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Re: Question about üarent-frame changes

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: Question about üarent-frame changes
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:26:39 +0200

>>>>> On Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:15:56 +0200, martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> 
>>>>> said:

    >> AFAICT from the Elisp Info docs, one is currently free to change the
    >> parent-frame as one sees fit. That is, one can make a child a root
    >> frame, a root frame a child, or change the parent of a child to another
    >> root.
    >> I'm currently inclined to disallow parent-frame changes on ttys
    >> entirely, unless it is used for something. Couldn't find something
    >> today, but maybe something is a package outside Emacs' repo, or I'm just
    >> ont looking for the right thing.

    martin> I'm not aware of people using multiple frames on TTYs and I have no 
    martin> whether child frames out there are even intended to be reparented.

I do it all the time. But obviously they each occupy the full

    martin> Reparenting is useful because you can set up one child frame for 
    martin> special purpose, make it invisible when you don't need it, and move 
    martin> to another frame and make it visible there whenever you want to.  On
    martin> GUIs, this approach has the advantage that you can avoid the (at 
    martin> here) costly process of setting up frame faces every time anew.  
    martin> tooltips do that by default and I recall that showing a tooltip 
    martin> time incurred two entire GC cycles here.

Would setting up frame faces be that expensive on tty? Iʼd really love
to have tty child frames, even if they were not blazingly fast.

In any case, I took a quick look at "posframe", it doesnʼt do any
reparenting that I can see.


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