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Emacs Arbitrary Code Execution and How to Avoid It

From: Christopher Howard
Subject: Emacs Arbitrary Code Execution and How to Avoid It
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 08:53:57 -0900

Hi, I read the interesting write up here:


I wasn't terribly worried about this, as I don't *automatically* activate 
Flymake or Flycheck. But the article did mention that "code completion runs 
arbitrary code", and I was wondering more about that. I do not currently use 
Completion Preview mode. I have used Company in the past but company-mode is 
not currently activated. So, if I am just viewing an elisp file, i.e., not 
typing anything it in, nor running dabbrev commands, is there any danger? 
Should I setup Emacs to, by default, open all elisp files in View Mode?

Regarding dabbrev, I know dabbrev can search all buffers but I don't know if it 
does any macro expansion.

I was going to e-mail the author of the post, but cloudflare won't let me see 
his e-mail address.

馃摏 Christopher Howard
馃殌 gemini://gem.librehacker.com
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