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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/buffer.c [Boehm-GC]

From: Dave Love
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/buffer.c [Boehm-GC]
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 07:38:31 -0400

Index: emacs/src/buffer.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/buffer.c:1.425.2.1
*** /dev/null   Wed Jun 11 07:38:31 2003
--- emacs/src/buffer.c  Wed Jun 11 07:38:31 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,5879 ----
+ /* Buffer manipulation primitives for GNU Emacs.
+    Copyright (C) 1985,86,87,88,89,93,94,95,97,98, 1999, 2000, 2001, 02, 2003
+       Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifndef USE_CRT_DLL
+ extern int errno;
+ #endif
+ #ifndef MAXPATHLEN
+ /* in 4.1, param.h fails to define this. */
+ #define MAXPATHLEN 1024
+ #endif /* not MAXPATHLEN */
+ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "intervals.h"
+ #include "window.h"
+ #include "commands.h"
+ #include "buffer.h"
+ #include "charset.h"
+ #include "region-cache.h"
+ #include "indent.h"
+ #include "blockinput.h"
+ #include "keyboard.h"
+ #include "keymap.h"
+ #include "frame.h"
+ struct buffer *current_buffer;                /* the current buffer */
+ /* First buffer in chain of all buffers (in reverse order of creation).
+    Threaded through ->next.  */
+ struct buffer *all_buffers;
+ /* This structure holds the default values of the buffer-local variables
+    defined with DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER, that have special slots in each buffer.
+    The default value occupies the same slot in this structure
+    as an individual buffer's value occupies in that buffer.
+    Setting the default value also goes through the alist of buffers
+    and stores into each buffer that does not say it has a local value.  */
+ struct buffer buffer_defaults;
+ /* A Lisp_Object pointer to the above, used for staticpro */
+ static Lisp_Object Vbuffer_defaults;
+ /* This structure marks which slots in a buffer have corresponding
+    default values in buffer_defaults.
+    Each such slot has a nonzero value in this structure.
+    The value has only one nonzero bit.
+    When a buffer has its own local value for a slot,
+    the entry for that slot (found in the same slot in this structure)
+    is turned on in the buffer's local_flags array.
+    If a slot in this structure is -1, then even though there may
+    be a DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER for the slot, there is no default value for it;
+    and the corresponding slot in buffer_defaults is not used.
+    If a slot is -2, then there is no DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER for it,
+    but there is a default value which is copied into each buffer.
+    If a slot in this structure is negative, then even though there may
+    be a DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER for the slot, there is no default value for it;
+    and the corresponding slot in buffer_defaults is not used.
+    If a slot in this structure corresponding to a DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER is
+    zero, that is a bug */
+ struct buffer buffer_local_flags;
+ /* This structure holds the names of symbols whose values may be
+    buffer-local.  It is indexed and accessed in the same way as the above. */
+ struct buffer buffer_local_symbols;
+ /* A Lisp_Object pointer to the above, used for staticpro */
+ static Lisp_Object Vbuffer_local_symbols;
+ /* This structure holds the required types for the values in the
+    buffer-local slots.  If a slot contains Qnil, then the
+    corresponding buffer slot may contain a value of any type.  If a
+    slot contains an integer, then prospective values' tags must be
+    equal to that integer (except nil is always allowed).
+    When a tag does not match, the function
+    buffer_slot_type_mismatch will signal an error.
+    If a slot here contains -1, the corresponding variable is read-only.  */
+ struct buffer buffer_local_types;
+ /* Flags indicating which built-in buffer-local variables
+    are permanent locals.  */
+ static char buffer_permanent_local_flags[MAX_PER_BUFFER_VARS];
+ /* Number of per-buffer variables used.  */
+ int last_per_buffer_idx;
+ Lisp_Object Fset_buffer ();
+ void set_buffer_internal ();
+ void set_buffer_internal_1 ();
+ static void call_overlay_mod_hooks ();
+ static void swap_out_buffer_local_variables ();
+ static void reset_buffer_local_variables ();
+ /* Alist of all buffer names vs the buffers. */
+ /* This used to be a variable, but is no longer,
+  to prevent lossage due to user rplac'ing this alist or its elements.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vbuffer_alist;
+ /* Functions to call before and after each text change. */
+ Lisp_Object Vbefore_change_functions;
+ Lisp_Object Vafter_change_functions;
+ Lisp_Object Vtransient_mark_mode;
+ /* t means ignore all read-only text properties.
+    A list means ignore such a property if its value is a member of the list.
+    Any non-nil value means ignore buffer-read-only.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vinhibit_read_only;
+ /* List of functions to call that can query about killing a buffer.
+    If any of these functions returns nil, we don't kill it.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vkill_buffer_query_functions;
+ Lisp_Object Qkill_buffer_query_functions;
+ /* List of functions to call before changing an unmodified buffer.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vfirst_change_hook;
+ Lisp_Object Qfirst_change_hook;
+ Lisp_Object Qbefore_change_functions;
+ Lisp_Object Qafter_change_functions;
+ Lisp_Object Qucs_set_table_for_input;
+ /* If nonzero, all modification hooks are suppressed.  */
+ int inhibit_modification_hooks;
+ Lisp_Object Qfundamental_mode, Qmode_class, Qpermanent_local;
+ Lisp_Object Qprotected_field;
+ Lisp_Object QSFundamental;    /* A string "Fundamental" */
+ Lisp_Object Qkill_buffer_hook;
+ Lisp_Object Qget_file_buffer;
+ Lisp_Object Qoverlayp;
+ Lisp_Object Qpriority, Qwindow, Qevaporate, Qbefore_string, Qafter_string;
+ Lisp_Object Qmodification_hooks;
+ Lisp_Object Qinsert_in_front_hooks;
+ Lisp_Object Qinsert_behind_hooks;
+ Lisp_Object mask_temp;
+ static void alloc_buffer_text P_ ((struct buffer *, size_t));
+ static void free_buffer_text P_ ((struct buffer *b));
+ static Lisp_Object copy_overlays P_ ((struct buffer *, Lisp_Object));
+ static void modify_overlay P_ ((struct buffer *, int, int));
+ /* For debugging; temporary.  See set_buffer_internal.  */
+ /* Lisp_Object Qlisp_mode, Vcheck_symbol; */
+ void
+ nsberror (spec)
+      Lisp_Object spec;
+ {
+   if (STRINGP (spec))
+     error ("No buffer named %s", SDATA (spec));
+   error ("Invalid buffer argument");
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-live-p", Fbuffer_live_p, Sbuffer_live_p, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return non-nil if OBJECT is a buffer which has not been killed.
+ Value is nil if OBJECT is not a buffer or if it has been killed.  */)
+      (object)
+      Lisp_Object object;
+ {
+   return ((BUFFERP (object) && ! NILP (XBUFFER (object)->name))
+         ? Qt : Qnil);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-list", Fbuffer_list, Sbuffer_list, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a list of all existing live buffers.
+ If the optional arg FRAME is a frame, we return the buffer list
+ in the proper order for that frame: the buffers in FRAME's `buffer-list'
+ frame parameter come first, followed by the rest of the buffers.  */)
+      (frame)
+      Lisp_Object frame;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object framelist, general;
+   general = Fmapcar (Qcdr, Vbuffer_alist);
+   if (FRAMEP (frame))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tail;
+       CHECK_FRAME (frame);
+       framelist = Fcopy_sequence (XFRAME (frame)->buffer_list);
+       /* Remove from GENERAL any buffer that duplicates one in FRAMELIST.  */
+       tail = framelist;
+       while (! NILP (tail))
+       {
+         general = Fdelq (XCAR (tail), general);
+         tail = XCDR (tail);
+       }
+       return nconc2 (framelist, general);
+     }
+   return general;
+ }
+ /* Like Fassoc, but use Fstring_equal to compare
+    (which ignores text properties),
+    and don't ever QUIT.  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ assoc_ignore_text_properties (key, list)
+      register Lisp_Object key;
+      Lisp_Object list;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tail;
+   for (tail = list; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       register Lisp_Object elt, tem;
+       elt = XCAR (tail);
+       tem = Fstring_equal (Fcar (elt), key);
+       if (!NILP (tem))
+       return elt;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("get-buffer", Fget_buffer, Sget_buffer, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the buffer named NAME (a string).
+ If there is no live buffer named NAME, return nil.
+ NAME may also be a buffer; if so, the value is that buffer.  */)
+      (name)
+      register Lisp_Object name;
+ {
+   if (BUFFERP (name))
+     return name;
+   CHECK_STRING (name);
+   return Fcdr (assoc_ignore_text_properties (name, Vbuffer_alist));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("get-file-buffer", Fget_file_buffer, Sget_file_buffer, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the buffer visiting file FILENAME (a string).
+ The buffer's `buffer-file-name' must match exactly the expansion of FILENAME.
+ If there is no such live buffer, return nil.
+ See also `find-buffer-visiting'.  */)
+      (filename)
+      register Lisp_Object filename;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tail, buf, tem;
+   Lisp_Object handler;
+   CHECK_STRING (filename);
+   filename = Fexpand_file_name (filename, Qnil);
+   /* If the file name has special constructs in it,
+      call the corresponding file handler.  */
+   handler = Ffind_file_name_handler (filename, Qget_file_buffer);
+   if (!NILP (handler))
+     return call2 (handler, Qget_file_buffer, filename);
+   for (tail = Vbuffer_alist; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       buf = Fcdr (XCAR (tail));
+       if (!BUFFERP (buf)) continue;
+       if (!STRINGP (XBUFFER (buf)->filename)) continue;
+       tem = Fstring_equal (XBUFFER (buf)->filename, filename);
+       if (!NILP (tem))
+       return buf;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ Lisp_Object
+ get_truename_buffer (filename)
+      register Lisp_Object filename;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tail, buf, tem;
+   for (tail = Vbuffer_alist; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       buf = Fcdr (XCAR (tail));
+       if (!BUFFERP (buf)) continue;
+       if (!STRINGP (XBUFFER (buf)->file_truename)) continue;
+       tem = Fstring_equal (XBUFFER (buf)->file_truename, filename);
+       if (!NILP (tem))
+       return buf;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Incremented for each buffer created, to assign the buffer number. */
+ int buffer_count;
+ DEFUN ("get-buffer-create", Fget_buffer_create, Sget_buffer_create, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the buffer named NAME, or create such a buffer and 
return it.
+ A new buffer is created if there is no live buffer named NAME.
+ If NAME starts with a space, the new buffer does not keep undo information.
+ If NAME is a buffer instead of a string, then it is the value returned.
+ The value is never nil.  */)
+      (name)
+      register Lisp_Object name;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object buf;
+   register struct buffer *b;
+   buf = Fget_buffer (name);
+   if (!NILP (buf))
+     return buf;
+   if (SCHARS (name) == 0)
+     error ("Empty string for buffer name is not allowed");
+   b = (struct buffer *) allocate_buffer ();
+   b->size = sizeof (struct buffer) / sizeof (EMACS_INT);
+   /* An ordinary buffer uses its own struct buffer_text.  */
+   b->text = &b->own_text;
+   b->base_buffer = 0;
+   BUF_GAP_SIZE (b) = 20;
+   /* We allocate extra 1-byte at the tail and keep it always '\0' for
+      anchoring a search.  */
+   alloc_buffer_text (b, BUF_GAP_SIZE (b) + 1);
+   if (! BUF_BEG_ADDR (b))
+     buffer_memory_full ();
+   BUF_PT (b) = BEG;
+   BUF_GPT (b) = BEG;
+   BUF_BEGV (b) = BEG;
+   BUF_ZV (b) = BEG;
+   BUF_Z (b) = BEG;
+   BUF_Z_BYTE (b) = BEG_BYTE;
+   BUF_MODIFF (b) = 1;
+   BUF_SAVE_MODIFF (b) = 1;
+   BUF_INTERVALS (b) = 0;
+   BUF_END_UNCHANGED (b) = 0;
+   BUF_BEG_UNCHANGED (b) = 0;
+   *(BUF_GPT_ADDR (b)) = *(BUF_Z_ADDR (b)) = 0; /* Put an anchor '\0'.  */
+   b->newline_cache = 0;
+   b->width_run_cache = 0;
+   b->width_table = Qnil;
+   b->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+   /* Put this on the chain of all buffers including killed ones.  */
+   b->next = all_buffers;
+   all_buffers = b;
+   /* An ordinary buffer normally doesn't need markers
+      to handle BEGV and ZV.  */
+   b->pt_marker = Qnil;
+   b->begv_marker = Qnil;
+   b->zv_marker = Qnil;
+   name = Fcopy_sequence (name);
+   b->name = name;
+   if (SREF (name, 0) != ' ')
+     b->undo_list = Qnil;
+   else
+     b->undo_list = Qt;
+   reset_buffer (b);
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (b, 1);
+   b->mark = Fmake_marker ();
+   SET_BUF_MARKERS (b, Qnil);
+   b->name = name;
+   /* Put this in the alist of all live buffers.  */
+   XSETBUFFER (buf, b);
+   Vbuffer_alist = nconc2 (Vbuffer_alist, Fcons (Fcons (name, buf), Qnil));
+   /* An error in calling the function here (should someone redfine it)
+      can lead to infinite regress until you run out of stack.  rms
+      says that's not worth protecting against.  */
+   if (!NILP (Ffboundp (Qucs_set_table_for_input)))
+     /* buf is on buffer-alist, so no gcpro.  */
+     call1 (Qucs_set_table_for_input, buf);
+   return buf;
+ }
+ /* Return a list of overlays which is a copy of the overlay list
+    LIST, but for buffer B.  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ copy_overlays (b, list)
+      struct buffer *b;
+      Lisp_Object list;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object result, buffer;
+   XSETBUFFER (buffer, b);
+   for (result = Qnil; CONSP (list); list = XCDR (list))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object overlay, start, end, old_overlay;
+       int charpos;
+       old_overlay = XCAR (list);
+       charpos = marker_position (OVERLAY_START (old_overlay));
+       start = Fmake_marker ();
+       Fset_marker (start, make_number (charpos), buffer);
+       XMARKER (start)->insertion_type
+       = XMARKER (OVERLAY_START (old_overlay))->insertion_type;
+       charpos = marker_position (OVERLAY_END (old_overlay));
+       end = Fmake_marker ();
+       Fset_marker (end, make_number (charpos), buffer);
+       XMARKER (end)->insertion_type
+       = XMARKER (OVERLAY_END (old_overlay))->insertion_type;
+       overlay = allocate_misc ();
+       XMISCTYPE (overlay) = Lisp_Misc_Overlay;
+       OVERLAY_START (overlay) = start;
+       OVERLAY_END (overlay) = end;
+       OVERLAY_PLIST (overlay) = Fcopy_sequence (OVERLAY_PLIST (old_overlay));
+       result = Fcons (overlay, result);
+     }
+   return Fnreverse (result);
+ }
+ /* Clone per-buffer values of buffer FROM.
+    Buffer TO gets the same per-buffer values as FROM, with the
+    following exceptions: (1) TO's name is left untouched, (2) markers
+    are copied and made to refer to TO, and (3) overlay lists are
+    copied.  */
+ static void
+ clone_per_buffer_values (from, to)
+      struct buffer *from, *to;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object to_buffer;
+   int offset;
+   XSETBUFFER (to_buffer, to);
+   for (offset = PER_BUFFER_VAR_OFFSET (name) + sizeof (Lisp_Object);
+        offset < sizeof *to;
+        offset += sizeof (Lisp_Object))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object obj;
+       obj = PER_BUFFER_VALUE (from, offset);
+       if (MARKERP (obj))
+       {
+         struct Lisp_Marker *m = XMARKER (obj);
+         obj = Fmake_marker ();
+         XMARKER (obj)->insertion_type = m->insertion_type;
+         set_marker_both (obj, to_buffer, m->charpos, m->bytepos);
+       }
+       PER_BUFFER_VALUE (to, offset) = obj;
+     }
+   bcopy (from->local_flags, to->local_flags, sizeof to->local_flags);
+   to->overlays_before = copy_overlays (to, from->overlays_before);
+   to->overlays_after = copy_overlays (to, from->overlays_after);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("make-indirect-buffer", Fmake_indirect_buffer, Smake_indirect_buffer,
+        2, 3,
+        "bMake indirect buffer (to buffer): \nBName of indirect buffer: ",
+        doc: /* Create and return an indirect buffer for buffer BASE-BUFFER, 
named NAME.
+ BASE-BUFFER should be an existing buffer (or buffer name).
+ NAME should be a string which is not the name of an existing buffer.
+ Optional argument CLONE non-nil means preserve BASE-BUFFER's state,
+ such as major and minor modes, in the indirect buffer.
+ CLONE nil means the indirect buffer's state is reset to default values.  */)
+      (base_buffer, name, clone)
+      Lisp_Object base_buffer, name, clone;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object buf;
+   struct buffer *b;
+   buf = Fget_buffer (name);
+   if (!NILP (buf))
+     error ("Buffer name `%s' is in use", SDATA (name));
+   base_buffer = Fget_buffer (base_buffer);
+   if (NILP (base_buffer))
+     error ("No such buffer: `%s'", SDATA (name));
+   if (SCHARS (name) == 0)
+     error ("Empty string for buffer name is not allowed");
+   b = (struct buffer *) allocate_buffer ();
+   b->size = sizeof (struct buffer) / sizeof (EMACS_INT);
+   if (XBUFFER (base_buffer)->base_buffer)
+     b->base_buffer = XBUFFER (base_buffer)->base_buffer;
+   else
+     b->base_buffer = XBUFFER (base_buffer);
+   /* Use the base buffer's text object.  */
+   b->text = b->base_buffer->text;
+   BUF_BEGV (b) = BUF_BEGV (b->base_buffer);
+   BUF_ZV (b) = BUF_ZV (b->base_buffer);
+   BUF_PT (b) = BUF_PT (b->base_buffer);
+   BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b) = BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b->base_buffer);
+   BUF_ZV_BYTE (b) = BUF_ZV_BYTE (b->base_buffer);
+   BUF_PT_BYTE (b) = BUF_PT_BYTE (b->base_buffer);
+   b->newline_cache = 0;
+   b->width_run_cache = 0;
+   b->width_table = Qnil;
+   /* Put this on the chain of all buffers including killed ones.  */
+   b->next = all_buffers;
+   all_buffers = b;
+   name = Fcopy_sequence (name);
+   b->name = name;
+   reset_buffer (b);
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (b, 1);
+   /* Put this in the alist of all live buffers.  */
+   XSETBUFFER (buf, b);
+   Vbuffer_alist = nconc2 (Vbuffer_alist, Fcons (Fcons (name, buf), Qnil));
+   b->mark = Fmake_marker ();
+   b->name = name;
+   /* The multibyte status belongs to the base buffer.  */
+   b->enable_multibyte_characters = 
+   /* Make sure the base buffer has markers for its narrowing.  */
+   if (NILP (b->base_buffer->pt_marker))
+     {
+       b->base_buffer->pt_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->base_buffer->pt_marker, base_buffer,
+                      BUF_PT (b->base_buffer),
+                      BUF_PT_BYTE (b->base_buffer));
+     }
+   if (NILP (b->base_buffer->begv_marker))
+     {
+       b->base_buffer->begv_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->base_buffer->begv_marker, base_buffer,
+                      BUF_BEGV (b->base_buffer),
+                      BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b->base_buffer));
+     }
+   if (NILP (b->base_buffer->zv_marker))
+     {
+       b->base_buffer->zv_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->base_buffer->zv_marker, base_buffer,
+                      BUF_ZV (b->base_buffer),
+                      BUF_ZV_BYTE (b->base_buffer));
+       XMARKER (b->base_buffer->zv_marker)->insertion_type = 1;
+     }
+   if (NILP (clone))
+     {
+       /* Give the indirect buffer markers for its narrowing.  */
+       b->pt_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->pt_marker, buf, BUF_PT (b), BUF_PT_BYTE (b));
+       b->begv_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->begv_marker, buf, BUF_BEGV (b), BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b));
+       b->zv_marker = Fmake_marker ();
+       set_marker_both (b->zv_marker, buf, BUF_ZV (b), BUF_ZV_BYTE (b));
+       XMARKER (b->zv_marker)->insertion_type = 1;
+     }
+   else
+     clone_per_buffer_values (b->base_buffer, b);
+   return buf;
+ }
+ /* Reinitialize everything about a buffer except its name and contents
+    and local variables.  */
+ void
+ reset_buffer (b)
+      register struct buffer *b;
+ {
+   b->filename = Qnil;
+   b->file_truename = Qnil;
+   b->directory = (current_buffer) ? current_buffer->directory : Qnil;
+   b->modtime = 0;
+   XSETFASTINT (b->save_length, 0);
+   b->last_window_start = 1;
+   /* It is more conservative to start out "changed" than "unchanged".  */
+   b->clip_changed = 0;
+   b->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+   b->backed_up = Qnil;
+   b->auto_save_modified = 0;
+   b->auto_save_failure_time = -1;
+   b->auto_save_file_name = Qnil;
+   b->read_only = Qnil;
+   b->overlays_before = Qnil;
+   b->overlays_after = Qnil;
+   XSETFASTINT (b->overlay_center, 1);
+   b->mark_active = Qnil;
+   b->point_before_scroll = Qnil;
+   b->file_format = Qnil;
+   b->last_selected_window = Qnil;
+   XSETINT (b->display_count, 0);
+   b->display_time = Qnil;
+   b->enable_multibyte_characters = 
+   b->cursor_type = buffer_defaults.cursor_type;
+   b->extra_line_spacing = buffer_defaults.extra_line_spacing;
+   b->display_error_modiff = 0;
+ }
+ /* Reset buffer B's local variables info.
+    Don't use this on a buffer that has already been in use;
+    it does not treat permanent locals consistently.
+    Instead, use Fkill_all_local_variables.
+    If PERMANENT_TOO is 1, then we reset permanent built-in
+    buffer-local variables.  If PERMANENT_TOO is 0,
+    we preserve those.  */
+ static void
+ reset_buffer_local_variables (b, permanent_too)
+      register struct buffer *b;
+      int permanent_too;
+ {
+   register int offset;
+   int i;
+   /* Reset the major mode to Fundamental, together with all the
+      things that depend on the major mode.
+      default-major-mode is handled at a higher level.
