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Re: [GNU ELPA] New package: tramp-locproc
From: |
Björn Bidar |
Subject: |
Re: [GNU ELPA] New package: tramp-locproc |
Date: |
Wed, 01 Jan 2025 22:41:49 +0200 |
User-agent: |
Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) |
Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de> writes:
> Hi,
> I would like to submit a new package to GNU ELPA: tramp-locproc.
Why not make this a opt-in tramp-module? I wonder if a longer name would
be better as it does speak better for it self. Why not tramp-local-process?
> Beside the obvious advantage to run local processes over remote files,
> there is also the disadvantage that file names are adapted in order to
> reflect their local mount location.
When displayed in Emacs or for the processes executed?
> Therefore, I would appreciate to get feedback, whether people find this
> useful.
> Thanks, and best regards, Michael.
> ;;; tramp-locproc.el --- Tramp local processes for FUSE mounts -*-
> lexical-binding:t -*-
> ;; Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> ;; Author: Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de>
> ;; Keywords: comm, processes
> ;; Package: tramp-locproc
> ;; Version: 0
> ;; Package-Requires: ((tramp "2.7.2"))
> ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
> ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> ;; (at your option) any later version.
> ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
> ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> ;;; Commentary:
> ;; This package adds process support for "sshfs", "rclone" and all
> ;; methods defined in `tramp-gvfs-methods'. It overwrites the remote
> ;; process support in "sshfs"; the other methods have no process
> ;; support otherwise.
> ;; A remote process runs as a local process, using the local mount
> ;; name of `default-directory'. The program name is used literally,
> ;; after piping through `file-local-name'. As a consequence, programs
> ;; on the local host are called, which might not exist on the remote
> ;; host.
> ;; Arguments of the process, which are an absolute file name, are
> ;; transformed to the respective local mount name. That is, a file
> ;; name "/path/to/file" is located on the local host as
> ;; "/mount_point/path/to/file". This is suppressed if user option
> ;; `tramp-locproc-extend-arguments' is nil.
> ;; Although not strictly remote, Tramp archive files are also
> ;; supported. That is, a local process can run over the file system
> ;; which is defined by a file archive, see (info "(tramp) Archive file
> ;; names") .
> ;; If this package is unloaded via `M-x unload-feature RET tramp-locproc',
> ;; the original implementation of the different Tramp backends is restored.
> ;;; Code:
> (require 'tramp)
> (defvar tramp-locproc-unload-file-name-handler-alist nil
> "Variable keeping unload information.")
> (defun tramp-locproc-massage-file-name-handler-alist (fnha)
> "Adapt FNHA to the needs of `tramp-locproc'.
> FNHA is the variable symbol, collecting handler functions for a Tramp
> backend."
> (let ((val (symbol-value fnha)))
> ;; Prepare unloading. This must be performed prior modifying FNHA.
> (unless (assq fnha tramp-locproc-unload-file-name-handler-alist)
> (add-to-list
> 'tramp-locproc-unload-file-name-handler-alist
> `(,fnha
> ,(copy-tree (assq 'exec-path val))
> ,(copy-tree (assq 'make-process val))
> ,(copy-tree (assq 'process-file val))
> ,(copy-tree (assq 'shell-command val))
> ,(copy-tree (assq 'start-file-process val))))
> (add-hook
> 'tramp-locproc-unload-hook
> (lambda ()
> (dolist
> (entry
> (alist-get fnha tramp-locproc-unload-file-name-handler-alist))
> (setcdr (assq (car entry) (symbol-value fnha)) (cdr entry))))))
> ;; Replace handler functions.
> (setcdr (assq 'exec-path val) #'tramp-locproc-handle-exec-path)
> (setcdr (assq 'make-process val) #'tramp-locproc-handle-make-process)
> (setcdr (assq 'process-file val) #'tramp-locproc-handle-process-file)
> (setcdr (assq 'shell-command val) #'tramp-locproc-handle-shell-command)
> (setcdr (assq 'start-file-process val)
> #'tramp-handle-start-file-process)))
You it be possible to make this a default or fallback action depending
on the users intention? E.g. by using a prefix arg to invert the
The default then being either to call the command as a local process by
default or explicitly by using a prefix argument.
> ;; `tramp-archive-local-file-name' is introduced in Tramp 2.7.2.
> (with-eval-after-load 'tramp-archive
> (when (fboundp 'tramp-archive-local-file-name)
> (tramp-locproc-massage-file-name-handler-alist
> 'tramp-archive-file-name-handler-alist)))
> ;; `tramp-gvfs-local-file-name' is introduced in Tramp 2.7.2.
> (with-eval-after-load 'tramp-gvfs
> (when (fboundp 'tramp-gvfs-local-file-name)
> (tramp-locproc-massage-file-name-handler-alist
> 'tramp-gvfs-file-name-handler-alist)))
> (with-eval-after-load 'tramp-rclone
> (tramp-locproc-massage-file-name-handler-alist
> 'tramp-rclone-file-name-handler-alist))
> (with-eval-after-load 'tramp-sshfs
> (tramp-locproc-massage-file-name-handler-alist
> 'tramp-sshfs-file-name-handler-alist))
> (declare-function tramp-archive-local-file-name 'tramp-arechive)
> (declare-function tramp-fuse-local-file-name 'tramp-fuse)
> (declare-function tramp-gvfs-local-file-name 'tramp-gvfs)
> (defun tramp-locproc-local-file-name (filename)
> "Return local mount name of remote FILENAME."
