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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/w32term.c [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/w32term.c [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:49:35 -0400

Index: emacs/src/w32term.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/w32term.c:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:49:34 2003
--- emacs/src/w32term.c Mon Sep  8 08:48:15 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,6547 ----
+ /* Implementation of GUI terminal on the Microsoft W32 API.
+    Copyright (C) 1989, 93, 94, 95, 96, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
+    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "charset.h"
+ #include "blockinput.h"
+ #include "w32heap.h"
+ #include "w32term.h"
+ #include "w32bdf.h"
+ #include <shellapi.h>
+ #include "systty.h"
+ #include "systime.h"
+ #include "atimer.h"
+ #include "keymap.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <setjmp.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include "keyboard.h"
+ #include "frame.h"
+ #include "dispextern.h"
+ #include "fontset.h"
+ #include "termhooks.h"
+ #include "termopts.h"
+ #include "termchar.h"
+ #include "gnu.h"
+ #include "disptab.h"
+ #include "buffer.h"
+ #include "window.h"
+ #include "intervals.h"
+ #include "composite.h"
+ #include "coding.h"
+ #define abs(x)        ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
+ /* Fringe bitmaps.  */
+ static HBITMAP fringe_bmp[MAX_FRINGE_BITMAPS];
+ /* Non-nil means Emacs uses toolkit scroll bars.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_toolkit_scroll_bars;
+ /* Temporary variables for w32_read_socket.  */
+ static int last_mousemove_x = 0;
+ static int last_mousemove_y = 0;
+ /* Define GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM macro if system headers don't.  */
+ #define GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wparam) ((short)HIWORD (wparam))
+ #endif
+ /* Non-zero means that a HELP_EVENT has been generated since Emacs
+    start.  */
+ static int any_help_event_p;
+ /* Last window where we saw the mouse.  Used by mouse-autoselect-window.  */
+ static Lisp_Object last_window;
+ extern unsigned int msh_mousewheel;
+ extern void free_frame_menubar ();
+ extern int w32_codepage_for_font (char *fontname);
+ extern Cursor w32_load_cursor (LPCTSTR name);
+ extern glyph_metric *w32_BDF_TextMetric(bdffont *fontp,
+                                       unsigned char *text, int dim);
+ extern Lisp_Object Vwindow_system;
+ #define x_any_window_to_frame x_window_to_frame
+ #define x_top_window_to_frame x_window_to_frame
+ /* This is display since w32 does not support multiple ones.  */
+ struct w32_display_info one_w32_display_info;
+ struct w32_display_info *x_display_list;
+ /* This is a list of cons cells, each of the form (NAME . FONT-LIST-CACHE),
+    one for each element of w32_display_list and in the same order.
+    NAME is the name of the frame.
+    FONT-LIST-CACHE records previous values returned by x-list-fonts.  */
+ Lisp_Object w32_display_name_list;
+ /* Frame being updated by update_frame.  This is declared in term.c.
+    This is set by update_begin and looked at by all the
+    w32 functions.  It is zero while not inside an update.
+    In that case, the w32 functions assume that `SELECTED_FRAME ()'
+    is the frame to apply to.  */
+ extern struct frame *updating_frame;
+ /* This is a frame waiting to be autoraised, within w32_read_socket.  */
+ struct frame *pending_autoraise_frame;
+ /* The handle of the frame that currently owns the system caret.  */
+ HWND w32_system_caret_hwnd;
+ int w32_system_caret_height;
+ int w32_system_caret_x;
+ int w32_system_caret_y;
+ int w32_use_visible_system_caret;
+ /* Flag to enable Unicode output in case users wish to use programs
+    like Twinbridge on '95 rather than installed system level support
+    for Far East languages.  */
+ int w32_enable_unicode_output;
+ DWORD dwWindowsThreadId = 0;
+ HANDLE hWindowsThread = NULL;
+ DWORD dwMainThreadId = 0;
+ HANDLE hMainThread = NULL;
+ #ifndef SIF_ALL
+ /* These definitions are new with Windows 95. */
+ #define SIF_RANGE           0x0001
+ #define SIF_PAGE            0x0002
+ #define SIF_POS             0x0004
+ #define SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL 0x0008
+ #define SIF_TRACKPOS        0x0010
+ #define SIF_ALL             (SIF_RANGE | SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS | SIF_TRACKPOS)
+ typedef struct tagSCROLLINFO
+ {
+     UINT    cbSize;
+     UINT    fMask;
+     int     nMin;
+     int     nMax;
+     UINT    nPage;
+     int     nPos;
+     int     nTrackPos;
+ #endif /* SIF_ALL */
+ /* Dynamic linking to new proportional scroll bar functions. */
+ int (PASCAL *pfnSetScrollInfo) (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL 
+ BOOL (PASCAL *pfnGetScrollInfo) (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi);
+ int vertical_scroll_bar_min_handle;
+ int vertical_scroll_bar_top_border;
+ int vertical_scroll_bar_bottom_border;
+ int last_scroll_bar_drag_pos;
+ /* Mouse movement. */
+ /* Where the mouse was last time we reported a mouse event.  */
+ static RECT last_mouse_glyph;
+ static Lisp_Object last_mouse_press_frame;
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_num_mouse_buttons;
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons;
+ /* Control whether x_raise_frame also sets input focus.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_grab_focus_on_raise;
+ /* Control whether Caps Lock affects non-ascii characters.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_capslock_is_shiftlock;
+ /* Control whether right-alt and left-ctrl should be recognized as AltGr.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vw32_recognize_altgr;
+ /* The scroll bar in which the last motion event occurred.
+    If the last motion event occurred in a scroll bar, we set this
+    so w32_mouse_position can know whether to report a scroll bar motion or
+    an ordinary motion.
+    If the last motion event didn't occur in a scroll bar, we set this
+    to Qnil, to tell w32_mouse_position to return an ordinary motion event.  */
+ static Lisp_Object last_mouse_scroll_bar;
+ static int last_mouse_scroll_bar_pos;
+ /* This is a hack.  We would really prefer that w32_mouse_position would
+    return the time associated with the position it returns, but there
+    doesn't seem to be any way to wrest the time-stamp from the server
+    along with the position query.  So, we just keep track of the time
+    of the last movement we received, and return that in hopes that
+    it's somewhat accurate.  */
+ static Time last_mouse_movement_time;
+ /* Incremented by w32_read_socket whenever it really tries to read
+    events.  */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ static int volatile input_signal_count;
+ #else
+ static int input_signal_count;
+ #endif
+ extern Lisp_Object Vcommand_line_args, Vsystem_name;
+ extern Lisp_Object Qface, Qmouse_face;
+ #ifndef USE_CRT_DLL
+ extern int errno;
+ #endif
+ /* A mask of extra modifier bits to put into every keyboard char.  */
+ extern EMACS_INT extra_keyboard_modifiers;
+ static void x_update_window_end P_ ((struct window *, int, int));
+ void w32_delete_display P_ ((struct w32_display_info *));
+ static void w32_handle_tool_bar_click P_ ((struct frame *,
+                                           struct input_event *));
+ void w32_define_cursor P_ ((Window, Cursor));
+ void x_lower_frame P_ ((struct frame *));
+ void x_scroll_bar_clear P_ ((struct frame *));
+ void x_wm_set_size_hint P_ ((struct frame *, long, int));
+ void x_raise_frame P_ ((struct frame *));
+ void x_set_window_size P_ ((struct frame *, int, int, int));
+ void x_wm_set_window_state P_ ((struct frame *, int));
+ void x_wm_set_icon_pixmap P_ ((struct frame *, int));
+ void w32_initialize P_ ((void));
+ static void x_font_min_bounds P_ ((XFontStruct *, int *, int *));
+ int x_compute_min_glyph_bounds P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void x_update_end P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void w32_frame_up_to_date P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void w32_set_terminal_modes P_ ((void));
+ static void w32_reset_terminal_modes P_ ((void));
+ static void x_clear_frame P_ ((void));
+ static void frame_highlight P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void frame_unhighlight P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void x_new_focus_frame P_ ((struct w32_display_info *,
+                                  struct frame *));
+ static void w32_frame_rehighlight P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void x_frame_rehighlight P_ ((struct w32_display_info *));
+ static void x_draw_hollow_cursor P_ ((struct window *, struct glyph_row *));
+ static void x_draw_bar_cursor P_ ((struct window *, struct glyph_row *, int,
+                                  enum text_cursor_kinds));
+ static void w32_clip_to_row P_ ((struct window *, struct glyph_row *, HDC));
+ static Lisp_Object Qvendor_specific_keysyms;
+ /***********************************************************************
+                             Debugging
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ #if 0
+ /* This is a function useful for recording debugging information about
+    the sequence of occurrences in this file.  */
+ struct record
+ {
+   char *locus;
+   int type;
+ };
+ struct record event_record[100];
+ int event_record_index;
+ record_event (locus, type)
+      char *locus;
+      int type;
+ {
+   if (event_record_index == sizeof (event_record) / sizeof (struct record))
+     event_record_index = 0;
+   event_record[event_record_index].locus = locus;
+   event_record[event_record_index].type = type;
+   event_record_index++;
+ }
+ #endif /* 0 */
+ void
+ XChangeGC (void * ignore, XGCValues* gc, unsigned long mask,
+          XGCValues *xgcv)
+ {
+   if (mask & GCForeground)
+     gc->foreground = xgcv->foreground;
+   if (mask & GCBackground)
+     gc->background = xgcv->background;
+   if (mask & GCFont)
+     gc->font = xgcv->font;
+ }
+ XGCValues *XCreateGC (void * ignore, Window window, unsigned long mask,
+                       XGCValues *xgcv)
+ {
+   XGCValues *gc = (XGCValues *) xmalloc (sizeof (XGCValues));
+   bzero (gc, sizeof (XGCValues));
+   XChangeGC (ignore, gc, mask, xgcv);
+   return gc;
+ }
+ void
+ XGetGCValues (void* ignore, XGCValues *gc,
+                    unsigned long mask, XGCValues *xgcv)
+ {
+   XChangeGC (ignore, xgcv, mask, gc);
+ }
+ static void
+ w32_set_clip_rectangle (HDC hdc, RECT *rect)
+ {
+   if (rect)
+     {
+       HRGN clip_region = CreateRectRgnIndirect (rect);
+       SelectClipRgn (hdc, clip_region);
+       DeleteObject (clip_region);
+     }
+   else
+     SelectClipRgn (hdc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Draw a hollow rectangle at the specified position.  */
+ void
+ w32_draw_rectangle (HDC hdc, XGCValues *gc, int x, int y,
+                     int width, int height)
+ {
+   HBRUSH hb, oldhb;
+   HPEN hp, oldhp;
+   hb = CreateSolidBrush (gc->background);
+   hp = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 0, gc->foreground);
+   oldhb = SelectObject (hdc, hb);
+   oldhp = SelectObject (hdc, hp);
+   Rectangle (hdc, x, y, x + width, y + height);
+   SelectObject (hdc, oldhb);
+   SelectObject (hdc, oldhp);
+   DeleteObject (hb);
+   DeleteObject (hp);
+ }
+ /* Draw a filled rectangle at the specified position. */
+ void
+ w32_fill_rect (f, hdc, pix, lprect)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      HDC hdc;
+      COLORREF pix;
+      RECT * lprect;
+ {
+   HBRUSH hb;
+   hb = CreateSolidBrush (pix);
+   FillRect (hdc, lprect, hb);
+   DeleteObject (hb);
+ }
+ void
+ w32_clear_window (f)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+ {
+   RECT rect;
+   HDC hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   /* Under certain conditions, this can be called at startup with
+      a console frame pointer before the GUI frame is created. An HDC
+      of 0 indicates this. */
+   if (hdc)
+     {
+       GetClientRect (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), &rect);
+       w32_clear_rect (f, hdc, &rect);
+     }
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                   Starting and ending an update
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Start an update of frame F.  This function is installed as a hook
+    for update_begin, i.e. it is called when update_begin is called.
+    This function is called prior to calls to x_update_window_begin for
+    each window being updated.  */
+ static void
+ x_update_begin (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *display_info = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   /* Regenerate display palette before drawing if list of requested
+      colors has changed. */
+   if (display_info->regen_palette)
+   {
+     w32_regenerate_palette (f);
+     display_info->regen_palette = FALSE;
+   }
+ }
+ /* Start update of window W.  Set the global variable updated_window
+    to the window being updated and set output_cursor to the cursor
+    position of W.  */
+ static void
+ x_update_window_begin (w)
+      struct window *w;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   struct w32_display_info *display_info = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   /* Hide the system caret during an update.  */
+   if (w32_use_visible_system_caret && w32_system_caret_hwnd)
+     {
+       SendMessage (w32_system_caret_hwnd, WM_EMACS_HIDE_CARET, 0, 0);
+     }
+   updated_window = w;
+   set_output_cursor (&w->cursor);
+   if (f == display_info->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+     {
+       /* Don't do highlighting for mouse motion during the update.  */
+       display_info->mouse_face_defer = 1;
+       /* If F needs to be redrawn, simply forget about any prior mouse
+        highlighting.  */
+       if (FRAME_GARBAGED_P (f))
+       display_info->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
+ #if 0 /* Rows in a current matrix containing glyphs in mouse-face have
+        their mouse_face_p flag set, which means that they are always
+        unequal to rows in a desired matrix which never have that
+        flag set.  So, rows containing mouse-face glyphs are never
+        scrolled, and we don't have to switch the mouse highlight off
+        here to prevent it from being scrolled.  */
+       /* Can we tell that this update does not affect the window
+        where the mouse highlight is?  If so, no need to turn off.
+        Likewise, don't do anything if the frame is garbaged;
+        in that case, the frame's current matrix that we would use
+        is all wrong, and we will redisplay that line anyway.  */
+       if (!NILP (display_info->mouse_face_window)
+         && w == XWINDOW (display_info->mouse_face_window))
+       {
+         int i;
+           for (i = 0; i < w->desired_matrix->nrows; ++i)
+           if (MATRIX_ROW_ENABLED_P (w->desired_matrix, i))
+             break;
+         if (i < w->desired_matrix->nrows)
+           clear_mouse_face (display_info);
+       }
+ #endif /* 0 */
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw a vertical window border from (x,y0) to (x,y1)  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_vertical_window_border (w, x, y0, y1)
+      struct window *w;
+      int x, y0, y1;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   RECT r;
+   HDC hdc;
+   r.left = x;
+   r.right = x + 1;
+   r.top = y0;
+   r.bottom = y1;
+   hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   w32_fill_rect (f, hdc, FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (f), &r);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* End update of window W (which is equal to updated_window).
+    Draw vertical borders between horizontally adjacent windows, and
+    display W's cursor if CURSOR_ON_P is non-zero.
+    MOUSE_FACE_OVERWRITTEN_P non-zero means that some row containing
+    glyphs in mouse-face were overwritten.  In that case we have to
+    make sure that the mouse-highlight is properly redrawn.
+    W may be a menu bar pseudo-window in case we don't have X toolkit
+    support. Such windows don't have a cursor, so don't display it
+    here. */
+ static void
+ x_update_window_end (w, cursor_on_p, mouse_face_overwritten_p)
+      struct window *w;
+      int cursor_on_p, mouse_face_overwritten_p;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (XFRAME 
+   if (!w->pseudo_window_p)
+     {
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       if (cursor_on_p)
+       display_and_set_cursor (w, 1, output_cursor.hpos,
+                               output_cursor.vpos,
+                               output_cursor.x, output_cursor.y);
+       x_draw_vertical_border (w);
+     }
+   /* If a row with mouse-face was overwritten, arrange for
+      XTframe_up_to_date to redisplay the mouse highlight.  */
+   if (mouse_face_overwritten_p)
+     {
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_row = dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_row = dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
+     }
+   /* Unhide the caret.  This won't actually show the cursor, unless it
+      was visible before the corresponding call to HideCaret in
+      x_update_window_begin.  */
+   if (w32_use_visible_system_caret && w32_system_caret_hwnd)
+     {
+       SendMessage (w32_system_caret_hwnd, WM_EMACS_SHOW_CARET, 0, 0);
+     }
+   updated_window = NULL;
+ }
+ /* End update of frame F.  This function is installed as a hook in
+    update_end.  */
+ static void
+ x_update_end (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   /* Mouse highlight may be displayed again.  */
+   FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->mouse_face_defer = 0;
+ }
+ /* This function is called from various places in xdisp.c whenever a
+    complete update has been performed.  The global variable
+    updated_window is not available here.  */
+ static void
+ w32_frame_up_to_date (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   if (FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     {
+       struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+       if (dpyinfo->mouse_face_deferred_gc
+         || f == dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+       {
+         BLOCK_INPUT;
+         if (dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+           note_mouse_highlight (dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame,
+                                 dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_x,
+                                 dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_y);
+         dpyinfo->mouse_face_deferred_gc = 0;
+         UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw truncation mark bitmaps, continuation mark bitmaps, overlay
+    arrow bitmaps, or clear the fringes if no bitmaps are required
+    before DESIRED_ROW is made current.  The window being updated is
+    found in updated_window.  This function is called from
+    update_window_line only if it is known that there are differences
+    between bitmaps to be drawn between current row and DESIRED_ROW.  */
+ static void
+ x_after_update_window_line (desired_row)
+      struct glyph_row *desired_row;
+ {
+   struct window *w = updated_window;
+   struct frame *f;
+   int width, height;
+   xassert (w);
+   if (!desired_row->mode_line_p && !w->pseudo_window_p)
+     {
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       draw_row_fringe_bitmaps (w, desired_row);
+     }
+   /* When a window has disappeared, make sure that no rest of
+      full-width rows stays visible in the internal border.  Could
+      check here if updated_window is the leftmost/rightmost window,
+      but I guess it's not worth doing since vertically split windows
+      are almost never used, internal border is rarely set, and the
+      overhead is very small.  */
+   if (windows_or_buffers_changed
+       && desired_row->full_width_p
+       && (f = XFRAME (w->frame),
+         width = FRAME_INTERNAL_BORDER_WIDTH (f),
+         width != 0)
+       && (height = desired_row->visible_height,
+         height > 0))
+     {
+       int y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, max (0, desired_row->y));
+       /* Internal border is drawn below the tool bar.  */
+       if (WINDOWP (f->tool_bar_window)
+         && w == XWINDOW (f->tool_bar_window))
+       y -= width;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       {
+       HDC hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+       w32_clear_area (f, hdc, 0, y, width, height);
+       w32_clear_area (f, hdc, FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f) - width,
+                       y, width, height);
+       release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw the bitmap WHICH in one of the left or right fringes of
+    window W.  ROW is the glyph row for which to display the bitmap; it
+    determines the vertical position at which the bitmap has to be
+    drawn.  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_fringe_bitmap (w, row, p)
+      struct window *w;
+      struct glyph_row *row;
+      struct draw_fringe_bitmap_params *p;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   HDC hdc;
+   struct face *face = p->face;
+   hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   /* Must clip because of partially visible lines.  */
+   w32_clip_to_row (w, row, hdc);
+   if (p->bx >= 0)
+     {
+       w32_fill_area (f, hdc, face->background,
+                    p->bx, p->by, p->nx, p->ny);
+     }
+   if (p->which != NO_FRINGE_BITMAP)
+     {
+       HBITMAP pixmap = fringe_bmp[p->which];
+       HDC compat_hdc;
+       HANDLE horig_obj;
+       compat_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
+       SaveDC (hdc);
+       horig_obj = SelectObject (compat_hdc, pixmap);
+       SetTextColor (hdc, face->background);
+       SetBkColor (hdc, face->foreground);
+       BitBlt (hdc, p->x, p->y, p->wd, p->h,
+             compat_hdc, 0, p->dh,
+             SRCCOPY);
+       SelectObject (compat_hdc, horig_obj);
+       DeleteDC (compat_hdc);
+       RestoreDC (hdc, -1);
+     }
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, NULL);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* This is called when starting Emacs and when restarting after
+    suspend.  When starting Emacs, no window is mapped.  And nothing
+    must be done to Emacs's own window if it is suspended (though that
+    rarely happens).  */
+ static void
+ w32_set_terminal_modes (void)
+ {
+ }
+ /* This is called when exiting or suspending Emacs. Exiting will make
+    the W32 windows go away, and suspending requires no action. */
+ static void
+ w32_reset_terminal_modes (void)
+ {
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                          Display Iterator
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Function prototypes of this page.  */
+ static XCharStruct *w32_per_char_metric P_ ((XFontStruct *,
+                                              wchar_t *, int));
+ static int w32_encode_char P_ ((int, wchar_t *, struct font_info *, int *));
+ /* Get metrics of character CHAR2B in FONT.  Value is always non-null.