+      We ignore it here.  */
+   b->major_mode = Qfundamental_mode;
+   b->keymap = Qnil;
+   b->mode_name = QSFundamental;
+   b->minor_modes = Qnil;
+   /* If the standard case table has been altered and invalidated,
+      fix up its insides first.  */
+   if (! (CHAR_TABLE_P (XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[0])
+        && CHAR_TABLE_P (XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[1])
+        && CHAR_TABLE_P (XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[2])))
+     Fset_standard_case_table (Vascii_downcase_table);
+   b->downcase_table = Vascii_downcase_table;
+   b->upcase_table = XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[0];
+   b->case_canon_table = XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[1];
+   b->case_eqv_table = XCHAR_TABLE (Vascii_downcase_table)->extras[2];
+   b->invisibility_spec = Qt;
+ #ifndef DOS_NT
+   b->buffer_file_type = Qnil;
+ #endif
+   /* Reset all (or most) per-buffer variables to their defaults.  */
+   b->local_var_alist = Qnil;
+   for (i = 0; i < last_per_buffer_idx; ++i)
+     if (permanent_too || buffer_permanent_local_flags[i] == 0)
+       SET_PER_BUFFER_VALUE_P (b, i, 0);
+   /* For each slot that has a default value,
+      copy that into the slot.  */
+   for (offset = PER_BUFFER_VAR_OFFSET (name);
+        offset < sizeof *b;
+        offset += sizeof (Lisp_Object))
+     {
+       int idx = PER_BUFFER_IDX (offset);
+       if ((idx > 0
+          && (permanent_too
+              || buffer_permanent_local_flags[idx] == 0))
+         /* Is -2 used anywhere?  */
+         || idx == -2)
+       PER_BUFFER_VALUE (b, offset) = PER_BUFFER_DEFAULT (offset);
+     }
+ }
+ /* We split this away from generate-new-buffer, because rename-buffer
+    and set-visited-file-name ought to be able to use this to really
+    rename the buffer properly.  */
+ DEFUN ("generate-new-buffer-name", Fgenerate_new_buffer_name, 
+        1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a string that is the name of no existing buffer based 
on NAME.
+ If there is no live buffer named NAME, then return NAME.
+ Otherwise modify name by appending `<NUMBER>', incrementing NUMBER
+ until an unused name is found, and then return that name.
+ Optional second argument IGNORE specifies a name that is okay to use
+ \(if it is in the sequence to be tried)
+ even if a buffer with that name exists.  */)
+      (name, ignore)
+      register Lisp_Object name, ignore;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object gentemp, tem;
+   int count;
+   char number[10];
+   CHECK_STRING (name);
+   tem = Fget_buffer (name);
+   if (NILP (tem))
+     return name;
+   count = 1;
+   while (1)
+     {
+       sprintf (number, "<%d>", ++count);
+       gentemp = concat2 (name, build_string (number));
+       tem = Fstring_equal (gentemp, ignore);
+       if (!NILP (tem))
+       return gentemp;
+       tem = Fget_buffer (gentemp);
+       if (NILP (tem))
+       return gentemp;
+     }
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-name", Fbuffer_name, Sbuffer_name, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the name of BUFFER, as a string.
+ With no argument or nil as argument, return the name of the current buffer.  
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     return current_buffer->name;
+   CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+   return XBUFFER (buffer)->name;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-file-name", Fbuffer_file_name, Sbuffer_file_name, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return name of file BUFFER is visiting, or nil if none.
+ No argument or nil as argument means use the current buffer.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     return current_buffer->filename;
+   CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+   return XBUFFER (buffer)->filename;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-base-buffer", Fbuffer_base_buffer, Sbuffer_base_buffer,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the base buffer of indirect buffer BUFFER.
+ If BUFFER is not indirect, return nil.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   struct buffer *base;
+   Lisp_Object base_buffer;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     base = current_buffer->base_buffer;
+   else
+     {
+       CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+       base = XBUFFER (buffer)->base_buffer;
+     }
+   if (! base)
+     return Qnil;
+   XSETBUFFER (base_buffer, base);
+   return base_buffer;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-local-value", Fbuffer_local_value,
+        Sbuffer_local_value, 2, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the value of VARIABLE in BUFFER.
+ If VARIABLE does not have a buffer-local binding in BUFFER, the value
+ is the default binding of variable. */)
+      (symbol, buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object symbol;
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *buf;
+   register Lisp_Object result;
+   CHECK_SYMBOL (symbol);
+   CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+   buf = XBUFFER (buffer);
+   /* Look in local_var_list */
+   result = Fassoc (symbol, buf->local_var_alist);
+   if (NILP (result))
+     {
+       int offset, idx;
+       int found = 0;
+       /* Look in special slots */
+       for (offset = PER_BUFFER_VAR_OFFSET (name);
+          offset < sizeof (struct buffer);
+          /* sizeof EMACS_INT == sizeof Lisp_Object */
+          offset += (sizeof (EMACS_INT)))
+       {
+         idx = PER_BUFFER_IDX (offset);
+         if ((idx == -1 || PER_BUFFER_VALUE_P (buf, idx))
+             && SYMBOLP (PER_BUFFER_SYMBOL (offset))
+             && EQ (PER_BUFFER_SYMBOL (offset), symbol))
+           {
+             result = PER_BUFFER_VALUE (buf, offset);
+             found = 1;
+             break;
+           }
+       }
+       if (!found)
+       result = Fdefault_value (symbol);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       Lisp_Object valcontents;
+       Lisp_Object current_alist_element;
+       /* What binding is loaded right now?  */
+       valcontents = SYMBOL_VALUE (symbol);
+       current_alist_element
+       = XCAR (XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (valcontents)->cdr);
+       /* The value of the currently loaded binding is not
+        stored in it, but rather in the realvalue slot.
+        Store that value into the binding it belongs to
+        in case that is the one we are about to use.  */
+       Fsetcdr (current_alist_element,
+              do_symval_forwarding (XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE 
+       /* Now get the (perhaps updated) value out of the binding.  */
+       result = XCDR (result);
+     }
+   if (EQ (result, Qunbound))
+     return Fsignal (Qvoid_variable, Fcons (symbol, Qnil));
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-local-variables", Fbuffer_local_variables,
+        Sbuffer_local_variables, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return an alist of variables that are buffer-local in BUFFER.
+ Most elements look like (SYMBOL . VALUE), describing one variable.
+ For a symbol that is locally unbound, just the symbol appears in the value.
+ Note that storing new VALUEs in these elements doesn't change the variables.
+ No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *buf;
+   register Lisp_Object result;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = current_buffer;
+   else
+     {
+       CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+       buf = XBUFFER (buffer);
+     }
+   result = Qnil;
+   {
+     register Lisp_Object tail;
+     for (tail = buf->local_var_alist; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+       {
+       Lisp_Object val, elt;
+       elt = XCAR (tail);
+       /* Reference each variable in the alist in buf.
+          If inquiring about the current buffer, this gets the current values,
+          so store them into the alist so the alist is up to date.
+          If inquiring about some other buffer, this swaps out any values
+          for that buffer, making the alist up to date automatically.  */
+       val = find_symbol_value (XCAR (elt));
+       /* Use the current buffer value only if buf is the current buffer.  */
+       if (buf != current_buffer)
+         val = XCDR (elt);
+       /* If symbol is unbound, put just the symbol in the list.  */
+       if (EQ (val, Qunbound))
+         result = Fcons (XCAR (elt), result);
+       /* Otherwise, put (symbol . value) in the list.  */
+       else
+         result = Fcons (Fcons (XCAR (elt), val), result);
+       }
+   }
+   /* Add on all the variables stored in special slots.  */
+   {
+     int offset, idx;
+     for (offset = PER_BUFFER_VAR_OFFSET (name);
+        offset < sizeof (struct buffer);
+        /* sizeof EMACS_INT == sizeof Lisp_Object */
+        offset += (sizeof (EMACS_INT)))
+       {
+       idx = PER_BUFFER_IDX (offset);
+       if ((idx == -1 || PER_BUFFER_VALUE_P (buf, idx))
+           && SYMBOLP (PER_BUFFER_SYMBOL (offset)))
+         result = Fcons (Fcons (PER_BUFFER_SYMBOL (offset),
+                                PER_BUFFER_VALUE (buf, offset)),
+                         result);
+       }
+   }
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-modified-p", Fbuffer_modified_p, Sbuffer_modified_p,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return t if BUFFER was modified since its file was last read 
or saved.
+ No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *buf;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = current_buffer;
+   else
+     {
+       CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+       buf = XBUFFER (buffer);
+     }
+   return BUF_SAVE_MODIFF (buf) < BUF_MODIFF (buf) ? Qt : Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("set-buffer-modified-p", Fset_buffer_modified_p, 
+        1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Mark current buffer as modified or unmodified according to 
+ A non-nil FLAG means mark the buffer modified.  */)
+      (flag)
+      register Lisp_Object flag;
+ {
+   register int already;
+   register Lisp_Object fn;
+   Lisp_Object buffer, window;
+   /* If buffer becoming modified, lock the file.
+      If buffer becoming unmodified, unlock the file.  */
+   fn = current_buffer->file_truename;
+   /* Test buffer-file-name so that binding it to nil is effective.  */
+   if (!NILP (fn) && ! NILP (current_buffer->filename))
+     {
+       already = SAVE_MODIFF < MODIFF;
+       if (!already && !NILP (flag))
+       lock_file (fn);
+       else if (already && NILP (flag))
+       unlock_file (fn);
+     }
+ #endif /* CLASH_DETECTION */
+   SAVE_MODIFF = NILP (flag) ? MODIFF : 0;
+   /* Set update_mode_lines only if buffer is displayed in some window.
+      Packages like jit-lock or lazy-lock preserve a buffer's modified
+      state by recording/restoring the state around blocks of code.
+      Setting update_mode_lines makes redisplay consider all windows
+      (on all frames).  Stealth fontification of buffers not displayed
+      would incur additional redisplay costs if we'd set
+      update_modes_lines unconditionally.
+      Ideally, I think there should be another mechanism for fontifying
+      buffers without "modifying" buffers, or redisplay should be
+      smarter about updating the `*' in mode lines.  --gerd  */
+   XSETBUFFER (buffer, current_buffer);
+   window = Fget_buffer_window (buffer, Qt);
+   if (WINDOWP (window))
+     {
+       ++update_mode_lines;
+       current_buffer->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+     }
+   return flag;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("restore-buffer-modified-p", Frestore_buffer_modified_p,
+        Srestore_buffer_modified_p, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Like `set-buffer-modified-p', with a differences concerning 
+ It is not ensured that mode lines will be updated to show the modified
+ state of the current buffer.  Use with care.  */)
+      (flag)
+      Lisp_Object flag;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object fn;
+   /* If buffer becoming modified, lock the file.
+      If buffer becoming unmodified, unlock the file.  */
+   fn = current_buffer->file_truename;
+   /* Test buffer-file-name so that binding it to nil is effective.  */
+   if (!NILP (fn) && ! NILP (current_buffer->filename))
+     {
+       int already = SAVE_MODIFF < MODIFF;
+       if (!already && !NILP (flag))
+       lock_file (fn);
+       else if (already && NILP (flag))
+       unlock_file (fn);
+     }
+ #endif /* CLASH_DETECTION */
+   SAVE_MODIFF = NILP (flag) ? MODIFF : 0;
+   return flag;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-modified-tick", Fbuffer_modified_tick, Sbuffer_modified_tick,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return BUFFER's tick counter, incremented for each change in 
+ Each buffer has a tick counter which is incremented each time the text in
+ that buffer is changed.  It wraps around occasionally.
+ No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *buf;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = current_buffer;
+   else
+     {
+       CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+       buf = XBUFFER (buffer);
+     }
+   return make_number (BUF_MODIFF (buf));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("rename-buffer", Frename_buffer, Srename_buffer, 1, 2,
+        "sRename buffer (to new name): \nP",
+        doc: /* Change current buffer's name to NEWNAME (a string).
+ If second arg UNIQUE is nil or omitted, it is an error if a
+ buffer named NEWNAME already exists.
+ If UNIQUE is non-nil, come up with a new name using
+ `generate-new-buffer-name'.
+ Interactively, you can set UNIQUE with a prefix argument.
+ We return the name we actually gave the buffer.
+ This does not change the name of the visited file (if any).  */)
+      (newname, unique)
+      register Lisp_Object newname, unique;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tem, buf;
+   CHECK_STRING (newname);
+   if (SCHARS (newname) == 0)
+     error ("Empty string is invalid as a buffer name");
+   tem = Fget_buffer (newname);
+   if (!NILP (tem))
+     {
+       /* Don't short-circuit if UNIQUE is t.  That is a useful way to
+        rename the buffer automatically so you can create another
+        with the original name.  It makes UNIQUE equivalent to
+        (rename-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name NEWNAME)).  */
+       if (NILP (unique) && XBUFFER (tem) == current_buffer)
+       return current_buffer->name;
+       if (!NILP (unique))
+       newname = Fgenerate_new_buffer_name (newname, current_buffer->name);
+       else
+       error ("Buffer name `%s' is in use", SDATA (newname));
+     }
+   current_buffer->name = newname;
+   /* Catch redisplay's attention.  Unless we do this, the mode lines for
+      any windows displaying current_buffer will stay unchanged.  */
+   update_mode_lines++;
+   XSETBUFFER (buf, current_buffer);
+   Fsetcar (Frassq (buf, Vbuffer_alist), newname);
+   if (NILP (current_buffer->filename)
+       && !NILP (current_buffer->auto_save_file_name))
+     call0 (intern ("rename-auto-save-file"));
+   /* Refetch since that last call may have done GC.  */
+   return current_buffer->name;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("other-buffer", Fother_buffer, Sother_buffer, 0, 3, 0,
+        doc: /* Return most recently selected buffer other than BUFFER.
+ Buffers not visible in windows are preferred to visible buffers,
+ unless optional second argument VISIBLE-OK is non-nil.
+ If the optional third argument FRAME is non-nil, use that frame's
+ buffer list instead of the selected frame's buffer list.
+ If no other buffer exists, the buffer `*scratch*' is returned.
+ If BUFFER is omitted or nil, some interesting buffer is returned.  */)
+      (buffer, visible_ok, frame)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer, visible_ok, frame;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object Fset_buffer_major_mode ();
+   register Lisp_Object tail, buf, notsogood, tem, pred, add_ons;
+   notsogood = Qnil;
+   if (NILP (frame))
+     frame = selected_frame;
+   tail = Vbuffer_alist;
+   pred = frame_buffer_predicate (frame);
+   /* Consider buffers that have been seen in the selected frame
+      before other buffers.  */
+   tem = frame_buffer_list (frame);
+   add_ons = Qnil;
+   while (CONSP (tem))
+     {
+       if (BUFFERP (XCAR (tem)))
+       add_ons = Fcons (Fcons (Qnil, XCAR (tem)), add_ons);
+       tem = XCDR (tem);
+     }
+   tail = nconc2 (Fnreverse (add_ons), tail);
+   for (; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       buf = Fcdr (XCAR (tail));
+       if (EQ (buf, buffer))
+       continue;
+       if (SREF (XBUFFER (buf)->name, 0) == ' ')
+       continue;
+       /* If the selected frame has a buffer_predicate,
+        disregard buffers that don't fit the predicate.  */
+       if (!NILP (pred))
+       {
+         tem = call1 (pred, buf);
+         if (NILP (tem))
+           continue;
+       }
+       if (NILP (visible_ok))
+       tem = Fget_buffer_window (buf, Qvisible);
+       else
+       tem = Qnil;
+       if (NILP (tem))
+       return buf;
+       if (NILP (notsogood))
+       notsogood = buf;
+     }
+   if (!NILP (notsogood))
+     return notsogood;
+   buf = Fget_buffer (build_string ("*scratch*"));
+   if (NILP (buf))
+     {
+       buf = Fget_buffer_create (build_string ("*scratch*"));
+       Fset_buffer_major_mode (buf);
+     }
+   return buf;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-disable-undo", Fbuffer_disable_undo, Sbuffer_disable_undo,
+        0, 1, "",
+        doc: /* Make BUFFER stop keeping undo information.
+ No argument or nil as argument means do this for the current buffer.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object real_buffer;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     XSETBUFFER (real_buffer, current_buffer);
+   else
+     {
+       real_buffer = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+       if (NILP (real_buffer))
+       nsberror (buffer);
+     }
+   XBUFFER (real_buffer)->undo_list = Qt;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("buffer-enable-undo", Fbuffer_enable_undo, Sbuffer_enable_undo,
+        0, 1, "",
+        doc: /* Start keeping undo information for buffer BUFFER.
+ No argument or nil as argument means do this for the current buffer.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object real_buffer;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     XSETBUFFER (real_buffer, current_buffer);
+   else
+     {
+       real_buffer = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+       if (NILP (real_buffer))
+       nsberror (buffer);
+     }
+   if (EQ (XBUFFER (real_buffer)->undo_list, Qt))
+     XBUFFER (real_buffer)->undo_list = Qnil;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /*
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("kill-buffer-hook", no_cell, "\
+ Hook to be run (by `run-hooks', which see) when a buffer is killed.\n\
+ The buffer being killed will be current while the hook is running.\n\
+ See `kill-buffer'."
+  */
+ DEFUN ("kill-buffer", Fkill_buffer, Skill_buffer, 1, 1, "bKill buffer: ",
+        doc: /* Kill the buffer BUFFER.
+ The argument may be a buffer or may be the name of a buffer.
+ An argument of nil means kill the current buffer.
+ Value is t if the buffer is actually killed, nil if user says no.
+ The value of `kill-buffer-hook' (which may be local to that buffer),
+ if not void, is a list of functions to be called, with no arguments,
+ before the buffer is actually killed.  The buffer to be killed is current
+ when the hook functions are called.
+ Any processes that have this buffer as the `process-buffer' are killed
+ with SIGHUP.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object buf;
+   register struct buffer *b;
+   register Lisp_Object tem;
+   register struct Lisp_Marker *m;
+   struct gcpro gcpro1;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = Fcurrent_buffer ();
+   else
+     buf = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+   if (NILP (buf))
+     nsberror (buffer);
+   b = XBUFFER (buf);
+   /* Avoid trouble for buffer already dead.  */
+   if (NILP (b->name))
+     return Qnil;
+   /* Query if the buffer is still modified.  */
+   if (INTERACTIVE && !NILP (b->filename)
+       && BUF_MODIFF (b) > BUF_SAVE_MODIFF (b))
+     {
+       GCPRO1 (buf);
+       tem = do_yes_or_no_p (format2 ("Buffer %s modified; kill anyway? ",
+                                    b->name, make_number (0)));
+       UNGCPRO;
+       if (NILP (tem))
+       return Qnil;
+     }
+   /* Run hooks with the buffer to be killed the current buffer.  */
+   {
+     int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+     Lisp_Object arglist[1];
+     record_unwind_protect (save_excursion_restore, save_excursion_save ());
+     set_buffer_internal (b);
+     /* First run the query functions; if any query is answered no,
+        don't kill the buffer.  */
+     arglist[0] = Qkill_buffer_query_functions;
+     if (NILP (Frun_hook_with_args_until_failure (1, arglist)))
+       return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+     /* Then run the hooks.  */
+     Frun_hooks (1, &Qkill_buffer_hook);
+     unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+   }
+   /* We have no more questions to ask.  Verify that it is valid
+      to kill the buffer.  This must be done after the questions
+      since anything can happen within do_yes_or_no_p.  */
+   /* Don't kill the minibuffer now current.  */
+   if (EQ (buf, XWINDOW (minibuf_window)->buffer))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (NILP (b->name))
+     return Qnil;
+   /* When we kill a base buffer, kill all its indirect buffers.
+      We do it at this stage so nothing terrible happens if they
+      ask questions or their hooks get errors.  */
+   if (! b->base_buffer)
+     {
+       struct buffer *other;
+       GCPRO1 (buf);
+       for (other = all_buffers; other; other = other->next)
+       /* all_buffers contains dead buffers too;
+          don't re-kill them.  */
+       if (other->base_buffer == b && !NILP (other->name))
+         {
+           Lisp_Object buf;
+           XSETBUFFER (buf, other);
+           Fkill_buffer (buf);
+         }
+       UNGCPRO;
+     }
+   /* Make this buffer not be current.
+      In the process, notice if this is the sole visible buffer
+      and give up if so.  */
+   if (b == current_buffer)
+     {
+       tem = Fother_buffer (buf, Qnil, Qnil);
+       Fset_buffer (tem);
+       if (b == current_buffer)
+       return Qnil;
+     }
+   /* Notice if the buffer to kill is the sole visible buffer
+      when we're currently in the mini-buffer, and give up if so.  */
+   XSETBUFFER (tem, current_buffer);
+   if (EQ (tem, XWINDOW (minibuf_window)->buffer))
+     {
+       tem = Fother_buffer (buf, Qnil, Qnil);
+       if (EQ (buf, tem))
+       return Qnil;
+     }
+   /* Now there is no question: we can kill the buffer.  */
+   /* Unlock this buffer's file, if it is locked.  */
+   unlock_buffer (b);
+ #endif /* CLASH_DETECTION */
+   kill_buffer_processes (buf);
+   tem = Vinhibit_quit;
+   Vinhibit_quit = Qt;
+   replace_buffer_in_all_windows (buf);
+   Vbuffer_alist = Fdelq (Frassq (buf, Vbuffer_alist), Vbuffer_alist);
+   frames_discard_buffer (buf);
+   Vinhibit_quit = tem;
+   /* Delete any auto-save file, if we saved it in this session.
+      But not if the buffer is modified.  */
+   if (STRINGP (b->auto_save_file_name)
+       && b->auto_save_modified != 0
+       && BUF_SAVE_MODIFF (b) < b->auto_save_modified
+       && BUF_SAVE_MODIFF (b) < BUF_MODIFF (b))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       tem = Fsymbol_value (intern ("delete-auto-save-files"));
+       if (! NILP (tem))
+       internal_delete_file (b->auto_save_file_name);
+     }
+   if (b->base_buffer)
+     {
+       /* Unchain all markers that belong to this indirect buffer.
+        Don't unchain the markers that belong to the base buffer
+        or its other indirect buffers.  */
+       for (tem = BUF_MARKERS (b); !NILP (tem); )
+       {
+         Lisp_Object next;
+         m = XMARKER (tem);
+         next = MARKER_CHAIN (m);
+         if (m->buffer == b)
+           unchain_marker (tem);
+         tem = next;
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       /* Unchain all markers of this buffer and its indirect buffers.
