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RE: [External] : Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 20:10:38 +0000

(Caveat: Not following this thread.)


+1 to using Emacs bookmarks instead of EWW bespoke "bookmarks".
(And Org "bookmarks"? Or has that already happened?)




Bookmark+ has a particular kind of bookmark for EWW pages.


  • You can use command `bmkp-convert-eww-bookmarks' to create normal bookmarks from a file of EWW "bookmarks".
  • An EWW bookmark records the web page title, buffer name (see above), and URL.
  • There's an option for automatic EWW buffer renaming: (1) don't, (2) rename with page title only, (3) rename with page title + last 20 chars of URL. Buffer name always begins with prefix "*eww*-".
  • There's an option for whether to generate a new buffer or reuse an existing buffer when bookmark jumping.
  • There's a mode for automatically setting a bookmark when you visit a URL. An option says whether to create a bookmark or just update an existing bookmark to that URL. (Default is update-only.)
  • For sorting, two EWW bookmarks are compared alphabetically by URL.
  • All of the Bookmark+ features that act on a given type of bookmark work on EWW bookmarks: jumping, cycling, sorting, hide/show...


Besides EWW bookmarks, Bookmark+ has bookmark types for `browse-URL' and W3M.


(HTH somehow.)




From: Adam Porter Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 10:29 AM

Also FWIW, I think the long-term goal ought to be to replace EWW's bespoke bookmarks with Emacs bookmarks (i.e. any Emacs bookmark to an HTTP(S) URL ought to be usable by EWW, and it ought to create such bookmarks; EWW should be just another way of opening them).  So it would probably be best if the work done could be designed with an eye towards reuse (i.e. using a printer function would mean that the underlying data type could be swapped out later, so this could be just a view of Emacs bookmarks that point to HTTP URLs).

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