+    If CHAR2B is not contained in FONT, the font's default character
+    metric is returned. */
+ static int
+ w32_bdf_per_char_metric (font, char2b, dim, pcm)
+      XFontStruct *font;
+      wchar_t *char2b;
+      int dim;
+      XCharStruct * pcm;
+ {
+   glyph_metric * bdf_metric;
+   char buf[2];
+   if (dim == 1)
+     buf[0] = (char)(*char2b);
+   else
+     {
+       buf[0] = XCHAR2B_BYTE1 (char2b);
+       buf[1] = XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (char2b);
+     }
+   bdf_metric = w32_BDF_TextMetric (font->bdf, buf, dim);
+   if (bdf_metric)
+     {
+       pcm->width = bdf_metric->dwidth;
+       pcm->lbearing = bdf_metric->bbox;
+       pcm->rbearing = bdf_metric->dwidth
+                     - (bdf_metric->bbox + bdf_metric->bbw);
+       pcm->ascent = bdf_metric->bboy + bdf_metric->bbh;
+       pcm->descent = -bdf_metric->bboy;
+       return 1;
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ w32_native_per_char_metric (font, char2b, font_type, pcm)
+      XFontStruct *font;
+      wchar_t *char2b;
+      enum w32_char_font_type font_type;
+      XCharStruct * pcm;
+ {
+   HDC hdc = GetDC (NULL);
+   HFONT old_font;
+   BOOL retval = FALSE;
+   xassert (font && char2b);
+   xassert (font->hfont);
+   xassert (font_type == UNICODE_FONT || font_type == ANSI_FONT);
+   old_font = SelectObject (hdc, font->hfont);
+   if ((font->tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) != 0)
+     {
+       ABC char_widths;
+       if (font_type == UNICODE_FONT)
+       retval = GetCharABCWidthsW (hdc, *char2b, *char2b, &char_widths);
+       else
+       retval = GetCharABCWidthsA (hdc, *char2b, *char2b, &char_widths);
+       if (retval)
+       {
+ #if 0
+         /* Disabled until we can find a way to get the right results
+            on all versions of Windows.  */
+         /* Don't trust the ABC widths.  For synthesized fonts they are
+            wrong, and so is the result of GetCharWidth()!  */
+         int real_width;
+         GetCharWidth (hdc, *char2b, *char2b, &real_width);
+ #endif
+         pcm->width = char_widths.abcA + char_widths.abcB + char_widths.abcC;
+ #if 0
+         /* As far as I can tell, this is the best way to determine what
+            ExtTextOut will do with the broken font.  */
+         if (pcm->width != real_width)
+           pcm->width = (pcm->width + real_width) / 2;
+ #endif
+         pcm->lbearing = char_widths.abcA;
+         pcm->rbearing = char_widths.abcA + char_widths.abcB;
+         pcm->ascent = FONT_BASE (font);
+         pcm->descent = FONT_DESCENT (font);
+       }
+     }
+   if (!retval)
+     {
+       /* Either font is not a True-type font, or GetCharABCWidthsW
+        failed (it is not supported on Windows 9x for instance), so we
+        can't determine the full info we would like.  All is not lost
+        though - we can call GetTextExtentPoint32 to get rbearing and
+        deduce width based on the font's per-string overhang.  lbearing
+        is assumed to be zero.  */
+       /* TODO: Some Thai characters (and other composites if Windows
+          supports them) do have lbearing, and report their total width
+          as zero. Need some way of handling them when
+          GetCharABCWidthsW fails. */
+       SIZE sz;
+       if (font_type == UNICODE_FONT)
+       retval = GetTextExtentPoint32W (hdc, char2b, 1, &sz);
+       else
+       retval = GetTextExtentPoint32A (hdc, (char*)char2b, 1, &sz);
+       if (retval)
+       {
+         pcm->width = sz.cx - font->tm.tmOverhang;
+         pcm->rbearing = sz.cx;
+         pcm->lbearing = 0;
+         pcm->ascent = FONT_BASE (font);
+         pcm->descent = FONT_DESCENT (font);
+       }
+     }
+   if (pcm->width == 0 && (pcm->rbearing - pcm->lbearing) == 0)
+     {
+       retval = FALSE;
+     }
+   SelectObject (hdc, old_font);
+   ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);
+   return retval;
+ }
+ static XCharStruct *
+ w32_per_char_metric (font, char2b, font_type)
+      XFontStruct *font;
+      wchar_t *char2b;
+      int /* enum w32_char_font_type */ font_type;
+ {
+   /* The result metric information.  */
+   XCharStruct *pcm;
+   BOOL retval;
+   xassert (font && char2b);
+   xassert (font_type != UNKNOWN_FONT);
+   /* Handle the common cases quickly.  */
+   if (!font->bdf && font->per_char == NULL)
+     /* TODO: determine whether char2b exists in font?  */
+     return &font->max_bounds;
+   else if (!font->bdf && *char2b < 128)
+     return &font->per_char[*char2b];
+   pcm = &font->scratch;
+   if (font_type == BDF_1D_FONT)
+     retval = w32_bdf_per_char_metric (font, char2b, 1, pcm);
+   else if (font_type == BDF_2D_FONT)
+     retval = w32_bdf_per_char_metric (font, char2b, 2, pcm);
+   else
+     retval = w32_native_per_char_metric (font, char2b, font_type, pcm);
+   if (retval)
+     return pcm;
+   return NULL;
+ }
+ void
+ w32_cache_char_metrics (font)
+      XFontStruct *font;
+ {
+   wchar_t char2b = L'x';
+   /* Cache char metrics for the common cases.  */
+   if (font->bdf)
+     {
+       /* TODO: determine whether font is fixed-pitch.  */
+       if (!w32_bdf_per_char_metric (font, &char2b, 1, &font->max_bounds))
+         {
+           /* Use the font width and height as max bounds, as not all BDF
+              fonts contain the letter 'x'. */
+           font->max_bounds.width = FONT_MAX_WIDTH (font);
+           font->max_bounds.lbearing = -font->bdf->llx;
+           font->max_bounds.rbearing = FONT_MAX_WIDTH (font) - font->bdf->urx;
+           font->max_bounds.ascent = FONT_BASE (font);
+           font->max_bounds.descent = FONT_DESCENT (font);
+         }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       if (((font->tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH) != 0)
+           /* Some fonts (eg DBCS fonts) are marked as fixed width even
+              though they contain characters of different widths. */
+           || (font->tm.tmMaxCharWidth != font->tm.tmAveCharWidth))
+       {
+         /* Font is not fixed pitch, so cache per_char info for the
+              ASCII characters.  It would be much more work, and probably
+              not worth it, to cache other chars, since we may change
+              between using Unicode and ANSI text drawing functions at
+              run-time.  */
+         int i;
+         font->per_char = xmalloc (128 * sizeof(XCharStruct));
+         for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
+           {
+             char2b = i;
+             w32_native_per_char_metric (font, &char2b, ANSI_FONT,
+                                         &font->per_char[i]);
+           }
+       }
+       else
+       w32_native_per_char_metric (font, &char2b, ANSI_FONT,
+                                   &font->max_bounds);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Determine if a font is double byte. */
+ int w32_font_is_double_byte (XFontStruct *font)
+ {
+   return font->double_byte_p;
+ }
+ static BOOL
+ w32_use_unicode_for_codepage (codepage)
+      int codepage;
+ {
+   /* If the current codepage is supported, use Unicode for output. */
+   return (w32_enable_unicode_output
+           && codepage != CP_8BIT
+           && (codepage == CP_UNICODE || IsValidCodePage (codepage)));
+ }
+ /* Encode CHAR2B using encoding information from FONT_INFO.  CHAR2B is
+    the two-byte form of C.  Encoding is returned in *CHAR2B.  */
+ static int /* enum w32_char_font_type */
+ w32_encode_char (c, char2b, font_info, two_byte_p)
+      int c;
+      wchar_t *char2b;
+      struct font_info *font_info;
+      int * two_byte_p;
+ {
+   struct charset *charset = CHAR_CHARSET (c);
+   int codepage;
+   int unicode_p = 0;
+   int internal_two_byte_p = 0;
+   XFontStruct *font = font_info->font;
+   internal_two_byte_p = w32_font_is_double_byte (font);
+   /* FONT_INFO may define a scheme by which to encode byte1 and byte2.
+      This may be either a program in a special encoder language or a
+      fixed encoding.  */
+   if (font_info->font_encoder)
+     {
+       /* It's a program.  */
+       struct ccl_program *ccl = font_info->font_encoder;
+       if (CHARSET_DIMENSION (charset) == 1)
+       {
+         ccl->reg[0] = CHARSET_ID (charset);
+         ccl->reg[1] = XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (char2b);
+         ccl->reg[2] = -1;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         ccl->reg[0] = CHARSET_ID (charset);
+         ccl->reg[1] = XCHAR2B_BYTE1 (char2b);
+         ccl->reg[2] = XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (char2b);
+       }
+       ccl_driver (ccl, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, Qnil);
+       /* We assume that MSBs are appropriately set/reset by CCL
+        program.  */
+       if (!internal_two_byte_p)       /* 1-byte font */
+       STORE_XCHAR2B (char2b, 0, ccl->reg[1]);
+       else
+       STORE_XCHAR2B (char2b, ccl->reg[1], ccl->reg[2]);
+     }
+   else if (font_info->encoding[charset])
+     {
+       /* Fixed encoding scheme.  See fontset.h for the meaning of the
+        encoding numbers.  */
+       int enc = font_info->encoding[charset];
+       if ((enc == 1 || enc == 2)
+         && CHARSET_DIMENSION (charset) == 2)
+       STORE_XCHAR2B (char2b, XCHAR2B_BYTE1 (char2b) | 0x80, XCHAR2B_BYTE2 
+       if (enc == 1 || enc == 3
+           || (enc == 4 && CHARSET_DIMENSION (charset) == 1))
+       STORE_XCHAR2B (char2b, XCHAR2B_BYTE1 (char2b), XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (char2b) | 
+       else if (enc == 4)
+         {
+           int code = (int) char2b;
+         JIS_TO_SJIS (code);
+           STORE_XCHAR2B (char2b, (code >> 8), (code & 0xFF));
+         }
+     }
+   codepage = font_info->codepage;
+   /* If charset is not ASCII or Latin-1, may need to move it into
+      Unicode space.  */
+   if ( font && !font->bdf && w32_use_unicode_for_codepage (codepage)
+        && c >= 0x100)
+     {
+       char temp[3];
+       temp[0] = XCHAR2B_BYTE1 (char2b);
+       temp[1] = XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (char2b);
+       temp[2] = '\0';
+       if (codepage != CP_UNICODE)
+         {
+           if (temp[0])
+             MultiByteToWideChar (codepage, 0, temp, 2, char2b, 1);
+           else
+             MultiByteToWideChar (codepage, 0, temp+1, 1, char2b, 1);
+         }
+       unicode_p = 1;
+       internal_two_byte_p = 1;
+     }
+   if (two_byte_p)
+     *two_byte_p = internal_two_byte_p;
+   if (!font)
+     return UNKNOWN_FONT;
+   else if (font->bdf && CHARSET_DIMENSION (charset) == 1)
+     return BDF_1D_FONT;
+   else if (font->bdf)
+     return BDF_2D_FONT;
+   else if (unicode_p)
+     return UNICODE_FONT;
+   else
+     return ANSI_FONT;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                           Glyph display
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Encapsulate the different ways of displaying text under W32.  */
+ static void
+ w32_text_out (s, x, y,chars,nchars)
+      struct glyph_string * s;
+      int x, y;
+      wchar_t * chars;
+      int nchars;
+ {
+   int charset_dim = w32_font_is_double_byte (s->gc->font) ? 2 : 1;
+   if (s->gc->font->bdf)
+     w32_BDF_TextOut (s->gc->font->bdf, s->hdc,
+                      x, y, (char *) chars, charset_dim,
+                      nchars * charset_dim, 0);
+   else if (s->first_glyph->font_type == UNICODE_FONT)
+     ExtTextOutW (s->hdc, x, y, 0, NULL, chars, nchars, NULL);
+   else
+     ExtTextOutA (s->hdc, x, y, 0, NULL, (char *) chars,
+                nchars * charset_dim, NULL);
+ }
+ static void x_set_glyph_string_clipping P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_set_glyph_string_gc P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_glyph_string_background P_ ((struct glyph_string *,
+                                               int));
+ static void x_draw_glyph_string_foreground P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_composite_glyph_string_foreground P_ ((struct glyph_string 
+ static void x_draw_glyph_string_box P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_glyph_string  P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_set_cursor_gc P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_set_mode_line_face_gc P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_set_mouse_face_gc P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static int w32_alloc_lighter_color (struct frame *, COLORREF *, double, int);
+ static void w32_setup_relief_color P_ ((struct frame *, struct relief *,
+                                         double, int, COLORREF));
+ static void x_setup_relief_colors P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_image_glyph_string P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_image_relief P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void x_draw_image_foreground P_ ((struct glyph_string *));
+ static void w32_draw_image_foreground_1 P_ ((struct glyph_string *, HBITMAP));
+ static void x_clear_glyph_string_rect P_ ((struct glyph_string *, int,
+                                          int, int, int));
+ static void w32_draw_relief_rect P_ ((struct frame *, int, int, int, int,
+                                   int, int, int, int, RECT *));
+ static void w32_draw_box_rect P_ ((struct glyph_string *, int, int, int, int,
+                                int, int, int, RECT *));
+ static void x_check_font P_ ((struct frame *, XFontStruct *));
+ #endif
+ /* Set S->gc to a suitable GC for drawing glyph string S in cursor
+    face.  */
+ static void
+ x_set_cursor_gc (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   if (s->font == FRAME_FONT (s->f)
+       && s->face->background == FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (s->f)
+       && s->face->foreground == FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (s->f)
+       && !s->cmp)
+     s->gc = s->f->output_data.w32->cursor_gc;
+   else
+     {
+       /* Cursor on non-default face: must merge.  */
+       XGCValues xgcv;
+       unsigned long mask;
+       xgcv.background = s->f->output_data.w32->cursor_pixel;
+       xgcv.foreground = s->face->background;
+       /* If the glyph would be invisible, try a different foreground.  */
+       if (xgcv.foreground == xgcv.background)
+       xgcv.foreground = s->face->foreground;
+       if (xgcv.foreground == xgcv.background)
+       xgcv.foreground = s->f->output_data.w32->cursor_foreground_pixel;
+       if (xgcv.foreground == xgcv.background)
+       xgcv.foreground = s->face->foreground;
+       /* Make sure the cursor is distinct from text in this face.  */
+       if (xgcv.background == s->face->background
+         && xgcv.foreground == s->face->foreground)
+       {
+         xgcv.background = s->face->foreground;
+         xgcv.foreground = s->face->background;
+       }
+       IF_DEBUG (x_check_font (s->f, s->font));
+       xgcv.font = s->font;
+       mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
+       if (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc)
+       XChangeGC (NULL, FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc,
+                  mask, &xgcv);
+       else
+       FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc
+         = XCreateGC (NULL, s->window, mask, &xgcv);
+       s->gc = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Set up S->gc of glyph string S for drawing text in mouse face.  */
+ static void
+ x_set_mouse_face_gc (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int face_id;
+   struct face *face;
+   /* What face has to be used last for the mouse face?  */
+   face_id = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id;
+   face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, face_id);
+   if (face == NULL)
+     face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
+   if (s->first_glyph->type == CHAR_GLYPH)
+     face_id = FACE_FOR_CHAR (s->f, face, s->first_glyph->u.ch);
+   else
+     face_id = FACE_FOR_CHAR (s->f, face, 0);
+   s->face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, face_id);
+   PREPARE_FACE_FOR_DISPLAY (s->f, s->face);
+   /* If font in this face is same as S->font, use it.  */
+   if (s->font == s->face->font)
+     s->gc = s->face->gc;
+   else
+     {
+       /* Otherwise construct scratch_cursor_gc with values from FACE
+        but font FONT.  */
+       XGCValues xgcv;
+       unsigned long mask;
+       xgcv.background = s->face->background;
+       xgcv.foreground = s->face->foreground;
+       IF_DEBUG (x_check_font (s->f, s->font));
+       xgcv.font = s->font;
+       mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
+       if (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc)
+       XChangeGC (NULL, FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc,
+                  mask, &xgcv);
+       else
+       FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc
+         = XCreateGC (NULL, s->window, mask, &xgcv);
+       s->gc = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f)->scratch_cursor_gc;
+     }
+   xassert (s->gc != 0);
+ }
+ /* Set S->gc of glyph string S to a GC suitable for drawing a mode line.
+    Faces to use in the mode line have already been computed when the
+    matrix was built, so there isn't much to do, here.  */
+ static INLINE void
+ x_set_mode_line_face_gc (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   s->gc = s->face->gc;
+ }
+ /* Set S->gc of glyph string S for drawing that glyph string.  Set
+    S->stippled_p to a non-zero value if the face of S has a stipple
+    pattern.  */
+ static INLINE void
+ x_set_glyph_string_gc (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   PREPARE_FACE_FOR_DISPLAY (s->f, s->face);
+   if (s->hl == DRAW_NORMAL_TEXT)
+     {
+       s->gc = s->face->gc;
+       s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+     }
+   else if (s->hl == DRAW_INVERSE_VIDEO)
+     {
+       x_set_mode_line_face_gc (s);
+       s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+     }
+   else if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
+     {
+       x_set_cursor_gc (s);
+       s->stippled_p = 0;
+     }
+   else if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
+     {
+       x_set_mouse_face_gc (s);
+       s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+     }
+   else if (s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED
+          || s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_SUNKEN)
+     {
+       s->gc = s->face->gc;
+       s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       s->gc = s->face->gc;
+       s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+     }
+   /* GC must have been set.  */
+   xassert (s->gc != 0);
+ }
+ /* Set clipping for output of glyph string S.  S may be part of a mode
+    line or menu if we don't have X toolkit support.  */
+ static INLINE void
+ x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   RECT r;
+   get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, &r);
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (s->hdc, &r);
+ }
+ /* RIF:
+    Compute left and right overhang of glyph string S.  If S is a glyph
+    string for a composition, assume overhangs don't exist.  */
+ static void
+ w32_compute_glyph_string_overhangs (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   /* TODO: Windows does not appear to have a method for
+      getting this info without getting the ABC widths for each
+      individual character and working it out manually. */
+ }
+ static void
+ w32_get_glyph_overhangs (glyph, f, left, right)
+      struct glyph *glyph;
+      struct frame *f;
+      int *left, *right;
+ {
+   HDC hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   /* Convert to unicode! */
+   x_get_glyph_overhangs (glyph, f, left, right);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* Fill rectangle X, Y, W, H with background color of glyph string S.  */
+ static INLINE void
+ x_clear_glyph_string_rect (s, x, y, w, h)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+      int x, y, w, h;
+ {
+   int real_x = x;
+   int real_y = y;
+   int real_w = w;
+   int real_h = h;
+ #if 0
+   /* Take clipping into account.  */
+   if (s->gc->clip_mask == Rect)
+     {
+       real_x = max (real_x, s->gc->clip_rectangle.left);
+       real_y = max (real_y, s->gc->clip_rectangle.top);
+       real_w = min (real_w, s->gc->clip_rectangle.right
+                     - s->gc->clip_rectangle.left);
+       real_h = min (real_h, s->gc->clip_rectangle.bottom
+                     - s->gc->clip_rectangle.top);
+     }
+ #endif
+   w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->gc->background, real_x, real_y,
+                  real_w, real_h);
+ }
+ /* Draw the background of glyph_string S.  If S->background_filled_p
+    is non-zero don't draw it.  FORCE_P non-zero means draw the
+    background even if it wouldn't be drawn normally.  This is used
+    when a string preceding S draws into the background of S, or S
+    contains the first component of a composition.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_glyph_string_background (s, force_p)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+      int force_p;
+ {
+   /* Nothing to do if background has already been drawn or if it
+      shouldn't be drawn in the first place.  */
+   if (!s->background_filled_p)
+     {
+       int box_line_width = max (s->face->box_line_width, 0);
+ #if 0 /* TODO: stipple */
+       if (s->stippled_p)
+       {
+         /* Fill background with a stipple pattern.  */
+         XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+         XFillRectangle (s->display, s->window, s->gc, s->x,
+                         s->y + box_line_width,
+                         s->background_width,
+                         s->height - 2 * box_line_width);
+         XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillSolid);
+         s->background_filled_p = 1;
+       }
+       else
+ #endif
+         if (FONT_HEIGHT (s->font) < s->height - 2 * box_line_width
+              || s->font_not_found_p
+              || s->extends_to_end_of_line_p
+                || s->font->bdf
+              || force_p)
+       {
+         x_clear_glyph_string_rect (s, s->x, s->y + box_line_width,
+                                    s->background_width,
+                                    s->height - 2 * box_line_width);
+         s->background_filled_p = 1;
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw the foreground of glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_glyph_string_foreground (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int i, x;
+   HFONT old_font;
+   /* If first glyph of S has a left box line, start drawing the text
+      of S to the right of that box line.  */
+   if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+     x = s->x + abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   else
+     x = s->x;
+   if (s->for_overlaps_p || (s->background_filled_p && s->hl != DRAW_CURSOR))
+     SetBkMode (s->hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+   else
+     SetBkMode (s->hdc, OPAQUE);
+   SetTextColor (s->hdc, s->gc->foreground);
+   SetBkColor (s->hdc, s->gc->background);
+   SetTextAlign (s->hdc, TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT);
+   if (s->font && s->font->hfont)
+     old_font = SelectObject (s->hdc, s->font->hfont);
+   /* Draw characters of S as rectangles if S's font could not be
+      loaded. */
+   if (s->font_not_found_p)
+     {
+       for (i = 0; i < s->nchars; ++i)
+         {
+           struct glyph *g = s->first_glyph + i;
+           w32_draw_rectangle (s->hdc, s->gc, x, s->y, g->pixel_width - 1,
+                               s->height - 1);
+           x += g->pixel_width;
+         }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       char *char1b = (char *) s->char2b;
+       int boff = s->font_info->baseline_offset;
+       if (s->font_info->vertical_centering)
+       boff = VCENTER_BASELINE_OFFSET (s->font, s->f) - boff;
+       /* If we can use 8-bit functions, condense S->char2b.  */
+       if (!s->two_byte_p)
+         for (i = 0; i < s->nchars; ++i)
+           char1b[i] = XCHAR2B_BYTE2 (&s->char2b[i]);
+       /* Draw text with TextOut and friends. */
+       w32_text_out (s, x, s->ybase - boff, s->char2b, s->nchars);
+       if (s->face->overstrike)
+       {
+         /* For overstriking (to simulate bold-face), draw the
+            characters again shifted to the right by one pixel.  */
+         w32_text_out (s, x + 1, s->ybase - boff, s->char2b, s->nchars);
+       }
+     }
+   if (s->font && s->font->hfont)
+     SelectObject (s->hdc, old_font);
+ }
+ /* Draw the foreground of composite glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_composite_glyph_string_foreground (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int i, x;
+   HFONT old_font;
+   /* If first glyph of S has a left box line, start drawing the text
+      of S to the right of that box line.  */
+   if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+     x = s->x + abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   else
+     x = s->x;
+   /* S is a glyph string for a composition.  S->gidx is the index of
+      the first character drawn for glyphs of this composition.
+      S->gidx == 0 means we are drawing the very first character of
+      this composition.  */
+   SetTextColor (s->hdc, s->gc->foreground);
+   SetBkColor (s->hdc, s->gc->background);
+   SetBkMode (s->hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+   SetTextAlign (s->hdc, TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT);
+   if (s->font && s->font->hfont)
+     old_font = SelectObject (s->hdc, s->font->hfont);
+   /* Draw a rectangle for the composition if the font for the very
+      first character of the composition could not be loaded.  */
+   if (s->font_not_found_p)
+     {
+       if (s->gidx == 0)
+         w32_draw_rectangle (s->hdc, s->gc, x, s->y, s->width - 1,
+                             s->height - 1);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       for (i = 0; i < s->nchars; i++, ++s->gidx)
+       {
+         w32_text_out (s, x + s->cmp->offsets[s->gidx * 2],
+                       s->ybase - s->cmp->offsets[s->gidx * 2 + 1],
+                       s->char2b + i, 1);
+         if (s->face->overstrike)
+           w32_text_out (s, x + s->cmp->offsets[s->gidx * 2] + 1,
+                         s->ybase - s->cmp->offsets[s->gidx * 2 + 1],
+                         s->char2b + i, 1);
+       }
+     }
+   if (s->font && s->font->hfont)
+     SelectObject (s->hdc, old_font);
+ }
+ /* Brightness beyond which a color won't have its highlight brightness
+    boosted.
+    Nominally, highlight colors for `3d' faces are calculated by
+    brightening an object's color by a constant scale factor, but this
+    doesn't yield good results for dark colors, so for colors who's
+    brightness is less than this value (on a scale of 0-255) have to
+    use an additional additive factor.
+    The value here is set so that the default menu-bar/mode-line color
+    (grey75) will not have its highlights changed at all.  */
+ /* Allocate a color which is lighter or darker than *COLOR by FACTOR
+    or DELTA.  Try a color with RGB values multiplied by FACTOR first.
