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Re: Treesitter injection support

From: Pranshu Sharma
Subject: Re: Treesitter injection support
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:36:47 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> writes:

>>> Ok, so the problem is nested parsers. I don’t think the overlap
>>> would
>>> cause any problem. Right now treesit-range-settings can only give
>>> you
>>> one nested layer. I’ll need to make it support nesting a parser
>>> inside
>>> a local parser of the same language. I’ll work on that once I wrap
>>> up
>>> the thing I’m working on right now :-)
>> Thanks, this definetly seems like the problem.  Also the
>> treesit-range-settings seems kind of unstable, example when I
>> purposly
>> leave closed string before it, and close the string, it doesn't
>> reparse.
> Can you show me a concrete example (reproduce recipe)? I can look into
> it.

I attached a video that demostrated it.  It also shows a second bug, in
which perfomance is exponentially bad because of

I've attached all the relevent fiels, and note the long file with
horrible perfomance was

Attachment: simplescreenrecorder-2025-01-07_19.25.54.mkv
Description: Bug

Attachment: perl-ts-mode.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

Attachment: test.pl
Description: Text Data

Pranshu Sharma <https://p.bauherren.ovh>

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