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Re: Some experience with the igc branch

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Some experience with the igc branch
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 09:43:39 +0200

> From: Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com>
> Cc: pipcet@protonmail.com,  ofv@wanadoo.es,  emacs-devel@gnu.org,
>   eller.helmut@gmail.com,  acorallo@gnu.org
> Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 06:25:33 +0100
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
> >> >>   https://memory-pool-system.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/index.html#
> >> >> 
> >> >> help?
> >> >
> >> > Not really.  Their documentation is (a) too vague/abstract/circular
> >> > (i.e., stuff is not explained for itself, but instead they
> >> > cross-reference to some other stuff -- e.g., try to understand what is
> >> > a "root"), and (b) not specific to Emacs, so the relation between MPS
> >> > terminology and Emacs objects is missing.
> >> 
> >> Too bad. In that case, I guess I should consider to begin to think about
> >> planning to start to try write something up. That's a bit like pulling
> >> teeth, TBH. Don't know how long that will take.
> >
> > Thanks.  No matter how long it will take, it will be shorter than
> > eternity.
> Did what I wrote in this thread help you understand/judge what I
> proposed better? Please ask further questions if you want.

It does help, to some extent.  But I'm still in the dark regarding
some aspects of this.  I'll keep asking questions, but there's a limit
to which I feel myself entitled to ask questions without annoying too
much.  Which is why I suggested to write commentary instead, to get
some of the basics out of the way.  It doesn't have to be you
personally who writes the commentary, btw: anyone who knows the
answers to the questions I posted could do that.  With that in mind,
let me again post the questions which I'm currently struggling with:

  . what are "roots"?
  . what is the purpose of each root_create_SOMETHING function in igc.c?
  . what is the difference between "exact" and "ambiguous" roots, and
    when should we use each one in Emacs?

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