+    If this produces the same color as COLOR, try a color where all RGB
+    values have DELTA added.  Return the allocated color in *COLOR.
+    DISPLAY is the X display, CMAP is the colormap to operate on.
+    Value is non-zero if successful.  */
+ static int
+ w32_alloc_lighter_color (f, color, factor, delta)
+      struct frame *f;
+      COLORREF *color;
+      double factor;
+      int delta;
+ {
+   COLORREF new;
+   long bright;
+   /* On Windows, RGB values are 0-255, not 0-65535, so scale delta. */
+   delta /= 256;
+   /* Change RGB values by specified FACTOR.  Avoid overflow!  */
+   xassert (factor >= 0);
+   new = PALETTERGB (min (0xff, factor * GetRValue (*color)),
+                     min (0xff, factor * GetGValue (*color)),
+                     min (0xff, factor * GetBValue (*color)));
+   /* Calculate brightness of COLOR.  */
+   bright = (2 * GetRValue (*color) + 3 * GetGValue (*color)
+             + GetBValue (*color)) / 6;
+   /* We only boost colors that are darker than
+     /* Make an additive adjustment to NEW, because it's dark enough so
+        that scaling by FACTOR alone isn't enough.  */
+     {
+       /* How far below the limit this color is (0 - 1, 1 being darker).  */
+       double dimness = 1 - (double)bright / HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DARK_BOOST_LIMIT;
+       /* The additive adjustment.  */
+       int min_delta = delta * dimness * factor / 2;
+       if (factor < 1)
+         new = PALETTERGB (max (0, min (0xff, min_delta - GetRValue (*color))),
+                           max (0, min (0xff, min_delta - GetGValue (*color))),
+                           max (0, min (0xff, min_delta - GetBValue 
+       else
+         new = PALETTERGB (max (0, min (0xff, min_delta + GetRValue (*color))),
+                           max (0, min (0xff, min_delta + GetGValue (*color))),
+                           max (0, min (0xff, min_delta + GetBValue 
+     }
+   if (new == *color)
+     new = PALETTERGB (max (0, min (0xff, delta + GetRValue (*color))),
+                       max (0, min (0xff, delta + GetGValue (*color))),
+                       max (0, min (0xff, delta + GetBValue (*color))));
+   /* TODO: Map to palette and retry with delta if same? */
+   /* TODO: Free colors (if using palette)? */
+   if (new == *color)
+     return 0;
+   *color = new;
+   return 1;
+ }
+ /* Set up the foreground color for drawing relief lines of glyph
+    string S.  RELIEF is a pointer to a struct relief containing the GC
+    with which lines will be drawn.  Use a color that is FACTOR or
+    DELTA lighter or darker than the relief's background which is found
+    in S->f->output_data.x->relief_background.  If such a color cannot
+    be allocated, use DEFAULT_PIXEL, instead.  */
+ static void
+ w32_setup_relief_color (f, relief, factor, delta, default_pixel)
+      struct frame *f;
+      struct relief *relief;
+      double factor;
+      int delta;
+      COLORREF default_pixel;
+ {
+   XGCValues xgcv;
+   struct w32_output *di = f->output_data.w32;
+   unsigned long mask = GCForeground;
+   COLORREF pixel;
+   COLORREF background = di->relief_background;
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   /* TODO: Free colors (if using palette)? */
+   /* Allocate new color.  */
+   xgcv.foreground = default_pixel;
+   pixel = background;
+   if (w32_alloc_lighter_color (f, &pixel, factor, delta))
+     {
+       relief->allocated_p = 1;
+       xgcv.foreground = relief->pixel = pixel;
+     }
+   if (relief->gc == 0)
+     {
+ #if 0 /* TODO: stipple */
+       xgcv.stipple = dpyinfo->gray;
+       mask |= GCStipple;
+ #endif
+       relief->gc = XCreateGC (NULL, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), mask, &xgcv);
+     }
+   else
+     XChangeGC (NULL, relief->gc, mask, &xgcv);
+ }
+ /* Set up colors for the relief lines around glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_setup_relief_colors (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   struct w32_output *di = s->f->output_data.w32;
+   COLORREF color;
+   if (s->face->use_box_color_for_shadows_p)
+     color = s->face->box_color;
+   else if (s->first_glyph->type == IMAGE_GLYPH
+          && s->img->pixmap
+          && !IMAGE_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT (s->img, s->f, 0))
+     color = IMAGE_BACKGROUND  (s->img, s->f, 0);
+   else
+     color = s->gc->background;
+   if (di->white_relief.gc == 0
+       || color != di->relief_background)
+     {
+       di->relief_background = color;
+       w32_setup_relief_color (s->f, &di->white_relief, 1.2, 0x8000,
+                               WHITE_PIX_DEFAULT (s->f));
+       w32_setup_relief_color (s->f, &di->black_relief, 0.6, 0x4000,
+                               BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (s->f));
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw a relief on frame F inside the rectangle given by LEFT_X,
+    TOP_Y, RIGHT_X, and BOTTOM_Y.  WIDTH is the thickness of the relief
+    to draw, it must be >= 0.  RAISED_P non-zero means draw a raised
+    relief.  LEFT_P non-zero means draw a relief on the left side of
+    the rectangle.  RIGHT_P non-zero means draw a relief on the right
+    side of the rectangle.  CLIP_RECT is the clipping rectangle to use
+    when drawing.  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_relief_rect (f, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, width,
+                       raised_p, left_p, right_p, clip_rect)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, width, left_p, right_p, raised_p;
+      RECT *clip_rect;
+ {
+   int i;
+   XGCValues gc;
+   HDC hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   if (raised_p)
+     gc.foreground = f->output_data.w32->white_relief.gc->foreground;
+   else
+     gc.foreground = f->output_data.w32->black_relief.gc->foreground;
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, clip_rect);
+   /* Top.  */
+   for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+     w32_fill_area (f, hdc, gc.foreground,
+                  left_x + i * left_p, top_y + i,
+                  right_x - left_x - i * (left_p + right_p ) + 1, 1);
+   /* Left.  */
+   if (left_p)
+     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+       w32_fill_area (f, hdc, gc.foreground,
+                    left_x + i, top_y + i, 1,
+                    bottom_y - top_y - 2 * i + 1);
+   if (raised_p)
+     gc.foreground = f->output_data.w32->black_relief.gc->foreground;
+   else
+     gc.foreground = f->output_data.w32->white_relief.gc->foreground;
+   /* Bottom.  */
+   for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+     w32_fill_area (f, hdc, gc.foreground,
+                  left_x + i * left_p, bottom_y - i,
+                  right_x - left_x - i * (left_p + right_p) + 1, 1);
+   /* Right.  */
+   if (right_p)
+     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+       w32_fill_area (f, hdc, gc.foreground,
+                    right_x - i, top_y + i + 1, 1,
+                    bottom_y - top_y - 2 * i - 1);
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, NULL);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* Draw a box on frame F inside the rectangle given by LEFT_X, TOP_Y,
+    RIGHT_X, and BOTTOM_Y.  WIDTH is the thickness of the lines to
+    draw, it must be >= 0.  LEFT_P non-zero means draw a line on the
+    left side of the rectangle.  RIGHT_P non-zero means draw a line
+    on the right side of the rectangle.  CLIP_RECT is the clipping
+    rectangle to use when drawing.  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_box_rect (s, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, width,
+                    left_p, right_p, clip_rect)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+      int left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, width, left_p, right_p;
+      RECT *clip_rect;
+ {
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (s->hdc, clip_rect);
+   /* Top.  */
+   w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->box_color,
+                 left_x, top_y, right_x - left_x + 1, width);
+   /* Left.  */
+   if (left_p)
+     {
+       w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->box_color,
+                      left_x, top_y, width, bottom_y - top_y + 1);
+     }
+   /* Bottom.  */
+   w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->box_color,
+                  left_x, bottom_y - width + 1, right_x - left_x + 1, width);
+   /* Right.  */
+   if (right_p)
+     {
+       w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->box_color,
+                      right_x - width + 1, top_y, width, bottom_y - top_y + 1);
+     }
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (s->hdc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Draw a box around glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_glyph_string_box (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int width, left_x, right_x, top_y, bottom_y, last_x, raised_p;
+   int left_p, right_p;
+   struct glyph *last_glyph;
+   RECT clip_rect;
+   last_x = window_box_right (s->w, s->area);
+   if (s->row->full_width_p
+       && !s->w->pseudo_window_p)
+     {
+       last_x += WINDOW_RIGHT_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_WIDTH (s->w);
+       if (s->area != RIGHT_MARGIN_AREA
+       last_x += WINDOW_RIGHT_FRINGE_WIDTH (s->w);
+     }
+   /* The glyph that may have a right box line.  */
+   last_glyph = (s->cmp || s->img
+               ? s->first_glyph
+               : s->first_glyph + s->nchars - 1);
+   width = abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   raised_p = s->face->box == FACE_RAISED_BOX;
+   left_x = s->x;
+   right_x = ((s->row->full_width_p && s->extends_to_end_of_line_p
+             ? last_x - 1
+             : min (last_x, s->x + s->background_width) - 1));
+   top_y = s->y;
+   bottom_y = top_y + s->height - 1;
+   left_p = (s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p
+           || (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE
+               && (s->prev == NULL
+                   || s->prev->hl != s->hl)));
+   right_p = (last_glyph->right_box_line_p
+            || (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE
+                && (s->next == NULL
+                    || s->next->hl != s->hl)));
+   get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, &clip_rect);
+   if (s->face->box == FACE_SIMPLE_BOX)
+     w32_draw_box_rect (s, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, width,
+                        left_p, right_p, &clip_rect);
+   else
+     {
+       x_setup_relief_colors (s);
+       w32_draw_relief_rect (s->f, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y,
+                             width, raised_p, left_p, right_p, &clip_rect);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Draw foreground of image glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_image_foreground (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int x;
+   int y = s->ybase - image_ascent (s->img, s->face);
+   /* If first glyph of S has a left box line, start drawing it to the
+      right of that line.  */
+   if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+     x = s->x + abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   else
+     x = s->x;
+   /* If there is a margin around the image, adjust x- and y-position
+      by that margin.  */
+   x += s->img->hmargin;
+   y += s->img->vmargin;
+   SaveDC (s->hdc);
+   if (s->img->pixmap)
+     {
+       HDC compat_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (s->hdc);
+       HBRUSH fg_brush = CreateSolidBrush (s->gc->foreground);
+       HBRUSH orig_brush = SelectObject (s->hdc, fg_brush);
+       HGDIOBJ orig_obj = SelectObject (compat_hdc, s->img->pixmap);
+       SetBkColor (compat_hdc, RGB (255, 255, 255));
+       SetTextColor (s->hdc, RGB (0, 0, 0));
+       x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s);
+       if (s->img->mask)
+       {
+         HDC mask_dc = CreateCompatibleDC (s->hdc);
+         HGDIOBJ mask_orig_obj = SelectObject (mask_dc, s->img->mask);
+         SetTextColor (s->hdc, RGB (255, 255, 255));
+         SetBkColor (s->hdc, RGB (0, 0, 0));
+         BitBlt (s->hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
+         BitBlt (s->hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 mask_dc, 0, 0, SRCAND);
+         BitBlt (s->hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
+         SelectObject (mask_dc, mask_orig_obj);
+         DeleteDC (mask_dc);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         SetTextColor (s->hdc, s->gc->foreground);
+         SetBkColor (s->hdc, s->gc->background);
+           BitBlt (s->hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                   compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+         /* When the image has a mask, we can expect that at
+            least part of a mouse highlight or a block cursor will
+            be visible.  If the image doesn't have a mask, make
+            a block cursor visible by drawing a rectangle around
+            the image.  I believe it's looking better if we do
+            nothing here for mouse-face.  */
+         if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
+           {
+             int r = s->img->relief;
+             if (r < 0) r = -r;
+             w32_draw_rectangle (s->hdc, s->gc, x - r, y - r ,
+                                 s->img->width + r*2 - 1, s->img->height + r*2 
- 1);
+           }
+       }
+       w32_set_clip_rectangle (s->hdc, NULL);
+       SelectObject (s->hdc, orig_brush);
+       DeleteObject (fg_brush);
+       SelectObject (compat_hdc, orig_obj);
+       DeleteDC (compat_hdc);
+     }
+   else
+     w32_draw_rectangle (s->hdc, s->gc, x, y, s->img->width -1,
+                         s->img->height - 1);
+   RestoreDC (s->hdc ,-1);
+ }
+ /* Draw a relief around the image glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_image_relief (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int x0, y0, x1, y1, thick, raised_p;
+   RECT r;
+   int x;
+   int y = s->ybase - image_ascent (s->img, s->face);
+   /* If first glyph of S has a left box line, start drawing it to the
+      right of that line.  */
+   if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+     x = s->x + abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   else
+     x = s->x;
+   /* If there is a margin around the image, adjust x- and y-position
+      by that margin.  */
+   x += s->img->hmargin;
+   y += s->img->vmargin;
+   if (s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_SUNKEN
+       || s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED)
+     {
+       thick = tool_bar_button_relief >= 0 ? tool_bar_button_relief : 
+       raised_p = s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       thick = abs (s->img->relief);
+       raised_p = s->img->relief > 0;
+     }
+   x0 = x - thick;
+   y0 = y - thick;
+   x1 = x + s->img->width + thick - 1;
+   y1 = y + s->img->height + thick - 1;
+   x_setup_relief_colors (s);
+   get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, &r);
+   w32_draw_relief_rect (s->f, x0, y0, x1, y1, thick, raised_p, 1, 1, &r);
+ }
+ /* Draw the foreground of image glyph string S to PIXMAP.  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_image_foreground_1 (s, pixmap)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+      HBITMAP pixmap;
+ {
+   HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (s->hdc);
+   HGDIOBJ orig_hdc_obj = SelectObject (hdc, pixmap);
+   int x;
+   int y = s->ybase - s->y - image_ascent (s->img, s->face);
+   /* If first glyph of S has a left box line, start drawing it to the
+      right of that line.  */
+   if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+     x = abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   else
+     x = 0;
+   /* If there is a margin around the image, adjust x- and y-position
+      by that margin.  */
+   x += s->img->hmargin;
+   y += s->img->vmargin;
+   if (s->img->pixmap)
+     {
+       HDC compat_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
+       HBRUSH fg_brush = CreateSolidBrush (s->gc->foreground);
+       HBRUSH orig_brush = SelectObject (hdc, fg_brush);
+       HGDIOBJ orig_obj = SelectObject (compat_hdc, s->img->pixmap);
+       if (s->img->mask)
+       {
+         HDC mask_dc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
+         HGDIOBJ mask_orig_obj = SelectObject (mask_dc, s->img->mask);
+         SetTextColor (hdc, RGB (0, 0, 0));
+         SetBkColor (hdc, RGB (255, 255, 255));
+         BitBlt (hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
+         BitBlt (hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 mask_dc, 0, 0, SRCAND);
+         BitBlt (hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                 compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
+         SelectObject (mask_dc, mask_orig_obj);
+         DeleteDC (mask_dc);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         SetTextColor (hdc, s->gc->foreground);
+         SetBkColor (hdc, s->gc->background);
+           BitBlt (hdc, x, y, s->img->width, s->img->height,
+                   compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+         /* When the image has a mask, we can expect that at
+            least part of a mouse highlight or a block cursor will
+            be visible.  If the image doesn't have a mask, make
+            a block cursor visible by drawing a rectangle around
+            the image.  I believe it's looking better if we do
+            nothing here for mouse-face.  */
+         if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
+           {
+             int r = s->img->relief;
+             if (r < 0) r = -r;
+             w32_draw_rectangle (hdc, s->gc, x - r, y - r ,
+                                 s->img->width + r*2 - 1, s->img->height + r*2 
- 1);
+           }
+       }
+       SelectObject (hdc, orig_brush);
+       DeleteObject (fg_brush);
+       SelectObject (compat_hdc, orig_obj);
+       DeleteDC (compat_hdc);
+     }
+   else
+     w32_draw_rectangle (hdc, s->gc, x, y, s->img->width - 1,
+                         s->img->height - 1);
+   SelectObject (hdc, orig_hdc_obj);
+   DeleteDC (hdc);
+ }
+ /* Draw part of the background of glyph string S.  X, Y, W, and H
+    give the rectangle to draw.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_glyph_string_bg_rect (s, x, y, w, h)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+      int x, y, w, h;
+ {
+ #if 0 /* TODO: stipple */
+   if (s->stippled_p)
+     {
+       /* Fill background with a stipple pattern.  */
+       XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+       XFillRectangle (s->display, s->window, s->gc, x, y, w, h);
+       XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillSolid);
+     }
+   else
+ #endif
+     x_clear_glyph_string_rect (s, x, y, w, h);
+ }
+ /* Draw image glyph string S.
+             s->y
+    s->x      +-------------------------
+            |   s->face->box
+            |
+            |     +-------------------------
+            |     |  s->img->vmargin
+            |     |
+            |     |       +-------------------
+            |     |       |  the image
+  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_image_glyph_string (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int x, y;
+   int box_line_hwidth = abs (s->face->box_line_width);
+   int box_line_vwidth = max (s->face->box_line_width, 0);
+   int height;
+   HBITMAP pixmap = 0;
+   height = s->height - 2 * box_line_vwidth;
+   /* Fill background with face under the image.  Do it only if row is
+      taller than image or if image has a clip mask to reduce
+      flickering.  */
+   s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+   if (height > s->img->height
+       || s->img->hmargin
+       || s->img->vmargin
+       || s->img->mask
+       || s->img->pixmap == 0
+       || s->width != s->background_width)
+     {
+       if (box_line_hwidth && s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p)
+       x = s->x + box_line_hwidth;
+       else
+       x = s->x;
+       y = s->y + box_line_vwidth;
+ #if 0 /* TODO: figure out if we need to do this on Windows.  */
+       if (s->img->mask)
+       {
+         /* Create a pixmap as large as the glyph string.  Fill it
+            with the background color.  Copy the image to it, using
+            its mask.  Copy the temporary pixmap to the display.  */
+         Screen *screen = FRAME_X_SCREEN (s->f);
+         int depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen (screen);
+         /* Create a pixmap as large as the glyph string.  */
+         pixmap = XCreatePixmap (s->display, s->window,
+                                 s->background_width,
+                                 s->height, depth);
+         /* Don't clip in the following because we're working on the
+            pixmap.  */
+         XSetClipMask (s->display, s->gc, None);
+         /* Fill the pixmap with the background color/stipple.  */
+         if (s->stippled_p)
+           {
+             /* Fill background with a stipple pattern.  */
+             XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+             XFillRectangle (s->display, pixmap, s->gc,
+                             0, 0, s->background_width, s->height);
+             XSetFillStyle (s->display, s->gc, FillSolid);
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             XGCValues xgcv;
+             XGetGCValues (s->display, s->gc, GCForeground | GCBackground,
+                           &xgcv);
+             XSetForeground (s->display, s->gc, xgcv.background);
+             XFillRectangle (s->display, pixmap, s->gc,
+                             0, 0, s->background_width, s->height);
+             XSetForeground (s->display, s->gc, xgcv.foreground);
+           }
+       }
+       else
+ #endif
+       x_draw_glyph_string_bg_rect (s, x, y, s->background_width, height);
+       s->background_filled_p = 1;
+     }
+   /* Draw the foreground.  */
+   if (pixmap != 0)
+     {
+       w32_draw_image_foreground_1 (s, pixmap);
+       x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s);
+       {
+         HDC compat_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (s->hdc);
+         HBRUSH fg_brush = CreateSolidBrush (s->gc->foreground);
+         HBRUSH orig_brush = SelectObject (s->hdc, fg_brush);
+         HGDIOBJ orig_obj = SelectObject (compat_hdc, pixmap);
+         SetTextColor (s->hdc, s->gc->foreground);
+         SetBkColor (s->hdc, s->gc->background);
+         BitBlt (s->hdc, s->x, s->y, s->background_width, s->height,
+                 compat_hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
+         SelectObject (s->hdc, orig_brush);
+         DeleteObject (fg_brush);
+         SelectObject (compat_hdc, orig_obj);
+         DeleteDC (compat_hdc);
+       }
+       DeleteObject (pixmap);
+       pixmap = 0;
+     }
+   else
+     x_draw_image_foreground (s);
+   /* If we must draw a relief around the image, do it.  */
+   if (s->img->relief
+       || s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED
+       || s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_SUNKEN)
+     x_draw_image_relief (s);
+ }
+ /* Draw stretch glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_stretch_glyph_string (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   xassert (s->first_glyph->type == STRETCH_GLYPH);
+   s->stippled_p = s->face->stipple != 0;
+   if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR
+       && !x_stretch_cursor_p)
+     {
+       /* If `x-stretch-block-cursor' is nil, don't draw a block cursor
+        as wide as the stretch glyph.  */
+       int width = min (FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (s->f), s->background_width);
+       /* Draw cursor.  */
+       x_draw_glyph_string_bg_rect (s, s->x, s->y, width, s->height);
+       /* Clear rest using the GC of the original non-cursor face.  */
+       if (width < s->background_width)
+       {
+         XGCValues *gc = s->face->gc;
+         int x = s->x + width, y = s->y;
+         int w = s->background_width - width, h = s->height;
+         RECT r;
+           HDC hdc = s->hdc;
+         if (s->row->mouse_face_p
+             && cursor_in_mouse_face_p (s->w))
+           {
+             x_set_mouse_face_gc (s);
+             gc = s->gc;
+           }
+         else
+           gc = s->face->gc;
+         get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, &r);
+         w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, &r);
+ #if 0 /* TODO: stipple */
+         if (s->face->stipple)
+           {
+             /* Fill background with a stipple pattern.  */
+             XSetFillStyle (s->display, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+             XFillRectangle (s->display, s->window, gc, x, y, w, h);
+             XSetFillStyle (s->display, gc, FillSolid);
+           }
+         else
+ #endif
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, gc->background, x, y, w, h);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+   else if (!s->background_filled_p)
+     x_draw_glyph_string_bg_rect (s, s->x, s->y, s->background_width,
+                                s->height);
+   s->background_filled_p = 1;
+ }
+ /* Draw glyph string S.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_glyph_string (s)
+      struct glyph_string *s;
+ {
+   int relief_drawn_p = 0;
+   /* If S draws into the background of its successor, draw the
+      background of the successor first so that S can draw into it.
