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Re: master 64d314e0f64 2/2: Prefer defface's ':slant italic' to obsolete

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: master 64d314e0f64 2/2: Prefer defface's ':slant italic' to obsolete alias ':italic t'
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 11:15:16 -0800

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

> Stefan,
> This (and other similar hunks) doesn't seem right to me:
>> - '(font-lock-comment-face       ((t (:italic t :slant oblique :foreground 
>> "chocolate1"))))
>> + '(font-lock-comment-face       ((t (:slant italic :slant oblique 
>> :foreground "chocolate1"))))
>>   '(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:foreground "Salmon"))))
>> - '(font-lock-doc-face           ((t (:italic t :slant oblique :foreground 
>> "LightCoral"))))
>> + '(font-lock-doc-face           ((t (:slant italic :slant oblique 
>> :foreground "LightCoral"))))
> What do we expect from specifying the same face attribute twice?

I don't know what is the intention here, but what I see is that the
before case is:

    (defface my-testface '((default :italic t :slant oblique)) "")

    (face-attribute 'my-testface :slant)      ; => oblique

and the after case is:

    (defface my-testface '((default :slant italic :slant oblique)) "")

    (face-attribute 'my-testface :slant)      ; => oblique

So maybe we should just remove the first attribute?  It never seems to
have had an effect anyways.

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