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Re: Any expert on font-lock machinery able to provide some insight

From: Harald Kirsch
Subject: Re: Any expert on font-lock machinery able to provide some insight
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 14:57:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

For better research I made a trivial example font lock function and call
it, to simulate the async server round-trip, on a timer like so:

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

(defun eglot-semtok-request-fontification (&optional beg end loudly)
  (message "front %s-%s" beg end)
   0.1 nil
   (lambda () (t-eglot-semtok-request-fontification beg end loudly)) ) )

(defun t-eglot-semtok-request-fontification (&optional beg end loudly)
  (message "timer %s-%s" beg end)
    (font-lock-unfontify-region beg end)
    (goto-char beg)
    (while-let ((mend (re-search-forward "[a-z]+\\(-[a-z]+\\)+" end t))
                (mstart (car (match-data))) )
      (add-face-text-property mstart mend 'bold) ) ))

(setq font-lock-defaults
      '(nil nil nil nil
             . eglot-semtok-request-fontification )
             . eglot-semtok-request-fontification ) ) )

- put into text file (easier to override font-lock)
- M-x eval-buffer
- M-x font-lock-mode
- M-x font-lock-mode
- insert a space near the top
- move cursor

See how for each cursor move the same front and timer messages are
shown. When configuring the t-... function directly in setq and starting
over, the extra font-lock calls are not seen.

How would eglot-semtok-request-fontification need to change, short of
actually fontifying everything, to lure font-locking into thinking all
is fine, no need to run again shortly after?


On 03.01.25 14:32, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
[Please use Reply All, to keep the list CC'ed.]

Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 13:44:04 +0100
From: Harald Kirsch <pifpafpuf@gmx.de>

Hi Eli,

thanks for the explanation.

On 03.01.25 12:58, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
But it seems I am missing another channel of information which triggers
font-locking too often.

Why does it bother you that it happens too often?

1. I compare with elisp font-locking which is much less frequent.

2. It is eglot-semtok, which does an LSP server call to get font-lock
information. It is quick enough and I wouldn't have noticed without the
logging, but it seems a waste nevertheless.

With describe-char I do see

There are text properties here:
     fontified            defer

not going away. Can this point to the problem?

This should only happen with buffer positions that were not yet
fontified.  If the buffer position was already fontified, the value
should be t.

The buffer position was already fontified, so I should not see this. I
might be doing something wrong so that the font-lock machinery thinks,
font-locking did not happen. The actual fontification happens
asynchronously (due to the server roundtrip), but I thought I had given
the engine enough info pretending all is done. I don't fully understand,
how the decision is made to fontify again.


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