+      This makes S->next use XDrawString instead of XDrawImageString.  */
+   if (s->next && s->right_overhang && !s->for_overlaps_p)
+     {
+       xassert (s->next->img == NULL);
+       x_set_glyph_string_gc (s->next);
+       x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s->next);
+       x_draw_glyph_string_background (s->next, 1);
+     }
+   /* Set up S->gc, set clipping and draw S.  */
+   x_set_glyph_string_gc (s);
+   /* Draw relief (if any) in advance for char/composition so that the
+      glyph string can be drawn over it.  */
+   if (!s->for_overlaps_p
+       && s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
+       && (s->first_glyph->type == CHAR_GLYPH
+         || s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH))
+     {
+       x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s);
+       x_draw_glyph_string_background (s, 1);
+       x_draw_glyph_string_box (s);
+       x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s);
+       relief_drawn_p = 1;
+     }
+   else
+     x_set_glyph_string_clipping (s);
+   switch (s->first_glyph->type)
+     {
+     case IMAGE_GLYPH:
+       x_draw_image_glyph_string (s);
+       break;
+     case STRETCH_GLYPH:
+       x_draw_stretch_glyph_string (s);
+       break;
+     case CHAR_GLYPH:
+       if (s->for_overlaps_p)
+       s->background_filled_p = 1;
+       else
+         x_draw_glyph_string_background (s, 0);
+       x_draw_glyph_string_foreground (s);
+       break;
+       if (s->for_overlaps_p || s->gidx > 0)
+       s->background_filled_p = 1;
+       else
+       x_draw_glyph_string_background (s, 1);
+       x_draw_composite_glyph_string_foreground (s);
+       break;
+     default:
+       abort ();
+     }
+   if (!s->for_overlaps_p)
+     {
+       /* Draw underline.  */
+       if (s->face->underline_p
+           && (s->font->bdf || !s->font->tm.tmUnderlined))
+         {
+           unsigned long h = 1;
+           unsigned long dy = s->height - h;
+         /* TODO: Use font information for positioning and thickness
+            of underline.  See OUTLINETEXTMETRIC, and xterm.c.  */
+           if (s->face->underline_defaulted_p)
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->gc->foreground, s->x,
+                              s->y + dy, s->width, 1);
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->underline_color, s->x,
+                              s->y + dy, s->width, 1);
+             }
+         }
+       /* Draw overline.  */
+       if (s->face->overline_p)
+         {
+           unsigned long dy = 0, h = 1;
+           if (s->face->overline_color_defaulted_p)
+         {
+           w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->gc->foreground, s->x,
+                          s->y + dy, s->width, h);
+         }
+           else
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->underline_color, s->x,
+                              s->y + dy, s->width, h);
+             }
+         }
+       /* Draw strike-through.  */
+       if (s->face->strike_through_p
+           && (s->font->bdf || !s->font->tm.tmStruckOut))
+         {
+           unsigned long h = 1;
+           unsigned long dy = (s->height - h) / 2;
+           if (s->face->strike_through_color_defaulted_p)
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->gc->foreground, s->x, s->y + dy,
+                              s->width, h);
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               w32_fill_area (s->f, s->hdc, s->face->underline_color, s->x,
+                              s->y + dy, s->width, h);
+             }
+         }
+       /* Draw relief.  */
+       if (!relief_drawn_p && s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX)
+         x_draw_glyph_string_box (s);
+     }
+   /* Reset clipping.  */
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (s->hdc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Shift display to make room for inserted glyphs.   */
+ void
+ w32_shift_glyphs_for_insert (f, x, y, width, height, shift_by)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int x, y, width, height, shift_by;
+ {
+   HDC hdc;
+   hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   BitBlt (hdc, x + shift_by, y, width, height,
+           hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* Delete N glyphs at the nominal cursor position.  Not implemented
+    for X frames.  */
+ static void
+ x_delete_glyphs (n)
+      register int n;
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   if (updating_frame)
+     f = updating_frame;
+   else
+     f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   abort ();
+ }
+ /* Clear entire frame.  If updating_frame is non-null, clear that
+    frame.  Otherwise clear the selected frame.  */
+ static void
+ x_clear_frame ()
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   if (updating_frame)
+     f = updating_frame;
+   else
+     f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   /* Clearing the frame will erase any cursor, so mark them all as no
+      longer visible.  */
+   mark_window_cursors_off (XWINDOW (FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f)));
+   output_cursor.hpos = output_cursor.vpos = 0;
+   output_cursor.x = -1;
+   /* We don't set the output cursor here because there will always
+      follow an explicit cursor_to.  */
+   w32_clear_window (f);
+   /* We have to clear the scroll bars, too.  If we have changed
+      colors or something like that, then they should be notified.  */
+   x_scroll_bar_clear (f);
+ }
+ /* Make audible bell.  */
+ static void
+ w32_ring_bell (void)
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+   if (FRAME_W32_P (f) && visible_bell)
+     {
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+       {
+         FlashWindow (hwnd, TRUE);
+         Sleep (10);
+       }
+       FlashWindow (hwnd, FALSE);
+     }
+   else
+       w32_sys_ring_bell ();
+ }
+ /* Specify how many text lines, from the top of the window,
+    should be affected by insert-lines and delete-lines operations.
+    This, and those operations, are used only within an update
+    that is bounded by calls to x_update_begin and x_update_end.  */
+ static void
+ w32_set_terminal_window (n)
+      register int n;
+ {
+   /* This function intentionally left blank.  */
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                             Line Dance
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Perform an insert-lines or delete-lines operation, inserting N
+    lines or deleting -N lines at vertical position VPOS.  */
+ static void
+ x_ins_del_lines (vpos, n)
+      int vpos, n;
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   if (updating_frame)
+     f = updating_frame;
+   else
+     f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   abort ();
+ }
+ /* Scroll part of the display as described by RUN.  */
+ static void
+ x_scroll_run (w, run)
+      struct window *w;
+      struct run *run;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (w->frame);
+   int x, y, width, height, from_y, to_y, bottom_y;
+   HWND hwnd = FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f);
+   HRGN expect_dirty;
+   /* Get frame-relative bounding box of the text display area of W,
+      without mode lines.  Include in this box the left and right
+      fringes of W.  */
+   window_box (w, -1, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+   from_y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, run->current_y);
+   to_y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, run->desired_y);
+   bottom_y = y + height;
+   if (to_y < from_y)
+     {
+       /* Scrolling up.  Make sure we don't copy part of the mode
+        line at the bottom.  */
+       if (from_y + run->height > bottom_y)
+       height = bottom_y - from_y;
+       else
+       height = run->height;
+       expect_dirty = CreateRectRgn (x, y + height, x + width, bottom_y);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       /* Scolling down.  Make sure we don't copy over the mode line.
+        at the bottom.  */
+       if (to_y + run->height > bottom_y)
+       height = bottom_y - to_y;
+       else
+       height = run->height;
+       expect_dirty = CreateRectRgn (x, y, x + width, to_y);
+     }
+   /* Cursor off.  Will be switched on again in x_update_window_end.  */
+   updated_window = w;
+   x_clear_cursor (w);
+   {
+     RECT from;
+     RECT to;
+     HRGN dirty = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0);
+     HRGN combined = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0);
+     from.left = to.left = x;
+     from.right = to.right = x + width;
+     from.top = from_y;
+     from.bottom = from_y + height;
+     to.top = y;
+     to.bottom = bottom_y;
+     ScrollWindowEx (hwnd, 0, to_y - from_y, &from, &to, dirty,
+                   NULL, SW_INVALIDATE);
+     /* Combine this with what we expect to be dirty. This covers the
+        case where not all of the region we expect is actually dirty.  */
+     CombineRgn (combined, dirty, expect_dirty, RGN_OR);
+     /* If the dirty region is not what we expected, redraw the entire frame.  
+     if (!EqualRgn (combined, expect_dirty))
+   }
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                          Exposure Events
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ static void
+ frame_highlight (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   x_update_cursor (f, 1);
+ }
+ static void
+ frame_unhighlight (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   x_update_cursor (f, 1);
+ }
+ /* The focus has changed.  Update the frames as necessary to reflect
+    the new situation.  Note that we can't change the selected frame
+    here, because the Lisp code we are interrupting might become confused.
+    Each event gets marked with the frame in which it occurred, so the
+    Lisp code can tell when the switch took place by examining the events.  */
+ static void
+ x_new_focus_frame (dpyinfo, frame)
+      struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo;
+      struct frame *frame;
+ {
+   struct frame *old_focus = dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame;
+   if (frame != dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)
+     {
+       /* Set this before calling other routines, so that they see
+        the correct value of w32_focus_frame.  */
+       dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame = frame;
+       if (old_focus && old_focus->auto_lower)
+       x_lower_frame (old_focus);
+       if (dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame && dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame->auto_raise)
+       pending_autoraise_frame = dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame;
+       else
+       pending_autoraise_frame = 0;
+     }
+   x_frame_rehighlight (dpyinfo);
+ }
+ /* Handle an event saying the mouse has moved out of an Emacs frame.  */
+ void
+ x_mouse_leave (dpyinfo)
+      struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo;
+ {
+   x_new_focus_frame (dpyinfo, dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame);
+ }
+ /* The focus has changed, or we have redirected a frame's focus to
+    another frame (this happens when a frame uses a surrogate
+    mini-buffer frame).  Shift the highlight as appropriate.
+    The FRAME argument doesn't necessarily have anything to do with which
+    frame is being highlighted or un-highlighted; we only use it to find
+    the appropriate X display info.  */
+ static void
+ w32_frame_rehighlight (frame)
+      struct frame *frame;
+ {
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (frame))
+     return;
+   x_frame_rehighlight (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (frame));
+ }
+ static void
+ x_frame_rehighlight (dpyinfo)
+      struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo;
+ {
+   struct frame *old_highlight = dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame;
+   if (dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)
+     {
+       dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame
+       = ((GC_FRAMEP (FRAME_FOCUS_FRAME (dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)))
+          ? XFRAME (FRAME_FOCUS_FRAME (dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame))
+          : dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame);
+       if (! FRAME_LIVE_P (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame))
+       {
+         FRAME_FOCUS_FRAME (dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame) = Qnil;
+         dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame;
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = 0;
+   if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame != old_highlight)
+     {
+       if (old_highlight)
+       frame_unhighlight (old_highlight);
+       if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame)
+       frame_highlight (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Keyboard processing - modifier keys, etc. */
+ /* Convert a keysym to its name.  */
+ char *
+ x_get_keysym_name (keysym)
+     int keysym;
+ {
+   /* Make static so we can always return it */
+   static char value[100];
+   GetKeyNameText (keysym, value, 100);
+   return value;
+ }
+ /* Mouse clicks and mouse movement.  Rah.  */
+ /* Parse a button MESSAGE. The button index is returned in PBUTTON, and
+    the state in PUP. XBUTTON provides extra information for extended mouse
+    button messages. Returns FALSE if unable to parse the message.  */
+ parse_button (message, xbutton, pbutton, pup)
+      int message;
+      int xbutton;
+      int * pbutton;
+      int * pup;
+ {
+   int button = 0;
+   int up = 0;
+   switch (message)
+     {
+     case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
+       button = 0;
+       up = 0;
+       break;
+     case WM_LBUTTONUP:
+       button = 0;
+       up = 1;
+       break;
+     case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
+       if (NILP (Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons))
+       button = 1;
+       else
+       button = 2;
+       up = 0;
+       break;
+     case WM_MBUTTONUP:
+       if (NILP (Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons))
+       button = 1;
+       else
+       button = 2;
+       up = 1;
+       break;
+     case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
+       if (NILP (Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons))
+       button = 2;
+       else
+       button = 1;
+       up = 0;
+       break;
+     case WM_RBUTTONUP:
+       if (NILP (Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons))
+       button = 2;
+       else
+       button = 1;
+       up = 1;
+       break;
+     case WM_XBUTTONDOWN:
+       button = xbutton + 2;
+       up = 0;
+       break;
+     case WM_XBUTTONUP:
+       button = xbutton + 2;
+       up = 1;
+       break;
+     default:
+       return (FALSE);
+     }
+   if (pup) *pup = up;
+   if (pbutton) *pbutton = button;
+   return (TRUE);
+ }
+ /* Prepare a mouse-event in *RESULT for placement in the input queue.
+    If the event is a button press, then note that we have grabbed
+    the mouse.  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ construct_mouse_click (result, msg, f)
+      struct input_event *result;
+      W32Msg *msg;
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   int button;
+   int up;
+   parse_button (msg->msg.message, HIWORD (msg->msg.wParam),
+               &button, &up);
+   /* Make the event type NO_EVENT; we'll change that when we decide
+      otherwise.  */
+   result->kind = MOUSE_CLICK_EVENT;
+   result->code = button;
+   result->timestamp = msg->msg.time;
+   result->modifiers = (msg->dwModifiers
+                      | (up
+                         ? up_modifier
+                         : down_modifier));
+   XSETINT (result->x, LOWORD (msg->msg.lParam));
+   XSETINT (result->y, HIWORD (msg->msg.lParam));
+   XSETFRAME (result->frame_or_window, f);
+   result->arg = Qnil;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ static Lisp_Object
+ construct_mouse_wheel (result, msg, f)
+      struct input_event *result;
+      W32Msg *msg;
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   POINT p;
+   int delta;
+   result->kind = WHEEL_EVENT;
+   result->code = 0;
+   result->timestamp = msg->msg.time;
+   /* A WHEEL_DELTA positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated
+      forward, away from the user (up); a negative value indicates that
+      the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user (down).  */
+   delta = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM (msg->msg.wParam);
+   /* The up and down modifiers indicate if the wheel was rotated up or
+      down based on WHEEL_DELTA value.  */
+   result->modifiers = (msg->dwModifiers
+                        | ((delta < 0 ) ? down_modifier : up_modifier));
+   p.x = LOWORD (msg->msg.lParam);
+   p.y = HIWORD (msg->msg.lParam);
+   ScreenToClient (msg->msg.hwnd, &p);
+   XSETINT (result->x, p.x);
+   XSETINT (result->y, p.y);
+   XSETFRAME (result->frame_or_window, f);
+   result->arg = Qnil;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ static Lisp_Object
+ construct_drag_n_drop (result, msg, f)
+      struct input_event *result;
+      W32Msg *msg;
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object files;
+   Lisp_Object frame;
+   HDROP hdrop;
+   POINT p;
+   WORD num_files;
+   char *name;
+   int i, len;
+   result->kind = DRAG_N_DROP_EVENT;
+   result->code = 0;
+   result->timestamp = msg->msg.time;
+   result->modifiers = msg->dwModifiers;
+   hdrop = (HDROP) msg->msg.wParam;
+   DragQueryPoint (hdrop, &p);
+ #if 0
+   p.x = LOWORD (msg->msg.lParam);
+   p.y = HIWORD (msg->msg.lParam);
+   ScreenToClient (msg->msg.hwnd, &p);
+ #endif
+   XSETINT (result->x, p.x);
+   XSETINT (result->y, p.y);
+   num_files = DragQueryFile (hdrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
+   files = Qnil;
+   for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++)
+     {
+       len = DragQueryFile (hdrop, i, NULL, 0);
+       if (len <= 0)
+       continue;
+       name = alloca (len + 1);
+       DragQueryFile (hdrop, i, name, len + 1);
+       files = Fcons (DECODE_FILE (build_string (name)), files);
+     }
+   DragFinish (hdrop);
+   XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+   result->frame_or_window = Fcons (frame, files);
+   result->arg = Qnil;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Function to report a mouse movement to the mainstream Emacs code.
+    The input handler calls this.
+    We have received a mouse movement event, which is given in *event.
+    If the mouse is over a different glyph than it was last time, tell
+    the mainstream emacs code by setting mouse_moved.  If not, ask for
+    another motion event, so we can check again the next time it moves.  */
+ static MSG last_mouse_motion_event;
+ static Lisp_Object last_mouse_motion_frame;
+ static void remember_mouse_glyph P_ ((struct frame *, int, int));
+ static void
+ note_mouse_movement (frame, msg)
+      FRAME_PTR frame;
+      MSG *msg;
+ {
+   int mouse_x = LOWORD (msg->lParam);
+   int mouse_y = HIWORD (msg->lParam);
+   last_mouse_movement_time = msg->time;
+   memcpy (&last_mouse_motion_event, msg, sizeof (last_mouse_motion_event));
+   XSETFRAME (last_mouse_motion_frame, frame);
+   if (msg->hwnd != FRAME_W32_WINDOW (frame))
+     {
+       frame->mouse_moved = 1;
+       last_mouse_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+       note_mouse_highlight (frame, -1, -1);
+     }
+   /* Has the mouse moved off the glyph it was on at the last sighting?  */
+   else if (mouse_x < last_mouse_glyph.left
+          || mouse_x > last_mouse_glyph.right
+          || mouse_y < last_mouse_glyph.top
+          || mouse_y > last_mouse_glyph.bottom)
+     {
+       frame->mouse_moved = 1;
+       last_mouse_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+       note_mouse_highlight (frame, mouse_x, mouse_y);
+       /* Remember the mouse position here, as w32_mouse_position only
+        gets called when mouse tracking is enabled but we also need
+        to keep track of the mouse for help_echo and highlighting at
+        other times.  */
+       remember_mouse_glyph (frame, mouse_x, mouse_y);
+     }
+ }
+ /************************************************************************
+                             Mouse Face
+  ************************************************************************/
+ static struct scroll_bar *x_window_to_scroll_bar ();
+ static void x_scroll_bar_report_motion ();
+ static void x_check_fullscreen P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static void x_check_fullscreen_move P_ ((struct frame *));
+ static int glyph_rect P_ ((struct frame *f, int, int, RECT *));
+ static void
+ redo_mouse_highlight ()
+ {
+   if (!NILP (last_mouse_motion_frame)
+       && FRAME_LIVE_P (XFRAME (last_mouse_motion_frame)))
+     note_mouse_highlight (XFRAME (last_mouse_motion_frame),
+                         LOWORD (last_mouse_motion_event.lParam),
+                         HIWORD (last_mouse_motion_event.lParam));
+ }
+ void
+ w32_define_cursor (window, cursor)
+      Window window;
+      Cursor cursor;
+ {
+   PostMessage (window, WM_EMACS_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM) cursor, 0);
+ }
+ /* Try to determine frame pixel position and size of the glyph under
+    frame pixel coordinates X/Y on frame F .  Return the position and
+    size in *RECT.  Value is non-zero if we could compute these
+    values.  */
+ static int
+ glyph_rect (f, x, y, rect)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int x, y;
+      RECT *rect;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object window;
+   window = window_from_coordinates (f, x, y, 0, &x, &y, 0);
+   if (!NILP (window))
+     {
+       struct window *w = XWINDOW (window);
+       struct glyph_row *r = MATRIX_FIRST_TEXT_ROW (w->current_matrix);
+       struct glyph_row *end = r + w->current_matrix->nrows - 1;
+       for (; r < end && r->enabled_p; ++r)
+       if (r->y <= y && r->y + r->height > y)
+         {
+           /* Found the row at y.  */
+           struct glyph *g = r->glyphs[TEXT_AREA];
+           struct glyph *end = g + r->used[TEXT_AREA];
+           int gx;
+           rect->top = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, r->y);
+           rect->bottom = rect->top + r->height;
+           if (x < r->x)
+             {
+               /* x is to the left of the first glyph in the row.  */
+               /* Shouldn't this be a pixel value?
+                  WINDOW_LEFT_EDGE_X (w) seems to be the right value.
+                  ++KFS */
+               rect->left = WINDOW_LEFT_EDGE_COL (w);
+               rect->right = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, r->x);
+               return 1;
+             }
+           for (gx = r->x; g < end; gx += g->pixel_width, ++g)
+             if (gx <= x && gx + g->pixel_width > x)
+               {
+                 /* x is on a glyph.  */
+                 rect->left = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, gx);
+                 rect->right = rect->left + g->pixel_width;
+                 return 1;
+               }
+           /* x is to the right of the last glyph in the row.  */
+           rect->left = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, gx);
+           /* Shouldn't this be a pixel value?
+              WINDOW_RIGHT_EDGE_X (w) seems to be the right value.
+              ++KFS */
+           rect->right = WINDOW_RIGHT_EDGE_COL (w);
+           return 1;
+         }
+     }
+   /* The y is not on any row.  */
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* Record the position of the mouse in last_mouse_glyph.  */
+ static void
+ remember_mouse_glyph (f1, gx, gy)
+      struct frame * f1;
+      int gx, gy;
+ {
+   if (!glyph_rect (f1, gx, gy, &last_mouse_glyph))
+     {
+       int width = FRAME_SMALLEST_CHAR_WIDTH (f1);
+       int height = FRAME_SMALLEST_FONT_HEIGHT (f1);
+       /* Arrange for the division in FRAME_PIXEL_X_TO_COL etc. to
+        round down even for negative values.  */
+       if (gx < 0)
+       gx -= width - 1;
+       if (gy < 0)
+       gy -= height - 1;
+ #if 0
+       /* This was the original code from XTmouse_position, but it seems
+        to give the position of the glyph diagonally next to the one
+        the mouse is over.  */
+       gx = (gx + width - 1) / width * width;
+       gy = (gy + height - 1) / height * height;
+ #else
+       gx = gx / width * width;
+       gy = gy / height * height;
+ #endif
+       last_mouse_glyph.left = gx;
+       last_mouse_glyph.top = gy;
+       last_mouse_glyph.right  = gx + width;
+       last_mouse_glyph.bottom = gy + height;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Return the current position of the mouse.
+    *fp should be a frame which indicates which display to ask about.
+    If the mouse movement started in a scroll bar, set *fp, *bar_window,
+    and *part to the frame, window, and scroll bar part that the mouse
+    is over.  Set *x and *y to the portion and whole of the mouse's
+    position on the scroll bar.
+    If the mouse movement started elsewhere, set *fp to the frame the
+    mouse is on, *bar_window to nil, and *x and *y to the character cell
+    the mouse is over.
+    Set *time to the server time-stamp for the time at which the mouse
+    was at this position.
+    Don't store anything if we don't have a valid set of values to report.
+    This clears the mouse_moved flag, so we can wait for the next mouse
+    movement.  */
+ static void
+ w32_mouse_position (fp, insist, bar_window, part, x, y, time)
+      FRAME_PTR *fp;
+      int insist;
+      Lisp_Object *bar_window;
+      enum scroll_bar_part *part;
+      Lisp_Object *x, *y;
+      unsigned long *time;
+ {
+   FRAME_PTR f1;
+   if (! NILP (last_mouse_scroll_bar) && insist == 0)
+     x_scroll_bar_report_motion (fp, bar_window, part, x, y, time);
+   else
+     {
+       POINT pt;
+       Lisp_Object frame, tail;
+       /* Clear the mouse-moved flag for every frame on this display.  */
+       FOR_EACH_FRAME (tail, frame)
+       XFRAME (frame)->mouse_moved = 0;
+       last_mouse_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+       GetCursorPos (&pt);
+       /* Now we have a position on the root; find the innermost window
+        containing the pointer.  */
+       {
+       if (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (*fp)->grabbed && last_mouse_frame
+           && FRAME_LIVE_P (last_mouse_frame))
+         {
+           /* If mouse was grabbed on a frame, give coords for that frame
+              even if the mouse is now outside it.  */
+           f1 = last_mouse_frame;
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           /* Is window under mouse one of our frames?  */
+           f1 = x_any_window_to_frame (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (*fp),
+                                     WindowFromPoint (pt));
+         }
+       /* If not, is it one of our scroll bars?  */
+       if (! f1)
+         {
+           struct scroll_bar *bar
+               = x_window_to_scroll_bar (WindowFromPoint (pt));
+           if (bar)
+             {
+               f1 = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (XWINDOW (bar->window)));
+             }
+         }
+       if (f1 == 0 && insist > 0)
+         f1 = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+       if (f1)
+         {
+           /* Ok, we found a frame.  Store all the values.
