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Re: Writting Greek in Emacs

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Writting Greek in Emacs
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 20:44:03 +0300

> From: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.org>
> Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
> Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 20:05:19 +0300
> Are there any plans to include proper support for the Greek language in
> Emacs, similar to the support available in the rest of the GNU system
> (e.g., xkb)?  I am interested in helping with this effort.

There are no on-going activity in this direction, AFAIK.  Patches to
add this support to Emacs are welcome, of course.

> The lack of proper Greek support in Emacs, particularly polytonic Greek,
> has been a significant drawback for several of my friends and
> colleagues.  They need to use polytonic Greek for their school subjects,
> projects & work.
> This also makes emacs a non-viable option for it being taught in
> schools, something that I wanted to promote in my local area.

You don't need to convince us.  Adding input methods and support for
additional scripts is always welcome.

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