+        and leave them pointing nowhere.  */
+       for (tem = BUF_MARKERS (b); !NILP (tem); )
+       {
+         m = XMARKER (tem);
+         m->buffer = 0;
+         tem = MARKER_CHAIN (m);
+         XSET_MARKER_CHAIN (m, Qnil);
+       }
+       SET_BUF_MARKERS (b, Qnil);
+       /* Perhaps we should explicitly free the interval tree here... */
+     }
+   /* Reset the local variables, so that this buffer's local values
+      won't be protected from GC.  They would be protected
+      if they happened to remain encached in their symbols.
+      This gets rid of them for certain.  */
+   swap_out_buffer_local_variables (b);
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (b, 1);
+   b->name = Qnil;
+   if (! b->base_buffer)
+     free_buffer_text (b);
+   if (b->newline_cache)
+     {
+       free_region_cache (b->newline_cache);
+       b->newline_cache = 0;
+     }
+   if (b->width_run_cache)
+     {
+       free_region_cache (b->width_run_cache);
+       b->width_run_cache = 0;
+     }
+   b->width_table = Qnil;
+   b->undo_list = Qnil;
+   return Qt;
+ }
+ /* Move the assoc for buffer BUF to the front of buffer-alist.  Since
+    we do this each time BUF is selected visibly, the more recently
+    selected buffers are always closer to the front of the list.  This
+    means that other_buffer is more likely to choose a relevant buffer.  */
+ void
+ record_buffer (buf)
+      Lisp_Object buf;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object link, prev;
+   Lisp_Object frame;
+   frame = selected_frame;
+   prev = Qnil;
+   for (link = Vbuffer_alist; CONSP (link); link = XCDR (link))
+     {
+       if (EQ (XCDR (XCAR (link)), buf))
+       break;
+       prev = link;
+     }
+   /* Effectively do Vbuffer_alist = Fdelq (link, Vbuffer_alist);
+      we cannot use Fdelq itself here because it allows quitting.  */
+   if (NILP (prev))
+     Vbuffer_alist = XCDR (Vbuffer_alist);
+   else
+     XSETCDR (prev, XCDR (XCDR (prev)));
+   XSETCDR (link, Vbuffer_alist);
+   Vbuffer_alist = link;
+   /* Now move this buffer to the front of frame_buffer_list also.  */
+   prev = Qnil;
+   for (link = frame_buffer_list (frame); CONSP (link);
+        link = XCDR (link))
+     {
+       if (EQ (XCAR (link), buf))
+       break;
+       prev = link;
+     }
+   /* Effectively do delq.  */
+   if (CONSP (link))
+     {
+       if (NILP (prev))
+       set_frame_buffer_list (frame,
+                              XCDR (frame_buffer_list (frame)));
+       else
+       XSETCDR (prev, XCDR (XCDR (prev)));
+       XSETCDR (link, frame_buffer_list (frame));
+       set_frame_buffer_list (frame, link);
+     }
+   else
+     set_frame_buffer_list (frame, Fcons (buf, frame_buffer_list (frame)));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("set-buffer-major-mode", Fset_buffer_major_mode, 
Sset_buffer_major_mode, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Set an appropriate major mode for BUFFER.
+ For the *scratch* buffer, use `initial-major-mode', otherwise choose a mode
+ according to `default-major-mode'.
+ Use this function before selecting the buffer, since it may need to inspect
+ the current buffer's major mode.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   int count;
+   Lisp_Object function;
+   if (STRINGP (XBUFFER (buffer)->name)
+       && strcmp (SDATA (XBUFFER (buffer)->name), "*scratch*") == 0)
+     function = find_symbol_value (intern ("initial-major-mode"));
+   else
+     {
+       function = buffer_defaults.major_mode;
+       if (NILP (function)
+         && NILP (Fget (current_buffer->major_mode, Qmode_class)))
+       function = current_buffer->major_mode;
+     }
+   if (NILP (function) || EQ (function, Qfundamental_mode))
+     return Qnil;
+   count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   /* To select a nonfundamental mode,
+      select the buffer temporarily and then call the mode function. */
+   record_unwind_protect (save_excursion_restore, save_excursion_save ());
+   Fset_buffer (buffer);
+   call0 (function);
+   return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+ }
+ /* If switching buffers in WINDOW would be an error, return
+    a C string saying what the error would be.  */
+ char *
+ no_switch_window (window)
+      Lisp_Object window;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tem;
+   if (EQ (minibuf_window, window))
+     return "Cannot switch buffers in minibuffer window";
+   tem = Fwindow_dedicated_p (window);
+   if (EQ (tem, Qt))
+     return "Cannot switch buffers in a dedicated window";
+   return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Switch to buffer BUFFER in the selected window.
+    If NORECORD is non-nil, don't call record_buffer.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ switch_to_buffer_1 (buffer, norecord)
+      Lisp_Object buffer, norecord;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object buf;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = Fother_buffer (Fcurrent_buffer (), Qnil, Qnil);
+   else
+     {
+       buf = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+       if (NILP (buf))
+       {
+         buf = Fget_buffer_create (buffer);
+         Fset_buffer_major_mode (buf);
+       }
+     }
+   Fset_buffer (buf);
+   if (NILP (norecord))
+     record_buffer (buf);
+   Fset_window_buffer (EQ (selected_window, minibuf_window)
+                     ? Fnext_window (minibuf_window, Qnil, Qnil)
+                     : selected_window,
+                     buf, Qnil);
+   return buf;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("switch-to-buffer", Fswitch_to_buffer, Sswitch_to_buffer, 1, 2, 
"BSwitch to buffer: ",
+        doc: /* Select buffer BUFFER in the current window.
+ BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name.
+ Optional second arg NORECORD non-nil means
+ do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.
+ WARNING: This is NOT the way to work on another buffer temporarily
+ within a Lisp program!  Use `set-buffer' instead.  That avoids messing with
+ the window-buffer correspondences.  */)
+      (buffer, norecord)
+      Lisp_Object buffer, norecord;
+ {
+   char *err;
+   err = no_switch_window (selected_window);
+   if (err) error (err);
+   return switch_to_buffer_1 (buffer, norecord);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("pop-to-buffer", Fpop_to_buffer, Spop_to_buffer, 1, 3, 0,
+        doc: /* Select buffer BUFFER in some window, preferably a different 
+ If BUFFER is nil, then some other buffer is chosen.
+ If `pop-up-windows' is non-nil, windows can be split to do this.
+ If optional second arg OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, insist on finding another
+ window even if BUFFER is already visible in the selected window.
+ This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see the documentation
+ of `display-buffer' for additional customization information.
+ Optional third arg NORECORD non-nil means
+ do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.  
+      (buffer, other_window, norecord)
+      Lisp_Object buffer, other_window, norecord;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object buf;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buf = Fother_buffer (Fcurrent_buffer (), Qnil, Qnil);
+   else
+     {
+       buf = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+       if (NILP (buf))
+       {
+         buf = Fget_buffer_create (buffer);
+         Fset_buffer_major_mode (buf);
+       }
+     }
+   Fset_buffer (buf);
+   if (NILP (norecord))
+     /* Why bother ?  Fselect_window will do it for us anyway.  -stef  */
+     record_buffer (buf);
+   Fselect_window (Fdisplay_buffer (buf, other_window, Qnil), norecord);
+   return buf;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("current-buffer", Fcurrent_buffer, Scurrent_buffer, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the current buffer as a Lisp object.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object buf;
+   XSETBUFFER (buf, current_buffer);
+   return buf;
+ }
+ /* Set the current buffer to B.
+    We previously set windows_or_buffers_changed here to invalidate
+    global unchanged information in beg_unchanged and end_unchanged.
+    This is no longer necessary because we now compute unchanged
+    information on a buffer-basis.  Every action affecting other
+    windows than the selected one requires a select_window at some
+    time, and that increments windows_or_buffers_changed.  */
+ void
+ set_buffer_internal (b)
+      register struct buffer *b;
+ {
+   if (current_buffer != b)
+     set_buffer_internal_1 (b);
+ }
+ /* Set the current buffer to B, and do not set windows_or_buffers_changed.
+    This is used by redisplay.  */
+ void
+ set_buffer_internal_1 (b)
+      register struct buffer *b;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *old_buf;
+   register Lisp_Object tail, valcontents;
+   Lisp_Object tem;
+   if (b->text->beg == NULL)
+     enlarge_buffer_text (b, 0);
+ #endif /* USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS */
+   if (current_buffer == b)
+     return;
+   old_buf = current_buffer;
+   current_buffer = b;
+   last_known_column_point = -1;   /* invalidate indentation cache */
+   if (old_buf)
+     {
+       /* Put the undo list back in the base buffer, so that it appears
+        that an indirect buffer shares the undo list of its base.  */
+       if (old_buf->base_buffer)
+       old_buf->base_buffer->undo_list = old_buf->undo_list;
+       /* If the old current buffer has markers to record PT, BEGV and ZV
+        when it is not current, update them now.  */
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->pt_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->pt_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_PT (old_buf), BUF_PT_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->begv_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->begv_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_BEGV (old_buf), BUF_BEGV_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->zv_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->zv_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_ZV (old_buf), BUF_ZV_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+     }
+   /* Get the undo list from the base buffer, so that it appears
+      that an indirect buffer shares the undo list of its base.  */
+   if (b->base_buffer)
+     b->undo_list = b->base_buffer->undo_list;
+   /* If the new current buffer has markers to record PT, BEGV and ZV
+      when it is not current, fetch them now.  */
+   if (! NILP (b->pt_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_PT (b) = marker_position (b->pt_marker);
+       BUF_PT_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->pt_marker);
+     }
+   if (! NILP (b->begv_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_BEGV (b) = marker_position (b->begv_marker);
+       BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->begv_marker);
+     }
+   if (! NILP (b->zv_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_ZV (b) = marker_position (b->zv_marker);
+       BUF_ZV_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->zv_marker);
+     }
+   /* Look down buffer's list of local Lisp variables
+      to find and update any that forward into C variables. */
+   for (tail = b->local_var_alist; !NILP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       valcontents = SYMBOL_VALUE (XCAR (XCAR (tail)));
+       if ((BUFFER_LOCAL_VALUEP (valcontents)
+          || SOME_BUFFER_LOCAL_VALUEP (valcontents))
+         && (tem = XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (valcontents)->realvalue,
+             (BOOLFWDP (tem) || INTFWDP (tem) || OBJFWDP (tem))))
+       /* Just reference the variable
+            to cause it to become set for this buffer.  */
+       Fsymbol_value (XCAR (XCAR (tail)));
+     }
+   /* Do the same with any others that were local to the previous buffer */
+   if (old_buf)
+     for (tail = old_buf->local_var_alist; !NILP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+       {
+       valcontents = SYMBOL_VALUE (XCAR (XCAR (tail)));
+       if ((BUFFER_LOCAL_VALUEP (valcontents)
+            || SOME_BUFFER_LOCAL_VALUEP (valcontents))
+           && (tem = XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (valcontents)->realvalue,
+               (BOOLFWDP (tem) || INTFWDP (tem) || OBJFWDP (tem))))
+         /* Just reference the variable
+                to cause it to become set for this buffer.  */
+         Fsymbol_value (XCAR (XCAR (tail)));
+       }
+ }
+ /* Switch to buffer B temporarily for redisplay purposes.
+    This avoids certain things that don't need to be done within redisplay.  */
+ void
+ set_buffer_temp (b)
+      struct buffer *b;
+ {
+   register struct buffer *old_buf;
+   if (current_buffer == b)
+     return;
+   old_buf = current_buffer;
+   current_buffer = b;
+   if (old_buf)
+     {
+       /* If the old current buffer has markers to record PT, BEGV and ZV
+        when it is not current, update them now.  */
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->pt_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->pt_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_PT (old_buf), BUF_PT_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->begv_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->begv_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_BEGV (old_buf), BUF_BEGV_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+       if (! NILP (old_buf->zv_marker))
+       {
+         Lisp_Object obuf;
+         XSETBUFFER (obuf, old_buf);
+         set_marker_both (old_buf->zv_marker, obuf,
+                          BUF_ZV (old_buf), BUF_ZV_BYTE (old_buf));
+       }
+     }
+   /* If the new current buffer has markers to record PT, BEGV and ZV
+      when it is not current, fetch them now.  */
+   if (! NILP (b->pt_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_PT (b) = marker_position (b->pt_marker);
+       BUF_PT_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->pt_marker);
+     }
+   if (! NILP (b->begv_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_BEGV (b) = marker_position (b->begv_marker);
+       BUF_BEGV_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->begv_marker);
+     }
+   if (! NILP (b->zv_marker))
+     {
+       BUF_ZV (b) = marker_position (b->zv_marker);
+       BUF_ZV_BYTE (b) = marker_byte_position (b->zv_marker);
+     }
+ }
+ DEFUN ("set-buffer", Fset_buffer, Sset_buffer, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make the buffer BUFFER current for editing operations.
+ BUFFER may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.
+ See also `save-excursion' when you want to make a buffer current temporarily.
+ This function does not display the buffer, so its effect ends
+ when the current command terminates.
+ Use `switch-to-buffer' or `pop-to-buffer' to switch buffers permanently.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object buf;
+   buf = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+   if (NILP (buf))
+     nsberror (buffer);
+   if (NILP (XBUFFER (buf)->name))
+     error ("Selecting deleted buffer");
+   set_buffer_internal (XBUFFER (buf));
+   return buf;
+ }
+ /* Set the current buffer to BUFFER provided it is alive.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ set_buffer_if_live (buffer)
+      Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   if (! NILP (XBUFFER (buffer)->name))
+     Fset_buffer (buffer);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("barf-if-buffer-read-only", Fbarf_if_buffer_read_only,
+                                  Sbarf_if_buffer_read_only, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Signal a `buffer-read-only' error if the current buffer is 
read-only.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   if (!NILP (current_buffer->read_only)
+       && NILP (Vinhibit_read_only))
+     Fsignal (Qbuffer_read_only, (Fcons (Fcurrent_buffer (), Qnil)));
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("bury-buffer", Fbury_buffer, Sbury_buffer, 0, 1, "",
+        doc: /* Put BUFFER at the end of the list of all buffers.
+ There it is the least likely candidate for `other-buffer' to return;
+ thus, the least likely buffer for \\[switch-to-buffer] to select by default.
+ If BUFFER is nil or omitted, bury the current buffer.
+ Also, if BUFFER is nil or omitted, remove the current buffer from the
+ selected window if it is displayed there.  */)
+      (buffer)
+      register Lisp_Object buffer;
+ {
+   /* Figure out what buffer we're going to bury.  */
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       XSETBUFFER (buffer, current_buffer);
+       tem = Fwindow_buffer (selected_window);
+       /* If we're burying the current buffer, unshow it.  */
+       if (EQ (buffer, tem))
+       {
+         if (NILP (Fwindow_dedicated_p (selected_window)))
+           Fswitch_to_buffer (Fother_buffer (buffer, Qnil, Qnil), Qnil);
+         else if (NILP (XWINDOW (selected_window)->parent))
+           Ficonify_frame (Fwindow_frame (selected_window));
+         else
+           Fdelete_window (selected_window);
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       Lisp_Object buf1;
+       buf1 = Fget_buffer (buffer);
+       if (NILP (buf1))
+       nsberror (buffer);
+       buffer = buf1;
+     }
+   /* Move buffer to the end of the buffer list.  Do nothing if the
+      buffer is killed.  */
+   if (!NILP (XBUFFER (buffer)->name))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object aelt, link;
+       aelt = Frassq (buffer, Vbuffer_alist);
+       link = Fmemq (aelt, Vbuffer_alist);
+       Vbuffer_alist = Fdelq (aelt, Vbuffer_alist);
+       XSETCDR (link, Qnil);
+       Vbuffer_alist = nconc2 (Vbuffer_alist, link);
+       /* Removing BUFFER from frame-specific lists
+        has the effect of putting BUFFER at the end
+        of the combined list in each frame.  */
+       frames_discard_buffer (buffer);
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("erase-buffer", Ferase_buffer, Serase_buffer, 0, 0, "*",
+        doc: /* Delete the entire contents of the current buffer.
+ Any narrowing restriction in effect (see `narrow-to-region') is removed,
+ so the buffer is truly empty after this.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   Fwiden ();
+   del_range (BEG, Z);
+   current_buffer->last_window_start = 1;
+   /* Prevent warnings, or suspension of auto saving, that would happen
+      if future size is less than past size.  Use of erase-buffer
+      implies that the future text is not really related to the past text.  */
+   XSETFASTINT (current_buffer->save_length, 0);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ void
+ validate_region (b, e)
+      register Lisp_Object *b, *e;
+ {
+   if (XINT (*b) > XINT (*e))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       tem = *b;  *b = *e;  *e = tem;
+     }
+   if (!(BEGV <= XINT (*b) && XINT (*b) <= XINT (*e)
+         && XINT (*e) <= ZV))
+     args_out_of_range (*b, *e);
+ }
+ /* Advance BYTE_POS up to a character boundary
+    and return the adjusted position.  */
+ static int
+ advance_to_char_boundary (byte_pos)
+      int byte_pos;
+ {
+   int c;
+   if (byte_pos == BEG)
+     /* Beginning of buffer is always a character boundary.  */
+     return BEG;
+   c = FETCH_BYTE (byte_pos);
+   if (! CHAR_HEAD_P (c))
+     {
+       /* We should advance BYTE_POS only when C is a constituent of a
+          multibyte sequence.  */
+       int orig_byte_pos = byte_pos;
+       do
+       {
+         byte_pos--;
+         c = FETCH_BYTE (byte_pos);
+       }
+       while (! CHAR_HEAD_P (c) && byte_pos > BEG);
+       INC_POS (byte_pos);
+       if (byte_pos < orig_byte_pos)
+       byte_pos = orig_byte_pos;
+       /* If C is a constituent of a multibyte sequence, BYTE_POS was
+          surely advance to the correct character boundary.  If C is
+          not, BYTE_POS was unchanged.  */
+     }
+   return byte_pos;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("set-buffer-multibyte", Fset_buffer_multibyte, Sset_buffer_multibyte,
+        1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Set the multibyte flag of the current buffer to FLAG.
+ If FLAG is t, this makes the buffer a multibyte buffer.
+ If FLAG is nil, this makes the buffer a single-byte buffer.
+ The buffer contents remain unchanged as a sequence of bytes
+ but the contents viewed as characters do change.  */)
+      (flag)
+      Lisp_Object flag;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, markers;
+   struct buffer *other;
+   int undo_enabled_p = !EQ (current_buffer->undo_list, Qt);
+   int begv, zv;
+   int narrowed = (BEG != BEGV || Z != ZV);
+   int modified_p = !NILP (Fbuffer_modified_p (Qnil));
+   if (current_buffer->base_buffer)
+     error ("Cannot do `set-buffer-multibyte' on an indirect buffer");
+   /* Do nothing if nothing actually changes.  */
+   if (NILP (flag) == NILP (current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters))
+     return flag;
+   /* It would be better to update the list,
+      but this is good enough for now.  */
+   if (undo_enabled_p)
+     current_buffer->undo_list = Qt;
+   /* If the cached position is for this buffer, clear it out.  */
+   clear_charpos_cache (current_buffer);
+   if (NILP (flag))
+     begv = BEGV_BYTE, zv = ZV_BYTE;
+   else
+     begv = BEGV, zv = ZV;
+   if (narrowed)
+     Fwiden ();
+   if (NILP (flag))
+     {
+       int pos, stop;
+       unsigned char *p;
+       /* Do this first, so it can use CHAR_TO_BYTE
+        to calculate the old correspondences.  */
+       set_intervals_multibyte (0);
+       current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters = Qnil;
+       Z = Z_BYTE;
+       BEGV = BEGV_BYTE;
+       ZV = ZV_BYTE;
+       GPT = GPT_BYTE;
+       tail = BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer);
+       while (! NILP (tail))
+       {
+         XMARKER (tail)->charpos = XMARKER (tail)->bytepos;
+         tail = MARKER_CHAIN (XMARKER (tail));
+       }
+       /* Convert multibyte form of 8-bit characters to unibyte.  */
+       pos = BEG;
+       stop = GPT;
+       p = BEG_ADDR;
+       while (1)
+       {
+         int c, bytes;
+         if (pos == stop)
+           {
+             if (pos == Z)
+               break;
+             p = GAP_END_ADDR;
+             stop = Z;
+           }
+         if (MULTIBYTE_STR_AS_UNIBYTE_P (p, bytes))
+           p += bytes, pos += bytes;
+         else
+           {
+             c = STRING_CHAR (p, stop - pos);
+             /* Delete all bytes for this 8-bit character but the
+                last one, and change the last one to the charcter
+                code.  */
+             bytes--;
+             del_range_2 (pos, pos, pos + bytes, pos + bytes, 0);
+             p = GAP_END_ADDR;
+             *p++ = c;
+             pos++;
+             if (begv > pos)
+               begv -= bytes;
+             if (zv > pos)
+               zv -= bytes;
+             stop = Z;
+           }
+       }
+       if (narrowed)
+       Fnarrow_to_region (make_number (begv), make_number (zv));
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       int pt = PT;
+       int pos, stop;
+       unsigned char *p;
+       /* Be sure not to have a multibyte sequence striding over the GAP.
+        Ex: We change this: "...abc\201 _GAP_ \241def..."
+            to: "...abc _GAP_ \201\241def..."  */
+       if (GPT_BYTE > 1 && GPT_BYTE < Z_BYTE
+         && ! CHAR_HEAD_P (*(GAP_END_ADDR)))
+       {
+         unsigned char *p = GPT_ADDR - 1;
+         while (! CHAR_HEAD_P (*p) && p > BEG_ADDR) p--;
+         if (BASE_LEADING_CODE_P (*p))
+           {
+             int new_gpt = GPT_BYTE - (GPT_ADDR - p);
+             move_gap_both (new_gpt, new_gpt);
+           }
+       }
+       /* Make the buffer contents valid as multibyte by converting
+        8-bit characters to multibyte form.  */
+       pos = BEG;
+       stop = GPT;
+       p = BEG_ADDR;
+       while (1)
+       {
+         int bytes;
+         if (pos == stop)
+           {
+             if (pos == Z)
+               break;
+             p = GAP_END_ADDR;
+             stop = Z;
+           }
+         if (UNIBYTE_STR_AS_MULTIBYTE_P (p, stop - pos, bytes))
+           p += bytes, pos += bytes;
+         else
+           {
+             unsigned char tmp[MAX_MULTIBYTE_LENGTH];
+             bytes = CHAR_STRING (*p, tmp);
+             *p = tmp[0];
+             TEMP_SET_PT_BOTH (pos + 1, pos + 1);
+             bytes--;
+             insert_1_both (tmp + 1, bytes, bytes, 1, 0, 0);
+             /* Now the gap is after the just inserted data.  */
+             pos = GPT;
+             p = GAP_END_ADDR;
+             if (pos <= begv)
+               begv += bytes;
+             if (pos <= zv)
+               zv += bytes;
+             if (pos <= pt)
+               pt += bytes;
+             stop = Z;
+           }
+       }
+       if (pt != PT)
+       TEMP_SET_PT (pt);
+       if (narrowed)
+       Fnarrow_to_region (make_number (begv), make_number (zv));
+       /* Do this first, so that chars_in_text asks the right question.
