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Re: [elpa] externals/dape bd1c30d52e 1/5: Fix out of hexl region error

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: [elpa] externals/dape bd1c30d52e 1/5: Fix out of hexl region error
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 11:12:58 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

> I am not sure if it makes sense to drop hexl support (if not nhexl is
> moved into core) but I am all for adding some custom's for swapping out
> hexl-mode for nhexl-mode if that is what the user wants.

[ I'll let you decide how that should work.  ]

> Currently the dape-read-memory installs:
> - variable for address offset
> - revert-function to convert base64 string into hexl buffer
> - write-contents-functions function for converting back into base64 and
> sending to debug adapter

Sounds like these would also be needed for nhexl, tho probably
with the details being different.

> It would be preferable if nhexl-mode had some built in way of setting
> the offset.

Yes, I'd be happy to change nhexl mode to better support Dape.
Should I expect a patch from you?


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