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RE: [External] : Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windm

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 14:46:38 +0000

> >> I didn't manage to read the entire thread, but isn't the main issue with
> >> C-x 4 <arrow key> that it is a relatively long key chord with a certain
> >> travel distance on the keyboard for a quick operation?  If it is easier
> >> to press C-x o a few times (which `repeat-mode' makes even easier), then
> >> there is little point in adding a default binding, I feel.
> >
> > I assumed the proposal was for _repeating_
> > keys after a prefix key: C-x 4 <down> <down>...
> > or even a mixture of arrow directions:
> > C-x 4 <down> <right> <up>, <up>...
> No, then my message wouldn't make any sense.

Which is why I replied.  Your msg would only
make sense if someone actually meant to say
that they would use `C-x 4 <down>' then use
that whole key sequence again to repeat the
movement, etc.

Whether it's your message that doesn't make
sense or the original proposal that doesn't
make sense, I don't know - presumably one of
the two (at least).

My point was that you can have rapid repetition
of a series of actions (even different actions)
even if you start the series using an unhandy,
non-repeatable or hard-to-repeat prefix key. 

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