+        set_intervals_multibyte needs it too.  */
+       current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters = Qt;
+       GPT_BYTE = advance_to_char_boundary (GPT_BYTE);
+       GPT = chars_in_text (BEG_ADDR, GPT_BYTE - BEG_BYTE) + BEG;
+       Z = chars_in_text (GAP_END_ADDR, Z_BYTE - GPT_BYTE) + GPT;
+       BEGV_BYTE = advance_to_char_boundary (BEGV_BYTE);
+       if (BEGV_BYTE > GPT_BYTE)
+       BEGV = chars_in_text (GAP_END_ADDR, BEGV_BYTE - GPT_BYTE) + GPT;
+       else
+       BEGV = chars_in_text (BEG_ADDR, BEGV_BYTE - BEG_BYTE) + BEG;
+       ZV_BYTE = advance_to_char_boundary (ZV_BYTE);
+       if (ZV_BYTE > GPT_BYTE)
+       ZV = chars_in_text (GAP_END_ADDR, ZV_BYTE - GPT_BYTE) + GPT;
+       else
+       ZV = chars_in_text (BEG_ADDR, ZV_BYTE - BEG_BYTE) + BEG;
+       {
+       int pt_byte = advance_to_char_boundary (PT_BYTE);
+       int pt;
+       if (pt_byte > GPT_BYTE)
+         pt = chars_in_text (GAP_END_ADDR, pt_byte - GPT_BYTE) + GPT;
+       else
+         pt = chars_in_text (BEG_ADDR, pt_byte - BEG_BYTE) + BEG;
+       TEMP_SET_PT_BOTH (pt, pt_byte);
+       }
+       tail = markers = BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer);
+       /* This prevents BYTE_TO_CHAR (that is, buf_bytepos_to_charpos) from
+        getting confused by the markers that have not yet been updated.
+        It is also a signal that it should never create a marker.  */
+       SET_BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer, Qnil);
+       while (! NILP (tail))
+       {
+         XMARKER (tail)->bytepos
+           = advance_to_char_boundary (XMARKER (tail)->bytepos);
+         XMARKER (tail)->charpos = BYTE_TO_CHAR (XMARKER (tail)->bytepos);
+         tail = MARKER_CHAIN (XMARKER (tail));
+       }
+       /* Make sure no markers were put on the chain
+        while the chain value was incorrect.  */
+       if (! EQ (BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer), Qnil))
+       abort ();
+       SET_BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer, markers);
+       /* Do this last, so it can calculate the new correspondences
+        between chars and bytes.  */
+       set_intervals_multibyte (1);
+     }
+   if (undo_enabled_p)
+     current_buffer->undo_list = Qnil;
+   /* Changing the multibyteness of a buffer means that all windows
+      showing that buffer must be updated thoroughly.  */
+   current_buffer->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+   ++windows_or_buffers_changed;
+   /* Copy this buffer's new multibyte status
+      into all of its indirect buffers.  */
+   for (other = all_buffers; other; other = other->next)
+     if (other->base_buffer == current_buffer && !NILP (other->name))
+       {
+       other->enable_multibyte_characters
+         = current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters;
+       other->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+       }
+   /* Restore the modifiedness of the buffer.  */
+   if (!modified_p && !NILP (Fbuffer_modified_p (Qnil)))
+     Fset_buffer_modified_p (Qnil);
+ #ifdef subprocesses
+   /* Update coding systems of this buffer's process (if any).  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object process;
+     process = Fget_buffer_process (Fcurrent_buffer ());
+     if (PROCESSP (process))
+       setup_process_coding_systems (process);
+   }
+ #endif        /* subprocesses */
+   return flag;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("kill-all-local-variables", Fkill_all_local_variables, 
+        0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Switch to Fundamental mode by killing current buffer's local 
+ Most local variable bindings are eliminated so that the default values
+ become effective once more.  Also, the syntax table is set from
+ `standard-syntax-table', the local keymap is set to nil,
+ and the abbrev table from `fundamental-mode-abbrev-table'.
+ This function also forces redisplay of the mode line.
+ Every function to select a new major mode starts by
+ calling this function.
+ As a special exception, local variables whose names have
+ a non-nil `permanent-local' property are not eliminated by this function.
+ The first thing this function does is run
+ the normal hook `change-major-mode-hook'.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object alist, sym, tem;
+   Lisp_Object oalist;
+   if (!NILP (Vrun_hooks))
+     call1 (Vrun_hooks, intern ("change-major-mode-hook"));
+   oalist = current_buffer->local_var_alist;
+   /* Make sure none of the bindings in oalist
+      remain swapped in, in their symbols.  */
+   swap_out_buffer_local_variables (current_buffer);
+   /* Actually eliminate all local bindings of this buffer.  */
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (current_buffer, 0);
+   /* Any which are supposed to be permanent,
+      make local again, with the same values they had.  */
+   for (alist = oalist; !NILP (alist); alist = XCDR (alist))
+     {
+       sym = XCAR (XCAR (alist));
+       tem = Fget (sym, Qpermanent_local);
+       if (! NILP (tem))
+       {
+         Fmake_local_variable (sym);
+         Fset (sym, XCDR (XCAR (alist)));
+       }
+     }
+   /* Force mode-line redisplay.  Useful here because all major mode
+      commands call this function.  */
+   update_mode_lines++;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Make sure no local variables remain set up with buffer B
+    for their current values.  */
+ static void
+ swap_out_buffer_local_variables (b)
+      struct buffer *b;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object oalist, alist, sym, tem, buffer;
+   XSETBUFFER (buffer, b);
+   oalist = b->local_var_alist;
+   for (alist = oalist; !NILP (alist); alist = XCDR (alist))
+     {
+       sym = XCAR (XCAR (alist));
+       /* Need not do anything if some other buffer's binding is now encached. 
+       tem = XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (SYMBOL_VALUE (sym))->buffer;
+       if (BUFFERP (tem) && XBUFFER (tem) == current_buffer)
+       {
+         /* Symbol is set up for this buffer's old local value.
+            Set it up for the current buffer with the default value.  */
+         tem = XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (SYMBOL_VALUE (sym))->cdr;
+         /* Store the symbol's current value into the alist entry
+            it is currently set up for.  This is so that, if the
+            local is marked permanent, and we make it local again
+            later in Fkill_all_local_variables, we don't lose the value.  */
+         XSETCDR (XCAR (tem),
+                  do_symval_forwarding (XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (SYMBOL_VALUE 
+         /* Switch to the symbol's default-value alist entry.  */
+         XSETCAR (tem, tem);
+         /* Mark it as current for buffer B.  */
+         XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (SYMBOL_VALUE (sym))->buffer = buffer;
+         /* Store the current value into any forwarding in the symbol.  */
+         store_symval_forwarding (sym,
+                                  XBUFFER_LOCAL_VALUE (SYMBOL_VALUE 
+                                  XCDR (tem), NULL);
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Find all the overlays in the current buffer that contain position POS.
+    Return the number found, and store them in a vector in *VEC_PTR.
+    Store in *LEN_PTR the size allocated for the vector.
+    Store in *NEXT_PTR the next position after POS where an overlay starts,
+      or ZV if there are no more overlays.
+    Store in *PREV_PTR the previous position before POS where an overlay ends,
+      or where an overlay starts which ends at or after POS;
+      or BEGV if there are no such overlays.
+    NEXT_PTR and/or PREV_PTR may be 0, meaning don't store that info.
+    *VEC_PTR and *LEN_PTR should contain a valid vector and size
+    when this function is called.
+    If EXTEND is non-zero, we make the vector bigger if necessary.
+    If EXTEND is zero, we never extend the vector,
+    and we store only as many overlays as will fit.
+    But we still return the total number of overlays.
+    If CHANGE_REQ is true, then any position written into *PREV_PTR or
+    *NEXT_PTR is guaranteed to be not equal to POS, unless it is the
+    default (BEGV or ZV).  */
+ int
+ overlays_at (pos, extend, vec_ptr, len_ptr, next_ptr, prev_ptr, change_req)
+      int pos;
+      int extend;
+      Lisp_Object **vec_ptr;
+      int *len_ptr;
+      int *next_ptr;
+      int *prev_ptr;
+      int change_req;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, overlay, start, end;
+   int idx = 0;
+   int len = *len_ptr;
+   Lisp_Object *vec = *vec_ptr;
+   int next = ZV;
+   int prev = BEGV;
+   int inhibit_storing = 0;
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_before;
+        GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       start = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (end);
+       if (endpos < pos)
+       {
+         if (prev < endpos)
+           prev = endpos;
+         break;
+       }
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (start);
+       /* This one ends at or after POS
+        so its start counts for PREV_PTR if it's before POS.  */
+       if (prev < startpos && startpos < pos)
+       prev = startpos;
+       if (endpos == pos)
+       continue;
+       if (startpos <= pos)
+       {
+         if (idx == len)
+           {
+             /* The supplied vector is full.
+                Either make it bigger, or don't store any more in it.  */
+             if (extend)
+               {
+                 /* Make it work with an initial len == 0.  */
+                 len *= 2;
+                 if (len == 0)
+                   len = 4;
+                 *len_ptr = len;
+                 vec = (Lisp_Object *) xrealloc (vec, len * sizeof 
+                 *vec_ptr = vec;
+               }
+             else
+               inhibit_storing = 1;
+           }
+         if (!inhibit_storing)
+           vec[idx] = overlay;
+         /* Keep counting overlays even if we can't return them all.  */
+         idx++;
+       }
+       else if (startpos < next)
+       next = startpos;
+     }
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_after;
+        GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       start = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (start);
+       if (pos < startpos)
+       {
+         if (startpos < next)
+           next = startpos;
+         break;
+       }
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (end);
+       if (pos < endpos)
+       {
+         if (idx == len)
+           {
+             if (extend)
+               {
+                 /* Make it work with an initial len == 0.  */
+                 len *= 2;
+                 if (len == 0)
+                   len = 4;
+                 *len_ptr = len;
+                 vec = (Lisp_Object *) xrealloc (vec, len * sizeof 
+                 *vec_ptr = vec;
+               }
+             else
+               inhibit_storing = 1;
+           }
+         if (!inhibit_storing)
+           vec[idx] = overlay;
+         idx++;
+         if (startpos < pos && startpos > prev)
+           prev = startpos;
+       }
+       else if (endpos < pos && endpos > prev)
+       prev = endpos;
+       else if (endpos == pos && startpos > prev
+              && (!change_req || startpos < pos))
+       prev = startpos;
+     }
+   if (next_ptr)
+     *next_ptr = next;
+   if (prev_ptr)
+     *prev_ptr = prev;
+   return idx;
+ }
+ /* Find all the overlays in the current buffer that overlap the range BEG-END
+    or are empty at BEG.
+    Return the number found, and store them in a vector in *VEC_PTR.
+    Store in *LEN_PTR the size allocated for the vector.
+    Store in *NEXT_PTR the next position after POS where an overlay starts,
+      or ZV if there are no more overlays.
+    Store in *PREV_PTR the previous position before POS where an overlay ends,
+      or BEGV if there are no previous overlays.
+    NEXT_PTR and/or PREV_PTR may be 0, meaning don't store that info.
+    *VEC_PTR and *LEN_PTR should contain a valid vector and size
+    when this function is called.
+    If EXTEND is non-zero, we make the vector bigger if necessary.
+    If EXTEND is zero, we never extend the vector,
+    and we store only as many overlays as will fit.
+    But we still return the total number of overlays.  */
+ static int
+ overlays_in (beg, end, extend, vec_ptr, len_ptr, next_ptr, prev_ptr)
+      int beg, end;
+      int extend;
+      Lisp_Object **vec_ptr;
+      int *len_ptr;
+      int *next_ptr;
+      int *prev_ptr;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, overlay, ostart, oend;
+   int idx = 0;
+   int len = *len_ptr;
+   Lisp_Object *vec = *vec_ptr;
+   int next = ZV;
+   int prev = BEGV;
+   int inhibit_storing = 0;
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_before;
+        GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       ostart = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       oend = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (oend);
+       if (endpos < beg)
+       {
+         if (prev < endpos)
+           prev = endpos;
+         break;
+       }
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (ostart);
+       /* Count an interval if it either overlaps the range
+        or is empty at the start of the range.  */
+       if ((beg < endpos && startpos < end)
+         || (startpos == endpos && beg == endpos))
+       {
+         if (idx == len)
+           {
+             /* The supplied vector is full.
+                Either make it bigger, or don't store any more in it.  */
+             if (extend)
+               {
+                 /* Make it work with an initial len == 0.  */
+                 len *= 2;
+                 if (len == 0)
+                   len = 4;
+                 *len_ptr = len;
+                 vec = (Lisp_Object *) xrealloc (vec, len * sizeof 
+                 *vec_ptr = vec;
+               }
+             else
+               inhibit_storing = 1;
+           }
+         if (!inhibit_storing)
+           vec[idx] = overlay;
+         /* Keep counting overlays even if we can't return them all.  */
+         idx++;
+       }
+       else if (startpos < next)
+       next = startpos;
+     }
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_after;
+        GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       ostart = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       oend = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (ostart);
+       if (end < startpos)
+       {
+         if (startpos < next)
+           next = startpos;
+         break;
+       }
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (oend);
+       /* Count an interval if it either overlaps the range
+        or is empty at the start of the range.  */
+       if ((beg < endpos && startpos < end)
+         || (startpos == endpos && beg == endpos))
+       {
+         if (idx == len)
+           {
+             if (extend)
+               {
+                 /* Make it work with an initial len == 0.  */
+                 len *= 2;
+                 if (len == 0)
+                   len = 4;
+                 *len_ptr = len;
+                 vec = (Lisp_Object *) xrealloc (vec, len * sizeof 
+                 *vec_ptr = vec;
+               }
+             else
+               inhibit_storing = 1;
+           }
+         if (!inhibit_storing)
+           vec[idx] = overlay;
+         idx++;
+       }
+       else if (endpos < beg && endpos > prev)
+       prev = endpos;
+     }
+   if (next_ptr)
+     *next_ptr = next;
+   if (prev_ptr)
+     *prev_ptr = prev;
+   return idx;
+ }
+ /* Return non-zero if there exists an overlay with a non-nil
+    `mouse-face' property overlapping OVERLAY.  */
+ int
+ mouse_face_overlay_overlaps (overlay)
+      Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   int start = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+   int end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+   int n, i, size;
+   Lisp_Object *v, tem;
+   size = 10;
+   v = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (size * sizeof *v);
+   n = overlays_in (start, end, 0, &v, &size, NULL, NULL);
+   if (n > size)
+     {
+       v = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (n * sizeof *v);
+       overlays_in (start, end, 0, &v, &n, NULL, NULL);
+     }
+   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+     if (!EQ (v[i], overlay)
+       && (tem = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qmouse_face),
+           !NILP (tem)))
+       break;
+   return i < n;
+ }
+ /* Fast function to just test if we're at an overlay boundary.  */
+ int
+ overlay_touches_p (pos)
+      int pos;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, overlay;
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_before; GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       if (!GC_OVERLAYP (overlay))
+       abort ();
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (endpos < pos)
+       break;
+       if (endpos == pos || OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay)) == pos)
+       return 1;
+     }
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_after; GC_CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       if (!GC_OVERLAYP (overlay))
+       abort ();
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       if (pos < startpos)
+       break;
+       if (startpos == pos || OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay)) == pos)
+       return 1;
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ struct sortvec
+ {
+   Lisp_Object overlay;
+   int beg, end;
+   int priority;
+ };
+ static int
+ compare_overlays (v1, v2)
+      const void *v1, *v2;
+ {
+   const struct sortvec *s1 = (const struct sortvec *) v1;
+   const struct sortvec *s2 = (const struct sortvec *) v2;
+   if (s1->priority != s2->priority)
+     return s1->priority - s2->priority;
+   if (s1->beg != s2->beg)
+     return s1->beg - s2->beg;
+   if (s1->end != s2->end)
+     return s2->end - s1->end;
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* Sort an array of overlays by priority.  The array is modified in place.
+    The return value is the new size; this may be smaller than the original
+    size if some of the overlays were invalid or were window-specific.  */
+ int
+ sort_overlays (overlay_vec, noverlays, w)
+      Lisp_Object *overlay_vec;
+      int noverlays;
+      struct window *w;
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   struct sortvec *sortvec;
+   sortvec = (struct sortvec *) alloca (noverlays * sizeof (struct sortvec));
+   /* Put the valid and relevant overlays into sortvec.  */
+   for (i = 0, j = 0; i < noverlays; i++)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       Lisp_Object overlay;
+       overlay = overlay_vec[i];
+       if (OVERLAY_VALID (overlay)
+         && OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay)) > 0
+         && OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay)) > 0)
+       {
+         /* If we're interested in a specific window, then ignore
+            overlays that are limited to some other window.  */
+         if (w)
+           {
+             Lisp_Object window;
+             window = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qwindow);
+             if (WINDOWP (window) && XWINDOW (window) != w)
+               continue;
+           }
+         /* This overlay is good and counts: put it into sortvec.  */
+         sortvec[j].overlay = overlay;
+         sortvec[j].beg = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+         sortvec[j].end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+         tem = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qpriority);
+         if (INTEGERP (tem))
+           sortvec[j].priority = XINT (tem);
+         else
+           sortvec[j].priority = 0;
+         j++;
+       }
+     }
+   noverlays = j;
+   /* Sort the overlays into the proper order: increasing priority.  */
+   if (noverlays > 1)
+     qsort (sortvec, noverlays, sizeof (struct sortvec), compare_overlays);
+   for (i = 0; i < noverlays; i++)
+     overlay_vec[i] = sortvec[i].overlay;
+   return (noverlays);
+ }
+ struct sortstr
+ {
+   Lisp_Object string, string2;
+   int size;
+   int priority;
+ };
+ struct sortstrlist
+ {
+   struct sortstr *buf;        /* An array that expands as needed; never 
freed.  */
+   int size;           /* Allocated length of that array.  */
+   int used;           /* How much of the array is currently in use.  */
+   int bytes;          /* Total length of the strings in buf.  */
+ };
+ /* Buffers for storing information about the overlays touching a given
+    position.  These could be automatic variables in overlay_strings, but
+    it's more efficient to hold onto the memory instead of repeatedly
+    allocating and freeing it.  */
+ static struct sortstrlist overlay_heads, overlay_tails;
+ static unsigned char *overlay_str_buf;
+ /* Allocated length of overlay_str_buf.  */
+ static int overlay_str_len;
+ /* A comparison function suitable for passing to qsort.  */
+ static int
+ cmp_for_strings (as1, as2)
+      char *as1, *as2;
+ {
+   struct sortstr *s1 = (struct sortstr *)as1;
+   struct sortstr *s2 = (struct sortstr *)as2;
+   if (s1->size != s2->size)
+     return s2->size - s1->size;
+   if (s1->priority != s2->priority)
+     return s1->priority - s2->priority;
+   return 0;
+ }
+ static void
+ record_overlay_string (ssl, str, str2, pri, size)
+      struct sortstrlist *ssl;
+      Lisp_Object str, str2, pri;
+      int size;
+ {
+   int nbytes;
+   if (ssl->used == ssl->size)
+     {
+       if (ssl->buf)
+       ssl->size *= 2;
+       else
+       ssl->size = 5;
+       ssl->buf = ((struct sortstr *)
+                 xrealloc (ssl->buf, ssl->size * sizeof (struct sortstr)));
+     }
+   ssl->buf[ssl->used].string = str;
+   ssl->buf[ssl->used].string2 = str2;
+   ssl->buf[ssl->used].size = size;
+   ssl->buf[ssl->used].priority = (INTEGERP (pri) ? XINT (pri) : 0);
+   ssl->used++;
+   if (NILP (current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters))
+     nbytes = SCHARS (str);
+   else if (! STRING_MULTIBYTE (str))
+     nbytes = count_size_as_multibyte (SDATA (str),
+                                     SBYTES (str));
+   else
+     nbytes = SBYTES (str);
+   ssl->bytes += nbytes;
+   if (STRINGP (str2))
+     {
+       if (NILP (current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters))
+       nbytes = SCHARS (str2);
+       else if (! STRING_MULTIBYTE (str2))
+       nbytes = count_size_as_multibyte (SDATA (str2),
+                                         SBYTES (str2));
+       else
+       nbytes = SBYTES (str2);
+       ssl->bytes += nbytes;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Return the concatenation of the strings associated with overlays that
+    begin or end at POS, ignoring overlays that are specific to a window
+    other than W.  The strings are concatenated in the appropriate order:
+    shorter overlays nest inside longer ones, and higher priority inside
+    lower.  Normally all of the after-strings come first, but zero-sized
+    overlays have their after-strings ride along with the before-strings
+    because it would look strange to print them inside-out.