+              last_mouse_glyph is a rectangle used to reduce the
+              generation of mouse events.  To not miss any motion
+              events, we must divide the frame into rectangles of the
+              size of the smallest character that could be displayed
+              on it, i.e. into the same rectangles that matrices on
+              the frame are divided into.  */
+           int ignore1, ignore2;
+           ScreenToClient (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f1), &pt);
+           pixel_to_glyph_coords (f1, pt.x, pt.y, &ignore1, &ignore2,
+                                  &last_mouse_glyph,
+                                  FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f1)->grabbed
+                                  || insist);
+ #else
+           ScreenToClient (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f1), &pt);
+           remember_mouse_glyph (f1, pt.x, pt.y);
+ #endif
+           *bar_window = Qnil;
+           *part = 0;
+           *fp = f1;
+           XSETINT (*x, pt.x);
+           XSETINT (*y, pt.y);
+           *time = last_mouse_movement_time;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                              Tool-bars
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Handle mouse button event on the tool-bar of frame F, at
+    frame-relative coordinates X/Y.  EVENT_TYPE is either ButtionPress
+    or ButtonRelase.  */
+ static void
+ w32_handle_tool_bar_click (f, button_event)
+      struct frame *f;
+      struct input_event *button_event;
+ {
+   int x = XFASTINT (button_event->x);
+   int y = XFASTINT (button_event->y);
+   if (button_event->modifiers & down_modifier)
+     handle_tool_bar_click (f, x, y, 1, 0);
+   else
+     handle_tool_bar_click (f, x, y, 0,
+                          button_event->modifiers & ~up_modifier);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                              Scroll bars
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Scroll bar support.  */
+ /* Given a window ID, find the struct scroll_bar which manages it.
+    This can be called in GC, so we have to make sure to strip off mark
+    bits.  */
+ static struct scroll_bar *
+ x_window_to_scroll_bar (window_id)
+      Window window_id;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail;
+   for (tail = Vframe_list;
+        XGCTYPE (tail) == Lisp_Cons;
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object frame, bar, condemned;
+       frame = XCAR (tail);
+       /* All elements of Vframe_list should be frames.  */
+       if (! GC_FRAMEP (frame))
+       abort ();
+       /* Scan this frame's scroll bar list for a scroll bar with the
+        right window ID.  */
+       condemned = FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (XFRAME (frame));
+       for (bar = FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (XFRAME (frame));
+          /* This trick allows us to search both the ordinary and
+             condemned scroll bar lists with one loop.  */
+          ! GC_NILP (bar) || (bar = condemned,
+                              condemned = Qnil,
+                              ! GC_NILP (bar));
+          bar = XSCROLL_BAR (bar)->next)
+       if (SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (XSCROLL_BAR (bar)) == window_id)
+         return XSCROLL_BAR (bar);
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* Set the thumb size and position of scroll bar BAR.  We are currently
+    displaying PORTION out of a whole WHOLE, and our position POSITION.  */
+ static void
+ w32_set_scroll_bar_thumb (bar, portion, position, whole)
+      struct scroll_bar *bar;
+      int portion, position, whole;
+ {
+   Window w = SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar);
+   double range = VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, XINT (bar->height));
+   int sb_page, sb_pos;
+   BOOL draggingp = !NILP (bar->dragging) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+   if (whole)
+     {
+       /* Position scroll bar at rock bottom if the bottom of the
+          buffer is visible. This avoids shinking the thumb away
+          to nothing if it is held at the bottom of the buffer.  */
+       if (position + portion >= whole)
+         {
+           sb_page = range * (whole - position) / whole
+           sb_pos = range;
+         }
+       sb_page = portion * range / whole + VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_MIN_HANDLE;
+       sb_pos = position * range / whole;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       sb_page = range;
+       sb_pos = 0;
+     }
+   if (pfnSetScrollInfo)
+     {
+       SCROLLINFO si;
+       si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+       /* Only update page size if currently dragging, to reduce
+          flicker effects.  */
+       if (draggingp)
+         si.fMask = SIF_PAGE;
+       else
+         si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS;
+       si.nPage = sb_page;
+       si.nPos = sb_pos;
+       pfnSetScrollInfo (w, SB_CTL, &si, !draggingp);
+     }
+   else
+     SetScrollPos (w, SB_CTL, sb_pos, !draggingp);
+ }
+ /************************************************************************
+                        Scroll bars, general
+  ************************************************************************/
+ my_create_scrollbar (f, bar)
+      struct frame * f;
+      struct scroll_bar * bar;
+ {
+   return (HWND) SendMessage (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                            WM_EMACS_CREATESCROLLBAR, (WPARAM) f,
+                            (LPARAM) bar);
+ }
+ /*#define ATTACH_THREADS*/
+ my_show_window (FRAME_PTR f, HWND hwnd, int how)
+ {
+   return SendMessage (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), WM_EMACS_SHOWWINDOW,
+                     (WPARAM) hwnd, (LPARAM) how);
+ #else
+   return ShowWindow (hwnd, how);
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ my_set_window_pos (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndAfter,
+                  int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT flags)
+ {
+   WINDOWPOS pos;
+   pos.hwndInsertAfter = hwndAfter;
+   pos.x = x;
+   pos.y = y;
+   pos.cx = cx;
+   pos.cy = cy;
+   pos.flags = flags;
+   SendMessage (hwnd, WM_EMACS_SETWINDOWPOS, (WPARAM) &pos, 0);
+ #else
+   SetWindowPos (hwnd, hwndAfter, x, y, cx, cy, flags);
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ my_set_focus (f, hwnd)
+      struct frame * f;
+      HWND hwnd;
+ {
+              (WPARAM) hwnd, 0);
+ }
+ void
+ my_set_foreground_window (hwnd)
+      HWND hwnd;
+ {
+   SendMessage (hwnd, WM_EMACS_SETFOREGROUND, (WPARAM) hwnd, 0);
+ }
+ void
+ my_destroy_window (f, hwnd)
+      struct frame * f;
+      HWND hwnd;
+ {
+              (WPARAM) hwnd, 0);
+ }
+ /* Create a scroll bar and return the scroll bar vector for it.  W is
+    the Emacs window on which to create the scroll bar. TOP, LEFT,
+    WIDTH and HEIGHT are.the pixel coordinates and dimensions of the
+    scroll bar. */
+ static struct scroll_bar *
+ x_scroll_bar_create (w, top, left, width, height)
+      struct window *w;
+      int top, left, width, height;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   HWND hwnd;
+   struct scroll_bar *bar
+     = XSCROLL_BAR (Fmake_vector (make_number (SCROLL_BAR_VEC_SIZE), Qnil));
+   XSETWINDOW (bar->window, w);
+   XSETINT (bar->top, top);
+   XSETINT (bar->left, left);
+   XSETINT (bar->width, width);
+   XSETINT (bar->height, height);
+   XSETINT (bar->start, 0);
+   XSETINT (bar->end, 0);
+   bar->dragging = Qnil;
+   /* Requires geometry to be set before call to create the real window */
+   hwnd = my_create_scrollbar (f, bar);
+   if (pfnSetScrollInfo)
+     {
+       SCROLLINFO si;
+       si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+       si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
+       si.nMin = 0;
+       si.nMax = VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, height)
+       si.nPage = si.nMax;
+       si.nPos = 0;
+       pfnSetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_CTL, &si, FALSE);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       SetScrollRange (hwnd, SB_CTL, 0,
+                       VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, height), FALSE);
+       SetScrollPos (hwnd, SB_CTL, 0, FALSE);
+     }
+   SET_SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar, hwnd);
+   /* Add bar to its frame's list of scroll bars.  */
+   bar->next = FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (f);
+   bar->prev = Qnil;
+   if (! NILP (bar->next))
+     XSETVECTOR (XSCROLL_BAR (bar->next)->prev, bar);
+   return bar;
+ }
+ /* Destroy scroll bar BAR, and set its Emacs window's scroll bar to
+    nil. */
+ static void
+ x_scroll_bar_remove (bar)
+      struct scroll_bar *bar;
+ {
+   FRAME_PTR f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (XWINDOW (bar->window)));
+   /* Destroy the window.  */
+   my_destroy_window (f, SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar));
+   /* Disassociate this scroll bar from its window.  */
+   XWINDOW (bar->window)->vertical_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Set the handle of the vertical scroll bar for WINDOW to indicate
+    that we are displaying PORTION characters out of a total of WHOLE
+    characters, starting at POSITION.  If WINDOW has no scroll bar,
+    create one.  */
+ static void
+ w32_set_vertical_scroll_bar (w, portion, whole, position)
+      struct window *w;
+      int portion, whole, position;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (w->frame);
+   struct scroll_bar *bar;
+   int top, height, left, sb_left, width, sb_width;
+   int window_y, window_height;
+   /* Get window dimensions.  */
+   window_box (w, -1, 0, &window_y, 0, &window_height);
+   top  = window_y;
+   height = window_height;
+   /* Compute the left edge of the scroll bar area.  */
+   left = WINDOW_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_X (w);
+   /* Compute the width of the scroll bar which might be less than
+      the width of the area reserved for the scroll bar.  */
+     sb_width = WINDOW_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (w);
+   else
+     sb_width = width;
+   /* Compute the left edge of the scroll bar.  */
+     sb_left = left + width - sb_width - (width - sb_width) / 2;
+   else
+     sb_left = left + (width - sb_width) / 2;
+   /* Does the scroll bar exist yet?  */
+   if (NILP (w->vertical_scroll_bar))
+     {
+       HDC hdc;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       if (width > 0 && height > 0)
+       {
+         hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+         w32_clear_area (f, hdc, left, top, width, height);
+         release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+       }
+       bar = x_scroll_bar_create (w, top, sb_left, sb_width, height);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       /* It may just need to be moved and resized.  */
+       HWND hwnd;
+       bar = XSCROLL_BAR (w->vertical_scroll_bar);
+       hwnd = SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar);
+       /* If already correctly positioned, do nothing.  */
+       if ( XINT (bar->left) == sb_left
+            && XINT (bar->top) == top
+            && XINT (bar->width) ==  sb_width
+            && XINT (bar->height) == height )
+         {
+           /* Redraw after clear_frame. */
+           if (!my_show_window (f, hwnd, SW_NORMAL))
+             InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           HDC hdc;
+           BLOCK_INPUT;
+         if (width && height)
+           {
+             hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+             /* Since Windows scroll bars are smaller than the space reserved
+                for them on the frame, we have to clear "under" them.  */
+             w32_clear_area (f, hdc,
+                             left,
+                             top,
+                             width,
+                             height);
+             release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+           }
+           /* Make sure scroll bar is "visible" before moving, to ensure the
+              area of the parent window now exposed will be refreshed.  */
+           my_show_window (f, hwnd, SW_HIDE);
+           MoveWindow (hwnd, sb_left + VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH_TRIM,
+                     top, sb_width - VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH_TRIM * 2,
+                     max (height, 1), TRUE);
+           if (pfnSetScrollInfo)
+             {
+               SCROLLINFO si;
+               si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+               si.fMask = SIF_RANGE;
+               si.nMin = 0;
+               si.nMax = VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, height)
+               pfnSetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_CTL, &si, FALSE);
+             }
+           else
+             SetScrollRange (hwnd, SB_CTL, 0,
+                             VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, height), FALSE);
+           my_show_window (f, hwnd, SW_NORMAL);
+           /* InvalidateRect (w, NULL, FALSE);  */
+           /* Remember new settings.  */
+           XSETINT (bar->left, sb_left);
+           XSETINT (bar->top, top);
+           XSETINT (bar->width, sb_width);
+           XSETINT (bar->height, height);
+           UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+         }
+     }
+   w32_set_scroll_bar_thumb (bar, portion, position, whole);
+   XSETVECTOR (w->vertical_scroll_bar, bar);
+ }
+ /* The following three hooks are used when we're doing a thorough
+    redisplay of the frame.  We don't explicitly know which scroll bars
+    are going to be deleted, because keeping track of when windows go
+    away is a real pain - "Can you say set-window-configuration, boys
+    and girls?"  Instead, we just assert at the beginning of redisplay
+    that *all* scroll bars are to be removed, and then save a scroll bar
+    from the fiery pit when we actually redisplay its window.  */
+ /* Arrange for all scroll bars on FRAME to be removed at the next call
+    to `*judge_scroll_bars_hook'.  A scroll bar may be spared if
+    `*redeem_scroll_bar_hook' is applied to its window before the judgment.  */
+ static void
+ w32_condemn_scroll_bars (frame)
+      FRAME_PTR frame;
+ {
+   /* Transfer all the scroll bars to FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS.  */
+   while (! NILP (FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (frame)))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object bar;
+       bar = FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (frame);
+       FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (frame) = XSCROLL_BAR (bar)->next;
+       XSCROLL_BAR (bar)->next = FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (frame);
+       XSCROLL_BAR (bar)->prev = Qnil;
+       if (! NILP (FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (frame)))
+       XSCROLL_BAR (FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (frame))->prev = bar;
+       FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (frame) = bar;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Un-mark WINDOW's scroll bar for deletion in this judgment cycle.
+    Note that WINDOW isn't necessarily condemned at all.  */
+ static void
+ w32_redeem_scroll_bar (window)
+      struct window *window;
+ {
+   struct scroll_bar *bar;
+   struct frame *f;
+   /* We can't redeem this window's scroll bar if it doesn't have one.  */
+   if (NILP (window->vertical_scroll_bar))
+     abort ();
+   bar = XSCROLL_BAR (window->vertical_scroll_bar);
+   /* Unlink it from the condemned list.  */
+   f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (window));
+   if (NILP (bar->prev))
+     {
+       /* If the prev pointer is nil, it must be the first in one of
+          the lists.  */
+       if (EQ (FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (f), window->vertical_scroll_bar))
+         /* It's not condemned.  Everything's fine.  */
+         return;
+       else if (EQ (FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (f),
+                    window->vertical_scroll_bar))
+         FRAME_CONDEMNED_SCROLL_BARS (f) = bar->next;
+       else
+         /* If its prev pointer is nil, it must be at the front of
+            one or the other!  */
+         abort ();
+     }
+   else
+     XSCROLL_BAR (bar->prev)->next = bar->next;
+   if (! NILP (bar->next))
+     XSCROLL_BAR (bar->next)->prev = bar->prev;
+   bar->next = FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (f);
+   bar->prev = Qnil;
+   if (! NILP (bar->next))
+     XSETVECTOR (XSCROLL_BAR (bar->next)->prev, bar);
+ }
+ /* Remove all scroll bars on FRAME that haven't been saved since the
+    last call to `*condemn_scroll_bars_hook'.  */
+ static void
+ w32_judge_scroll_bars (f)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object bar, next;
+   /* Clear out the condemned list now so we won't try to process any
+      more events on the hapless scroll bars.  */
+   for (; ! NILP (bar); bar = next)
+     {
+       struct scroll_bar *b = XSCROLL_BAR (bar);
+       x_scroll_bar_remove (b);
+       next = b->next;
+       b->next = b->prev = Qnil;
+     }
+   /* Now there should be no references to the condemned scroll bars,
+      and they should get garbage-collected.  */
+ }
+ /* Handle a mouse click on the scroll bar BAR.  If *EMACS_EVENT's kind
+    is set to something other than NO_EVENT, it is enqueued.
+    This may be called from a signal handler, so we have to ignore GC
+    mark bits.  */
+ static int
+ w32_scroll_bar_handle_click (bar, msg, emacs_event)
+      struct scroll_bar *bar;
+      W32Msg *msg;
+      struct input_event *emacs_event;
+ {
+   if (! GC_WINDOWP (bar->window))
+     abort ();
+   emacs_event->kind = W32_SCROLL_BAR_CLICK_EVENT;
+   emacs_event->code = 0;
+   /* not really meaningful to distinguish up/down */
+   emacs_event->modifiers = msg->dwModifiers;
+   emacs_event->frame_or_window = bar->window;
+   emacs_event->arg = Qnil;
+   emacs_event->timestamp = msg->msg.time;
+   {
+     int top_range = VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, XINT (bar->height));
+     int y;
+     int dragging = !NILP (bar->dragging);
+     if (pfnGetScrollInfo)
+       {
+       SCROLLINFO si;
+       si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+       si.fMask = SIF_POS;
+       pfnGetScrollInfo ((HWND) msg->msg.lParam, SB_CTL, &si);
+       y = si.nPos;
+       }
+     else
+       y = GetScrollPos ((HWND) msg->msg.lParam, SB_CTL);
+     bar->dragging = Qnil;
+     last_mouse_scroll_bar_pos = msg->msg.wParam;
+     switch (LOWORD (msg->msg.wParam))
+       {
+       case SB_LINEDOWN:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_down_arrow;
+       break;
+       case SB_LINEUP:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_up_arrow;
+       break;
+       case SB_PAGEUP:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_above_handle;
+       break;
+       case SB_PAGEDOWN:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_below_handle;
+       break;
+       case SB_TOP:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       y = 0;
+       break;
+       case SB_BOTTOM:
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       y = top_range;
+       break;
+       case SB_THUMBTRACK:
+       case SB_THUMBPOSITION:
+       if (VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, XINT (bar->height)) <= 0xffff)
+           y = HIWORD (msg->msg.wParam);
+       bar->dragging = Qt;
+       emacs_event->part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       /* "Silently" update current position.  */
+       if (pfnSetScrollInfo)
+         {
+           SCROLLINFO si;
+           si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+           si.fMask = SIF_POS;
+           si.nPos = y;
+           /* Remember apparent position (we actually lag behind the real
+              position, so don't set that directly.  */
+           last_scroll_bar_drag_pos = y;
+           pfnSetScrollInfo (SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar), SB_CTL, &si, FALSE);
+         }
+       else
+         SetScrollPos (SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar), SB_CTL, y, FALSE);
+       break;
+       case SB_ENDSCROLL:
+       /* If this is the end of a drag sequence, then reset the scroll
+          handle size to normal and do a final redraw.  Otherwise do
+          nothing.  */
+       if (dragging)
+         {
+           if (pfnSetScrollInfo)
+             {
+               SCROLLINFO si;
+               int start = XINT (bar->start);
+               int end = XINT (bar->end);
+               si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+               si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS;
+                 si.nPage = end - start + VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_MIN_HANDLE;
+               si.nPos = last_scroll_bar_drag_pos;
+               pfnSetScrollInfo (SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar), SB_CTL, &si, 
+             }
+           else
+             SetScrollPos (SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar), SB_CTL, y, TRUE);
+         }
+       /* fall through */
+       default:
+       emacs_event->kind = NO_EVENT;
+       return FALSE;
+       }
+     XSETINT (emacs_event->x, y);
+     XSETINT (emacs_event->y, top_range);
+     return TRUE;
+   }
+ }
+ /* Return information to the user about the current position of the mouse
+    on the scroll bar.  */
+ static void
+ x_scroll_bar_report_motion (fp, bar_window, part, x, y, time)
+      FRAME_PTR *fp;
+      Lisp_Object *bar_window;
+      enum scroll_bar_part *part;
+      Lisp_Object *x, *y;
+      unsigned long *time;
+ {
+   struct scroll_bar *bar = XSCROLL_BAR (last_mouse_scroll_bar);
+   Window w = SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (bar);
+   FRAME_PTR f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (XWINDOW (bar->window)));
+   int pos;
+   int top_range = VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, XINT (bar->height));
+   *fp = f;
+   *bar_window = bar->window;
+   if (pfnGetScrollInfo)
+     {
+       SCROLLINFO si;
+       si.cbSize = sizeof (si);
+       si.fMask = SIF_POS | SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE;
+       pfnGetScrollInfo (w, SB_CTL, &si);
+       pos = si.nPos;
+       top_range = si.nMax - si.nPage + 1;
+     }
+   else
+     pos = GetScrollPos (w, SB_CTL);
+   switch (LOWORD (last_mouse_scroll_bar_pos))
+   {
+       *part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       if (VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_TOP_RANGE (f, XINT (bar->height)) <= 0xffff)
+         pos = HIWORD (last_mouse_scroll_bar_pos);
+       break;
+   case SB_LINEDOWN:
+       *part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       pos++;
+       break;
+   default:
+       *part = scroll_bar_handle;
+       break;
+   }
+   XSETINT (*x, pos);
+   XSETINT (*y, top_range);
+   f->mouse_moved = 0;
+   last_mouse_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+   *time = last_mouse_movement_time;
+ }
+ /* The screen has been cleared so we may have changed foreground or
+    background colors, and the scroll bars may need to be redrawn.
+    Clear out the scroll bars, and ask for expose events, so we can
+    redraw them.  */
+ void
+ x_scroll_bar_clear (f)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object bar;
+   /* We can have scroll bars even if this is 0,
+      if we just turned off scroll bar mode.
+      But in that case we should not clear them.  */
+     for (bar = FRAME_SCROLL_BARS (f); VECTORP (bar);
+          bar = XSCROLL_BAR (bar)->next)
+       {
+         HWND window = SCROLL_BAR_W32_WINDOW (XSCROLL_BAR (bar));
+         HDC hdc = GetDC (window);
+         RECT rect;
+         /* Hide scroll bar until ready to repaint.  x_scroll_bar_move
+            arranges to refresh the scroll bar if hidden.  */
+         my_show_window (f, window, SW_HIDE);
+         GetClientRect (window, &rect);
+         select_palette (f, hdc);
+         w32_clear_rect (f, hdc, &rect);
+         deselect_palette (f, hdc);
+         ReleaseDC (window, hdc);
+       }
+ }
+ /* The main W32 event-reading loop - w32_read_socket.  */
+ /* Record the last 100 characters stored
+    to help debug the loss-of-chars-during-GC problem.  */
+ static int temp_index;
+ static short temp_buffer[100];
+ /* Read events coming from the W32 shell.
+    This routine is called by the SIGIO handler.
+    We return as soon as there are no more events to be read.
+    Events representing keys are stored in buffer BUFP,
+    which can hold up to NUMCHARS characters.
+    We return the number of characters stored into the buffer,
+    thus pretending to be `read'.
+    EXPECTED is nonzero if the caller knows input is available.
+    Some of these messages are reposted back to the message queue since the
+    system calls the windows proc directly in a context where we cannot return
+    the data nor can we guarantee the state we are in.  So if we dispatch  them
+    we will get into an infinite loop.  To prevent this from ever happening we
+    will set a variable to indicate we are in the read_socket call and indicate
+    which message we are processing since the windows proc gets called
+    recursively with different messages by the system.
