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Re: scratch/igc: Avoid MPS being interrupted by signals

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: scratch/igc: Avoid MPS being interrupted by signals
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:27:53 +0200

> From: Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com>
> Cc: Emacs Devel <emacs-devel@gnu.org>
> Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 10:34:14 +0100
> Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes:
> > I don't know what you decided wrt scratch/igc and Eli.  
> I just looked at the situation. The branch was stuck, the discussions
> were stuck. Everyone is entitled to have his worries of course, but I'm
> poking about in the fog why Eli is worried, and I'm obviously unable to
> explain things well enough or induce enough trust to make this work.
> That's why I think it's currently not wise pursuing a merge, at least
> with the persons involved so far. It's too draining and in the end only
> leads to ill feelings.
> Whatever.
> Someone from the outside is needed to solve this. Maybe Daniel can
> explain things better. Or maybe one should ask Stefan Monnier to get
> involved, or the other maintainers, I don't know. 
> Not my problem, TBH. Being reckless again :-).

I don't think I understand why you regard this so pessimistically.
The branch was not stuck, in the sense that no one, certainly not
myself, said commits couldn't be pushed to it.  The discussion wasn't
stuck, either, at least from my POV: we just reached the point where I
personally had nothing else useful to say on the subject.  Your
explanations (and those of Daniel and others) were helpful, and I
think at least I now understand the issues better.  I do still worry
that identifying all the situations where we'd need changes will be a
big and maybe long-term job, but since you-all say that either it
isn't such a big job or there's no way around it, I guess we will

Merging is also not an issue: I don't envision the branch landing in
the immediate future, so there's nothing to worry about.  I started
the discussion not because I wanted to land the branch right now, but
because I wanted to estimate how much more work is needed.

So I'm afraid I don't see a problem that needs to be solved here,
yours or SE's.  To answer Pip's question: there's no decision I know
about that must be made here.

But if someone disagrees, please do speak up.  These discussions are
held on emacs-devel precisely for that reason.

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