+    Returns the string length, and stores the contents indirectly through
+    PSTR, if that variable is non-null.  The string may be overwritten by
+    subsequent calls.  */
+ int
+ overlay_strings (pos, w, pstr)
+      int pos;
+      struct window *w;
+      unsigned char **pstr;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object ov, overlay, window, str;
+   int startpos, endpos;
+   int multibyte = ! NILP (current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters);
+   overlay_heads.used = overlay_heads.bytes = 0;
+   overlay_tails.used = overlay_tails.bytes = 0;
+   for (ov = current_buffer->overlays_before; CONSP (ov); ov = XCDR (ov))
+     {
+       overlay = XCAR (ov);
+       if (!OVERLAYP (overlay))
+       abort ();
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (endpos < pos)
+       break;
+       if (endpos != pos && startpos != pos)
+       continue;
+       window = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qwindow);
+       if (WINDOWP (window) && XWINDOW (window) != w)
+       continue;
+       if (startpos == pos
+         && (str = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qbefore_string), STRINGP (str)))
+       record_overlay_string (&overlay_heads, str,
+                              (startpos == endpos
+                               ? Foverlay_get (overlay, Qafter_string)
+                               : Qnil),
+                              Foverlay_get (overlay, Qpriority),
+                              endpos - startpos);
+       else if (endpos == pos
+         && (str = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qafter_string), STRINGP (str)))
+       record_overlay_string (&overlay_tails, str, Qnil,
+                              Foverlay_get (overlay, Qpriority),
+                              endpos - startpos);
+     }
+   for (ov = current_buffer->overlays_after; CONSP (ov); ov = XCDR (ov))
+     {
+       overlay = XCAR (ov);
+       if (!OVERLAYP (overlay))
+       abort ();
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (startpos > pos)
+       break;
+       if (endpos != pos && startpos != pos)
+       continue;
+       window = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qwindow);
+       if (WINDOWP (window) && XWINDOW (window) != w)
+       continue;
+       if (startpos == pos
+         && (str = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qbefore_string), STRINGP (str)))
+       record_overlay_string (&overlay_heads, str,
+                              (startpos == endpos
+                               ? Foverlay_get (overlay, Qafter_string)
+                               : Qnil),
+                              Foverlay_get (overlay, Qpriority),
+                              endpos - startpos);
+       else if (endpos == pos
+              && (str = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qafter_string), STRINGP (str)))
+       record_overlay_string (&overlay_tails, str, Qnil,
+                              Foverlay_get (overlay, Qpriority),
+                              endpos - startpos);
+     }
+   if (overlay_tails.used > 1)
+     qsort (overlay_tails.buf, overlay_tails.used, sizeof (struct sortstr),
+          cmp_for_strings);
+   if (overlay_heads.used > 1)
+     qsort (overlay_heads.buf, overlay_heads.used, sizeof (struct sortstr),
+          cmp_for_strings);
+   if (overlay_heads.bytes || overlay_tails.bytes)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       int i;
+       unsigned char *p;
+       int total = overlay_heads.bytes + overlay_tails.bytes;
+       if (total > overlay_str_len)
+       {
+         overlay_str_len = total;
+         overlay_str_buf = (unsigned char *)xrealloc (overlay_str_buf,
+                                                      total);
+       }
+       p = overlay_str_buf;
+       for (i = overlay_tails.used; --i >= 0;)
+       {
+         int nbytes;
+         tem = overlay_tails.buf[i].string;
+         nbytes = copy_text (SDATA (tem), p,
+                             SBYTES (tem),
+                             STRING_MULTIBYTE (tem), multibyte);
+         p += nbytes;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < overlay_heads.used; ++i)
+       {
+         int nbytes;
+         tem = overlay_heads.buf[i].string;
+         nbytes = copy_text (SDATA (tem), p,
+                             SBYTES (tem),
+                             STRING_MULTIBYTE (tem), multibyte);
+         p += nbytes;
+         tem = overlay_heads.buf[i].string2;
+         if (STRINGP (tem))
+           {
+             nbytes = copy_text (SDATA (tem), p,
+                                 SBYTES (tem),
+                                 STRING_MULTIBYTE (tem), multibyte);
+             p += nbytes;
+           }
+       }
+       if (p != overlay_str_buf + total)
+       abort ();
+       if (pstr)
+       *pstr = overlay_str_buf;
+       return total;
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* Shift overlays in BUF's overlay lists, to center the lists at POS.  */
+ void
+ recenter_overlay_lists (buf, pos)
+      struct buffer *buf;
+      int pos;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object overlay, tail, next, prev, beg, end;
+   /* See if anything in overlays_before should move to overlays_after.  */
+   /* We don't strictly need prev in this loop; it should always be nil.
+      But we use it for symmetry and in case that should cease to be true
+      with some future change.  */
+   prev = Qnil;
+   for (tail = buf->overlays_before;
+        CONSP (tail);
+        prev = tail, tail = next)
+     {
+       next = XCDR (tail);
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       /* If the overlay is not valid, get rid of it.  */
+       if (!OVERLAY_VALID (overlay))
+ #if 1
+       abort ();
+ #else
+       {
+         /* Splice the cons cell TAIL out of overlays_before.  */
+         if (!NILP (prev))
+           XCDR (prev) = next;
+         else
+           buf->overlays_before = next;
+         tail = prev;
+         continue;
+       }
+ #endif
+       beg = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       if (OVERLAY_POSITION (end) > pos)
+       {
+         /* OVERLAY needs to be moved.  */
+         int where = OVERLAY_POSITION (beg);
+         Lisp_Object other, other_prev;
+         /* Splice the cons cell TAIL out of overlays_before.  */
+         if (!NILP (prev))
+           XSETCDR (prev, next);
+         else
+           buf->overlays_before = next;
+         /* Search thru overlays_after for where to put it.  */
+         other_prev = Qnil;
+         for (other = buf->overlays_after;
+              CONSP (other);
+              other_prev = other, other = XCDR (other))
+           {
+             Lisp_Object otherbeg, otheroverlay;
+             otheroverlay = XCAR (other);
+             if (! OVERLAY_VALID (otheroverlay))
+               abort ();
+             otherbeg = OVERLAY_START (otheroverlay);
+             if (OVERLAY_POSITION (otherbeg) >= where)
+               break;
+           }
+         /* Add TAIL to overlays_after before OTHER.  */
+         XSETCDR (tail, other);
+         if (!NILP (other_prev))
+           XSETCDR (other_prev, tail);
+         else
+           buf->overlays_after = tail;
+         tail = prev;
+       }
+       else
+       /* We've reached the things that should stay in overlays_before.
+          All the rest of overlays_before must end even earlier,
+          so stop now.  */
+       break;
+     }
+   /* See if anything in overlays_after should be in overlays_before.  */
+   prev = Qnil;
+   for (tail = buf->overlays_after;
+        CONSP (tail);
+        prev = tail, tail = next)
+     {
+       next = XCDR (tail);
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       /* If the overlay is not valid, get rid of it.  */
+       if (!OVERLAY_VALID (overlay))
+ #if 1
+       abort ();
+ #else
+       {
+         /* Splice the cons cell TAIL out of overlays_after.  */
+         if (!NILP (prev))
+           XCDR (prev) = next;
+         else
+           buf->overlays_after = next;
+         tail = prev;
+         continue;
+       }
+ #endif
+       beg = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       /* Stop looking, when we know that nothing further
+        can possibly end before POS.  */
+       if (OVERLAY_POSITION (beg) > pos)
+       break;
+       if (OVERLAY_POSITION (end) <= pos)
+       {
+         /* OVERLAY needs to be moved.  */
+         int where = OVERLAY_POSITION (end);
+         Lisp_Object other, other_prev;
+         /* Splice the cons cell TAIL out of overlays_after.  */
+         if (!NILP (prev))
+           XSETCDR (prev, next);
+         else
+           buf->overlays_after = next;
+         /* Search thru overlays_before for where to put it.  */
+         other_prev = Qnil;
+         for (other = buf->overlays_before;
+              CONSP (other);
+              other_prev = other, other = XCDR (other))
+           {
+             Lisp_Object otherend, otheroverlay;
+             otheroverlay = XCAR (other);
+             if (! OVERLAY_VALID (otheroverlay))
+               abort ();
+             otherend = OVERLAY_END (otheroverlay);
+             if (OVERLAY_POSITION (otherend) <= where)
+               break;
+           }
+         /* Add TAIL to overlays_before before OTHER.  */
+         XSETCDR (tail, other);
+         if (!NILP (other_prev))
+           XSETCDR (other_prev, tail);
+         else
+           buf->overlays_before = tail;
+         tail = prev;
+       }
+     }
+   XSETFASTINT (buf->overlay_center, pos);
+ }
+ void
+ adjust_overlays_for_insert (pos, length)
+      int pos;
+      int length;
+ {
+   /* After an insertion, the lists are still sorted properly,
+      but we may need to update the value of the overlay center.  */
+   if (XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center) >= pos)
+     XSETFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center,
+                XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center) + length);
+ }
+ void
+ adjust_overlays_for_delete (pos, length)
+      int pos;
+      int length;
+ {
+   if (XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center) < pos)
+     /* The deletion was to our right.  No change needed; the before- and
+        after-lists are still consistent.  */
+     ;
+   else if (XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center) > pos + length)
+     /* The deletion was to our left.  We need to adjust the center value
+        to account for the change in position, but the lists are consistent
+        given the new value.  */
+     XSETFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center,
+                XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center) - length);
+   else
+     /* We're right in the middle.  There might be things on the after-list
+        that now belong on the before-list.  Recentering will move them,
+        and also update the center point.  */
+     recenter_overlay_lists (current_buffer, pos);
+ }
+ /* Fix up overlays that were garbled as a result of permuting markers
+    in the range START through END.  Any overlay with at least one
+    endpoint in this range will need to be unlinked from the overlay
+    list and reinserted in its proper place.
+    Such an overlay might even have negative size at this point.
+    If so, we'll reverse the endpoints.  Can you think of anything
+    better to do in this situation?  */
+ void
+ fix_overlays_in_range (start, end)
+      register int start, end;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object overlay;
+   Lisp_Object before_list, after_list;
+   /* These are either nil, indicating that before_list or after_list
+      should be assigned, or the cons cell the cdr of which should be
+      assigned.  */
+   Lisp_Object beforep = Qnil, afterp = Qnil;
+   /* 'Parent', likewise, indicates a cons cell or
+      current_buffer->overlays_before or overlays_after, depending
+      which loop we're in.  */
+   Lisp_Object tail, parent;
+   int startpos, endpos;
+   /* This algorithm shifts links around instead of consing and GCing.
+      The loop invariant is that before_list (resp. after_list) is a
+      well-formed list except that its last element, the CDR of beforep
+      (resp. afterp) if beforep (afterp) isn't nil or before_list
+      (after_list) if it is, is still uninitialized.  So it's not a bug
+      that before_list isn't initialized, although it may look
+      strange.  */
+   for (parent = Qnil, tail = current_buffer->overlays_before; CONSP (tail);)
+     {
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (endpos < start)
+       break;
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       if (endpos < end
+         || (startpos >= start && startpos < end))
+       {
+         /* If the overlay is backwards, fix that now.  */
+         if (startpos > endpos)
+           {
+             int tem;
+             Fset_marker (OVERLAY_START (overlay), make_number (endpos),
+                          Qnil);
+             Fset_marker (OVERLAY_END (overlay), make_number (startpos),
+                          Qnil);
+             tem = startpos; startpos = endpos; endpos = tem;
+           }
+         /* Add it to the end of the wrong list.  Later on,
+            recenter_overlay_lists will move it to the right place.  */
+         if (endpos < XINT (current_buffer->overlay_center))
+           {
+             if (NILP (afterp))
+               after_list = tail;
+             else
+               XSETCDR (afterp, tail);
+             afterp = tail;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             if (NILP (beforep))
+               before_list = tail;
+             else
+               XSETCDR (beforep, tail);
+             beforep = tail;
+           }
+         if (NILP (parent))
+           current_buffer->overlays_before = XCDR (tail);
+         else
+           XSETCDR (parent, XCDR (tail));
+         tail = XCDR (tail);
+       }
+       else
+       parent = tail, tail = XCDR (parent);
+     }
+   for (parent = Qnil, tail = current_buffer->overlays_after; CONSP (tail);)
+     {
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       if (startpos >= end)
+       break;
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (startpos >= start
+         || (endpos >= start && endpos < end))
+       {
+         if (startpos > endpos)
+           {
+             int tem;
+             Fset_marker (OVERLAY_START (overlay), make_number (endpos),
+                          Qnil);
+             Fset_marker (OVERLAY_END (overlay), make_number (startpos),
+                          Qnil);
+             tem = startpos; startpos = endpos; endpos = tem;
+           }
+         if (endpos < XINT (current_buffer->overlay_center))
+           {
+             if (NILP (afterp))
+               after_list = tail;
+             else
+               XSETCDR (afterp, tail);
+             afterp = tail;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             if (NILP (beforep))
+               before_list = tail;
+             else
+               XSETCDR (beforep, tail);
+             beforep = tail;
+           }
+         if (NILP (parent))
+           current_buffer->overlays_after = XCDR (tail);
+         else
+           XSETCDR (parent, XCDR (tail));
+         tail = XCDR (tail);
+       }
+       else
+       parent = tail, tail = XCDR (parent);
+     }
+   /* Splice the constructed (wrong) lists into the buffer's lists,
+      and let the recenter function make it sane again.  */
+   if (!NILP (beforep))
+     {
+       XSETCDR (beforep, current_buffer->overlays_before);
+       current_buffer->overlays_before = before_list;
+     }
+   recenter_overlay_lists (current_buffer,
+                         XINT (current_buffer->overlay_center));
+   if (!NILP (afterp))
+     {
+       XSETCDR (afterp, current_buffer->overlays_after);
+       current_buffer->overlays_after = after_list;
+     }
+   recenter_overlay_lists (current_buffer,
+                         XINT (current_buffer->overlay_center));
+ }
+ /* We have two types of overlay: the one whose ending marker is
+    after-insertion-marker (this is the usual case) and the one whose
+    ending marker is before-insertion-marker.  When `overlays_before'
+    contains overlays of the latter type and the former type in this
+    order and both overlays end at inserting position, inserting a text
+    increases only the ending marker of the latter type, which results
+    in incorrect ordering of `overlays_before'.
+    This function fixes ordering of overlays in the slot
+    `overlays_before' of the buffer *BP.  Before the insertion, `point'
+    was at PREV, and now is at POS.  */
+ void
+ fix_overlays_before (bp, prev, pos)
+      struct buffer *bp;
+      int prev, pos;
+ {
+   /* If parent is nil, replace overlays_before; otherwise, XCDR(parent).  */
+   Lisp_Object tail = bp->overlays_before, parent = Qnil;
+   Lisp_Object right_pair;
+   int end;
+   /* After the insertion, the several overlays may be in incorrect
+      order.  The possibility is that, in the list `overlays_before',
+      an overlay which ends at POS appears after an overlay which ends
+      at PREV.  Since POS is greater than PREV, we must fix the
+      ordering of these overlays, by moving overlays ends at POS before
+      the overlays ends at PREV.  */
+   /* At first, find a place where disordered overlays should be linked
+      in.  It is where an overlay which end before POS exists. (i.e. an
+      overlay whose ending marker is after-insertion-marker if disorder
+      exists).  */
+   while (!NILP (tail)
+        && ((end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (XCAR (tail))))
+            >= pos))
+     {
+       parent = tail;
+       tail = XCDR (tail);
+     }
+   /* If we don't find such an overlay,
+      or the found one ends before PREV,
+      or the found one is the last one in the list,
+      we don't have to fix anything.  */
+   if (NILP (tail)
+       || end < prev
+       || NILP (XCDR (tail)))
+     return;
+   right_pair = parent;
+   parent = tail;
+   tail = XCDR (tail);
+   /* Now, end position of overlays in the list TAIL should be before
+      or equal to PREV.  In the loop, an overlay which ends at POS is
+      moved ahead to the place indicated by the CDR of RIGHT_PAIR.  If
+      we found an overlay which ends before PREV, the remaining
+      overlays are in correct order.  */
+   while (!NILP (tail))
+     {
+       end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (XCAR (tail)));
+       if (end == pos)
+       {                       /* This overlay is disordered. */
+         Lisp_Object found = tail;
+         /* Unlink the found overlay.  */
+         tail = XCDR (found);
+         XSETCDR (parent, tail);
+         /* Move an overlay at RIGHT_PLACE to the next of the found one,
+            and link it into the right place.  */
+         if (NILP (right_pair))
+           {
+             XSETCDR (found, bp->overlays_before);
+             bp->overlays_before = found;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             XSETCDR (found, XCDR (right_pair));
+             XSETCDR (right_pair, found);
+           }
+       }
+       else if (end == prev)
+       {
+         parent = tail;
+         tail = XCDR (tail);
+       }
+       else                    /* No more disordered overlay. */
+       break;
+     }
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlayp", Foverlayp, Soverlayp, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return t if OBJECT is an overlay.  */)
+      (object)
+      Lisp_Object object;
+ {
+   return (OVERLAYP (object) ? Qt : Qnil);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("make-overlay", Fmake_overlay, Smake_overlay, 2, 5, 0,
+        doc: /* Create a new overlay with range BEG to END in BUFFER.
+ If omitted, BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
+ BEG and END may be integers or markers.
+ The fourth arg FRONT-ADVANCE, if non-nil, makes the
+ front delimiter advance when text is inserted there.
+ The fifth arg REAR-ADVANCE, if non-nil, makes the
+ rear delimiter advance when text is inserted there.  */)
+      (beg, end, buffer, front_advance, rear_advance)
+      Lisp_Object beg, end, buffer;
+      Lisp_Object front_advance, rear_advance;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object overlay;
+   struct buffer *b;
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     XSETBUFFER (buffer, current_buffer);
+   else
+     CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+   if (MARKERP (beg)
+       && ! EQ (Fmarker_buffer (beg), buffer))
+     error ("Marker points into wrong buffer");
+   if (MARKERP (end)
+       && ! EQ (Fmarker_buffer (end), buffer))
+     error ("Marker points into wrong buffer");
+   if (XINT (beg) > XINT (end))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object temp;
+       temp = beg; beg = end; end = temp;
+     }
+   b = XBUFFER (buffer);
+   beg = Fset_marker (Fmake_marker (), beg, buffer);
+   end = Fset_marker (Fmake_marker (), end, buffer);
+   if (!NILP (front_advance))
+     XMARKER (beg)->insertion_type = 1;
+   if (!NILP (rear_advance))
+     XMARKER (end)->insertion_type = 1;
+   overlay = allocate_misc ();
+   XMISCTYPE (overlay) = Lisp_Misc_Overlay;
+   XOVERLAY (overlay)->start = beg;
+   XOVERLAY (overlay)->end = end;
+   XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist = Qnil;
+   /* Put the new overlay on the wrong list.  */
+   end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+   if (OVERLAY_POSITION (end) < XINT (b->overlay_center))
+     b->overlays_after = Fcons (overlay, b->overlays_after);
+   else
+     b->overlays_before = Fcons (overlay, b->overlays_before);
+   /* This puts it in the right list, and in the right order.  */
+   recenter_overlay_lists (b, XINT (b->overlay_center));
+   /* We don't need to redisplay the region covered by the overlay, because
+      the overlay has no properties at the moment.  */
+   return overlay;
+ }
+ /* Mark a section of BUF as needing redisplay because of overlays changes.  */
+ static void
+ modify_overlay (buf, start, end)
+      struct buffer *buf;
+      int start, end;
+ {
+   if (start > end)
+     {
+       int temp = start;
+       start = end;
+       end = temp;
+     }
+   BUF_COMPUTE_UNCHANGED (buf, start, end);
+   /* If this is a buffer not in the selected window,
+      we must do other windows.  */
+   if (buf != XBUFFER (XWINDOW (selected_window)->buffer))
+     windows_or_buffers_changed = 1;
+   /* If multiple windows show this buffer, we must do other windows.  */
+   else if (buffer_shared > 1)
+     windows_or_buffers_changed = 1;
+ }
+ Lisp_Object Fdelete_overlay ();
+ DEFUN ("move-overlay", Fmove_overlay, Smove_overlay, 3, 4, 0,
+        doc: /* Set the endpoints of OVERLAY to BEG and END in BUFFER.
+ If BUFFER is omitted, leave OVERLAY in the same buffer it inhabits now.
+ If BUFFER is omitted, and OVERLAY is in no buffer, put it in the current
+ buffer.  */)
+      (overlay, beg, end, buffer)
+      Lisp_Object overlay, beg, end, buffer;
+ {
+   struct buffer *b, *ob;
+   Lisp_Object obuffer;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     buffer = Fmarker_buffer (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     XSETBUFFER (buffer, current_buffer);
+   CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
+   if (MARKERP (beg)
+       && ! EQ (Fmarker_buffer (beg), buffer))
+     error ("Marker points into wrong buffer");
+   if (MARKERP (end)
+       && ! EQ (Fmarker_buffer (end), buffer))
+     error ("Marker points into wrong buffer");
+   if (XINT (beg) == XINT (end) && ! NILP (Foverlay_get (overlay, Qevaporate)))
+     return Fdelete_overlay (overlay);
+   if (XINT (beg) > XINT (end))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object temp;
+       temp = beg; beg = end; end = temp;
+     }
+   specbind (Qinhibit_quit, Qt);
+   obuffer = Fmarker_buffer (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+   b = XBUFFER (buffer);
+   ob = BUFFERP (obuffer) ? XBUFFER (obuffer) : (struct buffer *) 0;
+   /* If the overlay has changed buffers, do a thorough redisplay.  */
+   if (!EQ (buffer, obuffer))
+     {
+       /* Redisplay where the overlay was.  */
+       if (!NILP (obuffer))
+       {
+         int o_beg;
+         int o_end;
+         o_beg = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+         o_end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+         modify_overlay (ob, o_beg, o_end);
+       }
+       /* Redisplay where the overlay is going to be.  */
+       modify_overlay (b, XINT (beg), XINT (end));
+     }
+   else
+     /* Redisplay the area the overlay has just left, or just enclosed.  */
+     {
+       int o_beg, o_end;
+       o_beg = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       o_end = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (o_beg == XINT (beg))
+       modify_overlay (b, o_end, XINT (end));
+       else if (o_end == XINT (end))
+       modify_overlay (b, o_beg, XINT (beg));
+       else
+       {
+         if (XINT (beg) < o_beg) o_beg = XINT (beg);
+         if (XINT (end) > o_end) o_end = XINT (end);
+         modify_overlay (b, o_beg, o_end);
+       }
+     }
+   if (!NILP (obuffer))
+     {
+       ob->overlays_before = Fdelq (overlay, ob->overlays_before);
+       ob->overlays_after  = Fdelq (overlay, ob->overlays_after);
+     }
+   Fset_marker (OVERLAY_START (overlay), beg, buffer);
+   Fset_marker (OVERLAY_END   (overlay), end, buffer);
+   /* Put the overlay on the wrong list.  */
+   end = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+   if (OVERLAY_POSITION (end) < XINT (b->overlay_center))
+     b->overlays_after = Fcons (overlay, b->overlays_after);
+   else
+     b->overlays_before = Fcons (overlay, b->overlays_before);
+   /* This puts it in the right list, and in the right order.  */
+   recenter_overlay_lists (b, XINT (b->overlay_center));
+   return unbind_to (count, overlay);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("delete-overlay", Fdelete_overlay, Sdelete_overlay, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Delete the overlay OVERLAY from its buffer.  */)
+      (overlay)
+      Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object buffer;
+   struct buffer *b;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   buffer = Fmarker_buffer (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+   if (NILP (buffer))
+     return Qnil;
+   b = XBUFFER (buffer);
+   specbind (Qinhibit_quit, Qt);
+   b->overlays_before = Fdelq (overlay, b->overlays_before);
+   b->overlays_after = Fdelq (overlay, b->overlays_after);
+   modify_overlay (b,
+                 marker_position (OVERLAY_START (overlay)),
+                 marker_position (OVERLAY_END   (overlay)));
+   Fset_marker (OVERLAY_START (overlay), Qnil, Qnil);
+   Fset_marker (OVERLAY_END   (overlay), Qnil, Qnil);
+   /* When deleting an overlay with before or after strings, turn off
+      display optimizations for the affected buffer, on the basis that
+      these strings may contain newlines.  This is easier to do than to
+      check for that situation during redisplay.  */
+   if (!windows_or_buffers_changed
+       && (!NILP (Foverlay_get (overlay, Qbefore_string))
+         || !NILP (Foverlay_get (overlay, Qafter_string))))
+     b->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p = 1;
+   return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+ }
+ /* Overlay dissection functions.  */
+ DEFUN ("overlay-start", Foverlay_start, Soverlay_start, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the position at which OVERLAY starts.  */)
+      (overlay)
+      Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   return (Fmarker_position (OVERLAY_START (overlay)));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-end", Foverlay_end, Soverlay_end, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the position at which OVERLAY ends.  */)
+      (overlay)
+      Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   return (Fmarker_position (OVERLAY_END (overlay)));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-buffer", Foverlay_buffer, Soverlay_buffer, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the buffer OVERLAY belongs to.  */)
+      (overlay)
+        Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   return Fmarker_buffer (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-properties", Foverlay_properties, Soverlay_properties, 1, 1, 
+        doc: /* Return a list of the properties on OVERLAY.