+ */
+ int
+ w32_read_socket (sd, bufp, numchars, expected)
+      register int sd;
+      /* register */ struct input_event *bufp;
+      /* register */ int numchars;
+      int expected;
+ {
+   int count = 0;
+   int check_visibility = 0;
+   W32Msg msg;
+   struct frame *f;
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = &one_w32_display_info;
+   if (interrupt_input_blocked)
+     {
+       interrupt_input_pending = 1;
+       return -1;
+     }
+   interrupt_input_pending = 0;
+   /* So people can tell when we have read the available input.  */
+   input_signal_count++;
+   if (numchars <= 0)
+     abort ();                   /* Don't think this happens. */
+   /* TODO: tool-bars, ghostscript integration, mouse
+      cursors. */
+   while (get_next_msg (&msg, FALSE))
+     {
+       switch (msg.msg.message)
+       {
+       case WM_PAINT:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             if (msg.rect.right == msg.rect.left ||
+                 msg.rect.bottom == msg.rect.top)
+               {
+                 /* We may get paint messages even though the client
+                    area is clipped - these are not expose events. */
+                 DebPrint (("clipped frame %p (%s) got WM_PAINT - ignored\n", 
+                            SDATA (f->name)));
+               }
+             else if (f->async_visible != 1)
+               {
+                 /* Definitely not obscured, so mark as visible.  */
+                 f->async_visible = 1;
+                 f->async_iconified = 0;
+                 SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f);
+                 DebPrint (("frame %p (%s) reexposed by WM_PAINT\n", f,
+                            SDATA (f->name)));
+                 /* WM_PAINT serves as MapNotify as well, so report
+                    visibility changes properly.  */
+                 if (f->iconified)
+                   {
+                     bufp->kind = DEICONIFY_EVENT;
+                     XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+                     bufp->arg = Qnil;
+                     bufp++;
+                     count++;
+                     numchars--;
+                   }
+                 else if (! NILP (Vframe_list)
+                          && ! NILP (XCDR (Vframe_list)))
+                   /* Force a redisplay sooner or later to update the
+                      frame titles in case this is the second frame.  */
+                   record_asynch_buffer_change ();
+               }
+             else
+               {
+                 HDC hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+                 /* Erase background again for safety.  */
+                 w32_clear_rect (f, hdc, &msg.rect);
+                 release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+                 expose_frame (f,
+                               msg.rect.left,
+                               msg.rect.top,
+                               msg.rect.right - msg.rect.left,
+                               msg.rect.bottom - msg.rect.top);
+               }
+           }
+         break;
+         /* Generate a language change event.  */
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             if (numchars == 0)
+               abort ();
+             bufp->kind = LANGUAGE_CHANGE_EVENT;
+             XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+             bufp->arg = Qnil;
+             bufp->code = msg.msg.wParam;
+             bufp->modifiers = msg.msg.lParam & 0xffff;
+             bufp++;
+             count++;
+             numchars--;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_KEYDOWN:
+       case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f && !f->iconified)
+           {
+             if (!dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden && INTEGERP (Vmouse_highlight))
+               {
+                 dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 1;
+                 clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+               }
+             if (temp_index == sizeof temp_buffer / sizeof (short))
+               temp_index = 0;
+             temp_buffer[temp_index++] = msg.msg.wParam;
+             bufp->kind = NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
+             bufp->code = msg.msg.wParam;
+             bufp->modifiers = msg.dwModifiers;
+             XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+             bufp->arg = Qnil;
+             bufp->timestamp = msg.msg.time;
+             bufp++;
+             numchars--;
+             count++;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_SYSCHAR:
+       case WM_CHAR:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f && !f->iconified)
+           {
+             if (!dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden && INTEGERP (Vmouse_highlight))
+               {
+                 dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 1;
+                 clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+               }
+             if (temp_index == sizeof temp_buffer / sizeof (short))
+               temp_index = 0;
+             temp_buffer[temp_index++] = msg.msg.wParam;
+             bufp->kind = ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
+             bufp->code = msg.msg.wParam;
+             bufp->modifiers = msg.dwModifiers;
+             XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+             bufp->arg = Qnil;
+             bufp->timestamp = msg.msg.time;
+             bufp++;
+             numchars--;
+             count++;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
+         /* Ignore non-movement.  */
+         {
+           int x = LOWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+           int y = HIWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+           if (x == last_mousemove_x && y == last_mousemove_y)
+             break;
+           last_mousemove_x = x;
+           last_mousemove_y = y;
+         }
+           previous_help_echo_string = help_echo_string;
+         if (dpyinfo->grabbed && last_mouse_frame
+             && FRAME_LIVE_P (last_mouse_frame))
+           f = last_mouse_frame;
+         else
+           f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden)
+           {
+             dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 0;
+             clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+           }
+         if (f)
+           {
+             /* Generate SELECT_WINDOW_EVENTs when needed.  */
+             if (mouse_autoselect_window)
+               {
+                 Lisp_Object window;
+                 int x = LOWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+                 int y = HIWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+                 window = window_from_coordinates (f, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+                 /* Window will be selected only when it is not
+                    selected now and last mouse movement event was
+                    not in it.  Minibuffer window will be selected
+                    iff it is active.  */
+                 if (WINDOWP(window)
+                     && !EQ (window, last_window)
+                     && !EQ (window, selected_window)
+                     && numchars > 0)
+                   {
+                     bufp->kind = SELECT_WINDOW_EVENT;
+                     bufp->frame_or_window = window;
+                     bufp->arg = Qnil;
+                     ++bufp, ++count, --numchars;
+                   }
+                 last_window=window;
+               }
+             note_mouse_movement (f, &msg.msg);
+           }
+         else
+             {
+               /* If we move outside the frame, then we're
+                  certainly no longer on any text in the frame.  */
+               clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+             }
+           /* If the contents of the global variable help_echo_string
+              has changed, generate a HELP_EVENT.  */
+           if (help_echo_string != previous_help_echo_string ||
+             (!NILP (help_echo_string) && !STRINGP (help_echo_string) && 
+             {
+               Lisp_Object frame;
+               int n;
+             if (help_echo_string == Qnil)
+               {
+                 help_echo_object = help_echo_window = Qnil;
+                 help_echo_pos = -1;
+               }
+               if (f)
+                 XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+               else
+                 frame = Qnil;
+               any_help_event_p = 1;
+               n = gen_help_event (bufp, numchars, help_echo_string, frame,
+                                 help_echo_window, help_echo_object,
+                                 help_echo_pos);
+               bufp += n, count += n, numchars -= n;
+             }
+           break;
+       case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
+       case WM_LBUTTONUP:
+       case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
+       case WM_MBUTTONUP:
+       case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
+       case WM_RBUTTONUP:
+       case WM_XBUTTONDOWN:
+       case WM_XBUTTONUP:
+         {
+             /* If we decide we want to generate an event to be seen
+                by the rest of Emacs, we put it here.  */
+             struct input_event emacs_event;
+             int tool_bar_p = 0;
+           int button;
+           int up;
+             emacs_event.kind = NO_EVENT;
+           if (dpyinfo->grabbed && last_mouse_frame
+               && FRAME_LIVE_P (last_mouse_frame))
+             f = last_mouse_frame;
+           else
+             f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+           if (f)
+             {
+                 construct_mouse_click (&emacs_event, &msg, f);
+                 /* Is this in the tool-bar?  */
+                 if (WINDOWP (f->tool_bar_window)
+                     && WINDOW_TOTAL_LINES (XWINDOW (f->tool_bar_window)))
+                   {
+                     Lisp_Object window;
+                   int x = XFASTINT (emacs_event.x);
+                   int y = XFASTINT (emacs_event.y);
+                     window = window_from_coordinates (f, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+                     if (EQ (window, f->tool_bar_window))
+                       {
+                         w32_handle_tool_bar_click (f, &emacs_event);
+                         tool_bar_p = 1;
+                       }
+                   }
+                 if (!tool_bar_p)
+                   if (!dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame
+                       || f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame
+                       && (numchars >= 1))
+                     {
+                       construct_mouse_click (bufp, &msg, f);
+                       bufp++;
+                       count++;
+                       numchars--;
+                     }
+             }
+           parse_button (msg.msg.message, HIWORD (msg.msg.wParam),
+                         &button, &up);
+           if (up)
+             {
+               dpyinfo->grabbed &= ~ (1 << button);
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               dpyinfo->grabbed |= (1 << button);
+               last_mouse_frame = f;
+                 /* Ignore any mouse motion that happened
+                    before this event; any subsequent mouse-movement
+                    Emacs events should reflect only motion after
+                    the ButtonPress.  */
+                 if (f != 0)
+                   f->mouse_moved = 0;
+                 if (!tool_bar_p)
+                   last_tool_bar_item = -1;
+             }
+           break;
+         }
+       case WM_MOUSEWHEEL:
+         {
+           if (dpyinfo->grabbed && last_mouse_frame
+               && FRAME_LIVE_P (last_mouse_frame))
+             f = last_mouse_frame;
+           else
+             f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+           if (f)
+             {
+               if ((!dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame
+                    || f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)
+                   && (numchars >= 1))
+                 {
+                   /* Emit an Emacs wheel-up/down event.  */
+                   construct_mouse_wheel (bufp, &msg, f);
+                   bufp++;
+                   count++;
+                   numchars--;
+                 }
+               /* Ignore any mouse motion that happened before this
+                  event; any subsequent mouse-movement Emacs events
+                  should reflect only motion after the
+                  ButtonPress.  */
+               f->mouse_moved = 0;
+             }
+           last_mouse_frame = f;
+           last_tool_bar_item = -1;
+         }
+         break;
+       case WM_DROPFILES:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             construct_drag_n_drop (bufp, &msg, f);
+             bufp++;
+             count++;
+             numchars--;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_VSCROLL:
+         {
+           struct scroll_bar *bar =
+             x_window_to_scroll_bar ((HWND)msg.msg.lParam);
+           if (bar && numchars >= 1)
+             {
+               if (w32_scroll_bar_handle_click (bar, &msg, bufp))
+                 {
+                   bufp++;
+                   count++;
+                   numchars--;
+                 }
+             }
+           break;
+         }
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             x_check_fullscreen_move(f);
+             if (f->want_fullscreen & FULLSCREEN_WAIT)
+               f->want_fullscreen &= ~(FULLSCREEN_WAIT|FULLSCREEN_BOTH);
+           }
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_ACTIVATE:
+       case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           x_check_fullscreen (f);
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_MOVE:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f && !f->async_iconified)
+           {
+             int x, y;
+             x_real_positions (f, &x, &y);
+             f->left_pos = x;
+             f->top_pos = y;
+           }
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_SHOWWINDOW:
+         /* wParam non-zero means Window is about to be shown, 0 means
+            about to be hidden.  */
+         /* Redo the mouse-highlight after the tooltip has gone.  */
+         if (!msg.msg.wParam && msg.msg.hwnd == tip_window)
+           {
+             tip_window = NULL;
+             redo_mouse_highlight ();
+           }
+         /* If window has been obscured or exposed by another window
+            being maximised or minimised/restored, then recheck
+            visibility of all frames.  Direct changes to our own
+            windows get handled by WM_SIZE.  */
+ #if 0
+         if (msg.msg.lParam != 0)
+           check_visibility = 1;
+         else
+           {
+             f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+             f->async_visible = msg.msg.wParam;
+           }
+ #endif
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_SIZE:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         /* Inform lisp of whether frame has been iconified etc. */
+         if (f)
+           {
+             switch (msg.msg.wParam)
+               {
+               case SIZE_MINIMIZED:
+                 f->async_visible = 0;
+                 f->async_iconified = 1;
+                 bufp->kind = ICONIFY_EVENT;
+                 XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+                 bufp->arg = Qnil;
+                 bufp++;
+                 count++;
+                 numchars--;
+                 break;
+               case SIZE_MAXIMIZED:
+               case SIZE_RESTORED:
+                 f->async_visible = 1;
+                 f->async_iconified = 0;
+                 /* wait_reading_process_input will notice this and update
+                    the frame's display structures.  */
+                 SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f);
+                 if (f->iconified)
+                   {
+                       int x, y;
+                       /* Reset top and left positions of the Window
+                          here since Windows sends a WM_MOVE message
+                          BEFORE telling us the Window is minimized
+                          when the Window is iconified, with 3000,3000
+                          as the co-ords. */
+                       x_real_positions (f, &x, &y);
+                       f->left_pos = x;
+                       f->top_pos = y;
+                     bufp->kind = DEICONIFY_EVENT;
+                     XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+                     bufp->arg = Qnil;
+                     bufp++;
+                     count++;
+                     numchars--;
+                   }
+                 else if (! NILP (Vframe_list)
+                          && ! NILP (XCDR (Vframe_list)))
+                   /* Force a redisplay sooner or later
+                      to update the frame titles
+                      in case this is the second frame.  */
+                   record_asynch_buffer_change ();
+                 break;
+               }
+           }
+         if (f && !f->async_iconified && msg.msg.wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED)
+           {
+             RECT rect;
+             int rows;
+             int columns;
+             int width;
+             int height;
+             GetClientRect (msg.msg.hwnd, &rect);
+             height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
+             width = rect.right - rect.left;
+             rows = FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT_TO_TEXT_LINES (f, height);
+             columns = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH_TO_TEXT_COLS (f, width);
+             /* TODO: Clip size to the screen dimensions.  */
+             /* Even if the number of character rows and columns has
+                not changed, the font size may have changed, so we need
+                to check the pixel dimensions as well.  */
+             if (columns != FRAME_COLS (f)
+                 || rows != FRAME_LINES (f)
+                 || width != FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f)
+                 || height != FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f))
+               {
+                 change_frame_size (f, rows, columns, 0, 1, 0);
+                 SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f);
+                 cancel_mouse_face (f);
+                 FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f) = width;
+                 FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f) = height;
+                 f->win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+               }
+           }
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_MOUSELEAVE:
+         f = x_any_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             if (f == dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+               {
+                 /* If we move outside the frame, then we're
+                    certainly no longer on any text in the frame.  */
+                 clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+                 dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = 0;
+               }
+             /* Generate a nil HELP_EVENT to cancel a help-echo.
+                Do it only if there's something to cancel.
+                Otherwise, the startup message is cleared when
+                the mouse leaves the frame.  */
+             if (any_help_event_p)
+               {
+                 Lisp_Object frame;
+                 int n;
+                 XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+                 help_echo_string = Qnil;
+                 n = gen_help_event (bufp, numchars,
+                                     Qnil, frame, Qnil, Qnil, 0);
+                 bufp += n, count += n, numchars -= n;
+               }
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_SETFOCUS:
+         /* TODO: Port this change:
+            2002-06-28  Jan D.  <address@hidden>
+            * xterm.h (struct x_output): Add focus_state.
+            * xterm.c (x_focus_changed): New function.
+            (x_detect_focus_change): New function.
+            (XTread_socket): Call x_detect_focus_change for FocusIn/FocusOut
+            EnterNotify and LeaveNotify to track X focus changes.
+         */
+         f = x_any_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+           dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame = f;
+           if (f)
+             x_new_focus_frame (dpyinfo, f);
+         dpyinfo->grabbed = 0;
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_KILLFOCUS:
+           /* TODO: some of this belongs in MOUSE_LEAVE */
+         f = x_top_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+           if (f)
+             {
+               if (f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame)
+                 dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame = 0;
+               if (f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)
+                 x_new_focus_frame (dpyinfo, 0);
+               if (f == dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+                 {
+                   /* If we move outside the frame, then we're
+                      certainly no longer on any text in the frame.  */
+                   clear_mouse_face (dpyinfo);
+                   dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = 0;
+                 }
+               /* Generate a nil HELP_EVENT to cancel a help-echo.
+                  Do it only if there's something to cancel.
+                  Otherwise, the startup message is cleared when
+                  the mouse leaves the frame.  */
+               if (any_help_event_p)
+                 {
+                   Lisp_Object frame;
+                   int n;
+                   XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+                   help_echo_string = Qnil;
+                   n = gen_help_event (bufp, numchars,
+                                       Qnil, frame, Qnil, Qnil, 0);
+                   bufp += n, count += n, numchars -=n;
+                 }
+             }
+         dpyinfo->grabbed = 0;
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_CLOSE:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             if (numchars == 0)
+               abort ();
+             bufp->kind = DELETE_WINDOW_EVENT;
+             XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+             bufp->arg = Qnil;
+             bufp++;
+             count++;
+             numchars--;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_INITMENU:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             if (numchars == 0)
+               abort ();
+             bufp->kind = MENU_BAR_ACTIVATE_EVENT;
+             XSETFRAME (bufp->frame_or_window, f);
+             bufp->arg = Qnil;
+             bufp++;
+             count++;
+             numchars--;
+           }
+         break;
+       case WM_COMMAND:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             extern void menubar_selection_callback
+               (FRAME_PTR f, void * client_data);
+             menubar_selection_callback (f, (void *)msg.msg.wParam);
+           }
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:
+         f = x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, msg.msg.hwnd);
+         if (f)
+           {
+             dpyinfo->width = (short) LOWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+             dpyinfo->height = (short) HIWORD (msg.msg.lParam);
+             dpyinfo->n_cbits = msg.msg.wParam;
+             DebPrint (("display change: %d %d\n", dpyinfo->width,
+                        dpyinfo->height));
+           }
+         check_visibility = 1;
+         break;
+       default:
+         /* Check for messages registered at runtime.  */
+         if (msg.msg.message == msh_mousewheel)
+           {
+             /* Forward MSH_MOUSEWHEEL as WM_MOUSEWHEEL.  */
+             msg.msg.message == WM_MOUSEWHEEL;
+             prepend_msg (&msg);
+           }
+         break;
+       }
+     }
+   /* If the focus was just given to an autoraising frame,
+      raise it now.  */
+   /* ??? This ought to be able to handle more than one such frame.  */
+   if (pending_autoraise_frame)
+     {
+       x_raise_frame (pending_autoraise_frame);
+       pending_autoraise_frame = 0;
+     }
+   /* Check which frames are still visisble, if we have enqueued any user
+      events or been notified of events that may affect visibility.  We
+      do this here because there doesn't seem to be any direct
+      notification from Windows that the visibility of a window has
+      changed (at least, not in all cases).  */
+   if (count > 0 || check_visibility)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tail, frame;
+       FOR_EACH_FRAME (tail, frame)
+       {
+       FRAME_PTR f = XFRAME (frame);
+       /* The tooltip has been drawn already.  Avoid the
+          SET_FRAME_GARBAGED below.  */
+       if (EQ (frame, tip_frame))
+         continue;
+       /* Check "visible" frames and mark each as obscured or not.
+          Note that async_visible is nonzero for unobscured and
+          obscured frames, but zero for hidden and iconified frames.  */
+       if (FRAME_W32_P (f) && f->async_visible)
+         {
+           RECT clipbox;
+           HDC  hdc;
+           enter_crit ();
+           /* Query clipping rectangle for the entire window area
+              (GetWindowDC), not just the client portion (GetDC).
+              Otherwise, the scrollbars and menubar aren't counted as
+              part of the visible area of the frame, and we may think
+              the frame is obscured when really a scrollbar is still
+              visible and gets WM_PAINT messages above.  */
+           hdc = GetWindowDC (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+           GetClipBox (hdc, &clipbox);
+           ReleaseDC (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), hdc);
+           leave_crit ();
+           if (clipbox.right == clipbox.left
+               || clipbox.bottom == clipbox.top)
+             {
+               /* Frame has become completely obscured so mark as
+                  such (we do this by setting async_visible to 2 so
+                  that FRAME_VISIBLE_P is still true, but redisplay
+                  will skip it).  */
+               f->async_visible = 2;
+               if (!FRAME_OBSCURED_P (f))
+                 {
+                   DebPrint (("frame %p (%s) obscured\n", f,
+                              SDATA (f->name)));
+                 }
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               /* Frame is not obscured, so mark it as such.  */
+               f->async_visible = 1;
+               if (FRAME_OBSCURED_P (f))
+                 {
+                   SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f);
+                   DebPrint (("obscured frame %p (%s) found to be visible\n", 
+                              SDATA (f->name)));
+                   /* Force a redisplay sooner or later.  */
+                   record_asynch_buffer_change ();
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                            Text Cursor
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Set clipping for output in glyph row ROW.  W is the window in which
+    we operate.  GC is the graphics context to set clipping in.
+    ROW may be a text row or, e.g., a mode line.  Text rows must be
+    clipped to the interior of the window dedicated to text display,
+    mode lines must be clipped to the whole window.  */
+ static void
+ w32_clip_to_row (w, row, hdc)
+      struct window *w;
+      struct glyph_row *row;
+      HDC hdc;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   RECT clip_rect;
+   int window_y, window_width;
+   window_box (w, -1, 0, &window_y, &window_width, 0);
+   clip_rect.left = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, 0);
+   clip_rect.top = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, row->y);
+   clip_rect.top = max (clip_rect.top, window_y);
+   clip_rect.right = clip_rect.left + window_width;
+   clip_rect.bottom = clip_rect.top + row->visible_height;
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, &clip_rect);
+ }
+ /* Draw a hollow box cursor on window W in glyph row ROW.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_hollow_cursor (w, row)
+      struct window *w;
+      struct glyph_row *row;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+   HDC hdc;
+   RECT rect;
+   int wd;
+   struct glyph *cursor_glyph;
+   HBRUSH hb = CreateSolidBrush (f->output_data.w32->cursor_pixel);
+   /* Compute frame-relative coordinates from window-relative
+      coordinates.  */
+   rect.left = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, w->phys_cursor.x);
+   rect.top = (WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, w->phys_cursor.y)
+               + row->ascent - w->phys_cursor_ascent);
+   rect.bottom = rect.top + row->height;
+   /* Get the glyph the cursor is on.  If we can't tell because
+      the current matrix is invalid or such, give up.  */
+   cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w);
+   if (cursor_glyph == NULL)
+     return;
+   /* Compute the width of the rectangle to draw.  If on a stretch
+      glyph, and `x-stretch-block-cursor' is nil, don't draw a
+      rectangle as wide as the glyph, but use a canonical character
+      width instead.  */
+   wd = cursor_glyph->pixel_width;
+   if (cursor_glyph->type == STRETCH_GLYPH
+       && !x_stretch_cursor_p)
+     wd = min (FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f), wd);
+   w->phys_cursor_width = wd;
+   rect.right = rect.left + wd;
+   hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   /* Set clipping, draw the rectangle, and reset clipping again.  */
+   w32_clip_to_row (w, row, hdc);
+   FrameRect (hdc, &rect, hb);
+   DeleteObject (hb);
+   w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, NULL);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* Draw a bar cursor on window W in glyph row ROW.
+    Implementation note: One would like to draw a bar cursor with an
+    angle equal to the one given by the font property XA_ITALIC_ANGLE.
