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Re: scratch/igc renamed ad feature/igc [was: scratch/igc as a feature br

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: Re: scratch/igc renamed ad feature/igc [was: scratch/igc as a feature branch]
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:05:46 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de> writes:

> Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Gerd,
>>> Test set-commit-limit-test condition:
>>>     (void-function igc--set-commit-limit)
>> Can it be that Emacs wasn't configured --with-mps? Can I see that
>> somewhere?
> For sure, it isn't configured --with-mps. See
> test/infra/Dockerfile.emba, target emacs-inotify.
>> Another question would be how to run igc-tests only if (featurep 'mps),
>> I guess. Or how to to run 2 configurations, one with, and one without
>> mps.
> This can be set up. In Dockerfile.emba, there are such targets, like
> emacs-filenotify-gio, emacs-eglot, emacs-tree-sitter, emacs-gnustep, and
> emacs-native-comp.
> If you like, we could create an extra target emacs-mps, which is
> configured --with-mps.

Thanks! I think that's something for the maintainers to tell.

WRT running igc-tests only if (featurep 'mps): One could do what is done
for native-comp in test/Makefile.in. That is, add a ':tag igc' to all
igc tests, arrange for HAVE_MPS to AC_SUBST'd in the Makefile, and then
ifeq and what not so that the tests are executed or not.

Quite some effort. Someone has to tell if that's needed or not, or
better yet, do it :-).

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