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Re: Question about minibuffer and child frames (Posframe)

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: Re: Question about minibuffer and child frames (Posframe)
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:07:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> writes:

>> Just FYI. when I manually select-frame-set-input-focus to the posframe,
>> the display looks okay. The cursor is shown in the posframe and the
>> parent's mini-window is empty, like in the GUI case.
> But the pos-frame based functions do call 'select-frame-set-input-focus'
> IIUC.  How else would they focus the child frame for user input?
>> Downside is that Emacs doesn't accept input anymore, and has to be
>> killed :-).
> That should be real fun to debug.
Yeah :-(.

But I think I understand a little bit better now how that posframe stuff
works. I was always convinced that the posframe had a mini-window
because I had seen before that it displays a minibuffer. But
window-minibuffer-p says no for the single window on the posframe.
Surprise, surprise. There is only one miniwindow, the one of the parent.

What Posframe does instead is adding a frame parameter (minibuffer .
MINI) where MINI is the minibuffer window of the parent. I guess that's
what is not working for ttys. Or something in its vicinity.

Haven't found out yet where and how that is done for GUIs. Something for
another day.

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