;
+       }
+     }
+   return nr;
+ }
+ /* Substitute for certain kill () operations */
+ find_child_console (HWND hwnd, LPARAM arg)
+ {
+   child_process * cp = (child_process *) arg;
+   DWORD thread_id;
+   DWORD process_id;
+   thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, &process_id);
+   if (process_id == cp->procinfo.dwProcessId)
+     {
+       char window_class[32];
+       GetClassName (hwnd, window_class, sizeof (window_class));
+       if (strcmp (window_class,
+                 (os_subtype == OS_WIN95)
+                 ? "tty"
+                 : "ConsoleWindowClass") == 0)
+       {
+         cp->hwnd = hwnd;
+         return FALSE;
+       }
+     }
+   /* keep looking */
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+ int
+ sys_kill (int pid, int sig)
+ {
+   child_process *cp;
+   HANDLE proc_hand;
+   int need_to_free = 0;
+   int rc = 0;
+   /* Only handle signals that will result in the process dying */
+   if (sig != SIGINT && sig != SIGKILL && sig != SIGQUIT && sig != SIGHUP)
+     {
+       errno = EINVAL;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   cp = find_child_pid (pid);
+   if (cp == NULL)
+     {
+       proc_hand = OpenProcess (PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, pid);
+       if (proc_hand == NULL)
+         {
+         errno = EPERM;
+         return -1;
+       }
+       need_to_free = 1;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       proc_hand = cp->procinfo.hProcess;
+       pid = cp->procinfo.dwProcessId;
+       /* Try to locate console window for process. */
+       EnumWindows (find_child_console, (LPARAM) cp);
+     }
+   if (sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGQUIT)
+     {
+       if (NILP (Vw32_start_process_share_console) && cp && cp->hwnd)
+       {
+         BYTE control_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (VK_CONTROL, 0);
+         /* Fake Ctrl-C for SIGINT, and Ctrl-Break for SIGQUIT.  */
+         BYTE vk_break_code = (sig == SIGINT) ? 'C' : VK_CANCEL;
+         BYTE break_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (vk_break_code, 0);
+         HWND foreground_window;
+         if (break_scan_code == 0)
+           {
+             /* Fake Ctrl-C for SIGQUIT if we can't manage Ctrl-Break. */
+             vk_break_code = 'C';
+             break_scan_code = (BYTE) MapVirtualKey (vk_break_code, 0);
+           }
+         foreground_window = GetForegroundWindow ();
+         if (foreground_window)
+           {
+               /* NT 5.0, and apparently also Windows 98, will not allow
+                a Window to be set to foreground directly without the
+                user's involvement. The workaround is to attach
+                ourselves to the thread that owns the foreground
+                window, since that is the only thread that can set the
+                foreground window.  */
+               DWORD foreground_thread, child_thread;
+               foreground_thread =
+               GetWindowThreadProcessId (foreground_window, NULL);
+             if (foreground_thread == GetCurrentThreadId ()
+                   || !AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (),
+                                          foreground_thread, TRUE))
+                 foreground_thread = 0;
+               child_thread = GetWindowThreadProcessId (cp->hwnd, NULL);
+             if (child_thread == GetCurrentThreadId ()
+                   || !AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (),
+                                          child_thread, TRUE))
+                 child_thread = 0;
+               /* Set the foreground window to the child.  */
+               if (SetForegroundWindow (cp->hwnd))
+                 {
+                   /* Generate keystrokes as if user had typed Ctrl-Break or
+                      Ctrl-C.  */
+                   keybd_event (VK_CONTROL, control_scan_code, 0, 0);
+                   keybd_event (vk_break_code, break_scan_code,
+                   (vk_break_code == 'C' ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY), 0);
+                   keybd_event (vk_break_code, break_scan_code,
+                     (vk_break_code == 'C' ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY)
+                     | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
+                   keybd_event (VK_CONTROL, control_scan_code,
+                                KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
+                   /* Sleep for a bit to give time for Emacs frame to respond
+                      to focus change events (if Emacs was active app).  */
+                   Sleep (100);
+                   SetForegroundWindow (foreground_window);
+                 }
+               /* Detach from the foreground and child threads now that
+                  the foreground switching is over.  */
+               if (foreground_thread)
+                 AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (),
+                                    foreground_thread, FALSE);
+               if (child_thread)
+                 AttachThreadInput (GetCurrentThreadId (),
+                                    child_thread, FALSE);
+             }
+         }
+       /* Ctrl-Break is NT equivalent of SIGINT.  */
+       else if (!GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, pid))
+         {
+         DebPrint (("sys_kill.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent return %d "
+                    "for pid %lu\n", GetLastError (), pid));
+         errno = EINVAL;
+         rc = -1;
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       if (NILP (Vw32_start_process_share_console) && cp && cp->hwnd)
+       {
+ #if 1
+         if (os_subtype == OS_WIN95)
+           {
+ /*
+    Another possibility is to try terminating the VDM out-right by
+    calling the Shell VxD (id 0x17) V86 interface, function #4
+    "SHELL_Destroy_VM", ie.
