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Re: yank-media: allow users to limit image types that can be inserted

From: Visuwesh
Subject: Re: yank-media: allow users to limit image types that can be inserted
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 18:20:21 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

[செவ்வாய் செப்டம்பர் 24, 2024] Eli Zaretskii wrote:

>> From: Visuwesh <visuweshm@gmail.com>
>> Cc: pinmacs <pinmacs@cas.cat>,  rpluim@gmail.com,  emacs-devel@gnu.org
>> Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:38:53 +0530
>> > What I still do not understand is what would be the reason for the
>> > user to prefer JPEG over PNG.  More generally, if Emacs can support N
>> > formats out of those available in the clipboard, why would the user
>> > want to be shown only 1 < M < N out of them?
>> [ The more I think about this, the more I believe the choice of
>>   "preferred formats" will change depending on the scenario where
>>   yank-media is used.  In Org, I could see "don't bother asking me, just
>>   use PNG if available" could be useful.  But somewhere in HTML mode,
>>   "always ask me" could be the right choice.  ]
> Which is why I suggested two separate commands: one where the user
> says he/she wants the most appropriate type, the other to allow
> selection.

We could make C-u choose the other "mode of operating" since it is
currently free.  Whether we default to asking, or choose the appropriate
one can be decided later on.

>> > Bottom line: I'm okay with offering two yank-media alternatives:
>> >
>> > (1) via a command that selects a single most appropriate format based
>> > on some (yet to be defined) algorithm; and
>> What about a user option yank-media-preferred-mimetypes which is a list
>> of mimetypes that the user would like to always opt for, given the
>> choice?
> That was proposed earlier in this thread, and I responded: I'm not
> sure I understand when and why would this option be needed _as_ a user
> option.

I hope Robert shed some light in the other thread on this.

I haven't encountered many "multiple types available" scenario outside
of Firefox and LibreOffice.  In most cases, yank-media just does the
thing without interrupting me but when the uncommon case of "multiple
types available" crops up, I would like yank-media to choose the type I
want automatically for me.  In Org, I personally would make yank-media
choose image/png.  If you ask me for technical reasons to prefer
image/png specifically, I cannot give you a concrete answer. It might as
well be image/jpeg for all I care.  I simply do not want to be asked a
question when I'm focusing on writing.  The point of the user option is
to keep user interaction to a minimum.

>> > (2) via showing the list of all the formats that the running Emacs
>> > supports and asking the user to choose one.
>> This is what we already have so nothing to be changed.
> Right.

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