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Re: Discuss new features/enhancements or large changes for users in emac

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: Discuss new features/enhancements or large changes for users in emacs-devel
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:08:07 -0500

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > That said, I would like to point out a few aspects that AFAIU are at
  > the real core of the issues which prompted this:

  >   . a discussion could wander into a tangent, in which case TRT is to
  >     ask people to make the tangent a separate discussion, instead of
  >     moving it to emacs-devel

If the new topic is a tangent to the bug discussion, where that should go
depends on what it is about.

It might be of little importance to Emacs, in which case maybe it
ought to move to emacs-tangents.  Or it be a suggestion for some
bigger change in Emacs.   That should go to emacs-devel, I think.

  >   . we encourage people to submit "feature-request" bug reports (and
  >     Emacs recently acquired the "M-x submit-emacs-patch" command for
  >     that reason), in which case the bug list _is_ the proper place to
  >     discuss that.  When the feature is significant and/or affects
  >     Emacs or our users in prominent ways, prudence would mandate that
  >     we move such general discussions to emacs-devel, but that's a
  >     judgment call, not an automatic knee-jerk reaction

Jdgment calls are like this.  There is no precise rule that gives a
perect result every time.  That is too much to ask for.

What we can hope for is to recognize when a local change idea
has wandered into an idea for a change that would affect a lot
more situations.

Dr Richard Stallman (https://stallman.org)
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

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