+      mov edx,4
+      mov ebx,vm_handle
+      call shellapi
+    First need to determine the current VM handle, and then arrange for
+    the shellapi call to be made from the system vm (by using
+    Switch_VM_and_callback).
+    Could try to invoke DestroyVM through CallVxD.
+ */
+ #if 0
+             /* On Win95, posting WM_QUIT causes the 16-bit subsystem
+                to hang when cmdproxy is used in conjunction with
+                command.com for an interactive shell.  Posting
+                WM_CLOSE pops up a dialog that, when Yes is selected,
+                does the same thing.  TerminateProcess is also less
+                than ideal in that subprocesses tend to stick around
+                until the machine is shutdown, but at least it
+                doesn't freeze the 16-bit subsystem.  */
+             PostMessage (cp->hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0xff, 0);
+ #endif
+             if (!TerminateProcess (proc_hand, 0xff))
+               {
+                 DebPrint (("sys_kill.TerminateProcess returned %d "
+                            "for pid %lu\n", GetLastError (), pid));
+                 errno = EINVAL;
+                 rc = -1;
+               }
+           }
+         else
+ #endif
+           PostMessage (cp->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+       }
+       /* Kill the process.  On W32 this doesn't kill child processes
+        so it doesn't work very well for shells which is why it's not
+        used in every case.  */
+       else if (!TerminateProcess (proc_hand, 0xff))
+         {
+         DebPrint (("sys_kill.TerminateProcess returned %d "
+                    "for pid %lu\n", GetLastError (), pid));
+         errno = EINVAL;
+         rc = -1;
+         }
+     }
+   if (need_to_free)
+     CloseHandle (proc_hand);
+   return rc;
+ }
+ /* extern int report_file_error (char *, Lisp_Object); */
+ /* The following two routines are used to manipulate stdin, stdout, and
+    stderr of our child processes.
+    Assuming that in, out, and err are *not* inheritable, we make them
+    stdin, stdout, and stderr of the child as follows:
+    - Save the parent's current standard handles.
+    - Set the std handles to inheritable duplicates of the ones being passed 
+      (Note that _get_osfhandle() is an io.h procedure that retrieves the
+      NT file handle for a crt file descriptor.)
+    - Spawn the child, which inherits in, out, and err as stdin,
+      stdout, and stderr. (see Spawnve)
+    - Close the std handles passed to the child.
+    - Reset the parent's standard handles to the saved handles.
