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Re: map.el documentation

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: map.el documentation
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:45:59 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Robert Pluim <rpluim@gmail.com> writes:

> Thatʼs how (setf (a/plist-get ....)) works, yes.
> I could argue thatʼs a bug in the `list' method for `map-insert', it
> conses the new key/value onto the map, when it could just use the
> default method which does `map-put!' on a copy of the map.
> The only in-house usage of `map-insert' is in ert.el. I donʼt think
> making `map-insert' update an existing mapping would break anything
> there, but itʼs probably too late to change it now.

I agree, it is probably too late.  I could argue this an inaccuracy in
the docstrings.  It should just say what you said above: For an alist,
the new key/value is consed onto the map, for others, the current
mapping is overwritten, and relax the reference to `map-put!' a bit.
That should suffice, IMHO.

Maybe Someone™ who's touching the docstrings can consider this :-)

> In what way is it different? They both return a map where (map-elt map
> 'x) returns 3.

I was just looking at the return value and tried to streamline that with
the docstring.  My question was not about further processing of the

Best, Arash

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