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Re: Add function to rotate/transpose all windows

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Add function to rotate/transpose all windows
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:19:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> Ok, so today I made major changes to the interactive side of the
> functions(new file attached), mostly because the function would error if
> you call iti with prefix arg, and the press C-x z, as it would use the
> last used argument of frame-or-window which is now dead.
> The problem was that C-x z sends with same arguments, so using code in
> the (interactive (HERE)) would be repeated, which means same argument
> would be used in `repeat'.
> I added subtree speicfic options to the docstring(before they were not
> there), and made changes to window--transpose.  However it is weird if
> you C-u M-x transpose-windows C-x z multiple times, you get weired
> result since the parent window changes, nothing I can do about that,
> just how windows work.

I now tried to make 'split-window' reuse a dead parent window as well so
you shouldn't have to care about this any more.  Patch attached.


Attachment: split-window.diff
Description: Text Data

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