+ This is a copy of OVERLAY's plist; modifying its conses has no effect on
+ OVERLAY.  */)
+      (overlay)
+     Lisp_Object overlay;
+ {
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   return Fcopy_sequence (XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlays-at", Foverlays_at, Soverlays_at, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a list of the overlays that contain position POS.  */)
+      (pos)
+      Lisp_Object pos;
+ {
+   int noverlays;
+   Lisp_Object *overlay_vec;
+   int len;
+   Lisp_Object result;
+   len = 10;
+   /* We can't use alloca here because overlays_at can call xrealloc.  */
+   overlay_vec = (Lisp_Object *) xmalloc (len * sizeof (Lisp_Object));
+   /* Put all the overlays we want in a vector in overlay_vec.
+      Store the length in len.  */
+   noverlays = overlays_at (XINT (pos), 1, &overlay_vec, &len,
+                          (int *) 0, (int *) 0, 0);
+   /* Make a list of them all.  */
+   result = Flist (noverlays, overlay_vec);
+   xfree (overlay_vec);
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlays-in", Foverlays_in, Soverlays_in, 2, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a list of the overlays that overlap the region BEG ... 
+ Overlap means that at least one character is contained within the overlay
+ and also contained within the specified region.
+ Empty overlays are included in the result if they are located at BEG
+ or between BEG and END.  */)
+      (beg, end)
+      Lisp_Object beg, end;
+ {
+   int noverlays;
+   Lisp_Object *overlay_vec;
+   int len;
+   Lisp_Object result;
+   len = 10;
+   overlay_vec = (Lisp_Object *) xmalloc (len * sizeof (Lisp_Object));
+   /* Put all the overlays we want in a vector in overlay_vec.
+      Store the length in len.  */
+   noverlays = overlays_in (XINT (beg), XINT (end), 1, &overlay_vec, &len,
+                          (int *) 0, (int *) 0);
+   /* Make a list of them all.  */
+   result = Flist (noverlays, overlay_vec);
+   xfree (overlay_vec);
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("next-overlay-change", Fnext_overlay_change, Snext_overlay_change,
+        1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the next position after POS where an overlay starts or 
+ If there are no more overlay boundaries after POS, return (point-max).  */)
+      (pos)
+      Lisp_Object pos;
+ {
+   int noverlays;
+   int endpos;
+   Lisp_Object *overlay_vec;
+   int len;
+   int i;
+   len = 10;
+   overlay_vec = (Lisp_Object *) xmalloc (len * sizeof (Lisp_Object));
+   /* Put all the overlays we want in a vector in overlay_vec.
+      Store the length in len.
+      endpos gets the position where the next overlay starts.  */
+   noverlays = overlays_at (XINT (pos), 1, &overlay_vec, &len,
+                          &endpos, (int *) 0, 1);
+   /* If any of these overlays ends before endpos,
+      use its ending point instead.  */
+   for (i = 0; i < noverlays; i++)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object oend;
+       int oendpos;
+       oend = OVERLAY_END (overlay_vec[i]);
+       oendpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (oend);
+       if (oendpos < endpos)
+       endpos = oendpos;
+     }
+   xfree (overlay_vec);
+   return make_number (endpos);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("previous-overlay-change", Fprevious_overlay_change,
+        Sprevious_overlay_change, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the previous position before POS where an overlay 
starts or ends.
+ If there are no more overlay boundaries before POS, return (point-min).  */)
+      (pos)
+      Lisp_Object pos;
+ {
+   int noverlays;
+   int prevpos;
+   Lisp_Object *overlay_vec;
+   int len;
+   /* At beginning of buffer, we know the answer;
+      avoid bug subtracting 1 below.  */
+   if (XINT (pos) == BEGV)
+     return pos;
+   len = 10;
+   overlay_vec = (Lisp_Object *) xmalloc (len * sizeof (Lisp_Object));
+   /* Put all the overlays we want in a vector in overlay_vec.
+      Store the length in len.
+      prevpos gets the position of the previous change.  */
+   noverlays = overlays_at (XINT (pos), 1, &overlay_vec, &len,
+                          (int *) 0, &prevpos, 1);
+   xfree (overlay_vec);
+   return make_number (prevpos);
+ }
+ /* These functions are for debugging overlays.  */
+ DEFUN ("overlay-lists", Foverlay_lists, Soverlay_lists, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a pair of lists giving all the overlays of the current 
+ The car has all the overlays before the overlay center;
+ the cdr has all the overlays after the overlay center.
+ Recentering overlays moves overlays between these lists.
+ The lists you get are copies, so that changing them has no effect.
+ However, the overlays you get are the real objects that the buffer uses.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   Lisp_Object before, after;
+   before = current_buffer->overlays_before;
+   if (CONSP (before))
+     before = Fcopy_sequence (before);
+   after = current_buffer->overlays_after;
+   if (CONSP (after))
+     after = Fcopy_sequence (after);
+   return Fcons (before, after);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-recenter", Foverlay_recenter, Soverlay_recenter, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Recenter the overlays of the current buffer around position 
+ That makes overlay lookup faster for positions near POS (but perhaps slower
+ for positions far away from POS).  */)
+      (pos)
+      Lisp_Object pos;
+ {
+   recenter_overlay_lists (current_buffer, XINT (pos));
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-get", Foverlay_get, Soverlay_get, 2, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Get the property of overlay OVERLAY with property name PROP.  
+      (overlay, prop)
+      Lisp_Object overlay, prop;
+ {
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   return lookup_char_property (XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist, prop, 0);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("overlay-put", Foverlay_put, Soverlay_put, 3, 3, 0,
+        doc: /* Set one property of overlay OVERLAY: give property PROP value 
VALUE.  */)
+      (overlay, prop, value)
+      Lisp_Object overlay, prop, value;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, buffer;
+   int changed;
+   CHECK_OVERLAY (overlay);
+   buffer = Fmarker_buffer (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+   for (tail = XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist;
+        CONSP (tail) && CONSP (XCDR (tail));
+        tail = XCDR (XCDR (tail)))
+     if (EQ (XCAR (tail), prop))
+       {
+       changed = !EQ (XCAR (XCDR (tail)), value);
+       XSETCAR (XCDR (tail), value);
+       goto found;
+       }
+   /* It wasn't in the list, so add it to the front.  */
+   changed = !NILP (value);
+   XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist
+     = Fcons (prop, Fcons (value, XOVERLAY (overlay)->plist));
+  found:
+   if (! NILP (buffer))
+     {
+       if (changed)
+       modify_overlay (XBUFFER (buffer),
+                       marker_position (OVERLAY_START (overlay)),
+                       marker_position (OVERLAY_END   (overlay)));
+       if (EQ (prop, Qevaporate) && ! NILP (value)
+         && (OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay))
+             == OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay))))
+       Fdelete_overlay (overlay);
+     }
+   return value;
+ }
+ /* Subroutine of report_overlay_modification.  */
+ /* Lisp vector holding overlay hook functions to call.
+    Vector elements come in pairs.
+    Each even-index element is a list of hook functions.
+    The following odd-index element is the overlay they came from.
+    Before the buffer change, we fill in this vector
+    as we call overlay hook functions.
+    After the buffer change, we get the functions to call from this vector.
+    This way we always call the same functions before and after the change.  */
+ static Lisp_Object last_overlay_modification_hooks;
+ /* Number of elements actually used in last_overlay_modification_hooks.  */
+ static int last_overlay_modification_hooks_used;
+ /* Add one functionlist/overlay pair
+    to the end of last_overlay_modification_hooks.  */
+ static void
+ add_overlay_mod_hooklist (functionlist, overlay)
+      Lisp_Object functionlist, overlay;
+ {
+   int oldsize = XVECTOR (last_overlay_modification_hooks)->size;
+   if (last_overlay_modification_hooks_used == oldsize)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object old;
+       old = last_overlay_modification_hooks;
+       last_overlay_modification_hooks
+       = Fmake_vector (make_number (oldsize * 2), Qnil);
+       bcopy (XVECTOR (old)->contents,
+            XVECTOR (last_overlay_modification_hooks)->contents,
+            sizeof (Lisp_Object) * oldsize);
+     }
 = functionlist;
 = overlay;
+ }
+ /* Run the modification-hooks of overlays that include
+    any part of the text in START to END.
+    If this change is an insertion, also
+    run the insert-before-hooks of overlay starting at END,
+    and the insert-after-hooks of overlay ending at START.
+    This is called both before and after the modification.
+    AFTER is nonzero when we call after the modification.
+    ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 are arguments to pass to the hook functions.
+    When AFTER is nonzero, they are the start position,
+    the position after the inserted new text,
+    and the length of deleted or replaced old text.  */
+ void
+ report_overlay_modification (start, end, after, arg1, arg2, arg3)
+      Lisp_Object start, end;
+      int after;
+      Lisp_Object arg1, arg2, arg3;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object prop, overlay, tail;
+   /* 1 if this change is an insertion.  */
+   int insertion = (after ? XFASTINT (arg3) == 0 : EQ (start, end));
+   int tail_copied;
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4, gcpro5;
+   overlay = Qnil;
+   tail = Qnil;
+   GCPRO5 (overlay, tail, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+   if (after)
+     {
+       /* Call the functions recorded in last_overlay_modification_hooks
+        rather than scanning the overlays again.
+        First copy the vector contents, in case some of these hooks
+        do subsequent modification of the buffer.  */
+       int size = last_overlay_modification_hooks_used;
+       Lisp_Object *copy = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (size * sizeof 
+       int i;
+       bcopy (XVECTOR (last_overlay_modification_hooks)->contents,
+            copy, size * sizeof (Lisp_Object));
+       gcpro1.var = copy;
+       gcpro1.nvars = size;
+       for (i = 0; i < size;)
+       {
+         Lisp_Object prop, overlay;
+         prop = copy[i++];
+         overlay = copy[i++];
+         call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+       }
+       UNGCPRO;
+       return;
+     }
+   /* We are being called before a change.
+      Scan the overlays to find the functions to call.  */
+   last_overlay_modification_hooks_used = 0;
+   tail_copied = 0;
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_before;
+        CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       Lisp_Object ostart, oend;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       ostart = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       oend = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (oend);
+       if (XFASTINT (start) > endpos)
+       break;
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (ostart);
+       if (insertion && (XFASTINT (start) == startpos
+                       || XFASTINT (end) == startpos))
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qinsert_in_front_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             /* Copy TAIL in case the hook recenters the overlay lists.  */
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+       if (insertion && (XFASTINT (start) == endpos
+                       || XFASTINT (end) == endpos))
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qinsert_behind_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+       /* Test for intersecting intervals.  This does the right thing
+        for both insertion and deletion.  */
+       if (XFASTINT (end) > startpos && XFASTINT (start) < endpos)
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qmodification_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+     }
+   tail_copied = 0;
+   for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_after;
+        CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       int startpos, endpos;
+       Lisp_Object ostart, oend;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       ostart = OVERLAY_START (overlay);
+       oend = OVERLAY_END (overlay);
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (ostart);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (oend);
+       if (XFASTINT (end) < startpos)
+       break;
+       if (insertion && (XFASTINT (start) == startpos
+                       || XFASTINT (end) == startpos))
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qinsert_in_front_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+       if (insertion && (XFASTINT (start) == endpos
+                       || XFASTINT (end) == endpos))
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qinsert_behind_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+       /* Test for intersecting intervals.  This does the right thing
+        for both insertion and deletion.  */
+       if (XFASTINT (end) > startpos && XFASTINT (start) < endpos)
+       {
+         prop = Foverlay_get (overlay, Qmodification_hooks);
+         if (!NILP (prop))
+           {
+             if (!tail_copied)
+               tail = Fcopy_sequence (tail);
+             tail_copied = 1;
+             call_overlay_mod_hooks (prop, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+           }
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ static void
+ call_overlay_mod_hooks (list, overlay, after, arg1, arg2, arg3)
+      Lisp_Object list, overlay;
+      int after;
+      Lisp_Object arg1, arg2, arg3;
+ {
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
+   GCPRO4 (list, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+   if (! after)
+     add_overlay_mod_hooklist (list, overlay);
+   while (CONSP (list))
+     {
+       if (NILP (arg3))
+       call4 (XCAR (list), overlay, after ? Qt : Qnil, arg1, arg2);
+       else
+       call5 (XCAR (list), overlay, after ? Qt : Qnil, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+       list = XCDR (list);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Delete any zero-sized overlays at position POS, if the `evaporate'
+    property is set.  */
+ void
+ evaporate_overlays (pos)
+      int pos;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, overlay, hit_list;
+   hit_list = Qnil;
+   if (pos <= XFASTINT (current_buffer->overlay_center))
+     for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_before; CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+       {
+       int endpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       endpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay));
+       if (endpos < pos)
+         break;
+       if (endpos == pos && OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay)) == pos
+           && ! NILP (Foverlay_get (overlay, Qevaporate)))
+         hit_list = Fcons (overlay, hit_list);
+       }
+   else
+     for (tail = current_buffer->overlays_after; CONSP (tail);
+        tail = XCDR (tail))
+       {
+       int startpos;
+       overlay = XCAR (tail);
+       startpos = OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_START (overlay));
+       if (startpos > pos)
+         break;
+       if (startpos == pos && OVERLAY_POSITION (OVERLAY_END (overlay)) == pos
+           && ! NILP (Foverlay_get (overlay, Qevaporate)))
+         hit_list = Fcons (overlay, hit_list);
+       }
+   for (; CONSP (hit_list); hit_list = XCDR (hit_list))
+     Fdelete_overlay (XCAR (hit_list));
+ }
+ /* Somebody has tried to store a value with an unacceptable type
+    in the slot with offset OFFSET.  */
+ void
+ buffer_slot_type_mismatch (offset)
+      int offset;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object sym;
+   char *type_name;
+   switch (XINT (PER_BUFFER_TYPE (offset)))
+     {
+     case Lisp_Int:
+       type_name = "integers";
+       break;
+     case Lisp_String:
+       type_name = "strings";
+       break;
+     case Lisp_Symbol:
+       type_name = "symbols";
+       break;
+     default:
+       abort ();
+     }
+   sym = PER_BUFFER_SYMBOL (offset);
+   error ("Only %s should be stored in the buffer-local variable %s",
+        type_name, SDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (sym)));
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                        Allocation with mmap
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #ifndef MAP_ANON
+ #else
+ #define MAP_ANON 0
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #ifndef MAP_FAILED
+ #define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
+ #endif
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #if MAP_ANON == 0
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "coding.h"
+ /* Memory is allocated in regions which are mapped using mmap(2).
+    The current implementation lets the system select mapped
+    addresses;  we're not using MAP_FIXED in general, except when
+    trying to enlarge regions.
+    Each mapped region starts with a mmap_region structure, the user
+    area starts after that structure, aligned to MEM_ALIGN.
+       +-----------------------+
+       | struct mmap_info +    |
+       | padding               |
+       +-----------------------+
+       | user data             |
+       |                       |
+       |                       |
+       +-----------------------+  */
+ struct mmap_region
+ {
+   /* User-specified size.  */
+   size_t nbytes_specified;
+   /* Number of bytes mapped */
+   size_t nbytes_mapped;
+   /* Pointer to the location holding the address of the memory
+      allocated with the mmap'd block.  The variable actually points
+      after this structure.  */
+   POINTER_TYPE **var;
+   /* Next and previous in list of all mmap'd regions.  */
+   struct mmap_region *next, *prev;
+ };
+ /* Doubly-linked list of mmap'd regions.  */
+ static struct mmap_region *mmap_regions;
+ /* File descriptor for mmap.  If we don't have anonymous mapping,
+    /dev/zero will be opened on it.  */
+ static int mmap_fd;
+ /* Temporary storage for mmap_set_vars, see there.  */
+ static struct mmap_region *mmap_regions_1;
+ static int mmap_fd_1;
+ /* Page size on this system.  */
+ static int mmap_page_size;
+ /* 1 means mmap has been intialized.  */
+ static int mmap_initialized_p;
+ /* Value is X rounded up to the next multiple of N.  */
+ #define ROUND(X, N)   (((X) + (N) - 1) / (N) * (N))
+ /* Size of mmap_region structure plus padding.  */
+ #define MMAP_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE       \
+      ROUND (sizeof (struct mmap_region), MEM_ALIGN)
+ /* Given a pointer P to the start of the user-visible part of a mapped
+    region, return a pointer to the start of the region.  */
+ #define MMAP_REGION(P) \
+      ((struct mmap_region *) ((char *) (P) - MMAP_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE))
+ /* Given a pointer P to the start of a mapped region, return a pointer
+    to the start of the user-visible part of the region.  */
+ #define MMAP_USER_AREA(P) \
+      ((POINTER_TYPE *) ((char *) (P) + MMAP_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE))
+ #define MEM_ALIGN     sizeof (double)
+ /* Predicate returning true if part of the address range [START .. END]
+    is currently mapped.  Used to prevent overwriting an existing
+    memory mapping.
+    Default is to conservativly assume the address range is occupied by
+    something else.  This can be overridden by system configuration
+    files if system-specific means to determine this exists.  */
+ #define MMAP_ALLOCATED_P(start, end) 1
+ #endif
+ /* Function prototypes.  */
+ static int mmap_free_1 P_ ((struct mmap_region *));
+ static int mmap_enlarge P_ ((struct mmap_region *, int));
+ static struct mmap_region *mmap_find P_ ((POINTER_TYPE *, POINTER_TYPE *));
+ static POINTER_TYPE *mmap_alloc P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **, size_t));
+ static POINTER_TYPE *mmap_realloc P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **, size_t));
+ static void mmap_free P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **ptr));
+ static void mmap_init P_ ((void));
+ /* Return a region overlapping address range START...END, or null if
+    none.  END is not including, i.e. the last byte in the range
+    is at END - 1.  */
+ static struct mmap_region *
+ mmap_find (start, end)
+      POINTER_TYPE *start, *end;
+ {
+   struct mmap_region *r;
+   char *s = (char *) start, *e = (char *) end;
+   for (r = mmap_regions; r; r = r->next)
+     {
+       char *rstart = (char *) r;
+       char *rend   = rstart + r->nbytes_mapped;
+       if (/* First byte of range, i.e. START, in this region?  */
+         (s >= rstart && s < rend)
+         /* Last byte of range, i.e. END - 1, in this region?  */
+         || (e > rstart && e <= rend)
+         /* First byte of this region in the range?  */
+         || (rstart >= s && rstart < e)
+         /* Last byte of this region in the range?  */
+         || (rend > s && rend <= e))
+       break;
+     }
+   return r;
+ }
+ /* Unmap a region.  P is a pointer to the start of the user-araa of
+    the region.  Value is non-zero if successful.  */
+ static int
+ mmap_free_1 (r)
+      struct mmap_region *r;
+ {
+   if (r->next)
+     r->next->prev = r->prev;
+   if (r->prev)
+     r->prev->next = r->next;
+   else
+     mmap_regions = r->next;
+   if (munmap ((POINTER_TYPE *) r, r->nbytes_mapped) == -1)
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "munmap: %s\n", emacs_strerror (errno));
+       return 0;
+     }
+   return 1;
+ }
+ /* Enlarge region R by NPAGES pages.  NPAGES < 0 means shrink R.
+    Value is non-zero if successful.  */
+ static int
+ mmap_enlarge (r, npages)
+      struct mmap_region *r;
+      int npages;
+ {
+   char *region_end = (char *) r + r->nbytes_mapped;
+   size_t nbytes;
+   int success = 0;
+   if (npages < 0)
+     {
+       /* Unmap pages at the end of the region.  */
+       nbytes = - npages * mmap_page_size;
+       if (munmap (region_end - nbytes, nbytes) == -1)
+       fprintf (stderr, "munmap: %s\n", emacs_strerror (errno));
+       else
+       {
+         r->nbytes_mapped -= nbytes;
+         success = 1;
+       }
+     }
+   else if (npages > 0)
+     {
+       nbytes = npages * mmap_page_size;
+       /* Try to map additional pages at the end of the region.  We
+        cannot do this if the address range is already occupied by
+        something else because mmap deletes any previous mapping.
