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Re: Upstream haskell-ts-mode?

From: Andrea Corallo
Subject: Re: Upstream haskell-ts-mode?
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 13:32:28 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

pranshu sharma <pranshusharma366@gmail.com> writes:

> With tree-sitter, I was able to make a major mode that provided
> indentation, font lock and navigation.  Over the last month, I've been
> working on it and I can finally say it is fully ready.  I tested the
> indent on large haskell programs, such as darcs and ghc, and it was
> good, and it did not change the output (since indent matters in haskell
> execution).
> I'm willing to upstream this to master, as it would be good if emacs had
> an inbuilt major mode for haskell. 

Hello pranshu,

I'm in principle okay with having an haskell mode into core in case it's
ready (of course let's hear what other maintainers think about this).
You'll have to submit a patch with that for code review.

Anyway a requirement for upstreaming into Emacs core (and GNU ELPA as
well) is to assign the copyright to FSF, would you be willing to do the
FSF copyright paperwork?  Let me know, in case I'll send you a mail.



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