+    Unfortunately, I didn't find a font yet that has this property set.
+    --gerd.  */
+ static void
+ x_draw_bar_cursor (w, row, width, kind)
+      struct window *w;
+      struct glyph_row *row;
+      int width;
+      enum text_cursor_kinds kind;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (w->frame);
+   struct glyph *cursor_glyph;
+   int x;
+   HDC hdc;
+   /* If cursor is out of bounds, don't draw garbage.  This can happen
+      in mini-buffer windows when switching between echo area glyphs
+      and mini-buffer.  */
+   cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w);
+   if (cursor_glyph == NULL)
+     return;
+   /* If on an image, draw like a normal cursor.  That's usually better
+      visible than drawing a bar, esp. if the image is large so that
+      the bar might not be in the window.  */
+   if (cursor_glyph->type == IMAGE_GLYPH)
+     {
+       struct glyph_row *row;
+       row = MATRIX_ROW (w->current_matrix, w->phys_cursor.vpos);
+       draw_phys_cursor_glyph (w, row, DRAW_CURSOR);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       COLORREF cursor_color = f->output_data.w32->cursor_pixel;
+       struct face *face = FACE_FROM_ID (f, cursor_glyph->face_id);
+       /* If the glyph's background equals the color we normally draw
+        the bar cursor in, the bar cursor in its normal color is
+        invisible.  Use the glyph's foreground color instead in this
+        case, on the assumption that the glyph's colors are chosen so
+        that the glyph is legible.  */
+       if (face->background == cursor_color)
+       cursor_color = face->foreground;
+       x = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, w->phys_cursor.x);
+       if (width < 0)
+         width = FRAME_CURSOR_WIDTH (f);
+       width = min (cursor_glyph->pixel_width, width);
+       w->phys_cursor_width = width;
+       hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+       w32_clip_to_row (w, row, hdc);
+       if (kind == BAR_CURSOR)
+       {
+         w32_fill_area (f, hdc, cursor_color, x,
+                        WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, w->phys_cursor.y),
+                        width, row->height);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         w32_fill_area (f, hdc, cursor_color, x,
+                        WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, w->phys_cursor.y +
+                                                 row->height - width),
+                        cursor_glyph->pixel_width, width);
+       }
+       w32_set_clip_rectangle (hdc, NULL);
+       release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+     }
+ }
+ /* RIF: Define cursor CURSOR on frame F.  */
+ static void
+ w32_define_frame_cursor (f, cursor)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Cursor cursor;
+ {
+   w32_define_cursor (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), cursor);
+ }
+ /* RIF: Clear area on frame F.  */
+ static void
+ w32_clear_frame_area (f, x, y, width, height)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int x, y, width, height;
+ {
+   HDC hdc;
+   hdc = get_frame_dc (f);
+   w32_clear_area (f, hdc, x, y, width, height);
+   release_frame_dc (f, hdc);
+ }
+ /* RIF: Draw or clear cursor on window W.  */
+ static void
+ w32_draw_window_cursor (w, glyph_row, x, y, cursor_type, cursor_width, on_p, 
+      struct window *w;
+      struct glyph_row *glyph_row;
+      int x, y;
+      int cursor_type, cursor_width;
+      int on_p, active_p;
+ {
+   if (on_p)
+     {
+       /* If the user wants to use the system caret, make sure our own
+        cursor remains invisible.  */
+       if (w32_use_visible_system_caret)
+       {
+         if (w->phys_cursor_type != NO_CURSOR)
+           erase_phys_cursor (w);
+         cursor_type = w->phys_cursor_type = NO_CURSOR;
+         w->phys_cursor_width = -1;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         w->phys_cursor_type = cursor_type;
+       }
+       w->phys_cursor_on_p = 1;
+       /* If this is the active cursor, we need to track it with the
+        system caret, so third party software like screen magnifiers
+        and speech synthesizers can follow the cursor.  */
+       if (active_p)
+       {
+         struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
+         HWND hwnd = FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f);
+         w32_system_caret_x
+           = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (w, w->phys_cursor.x);
+         w32_system_caret_y
+           = (WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, w->phys_cursor.y)
+              + glyph_row->ascent - w->phys_cursor_ascent);
+         /* If the size of the active cursor changed, destroy the old
+            system caret.  */
+         if (w32_system_caret_hwnd
+             && (w32_system_caret_height != w->phys_cursor_height))
+           PostMessage (hwnd, WM_EMACS_DESTROY_CARET, 0, 0);
+         w32_system_caret_height = w->phys_cursor_height;
+         /* Move the system caret.  */
+         PostMessage (hwnd, WM_EMACS_TRACK_CARET, 0, 0);
+       }
+       switch (cursor_type)
+       {
+       case HOLLOW_BOX_CURSOR:
+         x_draw_hollow_cursor (w, glyph_row);
+         break;
+       case FILLED_BOX_CURSOR:
+         draw_phys_cursor_glyph (w, glyph_row, DRAW_CURSOR);
+         break;
+       case BAR_CURSOR:
+         x_draw_bar_cursor (w, glyph_row, cursor_width, BAR_CURSOR);
+         break;
+       case HBAR_CURSOR:
+         x_draw_bar_cursor (w, glyph_row, cursor_width, HBAR_CURSOR);
+         break;
+       case NO_CURSOR:
+         w->phys_cursor_width = 0;
+         break;
+       default:
+         abort ();
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Icons.  */
+ int
+ x_bitmap_icon (f, icon)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object icon;
+ {
+   HANDLE hicon;
+   if (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f) == 0)
+     return 1;
+   if (NILP (icon))
+     hicon = LoadIcon (hinst, EMACS_CLASS);
+   else if (STRINGP (icon))
+     hicon = LoadImage (NULL, (LPCTSTR) SDATA (icon), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0,
+                      LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_LOADFROMFILE);
+   else if (SYMBOLP (icon))
+     {
+       LPCTSTR name;
+       if (EQ (icon, intern ("application")))
+       else if (EQ (icon, intern ("hand")))
+       name = (LPCTSTR) IDI_HAND;
+       else if (EQ (icon, intern ("question")))
+       name = (LPCTSTR) IDI_QUESTION;
+       else if (EQ (icon, intern ("exclamation")))
+       else if (EQ (icon, intern ("asterisk")))
+       name = (LPCTSTR) IDI_ASTERISK;
+       else if (EQ (icon, intern ("winlogo")))
+       name = (LPCTSTR) IDI_WINLOGO;
+       else
+       return 1;
+       hicon = LoadIcon (NULL, name);
+     }
+   else
+     return 1;
+   if (hicon == NULL)
+     return 1;
+                (LPARAM) hicon);
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /************************************************************************
+                         Handling X errors
+  ************************************************************************/
+ /* Display Error Handling functions not used on W32. Listing them here
+    helps diff stay in step when comparing w32term.c with xterm.c.
+ x_error_catcher (display, error)
+ x_catch_errors (dpy)
+ x_catch_errors_unwind (old_val)
+ x_check_errors (dpy, format)
+ x_had_errors_p (dpy)
+ x_clear_errors (dpy)
+ x_uncatch_errors (dpy, count)
+ x_trace_wire ()
+ x_connection_signal (signalnum)
+ x_connection_closed (dpy, error_message)
+ x_error_quitter (display, error)
+ x_error_handler (display, error)
+ x_io_error_quitter (display)
+  */
+ /* Changing the font of the frame.  */
+ /* Give frame F the font named FONTNAME as its default font, and
+    return the full name of that font.  FONTNAME may be a wildcard
+    pattern; in that case, we choose some font that fits the pattern.
+    The return value shows which font we chose.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ x_new_font (f, fontname)
+      struct frame *f;
+      register char *fontname;
+ {
+   struct font_info *fontp
+     = FS_LOAD_FONT (f, fontname);
+   if (!fontp)
+     return Qnil;
+   FRAME_FONT (f) = (XFontStruct *) (fontp->font);
+   FRAME_BASELINE_OFFSET (f) = fontp->baseline_offset;
+   FRAME_FONTSET (f) = -1;
+   compute_fringe_widths (f, 1);
+   /* Compute the scroll bar width in character columns.  */
+     {
+       int wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
+       = (FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f) + wid-1) / wid;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       int wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
+       FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_COLS (f) = (14 + wid - 1) / wid;
+     }
+   /* Now make the frame display the given font.  */
+   if (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f) != 0)
+     {
+       if (NILP (tip_frame) || XFRAME (tip_frame) != f)
+         x_set_window_size (f, 0, FRAME_COLS (f), FRAME_LINES (f));
+     }
+   return build_string (fontp->full_name);
+ }
+ /* Give frame F the fontset named FONTSETNAME as its default font, and
+    return the full name of that fontset.  FONTSETNAME may be a wildcard
+    pattern; in that case, we choose some fontset that fits the pattern.
+    The return value shows which fontset we chose.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ x_new_fontset (f, fontsetname)
+      struct frame *f;
+      char *fontsetname;
+ {
+   int fontset = fs_query_fontset (build_string (fontsetname), 0);
+   Lisp_Object result;
+   if (fontset < 0)
+     return Qnil;
+   if (FRAME_FONTSET (f) == fontset)
+     /* This fontset is already set in frame F.  There's nothing more
+        to do.  */
+     return fontset_name (fontset);
+   result = x_new_font (f, (SDATA (fontset_ascii (fontset))));
+   if (!STRINGP (result))
+     /* Can't load ASCII font.  */
+     return Qnil;
+   /* Since x_new_font doesn't update any fontset information, do it now.  */
+   FRAME_FONTSET(f) = fontset;
+   return build_string (fontsetname);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+       TODO: W32 Input Methods
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Listing missing functions from xterm.c helps diff stay in step.
+ xim_destroy_callback (xim, client_data, call_data)
+ xim_open_dpy (dpyinfo, resource_name)
+ struct xim_inst_t
+ xim_instantiate_callback (display, client_data, call_data)
+ xim_initialize (dpyinfo, resource_name)
+ xim_close_dpy (dpyinfo)
+  */
+ /* Calculate the absolute position in frame F
+    from its current recorded position values and gravity.  */
+ void
+ x_calc_absolute_position (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   POINT pt;
+   int flags = f->size_hint_flags;
+   pt.x = pt.y = 0;
+   /* Find the position of the outside upper-left corner of
+      the inner window, with respect to the outer window.
+      But do this only if we will need the results.  */
+   if (f->output_data.w32->parent_desc != FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO 
+     {
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       MapWindowPoints (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                      f->output_data.w32->parent_desc,
+                      &pt, 1);
+     }
+   {
+       RECT rt;
+       rt.left = rt.right = rt.top = rt.bottom = 0;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       AdjustWindowRect(&rt, f->output_data.w32->dwStyle,
+                      FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR (f));
+       pt.x += (rt.right - rt.left);
+       pt.y += (rt.bottom - rt.top);
+   }
+   /* Treat negative positions as relative to the leftmost bottommost
+      position that fits on the screen.  */
+   if (flags & XNegative)
+     f->left_pos = (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->width
+                  - 2 * f->border_width - pt.x
+                  - FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f)
+                  + f->left_pos);
+   if (flags & YNegative)
+     f->top_pos = (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->height
+                 - 2 * f->border_width - pt.y
+                 - FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f)
+                 + f->top_pos);
+   /* The left_pos and top_pos
+      are now relative to the top and left screen edges,
+      so the flags should correspond.  */
+   f->size_hint_flags &= ~ (XNegative | YNegative);
+ }
+ /* CHANGE_GRAVITY is 1 when calling from Fset_frame_position,
+    to really change the position, and 0 when calling from
+    x_make_frame_visible (in that case, XOFF and YOFF are the current
+    position values).  It is -1 when calling from x_set_frame_parameters,
+    which means, do adjust for borders but don't change the gravity.  */
+ void
+ x_set_offset (f, xoff, yoff, change_gravity)
+      struct frame *f;
+      register int xoff, yoff;
+      int change_gravity;
+ {
+   int modified_top, modified_left;
+   if (change_gravity > 0)
+     {
+       f->top_pos = yoff;
+       f->left_pos = xoff;
+       f->size_hint_flags &= ~ (XNegative | YNegative);
+       if (xoff < 0)
+       f->size_hint_flags |= XNegative;
+       if (yoff < 0)
+       f->size_hint_flags |= YNegative;
+       f->win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+     }
+   x_calc_absolute_position (f);
+   x_wm_set_size_hint (f, (long) 0, 0);
+   modified_left = f->left_pos;
+   modified_top = f->top_pos;
+   my_set_window_pos (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                    NULL,
+                    modified_left, modified_top,
+                    0, 0,
+ }
+ /* Check if we need to resize the frame due to a fullscreen request.
+    If so needed, resize the frame. */
+ static void
+ x_check_fullscreen (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   if (f->want_fullscreen & FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
+     {
+       int width, height, ign;
+       x_real_positions (f, &f->left_pos, &f->top_pos);
+       x_fullscreen_adjust (f, &width, &height, &ign, &ign);
+       /* We do not need to move the window, it shall be taken care of
+          when setting WM manager hints.
+          If the frame is visible already, the position is checked by
+          x_check_fullscreen_move. */
+       if (FRAME_COLS (f) != width || FRAME_LINES (f) != height)
+         {
+           change_frame_size (f, height, width, 0, 1, 0);
+           SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f);
+           cancel_mouse_face (f);
+           /* Wait for the change of frame size to occur */
+           f->want_fullscreen |= FULLSCREEN_WAIT;
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ /* If frame parameters are set after the frame is mapped, we need to move
+    the window.  This is done in xfns.c.
+    Some window managers moves the window to the right position, some
+    moves the outer window manager window to the specified position.
+    Here we check that we are in the right spot.  If not, make a second
+    move, assuming we are dealing with the second kind of window manager. */
+ static void
+ x_check_fullscreen_move (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   if (f->want_fullscreen & FULLSCREEN_MOVE_WAIT)
+   {
+     int expect_top = f->top_pos;
+     int expect_left = f->left_pos;
+     if (f->want_fullscreen & FULLSCREEN_HEIGHT)
+       expect_top = 0;
+     if (f->want_fullscreen & FULLSCREEN_WIDTH)
+       expect_left = 0;
+     if (expect_top != f->top_pos
+         || expect_left != f->left_pos)
+       x_set_offset (f, expect_left, expect_top, 1);
+     /* Just do this once */
+     f->want_fullscreen &= ~FULLSCREEN_MOVE_WAIT;
+   }
+ }
+ /* Call this to change the size of frame F's x-window.
+    If CHANGE_GRAVITY is 1, we change to top-left-corner window gravity
+    for this size change and subsequent size changes.
+    Otherwise we leave the window gravity unchanged.  */
+ void
+ x_set_window_size (f, change_gravity, cols, rows)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int change_gravity;
+      int cols, rows;
+ {
+   int pixelwidth, pixelheight;
+   check_frame_size (f, &rows, &cols);
+   f->scroll_bar_actual_width
+   compute_fringe_widths (f, 0);
+   pixelwidth = FRAME_TEXT_COLS_TO_PIXEL_WIDTH (f, cols);
+   pixelheight = FRAME_TEXT_LINES_TO_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f, rows);
+   f->win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+   x_wm_set_size_hint (f, (long) 0, 0);
+   {
+     RECT rect;
+     rect.left = rect.top = 0;
+     rect.right = pixelwidth;
+     rect.bottom = pixelheight;
+     AdjustWindowRect(&rect, f->output_data.w32->dwStyle,
+                    FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR (f));
+     my_set_window_pos (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                      NULL,
+                      0, 0,
+                      rect.right - rect.left,
+                      rect.bottom - rect.top,
+                      SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+   }
+   /* Now, strictly speaking, we can't be sure that this is accurate,
+      but the window manager will get around to dealing with the size
+      change request eventually, and we'll hear how it went when the
+      ConfigureNotify event gets here.
+      We could just not bother storing any of this information here,
+      and let the ConfigureNotify event set everything up, but that
+      might be kind of confusing to the Lisp code, since size changes
+      wouldn't be reported in the frame parameters until some random
+      point in the future when the ConfigureNotify event arrives.
+      We pass 1 for DELAY since we can't run Lisp code inside of
+      a BLOCK_INPUT.  */
+   change_frame_size (f, rows, cols, 0, 1, 0);
+   FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f) = pixelwidth;
+   FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f) = pixelheight;
+   /* We've set {FRAME,PIXEL}_{WIDTH,HEIGHT} to the values we hope to
+      receive in the ConfigureNotify event; if we get what we asked
+      for, then the event won't cause the screen to become garbaged, so
+      we have to make sure to do it here.  */
+   /* If cursor was outside the new size, mark it as off.  */
+   mark_window_cursors_off (XWINDOW (f->root_window));
+   /* Clear out any recollection of where the mouse highlighting was,
+      since it might be in a place that's outside the new frame size.
+      Actually checking whether it is outside is a pain in the neck,
+      so don't try--just let the highlighting be done afresh with new size.  */
+   cancel_mouse_face (f);
+ }
+ /* Mouse warping.  */
+ void x_set_mouse_pixel_position (struct frame *f, int pix_x, int pix_y);
+ void
+ x_set_mouse_position (f, x, y)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int x, y;
+ {
+   int pix_x, pix_y;
+   pix_x = FRAME_COL_TO_PIXEL_X (f, x) + FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f) / 2;
+   pix_y = FRAME_LINE_TO_PIXEL_Y (f, y) + FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f) / 2;
+   if (pix_x < 0) pix_x = 0;
+   if (pix_x > FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f)) pix_x = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f);
+   if (pix_y < 0) pix_y = 0;
+   if (pix_y > FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f)) pix_y = FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f);
+   x_set_mouse_pixel_position (f, pix_x, pix_y);
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_mouse_pixel_position (f, pix_x, pix_y)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int pix_x, pix_y;
+ {
+   RECT rect;
+   POINT pt;
+   GetClientRect (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), &rect);
+   pt.x = rect.left + pix_x;
+   pt.y = rect.top + pix_y;
+   ClientToScreen (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), &pt);
+   SetCursorPos (pt.x, pt.y);
+ }
+ /* focus shifting, raising and lowering.  */
+ void
+ x_focus_on_frame (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = &one_w32_display_info;
+   /* Give input focus to frame.  */
+ #if 0
+   /* Try not to change its Z-order if possible.  */
+   if (x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, GetForegroundWindow ()))
+     my_set_focus (f, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+   else
+ #endif
+     my_set_foreground_window (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+ }
+ void
+ x_unfocus_frame (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+ }
+ /* Raise frame F.  */
+ void
+ x_raise_frame (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   /* Strictly speaking, raise-frame should only change the frame's Z
+      order, leaving input focus unchanged.  This is reasonable behaviour
+      on X where the usual policy is point-to-focus.  However, this
+      behaviour would be very odd on Windows where the usual policy is
+      click-to-focus.
+      On X, if the mouse happens to be over the raised frame, it gets
+      input focus anyway (so the window with focus will never be
+      completely obscured) - if not, then just moving the mouse over it
+      is sufficient to give it focus.  On Windows, the user must actually
+      click on the frame (preferrably the title bar so as not to move
+      point), which is more awkward.  Also, no other Windows program
+      raises a window to the top but leaves another window (possibly now
+      completely obscured) with input focus.
+      Because there is a system setting on Windows that allows the user
+      to choose the point to focus policy, we make the strict semantics
+      optional, but by default we grab focus when raising.  */
+   if (NILP (Vw32_grab_focus_on_raise))
+     {
+       /* The obvious call to my_set_window_pos doesn't work if Emacs is
+        not already the foreground application: the frame is raised
+        above all other frames belonging to us, but not above the
+        current top window.  To achieve that, we have to resort to this
+        more cumbersome method.  */
+       HDWP handle = BeginDeferWindowPos (2);
+       if (handle)
+       {
+         DeferWindowPos (handle,
+                         FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                         HWND_TOP,
+                         0, 0, 0, 0,
+                         SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+         DeferWindowPos (handle,
+                         GetForegroundWindow (),
+                         FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                         0, 0, 0, 0,
+                         SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+         EndDeferWindowPos (handle);
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       my_set_foreground_window (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+     }
+ }
+ /* Lower frame F.  */
+ void
+ x_lower_frame (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   my_set_window_pos (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                    HWND_BOTTOM,
+                    0, 0, 0, 0,
+                    SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+ }
+ static void
+ w32_frame_raise_lower (f, raise_flag)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      int raise_flag;
+ {
+   if (! FRAME_W32_P (f))
+     return;
+   if (raise_flag)
+     x_raise_frame (f);
+   else
+     x_lower_frame (f);
+ }
+ /* Change of visibility.  */
+ /* This tries to wait until the frame is really visible.
+    However, if the window manager asks the user where to position
+    the frame, this will return before the user finishes doing that.
+    The frame will not actually be visible at that time,
+    but it will become visible later when the window manager
+    finishes with it.  */
+ void
+ x_make_frame_visible (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object type;
+   type = x_icon_type (f);
+   if (!NILP (type))
+     x_bitmap_icon (f, type);
+   if (! FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+     {
+       /* We test FRAME_GARBAGED_P here to make sure we don't
+        call x_set_offset a second time
+        if we get to x_make_frame_visible a second time
+        before the window gets really visible.  */
+       if (! FRAME_ICONIFIED_P (f)
+         && ! f->output_data.w32->asked_for_visible)
+       x_set_offset (f, f->left_pos, f->top_pos, 0);
+       f->output_data.w32->asked_for_visible = 1;
+ /*      my_show_window (f, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), f->async_iconified ? 
+       my_show_window (f, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+     }
+   /* Synchronize to ensure Emacs knows the frame is visible
+      before we do anything else.  We do this loop with input not blocked
+      so that incoming events are handled.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object frame;
+     int count;
+     /* This must come after we set COUNT.  */
+     XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+     /* Wait until the frame is visible.  Process X events until a
+        MapNotify event has been seen, or until we think we won't get a
+        MapNotify at all..  */
+     for (count = input_signal_count + 10;
+        input_signal_count < count && !FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f);)
+       {
+       /* Force processing of queued events.  */
+         /* TODO: x_sync equivalent?  */
+       /* Machines that do polling rather than SIGIO have been observed
+          to go into a busy-wait here.  So we'll fake an alarm signal
+          to let the handler know that there's something to be read.
+          We used to raise a real alarm, but it seems that the handler
+          isn't always enabled here.  This is probably a bug.  */
+       if (input_polling_used ())
+         {
+           /* It could be confusing if a real alarm arrives while processing
+              the fake one.  Turn it off and let the handler reset it.  */
+           int old_poll_suppress_count = poll_suppress_count;
+           poll_suppress_count = 1;
+           poll_for_input_1 ();
+           poll_suppress_count = old_poll_suppress_count;
+         }
+       }
+   }
+ }
+ /* Change from mapped state to withdrawn state. */
+ /* Make the frame visible (mapped and not iconified).  */
+ x_make_frame_invisible (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   /* Don't keep the highlight on an invisible frame.  */
+   if (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->x_highlight_frame == f)
+     FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->x_highlight_frame = 0;
+   my_show_window (f, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), SW_HIDE);
+   /* We can't distinguish this from iconification
+      just by the event that we get from the server.