+      (see reset_standard_handles)
+    We assume that the caller closes in, out, and err after calling us.  */
+ void
+ prepare_standard_handles (int in, int out, int err, HANDLE handles[3])
+ {
+   HANDLE parent;
+   HANDLE newstdin, newstdout, newstderr;
+   parent = GetCurrentProcess ();
+   handles[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+   handles[1] = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+   handles[2] = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+   /* make inheritable copies of the new handles */
+   if (!DuplicateHandle (parent,
+                      (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (in),
+                      parent,
+                      &newstdin,
+                      0,
+                      TRUE,
+                      DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
+     report_file_error ("Duplicating input handle for child", Qnil);
+   if (!DuplicateHandle (parent,
+                      (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (out),
+                      parent,
+                      &newstdout,
+                      0,
+                      TRUE,
+                      DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
+     report_file_error ("Duplicating output handle for child", Qnil);
+   if (!DuplicateHandle (parent,
+                      (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (err),
+                      parent,
+                      &newstderr,
+                      0,
+                      TRUE,
+                      DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
+     report_file_error ("Duplicating error handle for child", Qnil);
+   /* and store them as our std handles */
+   if (!SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, newstdin))
+     report_file_error ("Changing stdin handle", Qnil);
+   if (!SetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, newstdout))
+     report_file_error ("Changing stdout handle", Qnil);
+   if (!SetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE, newstderr))
+     report_file_error ("Changing stderr handle", Qnil);
+ }
+ void
+ reset_standard_handles (int in, int out, int err, HANDLE handles[3])
+ {
+   /* close the duplicated handles passed to the child */
+   CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE));
+   CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
+   CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE));
+   /* now restore parent's saved std handles */
+   SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, handles[0]);
+   SetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, handles[1]);
+   SetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE, handles[2]);
+ }
+ void
+ set_process_dir (char * dir)
+ {
+   process_dir = dir;
+ }
+ /* To avoid problems with winsock implementations that work over dial-up
+    connections causing or requiring a connection to exist while Emacs is
+    running, Emacs no longer automatically loads winsock on startup if it
+    is present.  Instead, it will be loaded when open-network-stream is
+    first called.
+    To allow full control over when winsock is loaded, we provide these
+    two functions to dynamically load and unload winsock.  This allows
+    dial-up users to only be connected when they actually need to use
+    socket services.  */
+ /* From nt.c */
+ extern HANDLE winsock_lib;
+ extern BOOL term_winsock (void);
+ extern BOOL init_winsock (int load_now);
+ extern Lisp_Object Vsystem_name;
+ DEFUN ("w32-has-winsock", Fw32_has_winsock, Sw32_has_winsock, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Test for presence of the Windows socket library `winsock'.
+ Returns non-nil if winsock support is present, nil otherwise.
+ If the optional argument LOAD-NOW is non-nil, the winsock library is
+ also loaded immediately if not already loaded.  If winsock is loaded,
+ the winsock local hostname is returned (since this may be different from
+ the value of `system-name' and should supplant it), otherwise t is
+ returned to indicate winsock support is present.  */)
+   (load_now)
+      Lisp_Object load_now;
+ {
+   int have_winsock;
+   have_winsock = init_winsock (!NILP (load_now));
+   if (have_winsock)
+     {
+       if (winsock_lib != NULL)
+       {
+         /* Return new value for system-name.  The best way to do this
+            is to call init_system_name, saving and restoring the
+            original value to avoid side-effects.  */
+         Lisp_Object orig_hostname = Vsystem_name;
+         Lisp_Object hostname;
+         init_system_name ();
+         hostname = Vsystem_name;
+         Vsystem_name = orig_hostname;
+         return hostname;
+       }
+       return Qt;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-unload-winsock", Fw32_unload_winsock, Sw32_unload_winsock,
+        0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Unload the Windows socket library `winsock' if loaded.
+ This is provided to allow dial-up socket connections to be disconnected
+ when no longer needed.  Returns nil without unloading winsock if any
+ socket connections still exist.  */)
+   ()
+ {
+   return term_winsock () ? Qt : Qnil;
+ }
+ #endif /* HAVE_SOCKETS */
+ /* Some miscellaneous functions that are Windows specific, but not GUI
+    specific (ie. are applicable in terminal or batch mode as well).  */
+ /* lifted from fileio.c  */
+ #define CORRECT_DIR_SEPS(s) \
+   do { if ('/' == DIRECTORY_SEP) dostounix_filename (s); \
+        else unixtodos_filename (s); \
+   } while (0)
+ DEFUN ("w32-short-file-name", Fw32_short_file_name, Sw32_short_file_name, 1, 
1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the short file name version (8.3) of the full path of 
+ If FILENAME does not exist, return nil.
