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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/gtkutil.c

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/gtkutil.c
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:03:58 -0500

Index: emacs/src/gtkutil.c
diff -c emacs/src/gtkutil.c:1.19 emacs/src/gtkutil.c:1.20
*** emacs/src/gtkutil.c:1.19    Fri Mar 14 14:13:17 2003
--- emacs/src/gtkutil.c Mon Mar 17 18:03:53 2003
*** 37,53 ****
- /* Key to save a struct xg_last_sb_pos in the scroll bars.  */
- #define XG_LAST_SB_POS "emacs_last_sb_pos"
- /*  Use this in scroll bars to keep track of when redraw is really needed.  */
- struct xg_last_sb_pos
- {
-   int portion, position, whole;
- };
                        Utility functions
--- 37,42 ----
*** 298,321 ****
    gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
- /* When the Emacs frame is resized, we must call this function for each
-    child of our GtkFixed widget.  The children are scroll bars and
-    we invalidate the last position data here so it will be properly
-    redrawn later when xg_update_scrollbar_pos is called.
-    W is the child widget.
-    CLIENT_DATA is not used.  */
- static handle_fixed_child (w, client_data)
-      GtkWidget *w;
-      gpointer client_data;
- {
-   struct xg_last_sb_pos *last_pos
-     = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (w), XG_LAST_SB_POS);
-   if (last_pos)
-     {
-       last_pos->portion = last_pos->position = last_pos->whole = .1;
-     }
- }
  /* This gets called after the frame F has been cleared.  Since that is
     done with X calls, we need to redraw GTK widget (scroll bars).  */
--- 287,292 ----
*** 326,334 ****
    if (wfixed)
-       gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (wfixed),
-                              (GtkCallback) handle_fixed_child,
-                              NULL);
        gtk_container_set_reallocate_redraws (GTK_CONTAINER (wfixed), TRUE);
        gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
--- 297,302 ----
*** 2277,2287 ****
     to indicate that callback should do nothing.  */
  int xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar;
- /* After we send a scroll bar event,  x_set_toolkit_scroll_bar_thumb will
-    be called.  For some reason that needs to be debugged, it gets called
-    with bad values.  Thus, we set this variable to ignore those calls.  */
- int xg_ignore_next_thumb;
  /* SET_SCROLL_BAR_X_WINDOW assumes the second argument fits in
     32 bits.  But we want to store pointers, and they may be larger
     than 32 bits.  Keep a mapping from integer index to widget pointers
--- 2245,2250 ----
*** 2391,2406 ****
    p = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), XG_LAST_SB_DATA);
    if (p) xfree (p);
-   p = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), XG_LAST_SB_POS);
-   if (p) xfree (p);
    xg_remove_widget_from_map (id);
  /* Callback for button press/release events.  Used to start timer so that
     the scroll bar repetition timer in GTK gets handeled.
     WIDGET is the scroll bar widget the event is for (not used).
     EVENT contains the event.
!    USER_DATA is 0 (not used).
     Returns FALSE to tell GTK that it shall continue propagate the event
     to widgets.  */
--- 2354,2368 ----
    p = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), XG_LAST_SB_DATA);
    if (p) xfree (p);
    xg_remove_widget_from_map (id);
  /* Callback for button press/release events.  Used to start timer so that
     the scroll bar repetition timer in GTK gets handeled.
+    Also, sets bar->dragging to Qnil when dragging (button release) is done.
     WIDGET is the scroll bar widget the event is for (not used).
     EVENT contains the event.
!    USER_DATA points to the struct scrollbar structure.
