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Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 21:53:30 +0300

> From: Morgan Willcock <morgan@ice9.digital>
> Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 18:53:44 +0100
> When testing the Emacs 30 pre-release I found that all of the PDF files
> which I tried to view were not readable because the text appeared to be
> missing.
> Eventually I found the variable doc-view-mupdf-use-svg, and setting it
> to nil reverted the rendering to the old method where the text was
> visible.

Why is that?  If your system supports display of SVG images, why
wasn't the text readable?  Tassilo, any ideas?

> I suggest that, at the very least, this variable should be added to the
> NEWS file so that someone having rendering issues after upgrading can
> find it more easily.

Thanks, I added it.

> I am also not sure that having it default to t (enabling SVG rendering
> by default) is a good idea.  It probably works well for certain types of
> document but it wasn't usable for the ones which I was viewing (which
> were all automated invoices sent by e-mail from multiple organisations).

It is only non-nil if your Emacs supports display of SVG images, and
in that case I don't see why not do it.  I think we should investigate
your problem in more detail to understand why it didn't work for you.
I hope Tassilo will have some ideas for looking into this.

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