> (funcall
> (cond
> ((tramp-archive-file-name-p filename) #'tramp-archive-local-file-name)
> ((tramp-gvfs-file-name-p filename) #'tramp-gvfs-local-file-name)
> (t #'tramp-fuse-local-file-name))
> filename))
> (defun tramp-locproc-mount-point (filename)
> "Return mount point of remote FILENAME."
> (tramp-locproc-local-file-name
> (funcall
> (cond
> ((tramp-archive-file-name-p filename)
> (lambda (string)
> (file-name-as-directory (tramp-archive-file-name-archive string))))
> (t #'file-remote-p))
> filename)))
> (defun tramp-locproc-file-name-p (filename)
> "Check if it’s a FILENAME handled by local processes."
> ;; FIXME: Check, that it is activated for the repective backend.
> (or (tramp-archive-file-name-p filename)
> (tramp-gvfs-file-name-p filename)
> (tramp-rclone-file-name-p filename)
> (tramp-sshfs-file-name-p filename)))
> (defcustom tramp-locproc-extend-arguments t
> "Whether to prefix arguments of remote processes by the mount-point."
> :group 'tramp
> :type 'boolean)
> (defun tramp-locproc-extend-arguments (mount-point args)
> "Return ARGS, a list of local file names, prefixed with MOUNT-POINT.
> This can be suppressed by setting user option
> `tramp-locproc-extend-arguments' to nil."
> (if tramp-locproc-extend-arguments
> (mapcar
> (lambda (file)
> (if (and (stringp file) (file-name-absolute-p file))
> (concat mount-point file) file))
> args)
> args))
> (defun tramp-locproc-handle-exec-path ()
> "Like `exec-path' for Tramp files."
> exec-path)
> (defun tramp-locproc-handle-make-process (&rest args)
> "An alternative `make-process' implementation for Tramp files."
> (let ((mount-point (tramp-locproc-mount-point default-directory))
> (default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name default-directory))
> (command (plist-get args :command)))
> ;; The car in COMMAND is the program name. We don't manipulate it.
> (setcdr command (tramp-locproc-extend-arguments mount-point (cdr
> command)))
> (apply #'make-process (plist-put args :command command))))
> (defun tramp-locproc-handle-process-file
> (program &optional infile buffer display &rest args)
> "Like `process-file' for Tramp files."
> (let ((mount-point (tramp-locproc-mount-point default-directory))
> (default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name default-directory)))
> (apply
> #'process-file (file-local-name program) infile buffer display
> (tramp-locproc-extend-arguments mount-point args))))
> (defun tramp-locproc-handle-shell-command
> (command &optional output-buffer error-buffer)
> "An alternative `shell-command' implementation for Tramp files."
> (let ((mount-point (tramp-locproc-mount-point default-directory))
> (default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name default-directory))
> (command (split-string command)))
> ;; The first word in COMMAND is the program name. We don't
> ;; manipulate it.
> (setcdr command (tramp-locproc-extend-arguments mount-point (cdr
> command)))
> (setq command (mapconcat #'identity command " "))
> (shell-command command output-buffer error-buffer)))
> ;;; Integration of compile.el:
> (defun tramp-locproc-compilation-mode-function ()
> "Setup compilation buffer properly."
> (when (and (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
> (tramp-locproc-file-name-p default-directory))
> (trace-values (current-buffer) default-directory comint-file-name-prefix)
> (setq default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name default-directory))
> (setq-local comint-file-name-prefix "")))
> (with-eval-after-load 'compile
> (trace-function-background 'compilation-setup)
> (trace-function-background 'compilation-get-file-structure)
> (add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook
> #'tramp-locproc-compilation-mode-function)
> (add-hook 'tramp-locproc-unload-hook
> (lambda ()
> (remove-hook 'compilation-mode-hook
> #'tramp-locproc-compilation-mode-function))))
> ;;; Integration of shell.el:
> (defun tramp-locproc-shell-function (&rest args)
> (let ((default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name default-directory)))
> (apply args)))
> (with-eval-after-load 'shell
> (trace-function-background 'shell)
> (advice-add #'shell :around #'tramp-locproc-shell-function)
> (add-hook 'tramp-locproc-unload-hook
> (lambda ()
> (advice-remove #'shell :around #'tramp-locproc-shell-function))))
> ;; FIXME: Do we need this?
> ;;; Integration of comint.el:
> ;; (defun tramp-locproc-comint-mode-function ()
> ;; "Setup comint mode properly."
> ;; (trace-values (current-buffer) default-directory comint-file-name-prefix)
> ;; (setq default-directory (tramp-locproc-local-file-name
> default-directory))
> ;; (setq-local comint-file-name-prefix ""))
> ;; (with-eval-after-load 'comint
> ;; (add-hook 'comint-mode-hook
> ;; #'tramp-locproc-comint-mode-function)
> ;; (add-hook 'tramp-locproc-unload-hook
> ;; (lambda ()
> ;; (remove-hook 'comint-mode-hook
> ;; #'tramp-locproc-comint-mode-function))))
> ;; Development settings.
> (require 'trace)
> (mapc
> #'trace-function-background
> (mapcar #'intern (all-completions "tramp-locproc-" obarray #'functionp)))
> (add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
> (lambda ()
> (unload-feature 'tramp-locproc 'force)))
> (provide 'tramp-locproc)
> ;;; tramp-locproc.el ends here
- Re: [GNU ELPA] New package: tramp-locproc,
Björn Bidar <=