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Re: Emacs 31.0.50 (2f1052d9b0de) will line-number in some buffers which

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Emacs 31.0.50 (2f1052d9b0de) will line-number in some buffers which shouldn't show it, is there some changed in recent master branch related to display-line-number
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 10:45:50 +0200

> From: Eval EXEC <execvy@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 13:45:11 +0800
> -- 
> Hello, I am building Emacs from source, and I’ve noticed something
> unusual. Line numbers appear in my rg and xref buffers, but they
> disappear after approximately 100ms. This happens even though I’ve only
> configured display-line-number-mode to be enabled in prog-mode via an
> add-hook.

Can you show a minimal recipe for reproducing this problem starting
from "emacs -Q"?

It is best to post that using "M-x report-emacs-bug", so that this and
the following discussion get recorded by our issue tracker.

> Has there been any recent change in the code related to 
> display-line-number-mode that might explain this behavior?

Not that I know of, but that doesn't mean we couldn't introduce some
inadvertent changes!

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