+      So we can't win using the usual strategy of letting
+      FRAME_SAMPLE_VISIBILITY set this.  So do it by hand,
+      and synchronize with the server to make sure we agree.  */
+   f->visible = 0;
+   FRAME_ICONIFIED_P (f) = 0;
+   f->async_visible = 0;
+   f->async_iconified = 0;
+ }
+ /* Change window state from mapped to iconified. */
+ void
+ x_iconify_frame (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object type;
+   /* Don't keep the highlight on an invisible frame.  */
+   if (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->x_highlight_frame == f)
+     FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->x_highlight_frame = 0;
+   if (f->async_iconified)
+     return;
+   type = x_icon_type (f);
+   if (!NILP (type))
+     x_bitmap_icon (f, type);
+   /* Simulate the user minimizing the frame.  */
+ }
+ /* Free X resources of frame F.  */
+ void
+ x_free_frame_resources (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   if (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f))
+     my_destroy_window (f, FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+   free_frame_menubar (f);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.x->foreground_pixel);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.x->background_pixel);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->cursor_pixel);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->cursor_foreground_pixel);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->border_pixel);
+   unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->mouse_pixel);
+   if (f->output_data.w32->white_relief.allocated_p)
+     unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->white_relief.pixel);
+   if (f->output_data.w32->black_relief.allocated_p)
+     unload_color (f, f->output_data.w32->black_relief.pixel);
+   if (FRAME_FACE_CACHE (f))
+     free_frame_faces (f);
+   xfree (f->output_data.w32);
+   f->output_data.w32 = NULL;
+   if (f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame)
+     dpyinfo->w32_focus_frame = 0;
+   if (f == dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame)
+     dpyinfo->w32_focus_event_frame = 0;
+   if (f == dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame)
+     dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = 0;
+   if (f == dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
+     {
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_row
+       = dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_row
+       = dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_deferred_gc = 0;
+       dpyinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = 0;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Destroy the window of frame F.  */
+ x_destroy_window (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   x_free_frame_resources (f);
+   dpyinfo->reference_count--;
+ }
+ /* Setting window manager hints.  */
+ /* Set the normal size hints for the window manager, for frame F.
+    FLAGS is the flags word to use--or 0 meaning preserve the flags
+    that the window now has.
+    If USER_POSITION is nonzero, we set the USPosition
+    flag (this is useful when FLAGS is 0).  */
+ void
+ x_wm_set_size_hint (f, flags, user_position)
+      struct frame *f;
+      long flags;
+      int user_position;
+ {
+   Window window = FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f);
+   enter_crit ();
+   SetWindowLong (window, WND_FONTWIDTH_INDEX, FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f));
+   SetWindowLong (window, WND_LINEHEIGHT_INDEX, FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f));
+   SetWindowLong (window, WND_SCROLLBAR_INDEX, f->scroll_bar_actual_width);
+   leave_crit ();
+ }
+ /* Window manager things */
+ void
+ x_wm_set_icon_position (f, icon_x, icon_y)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int icon_x, icon_y;
+ {
+ #if 0
+   Window window = FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f);
+   f->display.x->wm_hints.flags |= IconPositionHint;
+   f->display.x->wm_hints.icon_x = icon_x;
+   f->display.x->wm_hints.icon_y = icon_y;
+   XSetWMHints (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), window, &f->display.x->wm_hints);
+ #endif
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                               Fonts
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* The following functions are listed here to help diff stay in step
+    with xterm.c.  See w32fns.c for definitions.
+ x_get_font_info (f, font_idx)
+ x_list_fonts (f, pattern, size, maxnames)
+  */
+ /* Check that FONT is valid on frame F.  It is if it can be found in F's
+    font table.  */
+ static void
+ x_check_font (f, font)
+      struct frame *f;
+      XFontStruct *font;
+ {
+   int i;
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   xassert (font != NULL);
+   for (i = 0; i < dpyinfo->n_fonts; i++)
+     if (dpyinfo->font_table[i].name
+       && font == dpyinfo->font_table[i].font)
+       break;
+   xassert (i < dpyinfo->n_fonts);
+ }
+ #endif /* GLYPH_DEBUG != 0 */
+ /* Set *W to the minimum width, *H to the minimum font height of FONT.
+    Note: There are (broken) X fonts out there with invalid XFontStruct
+    min_bounds contents.  For example, address@hidden reports that
+    "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1" fonts
+    have font->min_bounds.width == 0.  */
+ static INLINE void
+ x_font_min_bounds (font, w, h)
+      XFontStruct *font;
+      int *w, *h;
+ {
+   /*
+    * TODO: Windows does not appear to offer min bound, only
+    * average and maximum width, and maximum height.
+    */
+   *h = FONT_HEIGHT (font);
+   *w = FONT_WIDTH (font);
+ }
+ /* Compute the smallest character width and smallest font height over
+    all fonts available on frame F.  Set the members smallest_char_width
+    and smallest_font_height in F's x_display_info structure to
+    the values computed.  Value is non-zero if smallest_font_height or
+    smallest_char_width become smaller than they were before.  */
+ int
+ x_compute_min_glyph_bounds (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   int i;
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+   XFontStruct *font;
+   int old_width = dpyinfo->smallest_char_width;
+   int old_height = dpyinfo->smallest_font_height;
+   dpyinfo->smallest_font_height = 100000;
+   dpyinfo->smallest_char_width = 100000;
+   for (i = 0; i < dpyinfo->n_fonts; ++i)
+     if (dpyinfo->font_table[i].name)
+       {
+       struct font_info *fontp = dpyinfo->font_table + i;
+       int w, h;
+       font = (XFontStruct *) fontp->font;
+       xassert (font != (XFontStruct *) ~0);
+       x_font_min_bounds (font, &w, &h);
+       dpyinfo->smallest_font_height = min (dpyinfo->smallest_font_height, h);
+       dpyinfo->smallest_char_width = min (dpyinfo->smallest_char_width, w);
+       }
+   xassert (dpyinfo->smallest_char_width > 0
+          && dpyinfo->smallest_font_height > 0);
+   return (dpyinfo->n_fonts == 1
+         || dpyinfo->smallest_char_width < old_width
+         || dpyinfo->smallest_font_height < old_height);
+ }
+ /* The following functions are listed here to help diff stay in step
+    with xterm.c.  See w32fns.c for definitions.
+ x_load_font (f, fontname, size)
+ x_query_font (f, fontname)
+ x_find_ccl_program (fontp)
+ */
+ /***********************************************************************
+                           Initialization
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ static int w32_initialized = 0;
+ void
+ w32_initialize_display_info (display_name)
+      Lisp_Object display_name;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo = &one_w32_display_info;
+   bzero (dpyinfo, sizeof (*dpyinfo));
+   /* Put it on w32_display_name_list.  */
+   w32_display_name_list = Fcons (Fcons (display_name, Qnil),
+                                  w32_display_name_list);
+   dpyinfo->name_list_element = XCAR (w32_display_name_list);
+   dpyinfo->w32_id_name
+     = (char *) xmalloc (SCHARS (Vinvocation_name)
+                       + SCHARS (Vsystem_name)
+                       + 2);
+   sprintf (dpyinfo->w32_id_name, "address@hidden",
+          SDATA (Vinvocation_name), SDATA (Vsystem_name));
+   /* Default Console mode values - overridden when running in GUI mode
+      with values obtained from system metrics.  */
+   dpyinfo->resx = 1;
+   dpyinfo->resy = 1;
+   dpyinfo->height_in = 1;
+   dpyinfo->width_in = 1;
+   dpyinfo->n_planes = 1;
+   dpyinfo->n_cbits = 4;
+   dpyinfo->n_fonts = 0;
+   dpyinfo->smallest_font_height = 1;
+   dpyinfo->smallest_char_width = 1;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_row = dpyinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_row = dpyinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_face_id = DEFAULT_FACE_ID;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_overlay = Qnil;
+   dpyinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 0;
+   dpyinfo->vertical_scroll_bar_cursor = w32_load_cursor (IDC_ARROW);
+   /* TODO: dpyinfo->gray */
+ }
+ /* Create an xrdb-style database of resources to supercede registry settings.
+    The database is just a concatenation of C strings, finished by an 
+    \0.  The string are submitted to some basic normalization, so
+      [ *]option[ *]:[ *]value...
+    becomes
+      option:value...
+    but any whitespace following value is not removed.  */
+ static char *
+ w32_make_rdb (xrm_option)
+      char *xrm_option;
+ {
+   char *buffer = xmalloc (strlen (xrm_option) + 2);
+   char *current = buffer;
+   char ch;
+   int in_option = 1;
+   int before_value = 0;
+   do {
+     ch = *xrm_option++;
+     if (ch == '\n')
+       {
+         *current++ = '\0';
+         in_option = 1;
+         before_value = 0;
+       }
+     else if (ch != ' ')
+       {
+         *current++ = ch;
+         if (in_option && (ch == ':'))
+           {
+             in_option = 0;
+             before_value = 1;
+           }
+         else if (before_value)
+           {
+             before_value = 0;
+           }
+       }
+     else if (!(in_option || before_value))
+       {
+         *current++ = ch;
+       }
+   } while (ch);
+   *current = '\0';
+   return buffer;
+ }
+ struct w32_display_info *
+ w32_term_init (display_name, xrm_option, resource_name)
+      Lisp_Object display_name;
+      char *xrm_option;
+      char *resource_name;
+ {
+   struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo;
+   HDC hdc;
+   if (!w32_initialized)
+     {
+       w32_initialize ();
+       w32_initialized = 1;
+     }
+   w32_initialize_display_info (display_name);
+   dpyinfo = &one_w32_display_info;
+   dpyinfo->xrdb = xrm_option ? w32_make_rdb (xrm_option) : NULL;
+   /* Put this display on the chain.  */
+   dpyinfo->next = x_display_list;
+   x_display_list = dpyinfo;
+   hdc = GetDC (GetDesktopWindow ());
+   dpyinfo->height = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES);
+   dpyinfo->width = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES);
+   dpyinfo->root_window = GetDesktopWindow ();
+   dpyinfo->n_planes = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, PLANES);
+   dpyinfo->n_cbits = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, BITSPIXEL);
+   dpyinfo->resx = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
+   dpyinfo->resy = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
+   dpyinfo->has_palette = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE;
+   dpyinfo->image_cache = make_image_cache ();
+   dpyinfo->height_in = dpyinfo->height / dpyinfo->resx;
+   dpyinfo->width_in = dpyinfo->width / dpyinfo->resy;
+   ReleaseDC (GetDesktopWindow (), hdc);
+   /* initialise palette with white and black */
+   {
+     XColor color;
+     w32_defined_color (0, "white", &color, 1);
+     w32_defined_color (0, "black", &color, 1);
+   }
+   /* Create Fringe Bitmaps and store them for later use.
+      On W32, bitmaps are all unsigned short, as Windows requires
+      bitmap data to be Word aligned.  For some reason they are
+      horizontally reflected compared to how they appear on X, so we
+      need to bitswap and convert to unsigned shorts before creating
+      the bitmaps.  */
+   {
+     int i, j;
+     for (i = NO_FRINGE_BITMAP + 1; i < MAX_FRINGE_BITMAPS; i++)
+       {
+       int h = fringe_bitmaps[i].height;
+       int wd = fringe_bitmaps[i].width;
+       unsigned short *w32bits
+         = (unsigned short *)alloca (h * sizeof (unsigned short));
+       unsigned short *wb = w32bits;
+       unsigned char *bits = fringe_bitmaps[i].bits;
+       for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
+         {
+           static unsigned char swap_nibble[16]
+             = { 0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xc,    /* 0000 1000 0100 1100 */
+                 0x2, 0xa, 0x6, 0xe,    /* 0010 1010 0110 1110 */
+                 0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xd,    /* 0001 1001 0101 1101 */
+                 0x3, 0xb, 0x7, 0xf };  /* 0011 1011 0111 1111 */
+           unsigned char b = *bits++;
+           *wb++ = (unsigned short)((swap_nibble[b & 0xf]<<4)
+                                    | (swap_nibble[(b>>4) & 0xf]));
+         }
+       fringe_bmp[i] = CreateBitmap (wd, h, 1, 1, w32bits);
+       }
+   }
+ #ifndef F_SETOWN_BUG
+ #ifdef F_SETOWN
+   /* stdin is a socket here */
+   fcntl (connection, F_SETOWN, -getpid ());
+ #else /* ! defined (F_SETOWN_SOCK_NEG) */
+   fcntl (connection, F_SETOWN, getpid ());
+ #endif /* ! defined (F_SETOWN_SOCK_NEG) */
+ #endif /* ! defined (F_SETOWN) */
+ #endif /* F_SETOWN_BUG */
+ #ifdef SIGIO
+   if (interrupt_input)
+     init_sigio (connection);
+ #endif /* ! defined (SIGIO) */
+   return dpyinfo;
+ }
+ /* Get rid of display DPYINFO, assuming all frames are already gone.  */
+ void
+ x_delete_display (dpyinfo)
+      struct w32_display_info *dpyinfo;
+ {
+   /* Discard this display from w32_display_name_list and w32_display_list.
+      We can't use Fdelq because that can quit.  */
+   if (! NILP (w32_display_name_list)
+       && EQ (XCAR (w32_display_name_list), dpyinfo->name_list_element))
+     w32_display_name_list = XCDR (w32_display_name_list);
+   else
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tail;
+       tail = w32_display_name_list;
+       while (CONSP (tail) && CONSP (XCDR (tail)))
+       {
+         if (EQ (XCAR (XCDR (tail)), dpyinfo->name_list_element))
+           {
+             XSETCDR (tail, XCDR (XCDR (tail)));
+             break;
+           }
+         tail = XCDR (tail);
+       }
+     }
+   /* free palette table */
+   {
+     struct w32_palette_entry * plist;
+     plist = dpyinfo->color_list;
+     while (plist)
+     {
+       struct w32_palette_entry * pentry = plist;
+       plist = plist->next;
+       xfree (pentry);
+     }
+     dpyinfo->color_list = NULL;
+     if (dpyinfo->palette)
+       DeleteObject(dpyinfo->palette);
+   }
+   xfree (dpyinfo->font_table);
+   xfree (dpyinfo->w32_id_name);
+   /* Destroy row bitmaps.  */
+   {
+     int i;
+     for (i = NO_FRINGE_BITMAP + 1; i < MAX_FRINGE_BITMAPS; i++)
+       DeleteObject (fringe_bmp[i]);
+   }
+ }
+ /* Set up use of W32.  */
+ DWORD w32_msg_worker ();
+ void
+ x_flush (struct frame * f)
+ { /* Nothing to do */ }
+ extern frame_parm_handler w32_frame_parm_handlers[];
+ static struct redisplay_interface w32_redisplay_interface =
+ {
+   w32_frame_parm_handlers,
+   x_produce_glyphs,
+   x_write_glyphs,
+   x_insert_glyphs,
+   x_clear_end_of_line,
+   x_scroll_run,
+   x_after_update_window_line,
+   x_update_window_begin,
+   x_update_window_end,
+   x_cursor_to,
+   x_flush,
+   0,  /* flush_display_optional */
+   x_clear_window_mouse_face,
+   w32_get_glyph_overhangs,
+   x_fix_overlapping_area,
+   w32_draw_fringe_bitmap,
+   w32_per_char_metric,
+   w32_encode_char,
+   NULL, /* w32_compute_glyph_string_overhangs */
+   x_draw_glyph_string,
+   w32_define_frame_cursor,
+   w32_clear_frame_area,
+   w32_draw_window_cursor,
+   w32_draw_vertical_window_border,
+   w32_shift_glyphs_for_insert
+ };
+ void
+ w32_initialize ()
+ {
+   rif = &w32_redisplay_interface;
+   /* MSVC does not type K&R functions with no arguments correctly, and
+      so we must explicitly cast them.  */
+   clear_frame_hook = (void (*)(void)) x_clear_frame;
+   ring_bell_hook = (void (*)(void)) w32_ring_bell;
+   update_begin_hook = x_update_begin;
+   update_end_hook = x_update_end;
+   read_socket_hook = w32_read_socket;
+   frame_up_to_date_hook = w32_frame_up_to_date;
+   mouse_position_hook = w32_mouse_position;
+   frame_rehighlight_hook = w32_frame_rehighlight;
+   frame_raise_lower_hook = w32_frame_raise_lower;
+   set_vertical_scroll_bar_hook = w32_set_vertical_scroll_bar;
+   condemn_scroll_bars_hook = w32_condemn_scroll_bars;
+   redeem_scroll_bar_hook = w32_redeem_scroll_bar;
+   judge_scroll_bars_hook = w32_judge_scroll_bars;
+   scroll_region_ok = 1;         /* we'll scroll partial frames */
+   char_ins_del_ok = 1;
+   line_ins_del_ok = 1;          /* we'll just blt 'em */
+   fast_clear_end_of_line = 1;   /* X does this well */
+   memory_below_frame = 0;       /* we don't remember what scrolls
+                                  off the bottom */
+   baud_rate = 19200;
+   w32_system_caret_hwnd = NULL;
+   w32_system_caret_height = 0;
+   w32_system_caret_x = 0;
+   w32_system_caret_y = 0;
+   last_tool_bar_item = -1;
+   any_help_event_p = 0;
+   /* Initialize input mode: interrupt_input off, no flow control, allow
+      8 bit character input, standard quit char.  */
+   Fset_input_mode (Qnil, Qnil, make_number (2), Qnil);
+   /* Create the window thread - it will terminate itself or when the app 
terminates */
+   init_crit ();
+   dwMainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId ();
+   DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess (), GetCurrentThread (),
+                  GetCurrentProcess (), &hMainThread, 0, TRUE, 
+   /* Wait for thread to start */
+   {
+     MSG msg;
+     PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
+     hWindowsThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0,
+                              (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) w32_msg_worker,
+                              0, 0, &dwWindowsThreadId);
+     GetMessage (&msg, NULL, WM_EMACS_DONE, WM_EMACS_DONE);
+   }
+   /* It is desirable that mainThread should have the same notion of
+      focus window and active window as windowsThread.  Unfortunately, the
+      following call to AttachThreadInput, which should do precisely what
+      we need, causes major problems when Emacs is linked as a console
+      program.  Unfortunately, we have good reasons for doing that, so
+      instead we need to send messages to windowsThread to make some API
+      calls for us (ones that affect, or depend on, the active/focus
+      window state.  */
+   AttachThreadInput (dwMainThreadId, dwWindowsThreadId, TRUE);
+ #endif
+   /* Dynamically link to optional system components. */
+   {
+     HANDLE user_lib = LoadLibrary ("user32.dll");
+ #define LOAD_PROC(fn) pfn##fn = (void *) GetProcAddress (user_lib, #fn)
+     /* New proportional scroll bar functions. */
+     LOAD_PROC (SetScrollInfo);
+     LOAD_PROC (GetScrollInfo);
+ #undef LOAD_PROC
+     FreeLibrary (user_lib);
+     /* If using proportional scroll bars, ensure handle is at least 5 pixels;
+        otherwise use the fixed height.  */
+     vertical_scroll_bar_min_handle = (pfnSetScrollInfo != NULL) ? 5 :
+       GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYVTHUMB);
+     /* For either kind of scroll bar, take account of the arrows; these
+        effectively form the border of the main scroll bar range.  */
+     vertical_scroll_bar_top_border = vertical_scroll_bar_bottom_border
+       = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYVSCROLL);
+   }
+ }
+ void
+ syms_of_w32term ()
+ {
+   staticpro (&w32_display_name_list);
+   w32_display_name_list = Qnil;
+   staticpro (&last_mouse_scroll_bar);
+   last_mouse_scroll_bar = Qnil;
+   staticpro (&Qvendor_specific_keysyms);
+   Qvendor_specific_keysyms = intern ("vendor-specific-keysyms");
+   DEFVAR_INT ("w32-num-mouse-buttons",
+             &Vw32_num_mouse_buttons,
+             doc: /* Number of physical mouse buttons.  */);
+   Vw32_num_mouse_buttons = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-swap-mouse-buttons",
+             &Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons,
+              doc: /* Swap the mapping of middle and right mouse buttons.
+ When nil, middle button is mouse-2 and right button is mouse-3.  */);
+   Vw32_swap_mouse_buttons = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-grab-focus-on-raise",
+              &Vw32_grab_focus_on_raise,
+              doc: /* Raised frame grabs input focus.
+ When t, `raise-frame' grabs input focus as well.  This fits well
+ with the normal Windows click-to-focus policy, but might not be
+ desirable when using a point-to-focus policy.  */);
+   Vw32_grab_focus_on_raise = Qt;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-capslock-is-shiftlock",
+              &Vw32_capslock_is_shiftlock,
+              doc: /* Apply CapsLock state to non character input keys.
+ When nil, CapsLock only affects normal character input keys.  */);
+   Vw32_capslock_is_shiftlock = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("w32-recognize-altgr",
+              &Vw32_recognize_altgr,
+              doc: /* Recognize right-alt and left-ctrl as AltGr.
+ When nil, the right-alt and left-ctrl key combination is
+ interpreted normally.  */);
+   Vw32_recognize_altgr = Qt;
+   DEFVAR_BOOL ("w32-enable-unicode-output",
+                &w32_enable_unicode_output,
+                doc: /* Enable the use of Unicode for text output if non-nil.
+ Unicode output may prevent some third party applications for displaying
+ Far-East Languages on Windows 95/98 from working properly.
+ NT uses Unicode internally anyway, so this flag will probably have no
+ affect on NT machines.  */);
+   w32_enable_unicode_output = 1;
+   DEFVAR_BOOL ("w32-use-visible-system-caret",
+              &w32_use_visible_system_caret,
+              doc: /* Flag to make the system caret visible.
+ When this is non-nil, Emacs will indicate the position of point by
+ using the system caret instead of drawing its own cursor.  Some screen
+ reader software does not track the system cursor properly when it is
+ invisible, and gets confused by Emacs drawing its own cursor, so this
+ variable is initialized to t when Emacs detects that screen reader
+ software is running as it starts up.
+ When this variable is set, other variables affecting the appearance of
+ the cursor have no effect.  */);
+   /* Initialize w32_use_visible_system_caret based on whether a screen
+      reader is in use.  */
+   if (!SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETSCREENREADER, 0,
+                            &w32_use_visible_system_caret, 0))
+     w32_use_visible_system_caret = 0;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-toolkit-scroll-bars", &Vx_toolkit_scroll_bars,
+              doc: /* If not nil, Emacs uses toolkit scroll bars.  */);
+   Vx_toolkit_scroll_bars = Qt;
+   staticpro (&last_mouse_motion_frame);
+   last_mouse_motion_frame = Qnil;
+ }

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