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Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge

From: Liu Hui
Subject: Re: Prefer to split along the longest edge
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 09:51:40 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

在 2024/12/16 19:56, Nicolas Desprès 写道:

I wrote a new patch that always fallback on vertical split, and I got rid of the weird (width > 80) condition since split-width-threshold already does it.

The result is a simpler patch that works perfectly.

It basically does that:

if width > height:
    try to split horizontally, then try to split vertically
    try to split vertically, then try to split horizontally
fallback to vertical split


I have the same problem when using emacs. Thank you for the patch.

I think the main reason is that vertical split is always preferred
when vertical and horizontal split are both feasible (i.e. width >
split-width-threshold and height > split-height-threshold).

So it seems unnecessary to compare the width and height. How about
adding an option, e.g. split-window-preferred-direction, and change
the condition as follows?

if user prefers horizontal split
    try to split horizontally, then try to split vertically
    try to split vertically, then try to split horizontally


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