     Returns FALSE to tell GTK that it shall continue propagate the event
     to widgets.  */
*** 2412,2420 ****
    if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && ! xg_timer)
      xg_start_timer ();
!   else if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE && xg_timer)
!     xg_stop_timer ();
    return FALSE;
--- 2374,2386 ----
    if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && ! xg_timer)
      xg_start_timer ();
!   else if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
!     {
!       struct scroll_bar *bar = (struct scroll_bar *) user_data;
!       if (xg_timer) xg_stop_timer ();
!       bar->dragging = Qnil;
!     }
    return FALSE;
*** 2460,2487 ****
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (wscroll),
                      G_CALLBACK (scroll_bar_button_cb),
!                     0);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (wscroll),
                      G_CALLBACK (scroll_bar_button_cb),
!                     0);
    gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (f->output_data.x->edit_widget),
!                  wscroll, 0, 0);
    /* Set the cursor to an arrow.  */
    xg_set_cursor (wscroll, &xg_left_ptr_cursor);
-   /* Allocate a place to hold the last scollbar size.  GTK redraw for
-      scroll bars is basically clear all, and then redraw.  This flickers
-      a lot since xg_update_scrollbar_pos gets called on every cursor move
-      and a lot more places.  So we have this to check if a redraw really
-      is needed.  */
-   struct xg_last_sb_pos *last_pos
-     = (struct xg_last_sb_pos *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct xg_last_sb_pos));
-   last_pos->portion = last_pos->position = last_pos->whole = -1;
-   g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (wscroll), XG_LAST_SB_POS, last_pos);
    SET_SCROLL_BAR_X_WINDOW (bar, scroll_id);
--- 2426,2443 ----
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (wscroll),
                      G_CALLBACK (scroll_bar_button_cb),
!                     (gpointer)bar);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (wscroll),
                      G_CALLBACK (scroll_bar_button_cb),
!                     (gpointer)bar);
    gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (f->output_data.x->edit_widget),
!                  wscroll, -1, -1);
    /* Set the cursor to an arrow.  */
    xg_set_cursor (wscroll, &xg_left_ptr_cursor);
    SET_SCROLL_BAR_X_WINDOW (bar, scroll_id);
*** 2509,2514 ****
--- 2465,2493 ----
+ /* Find left/top for widget W in GtkFixed widget WFIXED.  */
+ static void
+ xg_find_top_left_in_fixed (w, wfixed, left, top)
+      GtkWidget *w, *wfixed;
+      int *left, *top;
+ {
+   GList *iter;
+   for (iter = GTK_FIXED (wfixed)->children; iter; iter = g_list_next (iter))
+     {
+       GtkFixedChild *child = (GtkFixedChild *) iter->data;
+       if (child->widget == w)
+         {
+           *left = child->x;
+           *top = child->y;
+           return;
+         }
+     }
+   /* Shall never end up here.  */
+   abort ();
+ }
  /* Update the position of the vertical scroll bar represented by SCROLLBAR_ID
     in frame F.
*** 2525,2558 ****
    GtkWidget *wscroll = xg_get_widget_from_map (scrollbar_id);
    if (wscroll)
-       int gheight = max (height, 1);
-       struct xg_last_sb_pos *last_pos
-         = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (wscroll), XG_LAST_SB_POS);
        GtkWidget *wfixed = f->output_data.x->edit_widget;
!       last_pos->portion = last_pos->position = last_pos->whole = -1;
!       xg_ignore_next_thumb = 0;
        gtk_fixed_move (GTK_FIXED (wfixed), wscroll, left, top);
        gtk_widget_set_size_request (wscroll, width, gheight);
        gtk_container_set_reallocate_redraws (GTK_CONTAINER (wfixed), TRUE);
!       /* Must force out update so wscroll gets the resize.
!          Otherwise, the gdk_window_clear clears the old window size.  */
!       gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
!       /* The scroll bar doesn't explicitly redraw the whole window
!          when a resize occurs.  Since the scroll bar seems to be fixed
!          in width it doesn't fill the space reserved, so we must clear
!          the whole window.  */
!       gdk_window_clear (wscroll->window);
!       /* Since we are not using a pure gtk event loop, we must force out
!          pending update events with this call.  */
        gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
--- 2504,2604 ----
    GtkWidget *wscroll = xg_get_widget_from_map (scrollbar_id);
    if (wscroll)
        GtkWidget *wfixed = f->output_data.x->edit_widget;
+       int gheight = max (height, 1);
+       int canon_width = FRAME_SCROLL_BAR_COLS (f) * CANON_X_UNIT (f);
+       int winextra = canon_width > width ? (canon_width - width) / 2 : 0;
+       int bottom = top + gheight;
!       gint slider_width;
!       int oldtop, oldleft, oldbottom;
!       GtkRequisition req;
!       /* Get old values.  */
!       xg_find_top_left_in_fixed (wscroll, wfixed, &oldleft, &oldtop);
!       gtk_widget_size_request (wscroll, &req);
!       oldbottom = oldtop + req.height;
!       /* Scroll bars in GTK has a fixed width, so if we say width 16, it
!          will only be its fixed width (14 is default) anyway, the rest is
!          blank.  We are drawing the mode line across scroll bars when
!          the frame is split:
!                                |bar| |fringe|
!                               ----------------
!                               mode line
!                               ----------------
!                                |bar| |fringe|
!          When we "unsplit" the frame:
!                                |bar| |fringe|
!                               -|   |-|      |
!                               m¦   |i|      |
!                               -|   |-|      |
!                                |   | |      |
!          the remains of the mode line can be seen in these blank spaces.
!          So we must clear them explicitly.
!          GTK scroll bars should do that, but they don't.