+ All path elements in FILENAME are converted to their short names.  */)
+      (filename)
+      Lisp_Object filename;
+ {
+   char shortname[MAX_PATH];
+   CHECK_STRING (filename);
+   /* first expand it.  */
+   filename = Fexpand_file_name (filename, Qnil);
+   /* luckily, this returns the short version of each element in the path.  */
+   if (GetShortPathName (SDATA (filename), shortname, MAX_PATH) == 0)
+     return Qnil;
+   CORRECT_DIR_SEPS (shortname);
+   return build_string (shortname);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-long-file-name", Fw32_long_file_name, Sw32_long_file_name,
+        1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the long file name version of the full path of FILENAME.
+ If FILENAME does not exist, return nil.
+ All path elements in FILENAME are converted to their long names.  */)
+   (filename)
+      Lisp_Object filename;
+ {
+   char longname[ MAX_PATH ];
+   CHECK_STRING (filename);
+   /* first expand it.  */
+   filename = Fexpand_file_name (filename, Qnil);
+   if (!w32_get_long_filename (SDATA (filename), longname, MAX_PATH))
+     return Qnil;
+   CORRECT_DIR_SEPS (longname);
+   return build_string (longname);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-set-process-priority", Fw32_set_process_priority,
+        Sw32_set_process_priority, 2, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Set the priority of PROCESS to PRIORITY.
+ If PROCESS is nil, the priority of Emacs is changed, otherwise the
+ priority of the process whose pid is PROCESS is changed.
+ PRIORITY should be one of the symbols high, normal, or low;
+ any other symbol will be interpreted as normal.
+ If successful, the return value is t, otherwise nil.  */)
+   (process, priority)
+      Lisp_Object process, priority;
+ {
+   HANDLE proc_handle = GetCurrentProcess ();
+   DWORD  priority_class = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
+   Lisp_Object result = Qnil;
+   CHECK_SYMBOL (priority);
+   if (!NILP (process))
+     {
+       DWORD pid;
+       child_process *cp;
+       CHECK_NUMBER (process);
+       /* Allow pid to be an internally generated one, or one obtained
+        externally.  This is necessary because real pids on Win95 are
+        negative.  */
+       pid = XINT (process);
+       cp = find_child_pid (pid);
+       if (cp != NULL)
+       pid = cp->procinfo.dwProcessId;
+       proc_handle = OpenProcess (PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid);
+     }
+   if (EQ (priority, Qhigh))
+     priority_class = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS;
+   else if (EQ (priority, Qlow))
+     priority_class = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS;
+   if (proc_handle != NULL)
+     {
+       if (SetPriorityClass (proc_handle, priority_class))
+       result = Qt;
+       if (!NILP (process))
+       CloseHandle (proc_handle);
+     }
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-locale-info", Fw32_get_locale_info,
+        Sw32_get_locale_info, 1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Return information about the Windows locale LCID.
+ By default, return a three letter locale code which encodes the default
+ language as the first two characters, and the country or regionial variant
+ as the third letter.  For example, ENU refers to `English (United States)',
+ while ENC means `English (Canadian)'.
+ If the optional argument LONGFORM is t, the long form of the locale
+ name is returned, e.g. `English (United States)' instead; if LONGFORM
+ is a number, it is interpreted as an LCTYPE constant and the corresponding
+ locale information is returned.
+ If LCID (a 16-bit number) is not a valid locale, the result is nil.  */)
+      (lcid, longform)
+      Lisp_Object lcid, longform;
+ {
+   int got_abbrev;
+   int got_full;
+   char abbrev_name[32] = { 0 };
+   char full_name[256] = { 0 };
+   CHECK_NUMBER (lcid);
+   if (!IsValidLocale (XINT (lcid), LCID_SUPPORTED))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (NILP (longform))
+     {
+       got_abbrev = GetLocaleInfo (XINT (lcid),
+                                 LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME | LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP,
+                                 abbrev_name, sizeof (abbrev_name));
+       if (got_abbrev)
+       return build_string (abbrev_name);
+     }
+   else if (EQ (longform, Qt))
+     {
+       got_full = GetLocaleInfo (XINT (lcid),
+                               LOCALE_SLANGUAGE | LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP,
+                               full_name, sizeof (full_name));
+       if (got_full)
+       return build_string (full_name);
+     }
+   else if (NUMBERP (longform))
+     {
+       got_full = GetLocaleInfo (XINT (lcid),
+                               XINT (longform),
+                               full_name, sizeof (full_name));
+       if (got_full)
+       return make_unibyte_string (full_name, got_full);
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-current-locale-id", Fw32_get_current_locale_id,
+        Sw32_get_current_locale_id, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return Windows locale id for current locale setting.