+        I'm not sure this is worth doing, let's see.  */
+       if (!MMAP_ALLOCATED_P (region_end, region_end + nbytes))
+       {
+         POINTER_TYPE *p;
+         p = mmap (region_end, nbytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                   MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, mmap_fd, 0);
+         if (p == MAP_FAILED)
+           ; /* fprintf (stderr, "mmap: %s\n", emacs_strerror (errno)); */
+         else if (p != (POINTER_TYPE *) region_end)
+           {
+             /* Kernels are free to choose a different address.  In
+                that case, unmap what we've mapped above; we have
+                no use for it.  */
+             if (munmap (p, nbytes) == -1)
+               fprintf (stderr, "munmap: %s\n", emacs_strerror (errno));
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             r->nbytes_mapped += nbytes;
+             success = 1;
+           }
+       }
+     }
+   return success;
+ }
+ /* Set or reset variables holding references to mapped regions.  If
+    RESTORE_P is zero, set all variables to null.  If RESTORE_P is
+    non-zero, set all variables to the start of the user-areas
+    of mapped regions.
+    This function is called from Fdump_emacs to ensure that the dumped
+    Emacs doesn't contain references to memory that won't be mapped
+    when Emacs starts.  */
+ void
+ mmap_set_vars (restore_p)
+      int restore_p;
+ {
+   struct mmap_region *r;
+   if (restore_p)
+     {
+       mmap_regions = mmap_regions_1;
+       mmap_fd = mmap_fd_1;
+       for (r = mmap_regions; r; r = r->next)
+       *r->var = MMAP_USER_AREA (r);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       for (r = mmap_regions; r; r = r->next)
+       *r->var = NULL;
+       mmap_regions_1 = mmap_regions;
+       mmap_regions = NULL;
+       mmap_fd_1 = mmap_fd;
+       mmap_fd = -1;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Allocate a block of storage large enough to hold NBYTES bytes of
+    data.  A pointer to the data is returned in *VAR.  VAR is thus the
+    address of some variable which will use the data area.
+    The allocation of 0 bytes is valid.
+    If we can't allocate the necessary memory, set *VAR to null, and
+    return null.  */
+ static POINTER_TYPE *
+ mmap_alloc (var, nbytes)
+      POINTER_TYPE **var;
+      size_t nbytes;
+ {
+   void *p;
+   size_t map;
+   mmap_init ();
+   map = ROUND (nbytes + MMAP_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE, mmap_page_size);
+           mmap_fd, 0);
+   if (p == MAP_FAILED)
+     {
+       if (errno != ENOMEM)
+       fprintf (stderr, "mmap: %s\n", emacs_strerror (errno));
+       p = NULL;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       struct mmap_region *r = (struct mmap_region *) p;
+       r->nbytes_specified = nbytes;
+       r->nbytes_mapped = map;
+       r->var = var;
+       r->prev = NULL;
+       r->next = mmap_regions;
+       if (r->next)
+       r->next->prev = r;
+       mmap_regions = r;
+       p = MMAP_USER_AREA (p);
+     }
+   return *var = p;
+ }
+ /* Given a pointer at address VAR to data allocated with mmap_alloc,
+    resize it to size NBYTES.  Change *VAR to reflect the new block,
+    and return this value.  If more memory cannot be allocated, then
+    leave *VAR unchanged, and return null.  */
+ static POINTER_TYPE *
+ mmap_realloc (var, nbytes)
+      POINTER_TYPE **var;
+      size_t nbytes;
+ {
+   POINTER_TYPE *result;
+   mmap_init ();
+   if (*var == NULL)
+     result = mmap_alloc (var, nbytes);
+   else if (nbytes == 0)
+     {
+       mmap_free (var);
+       result = mmap_alloc (var, nbytes);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       struct mmap_region *r = MMAP_REGION (*var);
+       size_t room = r->nbytes_mapped - MMAP_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE;
+       if (room < nbytes)
+       {
+         /* Must enlarge.  */
+         POINTER_TYPE *old_ptr = *var;
+         /* Try to map additional pages at the end of the region.
+            If that fails, allocate a new region,  copy data
+            from the old region, then free it.  */
+         if (mmap_enlarge (r, (ROUND (nbytes - room, mmap_page_size)
+                               / mmap_page_size)))
+           {
+             r->nbytes_specified = nbytes;
+             *var = result = old_ptr;
+           }
+         else if (mmap_alloc (var, nbytes))
+           {
+             bcopy (old_ptr, *var, r->nbytes_specified);
+             mmap_free_1 (MMAP_REGION (old_ptr));
+             result = *var;
+             r = MMAP_REGION (result);
+             r->nbytes_specified = nbytes;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             *var = old_ptr;
+             result = NULL;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (room - nbytes >= mmap_page_size)
+       {
+         /* Shrinking by at least a page.  Let's give some
+            memory back to the system.
+            The extra parens are to make the division happens first,
+            on positive values, so we know it will round towards
+            zero.  */
+         mmap_enlarge (r, - ((room - nbytes) / mmap_page_size));
+         result = *var;
+         r->nbytes_specified = nbytes;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         /* Leave it alone.  */
+         result = *var;
+         r->nbytes_specified = nbytes;
+       }
+     }
+   return result;
+ }
+ /* Free a block of relocatable storage whose data is pointed to by
+    PTR.  Store 0 in *PTR to show there's no block allocated.  */
+ static void
+ mmap_free (var)
+      POINTER_TYPE **var;
+ {
+   mmap_init ();
+   if (*var)
+     {
+       mmap_free_1 (MMAP_REGION (*var));
+       *var = NULL;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Perform necessary intializations for the use of mmap.  */
+ static void
+ mmap_init ()
+ {
+ #if MAP_ANON == 0
+   /* The value of mmap_fd is initially 0 in temacs, and -1
+      in a dumped Emacs.  */
+   if (mmap_fd <= 0)
+     {
+       /* No anonymous mmap -- we need the file descriptor.  */
+       mmap_fd = open ("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY);
+       if (mmap_fd == -1)
+       fatal ("Cannot open /dev/zero: %s", emacs_strerror (errno));
+     }
+ #endif /* MAP_ANON == 0 */
+   if (mmap_initialized_p)
+     return;
+   mmap_initialized_p = 1;
+ #if MAP_ANON != 0
+   mmap_fd = -1;
+ #endif
+   mmap_page_size = getpagesize ();
+ }
+ #endif /* USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS */
+ /***********************************************************************
+                           Buffer-text Allocation
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ #ifdef REL_ALLOC
+ extern POINTER_TYPE *r_alloc P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **, size_t));
+ extern POINTER_TYPE *r_re_alloc P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **, size_t));
+ extern void r_alloc_free P_ ((POINTER_TYPE **ptr));
+ #endif /* REL_ALLOC */
+ /* Allocate NBYTES bytes for buffer B's text buffer.  */
+ static void
+ alloc_buffer_text (b, nbytes)
+      struct buffer *b;
+      size_t nbytes;
+ {
+ #if defined USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS
+   p = mmap_alloc ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg, nbytes);
+ #elif defined REL_ALLOC
+   p = r_alloc ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg, nbytes);
+ #else
+   p = xmalloc (nbytes);
+ #endif
+   if (p == NULL)
+     {
+       memory_full ();
+     }
+   b->text->beg = (unsigned char *) p;
+ }
+ /* Enlarge buffer B's text buffer by DELTA bytes.  DELTA < 0 means
+    shrink it.  */
+ void
+ enlarge_buffer_text (b, delta)
+      struct buffer *b;
+      int delta;
+ {
+   size_t nbytes = (BUF_Z_BYTE (b) - BUF_BEG_BYTE (b) + BUF_GAP_SIZE (b) + 1
+                  + delta);
+ #if defined USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS
+   p = mmap_realloc ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg, nbytes);
+ #elif defined REL_ALLOC
+   p = r_re_alloc ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg, nbytes);
+ #else
+   p = xrealloc (b->text->beg, nbytes);
+ #endif
+   if (p == NULL)
+     {
+       memory_full ();
+     }
+   BUF_BEG_ADDR (b) = (unsigned char *) p;
+ }
+ /* Free buffer B's text buffer.  */
+ static void
+ free_buffer_text (b)
+      struct buffer *b;
+ {
+ #if defined USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS
+   mmap_free ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg);
+ #elif defined REL_ALLOC
+   r_alloc_free ((POINTER_TYPE **) &b->text->beg);
+ #else
+   xfree (b->text->beg);
+ #endif
+   BUF_BEG_ADDR (b) = NULL;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                           Initialization
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ void
+ init_buffer_once ()
+ {
+   int idx;
+   bzero (buffer_permanent_local_flags, sizeof buffer_permanent_local_flags);
+   /* Make sure all markable slots in buffer_defaults
+      are initialized reasonably, so mark_buffer won't choke.  */
+   reset_buffer (&buffer_defaults);
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (&buffer_defaults, 1);
+   reset_buffer (&buffer_local_symbols);
+   reset_buffer_local_variables (&buffer_local_symbols, 1);
+   /* Prevent GC from getting confused.  */
+   buffer_defaults.text = &buffer_defaults.own_text;
+   buffer_local_symbols.text = &buffer_local_symbols.own_text;
+   BUF_INTERVALS (&buffer_defaults) = 0;
+   BUF_INTERVALS (&buffer_local_symbols) = 0;
+   XSETBUFFER (Vbuffer_defaults, &buffer_defaults);
+   XSETBUFFER (Vbuffer_local_symbols, &buffer_local_symbols);
+   /* Set up the default values of various buffer slots.  */
+   /* Must do these before making the first buffer! */
+   /* real setup is done in bindings.el */
+   buffer_defaults.mode_line_format = build_string ("%-");
+   buffer_defaults.header_line_format = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.abbrev_mode = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.overwrite_mode = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.case_fold_search = Qt;
+   buffer_defaults.auto_fill_function = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.selective_display = Qnil;
+ #ifndef old
+   buffer_defaults.selective_display_ellipses = Qt;
+ #endif
+   buffer_defaults.abbrev_table = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.display_table = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.undo_list = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.mark_active = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.file_format = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.overlays_before = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.overlays_after = Qnil;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.overlay_center, BEG);
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.tab_width, 8);
+   buffer_defaults.truncate_lines = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.ctl_arrow = Qt;
+   buffer_defaults.direction_reversed = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.cursor_type = Qt;
+   buffer_defaults.extra_line_spacing = Qnil;
+ #ifdef DOS_NT
+   buffer_defaults.buffer_file_type = Qnil; /* TEXT */
+ #endif
+   buffer_defaults.enable_multibyte_characters = Qt;
+   buffer_defaults.buffer_file_coding_system = Qnil;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.fill_column, 70);
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.left_margin, 0);
+   buffer_defaults.cache_long_line_scans = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.file_truename = Qnil;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.display_count, 0);
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.left_margin_cols, 0);
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_defaults.right_margin_cols, 0);
+   buffer_defaults.left_fringe_width = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.right_fringe_width = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.fringes_outside_margins = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.scroll_bar_width = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.vertical_scroll_bar_type = Qt;
+   buffer_defaults.indicate_empty_lines = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.scroll_up_aggressively = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.scroll_down_aggressively = Qnil;
+   buffer_defaults.display_time = Qnil;
+   /* Assign the local-flags to the slots that have default values.
+      The local flag is a bit that is used in the buffer
+      to say that it has its own local value for the slot.
+      The local flag bits are in the local_var_flags slot of the buffer.  */
+   /* Nothing can work if this isn't true */
+   if (sizeof (EMACS_INT) != sizeof (Lisp_Object)) abort ();
+   /* 0 means not a lisp var, -1 means always local, else mask */
+   bzero (&buffer_local_flags, sizeof buffer_local_flags);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.filename, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.directory, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.backed_up, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.save_length, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.auto_save_file_name, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.read_only, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.major_mode, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.mode_name, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.undo_list, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.mark_active, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.point_before_scroll, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.file_truename, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.invisibility_spec, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.file_format, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.display_count, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.display_time, -1);
+   XSETINT (buffer_local_flags.enable_multibyte_characters, -1);
+   idx = 1;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.mode_line_format, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.abbrev_mode, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.overwrite_mode, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.case_fold_search, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.auto_fill_function, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.selective_display, idx); ++idx;
+ #ifndef old
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.selective_display_ellipses, idx); ++idx;
+ #endif
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.tab_width, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.truncate_lines, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.ctl_arrow, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.fill_column, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.left_margin, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.abbrev_table, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.display_table, idx); ++idx;
+ #ifdef DOS_NT
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.buffer_file_type, idx);
+   /* Make this one a permanent local.  */
+   buffer_permanent_local_flags[idx++] = 1;
+ #endif
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.syntax_table, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.cache_long_line_scans, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.category_table, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.direction_reversed, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.buffer_file_coding_system, idx);
+   /* Make this one a permanent local.  */
+   buffer_permanent_local_flags[idx++] = 1;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.left_margin_cols, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.right_margin_cols, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.left_fringe_width, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.right_fringe_width, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.fringes_outside_margins, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.scroll_bar_width, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.vertical_scroll_bar_type, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.indicate_empty_lines, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.scroll_up_aggressively, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.scroll_down_aggressively, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.header_line_format, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.cursor_type, idx); ++idx;
+   XSETFASTINT (buffer_local_flags.extra_line_spacing, idx); ++idx;
+   /* Need more room? */
+   if (idx >= MAX_PER_BUFFER_VARS)
+     abort ();
+   last_per_buffer_idx = idx;
+   Vbuffer_alist = Qnil;
+   current_buffer = 0;
+   all_buffers = 0;
+   QSFundamental = build_string ("Fundamental");
+   Qfundamental_mode = intern ("fundamental-mode");
+   buffer_defaults.major_mode = Qfundamental_mode;
+   Qmode_class = intern ("mode-class");
+   Qprotected_field = intern ("protected-field");
+   Qpermanent_local = intern ("permanent-local");
+   Qkill_buffer_hook = intern ("kill-buffer-hook");
+   Qucs_set_table_for_input = intern ("ucs-set-table-for-input");
+   Vprin1_to_string_buffer = Fget_buffer_create (build_string (" prin1"));
+   /* super-magic invisible buffer */
+   Vbuffer_alist = Qnil;
+   Fset_buffer (Fget_buffer_create (build_string ("*scratch*")));
+   inhibit_modification_hooks = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ init_buffer ()
+ {
+   char buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
+   char *pwd;
+   struct stat dotstat, pwdstat;
+   Lisp_Object temp;
+   int rc;
+  {
+    /* When using the ralloc implementation based on mmap(2), buffer
+       text pointers will have been set to null in the dumped Emacs.
+       Map new memory.  */
+    struct buffer *b;
+    for (b = all_buffers; b; b = b->next)
+      if (b->text->beg == NULL)
+        enlarge_buffer_text (b, 0);
+  }
+ #endif /* USE_MMAP_FOR_BUFFERS */
+   Fset_buffer (Fget_buffer_create (build_string ("*scratch*")));
+   if (NILP (buffer_defaults.enable_multibyte_characters))
+     Fset_buffer_multibyte (Qnil);
+   /* If PWD is accurate, use it instead of calling getwd.  PWD is
+      sometimes a nicer name, and using it may avoid a fatal error if a
+      parent directory is searchable but not readable.  */
+   if ((pwd = getenv ("PWD")) != 0
+       && (IS_DIRECTORY_SEP (*pwd) || (*pwd && IS_DEVICE_SEP (pwd[1])))
+       && stat (pwd, &pwdstat) == 0
+       && stat (".", &dotstat) == 0
+       && dotstat.st_ino == pwdstat.st_ino
+       && dotstat.st_dev == pwdstat.st_dev
+       && strlen (pwd) < MAXPATHLEN)
+     strcpy (buf, pwd);
+ #ifdef HAVE_GETCWD
+   else if (getcwd (buf, MAXPATHLEN+1) == 0)
+     fatal ("`getcwd' failed: %s\n", strerror (errno));
+ #else
+   else if (getwd (buf) == 0)
+     fatal ("`getwd' failed: %s\n", buf);
+ #endif
+ #ifndef VMS
+   /* Maybe this should really use some standard subroutine
+      whose definition is filename syntax dependent.  */
+   rc = strlen (buf);
+   if (!(IS_DIRECTORY_SEP (buf[rc - 1])))
+     {
+       buf[rc] = DIRECTORY_SEP;
+       buf[rc + 1] = '\0';
+     }
+ #endif /* not VMS */
+   current_buffer->directory = build_string (buf);
+   /* Add /: to the front of the name
+      if it would otherwise be treated as magic.  */
+   temp = Ffind_file_name_handler (current_buffer->directory, Qt);
+   if (! NILP (temp)
+       /* If the default dir is just /, TEMP is non-nil
+        because of the ange-ftp completion handler.
+        However, it is not necessary to turn / into /:/.
+        So avoid doing that.  */
+       && strcmp ("/", SDATA (current_buffer->directory)))
+     current_buffer->directory
+       = concat2 (build_string ("/:"), current_buffer->directory);
+   temp = get_minibuffer (0);
+   XBUFFER (temp)->directory = current_buffer->directory;
+ }
+ /* initialize the buffer routines */
+ void
+ syms_of_buffer ()
+ {
+   staticpro (&last_overlay_modification_hooks);
+   last_overlay_modification_hooks
+     = Fmake_vector (make_number (10), Qnil);
+   staticpro (&Vbuffer_defaults);
+   staticpro (&Vbuffer_local_symbols);
+   staticpro (&Qfundamental_mode);
+   staticpro (&Qmode_class);
+   staticpro (&QSFundamental);
+   staticpro (&Vbuffer_alist);
+   staticpro (&Qprotected_field);
+   staticpro (&Qpermanent_local);
+   staticpro (&Qkill_buffer_hook);
+   Qoverlayp = intern ("overlayp");
+   staticpro (&Qoverlayp);
+   Qevaporate = intern ("evaporate");
+   staticpro (&Qevaporate);
+   Qmodification_hooks = intern ("modification-hooks");
+   staticpro (&Qmodification_hooks);
+   Qinsert_in_front_hooks = intern ("insert-in-front-hooks");
+   staticpro (&Qinsert_in_front_hooks);
+   Qinsert_behind_hooks = intern ("insert-behind-hooks");
+   staticpro (&Qinsert_behind_hooks);
+   Qget_file_buffer = intern ("get-file-buffer");
+   staticpro (&Qget_file_buffer);
+   Qpriority = intern ("priority");
+   staticpro (&Qpriority);
+   Qwindow = intern ("window");
+   staticpro (&Qwindow);
+   Qbefore_string = intern ("before-string");
+   staticpro (&Qbefore_string);
+   Qafter_string = intern ("after-string");
+   staticpro (&Qafter_string);
+   Qfirst_change_hook = intern ("first-change-hook");
+   staticpro (&Qfirst_change_hook);
+   Qbefore_change_functions = intern ("before-change-functions");
+   staticpro (&Qbefore_change_functions);
+   Qafter_change_functions = intern ("after-change-functions");
+   staticpro (&Qafter_change_functions);
+   staticpro (&Qucs_set_table_for_input);
+   Qkill_buffer_query_functions = intern ("kill-buffer-query-functions");
+   staticpro (&Qkill_buffer_query_functions);
+   Fput (Qprotected_field, Qerror_conditions,
+       Fcons (Qprotected_field, Fcons (Qerror, Qnil)));
+   Fput (Qprotected_field, Qerror_message,
+       build_string ("Attempt to modify a protected field"));
+   /* All these use DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO because the slots in
+      buffer_defaults will all be marked via Vbuffer_defaults.  */
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-mode-line-format",
+                    &buffer_defaults.mode_line_format,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `mode-line-format' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'mode-line-format).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-header-line-format",
+                    &buffer_defaults.header_line_format,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `header-line-format' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'header-line-format).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-cursor-type", &buffer_defaults.cursor_type,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `cursor-type' for buffers that 
don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'cursor-type).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-line-spacing",
+                    &buffer_defaults.extra_line_spacing,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `line-spacing' for buffers that 
don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'line-spacing).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-abbrev-mode",
+                    &buffer_defaults.abbrev_mode,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `abbrev-mode' for buffers that do 
not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'abbrev-mode).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-ctl-arrow",
+                    &buffer_defaults.ctl_arrow,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `ctl-arrow' for buffers that do 
not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'ctl-arrow).  */);
+    DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-direction-reversed",
+                     &buffer_defaults.direction_reversed,
+                     doc: /* Default value of `direction-reversed' for buffers 
that do not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'direction-reversed).  */);
+    DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-enable-multibyte-characters",
+                     &buffer_defaults.enable_multibyte_characters,
+                     doc: /* *Default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' 
for buffers not overriding it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters).  */);
+    DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-buffer-file-coding-system",
+                     &buffer_defaults.buffer_file_coding_system,
+                     doc: /* Default value of `buffer-file-coding-system' for 
buffers not overriding it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'buffer-file-coding-system).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-truncate-lines",
+                    &buffer_defaults.truncate_lines,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `truncate-lines' for buffers that 
do not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'truncate-lines).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-fill-column",
+                    &buffer_defaults.fill_column,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `fill-column' for buffers that do 
not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'fill-column).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-left-margin",
+                    &buffer_defaults.left_margin,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `left-margin' for buffers that do 
not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'left-margin).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-tab-width",
+             &buffer_defaults.tab_width,
+     doc: /* Default value of `tab-width' for buffers that do not override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'tab-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-case-fold-search",
+                    &buffer_defaults.case_fold_search,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `case-fold-search' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'case-fold-search).  */);
+ #ifdef DOS_NT
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-buffer-file-type",
+                    &buffer_defaults.buffer_file_type,
+                    doc: /* Default file type for buffers that do not override 
+ This is the same as (default-value 'buffer-file-type).
+ The file type is nil for text, t for binary.  */);
+ #endif
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-left-margin-width",
+                    &buffer_defaults.left_margin_cols,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `left-margin-width' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'left-margin-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-right-margin-width",
+                    &buffer_defaults.right_margin_cols,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `right-margin-width' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'right-margin-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-left-fringe-width",
+                    &buffer_defaults.left_fringe_width,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `left-fringe-width' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'left-fringe-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-right-fringe-width",
+                    &buffer_defaults.right_fringe_width,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `right-fringe-width' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'right-fringe-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-fringes-outside-margins",
+                    &buffer_defaults.fringes_outside_margins,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `fringes-outside-margins' for 
buffers that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'fringes-outside-margins).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-scroll-bar-width",
+                    &buffer_defaults.scroll_bar_width,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `scroll-bar-width' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'scroll-bar-width).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-vertical-scroll-bar",
+                    &buffer_defaults.vertical_scroll_bar_type,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `vertical-scroll-bar' for buffers 
that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'vertical-scroll-bar).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-indicate-empty-lines",
+                    &buffer_defaults.indicate_empty_lines,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `indicate-empty-lines' for 
buffers that don't override it.
