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Re: Adding git-commit highlight mode?

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Adding git-commit highlight mode?
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 14:39:36 +0000

Björn Bidar <bjorn.bidar@thaodan.de> writes:

> Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com> writes:
>> On 1/2/2025 10:30 AM, Konstantin Kharlamov wrote:
>>> But Emacs seems to be the only widely popular editor that still doesn't
>>> provide OOTB at least syntax highlight for git-commit format. So, does
>>> anyone have opposition to adding a major mode that would be bound to
>>> filenames like `COMMIT_EDITMSG` and others, and would provide the
>>> aforementioned highlight?
>> For what it's worth, I wrote a very simple package to do this for
>> myself, since I don't use Magit. (I'm just so used to the Git command
>> line that I've never taken the time to mess with Magit.)
> Is there a way we can do this without reinventing the wheel? E.g. by
> including Jonas's git-commit mode into Emacs?
> PS: It would be very beneficial to not uses Github for Emacs
> development but other FOSS platforms such as Codeberg. No need to feed
> Copilot with our code to copy it into other non-FOSS code.

How would this be using Github?

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