+ This is a numerical value; use `w32-get-locale-info' to convert to a
+ human-readable form.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   return make_number (GetThreadLocale ());
+ }
+ DWORD int_from_hex (char * s)
+ {
+   DWORD val = 0;
+   static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
+   char * p;
+   while (*s && (p = strchr(hex, *s)) != NULL)
+     {
+       unsigned digit = p - hex;
+       if (digit > 15)
+       digit -= 6;
+       val = val * 16 + digit;
+       s++;
+     }
+   return val;
+ }
+ /* We need to build a global list, since the EnumSystemLocale callback
+    function isn't given a context pointer.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_valid_locale_ids;
+ BOOL CALLBACK enum_locale_fn (LPTSTR localeNum)
+ {
+   DWORD id = int_from_hex (localeNum);
+   Vw32_valid_locale_ids = Fcons (make_number (id), Vw32_valid_locale_ids);
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-valid-locale-ids", Fw32_get_valid_locale_ids,
+        Sw32_get_valid_locale_ids, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return list of all valid Windows locale ids.
+ Each id is a numerical value; use `w32-get-locale-info' to convert to a
+ human-readable form.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   Vw32_valid_locale_ids = Qnil;
+   EnumSystemLocales (enum_locale_fn, LCID_SUPPORTED);
+   Vw32_valid_locale_ids = Fnreverse (Vw32_valid_locale_ids);
+   return Vw32_valid_locale_ids;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-default-locale-id", Fw32_get_default_locale_id, 
Sw32_get_default_locale_id, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return Windows locale id for default locale setting.
+ By default, the system default locale setting is returned; if the optional
+ parameter USERP is non-nil, the user default locale setting is returned.
+ This is a numerical value; use `w32-get-locale-info' to convert to a
+ human-readable form.  */)
+      (userp)
+      Lisp_Object userp;
+ {
+   if (NILP (userp))
+     return make_number (GetSystemDefaultLCID ());
+   return make_number (GetUserDefaultLCID ());
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-set-current-locale", Fw32_set_current_locale, 
Sw32_set_current_locale, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make Windows locale LCID be the current locale setting for 
+ If successful, the new locale id is returned, otherwise nil.  */)
+      (lcid)
+      Lisp_Object lcid;
+ {
+   CHECK_NUMBER (lcid);
+   if (!IsValidLocale (XINT (lcid), LCID_SUPPORTED))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (!SetThreadLocale (XINT (lcid)))
+     return Qnil;
+   /* Need to set input thread locale if present.  */
+   if (dwWindowsThreadId)
+     /* Reply is not needed.  */
+     PostThreadMessage (dwWindowsThreadId, WM_EMACS_SETLOCALE, XINT (lcid), 0);
+   return make_number (GetThreadLocale ());
+ }
+ /* We need to build a global list, since the EnumCodePages callback
+    function isn't given a context pointer.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_valid_codepages;
+ BOOL CALLBACK enum_codepage_fn (LPTSTR codepageNum)
+ {
+   DWORD id = atoi (codepageNum);
+   Vw32_valid_codepages = Fcons (make_number (id), Vw32_valid_codepages);
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-valid-codepages", Fw32_get_valid_codepages,
+        Sw32_get_valid_codepages, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return list of all valid Windows codepages.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   Vw32_valid_codepages = Qnil;
+   EnumSystemCodePages (enum_codepage_fn, CP_SUPPORTED);
+   Vw32_valid_codepages = Fnreverse (Vw32_valid_codepages);
+   return Vw32_valid_codepages;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-console-codepage", Fw32_get_console_codepage,
+        Sw32_get_console_codepage, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return current Windows codepage for console input.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   return make_number (GetConsoleCP ());
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-set-console-codepage", Fw32_set_console_codepage,
+        Sw32_set_console_codepage, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make Windows codepage CP be the current codepage setting for 
+ The codepage setting affects keyboard input and display in tty mode.
