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Re: Gap buffer problem?

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: Gap buffer problem?
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 09:55:54 +0100

>>>>> On Wed, 11 Dec 2024 20:09:51 +0100, Gerd Möllmann 
>>>>> <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> said:

    Gerd> I may also be misunderstanding, but in principle, I agree with Eli.

    Gerd> Say we have processes A and B communicating with each other. Take the
    Gerd> code of A and move it to B, possibly with some automatic 
    Gerd> if A and B have the same source code. Make two threads in the result
    Gerd> process for A and B. Replace inter-process message passing with
    Gerd> inter-thread message passing. Initial message may be "fork" 
    Gerd> the world of thread A to thread B.

Your first sentence is doing a lot of lifting there :-)

In the two process situation, you automatically have two copies of
every object, so you donʼt need to ensure that the processes are not
stepping on each other. In the two thread situation you donʼt have
that guarantee, unless you have *first* ensured (via locking, or COW,
etc) that the object states are consistent. Once youʼve done that,
then you can use messaging to keep things synchronized (or again,
locking etc)


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