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Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers indirect buffers?
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 10:02:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

>> Hmmm...  This is not really what 'display-buffer' is supposed to do.  I
>> have to disguise the fact that we wanted to display BUFFER.  I attach a
>> new patch.
> Now, when you said that, it does feel not right indeed.
> What I was concerned about is the situation my request originated from:
> 1. Org displays a *narrowed* indirect buffer
> 2. User requests to jump to a heading in base buffer of that indirect
>     buffer
> 3. Changing the buffer (even in the same window - with your patch) will
>     suddenly change the narrowing state.
> That said, it is not a problem `display-buffer' is supposed to solve
> anyway. The modified `get-buffer-window-list' from your patch may also
> be used in the above scenario before deciding which buffer we want to
> change to.
> So, I'd myself vote for the first version of the patch if looking from
> more general Emacs perspective.

I attach a version which does both.  With (reuse-indirect . buffer) it
leaves the window's buffer alone.  With any other value it puts BUFFER
into the window.  Run it for a while and when you think it's useful I'll
install it.


Attachment: display-indirect-buffer.diff
Description: Text Data

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