+ If successful, the new CP is returned, otherwise nil.  */)
+      (cp)
+      Lisp_Object cp;
+ {
+   CHECK_NUMBER (cp);
+   if (!IsValidCodePage (XINT (cp)))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (!SetConsoleCP (XINT (cp)))
+     return Qnil;
+   return make_number (GetConsoleCP ());
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-console-output-codepage", Fw32_get_console_output_codepage,
+        Sw32_get_console_output_codepage, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return current Windows codepage for console output.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   return make_number (GetConsoleOutputCP ());
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-set-console-output-codepage", Fw32_set_console_output_codepage,
+        Sw32_set_console_output_codepage, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make Windows codepage CP be the current codepage setting for 
+ The codepage setting affects keyboard input and display in tty mode.
+ If successful, the new CP is returned, otherwise nil.  */)
+      (cp)
+      Lisp_Object cp;
+ {
+   CHECK_NUMBER (cp);
+   if (!IsValidCodePage (XINT (cp)))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (!SetConsoleOutputCP (XINT (cp)))
+     return Qnil;
+   return make_number (GetConsoleOutputCP ());
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-codepage-charset", Fw32_get_codepage_charset,
+        Sw32_get_codepage_charset, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return charset of codepage CP.
+ Returns nil if the codepage is not valid.  */)
+      (cp)
+      Lisp_Object cp;
+ {
+   CHECK_NUMBER (cp);
+   if (!IsValidCodePage (XINT (cp)))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (TranslateCharsetInfo ((DWORD *) XINT (cp), &info, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE))
+     return make_number (info.ciCharset);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-valid-keyboard-layouts", Fw32_get_valid_keyboard_layouts,
+        Sw32_get_valid_keyboard_layouts, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return list of Windows keyboard languages and layouts.
+ The return value is a list of pairs of language id and layout id.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   int num_layouts = GetKeyboardLayoutList (0, NULL);
+   HKL * layouts = (HKL *) alloca (num_layouts * sizeof (HKL));
+   Lisp_Object obj = Qnil;
+   if (GetKeyboardLayoutList (num_layouts, layouts) == num_layouts)
+     {
+       while (--num_layouts >= 0)
+       {
+         DWORD kl = (DWORD) layouts[num_layouts];
+         obj = Fcons (Fcons (make_number (kl & 0xffff),
+                             make_number ((kl >> 16) & 0xffff)),
+                      obj);
+       }
+     }
+   return obj;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-get-keyboard-layout", Fw32_get_keyboard_layout,
+        Sw32_get_keyboard_layout, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return current Windows keyboard language and layout.
+ The return value is the cons of the language id and the layout id.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   DWORD kl = (DWORD) GetKeyboardLayout (dwWindowsThreadId);
+   return Fcons (make_number (kl & 0xffff),
+               make_number ((kl >> 16) & 0xffff));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("w32-set-keyboard-layout", Fw32_set_keyboard_layout,
+        Sw32_set_keyboard_layout, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make LAYOUT be the current keyboard layout for Emacs.
+ The keyboard layout setting affects interpretation of keyboard input.
+ If successful, the new layout id is returned, otherwise nil.  */)
+      (layout)
+      Lisp_Object layout;
+ {
+   DWORD kl;
+   CHECK_CONS (layout);
+   CHECK_NUMBER_CAR (layout);
+   CHECK_NUMBER_CDR (layout);
+   kl = (XINT (XCAR (layout)) & 0xffff)
+     | (XINT (XCDR (layout)) << 16);
+   /* Synchronize layout with input thread.  */
+   if (dwWindowsThreadId)
+     {
+       if (PostThreadMessage (dwWindowsThreadId, WM_EMACS_SETKEYBOARDLAYOUT,
+                            (WPARAM) kl, 0))
+       {
+         MSG msg;
+         GetMessage (&msg, NULL, WM_EMACS_DONE, WM_EMACS_DONE);
+         if (msg.wParam == 0)
+           return Qnil;
+       }
+     }
+   else if (!ActivateKeyboardLayout ((HKL) kl, 0))
+     return Qnil;
+   return Fw32_get_keyboard_layout ();
+ }
+ syms_of_ntproc ()
+ {
+   Qhigh = intern ("high");
+   Qlow = intern ("low");
+   defsubr (&Sw32_has_winsock);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_unload_winsock);
+ #endif
+   defsubr (&Sw32_short_file_name);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_long_file_name);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_set_process_priority);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_locale_info);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_current_locale_id);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_default_locale_id);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_valid_locale_ids);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_set_current_locale);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_console_codepage);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_set_console_codepage);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_console_output_codepage);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_set_console_output_codepage);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_valid_codepages);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_codepage_charset);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_valid_keyboard_layouts);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_get_keyboard_layout);
+   defsubr (&Sw32_set_keyboard_layout);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-quote-process-args", &Vw32_quote_process_args,
+              doc: /* Non-nil enables quoting of process arguments to ensure 
correct parsing.