+ This is the same as (default-value 'indicate-empty-lines).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-scroll-up-aggressively",
+                    &buffer_defaults.scroll_up_aggressively,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `scroll-up-aggressively'.
+ This value applies in buffers that don't have their own local values.
+ This variable is an alias for (default-value 'scroll-up-aggressively).  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-scroll-down-aggressively",
+                    &buffer_defaults.scroll_down_aggressively,
+                    doc: /* Default value of `scroll-down-aggressively'.
+ This value applies in buffers that don't have their own local values.
+ This variable is an alias for (default-value 'scroll-down-aggressively).  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("header-line-format",
+                    &current_buffer->header_line_format,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Analogous to `mode-line-format', but controls the 
header line.
+ The header line appears, optionally, at the top of a window;
+ the mode line appears at the bottom.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("mode-line-format", &current_buffer->mode_line_format,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Template for displaying mode line for current 
+ Each buffer has its own value of this variable.
+ Value may be nil, a string, a symbol or a list or cons cell.
+ A value of nil means don't display a mode line.
+ For a symbol, its value is used (but it is ignored if t or nil).
+  A string appearing directly as the value of a symbol is processed verbatim
+  in that the %-constructs below are not recognized.
+  Note that unless the symbol is marked as a `risky-local-variable', all
+  properties in any strings, as well as all :eval and :propertize forms
+  in the value of that symbol will be ignored.
+ For a list of the form `(:eval FORM)', FORM is evaluated and the result
+  is used as a mode line element.  Be careful--FORM should not load any files,
+  because that can cause an infinite recursion.
+ For a list of the form `(:propertize ELT PROPS...)', ELT is displayed
+  with the specified properties PROPS applied.
+ For a list whose car is a symbol, the symbol's value is taken,
+  and if that is non-nil, the cadr of the list is processed recursively.
+  Otherwise, the caddr of the list (if there is one) is processed.
+ For a list whose car is a string or list, each element is processed
+  recursively and the results are effectively concatenated.
+ For a list whose car is an integer, the cdr of the list is processed
+   and padded (if the number is positive) or truncated (if negative)
+   to the width specified by that number.
+ A string is printed verbatim in the mode line except for %-constructs:
+   (%-constructs are allowed when the string is the entire mode-line-format
+    or when it is found in a cons-cell or a list)
+   %b -- print buffer name.      %f -- print visited file name.
+   %F -- print frame name.
+   %* -- print %, * or hyphen.   %+ -- print *, % or hyphen.
+       %& is like %*, but ignore read-only-ness.
+       % means buffer is read-only and * means it is modified.
+       For a modified read-only buffer, %* gives % and %+ gives *.
+   %s -- print process status.   %l -- print the current line number.
+   %c -- print the current column number (this makes editing slower).
+         To make the column number update correctly in all cases,
+       `column-number-mode' must be non-nil.
+   %p -- print percent of buffer above top of window, or Top, Bot or All.
+   %P -- print percent of buffer above bottom of window, perhaps plus Top,
+         or print Bottom or All.
+   %m -- print the mode name.
+   %n -- print Narrow if appropriate.
+   %z -- print mnemonics of buffer, terminal, and keyboard coding systems.
+   %Z -- like %z, but including the end-of-line format.
+   %[ -- print one [ for each recursive editing level.  %] similar.
+   %% -- print %.   %- -- print infinitely many dashes.
+ Decimal digits after the % specify field width to which to pad.  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP_NOPRO ("default-major-mode", &buffer_defaults.major_mode,
+                    doc: /* *Major mode for new buffers.  Defaults to 
+ nil here means use current buffer's major mode.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("major-mode", &current_buffer->major_mode,
+                    make_number (Lisp_Symbol),
+                    doc: /* Symbol for current buffer's major mode.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("mode-name", &current_buffer->mode_name,
+                      Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Pretty name of current buffer's major mode (a 
string).  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("abbrev-mode", &current_buffer->abbrev_mode, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil turns on automatic expansion of abbrevs as 
they are inserted.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("case-fold-search", &current_buffer->case_fold_search,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Non-nil if searches and matches should ignore 
case.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("fill-column", &current_buffer->fill_column,
+                    make_number (Lisp_Int),
+                    doc: /* *Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping 
should happen.
+ Interactively, you can set this using \\[set-fill-column].  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("left-margin", &current_buffer->left_margin,
+                    make_number (Lisp_Int),
+                    doc: /* *Column for the default indent-line-function to 
indent to.
+ Linefeed indents to this column in Fundamental mode.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("tab-width", &current_buffer->tab_width,
+                    make_number (Lisp_Int),
+                    doc: /* *Distance between tab stops (for display of tab 
characters), in columns.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("ctl-arrow", &current_buffer->ctl_arrow, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Non-nil means display control chars with uparrow.
+ A value of nil means use backslash and octal digits.
+ This variable does not apply to characters whose display is specified
+ in the current display table (if there is one).  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("enable-multibyte-characters",
+                    &current_buffer->enable_multibyte_characters,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil means the buffer contents are regarded as 
multi-byte characters.
+ Otherwise they are regarded as unibyte.  This affects the display,
+ file I/O and the behavior of various editing commands.
+ This variable is buffer-local but you cannot set it directly;
+ use the function `set-buffer-multibyte' to change a buffer's representation.
+ Changing its default value with `setq-default' is supported.
+ See also variable `default-enable-multibyte-characters' and Info node
+ `(elisp)Text Representations'.  */);
+   XSYMBOL (intern ("enable-multibyte-characters"))->constant = 1;
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-file-coding-system",
+                    &current_buffer->buffer_file_coding_system, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Coding system to be used for encoding the buffer 
contents on saving.
+ This variable applies to saving the buffer, and also to `write-region'
+ and other functions that use `write-region'.
+ It does not apply to sending output to subprocesses, however.
+ If this is nil, the buffer is saved without any code conversion
+ unless some coding system is specified in `file-coding-system-alist'
+ for the buffer file.
+ If the text to be saved cannot be encoded as specified by this variable,
+ an alternative encoding is selected by `select-safe-coding-system', which see.
+ The variable `coding-system-for-write', if non-nil, overrides this variable.
+ This variable is never applied to a way of decoding a file while reading it.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("direction-reversed", 
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Non-nil means lines in the buffer are displayed 
right to left.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("truncate-lines", &current_buffer->truncate_lines, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Non-nil means do not display continuation lines.
+ Instead, give each line of text just one screen line.
+ Note that this is overridden by the variable
+ `truncate-partial-width-windows' if that variable is non-nil
+ and this buffer is not full-frame width.  */);
+ #ifdef DOS_NT
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-file-type", &current_buffer->buffer_file_type,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil if the visited file is a binary file.
+ This variable is meaningful on MS-DOG and Windows NT.
+ On those systems, it is automatically local in every buffer.
+ On other systems, this variable is normally always nil.  */);
+ #endif
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("default-directory", &current_buffer->directory,
+                    make_number (Lisp_String),
+                    doc: /* Name of default directory of current buffer.  
Should end with slash.
+ To interactively change the default directory, use command `cd'.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("auto-fill-function", 
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Function called (if non-nil) to perform auto-fill.
+ It is called after self-inserting any character specified in
+ the `auto-fill-chars' table.
+ NOTE: This variable is not a hook;
+ its value may not be a list of functions.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-file-name", &current_buffer->filename,
+                    make_number (Lisp_String),
+                    doc: /* Name of file visited in current buffer, or nil if 
not visiting a file.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-file-truename", &current_buffer->file_truename,
+                    make_number (Lisp_String),
+                    doc: /* Abbreviated truename of file visited in current 
buffer, or nil if none.
+ The truename of a file is calculated by `file-truename'
+ and then abbreviated with `abbreviate-file-name'.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-auto-save-file-name",
+                    &current_buffer->auto_save_file_name,
+                    make_number (Lisp_String),
+                    doc: /* Name of file for auto-saving current buffer.
+ If it is nil, that means don't auto-save this buffer.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-read-only", &current_buffer->read_only, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil if this buffer is read-only.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-backed-up", &current_buffer->backed_up, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil if this buffer's file has been backed up.
+ Backing up is done before the first time the file is saved.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-saved-size", &current_buffer->save_length,
+                    make_number (Lisp_Int),
+                    doc: /* Length of current buffer when last read in, saved 
or auto-saved.
+ 0 initially.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("selective-display", &current_buffer->selective_display,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil enables selective display.
+ An Integer N as value means display only lines
+ that start with less than n columns of space.
+ A value of t means that the character ^M makes itself and
+ all the rest of the line invisible; also, when saving the buffer
+ in a file, save the ^M as a newline.  */);
+ #ifndef old
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("selective-display-ellipses",
+                   &current_buffer->selective_display_ellipses,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil means display ... on previous line when a 
line is invisible.  */);
+ #endif
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("overwrite-mode", &current_buffer->overwrite_mode, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil if self-insertion should replace existing 
+ The value should be one of `overwrite-mode-textual',
+ `overwrite-mode-binary', or nil.
+ If it is `overwrite-mode-textual', self-insertion still
+ inserts at the end of a line, and inserts when point is before a tab,
+ until the tab is filled in.
+ If `overwrite-mode-binary', self-insertion replaces newlines and tabs too.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-display-table", &current_buffer->display_table,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Display table that controls display of the 
contents of current buffer.
+ If this variable is nil, the value of `standard-display-table' is used.
+ Each window can have its own, overriding display table, see
+ `set-window-display-table' and `window-display-table'.
+ The display table is a char-table created with `make-display-table'.
+ A char-table is an array indexed by character codes.  Normal array
+ primitives `aref' and `aset' can be used to access elements of a char-table.
+ Each of the char-table elements control how to display the corresponding
+ text character: the element at index C in the table says how to display
+ the character whose code is C.  Each element should be a vector of
+ characters or nil.  nil means display the character in the default fashion;
+ otherwise, the characters from the vector are delivered to the screen
+ instead of the original character.
+ For example, (aset buffer-display-table ?X ?Y) will cause Emacs to display
+ a capital Y instead of each X character.
+ In addition, a char-table has six extra slots to control the display of:
+   the end of a truncated screen line (extra-slot 0, a single character);
+   the end of a continued line (extra-slot 1, a single character);
+   the escape character used to display character codes in octal
+     (extra-slot 2, a single character);
+   the character used as an arrow for control characters (extra-slot 3,
+     a single character);
+   the decoration indicating the presence of invisible lines (extra-slot 4,
+     a vector of characters);
+   the character used to draw the border between side-by-side windows
+     (extra-slot 5, a single character).
+ See also the functions `display-table-slot' and `set-display-table-slot'.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("left-margin-width", &current_buffer->left_margin_cols,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Width of left marginal area for display of a 
+ A value of nil means no marginal area.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("right-margin-width", &current_buffer->right_margin_cols,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Width of right marginal area for display of a 
+ A value of nil means no marginal area.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("left-fringe-width", &current_buffer->left_fringe_width,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Width of this buffer's left fringe (in pixels).
+ A value of 0 means no left fringe is shown in this buffer's window.
+ A value of nil means to use the left fringe width from the window's frame.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("right-fringe-width", 
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Width of this buffer's right fringe (in pixels).
+ A value of 0 means no right fringe is shown in this buffer's window.
+ A value of nil means to use the right fringe width from the window's frame.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("fringes-outside-margins", 
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Non-nil means to display fringes outside display 
+ A value of nil means to display fringes between margins and buffer text.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("scroll-bar-width", &current_buffer->scroll_bar_width,
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Width of this buffer's scroll bars in pixels.
+ A value of nil means to use the scroll bar width from the window's frame.  
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("vertical-scroll-bar", 
+                    Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Position of this buffer's vertical scroll bar.
+ A value of left or right means to place the vertical scroll bar at that side
+ of the window; a value of nil means that this window has no vertical scroll 
+ A value of t means to use the vertical scroll bar type from the window's 
frame.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("indicate-empty-lines",
+                    &current_buffer->indicate_empty_lines, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* *Visually indicate empty lines after the buffer 
+ If non-nil, a bitmap is displayed in the left fringe of a window on
+ window-systems.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("scroll-up-aggressively",
+                    &current_buffer->scroll_up_aggressively, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* How far to scroll windows upward.
+ If you move point off the bottom, the window scrolls automatically.
+ This variable controls how far it scrolls.  nil, the default,
+ means scroll to center point.  A fraction means scroll to put point
+ that fraction of the window's height from the bottom of the window.
+ When the value is 0.0, point goes at the bottom line, which in the simple
+ case that you moved off with C-f means scrolling just one line.  1.0 means
+ point goes at the top, so that in that simple case, the window
+ window scrolls by a full window height.  Meaningful values are
+ between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("scroll-down-aggressively",
+                    &current_buffer->scroll_down_aggressively, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* How far to scroll windows downward.
+ If you move point off the top, the window scrolls automatically.
+ This variable controls how far it scrolls.  nil, the default,
+ means scroll to center point.  A fraction means scroll to put point
+ that fraction of the window's height from the top of the window.
+ When the value is 0.0, point goes at the top line, which in the simple
+ case that you moved off with C-b means scrolling just one line.  1.0 means
+ point goes at the bottom, so that in that simple case, the window
+ window scrolls by a full window height.  Meaningful values are
+ between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.  */);
+ /*DEFVAR_LISP ("debug-check-symbol", &Vcheck_symbol,
+     "Don't ask.");
+ */
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("before-change-functions", &Vbefore_change_functions,
+              doc: /* List of functions to call before each text change.
+ Two arguments are passed to each function: the positions of
+ the beginning and end of the range of old text to be changed.
+ \(For an insertion, the beginning and end are at the same place.)
+ No information is given about the length of the text after the change.
+ Buffer changes made while executing the `before-change-functions'
+ don't call any before-change or after-change functions.
+ That's because these variables are temporarily set to nil.
+ As a result, a hook function cannot straightforwardly alter the value of
+ these variables.  See the Emacs Lisp manual for a way of
+ accomplishing an equivalent result by using other variables.
+ If an unhandled error happens in running these functions,
+ the variable's value remains nil.  That prevents the error
+ from happening repeatedly and making Emacs nonfunctional.  */);
+   Vbefore_change_functions = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("after-change-functions", &Vafter_change_functions,
+              doc: /* List of functions to call after each text change.
+ Three arguments are passed to each function: the positions of
+ the beginning and end of the range of changed text,
+ and the length in bytes of the pre-change text replaced by that range.
+ \(For an insertion, the pre-change length is zero;
+ for a deletion, that length is the number of bytes deleted,
+ and the post-change beginning and end are at the same place.)
+ Buffer changes made while executing the `after-change-functions'
+ don't call any before-change or after-change functions.
+ That's because these variables are temporarily set to nil.
+ As a result, a hook function cannot straightforwardly alter the value of
+ these variables.  See the Emacs Lisp manual for a way of
+ accomplishing an equivalent result by using other variables.
+ If an unhandled error happens in running these functions,
+ the variable's value remains nil.  That prevents the error
+ from happening repeatedly and making Emacs nonfunctional.  */);
+   Vafter_change_functions = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("first-change-hook", &Vfirst_change_hook,
+              doc: /* A list of functions to call before changing a buffer 
which is unmodified.
+ The functions are run using the `run-hooks' function.  */);
+   Vfirst_change_hook = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-undo-list", &current_buffer->undo_list, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* List of undo entries in current buffer.
+ Recent changes come first; older changes follow newer.
+ An entry (BEG . END) represents an insertion which begins at
+ position BEG and ends at position END.
+ An entry (TEXT . POSITION) represents the deletion of the string TEXT
+ from (abs POSITION).  If POSITION is positive, point was at the front
+ of the text being deleted; if negative, point was at the end.
+ An entry (t HIGH . LOW) indicates that the buffer previously had
+ \"unmodified\" status.  HIGH and LOW are the high and low 16-bit portions
+ of the visited file's modification time, as of that time.  If the
+ modification time of the most recent save is different, this entry is
+ obsolete.
+ An entry (nil PROPERTY VALUE BEG . END) indicates that a text property
+ was modified between BEG and END.  PROPERTY is the property name,
+ and VALUE is the old value.
+ An entry (MARKER . DISTANCE) indicates that the marker MARKER
+ was adjusted in position by the offset DISTANCE (an integer).
+ An entry of the form POSITION indicates that point was at the buffer
+ location given by the integer.  Undoing an entry of this form places
+ point at POSITION.
+ nil marks undo boundaries.  The undo command treats the changes
+ between two undo boundaries as a single step to be undone.
+ If the value of the variable is t, undo information is not recorded.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("mark-active", &current_buffer->mark_active, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil means the mark and region are currently 
active in this buffer.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("cache-long-line-scans", 
&current_buffer->cache_long_line_scans, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Non-nil means that Emacs should use caches to 
handle long lines more quickly.
+ Normally, the line-motion functions work by scanning the buffer for
+ newlines.  Columnar operations (like move-to-column and
+ compute-motion) also work by scanning the buffer, summing character
+ widths as they go.  This works well for ordinary text, but if the
+ buffer's lines are very long (say, more than 500 characters), these
+ motion functions will take longer to execute.  Emacs may also take
+ longer to update the display.
+ If cache-long-line-scans is non-nil, these motion functions cache the
+ results of their scans, and consult the cache to avoid rescanning
+ regions of the buffer until the text is modified.  The caches are most
+ beneficial when they prevent the most searching---that is, when the
+ buffer contains long lines and large regions of characters with the
+ same, fixed screen width.
+ When cache-long-line-scans is non-nil, processing short lines will
+ become slightly slower (because of the overhead of consulting the
+ cache), and the caches will use memory roughly proportional to the
+ number of newlines and characters whose screen width varies.
+ The caches require no explicit maintenance; their accuracy is
+ maintained internally by the Emacs primitives.  Enabling or disabling
+ the cache should not affect the behavior of any of the motion
+ functions; it should only affect their performance.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("point-before-scroll", 
&current_buffer->point_before_scroll, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Value of point before the last series of scroll 
operations, or nil.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-file-format", &current_buffer->file_format, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* List of formats to use when saving this buffer.
+ Formats are defined by `format-alist'.  This variable is
+ set when a file is visited.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-invisibility-spec",
+                    &current_buffer->invisibility_spec, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Invisibility spec of this buffer.
+ The default is t, which means that text is invisible
+ if it has a non-nil `invisible' property.
+ If the value is a list, a text character is invisible if its `invisible'
+ property is an element in that list.
+ If an element is a cons cell of the form (PROP . ELLIPSIS),
+ then characters with property value PROP are invisible,
+ and they have an ellipsis as well if ELLIPSIS is non-nil.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-display-count",
+                    &current_buffer->display_count, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* A number incremented each time this buffer is 
displayed in a window.
+ The function `set-window-buffer' increments it.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("buffer-display-time",
+                    &current_buffer->display_time, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Time stamp updated each time this buffer is 
displayed in a window.
+ The function `set-window-buffer' updates this variable
+ to the value obtained by calling `current-time'.
+ If the buffer has never been shown in a window, the value is nil.  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("transient-mark-mode", &Vtransient_mark_mode,
+              doc: /* *Non-nil means deactivate the mark when the buffer 
contents change.
+ Non-nil also enables highlighting of the region whenever the mark is active.
+ The variable `highlight-nonselected-windows' controls whether to highlight
+ all windows or just the selected window.  */);
+   Vtransient_mark_mode = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("inhibit-read-only", &Vinhibit_read_only,
+              doc: /* *Non-nil means disregard read-only status of buffers or 
+ If the value is t, disregard `buffer-read-only' and all `read-only'
+ text properties.  If the value is a list, disregard `buffer-read-only'
+ and disregard a `read-only' text property if the property value
+ is a member of the list.  */);
+   Vinhibit_read_only = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("cursor-type", &current_buffer->cursor_type, Qnil,
+      doc: /* Cursor to use when this buffer is in the selected window.
+ Values are interpreted as follows:
+   t            use the cursor specified for the frame
+   nil          don't display a cursor
+   bar          display a bar cursor with default width
+   (bar . WIDTH)        display a bar cursor with width WIDTH
+   ANYTHING ELSE        display a box cursor.
+ When the buffer is displayed in a nonselected window,
+ this variable has no effect; the cursor appears as a hollow box.  */);
+   DEFVAR_PER_BUFFER ("line-spacing",
+                    &current_buffer->extra_line_spacing, Qnil,
+                    doc: /* Additional space to put between lines when 
displaying a buffer.
+ The space is measured in pixels, and put below lines on window systems.  */);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("kill-buffer-query-functions", &Vkill_buffer_query_functions,
+              doc: /* List of functions called with no args to query before 
killing a buffer.  */);
+   Vkill_buffer_query_functions = Qnil;
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_live_p);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_list);
+   defsubr (&Sget_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sget_file_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sget_buffer_create);
+   defsubr (&Smake_indirect_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sgenerate_new_buffer_name);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_name);
+ /*defsubr (&Sbuffer_number);*/
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_file_name);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_base_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_local_value);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_local_variables);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_modified_p);
+   defsubr (&Sset_buffer_modified_p);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_modified_tick);
+   defsubr (&Srename_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sother_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_disable_undo);
+   defsubr (&Sbuffer_enable_undo);
+   defsubr (&Skill_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sset_buffer_major_mode);
+   defsubr (&Sswitch_to_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Spop_to_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Scurrent_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sset_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sbarf_if_buffer_read_only);
+   defsubr (&Sbury_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Serase_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Sset_buffer_multibyte);
+   defsubr (&Skill_all_local_variables);
+   defsubr (&Soverlayp);
+   defsubr (&Smake_overlay);
+   defsubr (&Sdelete_overlay);
+   defsubr (&Smove_overlay);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_start);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_end);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_buffer);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_properties);
+   defsubr (&Soverlays_at);
+   defsubr (&Soverlays_in);
+   defsubr (&Snext_overlay_change);
+   defsubr (&Sprevious_overlay_change);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_recenter);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_lists);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_get);
+   defsubr (&Soverlay_put);
+   defsubr (&Srestore_buffer_modified_p);
+ }
+ void
+ keys_of_buffer ()
+ {
+   initial_define_key (control_x_map, 'b', "switch-to-buffer");
+   initial_define_key (control_x_map, 'k', "kill-buffer");
+   /* This must not be in syms_of_buffer, because Qdisabled is not
+      initialized when that function gets called.  */
+   Fput (intern ("erase-buffer"), Qdisabled, Qt);
+ }

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