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Re: emacs-30 ab7c40ea52a: Fix Imenu in 'emacs-news-view-mode'

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: emacs-30 ab7c40ea52a: Fix Imenu in 'emacs-news-view-mode'
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:36:55 +0200

>>>>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:39:28 +0300, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> said:

    Eli> I tried, but it didn't work.  I guess this keymap stuff is above my
    Eli> paygrade (make-composed-keymap? what's that?)  So I ended up doing
    Eli> what did work.

`make-composed-keymap' just makes a new keymap referring to the
keymap(s) you pass it. I guess my mind just twists the right way 🙂

    Eli> Feel free to make any changes you see fit, but please be sure to test
    Eli> them well, since this is the release branch.  One requirement is that
    Eli> if you go back top emacs-news-mode, those key bindings go away.
    Eli> Another requirement is not to disable outline-minor-mode bindings and
    Eli> menus.

Iʼd be stunned if changing major mode messed with a minor mode. But
Iʼll test it.

Should `emacs-news-view-mode' still have bindings for the
`emacs-news-mode' commands that change the buffer? Theyʼd all fail
because of the read-only buffer, but we could remove them. (hmm, the
menus are wrong for `emacs-news-view-mode' anyway. Iʼll fix that as


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