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Re: [RFC] Add :invisible face attribute

From: Michal Nazarewicz
Subject: Re: [RFC] Add :invisible face attribute
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:09:26 +0100

On Fri, Dec 20 2024, Richard Stallman wrote:
>   > Introduce :invisible face attribute which makes foreground to be the
>   > same as background rendering the text invisible; or when :invert-video
>   > is also in effect, background is the same as foreground.
> Why is this feature worth having>  What is useful about it?
>   > Use it in Org mode for org-hide face eliminting the need for
>   > org-find-invisible-foreground function.
> Ia that the sole benefit of this feature?
> I don't think it is sufficent reason to add the feature
> and write the changes to document it.

Yes, the use-cases I’m aware of are around org-hide.  To sum up:
* The feature would make org-hide easier as described above.
* It addresses two minor bugs with org-hide I’ve mentioned in the other
* For code outside of Emacs, it makes auto-dim-other-buffers slightly
  more user friendly.

Best regards
ミハウ “𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓪86” ナザレヴイツ
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