+ Because Windows does not directly pass argv arrays to child processes,
+ programs have to reconstruct the argv array by parsing the command
+ line string.  For an argument to contain a space, it must be enclosed
+ in double quotes or it will be parsed as multiple arguments.
+ If the value is a character, that character will be used to escape any
+ quote characters that appear, otherwise a suitable escape character
+ will be chosen based on the type of the program.  */);
+   Vw32_quote_process_args = Qt;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-start-process-show-window",
+              &Vw32_start_process_show_window,
+              doc: /* When nil, new child processes hide their windows.
+ When non-nil, they show their window in the method of their choice.
+ This variable doesn't affect GUI applications, which will never be hidden.  
+   Vw32_start_process_show_window = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-start-process-share-console",
+              &Vw32_start_process_share_console,
+              doc: /* When nil, new child processes are given a new console.
+ When non-nil, they share the Emacs console; this has the limitation of
+ allowing only one DOS subprocess to run at a time (whether started directly
+ or indirectly by Emacs), and preventing Emacs from cleanly terminating the
+ subprocess group, but may allow Emacs to interrupt a subprocess that doesn't
+ otherwise respond to interrupts from Emacs.  */);
+   Vw32_start_process_share_console = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-start-process-inherit-error-mode",
+              &Vw32_start_process_inherit_error_mode,
+              doc: /* When nil, new child processes revert to the default 
error mode.
+ When non-nil, they inherit their error mode setting from Emacs, which stops
+ them blocking when trying to access unmounted drives etc.  */);
+   Vw32_start_process_inherit_error_mode = Qt;
+   DEFVAR_INT ("w32-pipe-read-delay", &w32_pipe_read_delay,
+             doc: /* Forced delay before reading subprocess output.
+ This is done to improve the buffering of subprocess output, by
+ avoiding the inefficiency of frequently reading small amounts of data.
+ If positive, the value is the number of milliseconds to sleep before
+ reading the subprocess output.  If negative, the magnitude is the number
+ of time slices to wait (effectively boosting the priority of the child
+ process temporarily).  A value of zero disables waiting entirely.  */);
+   w32_pipe_read_delay = 50;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-downcase-file-names", &Vw32_downcase_file_names,
+              doc: /* Non-nil means convert all-upper case file names to lower 
+ This applies when performing completions and file name expansion.
+ Note that the value of this setting also affects remote file names,
+ so you probably don't want to set to non-nil if you use case-sensitive
+ filesystems via ange-ftp.  */);
+   Vw32_downcase_file_names = Qnil;
+ #if 0
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-generate-fake-inodes", &Vw32_generate_fake_inodes,
+              doc: /* Non-nil means attempt to fake realistic inode values.
+ This works by hashing the truename of files, and should detect
+ aliasing between long and short (8.3 DOS) names, but can have
+ false positives because of hash collisions.  Note that determing
+ the truename of a file can be slow.  */);
+   Vw32_generate_fake_inodes = Qnil;
+ #endif
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-get-true-file-attributes", &Vw32_get_true_file_attributes,
+              doc: /* Non-nil means determine accurate link count in 
+ Note that this option is only useful for files on NTFS volumes, where hard 
+ are supported.  Moreover, it slows down `file-attributes' noticeably.  */);
+   Vw32_get_true_file_attributes = Qt;
+ }
+ /* end of ntproc.c */
+ /* arch-tag: 23d3a34c-06d2-48a1-833b-ac7609aa5250
+    (do not change this comment) */

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