!          Also, the scroll bar canonical width may be wider than the width
!          passed in here.  */
!       if (oldtop != -1 && oldleft != -1)
!         {
!           int gtkextra;
!           int xl, xr, wblank;
!           int bottomdiff, topdiff;
!           gtk_widget_style_get (wscroll, "slider_width", &slider_width, NULL);
!           gtkextra = width > slider_width ? (width - slider_width) / 2 : 0;
!           xl = left - winextra;
!           wblank = gtkextra + winextra;
!           xr = left + gtkextra + slider_width;
!           bottomdiff = abs (oldbottom - bottom);
!           topdiff = abs (oldtop - top);
!           if (oldtop > top)
!             {
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xl, top, wblank, 
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xr, top, wblank, 
!             }
!           else if (oldtop < top)
!             {
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xl, oldtop, wblank,
!                                      topdiff);
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xr, oldtop, wblank,
!                                      topdiff);
!             }
!           if (oldbottom > bottom)
!             {
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xl, bottom, wblank,
!                                      bottomdiff);
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xr, bottom, wblank,
!                                      bottomdiff);
!             }
!           else if (oldbottom < bottom)
!             {
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xl, oldbottom, wblank,
!                                      bottomdiff);
!               gdk_window_clear_area (wfixed->window, xr, oldbottom, wblank,
!                                      bottomdiff);
!             }
!         }
+       /* Move and resize to new values.  */
        gtk_fixed_move (GTK_FIXED (wfixed), wscroll, left, top);
        gtk_widget_set_size_request (wscroll, width, gheight);
        gtk_container_set_reallocate_redraws (GTK_CONTAINER (wfixed), TRUE);
!       /* Make GTK draw the new sizes.  We are not using a pure GTK event
!          loop so we need to do this.  */
        gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
*** 2570,2585 ****
    GtkWidget *wscroll = xg_get_widget_from_map (SCROLL_BAR_X_WINDOW (bar));
    FRAME_PTR f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (XWINDOW (bar->window)));
-   struct xg_last_sb_pos *last_pos
-     = (wscroll ? g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (wscroll), XG_LAST_SB_POS) : 0);
!   if (wscroll
!       && ! xg_ignore_next_thumb
!       && last_pos
!       && (last_pos->portion != portion
!           || last_pos->position != position
!           || last_pos->whole != whole))
        GtkAdjustment *adj;
        gdouble shown;
--- 2616,2625 ----
    GtkWidget *wscroll = xg_get_widget_from_map (SCROLL_BAR_X_WINDOW (bar));
    FRAME_PTR f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (XWINDOW (bar->window)));
!   if (wscroll && NILP (bar->dragging))
        GtkAdjustment *adj;
        gdouble shown;
*** 2588,2593 ****
--- 2628,2641 ----
        adj = gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (wscroll));
+       /* We do the same as for MOTIF in xterm.c, assume 30 chars per line
+          rather than the real portion value.  This makes the thumb less likely
+          to resize and that looks better.  */
+       portion = XFASTINT (XWINDOW (bar->window)->height) * 30;
+       /* When the thumb is at the bottom, position == whole.
+          So we need to increase `whole' to make space for the thumb.  */
+       whole += portion;
        if (whole <= 0)
          top = 0, shown = 1;
*** 2604,2637 ****
        value = min (value, whole - size);
        value = max (value, XG_SB_MIN);
-       adj->upper = max (whole, size);
        adj->page_size = (int)size;
-       /* Assume a page increment is about 95% of the page size  */
-       adj->page_increment = (int) (0.95*adj->page_size);
-       /* Assume all lines are equal.  */
-       adj->step_increment = portion / max (1, FRAME_HEIGHT (f));
-       if (last_pos)
-         {
-           last_pos->portion = portion;
-           last_pos->position = position;
-           last_pos->whole = whole;
-         }
        /* gtk_range_set_value invokes the callback.  Set
           ignore_gtk_scrollbar to make the callback do nothing  */
        xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar = 1;
        gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (wscroll), (gdouble)value);
        xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar = 0;
!       /* Make sure the scroll bar is redrawn with new thumb  */
!       gtk_widget_queue_draw (wscroll);
-   gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
-   xg_ignore_next_thumb = 0;
--- 2652,2679 ----
        value = min (value, whole - size);
        value = max (value, XG_SB_MIN);
        adj->page_size = (int)size;
        /* gtk_range_set_value invokes the callback.  Set
           ignore_gtk_scrollbar to make the callback do nothing  */
        xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar = 1;
+       gtk_range_set_range (GTK_RANGE (wscroll), adj->lower, max (whole, 
+       /* Assume all lines are of equal size.  */
+       /* Assume a page increment is about 95% of the page size  */
+       gtk_range_set_increments (GTK_RANGE (wscroll),
+                                 portion / max (1, FRAME_HEIGHT (f)),
+                                 (int) (0.95*adj->page_size));
        gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (wscroll), (gdouble)value);
        xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar = 0;
!       /* Make GTK draw the new thumb.  We are not using a pure GTK event
!          loop so we need to do this.  */
!       gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
*** 3079,3085 ****
  xg_initialize ()
    xg_ignore_gtk_scrollbar = 0;
-   xg_ignore_next_thumb = 0;
    xg_left_ptr_cursor = 0;
    xg_did_tearoff = 0;
--- 3121,3126 ----

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